Analysing educational waste in the Punjab schools.
Rafiq, Muhammad
This paper examines educational waste in the Punjab Public Schools.
The paper focuses upon three areas: schools' internal efficiency,
school capacity utilisation and student teacher ratio. By using cohort analysis technique, the paper measures waste in flows of students in the
education cycle. The results show that repetition and dropout are more
prevalent in class I and middle school classes. This implies that after
having studied for five to six years in schools, a student finds
themselves in a blind alley, not knowing where it all would end up. This
also suggests that majority of the schools are located at large distance
from the most of the population of the Punjab and students have to
travel long distance for attending the schools. The under-utilisation of
school capacity is more prevalent in rural area than that of urban areas
and girls schools are more under-utilised than the boys schools. The
under-utilisation is more widespread in boys schools of urban areas than
the girls schools located in same vicinity and girls school in rural
areas are more under-utilised than the boys schools. The pervasive theme
emerged from results is that girls schools and teachers are mostly
under-utilised. This reflects that disadvantage that girls face in
Pakistan which may also cause under-utilisation of girls schools.
The study of educational waste has not received due attention
generally in Pakistan and particularly in the Punjab province. A few
partial attempts are made in this regard [Khan and Siddiqui 0986); Khan,
Siddiqui and Fazal (1986) and Bhati (1987)] which are limited in scope
and suffer methodological problems. Moreover the objectives of these
studies are not to address this issue. The lack of research on the topic
is unfortunate. Many resources from the limited income of the country
have been spent on this sector without significant increase in the
literate population and no effort is made to address the issue of waste
in the educational institutions. Since education sector in Pakistan
suffers from under-investment and continued rapid population growth rate
has made it more difficult to provide sufficient schools and teachers
for increasing school age cohort [Sathar and Lloyd (1994)], therefore,
choice left for the Punjab Government is to use the existing
infrastructure of schools efficiently. For this, an accurate monitoring
and evaluation system for educational waste becomes essential. This type
of system may help to assess the achievements and plan the future
targets so that our new generations could receive minimum basic
education. Studying this issue becomes more important when the efforts
for the education for all in the largest province--Punjab are being
The objective of this paper is to examine the extent and pattern of
educational waste in the Punjab schools. The paper is based on primary
data collected through three Schools Censuses for the years 1993-94,
1994-95 and 1995-96 conducted by the Punjab EMIS centre. According to the censuses there were 65010 schools in year 1993-94, 66856 schools in
year 1994-95, and 68498 schools in year 1995-96 of which data on
enrolment, repeaters and teachers have been solicited.
The plan of paper is as follows: In Section II major components of
educational waste are described followed by their detailed analysis and
results. The conclusions and remarks are drawn in the last section.
Any institution consumes inputs for producing output. If the
institution is quite efficient, it will make adequate use of appropriate
inputs to yield optimum output. If the system of the institution is not
efficient it may waste some inputs in producing outputs. It will not use
inputs efficiently because of high entropy. Similarly an educational
system consumes inputs such as school building, school facilities and
teachers to attain maximum enrolment and produce literate population.
Enrolment provides an indication of the capacity of the education system
to accommodate and educate students. If some schools do not use its
capacity or a school does not have sufficient enrolment we can say that
there is a wastage of school capacity. A school is also inefficient if
it does not retain the students who got enrolled and later dropped out.
Although schools solely are not responsible for dropout and there are
other many factors as well which causes high dropouts. But the teachers
absenteeism [Ehrenberg et al. (1991)], attitude of teachers, location
and space of schools [World Bank (1980)] and lack of motivation to
pupils for attending schools are also the factors responsible for high
dropouts and students' achievements. The waste also exists in shape
of repeaters. Similarly there could be many types of educational waste
but we are focusing upon only three types in the present paper that are
(i) poor schools' internal efficiency; (ii) low students-teacher
ratio; and (iii) under-utilisation of schools capacity.
