Employment generation in rural Pakistan with a special focus on rural industrialization: a preliminary analysis.
Qureshi, Sarfraz Khan ; Ghani, Ejaz
Providing employment opportunities in rural Pakistan has been on
the policy agenda since the early 1970s when it was realized that the
country's reasonably good economic performance had virtually
bypassed a significant proportion of people in the rural areas. The
magnitude of the expanding labour force in view of the failure in the
past to create adequate job opportunities poses a great challenge to the
policy-makers to ensure job openings for the new entrants as well as for
those who are presently unemployed and/or underemployed. This paper
reviews some of the most important factors that have influenced
employment creation in rural areas. Sections II, III, and IV deal with
the sectoral performance with respect to employment in the agricultural
sector, industrial sector and rural development respectively. The
summary and conclusions are presented in the final section.
That the employment generation in rural areas has not been vigorous
enough to enable the expanding rural labour force to be productively
employed is a major trend established by many studies. For example, it
is estimated that employment growth was 2.2 percent and 1.6 percent per
annum during 1971-72 to 1978-79 and 1978-79 to 1986-87 respectively
[World Bank (1989)]. During the same two periods, the elasticity of
employment with respect to agricultural GDP was 0.92 and 0.41
respectively. Notwithstanding the declining capacity for employment
generation, it is noted that the agriculture sector was able to provide
job openings to a dominant majority of the labour force. In this
section, an attempt is made to see how the agricultural sector has been
able to absorb additions to the labour force and/or the nature of
factors which constrained the capacity of the sector to be a still
better provider of jobs than it actually has been in the past.
There are four basic ways in which agricultural growth contributes
to employment generation. (1) These are: (i) increase in cultivated
area; (ii) increase in cropped area as a result of technical change and
infrastructural investments; (iii) changes in crop mix that emphasize
labour-intensive products; and (iv) changes in pattern of landholdings
towards smaller units that are known to be better absorbers of labour.
If no change occurs in the last three factors, changes in the extensive
margin, i.e., increases in cultivated area sets a limit at which
employment in agriculture grows. In any real world situation, change is
always multifaceted. Pakistan's agriculture is no exception to this
law of nature. Almost all causative factors have played a role. The
relative importance of different factors, however, has varied over time.
Trends in agriculture in Pakistan show a distinct break since the
mid-1960s when new agricultural technology in the form of new seeds and
modern agricultural inputs was introduced. Accordingly, we look at the
pattern of agricultural change in its two phases, i.e., the pre- and
post-green revolution in Table 1. The pace and pattern of agricultural
change had an important bearing on the employment situation as we would
shortly see.
Agricultural production for all crops grows at the trend rate of
about 3.88 percent per year over the period 1947-48 to 1987-88. Food
grains, the major beneficiary of the Green Revolution, grew at a rate of
about 3.16 percent. The new technology was important for wheat and rice.
For most crops, production gains are realized both through the growth of
cropped area as well as yields. Area expansion was important in the
pre-revolution phase while improvements in yields are generally
responsible for production gains since the onset of the Green
Revolution. Crops that did not benefit from the new technologies show
declining rates of growth in yields over time. In the case of some such
crops, production gains are registered due to increased crop acreage due
mainly to favourable relative prices for these crops.
The emergence of new green revolution technologies was partly
autonomous and partly induced by deliberate public policy thrusts.
However, once the process of technical change unfolded itself, it
started a chain reaction in terms of many technological and
institutional factors that had lasting implications for employment
generation in rural areas. It would be worthwhile to briefly look at the
changes in the technological and institutional factors in sequence and
examine how these factors have interacted with different sources of
agricultural growth. One can also examine the implications these sources
of growth may have had for employment generation in rural areas.
