Shy/silent users of contraceptives in Pakistan.
Hashmi, Sultan S.
Based on the data of three national surveys, 1984-85 Pakistan
Contraceptive Prevalence Survey (PCPS), 1990-91 Pakistan Demographic and
Health Survey (PDHS), and 1994-95 Pakistan Contraceptive Prevalence
Survey (PCPS), the hypothesis of shy/silent users is tested. These
surveys were undertaken with the collaboration of the Westing House,
IRD/Macro International and Local Office in Islamabad of the Population
Council, New York respectively. The concept of shy/silent users is
defined as those respondents who, at the time of interview, did not
divulge that they were users of contraceptive methods or traditional
ways of preventing conception or birth due to cultural reasons. All
three surveys show substantial numbers of shy/silent users. If these
numbers are included, the Current Prevalence Rate (CPR) of each survey
rises significantly. But the CPR inspite of including shy users, is
still far lower than most developing and neighbouring countries.
The concept of shy users of contraceptives was first developed on
the basis of results of the Pakistan Contraceptive Prevalence Survey
(CPS) of 1984-85. This survey was undertaken with the financial support
of USAID, and Westing House, with the agreement of USAID, provided the
technical support. The field work was carried out by female interviewers
under the [Government of Pakistan (1986), pp. i-iii].
A hypothesis based on reports of some of the field staff was
developed that there were respondents who were shy and reluctant to
respond to questions on the use of contraceptives, especially when other
family members were present at the time of interview. This hypothesis
was tested by using the PCPS 1984-85 data and was further verified by
using the data obtained, through the 1990-91 Pakistan Demographic and
Health Survey (PDHS) [National Institute of Population Studies (1992)]
and 1994-95 Pakistan Contraceptive Prevalence Survey (PCPS) [Government
of Pakistan (1995)].
Based on the data obtained through the PCPS 1984-85, binary
technique was used and the results are shown in Figure 1 which are self
explanatory. The data were continuously dichotomised until the number of
those respondents (currently married women 15-49 years of age), who were
fecund but had no births during the last five years preceding the survey
was obtained.
It is shown in Figure 1 that of the estimated 11,893,917, there
were 698,864 or 5.9 percent respondents who were fecund and met all
conditions to have births but they did not have any birth during the
five year period preceding the survey. Also they did not report that
they were users of contraceptives. Adding their number to those who
reported that they were contraceptive users, the Contraceptive
Prevalence Rate (CPR) for 1984-85 increased from 7.6 to 13.5 percent
[Government of Pakistan (1986), pp. 86-87]. This level of CPR is
obtained inspite of excluding those respondents whose desire for more
births was uncertain. Besides, this revised level of CPR is more
consistent with the observed level of TFR of 5.95 [Government of
Pakistan (1986), p. 40].
Besides, it has been observed in several inquiries that women are
shy to report methods especially, used by males. If women and their
husbands are using traditional procedures, they do it to maintain
confidentiality and some consider that since they are not using any
modern method or material, it does not tantamount to contraceptive use.
Similar, but more intensive analysis was undertaken of the data of
1990-91 Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey which provided an
estimate of current CPR of 11.8 percent. The data obtained through this
survey was further refined to determine the shy/silent users defined as
currently married women 15-44 years of age, who had no births during the
five or more years preceding the survey, were not sterile, had no
menopause, were reported not using the contraceptive methods, had at
least produced one live birth since marriage, were less than 45 years of
age (all married women 45-49 years were excluded) and their ability to
conceive had not been impaired.
In addition to the CPR of 11.8 percent the survey reported a total
fertility rate (TFR) of 5.2 per woman for the year preceding the survey
date and 5.4 prevailing over past six years preceding the survey.