2.1. Schools' Internal Efficiency
It has been argued that the Pakistan suffered set back of high
dropout but there is a little evidence in the literature regarding the
issue. There are a few attempts made in this regards as mentioned
earlier. This section addresses this issue for the province of Punjab
and measures waste level of students through the education cycle in the
Punjab schools. The dropouts and repeaters are the quantitative measures
of waste in flow of students. This section deals with these measures. In
the following methodology is explained followed by the analyses.
We use the cohort analysis for tracing the flow of the students
through entire education cycle. Application of this method for assessing
wastage and measuring internal efficiency of education systems has been
commonly accepted as one of the best tools. It is the graphic
representation of student's flow as shown in Figure 1. Each box of
the Figure 1 contains three arrows: one that angles up indicates the
dropout rate from education system; one that angles down towards another
box contains the promotion rates to the next class in the next years and
the arrow going vertically down to a box shows the percentage of
students repeating that grade in the next year. The enrolment are given
inside the boxes.
The flow of students during an educational cycle depends solely on
the four parameters: (i) the number of new entrants in the first class
of the cycle; (ii) the dropouts in the different classes; (iii) the
repetition in the different classes at the end of each year; and (iv)
the promotion from one class to the next at the end of each year.
Here it may be useful to describe the formulae used in the analyses
as reported in Figure 1. Therefore definition of the different
parameters and transient rates of students through education cycle are
given below:
[S.sub.c,t] = students at class c, during the year t.
[P.sub.c + 1, t + 1] = passed number of students at class c who
during the following school year are advanced to the class c + 1.
[R.sub.c,t + 1] = number of students repeating Class c. These
students who will stay in class c during the year t + 1 after having
been in it during t.
[D.sub.c,t] = dropped number of students who dropout at class c,
during school year t.
[p.sub.c,t] = promotion rate for class c, or the proportion of
students of class c in year t who will be in class c + 1 in the year t +
[r.sub.c,t] = repetition rate for the class c, or the proportion of
students of class c during the year t who will be in the same class in
the year t + 1
[d.sub.c,t] = dropout rate for the class c during the year t.
Now rates of promotion ([p.sub.c,t]), repetition ([r.sub.c,t]) and
dropout ([d.sub.c,t]) may be written as:
[p.sub.c,t] = [P.sub.c + 1, t + 1]/[S.sub.c,t] x 100 ... (1)
[r.sub.c,t] = [R.sub.c + 1, t/[S.sub.c,t] x 100 ... (2)
[d.sub.c,t] = [D.sub.c,t]/[S.sub.c,t] x 100 ... (3)
[p.sub.c,t] = [r.sub.c,t]/[d.sub.c,t] = 1 ... (4)
Figure 1 provides the flow of Punjab students through class 1 to
class 10 that contains the statistics concerning schools during the
three years (1993-94, 1994-95 and 1995-96). Katchi class is ignored
because some schools open admission for class 1 and also many parents
prefer to keep children in private nursery schools or they coach them at
their homes. When their children reach the age of class 1, only then
they are sent to school in class 1 directly. Therefore we may assume
that all students enter the class 1. Before presenting analyses it will
be useful to explain the use of figure. The cohort goes on step by step
through the cycle. Many students will be dropped out at various points
along the way, other will be delayed by one or more repetitions. Figure
1 shows that 1,696,028 students entered class 1 during 1995-96 where
they found 59079 (4.1 percent) from 1994-95 who were repeating class 1.
The Figure 1 further indicates that total 1443918 students including
1391937 new entrants were in class 1 in 1994-95. Out of these 1132031
(78.4 percent) were promoted to class 2 where they found 30692 (2.7
percent) and 252685 (17.5 percent) were dropped out.
The percentage distribution of repeaters, dropouts and promotees
through different classes as reported in Figure 1 exhibits a fluctuation pattern. Figure 1 indicates that about 15.3 percent pupils of class 1
left the schools in the same year in which they entered this class
during year 1993-94. Other who left the schools from their respective
classes during year 1993-94 are 4.6 percent of class 2, 7.0 percent of
class 3, 6.7 percent of class 4, 9.5 percent of class 5, 11.3 percent of
class 6, 9.5 percent of class 7, 15.9 percent of class 8, and 13.7
percent of class 9. Figure 1 further shows that among children admitted
to class 1 during 1993-94, 3.6 percent repeated the class 1 during next
years 1994-95 and 81.1 percent were promoted to class 2. Similar pattern
is observed in flow of student during year 1994-95 and 1995-96.
