The policy of irrigation water pricing in Pakistan: aims, assessment and needed redirections.
Chaudhry, M. Ghaffar ; Majid, Syed Abdul ; Chaudhry, Ghulam Mustafa 等
Pakistan operates the world's largest well-articulated
irrigation system. Individual farms receive water from the gravity flow
of a massive network of canals, distributaries and watercourses fed by
the Indus River and its tributaries. In recent years public tubewells
have become an additional, though somewhat limited, source of irrigation
water. The canal system, which has been in operation for more than 100
years, is believed to have become too obsolete to cater for the needs of
modern agriculture and is, therefore, in desperate need for
rehabilitation. But resource-poor Pakistan cannot undertake the
rehabilitation work on its own, and must depend on foreign loans or at
least ensure full recovery of annual operation and maintenance (O and M)
expenditures [Chaudhry (1985); Duane (1975) and Hotes (1984)]. Apart
from generating investment funds, the cost recovery, with higher water
charges, would also lead to greater water-use efficiency and an
equitable income distribution at the farm level [Chaudhry (1985) and
Hotes (1984)].
Can this all be accomplished by simply raising water charges? In
this paper, we have attempted to answer this question. To answer the
question systematically, we have divided the paper in five sections. The
current state of Pakistan's irrigation system, water charges and
cost recovery is discussed in Section 2. Section 3 deals with possible
impact of rising water charges on cost recovery, investments, efficiency
of water use and income distribution under the current system of water
pricing. Section 4 presents policy alternatives that would ensure an
effective cost recovery, greater water-use efficiency and a more
equitable distribution of farm income. Section 5 presents the summary
and conclusions of the paper.
The irrigation system supplies irrigation water through a fixed
roster of turns agreed upon by the farmers concerned. The duration of
irrigation for each farm is determined strictly by the proportion of
that farm's commanded area to the total commanded area of the
watercourse concerned regardless of the farm's cultivated,
uncultivated, cropped or uncropped area. Since the masonry works at the
head of a watercourse allow only a fixed discharge of water per unit of
time [Wolf (1986)], the distribution of water per canal-commanded acre
on farms served by a given watercourse is expected to be more or less
equitable. On the other hand it has been argued that large farmers are
likely to have greater access to irrigation water per unit area because
of favourable location, usurpation of others, water rights and
unauthorised tapping of canals. The argument is generally very weak. To
begin with, the canals were by no means so laid out as to particularly
favour large farms against small and medium farms. And even if a canal
did pass by some large farms at the time of its construction, those
farms by now have been broken down into smaller units because of the
country's inheritance laws, so that the argument that large farms
have more favourable locations on canals, even if correct initially, is
no longer true. As far as usurpation of others' rights and
unauthorised tapping of canals are concerned, it is very unlikely that
they can be practised on a large scale, as they are punishable with very
heavy fines and imprisonment.
In contrast with negligible differences in water supply to farms
located on the same watercourse, there may be large variations in water
distribution from watercourse to watercourse. And it is here that
watercourses serving the large farmers may carry more water than their
due share. This is because, the large farmers as a group are not only
politically powerful but also have the means to bribe irrigation
officers for securing greater access to irrigation water. As a general
rule, average supplies per canal-commanded acre in the Punjab and Sindh
are higher than those in the other two provinces of Pakistan ]World Bank
(1988)]. In fact, the annual supply of water per canal-commanded acre in
Balochistan is only half of that in the Punjab or Sindh. This may be due
to such factors as topography, inaccessibility and severe shortage of
local water resources.
While the extent of canal-commanded area determines the amount of
water supply to farms, water charges of individual farms are assessed on
the basis of the cropland irrigated. The water rates vary from crop to
crop and also from canal to canal. For instance the water rates for
non-perennial canals are roughly 80 percent of those for perennial
canals [Chaudhry (1985)]. Table I presents variations in water rates for
various crops for perennial canals of Pakistan's provinces.
