Public and private net savings in developing countries: some empirical tests for the period 1972-88.
Cornelisse, Peter A. ; van de Mortel, Elma
The severe shocks that rocked the world economy in the 1970s and
the ensuing efforts to adjust and to renew economic growth have had a
profound effect on the economic literature. Especially the external and
public debt problems which reached critical dimensions in many countries
attracted much attention. Thus, in the field of macroeconomics financial
issues have gained more prominence over the last two decades. Studies
relating to the fiscal deficit have been particularly numerous. The
critical size of national public debts, the contribution of the public
debt to external debt, the reduced confidence in the state as the guide
in socioeconomic development and the role of fiscal policy in adjustment
processes are among the main reasons for this increased interest.
What the theoretical studies in this field have shown above all is
that the relations between public finance and the rest of the economy
are highly complex. Many aspects have to be considered, often
simultaneously. A few examples will help to illustrate the dimensions of
the problem. (1) First there is of course the nature of the fiscal
deficit that must be considered. In this connection such questions arise
as How has the deficit been caused: by the private sector or by the
public sector, and in the latter case: due to a change in taxes or to a
change in spending and in the latter case: spending on consumption or
investment? And, further, How has the deficit been financed: by money or
by bond issue, and in the latter case: to domestic or foreign creditors?
Secondly there are the aspects relating to the structure of the economy,
such as the degree of capacity utilisation, the flexibility of domestic
prices and the exchange rate, the openness of the economy to
international capital and commodity markets and the level of development
of domestic financial markets. And thirdly there is a whole array of
behavioural assumptions regarding, e.g. the effect of investment on
imports, of taxes (and public debt) on private consumption, of public
investment on private investment, of fiscal policy on capital imports
and exports and of commodity imports and exports on public revenue. It
stands to reason that with such a rich menu of alternative formulations
models can be constructed to explain almost any effect of fiscal
deficits on main economic variables as economic growth, inflation and
the current account of the balance of payments. (2)
In such a situation empirical tests can be useful by shedding light
on the relative importance of various assumptions in the real world. Now
that a reasonably long time period has passed since the first oil
crisis, such studies can be expected to be more reliable than they could
be earlier. There are, however, two complications in this connection.
One is that, in view of the multitude of relevant aspects to be
considered, one can hardly expect to find a single pattern that captures
the experiences of all countries, or even of a large group of countries.
The other has to do with the problem studied. After a large-scale crisis
countries have to adapt, so behavioural relations are likely to alter in
the course of time with obvious consequences for the stability of these
The present paper presents the preliminary results of an empirical
exercise examining the relation between the savings balances of the
private and public sectors in developing countries. An attempt has been
made to take into account the above observations made in the foregoing
paragraphs by including data relating to a wide variety of countries and
spanning almost two decades.
In recent years much attention has been given to the relation
between the public deficit and the balance of payments. A few selected
theories will now be discussed briefly in order to illustrate the
variation in the outcomes they suggest. The following expression will
serve as a reference:
(E - M)= a + b(Sg - Ig) ... ... ... ... (2.1)
where E and M represent total revenues and total expenditures in
the current account respectively and Sg and Ig represent public savings
and public investment.
In the fiscal approach to the balance of payments--as advocated by
the new Cambridge school--it is assumed that the demand for financial
assets by the private sector is a phase in the adjustment towards stock
equilibrium. In other words, there is a limit to that sector's
willingness to absorb bonds issued by the public sector which means that
the public deficit must ultimately be financed by foreign capital. Over
time, therefore, the public deficit is expected to equal the deficit on
the current account. According to this reasoning external events,
domestic costs and exchange rate movements are of little relevance to
the current account. In terms of (2.1) it predicts a to be close to zero
and b to be close to one.
In the well-known Mundell-Fleming model with its Keynesian setting
of fixed prices and excess capacity the effect of a fiscal expansion
depends on the exchange-rate regime. With flexible rates fiscal
expansion induces an appreciation which reduces exports and raises
imports. As a result income remains unaffected and the public budget and
the current account deteriorate by the same magnitude. So, while the
analysis differs, the result here is largely the same as in the fiscal
approach in the sense that also here b is expected to be equal to one.