During the pre-green revolution period from 1947-48 to 1965-66
cultivated area grew at the rate of 1.49 percent per year. In the
post-green revolution period, the rate of increase in cultivated area at
0.004 percent per year is too low to have played any role in
agricultural growth and, consequently, for employment creation. The
increase in the extensive margin in the first period was largely a
result of increasing population pressure and on-farm investments by
farmers themselves as no major new areas were opened for cultivation by
the efforts of government. The increases in crop area as a source of
growth for agricultural production and employment was important in both
periods as it grew at a rate 1.59 percent and 0.89 percent per year
respectively for pre- and post-green revolution periods. The increase in
area under crops has been facilitated by an increase in the irrigation intensity from a level of 61 percent in 1950-51 to 82 percent in
1987-88. The increase in irrigation intensity has been brought about by
public development expenditure on dams and canals as well as sinking of
tubewells by farmers. It is also interesting to note that the increase
in water supply from tubewells had preceded the introduction of green
revolution technologies in Pakistan. The spread of high-yielding
varieties in the case of wheat and rice was extremely rapid in Pakistan.
Fertilizer consumption grew at a high rate of 13 percent per year over
the period 1966-67 to 1987-88. The changes in the production
technologies combined with an increase in area under crops was an
extremely significant factor in the creation of jobs in the agricultural
sector directly as well as indirectly by way of backward and forward linkages of this sector with the non-farm sector in both rural and urban
areas as we would see in the next section.
The impact of bio-technology on crop output and labour use has been
positive. However, the mechanical component of the new agricultural
technology, i.e., tractorization has been a subject of considerable
debate in Pakistan. Some argue that speedy tillage as a result of
tractorization was an important factor in increased cropping intensity
which, in turn, had raised labour demand. The other school of thought
maintains that the extremely rapid rate of increase in the stock of
tractors at a rate of 12 percent per year since 1966-67 has displaced labour. The decline in the employment elasticity of the agricultural
sector in the period since rapid tractorization supports the hypothesis
of labour displacing impacts of the mechanical technologies in Pakistan.
Changes in cropping patterns and/or diversification of farm
enterprises can also have significant impacts on farm employment and
incomes. On the country level, a marginal increase in the share of crop
production in aggregate agricultural output is notice over time. Between
1959-60 and 1987-88, the share of crop production increases from 62
percent to 63 percent. Non-crop sectors especially animal husbandry and
poultry being extremely labour-intensive are important sources of
employment generation. Their stagnation, in relative terms, in Pakistan
can be attributed to a policy of neglect. Within the crop sector, there
has also been a shift in area towards crops which are not major
absorbers of labour. A shift towards high-value and labour-using
activities is needed to generate vigorous demand for labour in the
medium to long-term horizon.
The last contributory factor to employment that remains to be
looked at is the changes in the pattern of land holdings. Irfan (1988)
in a comprehensive review of changes in agrarian structure as revealed
by data from the Agricultural Censuses of 1960, 1972 and 1980 notes that
there has been a shift in both the number of farms and farm area in
favour of marginal and small farmers (defined to belong to a farm size
class of below 7.5 acres). This shift holds valid in both relative and
absolute sense. Some studies show that there is a negative relationship
between size of farm and labour input per acre in all regions in rural
Pakistan [Naqvi et al. (1989)]. The increase of farm area under small
farms was a factor affecting favourably employment opportunities. The
increasing predominance of small and marginal farmers has been brought
about jointly by land reforms measures and sub-divisions of farm
holdings arising out of demographic pressure on land and the inheritance
law which entitles sons, daughters, wives and surviving parents to the
land owned by a deceased land owner.
The brief discussion of factors contributing to employment
generation has centred on the role of technology policy, infrastructure
development policy and land reforms policy. Irrigation has had a
positive impact on agricultural growth and employment as it was
instrumental in raising cropping intensities. New seeds, supported by
selective mechanization of certain farm operations, have also had a
positive impact on employment. We have, however, shown that
tractorization as opposed to tubewell sinking has had an adverse impact
on farm employment. Irfan (1988) has shown that the tractorization
process was encouraged prematurely by artificially low prices of capital
relative to labour costs. New seeds which had increased land
profitability had induced large farmers to go in for self-cultivation
with capital-intensive techniques of production. This process had also
displaced permanent labour on large farms. We would like now to turn to
another important factor of the impact of economic policies adopted by
Pakistan on rural employment in general and agricultural employment in
particular. Most developing countries, including Pakistan, have
sometimes directly, but often indirectly, taxed the agricultural sector
through distorted incentives. The distortion in incentives is brought
about by either sector-specific (direct) and/or by economy-wide
(indirect) policies. The impact of direct pricing policies is measured
by the difference between the prices domestic producers receive and the
prices they would receive if sector-specific distortions are removed.
