Nonlinear dynamics and chaos: application to financial markets in Pakistan *.
Khilji, Nasir M.
Recently there has been an increased interest in the theory of
chaos by macroeconomists and financial economists. Originating in the
natural sciences, applications of the theory have spread through various
fields including brain research, optics, metereology, and economics. The
attractiveness of chaotic dynamics is its ability to generate large
movements which appear to be random, with greater frequency than linear
Two of the most striking features of any macro-economic data are
its random-like appearance and its seemingly cyclical character. Cycles
in economic data have often been noticed, from short-run business
cycles, to 50 years Kodratiev waves. There have been many attempts to
explain them, e.g. Lucas (1975), who argues that random shocks combined
with various lags can give rise to phenomena which have the appearance
of cycles, and Samuelson (1939) who uses the familiar multiplier
accelerator model. The advantage of using non-linear difference (or
differential) equation models to explain the business cycle is that it
does not have to rely on ad hoc unexplained exogenous random shocks.
In the early 1970s the geometric random walk commanded great
respect as a description of asset pricing. Indeed, the stylised fact
about stock prices was that they behave like random walks. The
equilibrium asset pricing models that followed the work of Rubinstein
(1976); Lucas (1978) and others, by linking stock returns to consumption
variability provided, in principle, a role for nonlinearities. However,
the attempts to implement these models involved parameterisation where,
in the absence of external random shocks, fluctuations would be absent.
Nonlinear models are, again, an attractive alternative to explain stock
price fluctuations.
As there are a number of different definitions of chaos in use
(positive topological entropy, positive Liapunov exponents, existence of
a strange attractor, etc.) and different types of chaos (ergodic chaos,
topological chaos), it becomes difficult to rigorously define chaos
without using a lot of technical terms which is not the purpose of this
paper. At an informal level chaos is a nonlinear deterministic system
which is both sensitive to initial conditions and has a periodic motion.
It is a process which is able to produce motions so complex that they
appear completely random. Brock (1986) and Majumdar and Mitra (1994)
provide exact mathematical definitions aimed at the economics and
finance profession.
A substantial amount of recent research has sought to elucidate the
role of nonlinearity and chaos in macroeconomic models. Some of the work
has been theoretical, attempting to ascertain whether simple nonlinear
deterministic models can exhibit the kind of fluctuations typically
found in economic data. Majumdar and Mitra (1994); Baumol and Benhabib
(1989); Kelsey (1988) and Scheinkman (1990) have surveys of economic
models, particularly growth models, which produce chaotic behaviour.
Other work has been empirical, and tests for the possibility that actual
economic and financial time series are characterised by chaotic
dynamics. LeBaron (1991) provides a survey of the empirical work. (1)
Both lines of research are considered to be in the early stages.
The purpose of this paper is to extend the empirical work on
chaotic dynamics to financial markets in a developing country. We
investigate whether the returns implied by the State Bank's weekly
stock price indices contain any nonlinearities or chaos. Clearly if
stock returns are governed by a chaotic process, it should have short
term predictability. However, traditional linear forecasting methods
would not work in that case and thus would be inappropriate. The paper
proceeds as follows. The next section describes the method used to test
for nonlinear dependence. The results of applying the test to stock
returns in Pakistan are reported in Section 3. Section 4 concludes the
paper by highlighting the main findings, and suggestions for further
At present methods to distinguish whether a time series has been
generated by a stable linear/nonlinear stochastic system or a
deterministic nonlinear system giving rise to chaotic dynamics are still
in their infancy. While many tests have been developed to detect
nonlinear dependence, including tests for chaos, the BDS test Brock,
Dechert and Scheinkman (1987) has gained widespread acceptance because
of its ability to identify nonlinear dependence in economic and
financial data. (2)
Early efforts in uncovering nonlinear dependence in economic and
financial data consisted simply of using certain tools developed in the
mathematics and physics literature. Prominent among them was the use of
the correlation dimension developed by Grassberger and Procaccia (1983).
