Safe motherhood in South Asia: current status and strategies for change.
Sathar, Zeba A. ; Raza, Bilquees
Women in South Asia comprise close to one third of the world's
female population. Not only is South Asia an extremely populous region
but population growth rates have been much higher than averages for
other developing countries. The implications of high population growth
rates are quite direct and severe for women, as they are the result of
high levels of fertility which have prevailed for some time in this
region. The stable and high levels of fertility along with falling
mortality have led to a youthful population structure where about 45
percent of the population is aged under 15. Since childbearing as well
as childrearing are almost the sole responsibility of women, these
figures reflect the burden of high fertility amongst South Asian women.
An average South Asian woman marries at a fairly young age, (even
though the region is exhibiting a distinct trend of rising age at
marriage for females) and starts bearing children soon after. Though
fertility rates have been declining in most of India and Bangladesh
while they had already reached quite low levels in Sri Lanka, other
countries of the region (mainly Nepal and Pakistan) have still to
experience any dramatic declines in fertility. In contrast with trends
in the Latin American and South East Asian region, increases in
contraceptive use in South Asia have not played as substantive a role in
fertility declines as changing marriage patterns, at least so far. See
Table 1 for recent figures on fertility and contraceptive use among
females of this region.
Contraceptive use rates in this region, with the exception of Sri
Lanka, remain far lower than the average of less developed countries
which is 45 percent. Though India and Bangladesh have achieved moderate
levels of contraceptive use, the levels of contraceptive prevalence are
almost negligible in Nepal and particularly Pakistan.
Apart from high fertility rates (except in Sri Lanka), another
distinct characteristic of the South Asian region is the higher
mortality experienced by females of this region. Given the advantage in
mortality that females experience in most parts of the world where their
life expectancy is much higher than that of males of equivalent
societies, it is an outstanding reflection of the poorer health status
of females that in this region the differential in mortality is in the
opposite direction. Though the pattern has been changing in the last few
decades, female life expectancy in South Asia still does not exceed that
of males by very much, in fact in Bangladesh, Maldives and Nepal, female
life expectancy is still lower than that of males despite overall
improvements in life chances of females. See Table 2 for gender
differentials in life expectancy and trends over time.
Two major features underlie the disadvantage in mortality faced by
females in the South Asian region: the first are the high levels of
maternal mortality which prevail in most of these countries and the
second are sex differentials in mortality in infancy and childhood which
disfavour the survival of girls in the postneonatal period and in the
period between the ages of one and five. Though both these features may
have common roots, that is to say, explanations eventually fall into
reasons related to the poor status of women in South Asia, the pathways
through which the disadvantage manifests itself are quite different.
The concern for sex differentials in the South Asian region dates
back to 1901 Census of British India. This concern has extended over the
years when subsequent Censuses in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal
have all found an excess of males in the region of 5 to 10 percent. In
fact, recent alarm raised by researchers and other concerned groups
about these high sex ratios has been instigated by the fact that
mortality levels have fallen in most of South Asia and the sex
differentials in mortality continue to persist. With the exception of a
handful of countries in Africa and in the Middle East, the pattern of
higher female mortality remains almost a peculiarity of this region.
If this pattern of unusual sex differentials in mortality was due
to poverty in the region, then rises in per capita income ought to have
mitigated these differentials and furthermore other poor regions of the
world would have experienced the same pattern. This has not been the
case and therefore the explanation seems strongly grounded in the
kinship patterns, family structures and position of women in this
region. It could also be argued that these characteristics have remained
relatively unchanged despite some economic and social transformations,
which does not auger well as a statement in the favour of any
improvement in the position of women of South Asia.
