Output effects of stabilization policies: the case of Pakistan.
Khilji, Nasir M. ; Leon, Jean Claude
The central message of Keynesian economics is that demand
management through monetary and fiscal policies can successfully
stabilize output and employment in the short run, and possibly raise the
average level of employment over a longer period. The Monetarists, on
the other hand, have emphasized the role of monetary policy in
stabilizing output and employment in the short run but have maintained
that money is neutral in the long run.
The rational expectations literature seeks to explain to what
extent Keynesian and Monetarist nominal demand policies can have real
effects, even in the short run, when allowance is made for rational
behaviour and some short-term nominal rigidities. It is generally
contended that stabilization policies would have no real effects if the
principles of such policies are known to private agents, that the
policies are based on information that is available to the private
agents as much as to the policy-maker, and the private agents interpret
information available to them correctly. The argument of rational
expectations theory has been that, for demand policies to be effective,
in the short run, there must be some element of surprise and in the
longer-run, all relevant information is not used.
This paper uses the analytical framework provided by Barro (1977)
for the U.S. to empirically test the following two interrelated propositions about the scope of monetary policy in the case of Pakistan
as put forth by the rational expectations theory: (a) The growth of the
money supply is predictable in that it differs from a random walk with
trend, and Co) that the unpredictable part of money supply growth will
affect real output. While the primary focus is on the output effects of
monetary policy, we test related propositions for fiscal policy, and as
will become evident later, perhaps in a cursory fashion.
These two propositions, among others, have been subject to
extensive empirical tests for the U.S., U.K., Canada, and Latin American
countries. (1) However, empirical explorations for developing countries
in Asia and Africa has only begun. (2) This lag in empirical tests of
the above-mentioned propositions may be explained superficially as due
to the lack of data on the relevant series for a sufficiently long
period of time for a number of these countries.
At a fundamental level it may be the case that these propositions
may not be relevant to them given the types of nominal rigidities and
information assymetries that might exist so that significant Keynesian
effects can still be obtained. That is an empirical question which we
propose to investigate for Pakistan.s The remainder of the paper is
organized as follows. Section 2 describes the model to be used to
empirically test the two propositions mentioned above for Pakistan.
Sections 3 and 4 present and discuss the results obtained for the
monetary growth and output equations respectively. In Section 5 we
compare these estimates with estimates obtained in other studies for
countries similar to Pakistan. In Section 6 the fiscal reaction equation
is estimated and its effects on output are tested. Section 7 concludes
this paper by summarising the main findings of this study.
A central feature of, for example, Lucas's (1973) competitive
equilibrium rational expectations model is that output has a normal or
natural level around which it fluctuates in response to current and
lagged values of unanticipated monetary growth. The explanation for
current unanticipated monetary growth affecting output is by now
well-known: economic agents may confuse aggregate spending shifts with
relative shifts. Lagged monetary "surprises" may affect output
for a variety of reasons: for example, if part of the response to a
monetary surprise is the running down of inventories then the desire to
restore inventories to some given level will affect output in subsequent
periods. Anticipated monetary growth, working through the inflationary
channel, has no real effects in the short-run. This is widely known as
the policy ineffectiveness proposition.
However, this leaves open the possibility that even anticipated
monetary growth can affect output by changing the natural level of
output, in which case money is not "superneutrar" (the
superneutrality of money is the extended concept of the neutrality of
money over time). There are a number of channels by which it might do
so, for example by altering the desired quantity of capital [Buiter
(1981)] or much less directly by encouraging government involvement in
the setting of prices in an effort to avoid particularly awkwardly timed
price changes. (4) Some economists have advanced counter plausible
models implying that systematic monetary policy can still have short run
effects. (5)
Following Barro's model based on flexible price expectations,
aggregate demand affects real output only if the change in aggregate
demand is unexpected. In this model, the quantity of money is the prime
determinant of aggregate demand and therefore changes in the quantity of
money affect real output only if they are unexpected. In a simplified
form, the output equation can be written as:
[Y.sub.t] = [theta] [Z.sub.t] + [pi] ([DM.sub.t] - [E.sub.t-1]
[DM.sub.t]) + [e.sub.t] ... ... (1)
where [Z.sub.t] represents a number of variables which determine
the level of output; [DM.sub.t] is the rate of growth of the quantity of
money in period t; [E.sub.t-1] [DM.sub.t] is the expectation of the rate
of the money growth; [theta] is a vector of coefficients; [pi] is a
positive coefficient and et a random error with mean zero. (6)
Equation (1) is merely a formal statement that if monetary growth
equals the expectation of it, then output will be at its natural level.
