Monetary approach to balance of payments: the evidence on reserve flow from Pakistan.
Bilquees, Faiz
The monetary approach to balance-of-payments theory suggests that
balance of payments defecits are related to disequilibrium in the
international money market and, as such, involve a flow of international
reserves. A cross-section study of 39 LDCs, including Pakistan,
validates the MABOPs theory for the analysis of balance of payments of
these countries despite the absence of underlying assumptions in these
countries. It is contended that while it may be possible to obtain
significant results on a cross-section basis, the individual country
data for many of these LDCs may not validate the MABOPs theory, mainly
due to the absence of underlying assumptions, due to significantly
heterogenous economic structures in many of these countries, and due to
the common prevalence of restrictive financial policies in a large
number of LDCs. In this paper the propositions of the MABOPs theory are
tested for Pakistan only, using the same model as applied to 39 LDCs on
a cross-section basis. The results show that reserves movement in
Pakistan cannot be explained by the version of MABOPs theory.
The monetary theory of the balance of payments derives its
essential features from Hume's (1752) specie flow mechanism, where
an exogenous increase in the money stock in a country causes the price
level to rise. The increase in price level diverts the demand abroad,
leading to a deficit in the balance of trade. The trade deficits is
financed through net monetary outflows, leading to a fall in the money
stock, and hence prices, until international competitiveness is
restored. As the prices return to their original level, the money stock
also returns to its original level, implying that the increases in the
money supply have flowed out abroad. In its simplest form, as described
above, the specie flow mechanism seems to depend on two rather
restrictive assumptions. First, in identifying a trade deficit with an
outflow of money, it assumes no international capital mobility. Second,
the assumption that an outflow of money will lead to a fall in the
domestic money stock implies that the same currency is used for both
domestic and international transactions.
These shortcomings are overcome by the modern theory of balance of
payments [Johnson (1972); Frenkel and Johnson (1976)], first, by
focusing on dis-equilibrium in the money market (rather than in trade
balances); and second, by defining the domestic money stock as the sum
of international reserves and domestic credit. Under the new theory, an
exogenous increase in the money stock would increase the money supply in
excess of the demand for it. People reduce their holdings of excess
money by net purchases of goods or net acquisition of assets from
abroad, which implies a balance of payments deficit and an outflow of
international reserves. With a given quantity of domestically created
credit, a loss of reserves means a reduction in money supply. This
process continues until all the newly created credit has flowed out
abroad and the domestic money supply is again equal to the demand for
Aghevli and Khan (1977) have tested the monetary approach to a
balance-of-payments model for 39 LDCs and, drawing their highly
significant results on a cross-section basis, they maintain that the
mechanism underlying the monetary approach to the balance-of-payments
theory holds equally strongly for both the developed and less developed
countries. The objective of this study is to test this model for a
single LDC--Pakistan--to see if the significant results on a
cross-section basis obtained by Aghevli and Khan are also applicable to
the LDCs. It needs to be noted that not all LDCs have similar economic
systems, and that such systems are also different from the economic
systems of the industrialized economies.
The plan of the paper is as follows. Section II describes the
specific assumptions underlying the monetary approach to the
balance-of-payments theory. This is followed by a brief discussion with
regard to the effect of various exchange and capital controls, employed
widely in most of the LDCs, on some important aspects of the smooth
market-clearing process as postulated by the monetary approach to the
balance-of-payments theory. Section III describes the monetary approach
to the balance-of-payments model to be tested. Data sources are
described in Section IV. The results of the model are discussed in
Section V. And, finally, Section VI presents the major conclusions of
the study.
