The effects of migration and remittances on inequality in rural Pakistan.
Adams, Richard H., Jr.
In the Third World remittances--defined as money and goods that are
transmitted by migrant workers to their households back home--can have a
profound impact upon rural income distribution. This is true for both
internal remittances, which are often small but widespread among the
rural population, as well as for international remittances, which are
typically larger and more concentrated.
Despite these considerations, there is still no general consensus
about the effect of internal or international remittances on rural
income distribution in the Third World. On the one hand, Lipton (1980)
argues that in India internal remittances worsen rural inequality because they are earned mainly by upper-income villagers. With respect
to international remittances, Gilani, Khan and Iqbal (1981) in Pakistan
and Adams in Egypt (1991, 1989) produce similar findings. On the other
hand, some empirical studies suggest a very different outcome. For
example, Stark, Taylor and Yitzhaki (1986) find that internal and
international remittances in Mexico have an egalitarian effect on rural
income distribution. (1)
Two major reasons appear to account for such lack of consensus on
the effect of remittances upon rural income distribution: the use of
local-level data collection techniques that preclude making unambiguous
empirical judgements about the effects of remittances; and the
reluctance or inability to use predicted income functions to accurately
estimate income before and after remittances.
This paper attempts to overcome these, and similar, problems by
presenting a framework for analysing the impact of internal and
international remittances on rural income distribution. This framework
uses predicted income equations to predict (estimate) the incomes of
households in two situations: excluding and including remittances. The
results are then used to evaluate the changes in income distribution
that occur when internal and international remittances are excluded,
compared to when they are included.
The analysis presented here is quite focused. Most notably, the
study concentrates on the direct, first-order effects of remittances on
income distribution. While the author is quite aware of the second- and
third-round effects of remittances on income distribution through wage
and employment linkages, these issues are largely ignored in this study.
Data come from a three-year study (1986-87 to 1988-89) of 727
households in three provinces in rural Pakistan. (2) This study was not
designed as either a migration/remittances study or as one
representative of rural Pakistan as a whole. Rather the primary purpose
of the study was to analyse the determinants of rural poverty. In each
of the three survey provinces the "poorest" district was
selected on the basis of an production and infrastructure index
elaborated by Pasha and Hasan (1982). The selected districts included
Attock (Punjab province), Badin (Sindh province) and Dir (Northwest
Frontier province). Since rural poverty also exists in relatively
prosperous areas, a fourth district Faisalabad (Punjab province) was
added to the survey. (3)
In the third year of the study (1988-89) a migration module was
administered to all survey households. In this migration module detailed
socio-economic data were collected from each household as well as each
individual within that household. For migrant households, internal or
international remittances were valued in terms of the income that
households reported receiving from returned or current migrants.
Remittance figures in this study are therefore net figures (i.e. net of
all migration expenses) and do not include the savings held outside the
household by migrants).
Of the total 727 households in the survey, 25 were excluded because
of incomplete data. The analysis is therefore based on data from 702
households. (4)
Two aspects of this study need to be noted. First, this study
focuses on remittances received by migrant households. While this may
seem axiomatic, in this study a surprising number of non-migrant
households also receive remittances. However, since these remittances
are sent by extra-familial members--mainly male relatives--and tend to
be quite small, (5) they are not included in this study. Second, the
emphasis here is on economic migrants, that is, on people who left their
households to work either inside or outside of Pakistan. Thus, both
female migrants and males below the age of 15 years are excluded from
consideration, because most females migrated in order to marry while
younger males migrated for educational purposes. (6)
Table 1 presents summary data from the survey. It shows that 239
households (34.0 percent) of the sample have an internal male migrant
over 15 years of age and 74 households (10.5 percent) have an
international male migrant. These figures include both returned and
current migrants. With respect to current migrants alone, the data
reveal that 14.2 percent of all households have a current internal
migrant and 7.0 percent have a current international migrant. These
rates of current migration are slightly higher than those reported by
other studies in Pakistan. For example, data from the 1987-88 Pakistan
Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES), which covers 18,100
urban and rural households, show that only 7.0 percent of all households
have a current internal migrant and 2.8 percent have a current
international migrant. (7)
Table 1 shows that remittances play an important role in the
economies of the surveyed households. For internal migrants, remittances
account for 4.6 percent of mean per capita annual household income; for
international migrants, remittances account for 12.8 percent of such
income. These percentage figures are slightly higher than those reported
in the 1987-88 Pakistan HIES Survey. According to that survey, internal
remittances account for 4.0 percent of mean per capita annual income for
internal migrant households and 5.5 percent of such income for
international migrant households.
