Policy imperatives: stabilisation of production and price swings of potato and onion crops in Pakistan.
Rana, Zakir Hussain ; Shafiq-ur-Rehman, Rao
Potatoes and onions are bracketed with other minor crops, but are
consumed as a table food in almost every household. Thus both
commodities are listed as sensitive food. items. Production instability
and erratic price behaviour of these crops adversely affect both
producers and consumers. This leads to excess supply/demand situation
with resultant price swings. These fluctuations are studied for the
period 1972 to 1990-91.
The demand for potatoes and onions is highly price inelastic (-0.07
and-.13 for potatoes) and (-0.10 and-0.17 for onions) in rural and urban
areas, respectively [Najmi (1991), p. 193]. The year-to-year swings in
supply coupled with an inelastic demand causes wide fluctuations in
prices. Given a change in price, the change in quantity supplied is
lagged and or distributed through time. Thus, a one-time increase in
price would result in observed increases in quantity supplied over two
or even more years. For both the crops, higher prices lead growers to
increase production in a following period, which adversely affect prices
and this in turn reduces acreage/production in the subsequent years and
so on.
Production decisions are based on current or recent past prices
while the realised production because of the time lag, is a function of
past prices (see Figure 1 and 2), while prices are mainly a function of
supply, depending upon the given year production. In economic theory,
cycles are generated through lagged responses in price changes and other
variables. Figure 1 shows the cyclical behaviour of price and quantity
in a Cobweb framework for the potato crop. A rising wholesale price
trend during 1972 through 1974 led to an increase in the production of
potatoes in the subsequent years (1974 to 1976), thus excess supply
resulted in low prices from 1974 to 1976, and hence smaller production
in the next two years. A similar cyclical behaviour is depicted in
Figure 2 for onions. The length of a cycle i.e., the time from one
peak/trough to the next is longer for onions than for potatoes during
the period under consideration. But potato production experienced more
fluctuations as compared to onion as shown in Figures 3 and 4. This
perhaps, is due to fluctuations in the area under the potato crop while
wholesale prices show the same trend for both crops. The production
cycle of potato in the period under review began in 1974, (Figures 5 and
6) troughed at almost the same level in the following year, with
systematic fluctuations over the entire period. The production cycle of
onion started in 1973, appears to be stabilising out because each trough in the following years appears to be of lower amplitude than the
preceding one. The individual cycles range from 5 to 8 years and 3 to 4
years for onions and potatoes, respectively. But not all farmers
understand that a high price this year could lead to more output by
other farmers in the subsequent years, few who do learn this, make
profit by. taking contra-cyclical actions. It has been observed in many
countries that improved information on expected prices coupled with
farmers education programme could result in basing of present production
decisions not on past prices but on expected future prices. Therefore,
it is believed that such an approach could be used to mitigate or
moderate the year to year fluctuations in production and prices of
potato and onion in Pakistan.
The crop data pertain to year 1971-72 through 1990-91. The data
were taken from various issues of the monthly Statistical Bulletin,
Economic Survey of Pakistan (1992), Agricultural Statistics of Pakistan
(1991) and Government of Pakistan (1988). The data are analysed using
descriptive statistics, graphical presentation and growth rates were
obtained through regression techniques.
The production of potatoes during the last two decades increased at
an annual compound growth rate of 5.88 percent solely due to an increase
in area by 6.19 percent; while the reduction in yield by 0.31 percent
had an adverse impact on the overall growth rate of production in the
country. Expansion in production of the crop took place due to the
increase in area in Punjab, NWFP and Balochistan by 7.04, 3.39 and 6.38
percent respectively, while in Sindh it declined by 3.14 percent. Almost
81 percent of the entire production of potato is obtained from Punjab
and Balochistan provinces. In both the provinces, the production was
highly unstable as indicated by the coefficient of variation (CV)
(Punjab 40.79 percent and Balochistan 56.28 percent). This instability
is mainly due to fluctuations in area under the potato crop and the same
is true for the country as a whole where the range of the CV is 36.47
and 38.21 percent for area and production respectively. The growth rate
in area in the Punjab is the highest but CV (47.32 percent) is also the
highest as compared to the other provinces. The higher the coefficient
of variation, the lower the stability in area which leads to more
production instability. The growth rate in yield is very discouraging in
all the provinces (Pakistan: -0.31 percent, Punjab--0.45 percent and
-0.86 in NWFP). There is nominal increase of 0.06 and 1.27 percent in
Sindh and the Balochistan, respectively. The yield variability is noted
more in the Balochistan (CV: 25.78 percent) followed by the Punjab (CV:
13.66 percent). Thus, intensive efforts are needed to enhance the yield
of potato throughout Pakistan (Table 1).
