Determinants of marital fertility in Pakistan: an application of the "Synthesis Framework".
Butt, Mohammed Sabihuddin ; Jamal, Haroon
The fertility phase of the demographic transition has increasingly
been viewed as a movement from high to low levels of fertility, and as a
shift from natural fertility to deliberately controlled fertility. In an
attempt to gain more insight into this process, the present study, in
the context of Pakistan, is based on intensive National Population,
Labour Force, and Migration Survey data covering 10,000 households. It
aims to focus on the determinants of fertility in Pakistan, specifically
the determinants of the adoption of deliberate fertility regulations.
The role of socio-economic modernisation and cultural factors in the
determination of the potential family size and the adoption of
deliberate fertility control through a knowledge of fertility
regulations have also been explored. The 'Synthesis Framework'
of fertility determination, applied to Sri Lanka and Colombia by
Easterlin and Crimmins (1982), and with its recent modifications by
Ahmed (1987), is the main vehicle for the study.
Pakistan remained in the "High Growth Potential" (1)
stage of fertility transition over the past four decades. Many authors
believe that Pakistan is still experiencing "Natural" (2)
fertility and the stage of deliberately controlled fertility has not yet
begun, (3) in spite of being the first developing country to initiate an
official public family planning programme (4) along with an extensive
analysis of the population phenomenon since 1951. (5) This suggests that
the "whole" story about the determinants of fertility
behaviour at the family level has yet to emerge; new insights may arise
from further work especially in the directions and magnitudes of the
effects of various aspects of socio-economic modernisation, (6) and on
those factors which influence fertility and deliberate 'use'
of fertility regulations--a variable which is believed to be the most
important factor in the explanation of the variations in fertility
behaviour. (7)
It is in this context that an attempt is being made, for the first
time for Pakistan, to apply the famous Easterlin and Crimmins (1982)
"Synthesis Framework" of fertility determination (hereafter,
the EC framework) on cross-sectional data derived from intensive
National Population, Labour Force, and Migration Survey. The attempt is
intended to extend the empirical understanding of the fertility
behaviour of married Pakistani couples through assessing
socio-biological and economic determinants of marital fertility, in
general, and the adoption of fertility regulations, in particular. In
addition, this study will systematically search for answers to the
recurring questions posed by past demographic research, such as whether
Pakistani women are more fecund than others, and why older women use
contraceptives after realising their desired family size. This will
facilitate formulating a mechanism to achieve the
"incipient-decline-stage" for Pakistan as a policy instrument,
by providing the relative merits of the family planning programme
(lowering costs of fertility regulations), (8) and/or socio-economic
development (motivation to limit family size). (9)
The EC framework (10) views that socio-economic modernisation
influences the fertility behaviour of couples through its direct impact
on the supply (proximate determinants, (11) other than the use of
deliberate fertility control) of and the demand for children, and also
on costs of fertility regulations. In particular, the EC framework
characterises the phase of fertility decline during the demographic
transition as a shift from 'natural' fertility to
'deliberately' controlled fertility, as well as changes from
the initially high to the eventually low levels of fertility. It also
conceptualises that factors affecting changes in the fertility behaviour
can be best understood by studying those factors which affect fertility
regulations. The fertility regulation is viewed as a function of the
level of 'motivation' of a couple to control fertility and the
perceived and objective costs of fertility regulations. (12)
'Motivation' is considered to be a function of surplus
(deficit) children a couple has, that is, excess (shortage) of potential
supply of children over a desired demand for children. (13) Eventually,
the trend of deliberate fertility controls and fertility behaviour is
determined in the EC framework by the demand for children, their
potential supply, and the cost of fertility regulations through an
interaction among socio-economic modernisation, plus these three
For empirical purposes, the EC framework is divided into three link
modules. Firstly, it explains the variations in completed family size
through the proximate-determinants approach. Hence, the first equation
relates to the reproductive process expressed as a woman's total
births (children-ever-born) over the productive career as a function of
the proximate and deliberate fertility control variables. At the second
stage, the EC framework considers the deliberate use of fertility
control by married couples. It is hypothesised that the deliberate use
of fertility control may be explained through the 'motivation'
of the couples and the pecuniary and non-pecuniary costs to learn about
and use specific techniques of fertility control. Finally, the third
module analyses each of the exploratory variables of Stages 1 and 2 by
equating these as dependent variables with the set of socio-economic
modernisation and cultural variables, which are traditionally thought to
be the factors affecting fertility behaviour.
The study is based on data drawn from National Population, Labour
Force, and Migration (PLM) Survey. (14) This was a two-stage stratified random sample survey covering both urban and rural areas of the four
provinces of Pakistan. The survey covered about 10,000 households and
contained three modules: the Household Income and Expenditure module,
Labour Force Activity and Migration module, and Fertility module. The
former two modules were offered to each sample household while the
latter was applied only to 'eligible' women, that is,
ever-married and below 50 years of age in the household.
This study, in line with the EC framework, focuses only on
continuously married women who have had at least two children and whose
husbands are still alive. The marital restriction is aimed at minimising
the conceptual and measurement problems associated with marriage
disruption. However, the restriction of at least two children is
intended to avoid a bias in the results in favour of the underlying
theory which postulates that higher motivation leads to more use of
contraception. It reveals that women who had no child, or at the most
one child, are most likely to have never regulated their fertility, and
that they also lack the motivation to do so. Further, several screens
were applied to the data to remove the observations with missing
information on the variables used in the analysis. Thus, the study is
based on 7077 cases, of which 3720 belong to the rural areas and the
rest to urban inhabitants.