To pinpoint the effect of remittances on income distribution, it
would be easiest to analyse the actual income data collected on
non-migrant, internal migrant and international migrant households. This
appears to be the procedure followed by other studies [Stark, Taylor and
Yitzhaki (1986); Gilani, Khan and Iqbal (1981)]. However, this procedure
cannot be followed here because of the following methodological problem.
In this study 130 of 702 households (18.5 percent) have an internal or
international migrant currently working outside of the household. Thus,
in attempting to determine income without remittances for all
households, it is not known what the per capita incomes of these 130
households would have been had these migrants stayed home. It therefore
becomes necessary to predict the per capita incomes of all migrant
households excluding remittances. And then, to be consistent in the
treatment of incomes, it is also necessary to predict the per capita
incomes of all migrant households including remittances.
In pursuit of these ends, the parameters predicting per capita
household income (excluding remittances) (PREX) were estimated from the
416 households that did not have a migrant. These parameters were then
applied to internal migrant and international migrant households in
order to predict per capita household income (excluding remittances) for
all migrant households. (8) The equation used was:
IRLND = irrigated land owned in village by household. (9)
RNLND = rainfed land owned in village by household.
EDUC15 = mean education of male household members over 15 years
(one if middle school or higher, zero otherwise).
HS = household size.
PROMALE15 = males in household over 15 years as proportion of
household size.
In order to predict per capita incomes with remittances for migrant
households, it is necessary to address another methodological problem.
In this study a number of migrant households receive both internal and
international remittances; (10) thus, using a single equation to
estimate per capita incomes with remittances would have the effect of
overestimating the internal or international remittances of households
with both sets of income. To overcome this problem, it is useful to
predict incomes with remittances by revising Equation (1) into two
separate equations. In the first equation, the dependent variable
becomes predicted per capita annual income (including internal
remittances) for internal migrant households (PRINTMIG). In the second
equation, the dependent variable becomes predicted per capita annual
income (including international remittances) for international migrant
households (PREXTMIG). (11) Migration dummy variables are also added to
each equation. (12) The revised equations can be written as:
INTMIG = households with internal migrants.
EXTMIG = households with international migrants.
In Equations (1), (2) and (3), the household size variable (HS)
includes the migrant when the equations are applied to migrant
households. This HS variable captures the effect of family size on
household income. In the equation it is hypothesised that the variables
irrigated land (IRLND), rainfed land (RNLND) and mean education of male
household members over 15 years (EDUC15) are positively correlated with
per capita household income. The variable proportion of males over 15
years (PROMALE15) is entered in the equations to capture the effect of
males on household income. The migration dummy variables--INTMIG and
EXTMIG--capture the impact of internal and international migration on
incomes in the including remittances situation.
Table 2 summarises the parameter results obtained from using
Equation (1) to estimate predicted per capita household income
(excluding remittances). All of the coefficients in Table 2 are
significantly different from zero at the 5 percent level.
Table 2 shows that both irrigated land (IRLND) and rainfed land
owned in village (RNLND) are strongly and positively correlated with
predicted per capita household income (excluding remittances). This is
to be expected, given the importance of land in this, and most other
rural Third World areas. The variables EDUC15 (mean education of males
over 15 years) and PROMALE15 (male members over 15 years as proportion
of household size) are also strongly and positively correlated with
predicted per capita household income (excluding remittances). These
relationships are also to be expected in an environment where education
has positive rates of return, and social custom and tradition normally
"permit" only males to earn income outside of the household.
Table 3 reports the results obtained from using Equation (2) to
estimate predicted per capita income (including internal remittances)
for internal migrant households. Five of the six coefficients are
significantly different from zero at the 5 percent level. Although it is
not statistically significant, the internal migration dummy variable (INTMIG) is positive, as expected. The results for this variable suggest
that the presence of an internal migrant raises predicted per capita
annual household income (including remittances) by 103.4 rupees (US $6).