The variations in output will follow the same direction as the
unexpected variations in monetary growth. If, for example, monetary
growth is greater than expected, real output will be greater than its
natural level. This model assumes what is sometimes called
"structural neutrality", which implies that however
expectations are formed, expected money growth does. not affect real
output. In order to derive a rational expectations model incorporating
Equation (1), a process for monetary growth is specified:
[DM.sub.t] = [[phi].sub.1] [X.sub.t-1] + [[phi].sub.2] [W.sub.t-1]
+ [u.sub.t] ... ... ... (2)
where X and W are variables whose values in period t - 1 partly
determine monetary growth in period t; [u.sub.t] is a random,
unpredictable component of monetary growth with zero mean; and
[[phi].sub.1], [[phi].sub.2] are coefficients.
Equation (2) can be viewed as a policy regime; a rule by which the
authorities link a policy instrument, in this case the growth of money,
to the behaviour of other variables. These other variables are the
lagged values of X and W which could be, for example, the level of
unemployment and the inflation rate, or the balance of payments, the
level of exports, or the public sector requirement, or whatever
variables the policy-maker wishes. The coefficients [[phi].sub.1] and
[[phi].sub.2] are chosen by the authorities in order, as they see it, to
achieve their goals. A change of policy regime can occur either as a
result of a change in the values of the coefficients, or as a change in
the choice variables to which the policy instrument is linked. Specific
forms and estimations of the [DM.sub.t] equation will be discussed
Since the money growth equation is given by Equation (2) the
rational expectation of [DM.sub.t] must be:
[E.sub.t-1] [DM.sub.t] = [[phi].sub.1] [X.sub.t-1] + [[phi].sub.2]
[W.sub.t-1] ... ... ... (3)
Together, Equations (1) and (3) give the two-equation rational
expectations model:
[DM.sub.t] = [[phi].sub.1] [X.sub.t-1] + [[phi].sub.2] [W.sub.t-1]
+ [U.sub.t] ... ... ... (4)
[Y.sub.t] = [theta] [Z.sub.t] + [pi] [U.sub.t] + [e.sub.t]
This model assumes both structural neutrality (only unexpected
monetary growth affects real output) and rational expectations (expected
monetary growth equals the predictable component of the process
determining monetary growth). The presence in the real output equation
of the random component of the money growth equation, [U.sub.t], and the
absence of any other component of monetary growth in that same equation
reflects the imposition of both these assumptions. (7)
The most crucial and difficult issue in testing rational
expectation models is how to generate appropriate measures of
anticipated and unanticipated policies. Past studies of economic
determinants of monetary policies have focused albeit in an adhoc
manner, on the identification of the economic variables that have had a
systematic influence on the monetary authorities, involving the search
for a statistically significant relationship between objectives of
monetary policies which can be quantified and economic variables thought
to be representative of these objectives. Theoretical and empirical
work, by Bradley and Potter (1986) have augmented this earlier approach
by deriving policy-maker reaction functions from an optimization
procedure minimizing the policy-maker reaction function with respect to
policy instruments.
In order to predict future money supply growth in Pakistan one has
to consider what considerations have guided the State Bank's
actions in the past. In ascertaining the important predictors of
monetary growth we have employed the methodology proposed by Porzecanski
(1979). Briefly, this entails first defining alternative sets of
internally consistent monetary policy objectives and then estimates of
the authorities reaction pattern are obtained empirically.