Let the ordered sequence {X}, t = 1, ...., N, represent the observed
time series. The correlation integral is defined as:
C([epsilon]) = [lim.sub.T[right arrow][infinity]] [2/T
(T-1)[summation][I.sub.[epislon]] ([epsilon] - [absolute value of
[X.sub.i] - [X.sub.j]], i < j ... (1)
where [I.sub.[epislon]] is an indicator function that equals one if
[absolute value of [X.sub.i] - [X.sub.j] < [epsilon] and zero
otherwise. The correlation integral C([epsilon]) measures the fraction
of the total number of pair of points of {[X.sub.t]} that are within a
distance of [epsilon] from each other. The correlation integral is used
by Grassberger and Procaccia to define the correlation dimension of
CD = [lim.sub.[epsilon][right arrow]0] [log C ([epsilon])/log
[epsilon]], if the limit exists ... (2)
While the estimation of the correlation dimension is
straightforward and has been applied by physicists, its application to
economic and financial data raises a number of issues. These issues are
discussed at length in Hsieh (1991). First the time series in economics
and finance tend to be much shorter than it seems necessary to obtain
good estimates of CD. As perspective on the order of magnitudes
involved, scientists typically use 100,000 or more data points to
detect, at most, low dimensional chaotic systems. Second, as Ramsey and
Yuan (1989) show, the CD is biased downward in data sets even with as
many as 2,000 observations. Third there is no statistical theory
regarding the sampling distribution of the sample correlation dimension.
To deal with the problems associated with using the correlation
dimension, Brock, Dechert and Scheinkman (1987) devised a statistical
test based on the correlation integral given in Equation 1. Given {X}
form n-histories of it. These are denoted as follows:
1--history: [X.sup.1.sub.t].
2--history: [X.sup.2.sub.t] = ([X.sub.t-1], [X.sub.t])
n--history: [X.sup.n.sub.t] = ([X.sub.t-n+1], ...., [X.sub.t]) ...
An n-history is a point in n-dimensional space and is called
"embedding dimension". Calculate the correlation integral
[C.sub.N] ([epsilon]). This is interpreted as the fraction of the
n-histories that are within [epsilon] of each other. Brock, Dechert and
Scheinkman show that under the null hypothesis {[X.sub.t]} is
independently and identically distributed (iid from now) with a
nondegenerate density F, [C.sub.N] ([epsilon]) [right arrow] [C.sub.1]
[([epsilon]).sup.N] with probability one, as t [right arrow] [infinity],
for any fixed N and [epsilon]. Furthermore, they show that [square root
of t] [[C.sub.N] ([epsilon]) - C ([epsilon]).sup.N]] has a normal
limiting distribution with zero mean and a finite variance
[[sigma].sup.2.sub.N] ([epsilon]). (4) Therefore, under the null
hypothesis the BDS statistic
BDS = [square root of t] [[C.sub.N] ([epsilon]) - C
[([epsilon]).sup.N]]/[[sigma].sub.N] ([epsilon]) ... ... ... ... (4)
has a standard normal limiting distribution. The BDS statistic
gives some information about the type of dependence in the data. Suppose
BDS is a positive number. The probability of any two N-histories being
close together is higher than the Nth power of the probability of any
two points, [X.sub.i] and [X.sub.j], being close together. This implies
that some patterns of stock prices occur more frequently than would be
predicted had the data been truly random. Hsieh (1989, 1991) provides
Monte Carlo evidence that the BDS statistic for foreign exchange rates
and stock prices can reliably be approximated by its asymptotic
distribution. Simulations reported in Brock, Dechert and Scheinkman
(1987); Brock et al. (1988) and Hsieh (1991) show that it has good power
against many of the favourite nonlinear alternatives.
It is important to note that the BDS statistic tests the null
hypothesis of a random independent and identically distributed (iid)
system. A rejection of the null hypothesis is consistent with some type
of dependence in the data which could result from a linear stochastic
system (e.g. ARMA processes), a nonlinear stochastic system (such as
ARCH/GARCH processes), or a nonlinear deterministic system which could
be low order chaos. Therefore, it is important to remove all linear
influences from the data before employing the BDS statistic to test for
The data used for this paper include weekly stock returns for the
period July 1986 to June 1992 for a total of 310 observations. The
returns are calculated as logarithmic first differences of the State
Bank General Index of Share Prices in local currency.
In total, eleven series of returns are examined for nonlinearity.
The first series represents SPB's overall index of share prices,
which is a value weighted and broadly based index. The other ten series
represent general indices of share prices of specific industrial groups.
These include share prices of firms producing the following products:
(1) Cotton and Other Textiles, (2) Chemicals, (3) Engineering, (4) Sugar
and Allied Industries, (5) Paper and Board, (6) Cement, (7) Fuel and
Energy, (8) Transport and Communication, (9) Insurance and Finance, and
(10) Miscellaneous Industries selling tobacco, jute, and vanaspati and
allied products.