Although the reported CPR was low and TFRs were high by the standard of
the world or of developing countries, the change over the previous
survey of 1984-85 was viewed with skepticism. It was, therefore,
hypothesised that the reported CPR was also under-reported due to
shyness. Thus the main objective of the analysis of 1990-91 PDHS was to
verify the hypothesis and to throw more light on the prevalence of
The shy/silent users from this survey were determined by using the
same binary technique which was applied to 1984-85 PCPS data with
further refinement. The results are presented in Figure 2. In order to
determine the number of shy/silent users it was ensured that the
respondents were fertile and had produced atleast one child, were under
45 years of age and were not experiencing primary or secondary
It is observed that respondents (currently married women 15-44
years) who had no birth during the last five years were not sterile or
menopaused, were reportedly not using any contraceptive method and their
ability to conceive was not impaired, were considered as shy/silent
It is observed from Figure 2 that the percentage of shy/silent
users in the PDHS was 11.9 percent. This implies that the actual CPR in
the PDHS could have been 23.7 percent. This revised level of CPR in the
country as of 1990-91 was far lower than levels in several South and
South Asian countries. For example, the reported level of CPR around the
period 1987-1990 in South Asia was far higher than for Pakistan. It was
reported 49 percent in India, 41 percent in Bangladesh, 52 percent in
Sri Lanka, 50 percent in Indonesia, 36 percent in the Philippines and 53
percent in Vietnam. The latest levels in these countries with some
fluctuation are even higher.
In view of cultural milieu it is pointed out that the reported TFR
has been more dependable than the reported CPR, while there is a
possibility that both these indicators might have been under-reported.
The evidence is that birth reporting is more reliable than the reporting
of CPR. The births which occurred during the past 12 months preceding
the survey are less likely to be omitted as most of them ever born alive
were present in the household and were, most probably in the lap of the
mother being interviewed and could be seen by the interviewer. On the
other hand the magnitude of omission of contraceptive use which is a
personal matter depends on the subjectivity of the woman. It has been
observed that many women in the country are culturally inhibited to talk
about contraceptive use, especially, when stranger or member of the
family, relatives and friends are present at the time of interview. Also
there may be a self inhibition even if nobody except the interviewer is
present. Thus, the CPR is underreported due to shyness.
Another evidence to support the shy users comes from the follow-up
survey of 844 non-users of the 1990-91 PDHS, which was undertaken during
the first half of 1993. This follow-up was undertaken in Punjab province only. This survey (partly due to the previous impact of the PDHS of
1990-91) showed a current prevalence rate of 18 percent of those who
were reported as non-users in the 1990-91 PDHS.
The CPR reported in the 1990-91 PDHS for Punjab was 13 percent. In
the follow-up survey the respondents reported a CPR of 18 percent. The
1993 method specific rates are compared with the total respondents of
Punjab in the 1990-91 PDHS (Table 1).
It is noted that withdrawal was most used method (4.9 percent)
followed by condom (4.4 percent) and the female's sterilisation
(3.0 percent) while these rates reported for Punjab total in 1990-91
were, females sterilisation (3.8 percent), condom (3.0 percent) and
withdrawal (1.5 percent) in that order. Apparently these were the users
of traditional and male methods, who were more shy in the 1990-91 and
who became more open in the 1993 follow-up survey.
This break through in a period of two years indicates that among
other factors actual users of traditional and male methods were more shy
to report at the time of PDHS in 1990-91 to admit that they were users
and became more open in the follow-up inquiry.
The 1994-95 Pakistan Contraceptive Prevalence Survey (PCPS) was
funded by United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and was under-taken by
the Population Council's local office Islamabad in coordination
with the Ministry of Population Welfare. This survey provides a CPR of
17.8 percent and as the data are still being processed, the TFR is still
awaited. However, preliminary observations show that there were shy
users of contraceptives in this survey who did not report that they were
A nationally representative sample of households and ever married
women 15 to 49 years of age in these households were interviewed through
this survey. The survey showed that there were 7922 currently married
women 15-49 years of age. Out of these women there were 67 percent who
had births during the period of last 59 months and 2567 had no births
during the last 60 or more months.