The water rates are the highest for sugarcane in all the provinces
and the lowest for Rabi oil-seeds in the Punjab, but for maize in the
other three provinces. Among the provinces, the NWFP has the highest
water rates for most of the crops and is closely followed by Balochistan
and Sindh. The rates were the lowest in the Punjab. While the
differences in the rates for various crops have always been there, the
inter-provincial diversity has been of recent origin. It is the result
of the different extents to which the provinces has complied with the
federal government's suggestion of 1984-85 that they raise water
rates by 25 percent. As irrigation is a provincial subject, the response
of the provinces was not uniform. The Punjab resisted the revision
totally, the NWFP and Balochistan complied fully, but Sindh enhanced the
rates by only 10 percent. In both 1980-81 and 1981-82, however, all the
provinces readily adopted the federal government's proposals for
raising water rates by 25 percent.
It could be seen from the foregoing that the levels of water rates
vary for crops on the basis of the water requirements of those crops.
However, the relationship is neither systematic nor directly
proportional to water consumption of various crops. For example, charges
per acre-foot of water for sugarcane, which requires 67 acre-inches of
water, vary between Rs 11.5 and Rs 14.7 in various provinces. Against
this, the charges per acre-foot of water for kharif oil-seeds can go as
high as Rs 27.8-39.8. Although the Punjab and Sindh receive more water
per unit of canal-commanded area than the NWFP or Balochistan, there is
no corresponding adjustment of the water rates. As a result of such a
pricing policy, rational producers' tend to maximise water use even
though it may be highly scarce.
Nonetheless it should be apparent that irrigation water in Pakistan
may be subsized more for certain crops than other crops. What is less
clear, however, is the extent of aggregate subsidy on water in absolute
or relative terms. In order to quantify these relevant aspects of
subsidy, there is the need to look at expenditures on and receipts from
irrigation. These are presented in Table 2 for the decade of the
Several conclusions emerge from the data in Table 2. Firstly,
expenditure on irrigation has always been in excess of receipts from
irrigation during the decade, pointing to the existence of subsidies on
irrigation water. Second, receipts increased at a slower pace than
expenditure and resulted in growing imbalances between the two. Finally,
the extent of subsidy on irrigation water has been on the increase in
both absolute and relative (as percent of expenditure) terms. While the
receipts amounted to nearly 70 percent of the expenditure during the
early Eighties, the percentage fell to 63 percent by 1989-90. In
absolute terms, expenditure on irrigation water rose from nearly Rs 1
billion to almost Rs 3 billion as compared with the irrigation receipts
of Rs 0.66 billion to Rs 1.77 billion between the beginning and end of
the decade. This shows that absolute subsidies on irrigation water
amounted to Rs 300 million in 1979-80 as against Rs 1028 million in
The above analysis, however, does not truly reflect the benefits
and costs of irrigation water to the farmers. There is always a
considerable increase in expenditure and a decline in actual receipts
before they appear in annual budgets. Although no estimates of the
degree of escalation of expenditure in Pakistan are readily available,
the Indian experience with a similar irrigation system as in Pakistan
shows that the actual irrigation expenditure (O and M) may be only half
of that reported in the government budgets [Wade (1982) and Rao (1984)].
As the recent surges in irrigation expenditure may be attributed to the
growing illicit practices, steep increases in the maintenance cost of
public tubewells and salaries of government employees, it is not clear
whether the farmers should be made responsible for financing such
expenditures. On the other side, official irrigation receipts may not
represent the true costs of water paid by the farmers for several
reasons. Firstly, they are net of collection costs of 5 percent.
Secondly, there is considerable under-assessment of water rates by the
irrigation officials and estimates vary between 10 percent in Punjab and
NWFP, 30 percent in Sindh and 60 percent in Balochistan according to the
latest study of water rates [Government of Pakistan (1990)]. Thirdly,
although land revenue due to irrigation made significant contributions
and was an integral part of irrigation receipts before 1970, it no
longer appears under irrigation head [Chaudhry (1973) and Lewis (1969)].
Finally and most importantly, direct payments by farmers to irrigation
officials for an assured supply of irrigation water throughout the
season may add up to billions of rupees but they have never been a part
of the government budget. Accounting for all these factors, one begins
to wonder if the farmers were the sole beneficiaries of irrigation
subsidies in Pakistan. This becomes all the more important if the effect
of governments procurement programme, paying only 50 percent of world
prices for major agricultural commodities, is also taken into account
[Chaudhry and Kayani (1991)].