Table 4 reports the results obtained from using Equation (3) to
estimate predicted per capita income (including international
remittances) for international migrant households. As in the previous
table, all of the coefficients are statistically significant except the
migration dummy variable (EXTMIG). The coefficient for the EXTMIG
variable suggests that the presence of an international migrant raises
predicted per capita annual household income (including remittances) by
407.7 rupees (US $ 25). (13)
The impact of remittances on rural income distribution depends on
answers to two questions. Which income groups of households produce
migrants? And how much do different income groups of migrants remit?
Table 5 attempts to answer these questions by using the results of
the predicted income equations. Column (1) ranks all 702 households by
income quintiles on the basis of their predicted per capita annual
income (excluding remittances). Columns (2) and (4) show the percent of
internal and international migrant households in each quintile. Columns
(3) and (5) reveal the mean per capita annual remittances received by
internal and international migrant households in each quintile. In this
analysis remittances include the income contributions of both returned
and current migrants.
On the question of who produces migrants, Table 5 shows that both
internal and international migrants are distributed fairly equally
through the income order. For internal migrants, Column (2) shows that
only the two lowest quintile groups produce less than their percentage
share of migrants. Similarly, for international migrants Column (4)
shows that only the lowest and the highest income groups fail to produce
their quintile share of migrants.
Table 5 also addresses the question of how much do different income
groups remit. For internal migrants, Column (3) shows that--with the
exception of the top quintile group--the level of mean per capita
internal remittances rises by quintile group. This pattern, however,
does not hold for international migrants. According to Column (5), the
second quintile actually receives the highest level of mean per capita
international remittances.
Since internal and international migrants are distributed fairly
equally through the income order, and poorer groups tend to receive a
larger share of international remittances, the results of Table 5
suggest that remittances may have a favourable effect on income
distribution. To evaluate this effect, it is necessary to compare the
changes in income distribution that occur when internal and
international remittances are excluded with those that occur when such
remittances are included.
Table 6 analyses the impact of internal and international
remittances on income distribution in the two situations: excluding and
including remittances. Column (1) ranks the 702 households according to
their predicted per capita annual income (excluding remittances). Column
(2) shows the share of income going to each quintile group excluding
remittances. The next two columns show the share of income going to each
quintile group when internal remittances (Column 3) and international
remittances (Column 4) are included. The final two columns summarise the
percentage changes in shares of income between the excluding and
including remittances situation for internal and international
Table 6 is instructive because it shows that both internal and
international remittance have an essentially neutral effect on income
distribution. Column (5) reveals only very small changes (less than 5.0
percent) in income for the different quintile groups when internal
remittances are included. Column (6) shows that the same situation
prevails for international remittances.
Changes in income distribution between the excluding and including
remittance situations are also small when measured by two standard
indices of inequality: the Gini coefficient and Theil's entropy measure. Table 6 shows that when internal remittances are included the
Gini coefficient rises from 0.298 to 0.305, while the Theil measure
increases from 0.151 to 0.164. When international remittances are
included, the Gini coefficient increases from 0.298 to 0.300, while the
Theil measure rises from 0.151 to 0.162. For both internal and
international remittances, the Theil measure reveals a higher percentage
increase in inequality--8.78 and 7.78 percent for internal and
international remittances, respectively--then the Gini coefficient. This
is probably due to the different character of the two inequality
measures: in general, the Theil measure has a greater sensitivity to
changes in extreme incomes than the Gini coefficient. Nevertheless, even
the results for the Theil measure suggest only a very small rise in
income inequality when internal or international remittances are
included in predicted per capita household income. (14)
This study shows that both internal and international remittances
have an essentially neutral impact on rural income distribution in
Pakistan. When internal remittances are included, the Gini coefficient
of inequality rises less than 3.0 percent, while the Theil entropy
measure increases less than 9.0 percent. Virtually the same results hold
for international remittances. When overseas remittances are added, the
Gini coefficient increases by less than 1.0 percent, while the Theil
measure rises less than 8.0 percent.