However, when the exchange rate is fixed exports remain unaffected while
income rises and imports follow, so the budget deteriorates more than
the current account. In this variant b is positive, but less than one.
In the intertemporal approach the Ricardian equivalence hypothesis
is often assumed to hold. Thus, the private sector is assumed to regard
public debt as postponed taxes such that a rise in the public deficit
generates a rise in private savings in anticipation of a future tax
rise. It follows that in this straightforward variant coefficient b is
expected to be zero.
The above-mentioned theoretical approaches predicted b to be zero
or positive, but not larger than one. But it is easy to picture
situations which result in b > 1. Take for example the case where
both public and private income depend strongly and directly on export
revenues, as in oil-exporting countries, while expenditures remain
largely unaffected. In such a case a rise in export revenues will boost
net savings in the private as well as in the public sector, so b will be
greater than one. (3)
After this brief excursion into macroeconomic theory account must
now be taken of the fact that the present tests relate to developing
countries. Obviously, characteristics of this group of countries should
be included in the analysis. One such characteristic is the difficulty
which most developing countries have in attracting foreign capital. So,
where the above-mentioned theories assumed perfect capital mobility,
their applicability to developing countries is limited. If capital
imports are constrained, an exogenous increase in the real public
savings deficit cannot spill over fully into the deficit on the current
account and, as a consequence, the adaptation must consist of an
increased surplus on the private savings balance. Under such conditions
one expects to find a one-on-one trade-off between public and private
In principle, under constrained capital imports the same outcome
can result when the private sector's savings balance deteriorates
and the public sector compensates in reaction. But in the real world
this is not a very likely situation when funds are in short supply.
Under these circumstances governments tend to create a privileged
position for themselves in financial markets, such that they are in a
better position to carry out their expenditure plans than agents in the
private sector. Moreover, monetary financing and seignorage revenues add
to the advantage which the public sector has in this respect over the
private sector.
In order to express the relation between public and private net
savings under constrained capital mobility (2.1) can be rewritten by
substitution into identity
(E - M) = (Sp - Ip) + (Sg - Ig) to get ... ... ... (2.2)
(Sp - Ip) = a + c (Sg - Ig) ... ... ... (2.3)
where c = (b - 1) and index p relates to the private sector.
Equation (2.3) is the focus of attention in this paper. In order to
allow comparison with outcomes presented elsewhere a standardised
version of (2.3) has also been tested:
(Sp - Ip) / Y = d + f(Sg - Ig)/Y ... ... ... (2.4)
Even though this paper is concerned with only the most common
macroeconomic variables the data used here require some explanation.
This is not because a special interpretation of these variables has been
adopted here, (4) but because some simple operations had to be applied
in order to arrive at the data used in the tests.
The data relating to the public sector have been obtained from the
entry "Over-all Deficit/Surplus" in I.M.F.'s Government
Finance Statistics Yearbook 1990--supplemented where necessary by
volumes from other years. This deficit/surplus is defined as (tax
revenue + nontax revenue + grants + capital revenue)--(current
expenditure + capital expenditure + total lending minus repayments). The
public sector should be interpreted here as "consolidated central
government". The balance on the current account has been obtained
from I.M.F.'s International Finance Statistics Yearbook 1990.
The private sector's savings balance has been computed as the
difference between the balance on the current account and the public
sector's savings balance. The problem here is that the former is
given in dollars and the latter in domestic currency and that the
current official exchange rate is an inadequate instrument for
conversion. Not only can the official rate not be expected to have
reflected adequately the value of foreign exchange in many developing
countries, it has been adjusted in the past by bounds and leaps and
these create very large statistical distortions when deriving the
figures for the private sector's savings balance.
In order to avoid this problem the net savings by the public sector
in consecutive years have first been expressed for each country in the
sample in constant prices of 1985 with the GDP deflator--the GNP deflator for Turkey and the Philippines--again using the I.F.S. Yearbook
of 1986 and 1990. Values thus obtained have been converted into dollars
with the 1985 exchange rates. Figures for the current account balances -
which are given in current dollar values--have been expressed in dollars
of 1985 with the United States GNP deflator. Hence, the computed savings
balances for the private sector are also expressed in dollars of 1985.