Table 1 provides summary statistics of the data. All weekly mean
returns (column 1) are positive and statistically different from zero
for two-tailed test at the 10 percent or less levels of significance.
Annual returns accruing to the different stock groups can be inferred
from the weekly mean returns. For example, the weekly compounded average
rate of return for the general stock index amounts to 29 percent
The Pearson's coefficient of skewness (column 3) indicates
that all returns series, except Cement, are positively skewed and
statistically significant. The kurtosis coefficient (column 4) varies
from 0.81 (implying platykurtic) to 80.54 which reflects a highly
leptokurtic distribution. Thus the underlying distributions do not
appear to be normal.
We turn now to testing for linear dependence in the data. Table 2
reports autocorrelations of order 1 through 10 for the different stock
returns. In addition the Box Pierce Q-statistics for the tenth and lower
order of autoregression is also presented. The critical value of this
statistic (which is distributed chi-square) is 15.987 at the 5 percent
level of significance. The null hypotheses of no first to tenth order
autocorrelations are obviously rejected. Except for sugar all
first-order autocorrelations are significant at the 5 percent level of
significance and the higher order autocorrelations (though significant)
start decaying after the third lag. Both the size of the
autocorrelations and the Box-Pierce Q-statistic indicate that the
returns are linearly dependent.
In order to remove the source of linearity from the data we employ
a linear model to explain the returns. Assuming efficient markets, we
model the actual return at time t, [R.sub.t] as consisting of the
expected return conditional upon the information set at tim t-1, E
([R.sub.t] \ [I.sub.t-1]), plus a white noise error term, [U.sub.t] with
a finite variance [[sigma].sup.2.sub.u]. Formally:
[R.sub.t] = E([R.sub.t] \ [I.sub.t-1]) + [u.sub.t] = [[mu].sub.t] +
[u.sub.t] ... (5)
and E([u.sub.t] \ [I.sub.t-1]) = 0 ... (6)
Following the works of Khilji (1993); Rosenberg (1973); Conrad and
Kaul (1988) and Koutmos and Lee (1991), we assume that the conditional
expected returns ([mu.sub.t]) are characterised by an error correcting,
first-order autoregressive process of the following form:
[u.sub.t] = [mu] + [delta] ([[mu].sub.t-1] -[mu]) + [V.sub.t] (7)
and E([V.sub.t] \ [I.sub.t-1]) = 0
It is assumed that the conditional expected return, [[mu].sub.t],
tends to converge to the long-term (population) mean return, [mu]. The
adjustment factor is [delta] and v is an error term with mean zero and
variance [[sigma].sup.2.sub.v] This is a flexible specification since
several models used in the literature are implied by it. If [delta] = 0,
then (7) reduces to the random coefficient model implying that the
expected return is constant over time. A value of [delta] > 1 would
imply a nonstationary process while [delta] = 1 would imply a
nonstationary random walk model If [mu], the long term rate of return,
is zero then (7) becomes an ARMA (1, 1) process.
Since [mu] are not observed, they need to be estimated. The Kalman
filter technique is employed to estimate Equations (5) and (7). Given
estimates of the fixed parameters, the Kalman filter recursively updates
estimates of the stochastic parameters of the model. The fixed
parameters of the model are the long-term mean [mu], the adjustment
coefficient [delta], variance of u, [[sigma].sup.2.sub.u] and the
variance of v, [[sigma].sup.2.sub.v]. The Berndt, Hall, Hall and Hausman
(1974) maximum likelihood estimation technique is used for this to
obtain estimates of the fixed parameters. (5)
The estimated long-term expected return was positive and
statistically significant at the 20 percent or lower levels of
significance for all indices except for transportation. The long term
expected return ranged between .19 for miscellaneous and .57 for the
fuel index. This implies annual returns of 10.37 percent for
miscellaneous and 34.38 percent for the fuel index.
The parameter estimates (not reported) for the adjustment
coefficient [delta] were statistically significant, implying time
varying expected returns for most of the indices. These findings were in
line with those of Conrad and Kaul (1988) and Koutmos and Lee (1991) who
found time varying means for the U.S. and other major stock exchanges
respectively. (6) All in all the linear model given by Equations (6) and
(8) appeared to describe the data satisfactorily.