A. First Stage-Proximate Determinants Analysis (15)
To estimate the socio-biological determinants of cumulative
fertility of the continuously married woman (number of children ever
born (CEB)), the following linear specification is used. Ordinary Least
Squares (OLS) is applied to obtain the estimates of the explanatory
CEB = [alpha] + [summation] [[beta].sub.i] [X.sub.i] + [tau] U +
[[epsilon].sub.i] (1)
where [X.sub.i] is a vector of proximate determinants, which
include the following seven variables:
(1) Duration of Marriage in completed years (DURMARY). It is viewed
as a proxy for exposure to the risk of intercourse, particularly in
those societies where premarital sex is prohibited. Duration of marriage
is measured as the algebraic difference between a respondent's
current age and her age at marriage. The cumulative fertility of
continuously married women is expected to be greater when her duration
of marriage is larger.
(2) Length of First Birth Interval in months (FBI). The main
component of this variable is the waiting time to conception and period
of pregnancy. Since duration of pregnancy is constant in normal
circumstances, the waiting time to conception is crucial for explaining
the fertility behaviour. Thus, the length of the respondent's first
birth interval is a proxy for the level of fecundity in the absence of
contraceptives. The negative correlation is hypothesised between FBI and
(3) Length of Last Closed Birth Interval in months (LCBI). It is a
proxy for non-breast feeding component of postpartum amenorrhea (16)
which inhibits ovulation. It is argued that the relationship is inverse
between the variable and cumulative fertility.
(4) Not Secondarily Sterility (NSS). It reflects the absence of
secondary sterility, that is, the physiological incapacity to produce a
live birth. Women found to be fecund were given a value of one while
zero was assigned to those women who either reported a fecundity
impairment or as currently regulating their fertility, and had no birth
in the last five years nor were currently pregnant.
(5) Duration of Breast Feeding in months (MOBF). Duration of
breast-feeding is the principal determinant of the length of postpartum
amenorrhea. Increase in the intensity and duration of breast-feeding
enhances the duration of postpartum amenorrhea. Therefore, it is a proxy
for pregnancy protection conferred on nursing mothers by subsequent
prolonged infecundable period. (17) Thus, MOBF is expected to be
negatively related with CEB.
(6) Proportion of Pregnancy Wastage (WASTPREG). It is the ratio of
total number of pregnancies wasted, including miscarriages, spontaneous
abortions, and still-births; but it excludes embryonic deaths before the
first missed menses to the total number of pregnancies. A birth interval
which includes a foetal wastage is extended by an additional period of
ovulatory exposure, as well as additional months of pregnancy,
amenorrhea and, perhaps, an ovulatory cycle. Thus, the total number of
children born to a continuously married woman is expected to be higher
when foetal wastage rate is lower.
(7) Proportion of Infant Mortality (IMR). It is viewed that infant
and child mortality shortens the non-susceptible period, either due to
the end of ovulatory interval, if mother had breastfed, or by the
resumption of sexual relation. Therefore, both IMR and CEB are believed
to be positively related. (18)
The Use of Fertility Control (U) also affects fertility and it is
expected to be negatively associated with the observed household's
fertility. In the standard EC framework, the fertility control or
contraceptive use variable was measured by years since its first usage.
Unfortunately, such information is not available in the PLM survey.
Therefore, the categorical variable (USE) is used instead, in this
study. The respondents reporting the use of any methods of contraception
were given the value of one, while the rest were assigned the value of
zero. Both efficient (Pills, IUD, Diaphragm, Foam, Tablets, Condoms, and
Injections) and inefficient (Douche, Withdrawal, and Rhythm) methods are
considered. Induced abortion and sterilisation, though not common in
Pakistan, are also included as efficient methods. However, to explore
any behavioural differences among the users, the variable USE is defined
and treated in two different ways. Respondents who reported to have ever
practised contraception were given the value of one to the variable USE
(MODELA), while in MODEL-B the variable USE is constructed by assigning
the value of one to those respondents who reported the use of
contraceptives during last five years prior to the survey dates. Thus,
MODEL-B tries to capture the behaviour of the current users of fertility
control methods.
B. Second Stage-Determinants of 'USE' Equation
To determine the factors affecting the probability of use of
deliberate fertility control (USE), the following specification
(Equation 4), as suggested by the EC Framework and as recently modified
by Ahmed (1987), is estimated using the logit estimation technique. It
is hypothesised that:
USE = [[beta].sub.o] + [[beta].sub.1] (Cn - Cd) + [[beta].sub.2] RC
+ e (2)
where USE is the fertility control variable as mentioned above, Cn
the potential supply of children, Cd the demand for children, and RC the
costs of all types of fertility regulations. The difference between Cn
and Cd represents the motivation to control fertility. As outlined in
Ahmed (1987), Cn is unobservable and its indirect estimation, as
described by Easterlin and Crimmins (1982), may produce biases (19) and
can be replaced by the following equation:
Cn = [alpha] + [summation] [[beta].sub.i] [X.sub.i] + [u.sub.i] ...