The monetary approach views balance-of-payments problems as
essentially transitory and self-correcting, provided the authorities do
not sterilize the effects of the changes in reserves by means of
compensating the changes in domestic credit. It assumes a completely
liberalized system of trade and payments. Specifically, it assumes that:
(a) the domestic money supply is backed by only two components, i.e.,
international reserves and domestic credit: (b) the demand for money is
a conventional function of prices, real income or output, and interest
rates, and it is always stable; (c) the price level is determined in the
world market according to the law of one price; (d) the interest rate is
determined in the international capital market by the requirement that,
with international capital mobility, rates of return on assets denominated in different currencies must be equalized: (e) a 'small
country' by its own actions cannot influence world prices or
interest rates; and (f) real output is determined by real forces
independent of the monetary factors or the balance of payments.
Thus the monetary approach is largely based on the assumptions
relating to the market-clearing process. It focuses on the interaction
between assets and money markets in the determination of the exchange
rate. Aspects such as substitution of currencies and financial assets,
interest rate differentials, speculation, arbitrage, expected forward
exchange rates, and rational expectations form the focus in the
monetarist approach. However, an extensive use of exchange and capital
controls exercised by a majority of the LDCs to deal with their
balance-of-payments difficulties would render the assumptions underlying
the market-clearing process as postulated by this theory implausible.
In a regime where exchange and capital controls are extensive,
foreign capital mobility is extremely limited. It is usually restricted
due to the non-existence of integrated capital and foreign exchange
markets and the presence of restrictions on trade and capital flows.
Exchange controls render the currencies of many of these countries less
than readily convertible and specifically hinder private capital flows.
The assumption of perfect capital mobility is far from realistic for the
analysis of balance of payments in these countries. Capital flows from
and to LDCs largely take place in the form of official transactions.
With regard to the trade sector, the mechanism suggested by the
monetary approach to the balance-of-payments theory--to reduce the
balance-of-payments disequilibrium through a reduction in imports and an
increase in exports--tends to ignore the fundamental difference between
the determinants of levels of imports and exports in the LDCs and the
industrialized countries (on whose structure the assumptions of the
monetary approach to the balance-of-payments theory are based). Whereas
in developed industrialized countries there usually exists substantial
scope for substitution between export goods, import goods and non-traded
goods and the level of imports will be responsive to relative prices, in
the LDCs the demand for imports is generally held to be inelastic because a significant proportion of imports consists of the development
imports for which there are no domestic substitutes. Secondly, tariff
and non-tariff barriers to foreign trade are applied extensively, and
they are not always governed by purely economic considerations, as
socio-political considerations may be more important in determining the
trends in foreign trade.
Finally, the structure of foreign trade in the LDCs (particularly
the heavy dependence on imported technology and spare parts and the
exports of raw materials mainly) implies that these countries simply
cannot be categorized along with developed countries within the purview of the monetary approach to the balance-of-payments theory, which deals
with the overall balance, while the balance-of-payments problems of the
LDCs mainly originate in the current account or trade balance.
Therefore, keeping in view the pervasive market distortions in the
LDCs, affecting labour, foreign exchange, capital, and commodity
markets, it seems quite obvious that the market-clearing process as
postulated in the monetary theory cannot be generalized to hold equally
for the less developed economies.
The monetarist approach to the balance-of-payments model has been
tested in a number of developed economies [Genberg (1976); Zecher
(1973), Guitian (1976); and Bean (1976)]. Aghevli and Khan (1977) have
tested the model for 39 LDCs including Pakistan using cross-section
data. They obtain highly significant coefficients for the model tested.
Since the results of the model are highly significant even in the
absence of the underlying assumptions of the model for these countries,
the authors maintain that the monetarist approach to balance of payments
is equally valid for the long-run analysis of the balance of payments of
all the LDCs. It is contested, however, that although it is possible to
obtain significant results on a cross-section basis, these results
cannot be generalized to hold true for all the LDCs for all times. Since
the LDCs are considerably heterogenous amongst themselves (and to the
advanced industrialized economies), the outcome of the model will differ
considerably among these countries, depending on their economic policies
based on their given economic structures. Therefore, in this paper, we
test the Aghevli and Khan version of the monetary approach to the
balance-of-payments model for Pakistan only.
