Integration of agricultural commodity markets in Punjab.
Tahir, Zubair ; Riaz, Khalid
Efficiency of resource allocation in agriculture depends on the
functioning of commodity markets. Although the larger markets that are
better connected with the transport and communication network are
expected to be well-integrated, the same cannot be said about the
smaller, more remote markets. This paper tests integration of
agricultural commodity markets in Southeastern Punjab. The region is
located off the main trading axis of Pakistan, the Peshawar-Karachi
highway, and is mostly served by relatively small markets known as
mandis. This study focuses on markets for cotton, wheat, and rice in
five towns in the region. Cotton and wheat are the main crops in the
area while rice is mostly grown as part of crop rotation aimed at
controlling salinity. The analytical framework developed by Ravallion
was used to conduct tests of market integration for the three selected
commodities. Within this framework, it is possible to test for short-run
integration, long-run integration or complete market segmentation. The
results indicate that, generally, markets are integrated only in the
long run, with short-run integration limited to some special cases.
Moreover, the smaller markets are more likely to be isolated as compared
to the larger markets. The small markets also take longer to fully
adjust to the price shock originating from a more dominant central
market. Finally, in the case of flee, it is more likely that a market
would be isolated if it were small. This implies that farmers'
incentives to grow rice as a means of combating salinity may be
constrained by local demand conditions.
In a decentralised economic system resource allocation takes place
through price signals transmitted by the markets. In developing
economies, there are several impediments to the efficient functioning of
markets, particularly agricultural commodity markets. These include,
inadequate transportation infrastructure, difficulties in access to
market information, government-imposed restrictions on movement of goods
between regions, government monopoly over the marketing and distribution
system, and poor enforcement of anti-trust regulation that results in
price fixing and oligopolistic market structures.
If markets are not well-integrated, price signals are distorted,
which leads to inefficient allocation of resources. But market
integration also has other, more specific, policy implications. For
example, many governments try to stabilise prices of agricultural
commodities, especially the prices of food products, either in an
attempt to support farm incomes or as a part of food security policy. If
markets are well-integrated, the government can stabilise prices in one
key market and rely on arbitrage to produce a similar outcome in other
markets. This reduces the cost of stabilisation considerably. Moreover,
the impact on farm incomes of productivity-enhancing public investments
in irrigation and drainage depends on market integration. If markets are
not well-integrated, the marketable surpluses these projects help
generate could depress local prices and farm incomes, thus greatly
diminishing the benefit farmers derive from such investment. Finally, in
many regions, farmers' strategies for dealing with soil degradation
problems involve judicious cropping pattern choices. For example,
farmers adopt rice-salinity grass rotation on salinity-affected land
because rice needs a lot of irrigation which also helps leach down salts
[Neeltje (1996)]. If the local demand for these products is limited,
farmers may have fewer incentives for adopting such a cropping pattern.
(1) On the other hand, if markets are well-integrated, farmers are not
constrained by local demand conditions.
Many of the previous studies investigating the integration of
agricultural commodity markets focused on large markets located along
the main trading routes [e.g., Alderman (1993) and Haq (1992)]. A
notable exception in this regard is Qureshi (1974), who focused on
integration of village markets. The larger markets are typically linked
through good transportation infrastructure (roads and railways) and are
either hubs of surplus-producing regions or major demand centres. Most
of these earlier studies found that although market integration was far
from being perfect, there existed a fair degree of integration,
especially in the long run. The question arises whether this conclusion
also holds for smaller markets, off the main trading routes.
In Pakistan, as in most other developing countries, the majority of
the population lives in rural areas dotted with small market towns.
These towns are called mandi(s). The mandis are usually not very
well-connected with the main transportation network unless they happen
to lie along the Grand Trunk (GT) Road or the other main trading routes.