Contrary to the arguments advanced by the World Bank and others,
increases in water charges seem unlikely to result in full cost
recovery, greater investment for O and M, increased resource-efficiency,
and improvement of income distribution under the current practices of
irrigation water supply and the present pricing policy. In fact, it can
be argued that steep increases in water charges without suitable changes
in other policies might promote opposite tendencies in a large number of
cases as should be apparent from the following discussion.
There can be little doubt that full cost-recovery would be
achievable provided water charges are sufficiently raised. Unofficial
estimates apart, this would require a nearly 50 percent across-the-board
increase in the existing water rates in the near future. Such a steep
increase, however, is likely to evoke a number of responses from the
farm sector. The farmers may curtail their cropping intensities to
minimise their oppressive water bills; they may outright refuse to pay
the assessed amounts; or they may bribe irrigation officials for an
under-assessment of their cropped area and/or water charges. The effect
of all these practices would be adverse on the recovery of water
charges. Although corrective measures for recovering full rates may be
adopted, there is little guarantee that improved cost recovery would
necessarily be accompanied by greater allocation of funds for O and M
investment. This is because allocation of O and M funds is made
independently of water receipts under the current budgetary practices.
Even if provided with more funds, most provincial irrigation departments
seem to be ill-equipped for making extra efforts for the required
maintenance work; they are more likely to continue to do their routine
work [Swendsen (1986)]. There is some evidence in Table 2 that indicates
that Swendsen's view may well be fight, as subsidies on water
continued to increase despite the near doubling of water charges during
the Eighties. Furthermore, greater public investment made possible by
steep increases in water rates, may result in a corresponding reduction
in private investment and thus retard private tubewell-development
simply because it will no longer be profitable to pay exorbitant running
costs of tubewells as well as enhanced water charges. Although essential
investments in O and M are unlikely to be highly profitable as such
investments are unlikely to significantly raise productivity in
agriculture [Wolf (1986)].
As a matter of principle and in accordance with the established
rules of economic theory, increases in water prices should normally lead
to improved efficiency of water, provided there is a direct relationship
between the quantities delivered and the prices charged [Lazaro et al.
(1977)]. It should be clear from the previous Section that there is only
a weak relationship between the water delivered and water charges in
Pakistan as the former is a function of canal-commanded area and the
latter that of cropped area. Given this situation, one could have free
access to irrigation water if the canal-commanded area is kept fallow or
would be subjected to double the water charges if one double-crops the
entire canal-commanded area given the fixed supply of water per unit of
land. While the example cited above may be an extreme case, the message
should be clear; "we do economic theory a grave injustice, though,
when we expect it to perform this minor miracle (efficient allocation)
on commodities that are not paid for on a per unit basis" [Swendsen
(1986)]. What is more important to note is the fact that if the price
paid is divorced from the quantities purchased or delivered, the price
increases cannot, nor can they be expected to, perform rational
allocative functions. In fact imaginative economic thinking would reveal
that the effect would tend to be exactly opposite of the intended
[Swendsen (1986)]. In view of the widespread inconsistencies between
water distribution and its prices in Pakistan, simple increases in water
prices are most likely to worsen the problems of efficient water-use
rather than alleviate them.
Although rising prices of irrigation water, as argued by Hotes
(1984), have some scope for reducing income disparities between
irrigated and unirrigated areas, they would, most certainly, result in
sharp deterioration of income distribution between farms of various
size-categories in irrigated areas. This is because the
intensity-related water rates would impinge heavily on the resources of
small farmers who cultivate land more intensively than large farmers. In
Table 3 we present intensity of cultivation of various farm
size-categories, Their probable impacts on water rates along with their
implications for income distribution are discussed below.