During infancy, the female disadvantage in chances of survival is
fairly direct based on the differential behaviour on the part of
parents, families and households depending on whosoever is at the centre
of decision-making. It can be seen in Table 3 that while boys suffer
higher neonatal mortality, from the postneonatal period through until
early childhood it is girls who are at a disadvantage. This is because
the neonatal period is a time when factors such as congenital
malfunctions, neonatal tetanus etc. are largely responsible for deaths
and male babies through Out the world suffer higher risks of death early
in life. However, in the post neonatal period babies are more
susceptible to differential care in health and nutrition. Particularly,
since most babies in South Asia are breastfed for at least one year,
differences in the introduction of supplementary food of boys and girls may be responsible for gender differences in post neonatal mortality. In
any event it has been widely argued that this disadvantage of females in
the postneonatal stage (one to eleven months) and childhood mortality at
ages after one, reflects discrimination in health care and nutrition in
favour of males whereas male mortality in the neonatal period is largely
attributable to biological factors. It has been argued that regional
variations in gender discrimination are a major explanation for the
pattern of excess mortality which is dominant in South Asia, and in
select countries of West Asia and North Africa [Waldron (1987)]. Such
discrimination is observed much less frequently in other regions.
The discrimination against female children is effected through
selective distribution of nutrition as well as health care as is well
documented in the South Asian context [Chen et al. (1981); Das Gupta
(1987)]. There is some disagreement about whether or not nutritional
discrimination may be as important as let's say health care where
male children are more likely to receive urgent attention than female
children [Harris (1989); Waldron (1987)]. Tables 4 and 5 show empirical
evidence from Bangladesh and India demonstrating such discrimination in
food, clothing and medicines by gender of children. Although this
evidence is specific to these two countries it could well apply to the
rest of the region. Even in Sri Lanka where there has been considerable
improvement in mortality rates, sex differentials in mortality have only
recently narrowed [Langford (1984)].
In the South Asian region, the strong norms against premarital
relations lead to strict seclusion of females: this is also a factor
which affects the health of young girls due to lack of exercise,
curtailment of movement outside the home, restricted growth etc. But
above all the danger to adolescent women is the high probability that
their families will arrange an early marriage (Table 6) and they will
experience a first pregnancy before the age of twenty when they are mere
children themselves. Early pregnancies are associated with greater
foetal loss, higher infant mortality and many times with adolescent
sterility which affects fertility at later ages also.
The health problems of females in South Asia culminate during the
peak reproductive years between 15-49. On average women bear 4 to 6
children in quick succession, breastfeed for long durations and have
little or no chance to recuperate after each pregnancy. The health
hazards they experience are threefold: nutritional depletion weakening
their resistance and general health, lack of proper antenatal and
postnatal care which could prevent or curtail many health problems and
finally, the conditions of delivery, which in the majority of cases are
rudimentary, unsanitary, and outrightly dangerous with practically no
provision for urgent medical attention in case the pregnancy runs into
The large concentration of births at dangerous ages (too early or
too late) and at high parities poses a health risk. Recent rises in the
female age at marriage in most of South Asia ought to have had a
diminutive impact on these risks. But even currently, 55 percent of even
married women in Pakistan, 45 percent in Nepal, 82 percent in
Bangladesh, become mothers by the age of 20.
Not surprisingly, South Asia has been singled out as the region
where the majority of maternal deaths occur. Out of an estimated 500,000
maternal deaths, 350,000 are estimated to have taken place in South Asia
[Boerma (1987)]. Maternal mortality rates are extremely high in this
region but especially so in Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan and Pakistan while
India and Maldives fall in between and Myanmar. Sri Lanka experiences
much lower maternal mortality (Table 7).
There is very little evidence of any rapid recent changes in
maternal mortality in the region though the one positive development
which is bound to have an influence is the beginning of the fertility
transition which has been noted in India and Bangladesh. Sri Lanka of
course experienced the decline much earlier and remains a forerunner of
this region in all respects of the position of women. A life cycle of
neglect and discrimination in childhood, followed by a cloistered
adolescence, culminating in a long period of pregnancies (many of them
unwanted) and endangered deliveries evolves into a vicious cycle where
the children of the mothers who bear many children in rapid succession
incur additional health risks starting from birth, extending well into
their childhood. Low birthweight, retarded development, higher risks of
infection are the 'direct' cause of poor health of children
from large families and those born when their mothers are either too
young, too old, or who are born too quickly after their preceding
Much has been written about the role of greater female status and
autonomy as a factor in demographic change in the South Asian context.