According to the figure, the highest dropout rate during 1994-95 is from
class 1 at 17.5 percent and second highest rate of dropout is 15.5
percent from class 9.
The two year aggregate pattern of promotion and dropouts is also
reported in the same Figure 1.1 The Figure indicates that the highest
dropout rate(28 percent) and also the lowest promotion rate (57.3
percent) in the education cycle is observed among those who moved from
class 8 to class 10. The figure further shows that second highest
dropout rate (21.5) occurred during the transition of students between
class 7 to class 9. The figure further shows about 73.0 percent of
cohort leads to the class 3 and dropout during this movement is about
21.3 percent. Those who reaches from class 2 to class 4 are 85 percent
and 10.5 percent are gone out of the system. Examination about other
class can be made from the figure.
Significantly dropout and repetitions rates are more prevalent in
the middle and high school classes except class 1. This means that out
of the small number who started middle and secondary school, a
substantial number left the school prior to obtaining the middle school
or high school certificate. This goes in line with Bhati (1987) who
observes that one of the major factors which weakens the holding power
of school is that the students, after having studied for five to six
years in schools, finds themselves in a blind alley, not knowing where
it all would end up. Another reasons of high dropout rates in these
classes may be that these schools are located at large distance from the
most of the population of the Punjab and students have to travel long
distance for attending the schools.
Efficiency in the flow of students (input-output ratio) can be
improved by reducing repetition and dropout rates. For this purpose,
promotion policy may be examined in detail so that these ratios
especially dropout rates can be reduced at all levels. A review of
literature shows that repetition does not have positive effect on
student achievements or quality of education [World Bank (1980)].
However failure of school system to retain students may be due to
several other factors as well. Identification of those factor
responsible for high dropout is very important to overcome this problem.
There is a need to expand school networks, school facilities and quality
of teachers. The paper submits that high dropout and repetition rates
may also be a reflective of education system's weaknesses that
could not retain pupils and suggests for promotion of motivation for
increasing their stay in the schools.
2.2. Capacity Utilisation of the Punjab Public Schools
Establishing new schools is a time taking process that not only
involves high capital cost but also needs dedication of administration.
If established schools are not used effectively in sense that they do
not achieve the minimum level of enrolment then it is a wastage of
resource. However level of wastage of school resources may be a relative
term. The schools are established keeping in view the needs of area and
political requirements. A school infrastructure in some areas may be
quite sufficient for 500 students and in some area it may not be
sufficient for 200 students. Question arises whether a school having
capacity of 500 students could get an enrolment of 500 students or not.
If it does not, then what is the percentage of its utilisation. Here we
need to draw a boundary line for the capacity utilisation of a school.
If capacity of a school is assumed as a five class room unit with
enrolment capacity of 200 students, it gives an average size of 40
pupils, a general standard set by the Government in primary schools
[Ahmed et al. (1983)]. But we assume here that if a school has less than
one hundred students, then school is under-utilised and more students
can be admitted to the school.
Table 1 presents the percentage distribution of schools by region,
gender and groups of enrolment in the schools. The groups of enrolment
are made in such way that schools having more than or equal to one
hundred students are kept in one group, schools having less than one
hundred students are divided into three groups i.e. school with
enrolment upto 25 students are kept in one group, schools having 26 to
50 students forms second group and the school consisting of 51 to 100
students constitute a third group, so that policy-makers could choose
some focus groups for possible intervention. The salient features
notable in Table 1 are that many institutions are under-utilised. This
under-utilisation is more prevalent in rural areas than that of urban
areas and girls schools are more under-utilised than the boys schools.