In this study remittances have a neutral effect on income
distribution because they are distributed fairly equally through the
income order. With the exception of the lowest income quintile, most
quintile groups of households manage to produce their percentage share
of both internal and international migrants. The latter result is
particularly surprising, given the high--and ostensibly prohibitive--"entry costs" to international migration in
Pakistan. At the time of this study, the average estimated cost of
international migration in Pakistan was 21,000 rupees (US $, 302). (15)
The results of this study suggest that international migrants from the
lower income quintile groups actually were able to either find or borrow
such large sums of money in order to migrate.
At this point, one final question remains: Why do remittances have
such a neutral effect on rural income distribution in Pakistan? Other
empirical studies [e.g., Adams (1991); Gilani, Khan and Iqbal (1981)]
have found that remittances--particularly international remittances from
the Middle East--have a negative impact on income distribution. Why is
this case different?
There are, perhaps, two answers to this question. The first
pertains to the distribution of remittances. As we have seen, in rural
Pakistan remittances are well-distributed among different groups of the
income order. The second answer, however, pertains to the volume or size
of remittances. In rural Pakistan the contribution of remittances--both
internal and international--to total household income is relatively
small. For migrant households, the share of internal remittances in mean
annual predicted per capita household income is only 3.0 percent, while
the share of international remittances in such income is only 10.5
percent. By contrast, a recent study using similar methodology in rural
Egypt found that for migrant households the share of international
remittances in mean annual predicted per capita income was 30.4 percent
[Adams (1991): Table 2]. In the Egyptian case both the large size of
international remittances and their unequal distribution among upper
income groups led remittances to have a decidedly negatively impact on
rural income distribution.
Adams, Jr., Richard H. (1989) Worker Remittances and Inequality in
Rural Egypt. Economic Development and Cultural Change 38: 45-71.
Adams, Jr., Richard H. (1991) The Effects of International
Remittances on Poverty, Inequality and Development in Rural Egypt.
Washington, D. C.: International Food Policy Research Institute.
(Research Report 86)
Alderman, Harold, and Marito Garcia (1991) Poverty, Household Food
Security and Nutrition in Rural Pakistan. (Mimeo). Washington, D.C.:
International Food Policy Research Institute.
Gilani, Ijaz, M. Fahim Khan and Munawar Iqbal (1981) Labour
Migration from Pakistan to the Middle East and Its Impact on the
Domestic Economy. Islamabad: Pakistan Institute of Development
Economics. (Research Report Series No.126.)
Irfan, Mohammad (1986) Migration and Development in Pakistan: Some
Selected Issues. The Pakistan Development Review 25:4 743-755.
Lipton, Michael (1980) Migration from Rural Areas of Poor
Countries: The Impact on Rural Productivity and Income Distribution.
World Development 8: 1-24.
Pakistan, Government of (1989) 1987-88 Household Income and
Expenditure Survey. Federal Bureau of Statistics. Islamabad.
Pasha, Hafiz, and Tariq Hasan (1982) Development Ranking of
Districts of Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Applied Economics 1,
Stark, Oded, J. Edward Taylor and Shlomo Yitzhaki (1986)
Remittances and Inequality. The Economic Journal 96: 722-740.
Comments on "The Effects of Migration and Remittances on
Inequality in RURAL Pakistan"
I found this paper to be quite interesting. It offered some new
insights on the effects of remittances on income inequality in rural
Pakistan. Moreover, it is based on a new data set of 702 households.
Because of the nature of a different data set, the methodology and
the time period of the study, the results of the paper are quite
different than other studies on the same topic in Pakistan. That is, the
result of a neutral effect of internal and international remittances on
rural income inequlaity in Pakistan. These results, however, seem a bit
counter-intuitive, if not counterfactual, given the fact that since the
mid-1970s massive emigration of workers on contract basis and the
resulting remittances were the two factors which had influenced the
economy of Pakistan more than any other factor.
The analysis of (only) the direct effect, that is the first order
effect, of internal and international remittances on rural income
distribution conceals changes in income distribution. The absence of the
second-order and third-order effects the effects on wages and employment
which were so prominent in the economy--makes it difficult to justify
the result of the neutral effect [see, Mahmood (1990); Mahmood (1991)].