Because they attract produce from a small area often comprising only the
tehsil (sub-district) they are located in, each individual mandi tends
to have a modest turnover. Perhaps for this reason, they have not
figured prominently in market integration studies in Pakistan. (2) This
is an important gap in the literature because what happens in the small
and medium markets influences a large segment of the population. This
study aims at filling this gap by investigating the integration of small
and medium markets. Three commodities are selected, namely, wheat, rice,
and cotton. Although sugarcane is also grown in the area, difficulties
in obtaining the required data prevented inclusion of this crop in the
Markets and Commodities
The geographic scope of the study is limited to the cotton-wheat
zone in southeastern Punjab. This area is located off the main trading
axis of the country, the Peshawar-Karachi highway. Five markets were
selected, namely, Bahawalnager, Chishtian, Fort Abbas, Hasilpur, and
Pakpattan. The first three markets are in Bahawalnagar district,
Hasilpur is located in Bahawalpur district, and Pakpattan market is in
Pakpattan district. Table 1 presents the acreage under different crops
and population in the areas served by the selected markets.
The areas served by these markets are located in the tail reaches
of irrigation canals originating from the Sulaimanki headworks. (3)
Canal water is generally scarce except in areas near the heads of
distributaries off-taking from the main canals. This has resulted in
salinity problems. Although cotton and wheat are the main crops, rice
and sugarcane are also grown in this area. Rice crop needs a lot of
irrigation which also helps leach down salts. A significant proportion
of land in the study area is salinity-affected and rice cultivation
there is mainly a response to this problem. When rice is grown as a part
of salinity mitigation strategy, its yields are generally low but the
revenues from the sale of rice can partially or fully offset the cost of
applying extra water for reclamation.
In the rest of this section a brief description of selected crops
is presented.
This is a major Kharif season crop in the selected markets.
Different varieties of cotton are sown and marketed in the area. Market
transactions of cotton are observed from September to March. Our
interviews with different commission agents suggested that the price of
seed cotton depended on the price of lint cotton. To understand this
process, consider the following example. Suppose the price of lint is Rs
1900/40 kg. In 40 kg. seed cotton there is approximately 13.5 kg. lint
(having the value of Rs 687 @ Rs 50.89/kg.) and 26 kg. seed (having the
value of Rs 163 @ 6.27/kg.). So the price of cotton in the local market
will be Rs 687+Rs 163=Rs 850/40 kg. After subtraction of some commission
by the agent, the price may be (approximately) Rs 815 per 40 kg. This
price formation process was observed in all selected markets.
South Punjab is not a major rice-growing area. However, rice is
grown in the area either in response to salinity problems or near the
head of a distributary where there is abundant water supply. The total
turnover in each market is not as high as in the rice-growing areas in
other parts of the country. So due to their small size, these markets
may not be as well-integrated as other larger rice markets elsewhere in
the country. Rice is not sown in the area around Fort Abbas due to its
desert location, lack of canal water, and bad-quality ground water.
Different varieties of rice are sown in the selected market areas but
the most common is "Basmati 385". This variety was selected
for the purposes of the present study. According to cultivated area
figures shown in Table I, Bahawalnagar and Pakpattan markets are the two
larger rice markets among all selected markets, although they are not
large as compared to markets in the main rice-growing areas
(Sheikhupura, Gujranwala, Sialkot) in the province.
Wheat is the major Rabi season crop. The acreage under wheat in
each market area is greater than the acreage for any other crop. There
are a lot of impediments to integration of wheat markets, including
restrictions on its movement (Zila Bandi i.e., district boundary
restriction) during certain months of the year to allow government
agencies to meet their procurement targets. The government normally
procures 25 percent to 30 percent of total wheat production. For this
purpose, procurement centres are established in each market's
notified area. Wheat is either procured directly from the farmers
through the procurement centres (4) or it is purchased on the open
market. Farmers also keep some wheat for their own-consumption and as
seed for next year's crop. Despite all these factors, sizeable
quantities of wheat are transacted every year through open market.