The residuals from Equation (6) were then checked for any remaining
linear dependence. Table 3 gives the autocorrelations for them alongwith
the Box-Pierce Q statistic. Note that for six of the indices linear
dependence is rejected. These indices are Cotton, Chemicals,
Engineering, Paper, Cement, and Transportation. In principle then, it
appears that Equations (6) and (8) described these indices adequately
and their residuals appear to be generated by random processes. For the
other five indices there remains some linear dependence. (7)
In computing the BDS statistics from the filtered data, two
important issues have to be dealt with, the choice of e and the
embedding dimension N. For a given N, [epsilon] cannot be too small
because [C.sub.N] ([epsilon]) will capture very few points. On the other
hand [epsilon] cannot be too large since [C.sub.N] ([epsilon]) will
capture too many points. Similarly N cannot be too large given the
relatively small number of observations. For example there would be 154
nonoverlapping 2- histories at dimension 2, but only 77 nonoverlapping
4-histories at dimension 4. As in previous studies, e is set in terms of
the standard deviation of the data, that is [epsilon] = 1 means that it
is one standard deviation of the data. The BDS statistics are presented
for [epsilon] = 1.5, 1.25, 1, 0.75, and 0.50 and N = 2, 3, and 4.
Table 4 presents the BDS statistics for the filtered data. Focusing
first on the six industries whose residuals appeared to be randomly
generated, the BDS statistic clearly rejects rid. Among the other five
indices, for which linear dependence was indicated, the hypothesis of
iid is accepted for Miscellaneous (surprisingly) but is rejected for the
rest as expected since there is still evidence of linear dependence.
Generally the BDS statistics decrease for the filtered data.
Having ruled out iid for the residuals for Cotton, Chemicals,
Engineering, Paper, Cement, and Transportation indices, the BDS test is
detecting strong nonlinear dependence in them. Now this could be due to
either nonlinear stochastic processes or nonlinear deterministic
This paper has investigated whether weekly stock returns in
Pakistan are characterised by linear or nonlinear dependence over the
period July 1986 to June 1992. The State Bank of Pakistan's indices
of share prices are used to calculate the weekly stock returns for
eleven groups of stocks. These consist of an overall (market) index and
indices reflecting the stock market performance of ten mutually
exclusive industrial groups. The returns of the various series are not
normal and are generally positively skewed, leptokurtic, and have a
positive mean.
Using an error correcting, first order autoregressive model and
employing the Kalman filter estimation technique, we estimated the time
varying behaviour of weekly expected returns. Our findings were that the
expected monthly returns are time dependent.
The BDS tests were conducted on the residuals from the
autoregressive model. Our findings are that six of the indices display
strong nonlinear dependence whereas the other five display linear
dependence. This nonlinear dependence in the data could result from a
nonlinear deterministic (chaotic) system, or a nonlinear stochastic
system. In a recent paper Ahmed and Rosser Jr. (1993) report failing to
reject the absence of a nonlinear structure in the State Bank of
Pakistan's daily stock index even beyond ARCH and exchange rate
effects. While our approach is different than their's in that we
use weekly data and do not allow for exchange rate and ARCH effects, the
similarity in our findings does indicate that future efforts may want to
use nonlinear stochastic models like GARCH to estimate the returns. (8)
If it turns out that nonlinearity persists in the residuals from these
models, then one could conclude that there is low level chaos in some of
the data.
Author's Note: This is a shorter version of the paper
presented at the PIDE conference. I am grateful to Jamshed Uppal and
Fazal Hussain for providing me the data-set of this study and to Gregory
Koutmos for passing on to me the BDS programme by Scheinkman. I am
deeply indebted to Aynul Hasan for his useful comments and
encouragement. This is the second time that he has been generous enough
to comment on a paper of mine. However, I remain responsible for all
errors in the study.
Ahmed, E., and J. B. Rosser, Jr. (1993) Nonlinear Speculative
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Economics, University of Wisconsin at Madison, University of Houston,
and University of Chicago. (Working Paper.)
Brock, W., W. A., Dechert and J. Scheinkman (1987) A Test for
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Economics, University of Wisconsin at Madison, University of Houston,
and University of Chicago. (Working Paper.)
Brock, W. (1986) Distinguishing Random and Deterministic Systems:
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Kelsey, D. (1988) The Economics of Chaos or the Chaos of Economics.
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Khilji, N. M. (1993) The Behaviour of Stock Returns in an Emerging
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Koutmos, G., and U. Lee (1991) Stochastic Expected Stock Returns:
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LeBaron, B. (1991) Econometrica no lineal del caos: resultados
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Majumdar, M., and T. Mitra (1994) Some Lessons from the Theory of
Chaotic Dynamical Systems: An Overview. Paper presented at the 1994 ASSA
Annual Meetings in Boston.