Some important differences of the present study with other studies
on the same topic are worth noting before making any judgement about the
findings of the study. While Irfan (1986) reported that remittances
accounted for nearly 35 percent of the total earnings of the migrant
families, the present study reports that internal migrants'
remittances accounted for 4.6 percent and international migrants'
remittances accounted for 12.8 percent of total income of the migrant
families. On the other hand, the remittances estimates reported by
Farooq-i-Azam (1987) are more than three times than that reported in the
present study. The author has justified his low estimates of remittances
on the basis of an overall decline in international remittances received
by Pakistan after the mid-1980s. But from this evidence, it is difficult
to conclude that the average annual per capita remittances have also
declined. It may be noted that this is the period when the (net) reverse
migration was observed in Pakistan. And as is well-known that return
migrants bring in even their accumulated foreign savings. Therefore, low
remittances per family cannot be justified on the basis of an overall
decline in international remittances.
Contrary to the present study finding of a neutral inequality
effect of remittances, Irfan (1986), for instance, found that
remittances have led to a concentration of income. On the other hand, I
have computed both Gini and Theil's inequality indices which are
reported in the following table. These are for rural areas and are based
on Household Income and Expenditure Surveys. These estimates of
inequality suggest that between 1979 and 1984-85, which was a period of
high migration and the inflow remittances, income inequality in rural
Pakistan went and thereafter income inequality went down upto 1986-87 a
period which coincides with the return migration and slow down in
Keeping in view these findings, it is difficult to generalise that
the effect of remittances on income distribution is neutral. The present
study appears to be a special case of 4 districts.
Although, the methodology adopted in the paper is fairly
well-established, yet one can point out some problems with its
execution. For instance, from Tables 4 to 6, it can be noted that
unadjusted [R.sup.2] ranges between 0.37 and 0.46. That is, much of the
variations remained unexplained. Given these results, if the difference
between actual and predicted incomes are statistically significant, then
the use of the predicted income function technique will obviously give
biased results. Although one can argue that in a cross-section data
[R.sup.2] are generally low, yet the question arises whether given the
cross-section data the present methodology is the best choice.
As far as the selection of inequality measures are concerned they
also have a deep bearing on the results. Inequality indices used in the
paper are relatively insensitive to changes in the extreme income
classes. This is one of the reasons why it did not capture the unequal
distribution of migrants reported for the lowest 20 percent household.
To overcome this problem, I suggest that the author may also try the
coefficient of variation as it gives equal weights to transfers of
income at different income levels.
Finally, the author has used overall inquality measures which often
conceal a considerable amount of information about inequalities. The
neutrality found in this study may not be so pronounced had the author
used some disaggregated inequality measures.
Zafar Mahmood
Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad.
Azam, F. (1987) Re-integration of Return Migrants in Asia: A Review
and Proposals. New Delhi: ILO-ARTEP.
Irfan, M. (1986) Migration and Development in Pakistan: Some
Selected Issues. The Pakistan Development Review 25:4.
Mahmood, Z. (1990) The Substitutability of Emigrants and
Non-migrants in the Construction Sector of Pakistan. The Pakistan
Development Review 29:2.
Mahmood, Z. (1991) Emigration and Wages in an Open Economy: Some
Evidence from Pakistan. The Pakistan Development Review 30:3.
Rural Household Income Inequality in Pakistan
Year Gini-coefficient Theil-coefficient
1979 0.33 0.21
1984-85 0.34 0.22
1985-86 0.33 0.20
1986-87 0.32 0.18
Source: Based on Household Income and Expenditure Survey (various
Author's Note: An earlier version of the paper was presented
at the 8th Annual General Meeting of the Pakistan Society of Development
Economists, January 7-9, 1992 at Islamabad.
(1) For international remittances alone, Stark, Taylor and Yitzhaki
(1986) find that remittances from abroad had an equalising influence on
incomes in one village and an unequalising influence in another.
(2) This study was undertaken by the International Food Policy
Research Institute (IFPRI) working in collaboration with Pakistani
research institutes--Applied Economic Research Centre (University of
Karachi), Punjab Economic Research Institute (Lahore) and the Center for
Applied Economic Studies (University of Peshawar). For more details on
the study, see Alderman and Garcia (1991).
(3) The sample was randomly drawn with all rural residents in the
selected districts having an equal probability of being included.
Landowners who reside in urban areas, therefore, are not included in the
sample. Since unweighted samples generally tend to miss the apex of a
distribution, the fact that there are, for example, far fewer households
owning 3,000 acres of land than there are households owning 3 acres may
lead to a slight under representation of the skew of landholding in any
moderately sized sample.