Market integration has been traditionally studied using static
price correlations. The studies relying on correlation coefficient to
infer spatial integration of agriculture prices include Jasdanwal
(1966); Cummings (1967); Lele (1971); Muhammad (1975); Raju and Oppen
(1982) and Jhala (1984). Despite their widespread use, there are
inferential dangers in drawing conclusions from correlation coefficients
or from regression coefficients estimated from static regressions.
Ravallion (1986) pointed out that even if transportation cost between
two markets were prohibitive, the time series of their prices could be
affected by a shared dynamic seasonal pattern or the price of a third
commodity traded in a common market. It would then be possible to obtain
a high correlation coefficient or an estimated regression slope close to
unity from a static regression. So the static correlation methods can
lead to acceptance of the market integration hypothesis when, in fact,
the markets are isolated.
The inferential danger pointed out above can be avoided by
incorporating dynamic considerations into the model. Ravallion (1986)
proposed a model that controlled for seasonality by allowing the local
price to have its own dynamic structure. The model also allowed
inter-linkage with other markets through which price shocks could be
transmitted to the local market. A noteworthy feature of
Ravallion's formulation was that instead of being limited to
instantaneous adjustment, it allowed for the possibility that a price
shock originating in one market could affect the price in another market
with a lag. This feature is very important because market price
adjustments in the real world seldom take place instantaneously. In
Ravallion's framework, it is possible to test for both short-run
and long-run price integration. Even when instantaneous integration was
rejected, long-run integration could still hold.
Recognising that ordinary least square estimates become biased and
inconsistent when there are endogenous regressors, Ravallion introduced
the concept of a "reference" market. In his framework, the
reference market is a dominant market serving as a hub in a sort of
"radial market structure" where different feeder (local)
markets are at the rim. (5) The reference market dominates the price
formation in the feeder markets. Every individual feeder market can be
affected by the reference market price, but it alone can not affect the
reference market price. However, various feeder (local) markets, taken
together, may influence price in the reference market. Normally, the
reference markets are dominant markets having a high turnover so that
supply and demand shocks originating in the individual feeder markets
are absorbed without much effect on the price prevailing in the
reference markets. Examples include large supply centres located in the
interior of agricultural regions, large metropolitan demand centres, and
port cities providing export/import linkage to the rest of the world.
This study uses the Ravallion framework and applies it to markets
in South Punjab. Ravallion assumed that there are n local markets and
the local prices in these markets ([P.sub.2] ... Pn) are dominated by
[P.sub.1] = [f.sub.1]([P.sub.2], [P.sub.3], .... [P.sub.n],
[X.sub.1]) ... ... ... ... (1)
[P.sub.i] = [f.sub.1]([P.sub.1], [X.sub.i]) i=2, ..., n ... ... ...
... (2)
one reference market price ([P.sub.1]). The Ravallion model can be
represented as: Equation (2) postulates that prices in the feeder
(local) markets are functions of the prices in the reference market
([P.sub.1]), where X is the vector of the seasonal or policy variables.
The above formulation is the most suited to a radial market structure.
The econometric form of Equations (1) and (2) as suggested by Ravallion
[P.sub.1t] = [[SIGMA].sup.1.sub.j=1] [[alpha].sub.1]
[sub.j][P.sub.1t-j] + [[SIGMA].sup.n.sub.k=2] [[SIGMA].sup.1.sub.j=0]
[b.sup.k.sub.1][sub.j][P.sub.kt-j] + [c.sub.1] [X.sub.1t] + [e.sub.1t]
... ... (3)
[P.sub.1t] = [[SIGMA].sup.1.sub.j=1] [a.sub.ij] [] +
[[SIGMA].sup.1.sub.j=0] [b.sub.ij][P.sub.1t-j] + [c.sub.i] [] +
[] (I = 2,..,n) ... ... (4)
where the superscript k indicates the markets and the subscript j,
the lags.