The impact of indirect policies on incentives is measured by the
difference between domestic producer prices and the same prices under
the assumption that equilibrium free trade exchange rate would prevail
and that no trade distortions in the tradable non-agricultural sector
would be present. A recent study Krueger et al. (1988) has estimated
these coefficients for cotton and wheat in Pakistan for two periods,
1975-79 and 1980-84. Direct, indirect and total nominal protection rates
(measured as percentage difference) for cotton were--12, -48 and -60 for
the first period while for the second period, these rates respectively
were -7, -35 and -42. For wheat these rates for both periods
respectively were -13, -48 and -61 for the first period and -21, -35 and
56 for the latter period. In all cases, the levels of indirect taxation
via real exchange rate and protection policies on non-agricultural
commodities was greater than direct interventions. The penalization of
agriculture described above must have had a significant negative impact
on production and employment in the sector in view of the positive
supply elasticities for most crops. The depressed production and income
levels in agriculture must also indirectly have resulted in reduced
employment through backward and forward linkages between agriculture
production and the rest of the economy including non-farm rural and
urban sectors.
Unlike the case of the agricultural sector where there is a
reasonably good data base and some previous analytical work, the
literature on rural industries in Pakistan is extremely scanty. In the
present section, we attempt first to give a picture of the importance of
rural industries as a source of employment generation. (2) We would then
discuss the effectiveness of economic policies and sector-specific
policies and programmes in generating rural employment opportunities.
The industrial sector in Pakistan is extremely diverse. At one end
of the scale, there are large-scale industrial units concentrated in
urban areas. At the other end, there are household units in thousands in
thousands of villages. Modern small-scale industries are located in
large cities as well as small towns. Some of these units may also be
located in rural areas. From the angle of rural employment, household
and small-scale units located in the rural areas are of direct
importance. Modern small-scale units even when located in towns can
provide employment to rural workers if these units have subcontracting
arrangements with units established in rural areas or there is a
practice of commuting of workers from rural to urban areas.
Based on the Census of Manufacturing Industries and Survey of Small
and Household Manufacturing Industries for 1983-84, Table 2 attempts to
provide the breakdown of industrial employment by rural and urban areas
and large-scale formal and small-scale unregulated sector. For
1983-84--the only year for which data are available--out of a total
430,554 industrial units, .04 percent belong to the large-scale formal
sector while the rest belong to the unregulated sector. Out of a total
employment of 1,421,447, 33 percent were employed in the formal sector
while 67 percent were employed in the informal sector. The number of
persons employed per enterprise was 118 in the formal and less than 3 in
the informal sector. Despite the limited scale of operations, the
unregulated sector provides employment to a dominant majority of
Pakistani industrial work force.
The unregulated sector is, however, not all rural. In fact, rural
areas account for 43 percent of industrial units and 41 percent of
labour employed in the unregulated sector. Within this sector, household
and manufacturing units are found in both rural and urban areas.
Household units are more concentrated in urban areas both in terms of
industrial units and number of workers employed. On the criterion of
number of persons employed per unit, rural and urban areas are similar
in both manufacturing and household units. The one-point picture of
Pakistan's industrial sector brings out clearly the importance of
the industrial sector from the angle of employment. As indicated
earlier, this role is underestimated as both small-scale and large-scale
industries may be employing rural workers directly or indirectly through
subcontracting arrangements and forward and backward linkages.