In the context of this region, it has been argued that patriarchal
family structures are perhaps the most important feature of the region
and reduce the power of women within households and that autonomy of
women is exceedingly poor in Northern India as compared to South India,
a factor which has lead to faster demographic change in the latter
[Caldwell (1986); Caldwell et al. (1990); Dyson and Moore (1983)]. A
dependence on sons for old age support is another aspect of the
subordination of women in South Asia.
The low position of women in terms of very paltry achievements in
education and in terms of their economic contributions not being
recognised in official statistics or by households themselves, has been
argued to be a factor in the slow pace of fertility change in Pakistan
[Sathar et al. (1988)]. Table 8 shows the inverse relationship between
female literacy and fertility and infant and child mortality across
countries of this region. Both fertility and infant and child mortality
are highest in Pakistan and Nepal where female literacy is the lowest,
while these indicators are impressively low for Sri Lanka and Myanmar
where female literacy is highest in the region.
Women with greater status are expected to be more receptive to
modern ideas, have greater exposure to the mass media, are likelier to
have broader networks and to have a more 'equal' relationship
with their husbands including better communication with them. All these
factors will presumably lead to better chances of fertility control
within marriage, given that this is desired by the couple. In fact a
closer relationship between spouses is bound to be the most critical
link in determining women's powers to influence important decisions
regarding the number of children to have, whether to use contraception
Neither economic nor other material factors can provide the total
explanation for the poor health of females in this region. It has
recently been recognised that cultural, social and political factors are
of notable importance in distinguishing those countries/regions where
low mortality has been achieved from those which lag behind as does the
South Asia region [Caldwell (1986)]. The lower position of females
relative to males in the region and relative to women in other
developing countries is a large contributing factor in explaining
excessive morbidity and mortality faced by women here. Though religious
factors are often cited also, it is the organisation of society,
patriarchal kinship systems which lead to the concentration of power of
decision-making in the domain of men and the elderly. Where kinship
patterns are matriarchal, where the system of dowry is less prevalent,
like in the Southern states of India (Karala and Karnataka), the
position of women is considered much better than Northern states of
Punjab and Rajasthan where patriarchy is more prevalent, and dowry
demands are high [Dyson and Moore (1983)]. Child mortality and fertility
rates in the former are much lower than in the latter states.
Though women in Southern Indian States and Sri Lanka do experience
a relatively better position than others in this region, progress in
achieving a higher status of women in the rest of South Asia is
restricted to a small minority of urban women who are educated and who
work in modern sector jobs, attributes which are associated with much
better health amongst women and children. We concentrate here on those
aspects of women's relative position which directly impinge on
maternal and child health. The factors which are most critical from the
point of maternal and child health are relative mobility of women to
gain access to health care facilities if they are available. Strong
norms of seclusion in the northern states of India, Pakistan and
Bangladesh do not permit such ease of access. Next, the strikingly low
levels of educational attainment amongst South Asian women contribute
directly to weak information networks and the lack of knowledge of more
hygienic and beneficial practices related to child birth and
childbearing. Low levels of autonomy of women in personal and household
decisions (such as those relating to children's health and
schooling), and intrahousehold allocation of resources may be critical
amongst the factors culminating in poor female health and higher female
mortality in this region.