... ... ... ... (3)
where [X.sub.i] is a vector of all seven proximate determinants of
the first stage. Substituting it into Equation (2) yields:
USE = [tau] + [summation] [[delta].sub.i] [X.sub.i] - [pi] Cd +
[empty set] RC + [[member of].sub.i] ... ... ... (4)
Theoretically, one would expect the probability of use of
deliberate fertility control (USE) by a continuously married woman to be
the higher (20)--due to the following:
(i) The longer her exposure to the risk of intercourse, measured in
terms of duration of marriage (DURMARY). The greater the risk to
exposure (intercourse) the more it raises the supply of children, which
may in turn increase the 'motivation' to adopt fertility
(ii) The shorter her first birth interval (FBI); implying a faster
rate of her early child-bearing.
(iii) The shorter her birth intervals (LCBI) and duration of
breast-feeding practice (MOBF). These indicators of postpartum
amenorrhea reduce postpartum infecundity, which raises in turn, the
supply of children and, consequently, increase the probability to adopt
deliberate fertility control methods.
(iv) The higher her fecundity--measured as a secondarily sterility.
(v) The less are her physiological problems of reproduction as
proxied by the rate of foetal wastage (WASTPREG). An increase in the
rate of foetal wastage decreases the potential supply of births, which
decreases in turn, the probability to adopt fertility control.
The direction of the effects of infant and child mortality (IMR) on
the probability of the use of deliberate fertility control is less
clear; it would be positive if the supply of living children was raised
through an earlier ovulation following an infant death; it would be
negative if the supply of living children was reduced through successive
infant deaths.
To represent demand for children (Cd), desired total family size
(DFS) is used in the analysis, defined as the number of existing
children plus the number of additional children desired by the
respondent. However, its application in many developing countries is
beset by the problem of fatalistic (non-numeric) responses, such as
"up to God" or "as many as possible", etc. Also, it
may fail to reflect the different demographic pressures among those
wanting no additional children. Nevertheless, recent empirical work on
fertility concludes that the magnitude of such biases is not large
enough to invalidate the usefulness of DFS. In fact, DFS has been
considered to be a better measure of demand for children than the
'ideal family size' (21) [Farooq and Simmons (1985)]. For the
present analysis, DFS is constructed in the form of four binary
variables: DFS1 equals one if DFS is not more than 2 children; DFS2
equals one if DFS is 3 to 4 children; if desired family size is 5 or
more, DFS3 equals to one, otherwise zero; and DFS4 equals to one if the
respondent gives fatalistic (non-numeric) responses. It is hypothesised
that demand for children (Cd) and contraceptive use are inversely
Costs of fertility regulations (RC) must represent the
household's subjective attitudes towards the use of fertility
control, their information on the methods of control, and economic costs
of obtaining additional knowledge about the use of techniques, and of
purchasing the supplies or services needed for the control.
Unfortunately, this ideal information is not available in the PLM data
set. Therefore, a proxy variable (KNOWN) is used which reflects the
number of methods of fertility control (efficient or inefficient) known
to a married woman-and she reported these without special prompting.
(22) The idea is that the significant knowledge reduces time and psychic
costs, which, reduces in turn the total costs of fertility regulations.
Thus, it is expected that KNOWN tends to increase the probability of use
of fertility control.
C. Third Stage-Modernisation and Fertility
In line with the standard EC framework, a set of equations are
estimated to observe the impact of socio-economic modernisation and
cultural variables on fertility and the fertility control behaviour. The
following linear specifications are used to obtain the coefficient of
exogenous socio-economic modernisation and cultural variables. OLS
estimation technique is used to estimate the coefficients.
[X.sub.1] = [beta].sub.0] + [summation] [[beta].sub.i] [M.sub.i] +
[u.sub.i] ... ... ... ... (5)
DFS = [[beta].sub.0] + [summation] [[beta].sub.i] [M.sub.i] +
[u.sub.i] ... ... ... ... (6)
KNOWN = [[beta].sub.0] + [summation] [[beta].sub.i] [M.sub.i] +
[u.sub.i] ... ... ... ... (7)
where [X.sub.i] is a vector of seven proximate determinants (other
than the use of deliberate fertility control) as described above, DFS is
desired family size, and KNOWN is the proxy for the costs of fertility
regulations. [M.sub.i] represents the vector of socio-economic
modernisation and cultural variables available in the PML survey data.
These include education of husband and wife; rural/urban residence; work
status of wife before marriage-farm worker, non-farm worker, and never
worked before; husband's occupation-self-employed farmer,
agricultural wage worker, unskilled worker, professional, clerical and
service worker, and no work. Further, four provincial (Punjabi, Pathan,
Balochi, and Sindhi) dummy variables are incorporated to reflect local
cultural effects on the fertility behaviour. (23)
A. Proximate Determinants Analysis
Regression estimates of the proximate determinants (other than the
use of deliberate fertility control)-separate for MODEL-A and
MODEL-B--are shown in Table 1. In both cases, the explanatory power of
the equations-fairly high adjusted R-Square and F-statistics-suggests
that the equations fit well and the proximate determinants used in the
model explain more than 60 percent of the sample household variations in
child-bearing. An examination of the regression results also confirms
the hypothetical relationships between household fertility and proximate
variables. All variables are statistically significant, and are in a
right direction, except for the coefficient of USE in MODEL-A.
The mortality variables (WASTPREG and IMR), fecundity (NSS), and
duration of marriage (DURMARY) emerge as major proximate determinants of
cumulative fertility among the sample households. Postpartum amenorrheic variables (FBI, LCBI, and MOBF) seem to have smaller effects on
fertility as against the normal findings in the relevant literature. It
may partly be explained by the differences in measurement, and partly by
the fact that most fertility studies are usually based on population
grouped data rather than individual observations.