Specification of the Model
The MABOPs model has two main components: the demand for money and
the money supply process, which are described below.
Demand for Money Function
[M.sub.d] / p = Y [varies] [[pi].sup.-b] [R.sup.-[gamma]]) (1) ...
... ... ... (1)
where [M.sub.d] is the demand for nominal money balances; p is the
domestic price level; y is the level of domestic real income; R is the
domestic interest rate and [pi] is the rate of inflation.
Taking logs on both sides
In [M.sub.d] / p = ln ([Y.sup.[varies]] [[pi].sup.-b]
[R.sup.-[gamma]]) ... ... ... (2)
In [M.sub.d] - In P = ln [Y.sup.[varies]] + ln [[pi].sup.-b] + ln R
[gamma] ... ... (3)
Using dots to denote rates of growth, we rewrite Equation (3) as:
where the parameters [alpha] b and [gamma], the elasticities of
real money balances, inflation, and interest rates are expected to bear
the following signs:
[alpha] > ;0 b < 0; [gamma] < 0;
Supply of Money
Money supply is detained as the product of high-powered money and
the money multiplier:
[M.sup.s] = mH ... ... ... ... ... (6)
where m is the money multiplier and H is the volume of high-powered
By definition, the stock of high-powered money is equal to the
stock of international reserves (R) and domestic assets (net of
liabilities) holdings of monetary
H = R + D ... ... ... ... ... (7)
Substituting Equation (7) into Equation (6), we obtain:
[M.sub.s] = m (R +D) ... ... ... ... ... (8)
Taking logs on both sides:
ln [M.sub.s] = ln [ m (R + D)] ... ... ... ... (9)
ln [M.sub.s] = ln m + ln (R + D) ... ... ... ... (10)
Denoting rates of growth for the variables in Equation (10) by dots
and writing (R + D)= [eta]
we rewrite Equation (10)as:
In terms of growth of international reserves, Equation (13)
Assuming [M.sub.d] = [M.sub.s] we can substitute Equation (5) into
Equation (16) and obtain:
Under the assumptions of the MABOPs theory, the increase in the
rate of growth of prices ([??]) and real income ([??]) will lead to an
improvement in the balance of payments, and the increases in the rates
of growth of inflation ([??], the interest rate ([??]), the money
multiplier ([??]), and net domestic assets of the Central Bank ([??])
will lead to a loss of reserves.
Multiplying both sides of Equation (17) by R / H, we obtain
Adding an intercept, Equation (18) becomes:
The expected signs of the coefficients are:
[[gamma].sub.1] = 1, [[gamma].sub.2] > 0, [[gamma].sub.3] <
0, [[gamma].sub.4] <0, [[gamma].sub.5] = [[gamma].sub.6] = -1.
since [[gamma].sub.5] = [[gamma].sub.6] Equation (18a) may be
written as:
where [[gamma].sub.5] = [[gamma].sub.5] = [[gamma].sub.6]
which is estimated in Section V.
The data for national income accounts is taken from the Government
of Pakistan (Various Issues). As in the case of many other less
developed countries, there are shortcomings in the national accounts
estimates. As major limitation of these data is the fact that in the
absence of direct estimates, a trend growth is assumed to make
estimations for certain sectors. We use the GNP deflator to represent
the rate of inflation.
Data on money Supply for the period prior to 1971 are taken from
Kemal et al. 0980). (2) Data on interest rates and balance of payments
used in the estimation of this model are taken from the Government of
Pakistan (Various Issues a).
The data for the study pertain to the period 1959-60--1981-82.
Therefore, these may have been influenced by various factors affecting
the economy. These include devaluation of the currency, international
price increases and recession, abrupt changes in economic policies, and
continuing political instability.