Lastly, the strong desire for sons over daughters, continues to be
a strong motivation for high fertility in South Asia, often explaining
an "excess" of children in a family until the desirable number
of sons is achieved. This gender preference is largely based on expected
economic returns, as women despite their increasing economic roles are
not as yet at par with men as earners in South Asia. Further, marriage
systems which favour early marriage, high demands of dowry and above all
the customary patrilocal residence where a women has little social nor
economic connection with her natal home, contributes to the perpetuation
of the perception that sons are a much better investment for parents and
families than daughters. The alarming reports of the growing prevalence
of sex selective testing and subsequent abortions in this region, are
another frightening manifestation of the continuing hold of son
Ultimately there is no way forward towards achieving better health
for women in South Asia until and unless their status in these societies
improves--in particular when their work load is reduced, when they are
freed from the continuous and self perpetuating cycle of poor nutrition
multiple pregnancies in rapid succession, and, when they have greater
access to income and education. Only then can they be in control of
their own destiny, capable of looking after their health needs and those
of their children, and to plan to have the number of children they want
and to avoid unwanted pregnancies. The enhancement of status of women is
intricately related to their legal position, their opportunities of
education and access to jobs. The foremost need is for the South Asian
countries to invest in female education; the pay offs of such an
investment in terms of reducing fertility and in improving women's
health are apparent not just by comparisons with other regions but
within this region, as in the case of Sri Lanka and Kerala. But in
addition Sri Lanka itself proves the point that pervasive education does
not necessarily lead to empowerment at least through employment
opportunities given that many of the South Asian economies are facing
debt and structural adjustment crisis. Deliberate policies which remove
inequalities, discrimination and asymmetry in the employment market are
still a prerequisite to improving women's economic situation in
South Asia. Ultimately their equal participation in the labour market
may be the only factor which will remove the root causes of the poor
position of women, such as son preference, seclusion, patriarchy etc.
Although such measures are necessary and do require deliberate
policies and greater expenditures on the part of governments, especially
on education, income generation schemes etc. they may only take effect
in the long run. Several factors which amount to revamping or reshaping
existing infrastructures can also be suggested. Some of these are
discussed here.
Improving Access
One of the major features of the South Asian region is the strong
desirability of seclusion for females and the resulting limited mobility
they experience in leaving their homes. This is a major constraint in
their ability to avail of services even if they exist in their vicinity.
Thus in this region, increasing access involves not only enhancing
physical facilities but also ensuring that these are within what is
considered an acceptable distance for women, ensure segregation and
female health providers who are dependable and trustworthy. After
reviewing programmes related to innovation of MCH in this region the
provision of mobile boats in the sea bound atolls in the Maldives,
provision of trained health care workers from the community in the
Bangladesh MCH/FP programme, mobile squads in Faisalabad and also better
access facilities in the mountainous regions of Nepal are all noteworthy
Apart from improving physical access and increasing the
affordability and quality of services, there is the strongly
interconnected issue of strengthening women's role as health
providers. The retraining of traditional health providers such as the
widely utilised TBA's is one possibility. The main advantage in
that they are often the only available female health workers in rural
areas. However, there are many disadvantages to utilising the services
of women who are usually illiterate and who have been administering age
old remedies and advice related to maternal and child health care. In
that respect, recruiting younger and preferably literate women from the
same community as the women they are to serve, may be a more desirable
strategy. The benefits of such health providers could be multifold in
terms of enhancing the status of the health providers in the eyes of the
community and also in terms of being able to have more effective rapport
with the women to convince them of the necessity of prenatal and
postnatal care and particularly prenatal screening. The same health
providers could provide information on beneficial nutritional intakes
and could effectively be the "eyes" and "ears" for
any health interventions (whether vertical but preferably integrated) to
implemented successfully at the grass root level.
Information, Education and Communication
Another major aspect of the poor status of women in South Asia are
their limited channels of information. Education and employment outside
the home are tow possible avenues on increasing awareness and knowledge
of health seeking behaviour and of means of controlling fertility.
However in the case of an average woman in South Asia it is a case of
being, ill informed woman, unaware of where to go and when to seek
health care for herself and her children. In all likelihood the family
is generally unsupportive and the surrounding community lacks the
awareness or knowledge to take care of its health needs. The majority of
women in South Asia are surrounded by ignorance and lack of information
about prevention of disease and deaths.