The coefficient of USE in MODEL-B bears a correct sign. But it
should be noted that current use is not related to the whole
reproductive career as is the dependent variable, cumulative fertility.
The observed positive association between ever-used of fertility control
seems contrary to the general belief that higher fertility in developing
countries is the result of ignorance about fertility regulations. It
appears that Pakistani couples engaged in family planning practices only
when they have realised their desired family size. (24) However,
scepticism remains about whether the possible bias arising from the fact
that more fecund women tend to use more contraceptives has been
controlled for or not. As another possible explanation of this
contradiction, one could argue with some plausibility that, ceteris
paribus, women who successfully space their births by using
contraceptive methods must cumulatively have fewer births than those who
do not.
In general, the results are similar to those obtained for Sri Lanka
and Colombia; but with one exception: fertility regulation in both these
two countries was inversely and significantly related to
households' fertility [Easterlin and Crimmins (1982)].
B. Determinants of 'USE' Equation
The estimated logit coefficients are reported in Table 2. As
expected, the demand for children negatively affects the log odds of
contraceptive use. It is interesting to note that, in both models,
relatively high probability of the use of contraception is associated
with numeric responses. It reveals that those who systematically plan
for their desired family size are likely to be contraceptive users.
Except the rate for foetal wastage (WASTPREG), all coefficients related
with the supply of children variables are significant and depict the
presumed association with the probability of adopting fertility control
among the sample women. The unexpected positive and significant effect
of the foetal wastage rate on the probability of contraceptive use may
be either due to 'misreporting' or the fact that those
households use contraceptives which have had foetal wastage to avoid
future physiological and psychological problems related to still-births,
miscarriages, etc.
In both models, the likelihood of adopting fertility control seems
to be less among married women who had relatively longer duration of
postpartum amenorrhea (longer duration of birth intervals and/or
breast-feeding); while relatively more fecund respondents, and those
with a relatively longer duration of marriage, are expected to more
likely adopt fertility regulations. The variable representing costs of
fertility control (KNOWN) shows the expected positive link with the
probability of adopting fertility regulations. However, this coefficient
is insignificant in MODEL-A. Based on this result, one may argue that
women who ever regulated their family size either used fertility control
methods without having proper knowledge or irrespective of the costs.
In general, the estimated results of the second stage of the
analysis reveal that non-fatalism or systematic planning for the birth
of children may motivate the adoption of fertility regulations.
Furthermore, we may conclude that 'motivation'--governing the
supply of and demand for children-is the major determinant affecting the
probability of use of deliberate fertility control among
'eligible' women in Pakistan.
C. Impact of Socio-economic Modernisation on Fertility
The regression results of the potential supply of children (other
than use of fertility control), desired family size, and number of
methods of fertility control known are presented in Table 3. The
socio-economic modernisation and cultural exogenous variables explain
about 0.3 to 7 percent of the variation in the dependent variables. The
lowest [[bar.R].sup.2] is that of the 1, NSS, WASTPREG, and KNOWN. (25)
Considering all regressions together, both the socio-economic
modernisation and cultural variables seem to have effects on the supply,
demand, and regulation costs. In socio-economic modernisation, urban
residence has the most pervasive impact on fertility. Urban women,
despite having a significantly lower family-size desire and a relatively
higher knowledge of fertility control (lower costs of regulation), seem
to have higher cumulative fertility as compared to their rural
counterparts. The reasons may be their relatively higher exposure to the
risk of intercourse (longer duration of marriage), and lower incidence
of postpartum infecundity (shorter duration of postpartum amenorrheic
variables, i.e., MOBF, FBI, LCBI).
On the other hand, lower infant and child mortality among urban
respondents indirectly reduces total fertility through its direct effect
on postpartum amenorrhea, if they breastfed. (26) The same can be true
in the case of spouse's education. Though duration of marriage is
lower among the more educated, it reduces the possible positive effect
of education on cumulative fertility. It should also be noted that,
despite much lower mean years of schooling for sample women (less than a
year) as compared to men (3.5 years), the effect of wife's
education seems to be more significant and consistently dominant than
husband's education.
There is no significant difference among women who worked before
marriage and those who never worked in terms of their cumulative
fertility. Fertility seems to be higher among women whose husbands work
in the rural sector or the agricultural sector, (employee or
self-employed farmers) as compared to those whose husbands work in other
occupations. This may be either due to their longer duration of marriage
or a desire for a relatively large family size and relatively higher
costs of fertility regulations (less knowledge).
Knowledge of fertility regulations is directly related to
wife's education and urbanisation, and is the same among those
women who ever worked or not at all. It is surprisingly higher among
those women whose husbands work in rural sectors. Demand for children is
higher among those who work in the agricultural sector, and
significantly lower among the more educated and urban respondents.
The table also evinces that there are marginal differences in terms
of duration of marriage, infant and child mortality, desire for family
size, and knowledge of fertility control among respondents of different
provinces. Nevertheless, there seems to be no marked differences in
terms of postpartum amenorrheic factors. Therefore, cumulative fertility
levels are much likely to be the same among respondents of different
cultural settings in the country.