The data base regarding the trends in production and employment of
rural industries is extremely weak. It is in fact non-existent. Irfan
(1988) and Chaudhry (1989) have brought together relevant data on this
aspect. Irfan concludes that employment generation in the rural non-farm
sector has occurred at a rate faster than in the farm sector and within
the non-farm sector, manufacturing seems to be losing in relative
importance while the services sector has been gaining in importance. For
the two periods of 1961-73 and 1973-81, rural employment registered an
annual increase of 2.4 and 2.8 percent respectively. The rate of growth
of non-agricultural employment accelerates from 2.7 percent per year
during 1961-73 to 5.2 percent per year during 1973-81. The rate of
agricultural employment de-accelerates over the two time periods as it
was 2.3 percent per year in the first and 1.8 percent per year in the
second period. The acceleration in the rate of non-agricultural
employment is an encouraging trend as provision of off-farm employment
opportunities is an essential ingredient of raising incomes of people
dependent on agriculture. This shift in employment structure could have
been more rapid under an alternative policy regime as we would shortly
see from the discussion of policies and programmes for the encouragement
of small-scale and rural industries.
The development strategy adopted in Pakistan has consistently
emphasized the establishment of large-scale industries. Lip service has,
however, been paid in all plan documents regarding the role of
small-scale and rural industries. The sector specific support programmes
in the field of finance, marketing and location instituted from time to
time have been shown to be ineffective [Qureshi and Malik (1988)].
Although no hard data exist yet enough fragmentary evidence
indicates that small industry generally, and rural industry in
particular, is not being financed adequately from institutional sources.
In fact, most of the small enterpreneurs have to borrow from the
non-institutional sources of credit. Loans from wholesalers and
suppliers are the most common non-institutional sources of credit in
rural areas. Industrial estates have been slow to be colonized especially in less developed rural areas.
Policies to encourage backward linkages of the agricultural sector
with the rural small-scale manufacturing sector and the increased demand
resulting from the inflow of remittances from abroad in rural areas have
had more of an impact on employment than the sector-specific support
programmes for rural and small-scale industries. Most observers of the
rural scene in Pakistan believe that the use of machines in agriculture
has generated substantial employment opportunities both directly and
indirectly. Jobs like tubewell operators and tractor drivers appeared as
soon as mechanization of agriculture became an important phenomenon on
the rural scene. The installation of public tubewells to fight the
menace of waterlogging and salinity had a beneficial side effect as
their installation in rural areas induced the installation of private
tubewells to increase the supply of water for irrigation purposes. An
industry to produce, service and repair tubewell machinery emerged
rapidly in the informal sector in small towns. The tubewells sunk were
generally small and were of a type that simple adaptation of traditional
skills already existing in rural areas sufficed to manufacture at least
some parts of the tubewell machinery. The small-sized tubewells also
implied a rapid explosion in their demand as even small farmers could
afford to install the wells. The impact on non-farm employment of
tractors was, however, insignificant in comparison with that of the
tubewell technology. The policy of liberal and cheap credit for the
purchase of large tractors, until recently, meant that only large
tractors would be in demand. Due mainly to the sophisticated nature of
the technology, tractors were either produced by the formal
manufacturing sector and/or were imported.
The rapid spread of private tubewells illustrates the importance of
effective demand in the growth process of rural industries. The
discrimination against agricultural sector noted in an earlier section
must have suppressed demand for the products of industries including
those established in rural areas. Reduced agricultural incomes imply
fewer forward and backward linkages with the rest of the economy.
Another systematic bias in favour of large-scale industry pertains
to the policy-induced distortions in factor and output markets. Labour
and tax laws, on paper at least, have favoured small-scale firms
especially in rural areas. Trade, interest rate and licencing procedures
have favoured large-scale firms generally established in urban areas. On
balance, distortions have induced higher labour costs and lowered
capital costs and have resulted in reduced labour use especially in
rural areas.