Apart from the long term strategy of education for all females,
(whose importance is especially integral for mothers as major health
providers of the family), much can be achieved by strategies of
transmitting simple health education through adult literacy or other
schemes, such as long distance learning on the radio or television and
by community education schemes. Rather than targeting women solely as
those responsible for their own health care needs, it would be much more
realistic and far more effective to target at least the family if not
the community in terms of providing critical information about women and
children's health needs. This is in light of the earlier discussion
which dearly states that women's restricted position, vis a vis
their mobility and especially autonomy in the household, is a hindrance to their being able to take positive action towards improving their
health and that of their children.
Thus, families in general and major decision-makers i.e. mothers
and fathers in law and husbands in particular, need to be appraised of
the importance of the special nutritional, and healthcare needs
(particularly preventive health care such as immunisation and prenatal
screening) of women. It is even more critical that family members and
women themselves are made aware of many danger signs (swelling of hands,
bleeding, fits etc.) which should trigger off in them the signal that
they ought to take the women to the nearest hospital or health care
facility. It is important to emphasise that they ought not to hesitate
or to be indecisive in the face of such warning signs and a delay in
transporting women to a hospital may be the difference between life and
Though the sympathy of families may be critical in terms of life
saving decisions, much can be achieved by women themselves especially in
the way of preventive measures involving primary healthcare. Networking
between women, especially the formation of women's groups and
organisations along the lines of Grameen Bank in Bangladesh, and SEWA in
India can be a forceful vehicle for women to came together, discuss and
share information on their health concerns and needs.
Integration of Family Planning Programmes and MCH
Particularly since the majority of South Asian women face
obstructions in taking independent decisions to control their fertility
they would be in a much stronger position if they were to seek such
advice and facilities under the auspices of health care facilities. Of
all available shorter term measures, family planning programmes in South
Asia have the greatest potential to improve the health and life chances
of women and children in this region. This can be done by reducing
pregnancies among women of unfavourable ages, unfavourable parties and
in situations of unfavourable obstetric histories. In addition, family
planning can reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies that would result
in illicit abortion, which is in this regions' conditions, are
always life threatening and by reducing the sheer number of births!
It is desirable to delay first births by delaying marriages and to
promote birthspacing of atleast four years between children by
non-terminal contraceptive methods through an effective family planning
programme integrated with MCH facilities. Though, almost all the South
Asian countries do have an official family planning programme intended
to provide services to women who do not want to have any more children
or to space them more deliberately, a substantial proportion of married
women aged 15-49 in South Asia (ranging from 40 percent in Sri Lanka to
62 percent in Bangladesh) say they want no more children but are not
using any form of contraceptives. Success in family planning in this
region has been limited. Clearly there is a gap between supply and
demand in this region and though a complex issue, one of the major
constraints are the taboos against the use of family planning methods as
anti-religion, anti customary, anti-societal and 'unnatural'.
An integrated approach fully capitalising on convincing families of the
advantages of saving a mother's life and improving her health or
the health and welfare of her children and the direct advantages in
terms of health and life chances of children (if they are properly
spaced and do not have too many siblings), may be an important and
critical argument for the greater utilisation of both family planning
and MCH facilities. In South Asia, in particular, it would be definitely
easier for women to utilise an MCH/FP facility rather than a solely
family planning facility due to reasons of inhibition, mistrust, shame,
hesitation etc.
Data Gaps
Last but not least, is the strong and immediate need to provide
accurate, representative and relevant data on maternal health and
mortality. Whereas the international community recognised, more than a
decade ago, the need for such data and information on child health and
mortality, the recognition for adequate data on women's health
indicators, (particularly maternal morbidity and mortality) has not been
as forthcoming.