Out of 2567 women who had no births there were 550 who never were
pregnant, 274 had never a live birth, 484 were current users, 354 were
menopaused, in case of another 13, husband was not present and the
remaining 892 or 11.3 percent were considered as shy/silent users as
they had no live birth nor they reported that they were using
contraceptives during 60 or more months preceding the survey.
These figures are preliminary and subject to change when processing
is checked and finalised. If this figure of shy users is added to the
reported CPR, the percentage of current prevalence rate is increased to
29.1 percent.
Impact of Shy/Silent Users on CPRs
All three surveys were undertaken in collaboration with the foreign
agencies with the main objective of assessing the TFR and the CPR of the
country. All three surveys were based on nationally representative
samples. The interviewers in these surveys were well trained females who
interviewed women respondents. The results obtained after the analysis
of all three surveys show that the CPRs by including the shy/silent
users increase substantially as shown in the following Table 2.
The CPRs including the shy/silent users obtained through these
surveys, especially, the first two, are consistent with the reported
TFRs. The reported TFRs for the 1984-85 PCPS was 5.95 and for the
1990-91 PDHS was 5.2 for the 12 months preceding the survey per woman.
The more detailed analysis of the 1994-95 PCPS could not be presented as
the final processing of the data and analysis for obtaining TFR were
awaited. Another noteable finding is that the percentage of shy/silent
users went up from 5.9 percent in 1984-85 to 11.9 percent in 1990-91 and
then it reduced to 11.3 percent in 1994-95.
Characteristics of Shy/Silent Users
The selected characteristic of shy/silent users as compared with
the corresponding characteristics of reported current users have been
gleaned from the 1990-91 PDHS [National Institute of Population Studies
(1992), pp. 29-36]. These show that age composition of shy/silent users
and the reported current users was slightly different. The average age
of shy/silent users was 37.1 years as compared to 34.8 years of the
current users. In other words shy/silent users were 2.3 years older than
the current users. On the other hand in terms of average ages, husbands
of shy/silent users were 37.1 years and of the reported current users
were 36.8 years, meaning that the two groups were more or less similar.
In terms of marriage half of shy/silent users had 20 or more years
of duration 'while one third of reported current users had 20 or
more years of duration.
With regard to education 83.5 percent of shy/silent users were
illiterate while 52 percent of reported current users had no education.
There were significant differences according to the place of residence
as 70.9 percent of shy/silent users lived in rural areas whereas 34.1
percent of current users inhaled from rural setting.
There were significant differences between the two groups of users
in respect of knowledge of atleast one contraceptive method which was
58.9 percent among the shy/silent users as compared to 88.5 percent of
current users. While 26.2 percent of shy/silent users had the knowledge
about the source of contraceptives, 64.3 percent of the reported users
had this knowledge. On the other hand 83.7 percent of the shy/silent
users reported that they never talked to their husbands about family
planning, 25.3 percent of the reported current users said that they did
not talk to their husbands.
It is argued that the users who are shy/silent users do not divulge
the use of contraceptive especially, if other adults are present. The
data show that in case of shy/silent users adults were present in 58.6
percent of the cases, while corresponding percentage for reported
current users was 54.9 percent. Although the difference is small, it
shows that this factor also contributed to the shyness.
With regard to consanguinity 51.7 percent of shy/silent users were
married to their first cousin whereas 39.4 percent of reported current
users were married to first cousin. More interesting is the number of
children ever born to shy users which was 4.72 (slightly less) as
compared to 4.99 CEB of current users.
These are a few characteristics of shy/silent users as compared to
current users indicating that shy users are slightly older than the
current users. Their husbands do not show much difference in ages, their
marriage duration was longer. They were more illiterates. They lived
predominantly in rural areas and had less knowledge of atleast one
contraceptive method and source of contraceptive than reported current
users. Most of them did not talk to their husbands about family planning
and more were married to their first cousin. Because of shy/silent use,
of probably traditional contraceptive methods, they had slightly fewer
number of children. More information is presented in Table A given in
the Appendix.