Further, for the standardised version of (2.3) data are required
relating to the gross national product. The values for this variable
have also been taken from the I.F.S. Yearbook. They have been converted
into dollars of 1985 in the same way as described above for the net
savings of the public sector.
Time series of acceptable length, i.e. running from 1972-73 to
1987-88, could be obtained for 25 developing countries of which seven
are situated in Africa, eleven in Asia and seven in Latin America. The
countries concerned are listed in the Table 1.
The balance on the current account can also be viewed as the change
in net foreign assets and, similarly, the savings balances of the
private and public sectors can be interpreted as the changes in these
sectors' net asset positions. Identity (2.2) connects these
variables. Therefore, the figures collected can provide some insight
into the question whether, for the countries included in the sample, the
public or the private sector contributed most to the accumulation of
foreign debt over the period considered here.
It appears that in 13 of the 25 countries investigated the public
sector accumulated between 1972-73 and 1987-88 considerable negative
savings balances, while the private sector showed non-negative balances
over this period as a whole. These countries are Egypt, Ghana, Uganda,
Zimbabwe, India, Malaysia, Oman, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Brazil,
Mexico and E1 Salvador. In 7 other countries both sectors contributed
significantly to foreign debt, viz. Kenya, Morocco, Tunisia,
Philippines, Thailand, Colombia and Peru. In 2 countries (Singapore and
Chile) only the private sector showed negative savings balances, while
in the remaining 3 countries (Indonesia, Korea and Venezuela) neither
the private nor the public sector accumulated negative balances. These
findings tend to confirm the widely-held view that public deficits are
in most cases the prime cause of foreign debt accumulation in developing
In passing it may be noted that Venezuela, one of the problem
debtor countries, is listed here among the countries with a positive
cumulative balance on the current account over the period 1972--1988.
The answer to this paradox lies probably in unrecorded capital exports
(capital flight) over the same period. In other words, Venezuela's
liabilities to the rest of the world may well be offset to a large
extent by the claims it holds. (5)
The development of public deficits appears to have taken an
especially bad turn in many developing countries around 1980. Since we
know that public investments have been reduced at the same time, it
follows that public savings must have fallen even more. Indeed, other
sources (6) confirm that public savings--hardly ever a strong point of
public policy (7)--fell considerably in relative and even in absolute
terms during the ensuing period.
We now turn to the results of tests of (2.3) as presented in Table
1 on lines (1). The results of regressions of (2.4), the standardised
version of (2.3), are given on lines (2). A wide variety of developing
countries has been included in the present exercise in an attempt to
take account of the multitude of factors which may have shaped the
relation between public and private net savings. So, knowing that the
influence of these factors points in different directions, a great
similarity in the outcomes for individual countries would obviously
suggest domination of one such factor. However, a single pattern does
not emerge from the figures presented in Table 1; coefficient c (in
column 5) adopts negative values in some countries, positive values in
others and does not differ significantly from zero in still other
countries. Obviously, a negative value indicates a compensatory movement
and a positive value a reinforcing movement of private savings vis a vis
public net savings. In the first case the effect of, for example, an
increase in the fiscal deficit on the deficit on the current account
would be muted by an improvement in the private savings balance; in the
second case, however, the effect would be amplified. Table 1 shows that
in 14 countries coefficient c is significantly negative at the ten
percent confidence level, while in 2 countries it is positive. In the
other 9 cases the value of c does not differ significantly from zero.
This distribution of values can also be observed in the three continents
separately, perhaps with the exception of Asia where a higher
concentration of near-zero values can be found.
While the values of c vary, it should also be noted that they do
not assume extreme values. For example, no number reported in column 5
is significantly below -1. Of course, a value of c < -1 would imply
that a change in net savings in one sector would be more than
compensated by the reaction of the other sector; an increase in the
fiscal deficit would thus result in an improvement of the current
account. In the context of a model of a two-sector economy Borensztein
(8) shows that such an outcome may not be as unlikely as it seems,
depending on the relative productivity in the home goods versus the
international goods sector. Some evidence is provided in support of this
argument. Here we must conclude that the present findings do not confirm
Comparing values of c with corresponding values of f (in column 6)
one finds that the differences are insignificant in most cases.