(4) The 702 households were distributed as follows: 147 from Attock
District (Punjab), 234 from Badin District (Sindh), 176 from Dir
District (Northwest Frontier Province) and 145 from Faisalabad District (Punjab).
(5) In this study 279 of the 416 non-migrant households report
receiving remittances. However, actual mean per capita internal and
international remittances for these 416 non-migrant households are only
37 rupees (US $ 2.30) and 10 rupees (US $ 0.62), respectively.
(6) According to the data, the 702 survey households produced a
total of 78 female migrants and 10 male migrants under the age of 15
years. For more on the propensity of Pakistan females to migrate in
order to marry, see Irfan (1986).
(7) These rates of migration from the 1987-88 Pakistan Household
Income and Expenditure Survey were calculated by determining the number
of households reporting (at the time of survey) the receipt of either
internal or international remittances.
(8) This method of predicting the incomes of migrants households
assumes that the only way in which non-migrant households differ from
migrant households is that the latter had or still have a migrant.
Internal migrant and international migrant households are not assumed to
differ in any entrepreneurial or other way which might affect their
income in a manner apart from the relationships captured by the
variables used in the predicted income equations.
(9) To avoid the problem of endogeneity, it would be best if the
land variable--irrigated land (IRLND) and rainfed land (RNLND)--used in
this paper were measured at time of migration, rather than at time of
survey. This is a concern because many studies have found that migrants
tend to devote their remittance expenditures on land. Two points,
however, need to be noted. First, more recent studies [e.g. Adams
(1991); Gilani, Khan and Iqbal (1981)] have found that migrants tend to
devote only a small portion (15-20 percent) of their total remittances
expenditures on land. Second, these studies have found that
migrants--especially international migrants tend to spend more on land
for building purposes (e.g. house construction), rather than on
agricultural land. On these bases, it seems unlikely that using
agricultural land variables measured at time of survey--rather than at
time of migration--introduces any serious bias into the predicted income
equations used in this paper.
(10) In this study, 26 of the 239 internal migrant households
receive international remittances and 11 of the 74 international migrant
households receive internal remittances.
(11) The dependent variables in Equations (2) and (3) include the
remittances of households with both current and returned migrants.
(12) In Equations (2) and (3), per capita household income
(including remittances) for non-migrant households is calculated by
setting the migration variables (INTMIG and EXTMIG) to zero.
(13) The results of the migration dummy variables--INTMIG and
EXTMIG--are predicted values and thus may not equal the actual values
recorded in Table 1.
(14) It can be argued that the use of predicted income figures to
calculate these changes in inequality may have the effect of
underestimating the actual degree of increase in income inequality.
According to this argument, depending on the percentage of variance explained by the predicted equations, the predicted income figures will
have a smaller variance than actual incomes. This in turn may cause
estimates of changes in the degree of inequality to be smaller than they
actually were. However, when actual--rather than predicted--per capita
household incomes are used in calculate these changes in inequality the
results are almost identical to those reported in the text. When actual
income figures are used, neither the Gini coefficient nor the Theil
measure increase more than 3.0 percent when internal or international
remittances are included.
(15) During the period 1986-89 the costs of international migration
in Pakistan included the expenses of travel (8,000 rupees) plus the fees
(13,000 rupees) paid to an labour-recruiting agent in Pakistan for
visa,, work permit and other documentation in the country of
Richard H. Adams, Jr. is associated with the International Food
Policy Research Institute, Washington, D.C. 20036.