It should be clear from the table that the cropping intensity
(cropped area as a percentage of cultivated area) varies inversely with
farm size. Similar is the case with land-use intensity (that is,
cultivated area as a percentage of farm area). The combined effect of
the two trends is reflected in cultivation intensity (cropped area as
percentage of farm area). As irrigation water supply is related to the
canal-commanded area (total area of an irrigated farm), and water
charges are assessed on the basis of cropland, the relative burdens of
payable water rates per canal-commanded acre for various size categories
would be essentially determined by cultivation intensities of those
farms. As it is, there can be little doubt that the water-rate burdens
per canal-commanded acre decrease with an increase in the farm size in
spite of the probable opposite relationship between farm size and access
to irrigation water per unit of land. To make things more clear, it may
be pointed out that the smallest farm size category of "under 1.0
acre" would be subjected to at least 2.5 times the water charge per
unit of water supply as is payable by the largest category of "150
acres and above". It may also be noted that water rate increases
under current pricing practices are likely to further worsen the
position of small farmers, as each one-percent increase in water charges
would lead to an increase of 1.50 percent for the smallest group but to
an increase of only 0.57 percent for the largest size category of farms.
It has been argued in the previous section that increases in water
rates alone are unlikely to successfully achieve the desired objectives
of cost recovery, resource efficiency and equitable distribution of farm
incomes. This, however, is not to say that price levels are irrelevant,
but only to suggest that they may be extremely important once the
fundamental restructuring of the relationships between (a) water supply
and its prices, (b) farmers and the irrigation officials and (c) costs
and benefits of the irrigation system have been achieved. It is this
goal that has been discussed in this section.
First and foremost, there is a need to restore a direct
relationship between irrigation water and its prices. It is for this
reason that almost all the major studies on the subject have insisted on
charging water on a volumetric basis [Gotsch and Falcon (1970); Hufbauer
and Akhtar (1970); Lewis (1969); Sampath (1992) and Swendsen (1986)].
While strict volumetric deliveries have never been tried in Pakistan
owing perhaps to the impracticability and cost-ineffectiveness of meter
installations, the proposal can hardly be brushed aside for such
reasoning. There are alternative, though somewhat rough, ways for
accomplishing the task. For example, a direct relationship between the
amounts delivered and chargeable water-rates could be established if the
water charges, like canal-water supplies, are assessed on the basis of
the canal-commanded area [Government of Pakistan (1988)]. This
concurrence of the two bases would be highly desirable in many respects.
It would, like strict volumetric pricing, encourage an efficient use of
land and water since it would leave the planting decision to farmers,
given the available supplies and opportunity costs of irrigation water
[Lewis (1969)]. It would also relieve many small farmers of onerous
water rates reflected in their high cultivation intensities and would
induce positive changes in the distribution of income. Further,
investment in private tubewells would be encouraged because of
elimination of double charge. It may also lead to an improvement in cost
recovery by tying the assessment of water charges to canal-commanded
area and by eliminating the need for rural irrigation-staff for
maintaining crop records. This is especially important as irrigation
departments in Pakistan are overstaffed by nearly 50 percent in
comparison with those in other countries of South-East Asia [Wolf
Furthermore, while a change in the water-rate base is a primary
requirement, it remains an inadequate measure for achieving all the
objectives in the presence of gross inefficiencies of the irrigation
system and must therefore be accompanied by appropriate structural
changes. For example, an equitable distribution of water across the
water-courses would enhance the efficiency of water-use and would thus
lead to an equitable income distribution. Irrigation officers may be
made more accountable if water-users' associations are formed on
each water-course with powers to ensure due share of water deliveries
and collection and spending of water receipts. As public tubewells
account for most of the O and M expenditure, disinvestment in them would
be highly desirable, especially as they are the costliest means of
drainage and irrigation [Muhammad (1970)]. Budgets should be so prepared
as to present a more realistic picture of receipts from and expenditures
on irrigation. In the presence of widespread distortions in the prices
of agricultural inputs and commodities, corrective actions in respect of
water prices alone are unlikely to ensure an efficient
resource-allocation and remedial measures must be undertaken to create
an environment of distortion-free prices.
Finally, should the prices of water be raised to ensure greater
efficiency and cost recovery? once the basic relationship between water
supply and chargeable amounts is restored, higher prices might be
consistent with greater efficiency as long as they do not exceed the
marginal costs or the value of marginal product of water. Because of the
measurement problems and seasonal and intertemporal fluctuations in the
value of marginal products and long-run marginal cots, there is a
growing consensus in the literature on recovery of, at least, short-run
marginal costs. As shown in Section 3, recovery of short-run marginal
costs would require a 50-percent increase in water rates under the
present conditions. If, however, the government carries out its
contemplated divestiture of public tubewells, it can totally eliminate
the need for raising the water rates. Further reductions in irrigation
expenditure may also result from greater accountability of irrigation
officers and rigorous checks and balances in budget preparation.