The annual average compound growth rate of production of onion is
5.52 percent mainly due to the increase in the area by 4.75 percent and
a nominal increase in yield (0.71 percent) in the country during the
last two decades.
The growth rate of onion production in Punjab is (1.15 percent);
showing only nominal increase due mainly to increase in area. The
production growth rate in Sindh is 8.25 percent and that of NWFP 4.73
again due to expansion in area in both the provinces. The-Balochistan
province registered high growth rates of production (9:36 percent), area
(6.44 percent) and yield (2.56 percent) (Table 2).
With better market prices, longer duration of crop and enhanced
irrigation facilities, Balochistan has the potential of becoming the
major onion producing province of the country. The CV for the
production, area and the yield shows greater instability in production
again attributed to fluctuation in area. Relatively speaking,
fluctuations in yield had a minor role.
During the period under study 85 percent of the increased
production came from the expansion in area, and only 15 percent from the
improvement in the yield. The yield potential of both the crops needs to
be exploited to meet the excess demand for consumption and export. As
revealed in Table 3, there is a potential to increase yield by 73
percent and 77 percent of potato and onion respectively. The potential
gap can be filled by providing proper incentives to the grower. The
increase in area is perhaps not possible without a trade-off between
other important food and fibre crops.
The yield potential can be gained by providing good quality
disease-free indigeneous seed; evolving high-yielding varieties to
expand autumn cultivation of onion in the Punjab province; establish
onion research stations at a suitable location which, inter alia, should
determine the alternative farming system which could extend the onion
harvesting period in NWFP and early harvesting in Balochistan. Training
farmers and strenghthening outreach programme for improved practice of
cultivation; provision of improved storage for onions and potatoes;
proper grading to replace the manual grading with mechanical grading to
ensure quality control; and the stabilisation of the inter annual
variation in production.
The price elasticities of demand of both the commodities for each
quarter of the year given in detail by Najmi (1991) show the seasonal
variation. The seasonal pattern of these elasticities is quite
consistent with our general observation regarding consumer behaviour,
that is, there is a substantial seasonal variation in household response
to variation in total expenditure. The seasonal variation in price
elasticities of potato does not vary in all the four quarters as much as
that of to onion which progressively declines (in absolute terms) both
in the urban and the rural areas. Stated differently, the price level of
onion was noted to be maximum between August and December, i.e. in the
second and fourth quarter, while it remained below or in the vicinity of
the annual average price in the first and the second quarter. This is
due to varying agro-climatic conditions prevailing in the country,
onions are grown at different times in different parts of the country
resulting in year round harvesting except for the months of July and
August, which leads to an increase in the price level in the ensuing months of the year. The price level of potato was observed to be maximum
between July through November. A comparison of sectoral seasonal price
elasticities of demand of potato revealed that the overall rural
elasticity of demand of potatoes throughout the year is greater than
that of the urban elasticity of demand, put differently, rural consumers
are charged less than urban consumers for the commodity in question
(Tables 4 and 5).
Since expenditure elasticity of demand of onion is greater for
rural areas (0.40) than urban areas (0.37), demand for onion will grow
faster in rural areas as compared to urban areas.