Most of the data that are available for South Asia are based on
small micro-level studies based on small sample areas and are not
representative of the whole population. National estimates for maternal
mortality and morbidity are therefore based on "guess
estimates" with large variation in the rates available for each
country. With the exception of Sri Lanka, most of the South Asian
countries cannot claim any single reliable estimate for maternal
mortality which applies nationally. Efforts to bridge these glaring gaps
in information and to resolve the sometimes rather irreconcilable
differences in available estimates, has to be one of the urgent
priorities of this region. Without knowing the regions and, the
subgroups where maternal health is weakest and most neglected it will be
difficult to target special groups and to proceed with many of the
initiative proposed above.
Comments on "Safe Motherhood in South Asia: Current Status and
Strategies for Change"
The paper describes the sad plight of South Asian women in the
context of safe motherhood, and proposes strategies which could possibly
improve it.
The paper points to the gender differential in mortality in South
Asia, and argues that it is not due to poverty but is attributable to
kinship patterns, family structures and, especially, the low position of
women in the region. The unusual sex differentials in mortality support
the assumption. Mortality is higher among baby girls because of
deliberate discrimination and neglect in nutrition and health care.
Seclusion of females, it is stated, affects their health, and poorer
health is perpetuated by illiteracy and ignorance. In addition, early
and unbridled fertility generates health hazards during the reproductive
years, and consequently, maternal mortality remains high. The assumption
is that "the lower position of females.... is a large contributory
factor in explaining excessive morbidity and mortality faced by women
here". Confounding the issue is the strikingly low level of female
educational attainment contributing directly to a lack of knowledge of
beneficial practices.
Family planning (FP) programmes are proposed as a short-term
measure having the greatest potential to improve the health and life
chances of women and children in the region. In addition to the benefits
of regulated fertility, it is claimed that such programmes could also
help delay marriages and promote birth spacing. It is pointed out,
though, that despite a desire to stop child-bearing, a large proportion
of women is not using contraception.
Finally, the paper brings out the issue of data gaps, and points to
the need to provide accurate, representative and relevant data, instead
of "guesstimates", on maternal health and morality.
The central problem addressed by the paper--the low status of South
Asian women--is not only of extreme importance, but is indeed a major
issue with many dimensions and implications. The paper discusses its
negative effects on the health of women and their children, and suggests
some remedial strategies. The strategies proposed, particularly FP
programmes, however, are not new to Pakistan. They have been, and
continue to be implemented in the country through several different
schemes and projects.
Among the countries of the region, Pakistan has yet to experience
any dramatic declines in fertility. It is claimed that whatever little
decline in fertility has occurred is due to a rising age at marriage. In
this context, two factors need to be examined.
Firstly, breast-feeding and how much reduced periods of
breast-feeding are off-setting the gains made through a rise in marriage
age. Secondly, the claim that the contraceptive prevalence rate is much
higher than the 14 percent quoted as there is a 'shy element'
comprising women too shy to openly state that they are using
contraceptives. Is the traditional timidness of Pakistani women a cause
or a result of her low status?
The foremost need, albeit effective in the long run, is to invest
in women's education. However, as the attitude and behaviour of men
are claimed to be contributing to the low status of women, simultaneous
action to address this issue is of equal importance. The policy and
strategies of the national Population Welfare Programme have seen
several changes on the basis of experience gained over the years, and
informational, educational and promotional activities have strongly
supported the Programme. Yet, a change in male attitudes is not evident.
The paper points to the need for women to be freed from the
continuous and self-perpetuating cycle of poor nutrition and multiple
pregnancies in rapid succession, and the need to have access to income
and education. Access would be improved with greater mobility of women,
and making services available within easy reach through female providers
such as TBAs, or community women. The paper advocates stronger IEC activities to not only provide information but seek the support of
family and community for women's health needs. A good suggestion is
to make family members and women themselves aware of danger signs so
that medical assistance is sought in time. Networking among women is
recommended as an effective vehicle for women to come together, and
discuss and share information on their health concerns. The role of NGOs
in making such an approach effective needs to be explored.
Informational and educational programmes must focus on the issues
raised in the paper of seclusion of women, their restricted mobility,
and lack of access to health care, which are cited as factors
contributing to the low status of women. Not only women but men need to
be educated about women's rights, and the absolute necessity of
giving women those rights.