In the past, the foreign exchange rate in Pakistan was either fixed
(1960 to 1981) or allowed to float within a certain range (1981 to the
present). Given this, one would expect that the State Bank's policy
would have been geared to prevent external disequilibrium i.e., if
foreign reserves began to decrease, a restrictive policy would have been
adopted in an effort to induce a fall in aggregate demand and a rise in
interest rates. However, another preoccupation of the State Bank has
been to keep the interest rate low to keep the costs of financing budget
deficits low and perhaps to encourage investment in particular sectors
[see Khan (1987)]. Obviously these two objectives appear to be
This apparent incompatibility of objectives, in the case of
Pakistan, is resolved by the fact that imports were restricted through
selective tarrifs and licensing schemes instead of through restrictive
monetary policy and interest rates were kept low through credit
rationing. Therefore it is reasonable to postdate the following general
form of the money growth equation:
[DM.sub.t] = [m.sub.0] + [m.sub.1] [DM.sub.t-1] + [m.sub.2]
[DDC.sub.t-1] + [m.sub.3] [DFER.sub.t-1] + [e.sub.t] ... (5)
where DM is the annual rate of change in the money supply
([M.sub.1]); DDC is the growth in domestic credit; and DFER is the
growth in foreign exchange reserves.
We expect [m.sub.1] < 0 implying that monetary growth is liable
to be restricted in the present if past year money growth was high;
[m.sub.2] > 0 indicating an expansionary stance if domestic credit
demand (including investment loans and government deficit) growth was
high in the previous period in order to ease pressure on the interest
rate; and [m.sub.3] > 0 suggesting that if foreign reserves grew
rapidly in the past, the State Bank would ease money growth in the
The OLS results of estimating Equation (5) over the years 1963-1986
are: (8)
[DM.sub.t] = 0.006 - 0.005[DM.sub.t-1] + 0.725[DDC.sub.t-1] +
(0.58) (-0.04) (5.74)
0.067[DFER.sub.t-1] ... (6)
Adj. [R.sup.2] = 0.63 D.W. = 2.29 F = 14.02
This estimated equation has a number of satisfactory features.
There is a significant positive reaction of growth of the money supply
to the past growth in domestic credit and foreign reserves.
Firstly, as required, contemporaneous values of the explanatory
variables are omitted from the equation since only information at time
t-1 is available when expectations of money growth are formed. Secondly,
a sizable portion (about 62 percent) of the variation in money growth is
explained. Finally, the monetary growth series is not strongly
autocorrelated, as evidenced by statistical weakness of the T test
associated with the lagged value of DM: [DM.sub.t-1]. Also, the plot of
the residuals of the money growth equation (DMR) given in Figure 1
below, exhibits close to a white noise pattern. (9)
Assuming that Equation (6) can be regarded as a rough approximation
of how the public might perceive the movements of the DM variable, its
residuals can be taken as an estimate of the unanticipated growth of the
money supply which we denote by [DMR.sub.t].
The general form of the output equation is expressed by the
following equation:
[DY.sub.t] = B1 (L) [DMA.sub.t] + B2 (L) [DMR.sub.t] + B3 (L)
[DG.sub.t] + [e.sup.t] ... (7)
DY is the log of real output. DMA is the anticipated money supply
growth in period t predicted by Equation (6). DMR is the unanticipated
money supply growth in period t which is obtained as the residual of the
money growth Equation (6). DG is the log of real value of government
purchases at time t. B1 (L), B2 (L), and B3 (L) are defined as
L is the lag operator and [N.sub.1], [N.sub.2], and [N.sub.3] are
assumed to be finite. The real value of govern ment purchases presumably has an important role in influencing aggregate demand and thereby in
affecting output and employment.
Several variants of Equation (7) were estimated by imposing
different lag structures on the explanatory variables. In all these
estimated versions the salient and robust finding was that unanticipated
money growth had either insignificant effects on output or that it had a
negative effect. On the other hand anticipated money growth appeared to
have significant and positive effects on real output. We report below
the most satisfactory estimated output equation for the period 1965 to
log [Y.sub.t] = 0.072 + 0.687[DMA.sub.t] - 1.11[DMR.sub.t] +
(0.41) (5.30) (-2.06)
0.738[DG.sub.t] ... (8)
Adj. [R.sup.2] = 0.9976 D.W = 1.85 F = 662.45
Since Barro's earlier work on the effects of unanticipated
changes in output and prices, numerous studies have attempted either to
support or to refute Barro's basic conclusion using data for the
U.S., U.K., Canada, Italy, Mexico individually. More recent studies such
as the ones by Atfield and Duck (1983); Sheehey (1984); Kormendi and
Meguire (1984), use data from a range of countries to test the
proposition that monetary growth affects real output only if it is
unanticipated. After having examined most of the studies, if not all, we
have found that they differ widely in terms of time periods, data
frequency, statistical techniques, and the types of independent and
dependent variables used. In light of the conflicting results there
appears to be no clear evidence in support of the hypothesis that
anticipated money has no real effects and that unanticipated money
growth does.