The Agricultural Marketing and Storage Limited (AMSL) is designated
as the implementing agency for support prices. The support prices are
recommended according to the two grades (i.e. size of onion 40-50 mm and
over 50 mm) while for potato the size is 40-55 mm and over 55 mm. The
support price for bigger size of onion and potato is higher by
approximately Rs 5. Potatoes below 40 nun are mostly used as seed. It is
generally believed that the present procurement scheme has been
beneficial and helpful only for the larger and financially sound farmers
and has not helped the poorer and smaller farmers. The support price
policy has had almost no impact on prices because of prices being too
low coupled with inadequate storage capacity and lack of efficient
management. A comparison of growth rates of the support prices of potato
and onion with that of the consumer price index, retail price index and
the wholesale price shows that the support prices lagged behind the
consumer price index and wholesale price index by a very wide margin
i.e. almost 50 percent. The deflated prices declined over time. The
growth rate of nominal wholesale as well as retail prices was almost
double the support prices. The support price data of the potato crop for
the entire length of time could be divided into three periods, viz.,
1976-77 to 1981-82, 1982-83 to 1987-88 and 1988 onwards. The support
price for the crop was rupees 26.80, 40.50 for the years 1981 to 1987
and then it increased every year starting from 1988. While for the onion
crop, the entire period could be broken down into two periods, namely,
1976-77 to 1981-82 and 1982-83 onwards. Ignoring a relatively smaller
period of time 1983-84 to 1984-85 when we had a constant support price
of Rs 30, the onion support price that prevailed during the entire first
period was rupees 19.30, and during the second period it kept on
increasing each year. Fluctuations in the support price of potatoes
caused corresponding fluctuations in the area over which the crop was
grown, which in turn gave birth to greater fluctuations in the
production of potato as compared to the onion.
The coefficient of variation is used to measure the relative
variability or spread of data around its mean. The yearly coefficient of
variation depicts the variability in monthly prices during a year as a
percent of the average price. On the other hand the monthly coefficient
shows the variability in the same month in all the years. The higher the
value of the coefficient of variation, the lower is the stability in
prices. The respective values of the coefficient show that the spread of
prices round the average are very large. The maximum yearly and monthly
CV's of potatoes are 54.34 and 76.05 respectively. The highest
monthly value registered was 76.05 which implies that if the price is
taken as 100, it may vary from 176.05 to 23.95. The range is too wide
and needs to be reduced in order to stabilise domestic supplies and
ensure steady exports. A similar interpretation applies to onions as
The production, exports and share of exports in production of
potato from Pakistan have been given in Table 6. The data show that the
export levels were not consistent with production levels. During the
period under consideration, exports declined at an average annual rate
of 0.42 percent. In reality, the target set for exports of potato have
never been met. It is obvious from the coefficient of variation of
139.81 that exports of potato are highly volatile because of the present
approach of trying to sell low quality domestic sub-standard potato in
times of glut and drop out of the export market when domestic prices
rise. In order to build up a sustained export trade, we have to provide
an assured supply to the foreign markets. To maintain our foreign
markets, exports must occur even when domestic prices are high. For
this, we need grading, cold storage, packing, handling, transportation
facilities and an internationally competitive price. Almost a similar
pattern is revealed in Table 7 for the onion crop and therefore, this is
not discussed here for the sake of brevity.
The main importers of potato from Pakistan are Dubai, Abu Dhabi,
Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Singapore. In Middle
Eastern countries, large size white-skin potatoes rather than red-skin
potatoes are preferred, while in the Far Eastern countries small-sized
potatoes are preferred. The main reasons of declining exports from
Pakistan are irregular supply, lack of proper grading and packaging,
irregular shipping services and inadequate information and lack of
market intelligence. All these problems need to be taken care of, if
exports of potato and for that matter all other exportable agricultural
commodities are to be enhanced.
The main objective of an intervention by the government in the form
of support price .policy is to increase farmers' income above the
level they would otherwise reach in a free market. In fact, it is a
subsidy which alone cannot eliminate the fluctuations. The present
storage capacity needs to be enhanced by about 50 percent to cater for a
full-scale support operation. The present storage capacity is not
enough. This was seriously realised in 1989 when AMSL did not have
enough storage capacity to store their purchases.
Furthermore, it is believed that the present procurement scheme has
not helped the poorer and smaller farmers, and has almost no impact on
prices owing to these being too low, and coming into effect too late.