The policy response to the problem of the improvement of the
quality of life in rural areas has a chequered history in Pakistan. Many
different specialized programmes aimed at creating employment
opportunities for the transformation of rural areas under different
names have been tried in Pakistan as in other developing countries. (3)
Village Agricultural and Industrial Development (popularly known in
Pakistan as Village AID) was initiated around mid-1950s. This programme
was replaced by the Rural Works Programme in 1960s. The Seventies saw
the introduction of, first, the Peoples Works Programme and then, the
Integrated Rural Development Programme. Almost all programmes mentioned
above aimed at direct employment creation for the rural poor. The goal
often was to provide employment and income opportunities during the
slack seasons. Apart from the provision of jobs, public works programmes
had the over-riding objective of the creation of physical infrastructure
in order to provide support for the boosting up of agricultural
development programmes. The overall commitment of resources to the Rural
Works Programme in the 1960s and the People Works Programme in the 1970s
were low to have had any major noticeable impact on employment
situation. The scope of the programmes was narrow in terms both of
sectoral and geographic coverage. At their very best, the programmes
offered limited employment entitlements for short periods during a year.
The implementation of these programmes was done through local government
institutions which in turn, were closely directed by the provincial
governments. The allocation of resources, according to administrative
expedience and local political interests, had adverse consequences for
institution building. The provision of jobs to the rural poor for
installation and maintenance of physical infrastructure also meant that
benefits from the programme were lop-sided in favour of large
landowners. The adverse distributional consequences and the perception
of politically-based allocation of funds provided enough ammunition to
successive governments to drop the programmes identified with the
previous government. The possibility of buying local support from the
influential segments of rural society was tempting enough to restart the
public works programmes under a different name.
However, the disenchantment with the working of the direct
employment creation programmes in Pakistan was partly responsible for a
major review of Pakistan's rural development strategy in the Sixth
Plan starting in 1983. A major shift in investment priorities in favour
of the social sectors and rural infrastructure was envisaged in the
modified planning strategy. The major emphasis of the new strategy is on
infrastructural building--both physical and human which has a direct
bearing on the supply of basic needs goods in rural area sectors.
Employment opportunities are opened for skilled categories of labour
also. However, provision of employment for the rural poor is still seen
as a derivative of overall growth performance through income and
employment multiplier impacts.
The shift in priorities was preceded by an introduction of an
elected system of local government institutions in both rural and urban
areas in Pakistan in 1979. Under this system, a two-tier set-up of local
government in rural areas was introduced. District Councils and Union
Councils are elected bodies having major responsibility for the
development work. Election to these bodies have been held thrice at an
interval of four years since 1979. The structural features of the new
local government institutions were designed to give an important boost
to an effective implementation of social and economic development
programmes in rural areas. Provision was made to give to these Councils
enhanced local financial and administrative resources. No formal
comprehensive evaluation of the new system is available. It is safe,
however, to argue that the Councils should provide a substantial
leadership role in the future for identification of local needs in the
rural areas. It should also provide an effective mechanism of meaningful
grass roots institutional connection between the" rural population
and the government departments.
The efforts in the area of the creation of participatory
institutions have been complemented with the initiation of a number of
policy steps for the promotion of self-employment and entrepreneurship
development. The main objective is to facilitate the creation of
personal assets for the target groups and not the community assets as
was the case for the Rural Works Programme. The main mechanisms adopted
are the provision of subsidized credit and/or training facilities for
different categories of rural people. The efforts in this regard in
Pakistan are too small to merit any detailed comment.
The review of the employment situation in rural Pakistan indicates
that labour absorption could have been higher than the levels achieved
in the past. Labour absorption in the agricultural sector seems to have
declined with the passage of time. Institutional andtechnological
changes within agriculture have exhibited a contradictory impact on
agricultural employment. The landownership pattern has been moving in
favour of small farmers who apply more labour to each acre cultivated by
them. The new agricultural technology has shown mixed results. The
increase in irrigation intensity with the help of tubewells and new
seeds were instrumental in increased job creation, both in the farm and
non-farm sector, through the backward and forward linkage of agriculture
with the rest of the economy. Premature mechanization at a fast pace
resulted in lower rates of labour input use. Tractorization also did not
have favourable backward linkages with the domestic manufacturing
sector. The non-farm employment in rural manufacturing and the services
sectors has been more buoyant than agricultural employment. The
employment impact of the public works type programmes has been minimal
due mainly to the limited resources used and the faulty designing of
programmes with emphasis on temporary slack season employment and
bureaucratic supervision rather than people participation.