In conclusion, one may state that desire for family size and
knowledge of fertility control are more sensitive to modernisation
variables. Most of the proximate determinants of the potential family
size tend to be sensitive to urbanisation and education, particularly
the education of wife. It is relevant to note that the observed
negligible impact of women's work status on fertility, and possible
positive effects of wife's work status and urbanisation on
fertility, seems to be consistent with the available evidence on other
LDCs. In a relatively less developed situation, little education,
especially wife's, and urbanisation tend to have a positive impact
on cumulative fertility via reducing postpartum infecundity of married
women by reducing the duration of breast-feeding and other postpartum
amenorrheic variables. (27)
The nationwide cross-section data of the intensive Pakistan PLM
survey are applied to replicate the famous Easterlin and Crimmins (1982)
'synthesis' framework of fertility determination with its
recent modifications by Ahmed (1987). The following main conclusions are
drawn from the preceding discussion and these may be important for
policy and planning purposes.
1. The most important determinants of the country's high-level
fertility are relatively higher levels of woman fecundity and infant and
child mortality.
2. Influence of postpartum amenorrheic variables (other than
proportion of children and infant mortality) on cumulative fertility of
a married woman is weaker as against the findings of other empirical
studies of this type.
3. Factors affecting 'motivation' to adopt fertility
control emerge as the main determinants of the use of fertility
regulations; while knowledge about the methods of fertility regulation
(costs of regulation) does not have significant influence on the
decision to adopt fertility control.
4. Observed positive relation between ever-used contraceptives
(MODELA) and fertility may be either due to higher fecundity among the
users, as supported by the positive association between probability of
ever used of contraception and NSS, or due to the observed higher
probability of use among older women (with a longer duration of
marriage), or due to a relatively higher probability of use among women
who have their desired family size through systematic planning by using
contraceptives. Such behaviour of the users may also explain the
possible claim for Pakistani married women, that is, the fertility
control methods are being used after realising their desired family
size-particularly during the later stages of married life.
5. Systematic planning for children's birth may motivate the
adoption of fertility regulations.
6. Urbanisation and education, especially wife's education,
operate on all aspects of cumulative fertility, and may have a positive
impact on households' fertility via lowering postpartum infecundity
due to a shorter duration of birth-intervals and breast-feeding
practice; even though both variables have a depressant effect on the
desired family size. A possible positive effect of urbanisation on
cumulative fertility is likely to be higher than of education, because
urban respondents have longer duration of marriage, lower postpartum
practices, and are more fecund than their rural counterparts.
7. Wife's occupational shift seems to have a negligible effect
on the fertility behaviour of married couples.
8. Husband's occupational structure influences all three
aspects of fertility. Cumulative fertility may be lower among those
respondents who report non-agriculture occupation of their husbands,
either due to shorter duration of marriage or smaller family-size
planning and relatively lower costs of fertility regulations.
However, due to the presence of inherent limitations pertaining to
an analysis of this type, and possible sources of biases in data and
variables specifications, these findings may not be viewed as
incontrovertible. (28) Any future endeavour to circumvent such
limitations may indubitably extend our understanding of the fertility
behaviour of married couples in Pakistan.
Authors' Note: We are highly indebted to Professor Don J.
DeVoretz of the Department of Economics, Simon Fraser University,
Canada, for his encouragement and useful comments on an earlier draft of
this paper. We are also grateful to the Pakistan Institute of
Development Economics for providing the PLM survey data-set. The
responsibility for the results reported here remains ours.
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(1) There is a general agreement among demographers that the
process of demographic transition involves three stages:
(i) The "High Growth Potential Stage", characterised by
both a high Crude Birth Rate (CBR) and a high Crude Death Rate (CDR):
Pre-Industrial societies;
(ii) the "Transitional Growth Stage", in which mortality
begins to decline but fertility remains relatively high, thereby
threatening the risk of "population explosion": Early stages
of economic growth; and
(iii) the "Incipient Decline Stage", in which both
fertility and mortality rates decline to a low level, thereby completing
the process of demographic transition from high to low vital rates:
Developed societies.
(2) Natural fertility is defined by Henry (1961) as fertility in
the absence of deliberate fertility control, that is, "bound to the
number of children already born and is modified when the number exceeds
the maximum which the couple does not wish to exceed".
(3) Fertility in Pakistan has fallen slightly in more than three
decades, and still remains the highest among the other 'Low Income
Countries'. On the average, a married woman today gives birth to
6.48 children, during her reproductive career, as compared to 7.1 in
1960-65 Similarly, infant mortality levels remain high; estimated at 140
per 1000 in 1975 and 121 per 1000 in 1985-higher than other LDCs. In
contrast, contraceptive prevalence is the lowest as compared to other
developing countries [World Bank (1984); WFS (1984); Alam and Dinesen
(eds) (1984)].
(4) In 1965, Pakistan was the second country in Asia (after India)
to adopt official population planning policies and activities aimed at
lowering birth rates. However, the family planning programme, though
considered to be a success in its initial years, has had little impact
on fertility trends. For a detailed review of the history and
performance of Pakistan family planning programme, see Robinson et al.
(5) Since Davis (1951), "The Population of India and
Pakistan", where the sociology of fertility in India and Pakistan
has been brought out rather clearly, several studies have been
undertaken for a proper understanding of the reproductive performance of
Pakistani woman. For detailed references, see Alam and Dinesen (eds)
(1984). With the availability of Pakistan Fertility Survey (1975) and
National Population, Labour Force, and Migration Survey (1979-80) data,
which provide much precise and country-wise internationally comparable
baseline information, theoretically-based empirical research on various
demographic issues expanded enormously during the 1970s and 1980s. For
contributions, see Alam and Dinesen (eds) (1984); Sathar (1979, 1987);
Sathar and Irfan (1984); Sathar et al. (1988); Shah and Palmore (1979)
and Soomro and Farooqui (1985). Most of these studies mainly explore
levels, trends, and rural-urban differentials pertaining to the sample
population by employing theoretical considerations as suggested by
economic models with the exception of Sathar (1984), who used the PFS data and analysed the household fertility behaviour employing the
'intervening' variables approach.