Our intention here is not to resolve the controversy on the
neutrality hypothesis, but to see how our results compare with results
of countries similar to Pakistan. In this respect we compare our results
to the ones obtained for Korea, Sri Lanka, Philippines, and Turkey by
Kormendi and Meguire (1984, 1985) in their study of 47 countries.
Whereas we find that part of the money supply growth in Pakistan is
predictable in that it differs from a random walk with trend, in the
case of the Philippines and Turkey the growth in money supply was a
random walk with trend, and for Sri Lanka and Korea there was no
predictable component.
Turning to the estimation of the real output effects of
unanticipated money supply changes, the results obtained for all four
countries were similar to ours in that the coefficients on the
unanticipated money growth variable were not statistically significant.
Therefore it appears from our findings that there are short-run effects
of even anticipated money growth in the case of Pakistan. This may be
explained by the structural and institutional rigidities peculiar to
Pakistan such as price credit and foreign exchange controls.
The previous sections focused on the relation between output and
money growth, which is one of the two topics of this study. We also want
to evaluate the output response to government spending for Pakistan,
with special emphasis on the distinction between permanent and temporary
In his paper on the economic effects of government purchases, Barro
(1981a) carried the concept of neutrality further in his attempt to
focus on the distinction between what can be conceived as temporary
versus permanent government purchases. Similar analyses of the effects
of government spending, in different contexts have been undertaken by
Ahmed (1986) and Leon (1987).
Barro (1981) reexamines the typical macroeconomic analysis result
that assigns government purchases an important role in influencing
aggregate demand within the context of an equilibrium model. His
empirical test of the hypothesis on government spending consisted of
first seperating U.S. government purchases into three components: a
temporary military spending component, a permanent military spending
component, and a nondefense government purchases component, and then
ascertaining the differential impacts of these components on output.
Barro found empirical evidence that temporary movements in defense
purchases--associated primarily with wartime--produce a larger response
in output than similar permanent shifts in defense purchases. The
effects of nondefense purchases were found to be imprecisely determined.
In his study for the U.K. Ahmed (1986) found that there was
substantial crowding out of private spending by government spending,
that government spending is a significant productive input into the
production process, and that permanent changes in government spending
lead to a negative wealth effect. For France, Leon (1987) found that the
output effects of both temporary and permanent government spending to be
statistically insignificant.
In the present study we have made a preliminary attempt to test the
hypothesis that temporary government expenditures have larger output
effects than permanent government expenditures. To obtain the temporary
component of government spending, we use a similar method to the one
used previously in this study to obtain the unexpected component of
money growth. As with money growth, the decomposition of the real growth
of government expenditures into its anticipated (permanent) and
unanticipated components (temporary) can only be achieved if changes in
fiscal policy can be characterized by a relatively "stable"
stochastic process.
We attempted to obtain a quantitative explanation of the growth of
real government expenditures in terms of its own lagged values (by
imposing different lag schemes) and lagged values of other relevant
variables such as employment, percapita income, trend, lagged rate of
inflation, and the like without much success. The most satisfactory
equation for the period 1963 to 1986 was:
[DG.sub.t] = 0.024 + 0.641[DG.sub.t-1] - 0.047[DG.sub.t-2] ... ... (9)
(2.20) (3.09) (-0.22)
Adj. [R.sup.2] = 0.35; D.W. = 2.07; F = 7.15
where DG is the annual rate of change in real government
expenditures. Although a great deal of the variation in the DGR variable
is still left unexplained by Equation (9), it is noteworthy in that it
verifies the view that there is a tendency for real government
expenditures to persist as verified by the significant coefficient of
lagged DG. The plot of the residuals in Figure 2 is indistinguishable
from a white noise pattern.
Assuming that Equation (9) can be regarded as a rough approximation
of how the public perceives the movement of real growth of government
expenditures, its residual can be regarded as temporary or unanticipated
real growth of government expenditures which is denoted by DGR.