The main criteria for selecting the reported estimates are that the
relevant coefficients have the expected signs, they are statistically
significant, and there is a satisfactory overall level of explanation.
The results of the model estimated through Equation (19), reported
in Table 1, show that while the rate of inflation and real income bear
correct signs, only the real income variable is significant. The
domestic credit and money multiplier variables bear incorrect signs, but
are insignificant. The overall explanatory power of the model is low and
improves slightly with the inclusion of the short-run rate of interest
variable only. However, the interest rate variable itself remains
insignificant. It may be pointed out here that both the rate of
inflation and the interest rate remain insignificant even when tested
alternatively (Equations 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10).
That the monetary approach to balance of payments fails to explain
the flows of foreign reserves in economies like Pakistan and India,
where the monetary policy is restrictive and the foreign exchange and
capital markets are controlled, was also found by Sohrab-uddin (1985).
However, in the case of Thailand, which maintains a liberal exchange
control policy, he found that the model provides very good results.
The results of these two studies, thus, show that the very strong
and highly significant coefficients obtained by Aghevli and Khan (1977)
may be due to the fact that their cross-country study includes, in
general, those countries which are not pursuing restrictive credit and
reserve policies. Therefore, their model is not general in explaining
the growth in international reserves in all the LDCs.
It needs to be underscored, therefore, that in a large majority of
LDCs the financial and commodity markets are very different from the
developed economies. Strict exchange controls render the currencies of
most of these countries almost inconvertible. Capital mobility is
extremely limited, and is governed by factors such as political
stability and approval of the economic and financial programmes of the
countries by the IMF. Similarly, non-tariff barriers to trade,
especially imports, distort the effects of devaluation and other
corrective policies. Keeping in view these and many other distortions,
mainly due to the agrarian structure prevalent in most of the LDCs, and
the limitations of the assumptions of the MABOPs model, which are based
on the homogenous economic structures of the developed economies, it
appears that the market clearing as postulated in the monetary approach
cannot be readily assumed in all the LDCs.
The results of this study show that the applicability of the MABOPs
theory to a LDC depends, to a large extent, on the basic underlying
economic structure of the country concerned. These economic structures
determine the degree of successful application of the theory because the
strong assumptions of the theory based on the fairly homogenous and
liberalized economic systems of advanced industrialized countries do not
hold for most of the LDCs, which are fairly heterogeneous amongst
themselves also. The background discussion and the results of this study
strongly suggest the need to evaluate the theory on an
individual-country basis for as many LDCs as possible. Such an exercise
would help identify such groups of countries as can successfully adopt
the MABOPs model directly with some modifications, and also those which
require a significantly different treatment due to the peculiarities of
their respective economic systems.
Author's Note: This paper is based on a part of the Ph.D.
dissertation submitted to the University of Manchester in 1986. I am
extremely grateful to my superviser, Dr C. H. Kirkpatrick, for his
guidance and comments. I also wish to thank the anonymous referee for
his valuable comments on this paper.
Aghevli, B., and M. Khan (1977)The Monetary Approach to Balance of
Payments Determination: Empirical Test. In I.M.F. (ed) The Monetary
Approach to Balance of Payments. Washington, D.C.
Bean, L (1976) International Reserve Flows and Money Market
Equilibrium, The Japanese Case. In J. A. Frenkel and H. G. Johnson (eds)
The Monetary Approach to Balance of Payments. London: George Allen and
Unwin Ltd.
Frenkel, J. A., and H. G. Johnson (eds) (1976) The Monetary
Approach to-Balance of Payments. London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd.
Genberg, A. H. (1976) Aspects of the Monetary Approach to Balance
of Payments Theory: An Empirical Study of Sweden. In J. A. Frenkel and
H. G. Johnson (eds) The Monetary Approach to Balance of Payments.
London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd.
Guitian Manuel (1976) The Balance of Payments as a Monetary
Phenomenon. In J. A. Frenkel and H. G. Johnson (eds) The Monetary
Approach to Balance of Payments. London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd.