(6) The term 'socio-economic modernisation' is used to
denote the collective set of the process of economic development and
social change operating in any developing country. From the complex
nature of changes encompassed by socio-economic development, five could
be most critical in bringing about a shift to modern conditions of
child-beating. These are (1) innovations in public health and medical
care, (2) innovations in formal schooling, (3) urbanisation, (4) the
introduction of new goods, and (5) the establishment of a family
planning programme [Easterlin et al. (1980) and Easterlin and Crimmins
(7) See, in particular, Hermalin (1983); Mauldin and Berelson
(1978); Bongaart and Krimeyer (1982). For other contributions, see
Bulatao and Lee (eds) (1983) and Easterlin and Crimmins (1985).
(8) See, among others, Coale (1973); Frisch (1978); Bongaart and
Kirmeyer (1982); Hermalin (1983); Bongaart and Menken (1983).
(9) See, for example, Freedman (1975); Leibenstein (1975);
Easterlin (1975, 1978); Cochrane (1979, 1983) and Freedman (1979).
(10) The EC framework is an alloy of two generally contradictory
approaches to the study of household fertility behaviour--the
'Household Demand' approach developed by Becker (1960); Mincer
(1963); Willis (1973); Schultz (1976, 1980) and many others, and the
'Socio-biological' approach propounded by Davis and Blake
(1956); Bongaart (1978, 1982); Bongaart and Potter (1983) and Bongaart
and Manken (1983). The framework has proved tenable in both less
developed and developed countries. The EC framework has served as the
conceptual framework for the National Academy of Science study for the
fertility determinants in developing countries [Bulatao and Lee (eds)
(1983)]. For a detailed and formal exposition of the theory and fuller
citation of the EC framework, see Easterlin (1975, 1978); Easterlin and
Crimmins (1982, 1985) Easterlin et al. (1980); Crimmins et al. (1984);
Ahmed (1987); Jain-Shing et al. (1987) and Boulier and Mankiw (1986).
The EC framework as developed by Easterlin and Crimmins (1982) and as
modified by Ahmed (1987) has been applied identically in this study.
(11) In general, it is argued that a complex set of physiological
and biological conditions and interaction must exist for a birth to take
place, and that various aspects such as age or health status are not, to
any significant degree, under the control of an individual. This
approach thus suggests that for any discussion on the fertility
behaviour, it is useful to begin with the recognition of the set of
fertility-inhibiting proximate-determinants (intermediate variables) of
fertility that exist in all societies but vary in their impact. These
are identified as the extent of exposure to intercourse (duration of age
of marriage), fecundability (including coital frequency), duration of
postpartum infecundability, spontaneous intra-uterine mortality,
sterility, and the use of deliberate fertility controls (contraception
and induced abortions) and behavioural factors through which
socio-economic, cultural, and environmental variables affect fertility.
For details, see Davis and Blake (1956); Freedman (1979); Bongaart
(1972, 1982); Bongaart and Potter (1983) and Bongaart and Manken (1983).
(12) This includes physical/health costs, psychological costs,
psychic costs, and economic costs to learn about and use specific
techniques of fertility control [For details, see in particular Hermalin
(13) For a comprehensive discussion on demand, supply, and
regulation costs, including all references to the relevant literature,
see in particular Easterlin et al. (1980); Lee and Bulatao (1983);
Lindert (1983); Bogue (1983); Bongaart and Manken (1983); Hermalin
(1983) and Easterlin and Crimmins (1982, 1985).
(14) The PLM survey, officially known as "Pak/78/PO4-Studies
in Population, Labour Force, and International Migration in
Pakistan", was started in 1979. The project was funded by the
United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) and executed by
the International Labour Organisation (ILO). Pakistan Institute of
Development Economics was appointed by the Government of Pakistan as the
national executing agency. Fieldwork was carried out by the Federal
Bureau of Statistics, Statistics Division, Government of Pakistan. The
overall objective of the project was to help in creating a necessary
information base for in-depth analyses of the household decision-making
process concerning fertility, labour force, migration, and income and
expenditures. This was deemed necessary for a comprehensive national
planning strategy as charted in the Sixth Five-Year Plan (1983-1988).
For a detailed description of the project and survey, see, Sathar and
Irfan (1984).
(15) The discussion in this section follows the reasoning often
emphasised by the 'Socio-biological' approach regarding the
conceptual interrelationship between Proximate Determinants and Natural
Fertility, as provided by Davis and Blake (1956); Bongaart (1972, 1982);
Bongaart and Potter (1983) and Bongaart and Manken (1983).
(16) Temporary absence of menstruation after a birth is often
called postpartum amenorrhea. During this period, ovulation cannot take
place [Bongaart and Potter (1983)].
(17) It has been found though that full breast-feeding associates
with lower rates of resumption of menstruation or ovulation than partial
(supplemented) breast-feeding [Bongaart and Potter (1983)].
(18) Total potential supply may decrease as the survival rate of
infants increases, in the course of socio-economic modernisation, either
due to the behavioural reasons (reduction in infant and child mortality
due to an increase in socio-economic status subsequently reduces
fertility [Yamada (1985)]) or the physiological reasons (reduction in
infant and child mortality might increase the interval between births by
providing protection against pregnancy through lengthening the period
postpartum infecundityamenorrhea-if mothers breastfeed [Bongaart and
Potter (1983)]). However, it is hard to distinguish the physiological
effect from the behavioural effect [Crimmins et al. (1984); Bongaart and
Potter (1983); Bongaart and Manken (1983)].