The results of the estimation of the output equation for the period
1963 to 1986 are as follows:
Log [Y.sub.t] = 0.12 + 0.166[DG.sub.t] + 0.845[DGR.sub.t] +
(1.95) (2.79) (5.78)
0.844Log[Y.sub.t-1] ... (10)
Adj. [R.sup.2] = 0.99; D.W. = 1.31; F = 9049
interestingly both the coefficients of the anticipated and
unanticipated real government spending are statistically significant.
However, the sizes of the coefficients suggest that unanticipated
(temporary) real government spending has more pronounced effects than
permanent real government spending. Our findings for Pakistan are
similar to Barro's findings for the U.S. in this respect.
In this paper we examined the structural neutrality proposition of
the New Classical School for Pakistan using annual data for the period
1960-1986 or thereabouts. The monetary growth equation was found to
depend primarily on lagged domestic credit growth, lagged growth in
foreign exchange reserves, and a lagged monetary growth term. Given the
statistical significance of the result it was concluded that monetary
growth in Pakistan is to some extent anticipated.
Defining unanticipated money growth as the residuals from the money
growth equation, there was no evidence to indicate that only
unanticipated money growth has real output effects. Our results for the
output equation were found to be similar to results for other developing
Moreover it was found that the anticipated component of money
growth was significant in explaining changes in real output indicating
Keynesian type effects of stabilization policies for Pakistan. It is
quite possible that there are some other variables that could prove to
be better predictors of money growth which, if included, would produce a
series for DMR supporting the hypothesis that only unanticipated money
On the other hand, in terms of fiscal policy, our findings for
Pakistan support the view that temporary government expenditures have
more pronounced effects on output in contrast to permanent real
government expenditures.
It would be useful to test the hypotheses for other similarly
placed developing countries before making any broad generalizations from
our results.
Comments on "Output Effects of Stabilization Policies: The
Case of Pakistan"
I am happy to see that economists are still struggling and working
in the area of Rational Expectations in Pakistan. When I presented my
earlier paper [Hasan (1987)] at the Fourth PSDE Annual Conference in
1987, I thought that it would be the first and last paper in the area of
Rational Expectations on Pakistan's economy, not because it was a
seminal paper but more importantly, in my opinion, because there are
many misconceptions and misgivings about the interpretation and
application of this topic on developing economies. I am glad to see that
Professors Khilji and Leon have competently attempted to clarify some of
the ambiguities about the Rational Expectation Hypothesis (REH) that
perhaps was not evident in my earlier paper.
At the most general level, REH implies that economic agents
forecast in such a way so as to minimize forecast errors [([X.sub.t] -
[X.sup.e.sub.t,t-1])] subject to the information and decision-making
costs that confront them. The idea behind REH hypothesis is simply that
the agents do the best they can, under the circumstances, in forecasting
activities. Under no circumstances does it mean that agents make no
forecast errors.
As pointed out by the authors, Lucas (1972) started the so-called
RE revolution in maeroeconomics, but it was only after Sargent and
Wallace (1975, 1976) used the hypothesis in their work on optimal
monetary policy that the idea became more well-known. Much of the
attention in the RE literature that followed, unfortunately, was
directed on the issue of the irrelevance of government policies in
affecting the aggregate demand even in the short-run. Taylor (1975);
McCallum (1980) and others, however, have demonstrated analytically that
such policy irrelevance results do not depend on the assumption of RE at
all. In fact, the stabilization policy issues remain legitimate and
provide useful solutions when one presumes that agents are rational.
The paper by Professors Khilji and Leon is another study in this
direction, in which they have empirically shown that stabilization
policies can still matter even for a developing country like Pakistan.
The analytical part of the paper is standard and common to the
literature in other areas of macroeconomics. For example, this sort of
analytical model has been extensively used to test the efficiency of the
financial markets [e.g., Taylor (1975); Urich (1982); Roley (1983);
Mishkin (1983) and Hasan and Moussa (1990)]. Since the analytical model
used by the authors seems appropriate and consistent, my comments are
mostly focused on the empirical part of the paper.
Policy Reaction Function
In the introduction of the paper, the authors have rightly argued
that the monetary policy in Pakistan has been generally accommodating in
nature, in that it takes into account factors like changes in the level
of GNP, inflation rate, budget surplus or deficit and, to a lesser
extent, unemployment domestic credit and foreign exchange reserves. This
information is publicly available to the agents at least at time t-1.