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Calculations and their Evaluation in some Simple Models. Physical
Letters A 134: 287-297.
Rosenberg, R. (1973) The Analysis of a Cross-section of Time Series
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and Social Measurement 2: 399-428.
Rubinstein, M. (1976) The Valuation of Uncertain Income Streams and
the Pricing of Options. Bell Journal of Economics 7: 407-25.
Samuelson, P. A. (1939) Interactions between the Multiplier
Analysis and the Principle of Acceleration. The Review of Economics and
Statistics 21: 75-78.
Scheinkman, J. A., and B. LeBaron (1989) Nonlinear Dynamics,
Economics and Stock Returns. Journal of Business 62:3 311-338.
Scheinkman, J. A., and B. LeBaron (1990) Nonlinearities in Economic
Dynamics. Economic Journal 100: 33-48.
Tsay, R. (1986) Nonlinearity Tests for Time Series. Biometrika 73
(June): 181-200.
* Owing to unavoidable circumstances, the discussant's
comments on this paper have not been received.
(1) There are several recent working papers by LeBaron, Scheinkman,
Hsieh, Brock and others that use, extend and refine tests for
nonlinearity. To stay abreast of the rapidly expanding literature in
nonlinear dynamics, the interested reader may want to correspond with
them directly. The lag between submission to journals and eventual
publication means that much of the work appearing in journals was done
sometime ago and is thus perhaps dated.
(2) Some popular examples are in Engle (1982); Hinich (1982) and
Tsay (1986).
(3) An attractor is the set of points of the path that represents
the long term behaviour of the dynamical system.
(4) Formulas for estimators of variances are provided in Scheinkman
and LeBaron (1989).
(5) The reader is referred to Khilji (1993) for details on the
estimation of the model. The results are available on request from the
(6) Khilji (1993) found that conditionally expected means of all
indices were constant. However he used monthly data, in contrast to
weekly data used in this study. The effect of averaging stock prices
over a month may have been the removal of the trend in the expected
return. The results in this paper seem to corraborate that.
(7) We could have fit a general ARMA model by selecting optimal
order of the autoregression for each index. The purpose here was to
employ a parsimonious model which had general applicability.
(8) Hsieh (1989, 1991) reports that a generalised autoregressive
conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) model explains a large part of
the nonlinearities found in major foreign currencies and U.S. stock
returns respectively
Nasir M. Khilji is Associate Professor, Assumption College,
Worcester, Massachusetts, USA.
Table 1
Summary Statistics of Stock Price Indices, 1987-93
log ([S.sub.t] / [S.sub.t-1])x100
Index (t-value) St. Dev. Skewness
General 0.49 1.56 1.21
Cotton 0.52 2.03 1.12
Chemicals 0.45 1.75 0.65
Engineering 0.35 1.80 0.57
Sugar 0.38 2.30 0.38
Paper 0.33 1.86 1.46
Cement 0.49 4.55 -0.93
Fuel 0.56 2.78 1.70
Transport 0.36 3.82 1.93
Insurance 0.34 1.88 0.77
Micell. 0.21 1.21 0.27