Moreover, inadequate storage capacity and inefficient management add to
the lack of impact.
To deal with the glut situation which occurs about once every three
year for potato, supply could be restricted by an acreage set-aside
policy. Such policy may be acceptable politically and practically in
Pakistan. The promotion of consumer demand could be another approach
which is a long-term proposition, and even if it is done, a permanent
shift in demand would lead to even higher prices when supplies are low.
In order to iron out cyclical price and production movements or
gluts and shortages, the following measures could be recommended.
Provision of harvest credit through the Agricultural Development Bank of
Pakistan (ADBP) is one way to assist small farmers to improve their
income levels and to encourage them to store and delay the sale of the
produce until the glut period is over and higher prices prevail in the
market. This will somewhat mitigate price fluctuations.
Provision of market information on potatoes as well as onion
regarding acreage planted, output, farmgate and mandi level prices,
source of disease free, high-yield seed availability, weather, disease,
and pest conditions during the season, predictions of expected crop
output, actual production on farm and shipment by volume in the main
wholesale markets, existing stock levels along with rising or declining
trends if any, daffy wholesale and retail prices and price predictions,
shipping and storage costs are all crucial types of information which
will enable the producers and traders to assertain the existing and
expected market conditions and thus enable them to increase or decrease
the area to be planted and whether or not to delay harvesting. They can
also base their storage decision and the like on such information which
in turn would reduce the severity of the booms and busts of the potato
and onion cycles. This type of information should be comprehensive and
must be disseminated quickly to allow farmers to react well in time. In
order to reduce the marked seasonal variation in production levels as
well as smoothing out of price swings of onion and potato, the suggested
measures are itemised below:
(a) Improvement of seasonal price information at the farm level.
(b) Determination of the varietal differences in time of maturity.
(c) Combining the information from (a) and Co) above to determine
if alternative farming system could be defined which would extend the
onion harvesting period in NWFP and bring about earlier harvesting in
Balochistan in such a way as to increase farm incomes and lower peak
seasonal consumer prices.
(d) Buffer-stock should be maintained by organisation like Pakistan
Agricultural Storage and Supply Corporation (PASSCO/AMSL) which should
be released in off-season to mitigate the variations in prices.
(e) There is a lot of potential of increasing onion production in
Sindh, that needs to be exploited to reduce the severity of the problem.
(f) Improvise cheap methods of preservation and dehydration of
onion needs to minimise the losses and regulate supplies over longer
periods and especially during cold seasons. This will eradicate or
minimise the erratic supply and price swings.
(g) Development of farming system which closely fit market needs
will help considerably in the development of high value export markets.
Comments on "Policy Imperatives: Stabilisation of Production
and Price Swings of Potato and Onion Crops in Pakistan"
As the topic suggests, the paper deals with an important issue and
is laudable for some of its conclusions and policy recommendations. This
is especially true of the paper's conclusion regarding the
ineffectiveness of the government's price support policy for the
two crops under consideration to ensure stability of prices. The paper
may also be appreciated for recommending a multi-faceted strategy for
reduced variability of prices and the output of the potato and onion
crops. Despite these merits, however, the paper suffers from many
shortcomings as follows:
First, the methodology of the paper is defective and lacks
precision. Although instability of prices and output should basically
spring from the mismatch of demand and supply conditions, the paper
fails to define them. Instead, it relies heavily on coefficients of
variation for measurement of stability and argues that higher the
coefficient of variation, the greater is the instability in prices,
output, area and yields. It may, however, be noted that when applied to
time-series data, coefficients of variation are only a rough guide to
instability. They can assume higher values simply because of rapid
inflation or rapidly increasing output, area or yields despite little
upward and downward year to year fluctuations. Looking at the results of
the paper, it would turn out clearly that this indeed had been the case.
For example, coefficients of variation for yields have been consistently
low because of stagnating yields of the two crops over the period under
consideration. In addition, the paper fails to establish price links
between output, prices and exports as sources of instability. While some
type of regression analysis would have been useful, the paper's
emphasis on comparisons of trends leaves much to be desired.