Hume, D. (1752) Of Balance of Trade. Essays Moral, Political and
Literacy. Vol. 1, Reprinted. London: Longman Green.
Johnson, H. G. (1972) The Monetary Approach to Balance of Payments
Theory. Further Essays in Monetary Economics. London: George Allen and
Unwin Ltd.
Kemal, A. R., F. Bilquees and A. H. Khan (1980)Estimates of Money
Supply in Pakistan: 1959-60 to 1978-79. Islamabad: Pakistan Institute of
Development Economics. (Statistical Paper Series No. 1)
Pakistan, Government of (Various Issues). Pakistan Economic Survey.
Islamabad: Ministry of Finance, Economic Adviser's Wing.
Pakistan, Government of (Various Issues a) Monthly Bulletins and
Annual Reports. Karachi: State Bank of Pakistan.
Sohrab-uddin (1985) Monetary Approach to Balance of Payments:
Evidence from Less-developed Countries. The Indian Economic Journal.
Zecher, R. (1973) Monetary Equilibrium and the International
Reserve Flow in Australia. University of Chicago. (Unpublished
(1) It may be pointed out here that although the interest rate
embodies inflation, in the case of the LDCs, where the interest rates
are generally fixed, the inflation rate is a better measure of
opportunity cost. Since one of the main objectives of the present study
is to test the Aghevli and Khan model for a country over time rather
than across countries, we are keeping the specification used by them.
However, for purposes of estimation we test different specifications,
using these variables alternatively.
(2) While data for the pre-1971 period has not been published by
the statistical agencies of Pakistan, the series has been constructed on
the basis of unpublished data and certain plausible assumptions related
to the shares of East and West Pakistan during various years.
FAIZ BILQUEES, The author is Senior Research Economist at the
Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad.
Table 1
Results of the Monetarist's Approach to
Balance-of-payment is Model for Pakistan
Constant [??] [??] [??] [??]
-0.036 0.0002 0.006 -0.0003 0.054
(1.259) (0.154) (1.759) (0.191) (1.257)
-0.038 0.0005 0.006 -0.0003 0.070
(1.289) (0.363) (1.739) (0.158) (1.915)
-0.036 0.0002 0.006 * -0.0004 0.054
(1.209) (0.144) (1.691) (0.213) (1.200)
-0.042 0.001 0.006 * -0.0004 0.054
(1.525) (0.684) (2.055) (0.224) (1.338)
-0.038 0.0005 0.006 -0.0001 0.070
(1.250) (0.552) (1.652) (0.081) (1.850)
-0.045 0.001 0.007 * -0.0005 0.068 *
(1.570) (0.911) (2.059) (0.207) (1.969)
-0.039 0.0004 0.009 * 0.069
(1.132) (0.159) (1.781) (1.262)
-0.036 0.0003 0.006 * 0.035
(1.150) (0.251) (2.001) (1.311)
-0.042 0.003 0.008 * 0.061
(1.483) (0.719) (1.986) (1.256)
-0.039 0.001 0.006 0.056
(1.254) (0.893) (1.522) (1.301)
[??] [??]r [??]r [R.sup.2]
0.158 0.314
0.161 -0.009 0.315
(1.256) (0.106)
0.142 -0.091 0.434
(1.238) (1.659)
0.009 0.277
0.094 0.406
0.159 0.011 0.413
(1.296) (0.127)
0.147 0.009 0.300
(1.300) (1.016)
0.143 -0.088 0.400
(1.320) (1.617)
0.159 0.008 0.271
(1.331) (0.106)
Source: All the variables are the same as in Equation (25) except
that for [??]r and [??], [??] the rate of interest variable has
been disaggregated into short-run interest rate ([??]r) and
long-run interest rate ([??]r).
Figures in the parentheses are t-ratios.
* Denotes significance at 5 percent level.