The policy prescriptions that result from our review are
straightforward. The policy bias against agricultural production and
against small firms needs to be corrected through a thorough reform of
both the sector-specific and economy-wide distortion of incentives.
Second, broad sector-wide programmes benefiting both the farm and
non-farm rural sectors needs to be undertaken. In fact, the adequate
supply of rural infrastructure--both physical and human--is an effective
way of ensuring remunerative rates of return. Third, the recent efforts
in Pakistan to upgrade levels of living in rural areas and to provide
increased jobs opening through wage-based employment and/or
self-employment need to be strengthened. Last but not the least, it
should be emphasized that policies for employment promotion in rural
areas would of necessity be a multi-dimensional exercise. It would have
to cut across many sector. The rural employment strategy would need to
be supported by a labour-intensive development strategy.
Comments on "Employment Generation in Rural Pakistan with a
Special Focus on Rural Industrialization: A Preliminary Analysis"
The paper raises some important issues pertaining to rural
employment particularly on the employment implications of changes in
technology, in cropping patterns and in the size distribution of
holdings. The impact of government policies on employment creation in
the farm sector is also examined. The main finding of the paper is that
labour absorption has declined in the rural economy, a tendency which is
reflected not in high rates of open unemployment but in the prevalence
of low income, low productivity employment. As a result of widespread
underemployment the incidence of rural poverty has risen and there has
also been a sharp increase in disparities in per capita income between
the agricultural and non-agricultural sectors. The falling labour
absorptive capacity in the agricultural sector is largely seen as the
result of the widespread adoption of mechanical technology, changes in
crop mix towards less labour using crops while the shift in the agrarian
structure towards small farms is expected to have a positive impact on
employment. Government policies pertaining to the rural sector have been
ineffective, at best as in the case of various public works type
programmes or negative, as in the case of price policy and subsidies on
Unfortunately in a number of instances the empirical basis of these
observations is weak and the conclusions of the study are not based on a
systematic and thorough assessment of the available evidence. Further,
the study does not give due attention to some critical aspects of the
problem of rural employment particularly landlessness and the impact of
The author primarily relies on trends in relative per capita income
in the agricultural and non-agricultural sector and on changes in the
poverty level in the rural and urban areas to support his thesis of
declining labour absorption in the rural areas. However, these estimates
do not present an adequate means of empirically verifying this argument.
For instance, the calculation of per capita agricultural income is based
on the assumption that the agricultural and non-agricultural population
are mutually exclusive. Whereas in the majority of cases a large number
of agricultural workers have some sort of secondary employment in the
non-farm sector.
Similarly, estimates of poverty figures are quite controversial due
to the arbitrariness of the poverty line and incomparability of data
over time due to changes in the methodology. Further, even if this data
is accepted it shows a dramatic decrease in poverty in the late
Seventies and early Eighties which is not explained by the author and
which is contrary to the author's argument of declining levels of
labour absorption in the rural sector. The improvement in living
standards of the rural population in the recent years has in fact been
mainly the result of forces outside the agricultural sector in the form
of the large outmigration from, and the subsequent inflow, of
remittances to the rural areas. The impact of migration on rural
employment and levels of living is entirely ignored in the analysis.
A better understanding of the rural labour situation could have
been provided if available evidence had been used to examine changes in
landlessness, trends in wage rates, changes in the use of different type
of labour such as between family and hired labour or between permanent
workers and casual labour, changes in the occupation structure of the
rural labour force etc.
The empirical analysis of the impact of changes in the agricultural
sector on employment also tends to be sketchy and contradictory. Thus
the author claims that there is no conclusive evidence on the impact of
mechanical technology on labour use while in the conclusion the labour
displacing impact of tractors is mentioned as the major reason for the
fall in the labour absorptive capacity of agriculture. Further, the
authors' statement that the crop-mix has changed in favour of less
labour intensive crops needs to be elaborated and substantiated by any
evidence of these changes.
Moreover, the discussion on the employment impact of changes in the
agrarian structure focusses on the increase in the number of small farms
which is viewed as a favourable development from the employment point of
view due to the observed greater labour use per acre associated with
smaller holdings. However, the author fails to mention that changes in
the agrarian structure due to population growth and large-scale eviction of tenants have not only been associated with a shift in farm size but
also by a sharp increase in the incidence of landlessness with serious
consequences for rural employment.