Countries deviating from this rule, such as Egypt and Pakistan, probably
experience a correlation between gross national product and public net
savings. The distribution of values of coefficient f is similar to that
of c; the overall score here is 12 negative, 4 positive and 9 near-zero
The above observations suggest that countermovement of private and
public net savings is more common than comovement. This is perhaps not a
surprising conclusion with a view to the constraint on capital imports
in developing countries mentioned earlier. When this constraint is
active, a fall in net savings in one sector of the economy must be
compensated by a rise in net savings in the other sector in accordance with the inflexible law expressed by identity (2.2). The fact that there
is no lag involved in (2.3) and (2.4), implying that the relations test
an instantaneous reaction, adds to this argument.
In this connection, however, it is worthwhile to briefly consider
the experience of developed countries. It is generally believed that
these countries' access to international capital markets is
relatively easy. Yet it has been found on several occasions that
national volumes of savings and investments in developed countries are
strongly correlated and that, therefore, even these countries'
capital exports and imports are relatively thin. Whether this finding
can be attributed to imperfections in international capital markets or
to other factors is a matter of intense debate. (9)
For the subject discussed here it is important to note, however,
that the correlation between savings and investments as observed in
developed countries seems to be at least partly the result of a
countermovement of public and private savings balances. In a study of 16
developed countries using data for the period 1965--1982 Soderstrom (10)
finds that coefficient f is negative at the five percent confidence
level in 12 countries and not significantly different from zero in the
remaining 4 countries. In other words, the concentration of negative
values off in our tests relating to developing countries seems to be
lower rather than higher than that in earlier tests relating to
developed countries. This finding suggests that there are factors other
than constrained international mobility of capital causing a negative
relation between public and private net savings.
Visual inspection of the behaviour of net savings balances of
individual countries over time as collected for the present exercise
reveals that some countries--especially those in Latin America--shift
from a pattern of comovement to one of countermovement of public and
private savings balances. This shift occurred between 1980 and 1982. The
timing, the swiftness and the location--Latin American countries being
prominent victims of the debt crisis--of this phenomenon suggest a
connection with the tightening of international capital flows.
Unfortunately, it has not been possible so far to statistically identify
the event which triggered this behaviour shift.
It needs to be repeated that the present paper only gives some
observations and no explanations regarding the relation between the
savings balances of the public and the private sector in developing
countries. Two possibly closely related questions stand out: (1) What
causes c (and f) to differ between countries? and (2) Which trigger
mechanism causes some countries to shift from a pattern where c (or f)
> 0 to one where c (or)') < 0? Answers to these questions
would at least require a study of the behaviour of the individual
sectoral savings and investment variables composing the sectoral
balances examined above.
Empirically verified relations can be used for policy purposes even
if they are not properly understood, but in this case a word of caution
is appropriate. For example, the decision to slacken fiscal discipline
could be highly damaging to the economy concerned even if the savings
balances of private and public sector appear to move in opposite
directions. Only under special conditions--relating to the degree of
capacity utilisation, the presence or absence of bottlenecks in
production, the direction of public expenditure, the impact of private
versus public expenditure, the mode of financing the public deficit, the
size of the public debt and so on--can such a decision have beneficial
Comments on "Public and Private Net Savings in Developing
Countries: Some Empirical Tests for the Period 1972-88"
Mr Chairman, Professor Naqvi and friends, let me thank you for
inviting me to attend the Eighth Annual General Meeting of the Pakistan
Society of Development Economists. It is a pleasure to visit Pakistan
again and I am delighted to see the political and economic changes since
I was last here in 1986.
Let me now turn to Professor Cornelisse's paper. Professor
Cornelisse has presented an interesting paper on a difficult and
controversial topic. Even in countries like the U.S.A. where national
debt has been increasing at an alarming rate and the balance of trade
has remained in the red since 1981, there is no unanimity among
economists that the public debt is a function of foreign debt.