(19) For a detailed discussion on the main sources of statistical
biases, as recognised in the recent empirical work, see Crimmins and
Easterlin (1983); Ahmed (1987); Easterlin and Crimmins (1985) and
McHenry (1985).
(20) For a detailed discussion, see Bongaart (1972, 1982); Bongaart
and Potter (1983) and Bongaart and Manken (1983).
(21) For a detailed discussion of different family size preference
measures, refer to Lee and Bulatao (1983) and Farooq and Simmons (eds)
(1985). However, it is not clear from the PLM survey data whether the
desired family size was stated by wife respondent or the couple. It has
been shown that data on fertility preferences can suffer from the fact
that those who were interviewed may not be responsible for reproductive
decision-making [Khan and Sirageldin (1977)]. Furthermore, sex
preferences-disregarded in the present analysis--could also affect
fertility preferences [DeTray (1980)].
(22) It should be noted that this measure is deficient since it
fails to capture the subjective feelings about the specific fertility
control methods. Furthermore, it may introduce bias, favouring the
hypothesised effect [Ahmed (1987); Easterlin and Crimmins (1985);
McHenry (1985)]. However, KNOWN with similar specification is used by
Easterlin and Crimmins (1982).
(23) Although, in Pakistan, 98 percent of the total population
comprises Muslims, yet each province represents a unique population in
terms of ethnicity, social and cultural values, women's status
(labour force participation and women's education), family and
marital customs, etc. Literacy is the highest in Sindh (35 percent),
followed by the Punjab, the NWFP, and Baiochistan. Punjab is the most
densely populated province, over 100 people per square mile, while only
7 people live in one square mile in Balochistan. Neutral family
system-both in the rural and urban areas--is a common feature in the
Punjab and the NWFP. In Sindh (excluding Karachi and Hyderabad-where 75
percent of the country's urdu-speaking population lives) and
Balochistan, the old tribal system still commands marital union and
family structure. Approximately over 70 percent of the female
population, both in the Punjab and the NWFP, is directly and indirectly
involved in economic activities in the rural areas. Female labour force
participation rate is negligible in the rural areas of the remaining two
provinces. Female enrolment, both at primary and secondary levels, is
the highest in the Punjab, followed by Sindh, the NWFP, and Balochistan.
The per capita GNP is the highest in Sindh, followed by the Punjab, the
NWFP, and Balochistan. The proportion of total population living in the
urban areas is the highest in Sindh (40 percent), followed by the
Punjab, Balochistan, and the NWFP.
(24) See, for example, Khan and Sirageldin (1977); Soomro and
Farooqui (1985); Farooq and Simmons 0985) and Shah and Palmore (1979).
(25) Low [[bar.R].sup.2] is not an uncommon feature, particularly
in cross-sectional data.
(26) See No. 18.
(27) See, for example, Cochrane (1983); Lindert (1983); UNO (1985);
Nag (1983); Oni (1985).
(28) See No. 19.
Mohammed Sabihuddin Butt and Haroon Jamal are Research Economists
at the Applied Economics Research Centre, University of Karachi.
Table 1
Regression of Children Ever Born on Proximate Determinants
MODEL 'A' (a) MODEL 'B' (b)
Proximate Standard Standard
Determinants Estimates Error Estimates Error
DURMARY 0.274 *** 0.003 0.329 *** 0.003
FBI -0.025 *** 0.001 -0.028 *** 0.001
LCBI -0.027 *** 0.001 -0.028 *** 0.001
NSS 1.874 *** 0.056 -2.667 *** 0.054
MOBF -0.024 *** 0.003 -0.021 *** 0.002
WASTPREG -1.530 *** 0.208 -1.444 *** 0.204
IMR 0.733 *** 0.096 -0.833 *** 0.096
USE 0.145 ** 0.070 -0.597 *** 0.074
CONSTANT 1.084 0.086 0.122 0.086
.sup.2] 0.609 0.699
F 1383.416 *** 1634.093 ***
N 7077 5608
* Significant at 0.10 level.
** Significant at 0.05 level.
*** Significant at 0.01 level.
(a) Ever Used any Method.
(b) Current Users of any Method.
Table 2
Logit Estimates of the Use of Fertility Control on the Demand for
Children, Supply of Children, and Costs of Regulation Variables
MODEL 'A' (a) MODEL 'B' (b)
Standard Standard
Estimates Error Estimates Error
Intercept 7.786 0.137 -0.004 1.313
Demand for Children
Desired Family Size
2 Children (1) -- -- -- --
3-4 Children -0.235 ** 0.087 -0.225 ** 0.114
5 or More Children -0.769 *** 0.095 -0.848 *** 0.123
Fatalistic Answer -1.322 *** 0.145 -1.366 *** 0.184
Supply of Children
DURMARY 0.033 *** 0.003 0.066 *** 0.004
FBI -0.011 *** 0.001 -0.015 *** 0.002
LCBI -0.003 ** 0.001 -0.004 ** 0.002
NSS 0.744 *** 0.091 4.210 *** 1.305
MOBF -0.015 *** 0.003 -0.017 *** 0.004
WASTPREG 1.033 *** 0.224 1.173 *** 0.298
IMR -1.301 *** 0.151 -1.700 *** 0.210
Cost of Regulations
KNOWN 6.122 10.894 1.603 *** 0.277
D.F. 7065 5596
*Significant at 0.10 level.