However, in forming expectations about money growth rate (DM) in
Equation (6), the authors have taken into account only a part of the
larger publicly available information set. In my opinion, this could be
the cause of the low explanatory power ([R.sup.2]) in forecasting (DM).
More importantly, in order to be consistent with REH, the agents should
be forming expectations with all the available information.
Generating Unanticipated DM Values
In order to generate the unanticipated or anticipated values of DM,
authors have only incorporated the autoregressive (AR) components [i.e.,
[DM.sub.t-1], [DM.sub.t-2] ...]. However, it is now well-known in the
literature that the unanticipated values may also be influenced by the
moving average (MA) factors as well. Thus, by using an ARIMA process,
the authors can easily generate the anticipated DM values and such a
process is also consistent with REH [e.g., Urich (1982)].
Lagged [DMA.sub.t-1] and [DMR.sub.t-1]
I could not understand the authors' rationale for using the
lagged values of [DMA.sub.t-1] and [DMR.sub.t-1] in Equation (8).
Presumably, the lagged values of [DMA.sub.t-1] and [DMR.sub.t-1] are
known at period t. If the REH is correct then it is the contemporaneous
values of these variables that are unknown and the rational agents would
forecast such variables rather than the lagged values.
M. Aynul Hasan
Acadia University, Canada.
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Authors' Note: We are grateful to Aynul Hasan, who was the
discussant, for his useful comments and thoughtful insights. We are also
appreciative of the comments made by Mohsin Khan and other participants
at the session. Nevertheless we are responsible for any remaining
omissions, oversights, and errors in the paper.
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(1) A third proposition is that the effects of aggregate nominal
disturbances on output should be inversely related to the variability of
such disturbances. Khilji and Bae are presently testing this proposition
for a cross-section of 14 Asian countries.
(2) See Attfield and Duck (1983); Hanson (1980); Kormendi and
Meguire (1984); and Sheehey (1984).
(3) Hasan (1987) has modelled and estimated a rational expectation
model for Pakistan. His study implicitly assumed that the propositions
put forth by the rational expectations school held for Pakistan. Our
study is geared to see whether these propositions do in fact hold.
(4) It has also been shown that even if certain sectors of the
economy have nominal rigidities, anticipated money may have significant
affects on sectoral output and consequently effect the distribution of
income, and the composition of output and employment but at the
aggregate level anticipated money would be neutral. See Gauger and
Enders (1989) for evidence on the U.S.
(5) For example Taylor (1975) uses the notion of incomplete
information within a transition period following a change in the
monetary rule; Blinder (1982) utilizes pried rigidities; Fischer (1977)
and Canzoneri (1980) apply contract theory.
(6) For an explicit derivation of the output equation the
interested reader is referred to Lucas (1973) and Barro (1977).
(7) Mishkin (1982) argues for a joint estimation of the money
growth and output equations. His point is that any covariation between
[[empty set].sub.1], [[empty set].sub.2] and [theta] across Equation (4)
implies that simultaneous estimates will be more efficient than OLS
estimates. Both procedures, however, yield consistent parameter
estimates [see Hoffman and Shagenhauf (1987)]. Also, Mishkin (1982)
finds that neutrality tests are quite robust across reasonable
variations in the money growth equation specifications. We do not
believe that the marginal gains in efficiency justifies a systems
approach and therefore use the two step OLS procedure.
Another possible problem with Equation (4) is that this model may
be observationally equivalent to a Keynesian model [see Sargent (1976)].
However for that to be the case not only must the current error term in
the output equation influence monetary growth but every error term back
to period t-n [see Attfield, Demery and Duck (1981)].
(8) The data for this study have been obtained from Pakistan
Economic Survey 1987-88, Government of Pakistan; and from International
Financial Statistics, annual issues, International Monetary Fund.
(9) Another requirement is of temporal stability in order to
postulate that economic agents had sufficient knowledge of the structure
of money growth throughout the period. For most of the period under
study i.e., 1960 to 1981, Pakistan has had fixed exchange rates and it
can be argued that the structure of monetary policy-making has been
stable. However starting from 1981 it went on a managed float and to
test for structural stability one could divide the time period on that
basis. However due to lack of sufficient observations after 1981, a
Chowtest would serve no purpose. Choosing any other breaking date would
be purely arbitrary.
* The authors are associated with the Department of Economics and
Business, The Catholic University of America, USA.