The author states that there is a limit to the private
sector's willingness to absorb bonds issued by the public sector
which means that the public debt must ultimately be financed by foreign
capital. If bond prices decline sufficiently the yield will rise and
this will make it possible to obtain funds to finance investments. The
crowding out effect, however, may be detrimental to economic growth in
the long run.
The crowding out effect is largely the result of increasing public
debt which is financed from the sale of government securities or
borrowings from abroad. In any event this places a burden on future
generations. Rising interest rate may indeed discourage private
investment as well. The governments will also be obliged to allocate a
larger percentage of their budget towards payment of interest. The
public is thus taxed to pay for the services they do not receive but
were rendered to the past generation(s).
This paper takes into account the effect of the National Debt on
the Foreign Trade Deficit. However, in the literature such relationships
are not widely accepted. In recent years greater attention is paid to
this relationship, not so much in the context of the developing
countries, as they are expected to import capital goods etc., but more
so in the case of the developed countries.
Repayment of external debt places a constraint on foreign exchange
and domestic debt financing. If continued on a long-term basis, it will
tend to raise interest rates.
In preparing this paper the author encountered difficulties with
data which places constraints on this study. I have serious problems
with the model itself. The author states that on a theoretical
basis/B/has to be 1, in order to maintain the equality of the two sides
of the equation. The statistical results presented in the paper are
interesting. The conclusions are supported by the results. These
results, given the constraints, may be considered as first
In conclusion let me state that this is an interesting topic and I
suspect more work will be done in this area in the future.
Habib A. Zuberi
Central Michigan University, USA.
Comments on "Public and Private Net Savings in Developing
Countries: Some Empirical Tests for the Period 1972-88"
Budgetary development in recent years has emerged as the most
notable problem of economic management in many developing countries. The
current debate surrounding fiscal imbalances is now focussing on its
macroeconomic effects on the various sectors of the economy. For
example, the papers by FitzGerald (1979, 1980); Looney and Frederkisen
(1987) and Khan and Iqbal (1991) deal particularly with this issue. In
other words, these papers examine the impact of the fiscal deficit on
private sector activities in developing countries.
The paper under review simply examines the empirical relationship between private and public savings for a number of developing countries.
The paper presents only the empirical observations but gives no
explanations regarding the relationship between public and private
savings, hence very little policy implications come from the paper.
In order to examine the relation between public and private net
savings the authors begin with a rather ad hoc equation
(E-M) = a + b ([S.sub.g] - [I.sub.g])
where E and M represent total exports and total imports
respectively and [S.sub.g] and [I.sub.g] represent public savings and
public investment. It may be pointed out that Equation (2.1) or for that
matter, Equations (2.2) and (2.3) are pure identities derived from the
national accounts. For example, the national income account identity is
written as
Y = C + I-E-M ... ... ... ... (1)
where Y is gross national product; C is total consumption (private
and public); I is total investment (private and public) and E and M are
already defined above. The national income account identity can be
written as:
Y -C = I + E-M
or S = I + E-M
or [S.sub.p] + [S.sub.g] = [I.sub.p] + [I.sub.g] + E-M
or E - M = ([S.sub.p] - [I.sub.p)] + ([S.sub.g] - [I.sub.g]) ...
... ... ... (2)
where subscript 'p' and 'g' refer to private
and public respectively. Our Equation (2) is the author's Equation
(2.2) which is simply an identity derived from the national accounts. It
is not clear as to how the author has converted an identity into a
structural equation with 'a' and 'b' as its
The author claims that different values of the parameter 'b' represent different theories which as the fiscal approach
to the balance of payments advocated by the New Cambridge school, the
Mundell-Fleming model with Keynesian setting and the Ricardian
Equivalence Hypothesis. The author argues that Equation (2.1) cannot be
used for developing countries because it assumes perfect capital
mobility. Therefore, using apparently the national income identity, the
authors derive Equation (2.2) and by substituting Equations (2.1) in
Equation (2.2) they arrive at Equation (2.3).