The paper also entirely overlooks the impact of large-scale
outmigration to the Middle East, possibly the most important influence
on rural employment and income in the Eighties. This factor has been
shown to have had a tremendous impact on the rural economy not only in
at least temporarily alleviating the employment problem but also in
terms of the impact of remittances in raising the living standards.
Further, the demand fuelled by remittances has contributed significantly
to the increase in non-farm job opportunities in the rural areas
specially noticeable in the construction sector.
Finally, I would like to briefly comment on the authors'
analysis of the employment effect of public policy. Whereas there is
general agreement that the public works programme has had little or no
impact on rural employment, the authors conclusions about the
detrimental impact of price policy on agricultural growth are
controversial and need to be substantiated. Available empirical evidence
on the contrary, indicates that while relative prices are an important
determinant of supply response in case of individual crops, the impact
of prices on aggregate output is not significant. Excessive reliance on
price policy as a means of stimulating agricultural production can be
counterproductive since it detracts from the importance of non-price
factors, such as technological and structural problems, which are
constraining farm productivity at low levels.
Shahnaz Kazi
Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad.
Chaudhry, M. G. (1985) The State and Development of Rural
Industries in Pakistan. In Swapna Mukhopadhyay and Chee Ping Line (eds)
Development and Diversification of Rural Industries in Asia. Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia: APDC.
Hirashima, S. (1989)Measures for Rural Employment Generation in
Asia: Problems and Issues. Paper submitted to the Symposium on Measures
for Rural Employment Generation. (Unpublished Mimeograph)
Irfan, M. (1988) Employment and Wages in Rural Areas of Pakistan.
Islamabad: Pakistan Institute of Development Economics. (Unpublished
Islam, Rizwanul (1987) Rural Industrialization and Employment in
Asia: Issues and Evidence. (ed) Rural Industrialization and Employment
in Asia. Geneva: International Labour Organization.
Krueger, Ann. O., Maurice Schiff and Alberto Valdes (1988)
Agricultural Incentives in Developing Countries: Measuring the Effect of
Sectoral and Economy-wide Policies. World Bank Economic Review 2 : 3.
Meyer, Richard L. (1989) Policies and Measures for Rural
Employment. Paper prepared for the Asian Productivity
Organization's Symposium on Measures for Rural Employment
Generation, Tokyo.
Mishra, S. N. (1988) Rural Employment Generation with Special
Reference to Rural Industries--A Case Study of India. Delhi: Institute
of Economic Growth. (Unpublished Mimeograph)
Muqtada, M. (1989) Policies and Measures Towards Rural Employment
Generation in Asia. Paper presented at the Asian Productivity
Organization's (APO) Symposium on Measures for Rural Employment
Generation, Tokyo.
Naqvi, Syed Nawab Haider, M. H. Khan and M. Ghaffar Chaudhry (1989)
Structural Change in Pakistan's Agriculture. Islamabad: Pakistan
Institute of Development Economics.
Qureshi, Sarfraz Khan, and Mohammad Hussain Malik (1988) Measures
for Rural Employment Generation: A Case Study of Pakistan. Paper
prepared for the Asian Productivity Organization's Symposium on
Measures for Rural Employment Generation, Tokyo.
World Bank (1989) Pakistan Employment Issues and Prospects.
Washington, D. C.: The World Bank. (Report No. 7523-Pak)
(1) For a similar analysis for India [see Mishra (1988)].
(2) For a comprehensive regional view of the role of rural
industries in Asia [see Hirashima (1989); Islam (1987) and Meyer
(3) For a detailed analysis of countries other than Pakistan [see
Muqtada (1989)].
* The authors are Joint Director at the Pakistan Institute of
Development Economics/ Visiting Research Fellow at the International
Food Policy Research Institute Washington, D. C. and Staff Economist at
the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, respectively.