The paper by Dr Hashmi seems to be a response to the general
concern that after more than three decades of official and
non-governmental programmes to promote widespread use of contraception
for controlling fertility, the levels of contraceptive use prevalence as
reported by various surveys are much lower than what was expected. His
argument on the basis of the findings from a sequential binary procedure
of analysis is that a notable proportion of the respondent women of
reproductive ages, who were not reported as users, were in reality
making efforts to avoid the occurrence of births, through the use of
modern contraceptives or other means, but this was not reported to the
survey interviewers either due to shyness or due to their considering
such efforts to be not contraception. The hypothesis having emerged from
the reports in this regard given by some interviewers of the 1984-85
PCPS, and due to the apparent inconsistency between the Total Fertility
Rate and Contraceptive Prevalence Rate given by this survey, has been
tested by the author from the data provided by three surveys; namely
1984-85 PCPS, 1990-91 PDHS and 1994-95 PCPS.
For 1984-85 PCPS the shy or silent users have been estimated as the
residuals from the respondent currently married women, after
sequentially separating the number of current users, the pregnant women,
those wanting more births and those who were uncertain, those having
birth in the last 5 years, and those having menopause or having
secondary sterility, with the result that in addition to 7.6 percent
reporting as users, another 5.9 percent were found to be logically
silent users. Similar analysis of 1990-91 PDHS data included the
sequential separation of the number of those who were reported as
pregnant, current users, those having birth during the last 5 years,
sterile or menopaused, with no birth (0 parity), those aged more than
44, and those who cannot get pregnant. This resulted in 11.9 percent
women who should be logically shy or silent users, in addition to 11.8
percent already reported as current users. A follow up of 1990-91 PDHS
non-users in Punjab provided validity to the inference of shy/silent
users hypothesis.
Similarly from the 1994-95 PCPS it was construed that 11.3 percent
of the currently married respondent women 11.3 percent in addition to
17.8 reported as users, were the shy/silent users.
The paper shows on the basis of the first two surveys, that the
inclusion of shy users makes the percentage making efforts to limit
fertility (including both the reported and the shy users) to be
consistent with the TFR for the last 12 months.
This very interesting and useful paper has from more than one
surveys demonstrated that the estimates of contraceptive users and
contraceptive prevalence rates are not to be taken on the basis of what
is reported directly, rather the important component of those who are
making deliberate efforts for limiting their family size and are not
reporting so, cannot be ignored because of their significantly high
proportion. This also shows that the serious awareness of the population
about the need to limit the family size is much more in the country than
what is usually assumed. By implications the findings by Dr Hashmi also
point toward the inadequacies of the survey procedures in eliciting data
regarding female in general, which has also been demonstrated by many
studies regarding the coverage of labour force participation. In their
case the element of shyness should obviously be not as much as the one
regarding the reproduction-related issues. In other words the element of
shyness should not be wholly attributed to the respondent (which
unfortunately is usually implied) rather the role of the interviewer
(even if it is female), the short-time formal exposure for the interview
(with little rapport or confidence), the stereotyped questionnaires and
ways of asking questions, and many related factors come in the way of
having reliable information.
Dr Hashmi's paper points to the need of checking the internal
consistency, the reliability and validity of data collected from the
surveys, even when better educated and trained interviewers are used.
Since the sample size in such surveys is small, the quality of
information collected from the respondents depends a lot on the skill of
the data collectors and of the data analysts. The experience from the
analysis of data collected from such surveys also shows that in terms of
estimating parameters and details no one source is sufficiently
reliable. One has to go into the details of each survey and also
carefully look at the data from other surveys to be able to get more
meaningful inferences.
I feel that the analysis should also have been extended to age
groups, and by other characteristics so that an idea about the
inhibitions in reporting may be assessed. Special enquiries in this
respect may be made during the other field endeavours being made under
the auspices of the NIPS.