Secondly, the paper is marred by considerable inconsistencies,
inept interpretations and unnecessary and seemingly unrelated issues.
For example, although the paper assumes a highly price inelastic demand
for potato and onion on the very first page on the basis of data in
Table 5, Aunexure HI points to fairly elastic demand conditions with
respect to prices. The annual growth rates of Pakistan's onion
production for the period 1971-72 to 1990-91 have appeared in Table 2,
Table 3 and Annexure II but differ from each other at all three places.
Although the data in Table 4 clearly indicate that potential yields of
the onion and potato crops could be raised four-fold the text of the
paper has insisted on potential yield increases of 73-77 percent only.
The paper equates high price elasticity of rural demand for potato to
low prices which seems absurd. The same page also holds that demand for
onion in the rural areas is likely to grow faster than that in the urban
areas. I have doubts if the conclusion could be upheld without reference
to growth of expenditures in the two areas and statistical significance
of the differences of the estimated expenditure elasticities. One would
also wonder as to how sectoral and provincial demand elasticities,
length of cycle and whole and retail prices are related to production
and price instabilities especially when the prices of the two
commodities are controlled by the government.
Finally, the paper makes a large number of recommendations. Many of
them do not follow from the body of the paper and can be regarded as
irrelevant. Those that do follow from the paper, either have limited
appeal, are impracticable and hence ineffective or are likely to lead to
a distortion of economic efficiencies. For example, although it has been
argued repeatedly throughout the paper that price fluctuations are a
major source of production instability, yet the paper stops short of
recommending price controls. If the price support policy has failed in
the past, the relevant policy issue is to redirect emphasis on making it
more effective but again the paper has nothing to offer on this score.
Likewise the recommended policy of greater institutional credit to small
farmers is unlikely to deliver anything to small farmers in view of
repeated failures unless steps are taken to improve its effectiveness.
The paper has emphasised the need for stepping up production in Sindh
but has ignored the comparative advantage of other provinces. If
pursued, such a policy may lead to greater output of onion and potato
but at the cost of reduced economic efficiency in the production
process. Despite the immense unrealised yield potential of onion and
potato crops, it seems strange that the paper makes no recommendations
regarding the use of key modern inputs such as fertilizers and
insecticides. Last but not the least, the recommendations of acreage set
aside policy, supply of seasonal price information, effective management
of buffer stocks and redirecting the farming system for compatibility
with market needs can hardly be implemented without an efficient
administrative set up of which there is a total lack in Pakistan.
M. Ghaffar Chaudhry
Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamahad.
Authors' Note: We are highly grateful to Dr Sohail J. Malik for his valuable and suggestion.
Burney, N. A., and M. Akmal (1991) Food Demand in Pakistan, An
Application of the Extended Linear Expenditure System. Journal of
Agricultural Economics.
Pakistan, Government of (1988) Report of the National Commission on
Agriculture. Islamabad: Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Co-operatives
Najmi, Yousaf (1991) Price Responsiveness of Household Demand in
Pakistan. Unpublished M. Phil Thesis, Department of Economics,
Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad.
Zakir Hussain Rana is Project Officer, ARD/USAID, Islamabad and Rao
Shafiq-ur-Rehman is Research Economist. EPA (Chemonics International
Consultant Division) Project, Islamabad.
Table 1
Average Annual Compound Growth Rates of Area,
Yield and Production of Potatoes, 1971-72 to 1990-91
Country/Province Area Yield Production
PAKISTAN (+) 6.19 (-) 0.31 (+) 5.88
Punjab (+) 7.04 (-) 0.45 (-) 6.53
Sindh (-) 3.14 (+) 0.06 (-) 3.11
NWFP (+) 3.39 (-) 0.86 (+) 2.53
Balochistan (+) 6.38 (+) 1.27 (+) 7.69
Source: Annexure I.
Note: The growth rates have been worked out by estimating the
equation Ln 0 = a + bt.