The purpose of this paper has been to investigate the benefits of
cost-recovery strategy in terms of investment, resource efficiency and
income distribution. Contrary to what is generally argued, a raising of
water charges is unlikely to have a positive effect on the above
variables because of operational inefficiencies of irrigation
departments and lack of any direct relationship between water supply and
chargeable prices. In fact, the paper notes that increases in
intensity-related water rates may lead to a deterioration in resource
efficiency and in income distribution: the former because of lack of
relationship between the water delivered and the amounts charged and the
latter because of the inverse relationship between cultivation intensity
and farm size.
Given the present situation, a concurrence of the base of water
rates with that of water deliveries, should ensure a greater use
efficiency of land and water, provide greater relief to smaller farmers
and allow cost reductions by eliminating the irrigation staff required
for keeping crop records. While a change in the water-rate base sets the
stage to achieve the desired objectives, it must be accompanied by an
equitable distribution of water, greater accountability of irrigation
officials, divestiture of public tubewells and creation of
distortion-free environment for agricultural inputs and commodities to
ensure further gains in efficiency, equity and cost recovery. Although
many of the above recommendations should allow full cost-recovery
through reduction of annual 0 and M expenditures, any deficits in cost
recovery could be met with corresponding increases in water rates. In
view of the changed base such increases should conduce to an improved
resource allocation and a more equitable distribution of income.
Comments on "The Policy of Irrigation Water Pricing in
Pakistan: Aims, Assessment and Needed Redirections"
The paper by Dr M. Ghaffar Chaudhry and colleagues provides a
stimulating analysis of alternative directions for irrigation water
pricing policies in Pakistan. The paper correctly identifies the problem
of increasing subsidies to irrigation, even on operations and
maintenance; combined with the serious incentive failure arising from
low water charges, which induce inefficient overuse of irrigation water.
The paper also correctly shows that attempts to achieve full cost
recovery through steep increases in flat-rate water charges are unlikely
to meet the cost-recovery goal; and are likewise unlikely to foster
increased resource-efficiency or equitable income distribution.
The paper further points out the need to establish a firmer
relationship between water supplied and water prices, and suggests a
pricing system which would approximate volumetric water charges.
I would like to extend this argument a bit, and suggest an
alternative approach to water resource allocation which, I believe may
promote efficiency in water resource use. This approach is the
development of markets in tradeable property rights for water.
Markets in Water Rights vs. Water Pricing .
Rosegrant and Binswanger (1992) argue that the establishment of
administered efficiency-based pricing of water, as suggested in the
paper, is an intermediate policy between managed quantity allocation and
water markets. Efficient allocation of resources usually requires that
marginal units of water are priced at their marginal cost. Although
complications arise due to the economies of scale and lumpiness of
investment in irrigation it is theoretically possible to design and
implement a system of administered prices which would lead to efficient
allocation of water. However, the information requirements for an
efficient system of administered prices are demanding and much of this
information would necessarily be gathered by trial-and-error
experimentation. Information is expensive and mistakes made in the
trial-and-error process may be costly. If prices are set too low, demand
for water would be excessive, and if prices are set too high, water
would be wasted to drainage.
Perhaps even more important, in existing irrigation systems, the
value of prevailing water rights (formal or informal) has already been
capitalised into the value of irrigation land. Imposition of
administered pricing is correctly perceived by rights holders as
expropriation of those rights, which would create capital losses in
established irrigation farms. Attempts to establish administered
efficiency prices are thus met with strong opposition from established
irrigators, which makes it difficult to institute and maintain an
efficiency-oriented system of administered prices.