Table 1
Selected Characteristics of Non-Migrant, Internal Migrant
and International Migrant Households, Pakistan,
1981-87-1988-89 Pakistan Survey
Non-Migrant Households
Item Households (a)
Migration and Remittances
1. Number of Households 416 239
2. Actual Mean Per Capita
Annual Household Income
(Including Remittances) 3,269.75 3,121.43
(Rupees) (-0.69)
3. Actual Mean Per Capita
Remittances (Rupees) -- 142.96
4. Share of Remittances in
Actual Mean Per Capita
Annual Household Income
(Percent) -- 4.58
5. Mean Irrigated Land 5.25 2.00
Owned in Village (Acres) (4.10) **
6. Mean rainfed Land Owned 1.76 4.30
in Village (Acres) (-2.87) **
7. Mean Household Size 8.67 9.99
(-3.76) **
8. Mean Number of Males
over 15 Years Old in 2.39 3.14
Household (-6.08) **
9. Mean Education of Males
over 15 Years in Household
(One in Middle School or 0.26 0.38
Higher, Zero otherwise) (-4.18) **
Item (a)
Migration and Remittances
1. Number of Households 74
2. Actual Mean Per Capita
Annual Household Income
(Including Remittances) 4,314.80
(Rupees) (-3.04) **
3. Actual Mean Per Capita
Remittances (Rupees) 552.72
4. Share of Remittances in
Actual Mean Per Capita
Annual Household Income
(Percent) 12.81
5. Mean Irrigated Land 2.36
Owned in Village (Acres) (2.12) **
6. Mean rainfed Land Owned 4.20
in Village (Acres) (-1.96) **
7. Mean Household Size 11.98
(-6.24) **
8. Mean Number of Males
over 15 Years Old in 3.58
Household (-6.44) **
9. Mean Education of Males
over 15 Years in Household
(One in Middle School or 0.44
Higher, Zero otherwise) (-3.96) **
Notes: N=702 households. 1 Rupee = US $ 0.062. Sum of
households in row (1) exceeds 702 because 27 households have
both an internal and an international migrant. Household
means are those recorded in 1987.
Numbers in parentheses are t-statistics (two-tailed), which
measure differences between non-migrant households and
internal migrant or international migrant households.
(a) Includes both returned and current migrants.
** Difference between households is significant at
the .05 level.
Table 2
Regression to Estimate Predicted Per Capita Annual
Household Income, (Excluding Remittances)
Variable Coefficient t-Ratio
Irrigated Land Owned in Village
(IRLAND) 125.564 14.217 **
Rainfed Land Owned in Village
(IRNLAND) 78.499 8.050 **
Mean Education of Male Household
Members over 15 Years (EDUC15)
(One if Middle School or Higher,
Zero otherwise) 1388.828 4.950 **
Household Size (HS) -106.808 -4.214 **
Males in Household over 15 Years
as Proportion of Household Size
(P,ROMALE15) 2442.472 3.549 **
Constant 2320.399 6.655 **
[R.sup.2] = 0.442
Notes: Regression is based on 416 non-migrant households.
The parameters are used to estimate predicted per capita
annual income (excluding remittances) for internal migrant
and international migrant households. The dependent variable
is per capita annual household income (excluding remittances)
** Difference is significant at the .05 level.
Table 3
Regression to Estimate Predicted Per Capita Annual
Income, (Including Internal Remittances) for Internal
Migrant Household
Regression t-Ratio
Variable Coefficient
Irrigated Land Owned in Village
(RNLAND) 125.855 19.510 **
Rainfed Land Owned in Village
(RNLAND) 77.970 13.532 **
Mean Education of Male Household
Members over 15 Years (EDUC15)
(One if Middle School or Higher,
Zero otherwise) 1445.406 8.039 **
Household Size (HS) -106.96 -7.135 **
Males in Household over 15 Years
as Proportion of Household Size
(PROMALE15) 2487.458 5.706 **
Internal Migrant (INTMIG) 103.417 0.762
Constant 2293.159 10.437 **
[R.sup.2] = 0.530
Notes. Regression includes 655 households: 416 non-migrant
and 239 internal migrant households. The parameters are used
to estimate predicted per capita income (including
remittances) for internal migrant households. The dependent
variable is per capita annual household income (including
internal remittances) (PRINTMIG).
** Difference is significant at the .05 level.
Table 4
Regression to Estimate Predicted Per Capita Annual
Income, (Including Internal Remittances) for International
Migrant Household
Variable Coefficient t-Ratio
Irrigated Land Owned in Village
(IRLAND) 125.307 15.936 **
Rainfed Land Owned in Village
(RNLAND) 78.034 9.121 **
Mean Education of Male Household
Members Over 15 Years (EDUC15)
(One if Middle School or Higher,
Zero otherwise) 1381.204 5.715 **
Household Size (HS) -107.23 -5.144 **
Males in Household Over 15 Years
as Proportion of Household Size
(PROMALE15) 2377.704 3.983 **
International Migrant (EXTIMIG) 407.709 1.631
Constant 2347.128 7.822 **
[R.sup.2] = 0.461
Notes: Regression includes 490 households: 416 non-migrant
and 74 international migrant households. The parameters are
used to estimate predicted per capita income (including
remittances) for international migrant households. The
dependent variable is per capita annual household income
(including international remittances) (PRINTIMIG).