First of all it is not clear as to why Equation (2.1) assume
perfect capital mobility while Equation (2.2) implies imperfect capital
mobility? Second, whether the author has a Feldstein and Horioka (1980)
type of analysis in mind when he talks about perfect/imperfect capital
Coming to the result part of the paper, the author finds, in some
cases, public and private savings are substitutes and in other cases
complements of each other. In the case of substitutes, an increase in
the fiscal deficit implies an increase in private saving. Does this mean
that a country like Pakistan whose private saving is very low should
tolerate large fiscal deficits to raise private savings? The
authors' answer is yes but under special conditions. It would have
been extremely useful, had the authors spelled out the exact condition
under which large fiscal deficits increase private savings.
Furthermore, the author has discussed the coefficient 'c'
of Equation (2.3) but c=b-1, therefore, the coefficient 'b'
could have been derived and discussed in relation to the three theories
which the author has discussed at the beginning of the paper.
By looking at Equation (2.3) it is not al all clear whether the
direction of causation is running from public sector savings to private
sector savings or is it the other way around or whether is it
bi-directional. Both private and public sector savings appear to be
interdependent and hence, using OLS could introduce a simultaneous
equation bias.
It would have been much better had the author given the explanation
of substitution/complementary role of public and private savings. Why in
some cases is it a substitute and in other cases a complement?
Furthermore, what do these results suggest in terms of various
theories that have been discussed in the paper?
At the end, I must say that the paper has touched an interesting
area where ample scope for further research exists.
Ashfaque H. Khan
Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad.
Feldstein, M., and C. Horioka (1980) Domestic Saving and
International Capital Flows. Economic Journal 90:1.
FitzGerald, E. V. K. (1979) The Fiscal Deficit and Development
Finance: A Note on the Accumulation Balance in Mexico. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Centre of Latin American Studies. (Working Paper
No. 35.)
FitzGerald, E. V. K. (1980) A Note on Capital Accumulation in
Mexico: The Budget Deficit and Investment Finance. Development and
Change 1I:3, July.
Khan, Ashfaque H., and Zafar Iqbal (1991) Fiscal Deficit and
Private Sector Activities in Pakistan. Economia Internazionale XLIV:283,
Looney, R. E., and P. C. Frederiksen (1987) Fiscal Policy in
Mexico: The FitzGerald Thesis Re-examined. World Development 15:3,
Borensztein, E. R. (1989) Fiscal Policy and Foreign Debt. Journal
of International Economics 26:53 -75.
FitzGerald, E. V. K., and K. Sarmad (1990) Public and Private
Sector Capital Account Behaviour in Less-developed Countries, 1970-88.
Paper presented at the Development Economics Seminar, The Hague, 12
October, 1990.
Frenkel, J. A., and A. Razin (1987) Fiscal Policies and the World
Economy; An Intertemporal Approach. Cambridge (Mass.): The M. I. T.
International Monetary Fund (Several Volumes) Government Finance
Statistics Yearbook.
International Monetary Fund (Several Volumes) International Finance
Statistics Yearbook.
Sachs, J. D. (1985) External Debt and Macroeconomic Performance in
Latin America and East Asia. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity
Soderstrom, H. T. (1987) Sectoral Savings and Investment Patterns
in 16 OECD Countries, 1965-1982. (Chapter 1.) In M. J. Boskin, J. S.
Fleming and S. Gorini (eds) Private Saving and Public Debt. Oxford:
Basil Blackwell.
Tesar, L. L. (1991) Savings, Investment and International Capital
Flows. Journal of International Economics 31: 55-78.
Voorrips, G. C. (1991) Public Savings in Developing Countries. (In
Dutch). Rotterdam: Erasmus University. (Unpublished Thesis.)
The World Bank (1988) World Development Report 1988. New York:
Oxford University Press.
(1) For a more extensive discussion, see Soderstrom (1987).
(2) It is understandable that a complete survey of models is not
available. A selection of relevant models is presented in Frenkel and
Razin (1987).
(3) Note that in this case (Ig-Sg) is a dependent variable.
(4) Yet there are strong arguments in favour of a non-traditional
interpretation. For example the public deficit by itself is not always a
relevant variable if there are institutions outside the public sector
also involved in operations like taxing and subsidising. See World
Development Report, [The World Bank (1988), p. 66].