Markets in tradeable water rights have two major advantages
compared to administrated efficiency pricing. First, has noted above,
information costs would be reduced, because the market, composed of
irrigators with expert knowledge of the value of water as an input in
the production process, would bear the costs and generate the necessary
information on the value of marginal product and opportunity costs of
water. Second, establishment of transferable property rights would
formalise existing rights to water, rather than being seen as an
expropriation of these rights, and is therefore politically more
Although water markets exist in Pakistan and other developing
countries, a relatively low value of water and high transactions costs
have slowed development of markets in tradeable rights to water in the
past. However, the growing scarcity of water as economic growth proceeds
will be conducive to market development. Existing property rights
systems are restrictive of water transfers, because they limit the use
of water to adjacent or overlying lands, or build in a bias toward
maintaining existing, possibly inefficient uses of water. As water
becomes scarcer, markets in tradeable water rights will have several
major advantages over alternative allocation mechanisms: establishment
of well-defined tradeable rights formalises and secures the existing
water rights held by farmers; markets economise on transactions costs,
reducing the information costs of a centralised managing institution,
with the market generating the necessary information and market users
bearing the information costs; markets in tradeable rights induce
irrigators to consider the full opportunity cost of water, including its
value in alternative uses, and provide incentives for irrigators to
internalise many of the externalities inherent in irrigation, [Rosegrant
and Binswanger (1992).]
It is therefore appropriate to begin the process of research and
policy analysis to better understand the possible benefits from
establishing well-defined tradeable property rights to water in Pakistan
and other developing countries. The benefits of water market development
will not be uniform across regions. Further research should be done to
establish in what regions (in terms of agroclimatic zones, relative
water supply, level of agriculture intensification, etc.) the highest
payoff would come in reforming laws, institutions, and policies to
remove constraints to development of water markets.
In the process of establishing markets in tradeable water rights, a
number of serious issues must be addressed. Laws, institutions, and
contracts must be reformed or developed to deal with variability of
water delivery, to protect the poor against the development of market
power, and to protect against third-party impairment from water trades.
However, it should be noted that any water allocation regime must deal
with these problems, and it is not at all clear that solutions are more
difficult to achieve under a tradeable property rights regime. Existing
water allocation regimes have not been effective in managing variability
in streamflow or in protecting the rights of poor farmers or protecting
against third-party externalities. It must finally be stressed that
development of markets cannot proceed in an isolated fashion from the
real-world institutional and technological context of developing-country
irrigation. Effective development of markets in tradeable property
rights will require continued improvement in irrigation technology for
conveyance, diversion, and metering; institutional improvement in
management of the irrigation systems; and in many cases, development of
community organisations to manage water allocation.
Mark W. Rosegrant
International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, D. C.,
Rosegrant, Mark W., and Hans P. Binswanger (1992) Markets in
Tradeable Water Rights: Potential for Efficiency Gains in
Developing-Country Irrigation. Washington, D. C.: International Food
Policy Research Institute. (Mimeographed.)
Chaudhry, M. Aslam (1985) An Evaluation of Existing Irrigation
Water Pricing Policy in Pakistan. PRC Engineering/Chechi, Islamabad.
Chaudhry, M. Ghaffar (1973) The Problem of Agricultural Taxation in
West Pakistan and an Alternative Solution. The Pakistan Development
Review 12:2.
Chaudhry, M. Ghaffar, and Nighat Naheed Kayani (1991) Implicit
Taxation of Pakistan's Agriculture: An Analysis of Commodity and
Input Prices. The Pakistan Development Review 30:3.
Duane, Paul (1975) A Policy Framework for Irrigation Water Charges.
Washington, D. C.: World Bank. (Staff Working Paper No. 218.)
Gotsch, Carl H., and Walter P. Falcon (1970) Agricultural Price
Policy and the Development of West Pakistan: Final Report. Vol. 1.
Cambridge, Mass.: Cambridge University Press.
Hotes, Frederick L. (1984) Worm Bank Irrigation Experience. London:
ODI Network Paper 9D.
Hutbauer, G. C., and M. M. Akhtar (1970) The Determination of Water
Rates. Lahore: Planning and Development Board.
Lazaro, R. C. et al. (1979) Irrigation Policy and Management
Issues: An Interpretive Seminar Summary. In Donald C. Taylor and Thomas
H. Wickam (eds) Irrigation Policy and the Management of Irrigation
Systems in Southeast Asia. Bangkok: The Agricultural Development
Council, Inc.
Lewis, J. N. (1969) Criteria for Determination of Water Rates in
West Pakistan. Lahore: Planning and Development Board.