The final point brought out in the paper is the need for good,
reliable data. There can be no two opinions on that as accurate data are
essential at each step from planning, to implementation, resource
allocation, etc. and for determining and monitoring socio-economic
indicators. Also, Pakistan needs to disseminate better data to the world
In Pakistan, several different strategies to raise the status of
women have been tried in the past but without satisfactory results. The
point to ponder, therefore, is the non-impact of all these programmes.
What researchers need to look at is why has there been no significant
change. Several questions come to mind. What further change is needed in
the tried and tested strategies being executed currently for
socio-economic development in general and raising women's status in
particular? If demand for family planning exists, then where is it and
why is it not being fulfilled? What will make a difference to fertility
change and thence status of women at the macro level, and what at the
micro level? How can people-both men and women, young and old-be made to
think, and more importantly act differently? How can negative social
norms and practices as well as traditions be changed? Is it a social
responsibility or is to a responsibility of the individual? Does
attention alone to parental characteristics such as education, knowledge
and low fertility place unrealistic expectations on parents,
particularly mothers? What is or can be the role of other social
institutions? And of privatisation? What "mix" of
socio-economic development and organised family planning programmes is
needed? We need to think, and we need to act effectively as surely our
women deserve a better deal.
Sajida Samad
Ministry of Population Welfare, Islamabad.
Boerma, J. T. (1987) Levels of Maternal Mortality in Developing
Countries. Studies in Family Planning 18:4.
Caldwell, J. C. (1986) Routes to Low Mortality in Poor Countries.
Population and Development Review 12:2.
Caldwell, J. C. et al. (eds) (1990) What We Know about Health
Transition. Canberra: Health Transition Centre, the Australian National
Chen, et al. (1981) Sex Bias in Allocation of Food and Health Care
in Bangladesh. Population and Development Review 7:1.
Das Gupta, M. (1987) Selective Discrimination Against Female
Children in India. Population and Development Review 13:1.
Dyson, T., and M. Moore (1983) Kinship Structure, Female Autonomy
and Demographic Behaviour in India. Population and Development Review
Harris, B. (1989) Differential Female Mortality and Health Care in
South Asia. Journal of Social Studies 44.
Langford, C. (1984) Sex Differential in Mortality in Sri Lanka:
Changes Since the 1970s. Journal of Biosocial Sciences 16.
Sathar, et al. (1988) Women's Status and Changes in Fertility
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Waldron, I. (1988) Patterns and Causes of Excess Female Mortality
among Children in Developing Countries. World Health Statistics
Quarterly 40:3.
World Bank (1990) World Development Report 1990. Washington, D. C.:
World Bank.
Zeba A. Sathar is Chief of Research, (Demography) and Bilquees Raza
is Staff Economist at the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics,
Table 1
Total Fertility Rates and Contraceptive Use in Selected Countries
of the SAARC Region
Percentage of Married
Women of Child Bearing
Total Fertility Age Using Contraception
Country Rates (1991) (1989) (1)
Bangladesh 4.4 31
Bhutan 5.9 Not Available
India 3.9 45
Nepal 5.5 14
Pakistan 5.7 12
Sri Lanka 2.5 62
Source: (1) World Development Report (1993).
UNICEF (1992) The State of the World's Children. Tables 5 and 7.
Table 2
Life Expectancy of Females in South Asian Countries:
Differential with Male Life Expectancy
and Changes Over Time 1970-90
Change in
Female Female Life
Life Female-Male Expectancy
Expectancy Life between
(1991) (1) Expectancy (1) 1970 and 1990 (1)
Bangladesh 52 -1.0 8
Bhutan 49 2.0 8
India 60 0.0 11
Maldives (2) 49.5 -3.9 --
Myanmar (2) 61.8 3.5 10.8
Nepal 53 -1.0 11
Pakistan 59 0.0 12
Sri Lanka 74 5.0 8
Source: (1) World Development Report (1993).