The table further suggests that under-utilisation is more widespread in
boys schools of urban area than the girls schools located in same
vicinity and girls school in rural areas are more under-utilised than
the boys schools.
The table shows that about 43.86 percent of urban school are
under-utilised out of which, 8.95 percent are schools that have upto 25
students, 15.63 are those having 25 to 50 students and 19.28 percent
that have 51 to 100 students. The table discloses that about 68.69
percent of rural schools are under-utilised of which 16.18 percent of
the schools have upto 25 students, 24.79 percent schools have 26 to 50
student and 27.7 percent are those schools that have 51 to 100 students
in a schools. On Punjab level, gender wise pattern is also assessed.
Among the boys schools, 15.18 percent are those schools that have upto
25 students, 22.52 percent of the schools have 25 to 50 students. There
are 26.60 percent schools that have enrolled 51 to 100 students. Among
girls schools, there are 15.78 percent schools having upto 25 students,
25.67 percent schools contain 26 to 50 students and 27.19 percent of
schools has 51 to 100 students. On overall level 15.44 percent of
schools have upto 25 students, 23.85 percent schools are those schools
that have 26 to 50 students and 26.84 percent schools have 51 to 100
students. The present level of school under-utilisation may be high
because of some schools are shelterless or has class room in poorly
constructed school buildings. This section of paper submits that the
existing strength of pupils in a schools may be a reflective of demand
for low education i.e. less the demand of education by the people lower
the enrolment rate. This suggests for promotion of motivation
particularly to girls for raising level of schools capacity utilisation
and restructuring or reform the existing infrastructure to make full
utilisation of schools.
2.3. Students-teacher Ratio
The adequate number of teachers in a school is one of the
indicators of quality education. This number should be up to a limit.
Neither number of teachers in a school should be too high nor they
should be too low. Since teachers' salary component of education
expenditure constitutes most of the recurring expenditure,
students-teacher ratio must be maintained as close to an acceptable
norms as possible. This expenditure cannot be increased beyond limits.
Therefore if students-teacher ratio is maintained at an acceptable level
say 30 to 40 students per teacher, enrolment can be improved by
increasing the number of students per teacher where this ratio is below
the desirable level without adversely affecting the quality of education
and making heavy investment. We can say that wastage may also exist in
those schools where students teacher ratio is not in acceptable range.
Table 2 gives the distribution of schools and teachers deployed in
those schools by groups of students-teacher ratio, region and gender of
school. The distribution is drawn in four groups of students-teacher
ratio, groups are (i) those schools where either students or teachers
are zero; (ii) those schools where there are 1 to 20 students for a
teacher; (iii) those schools where 21 to 30 students for a teacher are
enrolled; and (iv) the schools having a teacher for 31 students or more.
The schools having one to twenty students per teachers may be identified
to be under-utilised and the school having one teacher for twenty to
thirty students are moderate in the utilisation of their teachers and
improvement is possible in those schools. The schools having one teacher
for 31 students or more may be declared as those schools fully utilising
their teachers.
The Table 2 shows that 20.74 percent boys schools of urban areas
having 17.52 percent teachers of the total are under-utilising their
teachers as compared to 28.02 percent girls urban schools with 20.89
percent teachers. Evidence from Table 2 further indicates that there are
26.28 percent boys schools along with 26.29 teachers in rural areas that
are under-utilising their teachers and 41.24 percent of girls school
with 41.56 percent of teacher in rural area are under-using their
teachers. According to the table there are 24.06 percent urban schools
where 32.33 percent of teachers are deployed and rural area schools
constitute 32.33 percent containing 33.14 percent of teachers are
under-utilised their teachers. It means under-utilisation is more
diffused in the rural areas of the Punjab. On the Punjab level, girls
schools (39.78 percent) are under-utilising their teachers that have
36.25 percent of the total teachers as compared to boys schools (25.75)
which have 24.56 percent teachers. This means that under-utilising of
teachers by the girls school is more prevalent than the boys schools in
the Punjab as well as urban and rural areas. The table implies that
prevalence of under-utilisation of teachers exist in the Punjab schools.