Authors' Note: We are grateful to extremely generous professional
help provided to us by Dr Sohail J. Malik and Mr Kalbe Abbas. Errors, if
any, are the sole responsibility of us.
Table 1
Pre- and Post-Green Revolution Trend Growth Rates for Pakistan
1947-48 1947-48 1966-67
to to to
1987-88 1965-66 1987-88
Food Grains 3.16 1.44 4.44
Wheat 3.38 0.86 5.24
Rice 3.93 3.63 4.20
Bajra -1.98 1.15 -4.70
Jowar -0.31 1.62 -2.01
Maize 2.90 2.29 3.15
Barley -0.02 -1.70 1.16
Grams -0.59 0.75 -2.51
Pulses 1.55 -2.09 4.02
Sugar 4.57 8.06 1.96
Rseed 0.38 0.22 0.02
Sesamu -0.63 -1.39 0.00
Cotton 5.15 4.21 5.65
Tobaco 4.11 12.13 -3.25
All Crops 3.88 5.49 2.64
1947-48 1947-48 1966-67
to to to
1987-88 1965-66 1987-88
Food Grains 1.29 1.61 0.98
Wheat 1.55 1.48 1.50
Rice 2.30 3.20 1.59
Bajra -2.50 0.22 -4.88
Jowar -0.71 1.86 -2.61
Maize 2.15 2.24 2.08
Barley -0.37 -0.45 -0.53
Grams -0.18 1.08 -1.96
Pulses 1.49 -0.69 2.95
Sugar 3.81 6.60 1.24
Rseed -1.16 0.17 -2.52
Sesamu -0.92 0.41 -2.40
Cotton 1.84 1.30 2.22
Tobaco 3.18 9.15 -2.53
All Crops 1.28 1.59 0.89
1947-48 1947-48 1966-67
to to to
1987-88 1965-66 1987-88
Food Grains 1.85 -0.17 3.42
Wheat 1.80 -0.61 3.68
Rice 1.59 0.42 2.57
Bajra 0.53 0.94 0.18
Jowar 0.40 -0.23 0.62
Maize 0.73 0.06 1.05
Barley 0.36 -1.26 1.69
Grams -0.42 -0.33 -0.57
Pulses 0.06 -1.40 1.03
Sugar 0.74 1.37 0.71
Rseed 1.56 0.05 2.61
Sesamu 0.29 -1.79 2.46
Cotton 3.25 2.87 3.36
Tobaco 0.90 2.74 -0.73
All Crops 2.56 3.83 1.74
Table 2 Number of Enterprises and Employment
in the Industrial Sector of Pakistan
Items Formal Sector
1. Number of 4,047 (0.04)
a. Rural --
b. Urban 4,047
2. Number of Person
Employed 475,957 (33.48)
a. Rural --
b. Urban 475,957
3. Employment per
a. Rural --
b. Urban 117.6
Small-scale Unregulated Sector
Manufacturing Household
Items Units Units
1. Number of 261,168 (60.66) 165 339 (38.40)
Enterprises (100) (100)
a. Rural 79,938 104,673
(30.61) (63.31)
b. Urban 181,238 60,666
(69.39) (36.69)
2. Number of Person
Employed 653,728 (45.99) 291,762 (20.53)
(100) (100)
a. Rural 208,796 181,197
(31.94) (62.10)
b. Urban 444,932 110,565
(68.06) (37.90)
3. Employment per
a. Rural 2.6 1.7
b. Urban 2.4 1.8
Small-scale Unregulated Sector
Items Sub-total Total
1. Number of 426,507 (99.06) 430,554
Enterprises (100)
a. Rural 184,611 184,611
b. Urban 241,896 245,943
2. Number of Person
Employed 945,490 (66.52) 1,421,447
a. Rural 389,993
b. Urban 555,497
3. Employment per
a. Rural 2.1
b. Urban 2.1
Source: For large-scale formal sector, Government of Pakistan,
Census of Manufacturing Industries, 1983-84 (Federal Bureau of
Statistics Statistics Division); for small-scale unregulated
sector, Government of Pakistan, Survey of Small and Household
Manufacturing Industries, 1983-84, for rural and urban areas.