(2) United Nations The World's Women 1970-1990 Trends and
Statistics. New York, 1991 (Table 5).
Table 3
Sex Differentials in Infant-Child Mortality in
Selected Countries in South Asia
Neonatal Post-neonatal (4g1)
Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls
Bangladesh 86 72 62 58 85 107
Nepal 89 72 69 78 97 114
Pakistan 90 76 49 70 70 90
Sri Lanka 41 21 23 21 22 25
Source: Rutstein, S. (1984) Infant and Child Mortality: Level,
Trends and Demographic Differentials. WFS Cross National
Summaries No. 24, Voorburg, Netherlands.
Table 4
Daily Intake of Calories and Proteins by Age and
Sex in Matlab, Bangladesh (June August 1978)
Calories Protein in Grams
Age Group Male Female Ratio Male Female Ratio
0-4 809 694 1.16 23.0 20.2 1.14
5-14 1,590 1,430 1.11 50.9 41.6 1.22
15-44 2,700 2,099 1.29 73.6 58.8 1.25
45+ 2,630 1,634 1.61 71.8 46.9 1.53
All Ages 1,927 1,599 1.20 55.0 45.5 1.21
Source: Chen, L. et al. Sex Bias in Allocation of Food and Health
Care in Bangladesh. Population and Development Review 7:1.
Table 5
Male/Female Ratios of Expenditure on Children's
Clothing and Medicine, by Age of Child
(Punjab, India)
Age of Child Clothing Medicine
Under 1 1.38 2.34
1-4 1.37 0.93
Source: Das Gupta, M. Selective Discrimination Against Female
Children in India. Population and Development Review 13:1.
Table 6
Average Age at First Marriage by Gender
in Selected South Asian Countries
Country Female Male
Bangladesh 16.7 23.9
India 18.7 23.4
Myanmar 22.4 24.6
Nepal 17.9 21.5
Pakistan (1) 21.7 26.5
Sri Lanka 24.4 27.9
Source: Compiled from 1989 World Survey on the
Role of Women in Development. United Nations.
(1) NIPS/Institute for Resource Development (1992)
Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey, 1990-91.
Columbia, Maryland.
Table 7
Maternal Mortality Rates and Related Health
Statistics for South Asian Countries
of Pregnant
Percentage of Women
Maternal Births Attended Immunised
Mortality by Trained Against
Rate (1) Personal Tetanus (1)
Country (1980-87) (1983-88) (1) (1987-88)
Bangladesh 600 5 11
Bhutan 770 7 42
India 340 33 58
Maldives 330 25 --
Myanmar 135 57 24
Nepal 830 6 31
Pakistan 500 24 --
Sri Lanka 60 87 38
Source: (1.) WHO Women, Health and Development in the South East
Asia Region. Regional Paper, SEARC No. 22. Tables 14,15.
(2.) Data for Pakistan are drawn from the Fact Sheet for the Safe
Motherhood South Asia Conference, Lahore. Pakistan, March 24-28,
(3.) Data for Maldives Drawn from UNICEF Plan of Operation:
Programme of Cooperation between the Government of the Republic
of the Maldives and UNICEF 1990-94.
Table 8
Some Critical Indicators of Female Status and
Health for South Asian Countries
Adult Rate per Child Total
Female 1000 Live Mortality Fertility
Literacy Births Rate Rate
Country (1990) (1) (1991) (1) (1990) (1) (1991) (1)
Bangladesh 22 103 137 44
Bhutan 25 132 197 5.9
India 34 90 127 3.9
Maldives (2) 93 68 91 Not Available
Nepal 13 101 135 5.5
Pakistan 21 97 139 5.7
Sri Lanka 83 18 22 2.5
Source: (1) World Bank World Bank Report 1993 (Table 1).
(2) WHO, Women, Health and Development in the South East-Asia
Region. Regional Health Paper, SEARO, No. 22 (Table 14).