The intervention is required to improve the student teacher ratio. The
waste could also be minimised by redeploying teacher from under-enrolled
school to over-enrolled schools.
The study has examined the extent of diffusion of educational waste
in the Punjab education system. The study witnessed that sizeable
institutions are under-utilised. This under-utilisation is more
prevalent in rural area than that of urban areas and girls schools are
more under-utilised than the boys schools. The under-utilisation is more
widespread in boys schools of urban area than the girls schools located
in same vicinity and girls school in rural areas are more under-utilised
than the boys schools. The pervasive theme emerged from results is that
girls schools and teachers are mostly under-utilised. This reflects that
disadvantage that girls face in Pakistan. Parents prefer sons to
daughters for sending them to schools [Sathar and Lloyd (1994); Ali
(1989) and Sathar (1987)] which may also cause under-utilisation of
girls schools. The intervention is required to improve the students
teacher ratio which may be minimised by redeploying teacher from
under-enrolled school to over-enrolled schools.
Significantly dropout and repetition rates are more prevalent in
the middle and high school classes except class 1 where the dropout rate
is the highest. This means that out of the small who started middle or
high school education, a substantial number left the schools prior to
obtaining the middle schools or high school certificates. One of the
reasons of high dropout rates in these classes may be that these school
are located at large distance from the most of the population of the
Punjab and students have to travel long distance to attend the schools.
One thing is clear; on overall basis educational waste is sizeable, a
lot of the dropout of each class--adding to tremendous wastage.
Efficiency in the flow of students(input-output ratio) can be improved
by reducing repetition and dropout rates. For this purpose, promotion
policy should be examined in detail so that these ratios, especially
dropout rates can be reduced at all levels in general and early grades
in particular. A review of literature shows that repetition does not
have positive effect on student achievements or quality of education.
However failure of school system's to retain students may be due to
several factors. Identification of those factor responsible for high
dropout is very important to overcome this problem. There is a need to
expand school networks, school facility and quality of teachers. The
paper submits that high dropout and repetition rate may be a reflective
of education system's weaknesses that could not to retain them and
suggests for promotion of motivation for increasing their stay in
Keeping in view the important of human development, Pakistan needs
to improve the quality of existing schools in terms of efficiency and
effectiveness, provide special motivation to girls [Mehmood and Zahid
(1992)] and reduce the relative cost of attendance for girls [Sathar and
Lloyd (1994)].
Author's Note: I am grateful to Dr Gery Brown for his useful
comments on an earlier draft of this paper. I am also thankful to the
British Council for providing me the opportunity to work for the Punjab
Educational Management Information System.
Ali, Syed Mubashir (1989) Does Son Preference Matter? Journal of
Biosocial Science 214: 399-408.
Ahmed, Salehuddin et al. (1983) Primary Education Network in
Bangladesh. Dhaka: National Foundation for Research on Human Resource
Bhati, Mukhtar Ahmad (1987) Secondary Education in Pakistan.
Perspective Planning. Islamabad: Academy of Education Management and
Planning. (Education Development Series No.2.)
Ehrenberg, Ronal G. et al. (1991) School District Leave Policies,
Teacher Absenteeism and Student Achievement. The Journal of Human
Resources 26:1 73-105.
Khan, Shahrukh R., Naushin Mahmood and Rehana Siddiqui (1986) An
Analysis of School Level Enrolment, Dropout and Output in Pakistan.
Islamabad: Pakistan Institute of Development Economics. (Research
Reports Series No. 149.)
Khan, Shahrukh R., Rehana Siddiqui and Fazal Hussain (1986) An
analysis of School Level Dropout Rates and Output in Pakistan: Supply
and Demand Side Consideration (1970-71-1982-83). Islamabad: Pakistan
Institute of Development Economic. (Mimeographed.)
Mahmood, Naushin, and G. M. Zahid (1992) Measuring the Education
Gap in Primary and Secondary Schooling in Pakistan. The Pakistan
Development Review 31:4 729-740.