Ravallion estimated Equation (4) acknowledging that in many
circumstances Equation (3) was under-identified. Given the general model
in Equation (4), the various hypothesis tests concerning market
integration and their implied parametric restrictions are described
Market Segmentation
The first test concerns complete market segmentation. In Equation
(4), if
[b.sub.ij] = 0 for all j
then the ith market is segmented from the reference market. The
restrictions involve testing that coefficients of the current price of
the reference market and coefficients of all of its lag prices are,
individually, equal to zero. If this restriction is accepted, then
current and lagged prices of reference market do not influence the local
market price. In other words, the price formation process in the local
market is independent of conditions in the reference market.
Short-run Integration
Since adjustment to price shocks may take place over time, it is
necessary to distinguish between short-run and long-run integration. The
short run integration implies:
[b.sub.i0] = 1
[a.sub.ij] = [b.sub.ij] = 0 j = (1,....n)
If this hypothesis were to be accepted, it would imply that the
entire price shock originating in the reference market is transmitted to
the local market within a single time-period (a week in our case). Note
that the above restriction forces only the coefficient of the current
reference market price ([[beta].sub.i0]) in Equation (4) to be nonzero.
This implies that only the current period reference market price affects
the local price, and the fact that this coefficient is unity means that
the entire magnitude of the shock is transmitted within the same period.
Long-run Integration
Because agricultural markets are spatially separated, price changes
in one market take time to influence the price in another market.
Ravallion proposed the following test of market integration:
[SIGMA][a.sub.ij] + [SIGMA][b.sub.ij] = 1
If the summation of all price variables in the equation is equal to
1, then local market is integrated with reference market in the
long-run. In other words, price shocks in the reference market take more
than a single time period to get fully transmitted to local market. But
there is a long-run tendency for prices in the two markets to equalise.
The failure of this condition to hold would imply noncompetitive market
structure or impediments to mobility of goods, possibly due to poor
There are logical relationships between the various market
integration restrictions presented above. If market segmentation
restriction is accepted, for example, it implies a rejection of both the
short-run as well as the long-run market integration restrictions.
Short-run market integration implies long-run integration, but the
reverse is not true, and it is very common to have markets that are
integrated only in the long-run. This happens when price adjustment
between the two markets is not instantaneous but price shock originating
in the reference market is fully transmitted to the local market after a
certain lag. Finally, there is another interesting possibility, that
market segmentation, short-run market integration, and long-run market
integration restrictions are all rejected, simultaneously. This
situation arises when there is some lagged adjustment between the
reference and the local market but 100 percent of the price shock from
the reference market is not transmitted to the local market even in the
long-run. Therefore, the two polar cases of market segmentation and
long-run market integration proposed by Ravallion encompass, between
themselves, varying degrees of market integration. Provided the market
segmentation restriction is rejected, there is some adjustment in the
local market price in response to variation in the price prevailing in
the reference market. Whether this constitutes an acceptable degree of
market integration is a matter of judgement, and depends on the purpose
at hand.
For this study, the daily price data was obtained from rosters of
market committee in each selected market. These rosters recorded daily
low and high prices of each commodity. The price information was
collected for the period from January 1993 to December 1995. Information
for earlier periods was not available in easily accessible form. A
series of daily prices was constructed for each commodity by averaging
the relevant daily low and high price values. Next, the prices were
aggregated into weekly prices. Weekly prices for each commodity were
computed as an average of all daily prices in the week.
Wheat price series of all markets was continuous because wheat
transactions take place in the market throughout the year. Price series
of cotton and rice had gaps during the off-season when there is no
trading in these commodities. This caused loss of some observations.
As discussed in the previous section, the analytical framework used
in this study assumes that there is a dominant reference market for each
commodity. For wheat and rice, Multan market was considered the
reference market. This decision was motivated by discussions with
commission agents/dealers, and the fact that Multan is a large
commercial centre located on the Grand Trunk Road and serving as a hub
for movement of goods to other parts of the country.