Index Kurtosis Minimum Maximum
General 4.72 -4.09 8.19
Cotton 3.02 -4.34 10.95
Chemicals 1.22 -4.98 6.45
Engineering 2.03 -5.10 7.70
Sugar 13.28 -14.65 15.50
Paper 8.87 -6.15 13.30
Cement 80.54 -49.81 46.05
Fuel 9.53 -11.44 16.68
Transport 13.77 -17.76 27.27
Insurance 4.82 -6.54 11.17
Micell. 0.81 -3.26 4.42
Table 2
Autocorrelation Coefficients of Log Stock Price Changes
log ([S.sub.t] / [S.sub.t-1])x100
Autocorrelations of Order
Index 1 2 3 4
Gen .45 .24 .33 .27
Cot .41 .22 .20 .16
Che .28 .17 .23 .20
Eng .28 .18 .16 .14
Sug .06 .17 .08 .03
Pap .19 .22 .17 .03
Cem -.30 .08 .00 .07
Fue .21 .09 .18 .21
Tra .19 -.04 .12 .22
Ins .28 .10 .10 .17
Mis .26 .15 .05 .03
Autocorrelations of Order
Index 5 6 7 8
Gen .03 -.02 -.03 -.09
Cot -.O1 -.03 -.02 .01
Che .06 .07 .04 .01
Eng -.O1 .01 -.05 -.11
Sug -.11 -.05 -.03 -.06
Pap -.02 -.05 -.03 -.08
Cem -.05 .01 .02 -.04
Fue .00 -.12 -.O1 -.O1
Tra .05 -.08 -.09 -.07
Ins .00 -.09 -.14 -.12
Mis -.07 .00 -.07 -.07
Autocorrelations of Order
Index 9 10 Q (10)
Gen -.15 -.21 163
Cot -.O1 -.08 90
Che -.06 -.08 70
Eng -.10 -.19 67
Sug -.09 -.16 30
Pap -.02 -.02 38
Cem .02 -.02 34
Fue -.08 -.21 62
Tra -.07 -.14 48
Ins -.11 -.17 67
Mis -.06 -.02 37
Table 3
Autocorrelation Coefficients of Filtered Data
[rho]1 [rho]2 [rho]3 [rho]4
Gen .03 -.16 .16 .18
Cot .01 -.06 .05 .11
Chem .00 -.07 .08 .10
Eng .00 -.03 .04 .08
Sug .08 .15 .10 .01
Pap -.05 .07 .08 .08
Cem .00 .00 .04 .07
Fuel .01 -.09 .08 .17
Tra -.O1 .02 -.O1 .03
Ins .00 -.04 .02 .17
Misc .26 .15 .05 .03
[rho]5 [rho]6 [rho]7 [rho]8
Gen -.12 -.07 .01 -.04
Cot -.10 -.05 -.02 .04
Chem -.05 .01 .00 .01
Eng -.07 .02 -.03 -.08
Sug -.09 -.06 -.O1 -.08
Pap -.04 -.06 -.06 -.02
Cem -.03 .00 .01 -.04
Fuel -.05 -.17 .00 .04
Tra -.09 .05 -.06 -.05
Ins -.O1 -.07 -.10 -.07
Misc -.07 .00 -.07 -.07
[rho]9 [rho]10 Q(10)
Gen -.08 -.18 46
Cot .01 -.08 12
Chem -.05 -.04 9
Eng -.04 -.17 16
Sug -.08 -.18 31
Pap -.08 .00 9
Cem .00 .00 3
Fuel -.02 -.18 34
Tra -.04 .00 6
Ins -.04 -.12 21
Misc -.06 -.02 37
Table 4
BDS Test: Filtered Data
N [epsilon] Gen Cot Chem
2 1.50 4.04 2.42 3.16
3 1.50 3.97 2.13 4.04
4 1.50 4.43 2.23 4.63
2 1.25 8.11 4.24 4.95
3 1.25 8.67 4.54 6.25
4 1.25 9.58 5.34 6.96
2 1.00 7.34 5.00 5.45
3 1.00 8.15 6.23 6.48
4 1.00 8.87 7.57 6.91
2 .75 5.76 5.16 4.55
3 .75 6.52 8.17 5.41
4 .75 6.72 10.01 5.82
2 .50 5.97 4.53 3.75
3 .50 6.57 8.73 4.15
4 .50 4.93 12.02 4.09
N Eng Sug Paper Cem
2 2.02 12.32 1.71 8.59
3 1.36 11.11 3.72 7.63
4 1.24 10.32 4.11 6.80
2 3.65 7.00 1.73 9.00
3 3.40 7.09 2.00 7.95
4 3.91 7.01 2.37 7.06
2 4.30 7.19 2.60 8.39
3 4.07 7.87 2.89 8.13
4 4.73 8.03 3.53 7.81
2 4.10 6.92 2.61 9.65
3 3.77 8.09 2.87 9.81
4 4.20 8.77 3.48 10.81
2 4.38 6.56 1.79 9.29
3 2.68 7.75 1.94 11.05
4 3.04 10.41 2.97 14.46
N Fuel Trans Ins Misc
2 6.50 12.07 1.60 2.34
3 6.12 11.38 3.44 2.60
4 5.66 10.51 4.49 2.39
2 9.07 10.32 5.22 1.32
3 9.23 10.21 6.47 2.23
4 9.79 9.86 7.45 2.50
2 7.48 7.18 4.91 0.52
3 8.29 7.65 6.81 1.38
4 8.53 7.80 7.78 2.00
2 4.59 5.25 3.84 0.50
3 5.41 5.93 5.61 1.42
4 5.71 6.51 6.74 2.44
2 3.47 5.26 3.81 -0.26
3 4.93 6.46 5.82 1.35
4 6.27 8.00 7.15 2.73