Sathar, Zeba A. (1987) Sex Differentials in Mortality: A Calory of
Son Preference? The Pakistan Development Review 26:4 555-568.
Sathar, Zeba A., and Synthia B. Lloyd (1994) Who Gets Primary
Schooling in Pakistan: Inequality among and within Families. The
Pakistan Development Review 33:2 103-134.
World Bank (1980) Education. Washington, D. C.: The World Bank.
(Sector Policy Paper.)
(1) The repetition and promotion rates for the next year are
assumed same for the promotees and repeaters of previous year.
Muhammad Rafiq is Deputy Chief Programmer at the Pakistan Institute
of Development Economics, Islamabad.
Table 1
Percentage Distribution of Schools by Region, Gender and Schools'
Capacity Utilisation
Groups of Enrolment
Region and
Gender of Schools <25 26-50 51-100
Boys 11.00 18.86 18.86
Girls 6.19 11.55 19.79
Mix 15.94 15.94 20.29
Total 8.95 15.63 19.28
Boys 15.62 22.91 27.43
Girls 16.97 27.51 28.10
Mix 20.22 29.78 28.09
Total 16.18 24.79 27.70
Boys 15.18 22.52 26.60
Girls 15.78 25.75 27.19
Mix 19.03 25.91 25.91
Total 15.44 23.85 26.84
Groups of Enrolment
Region and No. of
Gender of Schools 101-200 200 Schools
Boys 17.27 34.02 3654
Girls 23.52 38.95 2891
Mix 23.19 24.64 69
Total 20.06 36.07 6614
Boys 20.20 13.83 34077
Girls 16.81 10.61 23306
Mix 15.73 6.18 178
Total 18.81 12.50 57561
Boys 19.92 15.79 37731
Girls 17.55 13.74 26197
Mix 17.81 11.34 247
Total 18.94 14.93 64175
Source: Punjab Educational Management Information System (EMIS)
schools census 1995-96.
Note: The Schools under control of The Punjab Government are included
in the table and closed schools has been excluded.
Table 2
Percentage Distribution of Schools and Teachers by Region, Gender of
School and Students Teacher Ratio
Students per Teacher
Region and
of Schools * 1-20 21-30
Boys 4.87 20.74 24.69
Girls 8.30 28.02 24.52
Mix 2.90 33.33 21.74
Total 6.35 24.06 24.58
Boys 0.27 17.52 31.86
Girls 0.44 20.89 28.92
Mix 0.00 31.72 31.12
Total 0.35 19.16 30.50
Boys 4.61 26.28 29.18
Girls 7.57 41.24 23.58
Mix 3.93 24.16 28.09
Total 5.81 32.33 26.91
Boys 0.37 26.29 35.15
Girls 0.48 41.56 27.78
Mix 0.00 24.84 33.85
Total 0.41 32.14 32.33
Boys 4.64 25.75 28.74
Girls 7.65 39.78 23.69
Mix 3.64 26.72 26.32
Total 5.86 31.48 26.67
Boys 0.35 24.56 34.50
Girls 0.47 36.25 28.08
Mix 0.00 27.74 32.70
Total 0.40 29.26 31.92
per Teacher
Region and Total No.
of Schools 31 + of Schools
Boys 49.70 3654
Girls 39.16 2891
Mix 42.03 69
Total 45.01 6614
Boys 50.35 33233
Girls 49.75 29005
Mix 37.16 331
Total 50.00 62569
Boys 39.93 34077
Girls 27.61 23306
Mix 43.82 178
Total 34.95 57561
Boys 38.18 134690
Girls 30.17 83952
Mix 41.32 455
Total 35.12 219097
Boys 40.88 37731
Girls 28.88 26197
Mix 43.32 247
Total 35.99 64175
Boys 40.59 167923
Girls 35.20 112957
Mix 39.57 786
Total 38.42 281666
Source: Punjab EMIS census 1995-96.
Note: The schools under control of the Punjab government are included
in the table and closed schools are excluded.
* These are the schools where teachers or students or both are zero.