Mohammad Afzal
Formerly of the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics,
Author's Note: Thanks are due to Syed Imtiaz Hussain Shah and
Mohammad Sabir for typing various drafts of this paper. The views
expressed are of the author alone.
Pakistan, Government of (1986) Pakistan Contraceptive Prevalence
Survey, 1984-85. Islamabad: Population Welfare Division.
National Institute of Population Studies (1992) Pakistan
Demographic and Health Survey, 1990-1991. Columbia, Maryland: IRD/Macro
International Inc.
Pakistan, Government of (1995) Pakistan Contraceptive Prevalence
Survey, 19944-95. Islamabad: The Population Council, The Ministry of
Population Welfare.
Hashmi, Sultan S., and Tauseef Ahmad (1992) Shy/Silent Users of
Contraception: Further Evidence. In Pakistan Population Review 3:1
Sultan S. Hashmi is Resident Adviser, National Institute of
Population Studies, Islamabad.
Table 1
Percent Distribution of Follow Up Women 1993 and PDHS Married Women
1990-1991 of Age 15-49 Using Contraceptive Methods, Punjab Province
Contraceptive PDHS(Punjab) FUW
S. No. Methods 1990-91 1993
0 Any Method 13.0 18.0
1 Withdrawal 1.5 4.9
2 Condom 3.0 4.4
3 Female Sterilisation 3.8 3.0
4 IUD 1.5 1.7
5 Pill 0.6 1.4
6 Injection 0.8 0.9
7 Periodic Abstinence 1.4 0.8
8 Other Methods 0.3 0.8
9 Male Sterilisation -- --
10 Foam, Jell -- --
Not Currently Using 87 82
Percent 100 100
Number 3768 844
FUW = Follow up Women.
Table 2
Impact of Shy/Silent Users of Contraceptives on CPR
of Pakistan Obtained in Surveys
Year of Reported
Survey Survey Users Shy Users Total
1984-85 PCPS 7.6 5.9 13.5
1990-91 PDHS 11.8 11.9 23.7
1994-95 PCPS 17.8 11.3 29.1
Table A
Percentage Distribution of Shy/Silent Users and Current Users,
Selected Characteristics, PDHS, 1990-91
Shy User Current User
Age of Respondent
<20 -- 1.4
20-24 1.7 8.7
25-29 11.1 18.5
30-34 20.6 20.4
35-39 26.0 25.2
40-44 40.6 16.8
45-49 -- 9.0
Total 00.0 100.0
Average Age 37.1 34.8
Age Difference between
Husband and Wife
Husband same Age or Younger 9.2 9.2
Husband Older 1-2 Years 9.9 14.0
"3-4" 14.4 15.2
"4-7" 29.4 24.8
"8+" 37.1 36.8
Duration of Marriage
<5 Years -- 5.6
5-9 Years 5.2 18.0
10-14 Years 20.0 21.7
15-19 Years 24.5 21.4
20+ Years 50.3 33.4
Level of Education
No Education 83.5 52.0
Primary 7.0 13.5
Middle 3.7 10.9
Secondary and Above 5.8 23.6
Knowledge of At Least One
Contraceptive Method
No 41.1 11.5
Yes 58.9 88.5
Knowledge about Source of
No 73.8 35.7
Yes 26.2 64.3
Talked to Husband about FP in
the Past Year
Never 83.7 25.3
One or Twice 12.2 33.4
More often 4.0 11.0
Sterilised -- 30.2
Presence of Adults during
No 41.4 45.1
Yes 58.6 54.9
Relationship with Husband
1st Cousin-Father Side 31.9 21.4
1st Cousin-Mother Side 19.8 18.0
2nd Cousin 10.1 12.9
Other Relatives 1.0 0.9
Non-relative 36.6 46.8
No. of Children Ever Born
1-2 19.4 12.5
3-4 28.2 29.3
5-6 24.2 28.8
7+ 28.2 29.2
Source: [Hashmi and Ahmad (1992)].