Table 2
Average Annual Compound Growth Rates of Area,
Yield per Hectare and Production of Onion: 1971-91
Country/Province Area Yield Production
PAKISTAN (+) 4.75 (+) 0.71 (+) 5.52
Punjab (+) 2.06 (-) 0.97 (+) 1.15
Sindh (+) 6.64 (+) 1.61 (+) 8.25
NWFP (+) 4.69 (+) 0.02 (+) 4.73
Balochistan (+) 6.44 (+) 2.56 (+) 9.36
Source: Annexure II.
Table 3
Yield Gap of Potato and Onion (Kg/Ha)
Yields under National
Experimental Average Yield Gap Potential
Crop Conditions Yield (2)-(3) Increase
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Potato 38,128 10,403 27,725 73
Onion * 48,782 11,220 ** 37,563 77
Source: [Government of Pakistan (1988), p. 255)].
* Figures against onion in all but Column (3) have been worked out by
taking the average of unachieved potential of all other commodities.
** Annexure II.
Table 4
Sectoral Price Elasticity of Demand of Potato and Onion
Commodity Urban Rural
Potato (-) 0.13 (-) 0.07
Onion (-) 0.17 (-) 0.10
Source: Burney and Akmal (1991).
Table 5
Sectoral Expenditure Elasticity of Demand of Potato and Onion
Commodity Urban Rural
Potato 0.28 0.29
Onion 0.37 0.40
Source: Burney and Akmal (1991).
Table 6
Production of Potato, Exports and Percentage Share
in the Total Production
Production Export Share of Export in
Year (000, TNS) (000, TNS) Production (%)
1971-72 253.7 2.6 1.02
1972-73 241.3 3.2 1.33
1973-74 238.8 0.0 0.00
1974-75 289.5 0.0 0.00
1975-76 320.8 3.2 1.00
1976-77 318.0 12.5 3.93
1977-78 293.5 7.7 2.62
1978-79 392.4 23.3 5.94
1979-80 448.5 41.3 9.21
1980-81 394.3 4.9 1.24
1981-82 476.6 3.2 0.67
1982-83 518.1 7.3 1.41
1983-84 509.8 3.3 0.69
1984-85 543.3 2.7 0.50
1985-86 618.4 1.3 0.21
1986-87 594.3 2.5 0.42
1987-88 563.2 0.2 0.04
1988-89 644.8 1.0 0.16
1989-90 830.9 20.3 2.44
1990-91 751.3 2.4 0.32
G. Rate 5.88% -0.42% -5.95%
Average 462.08 7.16 1.66
S.D. 168.52 10.00 2.26
C.V. 36.47 139.81 136.49
Source: (i) Economic Wing, Ministry of Food, Agriculture and
Co-operatives (MINFA), Islamabad. (ii) Monthly Statistical Bulletin,
Bureau of Statistics, Karachi, (Various issues).
Table 7
Production of Onion, Exports and Percentage Share
in the Total Production
Production Export Share of Export in
Year (000, TNS) (000, TNS) Production (%)
1971-72 252.6 2.8 1.11
1972-73 186.6 2.4 1.29
1973-74 239.4 0.0 0.00
1974-75 302.9 0.0 0.00
1975-76 322.7 0.9 0.28
1976-77 331.5 3.7 1.12
1977-78 325.4 47.4 4.57
1978-79 389.7 22.3 5.72
1979-80 434.0 68.6 5.81
1980-81 447.6 75.3 16.82
1981-82 451.8 33.9 7.50
1982-83 474.8 75.5 15.90
1983-84 503.4 45.0 8.94
1984-85 514.6 25.1 4.88
1985-86 558.5 66.3 11.87
1986-87 576.8 48.9 8.47
1987-88 633.1 63.2 9.98
1988-89 707.0 27.1 3.83
1989-90 712.9 82.5 11.57
1990-91 702.4 5.5 0.78
G. Rate 5.53% 3.62% -1.81%
Mean 453.39 34.82 7.02
S.D. 156.79 28.94 5.79
C.V. 34.58 83.13 82.43
Source: (i) Economic Wing, Ministry of Food, Agriculture and
Co-operatives (MINFA), Islamabad. (ii) Monthly Statistical Bulletin,
Bureau of Statistics, Karachi, (Various issues).