Pakistan, Government of (1983) Pakistan Census of Agriculture: All
Pakistan Report. Vol. 1. Lahore: Agricultural Census Organisation;
Pakistan, Government of (1988) Report of the National Commission on
Agriculture. Islamabad: Ministry of Food and Agriculture.
Pakistan, Government of (1990) Nationwide Study for Improving
Procedures for Assessment and Collection of Water Charges and Drainage
Cess: Appendices. Vols. I and 3. Islamabad: Ministry of Water and Power.
Provincial Finance Departments (Variously Dated) Annual Budget
Rao, P. K. (1984) Introduction to Discussion on Water Rates:
Comments on Cost Recovery and Irrigation Water Pricing. London: ODI
Network Paper 10F.
Sampath, Rajank (1992) Issues in Irrigation Pricing in Developing
Countries. World Development 20:7.
Swendsen, Mark (1986) Meeting Irrigation System Recurring Cost
Obligations. London: ODI/IIMI Network Paper 86/2b.
Wade, Robert (1982) The System of Administrative and Political
Corruption: Canal Irrigation in South India. Journal of Development
Studies 18:3 (April).
Wolf, James M. (1986) Cost and Financing of Irrigation System
Operations and Maintenance in Pakistan. In Doughlas J. Merry and James
M. Wolf (eds) Irrigation Management in Pakistan. Colombo: International
Irrigation Management Institute.
World Bank (1988) Staff Appraisal Report: Pakistan Second
Irrigation Systems Rehabilitation Project. Washington, D. C.: World
Bank. (Report No. 6991 PK.)
M. Gaffar Chaudhry is Joint Director of the Pakistan Institute of
Development Economics, Islamabad. Currently he is a Visiting Scholar at
the Queen Elizbeth House, Oxford University, England on the South Asian
Visiting Scholars' Programme. Syed Abdul Majid and Ghulam Mustafa
Chaudhy are Staff Economists, at the Pakistan Institute of Development
Economics, Islamabad.
Table 1
Province-wise Water Rates for Various Crops Irrigated
by Perennial Canals: 1989-90
(Rs per Acre)
Crops Punjab Sindh NWFP Balochistan
Sugarcane 64.00 70.40 82.00 78.82
Orchards 41.60 55.00 63.00 62.50
Cotton 33.60 36.02 37.00 41.00
Rice 32.00 34.37 37.00 39.06
Kharif Oil-seeds 23.20 33.12 30.00 33.20
Wheat 21.60 20.62 24.00 23.44
Maize 19.20 15.40 24.00 17.58
Rabi Oil-seeds 11.20 20.62 28.00 23.44
Source: Water rates reported in Chaudhry (1985) adjusted for water
rate increases since 1985 as given in Government of Pakistan (1990).
Table 2
Provincial Budgetary Expenditures on (0 and M) and Receipts
from Irrigation: 1979-80 to 1989-90
(Million Rupees)
Deficit or
Years Expenditure Receipts Subsidy
1979-80 957.97 661.30 296.67
1980-81 1122.06 783.81 338.25
1981-82 1436.35 1022.09 416.26
1982-83 1522.58 1085.06 437.52
1983-84 1777.03 1116.36 660.67
1984-85 2055.70 1228.10 827.60
1985-86 2325.70 1319.87 1005.83
1986-87 2612.23 1378.42 1233.81
1987-88 2900.56 1548.43 1352.13
1988-89 2880.44 1726.09 1154.35
1989-90 2801.81 1773.33 1028.48
Source: Annual Budget Statements for provincial governments for
various years.
Table 3
Land Use, Cropping and Cultivation Intensities
by Farm Size: 1980
Farm Size Land Use Cropping Intensity of
Categories Intensity Intensity Cultivation
Under 1 Acre 91.44 164.10 150.05
1.0 - 2.5 Acres 90.44 150.76 136.92
2.5 - 5.0 Acres 91.53 144.03 131.83
5.0 - 7.5 Acres 92.68 138.25 128.13
7.5 - 12.5 Acres 91.82 128.90 118.36
12.5 - 25.0 Acres 87.60 120.07 105.18
25.0 - 50.0 Acres 81.85 112.98 92.47
50.0 - 150.0 Acres 72.49 108.02 78.30
150.0 Acres and Above 56.95 100.02 56.96
Source: Calculations based on data
given in Government of Pakistan (1983).