** Significant at 0.05 level.
***Significant at 0.01 level.
(1) Reference Category.
(a) Ever Used any Method.
(b) Current Users of any Method.
Table 3
Regressions of Determinants of Potential Family Size, Desired
Family Size, and Cost of Regulation on Modernisation and Cultural
Variables: (Equations 5, 6 and 7)
Proximate Determinants of
Potential Family Size, Cu
Month of
Duration Breast-
of Marriage feeding
Variables (DURMARY) (MOBF)
Wife's Education -.3863 (.043) -.3003 (.044)
Husband's Education -.1763 (.026) -.0702 (.026)
Urban Residence 1.9313 (.243) -.8403 (.247)
Wife's Occupation
Farm Worker -.375 (.577) -.807 (.587)
Non-farm Worker -.765 (.701) .840 (.247)
Husband's Occupation
Farmer 1.2223 (.271) .201 (.275)
Agri. Worker .8093 (.453) -.449 (.461)
Unskilled -.0341 (.020) -1.355 (2.471)
No Work .6052 (.266) -.008 (.271)
Punjabi .222 (.239) .0001 (.243)
Pathan -.388 (.348) .9062 (.354)
Balochi -1.7493 (.477) -.384 (.485)
CONSTANT 16.31 15.42
[[bar.R].sup.2] .040 0.22
F 25.941 14.311
Proximate Determinants of
Potential Family Size, Cu
First Last
Birth Closed
Interval Interval
Variables (FBI) (LCBI)
Wife's Education -.7063 (.148) -.2322 (.111)
Husband's Education -.3463 (.091) -.062 (.067)
Urban Residence -3.1933 (.831) -.291 (.691)
Wife's Occupation
Farm Worker 3.5371 (1.97) .919 (1.467)
Non-farm Worker -.778 (2.391) -.137 (1.784)
Husband's Occupation
Farmer 1.272 (.925) 1.3852 (.689)
Agri. Worker -2.4751 (1.540) -.393 (1.152)
Unskilled 19.762 (8.290) 5.364 (6.177)
No Work .424 (.911) .674 (.677)
Punjabi 4.1273 (.817) 1.6712 (.608)
Pathan -5.7813 (1.190) .452 (.886)
Balochi -1.901 (1.631) 1.753 (1.212)
CONSTANT 36.835 33.955
[[bar.R].sup.2] .024 .004
F 16.012 3.31
Proximate Determinants of
Potential Family Size, Cu
Not Proportion
Secondarily of Pregnancy
Sterile Wastage
Variables (NSS) (WASTPREG)
Wife's Education -.0031 (.002) .0004 (.0004)
Husband's Education -.0001 (.001) .00072 (.0002)
Urban Residence -.0322 (.011) .0113 (.002)
Wife's Occupation
Farm Worker .015 (.026) .0101 (.006)
Non-farm Worker .038 (.032) 0.172 (.008)
Husband's Occupation
Farmer -.0473 (.012) -.001 (.003)
Agri. Worker -.0572 (.021) .002 (.005)
Unskilled -.044 (.109) -.027 (.027)
No Work .0262 (.012) -.001 (.002)
Punjabi .0363 (.010) .002 (.002)
Pathan .0422 (.015) .0183 (.004)
Balochi .0612 (.021) -.001 (.005)
CONSTANT 0.845 0.020
[[bar.R].sup.2] .005 .011
F 4.011 7.291
Proximate Determinants of
Potential Family Size, Cu
of Infant Desired
Child Family
Mortality Size
Variables (IMR) (DFS)
Wife's Education -.0073 (.001) -.0823 (.007)
Husband's Education -.0033 (.0001) -.0092 (.004)
Urban Residence -.0112 (.006) -.1743 (.040)
Wife's Occupation
Farm Worker -.016 (.015) .3773 (.096)
Non-farm Worker -.008 (.017) .146 (.117)
Husband's Occupation
Farmer .002 (.007) .1833 (.045)
Agri. Worker .004 (.011) .2543 (.075)
Unskilled -.1031 (.061) -.299 (.408)
No Work .0182 (.006) .0992 (.044)
Punjabi .0323 (.006) -.4273 (.040)
Pathan .0131 (.009) -.022 (.059)
Balochi -.002 (.012) -.3293 (.079)
CONSTANT .162 5.11
[[bar.R].sup.2] .029 .074
F 18.472 48.142
Proximate Determinants of
Potential Family Size, Cu
Number of
Variables (KNOWN)
Wife's Education .0031 (.002)
Husband's Education -.00007 (.0001)
Urban Residence .0032 (.001)
Wife's Occupation
Farm Worker -.001 (.004)
Non-farm Worker -.005 (.005)
Husband's Occupation
Farmer -.0031 (.002)
Agri. Worker -.0031 (.002)
Unskilled -.004 (.016)
No Work -.0042 (.002)
Punjabi .0022 (.001)
Pathan .0073 (.002)
Balochi .0051 (.003)
[[bar.R].sup.2] .003
F 2.49
Reference Categories: Province: Sindhi.
Wife's Occupation: No work before marriage.
Husband's Occupation: White-collar workers,
professional, skilled, and service workers.
N = 7077 (All Equations).
(1) Significant at 0.10 level.
(2) Significant at 0.05 level.
(3) Significant at 0.01 level.
Standard Error in Parentheses.