(5) See Sachs (1985).
(6) See e.g. FitzGerald and Sarmad (1990).
(7) See Voorrips (1991).
(8) Borensztein (1989).
(9) For a survey of the literature, see Tesar (1991).
(10) See Soderstrom, ibid., Table 1.6.
Peter A. Cornelisse and Elma van de Mortel are Professors of
Economics at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
Table 1
The Relation between Public and Private Net Savings between
1972-73 and 1987-88
Country Dep. Var. Const. (1) Const. (2) (Sg - Ig)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Egypt (1) -2282 * -0.966 **
(2) 0.048
Ghana (1) -105.5 -1.071 **
(2) -0.017
Kenya (1) -510.5 * -1.49
(2) -0.168 **
Morocco (1) 809.1 0.979 *
(2) 0.095 **
Tunisia (1) -171.5 -0.570
(2) -0.026
Uganda (1) -31.2 -1.360 **
(2) -0.004
Zimbabwe (1) -772.8 -2.189 *
(2) -0.166
India (1) 2443 -0.409 **
(2) 0.024
Indonesia (1) 227.9 -0.174
(2) -0.003
Korea (1) 1432 1.203
(2) 0.024
Malaysia (1) 492.6 -0.082
(2) 0.029
Oman (1) 247.3 -0.131
(2) 0.125 **
Pakistan (1) 1756 ** -1.327 **
(2) -0.019
Philippines (1) 1062 ** -1.032 *
(2) -0.042 **
Singapore (1) 70.2 -0.760 *
(2) 0.009
Sri Lanka (1) 115.7 -0.008
(2) 0.032
Thailand (1) -1509 ** -1.071 **
(2) -0.046 **
Turkey (1) -2781 ** -1.355 **
(2) -0.060 **
Latin America
Brazil (1) -9815 ** -1.115 **
(2) -0.064 **
Chile (1) -869.4 * -1.720 **
(2) -0.059 *
Colombia (1) 317.9 0.845 *
(2) 0.010
El Salvador (1) -112.5 * -0.904 **
(2) -0.019 *
Mexico (1) -6599 ** -0.052 **
(2) -0.052 **
Peru (1) -172.5 0.178
(2) -0.014
Venezuela (1) 1786 0.955
(2) 0.031
Country(1) Dep. Var. (Sg - Ig)/Y Adj. [R.sup.2]
(2) (6) (7)
Egypt (1) 0.698
(2) -0.330 * 0.709
Ghana (1) 0.560
(2) -1.009 ** 0.534
Kenya (1) 0.197
(2) -2.867 * 0.233
Morocco (1) 0.600
(2) 1.278 ** 0.782
Tunisia (1) 0.373
(2) -0.501 0.294
Uganda (1) 0.523
(2) -1.282 ** 0.537
Zimbabwe (1) 0.470
(2) -1.992 0.396
India (1) 0.802
(2) -0.231 0.161
Indonesia (1) 0.169
(2) -0.21 0.100
Korea (1) 0.707
(2) 2.416 * 0.553
Malaysia (1) 0.108
(2) -0.012 0.031
Oman (1) 0.689
(2) -0.038 0.000
Pakistan (1) 0.726
(2) -0.469 0.00
Philippines (1) 0.451
(2) -1.381 ** 0.499
Singapore (1) 0.472
(2) -0.970 * 0.475
Sri Lanka (1) 0.022
(2) 0.074 0.039
Thailand (1) 0.245
(2) -0.998 * 0.115
Turkey (1) 0.464
(2) -1.280 ** 0.289
Latin America
Brazil (1) 0.911
(2) -1.398 ** 0.903
Chile (1) 0.478
(2) -1.345 * 0.437
Colombia (1) 0.322
(2) 0.813 * 0.312
El Salvador (1) 0.420
(2) -0.888 ** 0.474
Mexico (1) 0.888
(2) 1.059 ** 0.915
Peru (1) 0.179
(2) 0.147 0.185
Venezuela (1) 0.117
(2) 1.058 * 0.145
Note: Coefficients with * and ** are significant at the 10 and 5
percent confidence level respectively.