* Difference is significant at the .05 level.
Table 5
Distribution of Migrant Households and Mean Per Capita
Remittances Among Income Quintiles Ranked by Predicted Per
Capita Annual Household Income, Excluding Remittances
Mean Per
Capita Annual
Percent of 702 Percent of Remittances
Households Ranked Internal Received by
by Predicted Migrant Internal Migrant
Per Capita Annual Households (a) Households
Income (Excluding in Group in Group
Remittances) (N=239) (Rupees)
Lowest 20 percent 12.55 38.91
Second 20 percent 17.57 66.19
Third 20 percent 25.52 65.57
Fourth 20 percent 22.59 191.17
Top 20 percent 21.76 120.81
(Top 10 percent) (6.70) (89.81)
All 100.0 105.33
Mean Per
Capital Annual
Percent of 702 Percent of Remittances
Households Ranked International Received by
by Predicted Migrant International
Per Capita Annual Households (a) Migrant
Income (Excluding in Group Households in
Remittances) (N=74) Group (Rupees)
Lowest 20 percent 14.86 236.79
Second 20 percent 20.27 693.80
Third 20 percent 22.97 409.13
Fourth 20 percent 25.68 348.64
Top 20 percent 16.22 214.59
(Top 10 percent) (5.41) (138.97)
All 100.0 398.22
Notes: 1 Rupee = US $ 0.062.
(a) Includes both returned and current migrants.
Table 6
Effects of Internal and International Remittances on
Rural Per Capita Household Income Distribution
Percent of Predicted Per Capita
Annual Income
Percent of 702
Households Ranked
by Predicted Per
Annual Income Including
(Excluding Excluding Internal
Remittances) Remittances Remittances (a)
Lowest 20 Percent 8.71 8.36
Second 20 Percent 13.57 13.33
Third 20 Percent 17.14 16.88
Fourth 20 Percent 21.85 22.16
Top 20 Percent 38.74 39.27
(Top 10 Percent) (24.40) (24.86)
Gini coefficient (b) 0.298 0.305
Theil's Entropy Measure (c) 0.151 0.164
Percent of Predicted Per Capita
Annual Income
Percent of 702
Households Ranked Change between
by Predicted Per Columns
Annual Income Including (2) and (3)
(Excluding International for Internal
Remittances) Remittances (a) Remittances (a)
Lowest 20 Percent 8.40 -4.06
Second 20 Percent 13.64 -1.72
Third 20 Percent 16.97 -1.54
Fourth 20 Percent 21.95 1.42
Top 20 Percent 39.08 2.47
(Top 10 Percent) (24.78) (1.91)
Gini coefficient (b) 0.300 2.21
Theil's Entropy Measure (c) 0.162 8.78
Percent of
Predicted Per
Capita Annual
Percent of 702
Households Ranked Change
by Predicted Per between Columns
Annual Income (2) and (4)
(Excluding for International
Remittances) Remittances (a)
Lowest 20 Percent -3.52
Second 20 Percent 0.54
Third 20 Percent -0.97
Fourth 20 Percent 0.49
Top 20 Percent 0.95
(Top 10 Percent) (1.56)
Gini coefficient (b) 0.47
Theil's Entropy Measure (c) 7.78
Notes: (a) Internal and international remittances include remittances
from both returned and current migrants.
(b) The Gini coefficient is an index commonly used to measure the
inequality of a distribution of income. It can be represented as:
G = I + I/H-2/HY [H.summation over (1)] p(h)[y.sup.h],
[H.sub.h] = number of units,
Y = quantity over which inequality is measured,
Y = total inequality, and
[p.sup.(h)] = rank assigned to household h ranked by Y.
(c) Theil's entropy measure is another index used to measure
inequlaity of distribution of income. Scaled to lie between 0 and 1,
it can be expressed as
T = 1- Y/H exp (- [summation] [Y.sup.h/Y L[ny.sup.h])