For cotton, however, the situation is somewhat more complicated.
There is no single market for seed cotton that can serve as
"reference market". This is because seed cotton is processed
in local ginneries scattered all over the region. These ginneries
separate seed from cotton lint and sometime also produce cottonseed oil.
This poses considerable difficulty because the tests of market
integration in the Ravallion model assume that integration is being
studied between price series of the same commodity collected from two
spatially separated markets. When the commodity moves up the processing
chain before reaching the reference market (as in the case of cotton),
the Ravallion type test of integration between the price of processed
commodity in the reference market and the pre-processing stage price of
the commodity in the local market can give misleading results. (6) This
difficulty was resolved by constructing an equivalent price of raw
cotton based on the price of lint for the Karachi reference market, as
obtained from the Karachi Cotton Association (KCA) records, and on
cotton seed prices. (7) The seed price was taken to be the price of
cottonseed in Multan market. (8)
To test for market integration, Equation (4) in the Ravallion model
was estimated using separate OLS regressions for cotton, rice, and wheat
in each of the selected markets. The detailed results of these
regressions are presented in the Appendix. The estimated equations
employed several lags of local and reference market prices in addition
to seasonal dummy variables. The lag length for each equation was
determined using the F-test. The number of lags of the reference market
price in any estimated equation indicates the number of weeks needed,
beyond the current week, for a price shock to be fully transmitted from
the reference market to the local market.
The remainder of this section deals with tests of the market
integration hypothesis. The hypotheses considered were (a) market
segmentation, (b) short-run market integration, and (c) long-run market
integration. The tests of the market integration hypothesis were
conducted using the F-test. The results are presented separately for
each commodity in Tables 2-4 (for parameter estimates and more detailed
regression results, see Appendices). All tables list the hypothesis to
be tested in Column (i) and the corresponding calculated value of the
F-statistic in Column (ii). The tabulated value of the F-statistic at 1
percent significance level and the appropriate degrees of freedom are
reported in the third column. The last column contains remarks regarding
the acceptance or rejection of the null hypothesis. The results of this
analysis for each commodity are presented below.
The results presented in Table 2 indicate that market segmentation
is rejected for all cotton markets, as the calculated F-values are very
large compared to the tabulated values with appropriate degrees of
freedom. Hence, price formation in the selected markets does not take
place completely independently of the equivalent price of cotton. Note
that this result was obtained despite the fact that the selected markets
are located off the main trading route of the country, the
Karachi-Peshawar highway.
Having established that the cotton markets in South Punjab Cotton
Belt are not completely isolated from the central lint market at
Karachi, the next question is: What is the nature of the market
integration. Are the markets integrated well enough to immediately
transmit signals from the central market (short-run integration) or does
this process involve lagged adjustment to changes in the central
market's price?
The F-tests presented in Table 2 indicate that short-run market
integration is rejected for all markets. This result was to be expected
because of several reasons. First, the periodicity of the data used for
this study is just one week, a period somewhat short for 100 percent of
the price signal to be transmitted from the central market almost 1000
km. away. Second, the integration involves two different stages in the
processing chain (cotton lint and seed cotton). Therefore, instantaneous
adjustment to the lint price shocks was not expected.
The picture vis-a-vis long-run integration was different. In all
markets except Bahawalnagar, the hypothesis of long-run integration of
seed cotton markets with the central lint market at Karachi could not be
rejected. In view of the location of these markets off the main trade
axis of the country, this is quite a remarkable result. It suggests that
if sufficient time is allowed for adjustment, the price signals in the
equivalent price of cotton get fully transmitted to most of the selected
markets. The last column in Table 2 gives the time taken (in weeks) for
complete transmission of the price signal from the reference market to
the local market. The number of weeks taken for the price signal to be
completely transmitted to the local market is equal to the number of
lags of the reference market price variable in the regression equation,
plus one. (9) The results indicate that the time taken for complete
transmission varied from six weeks for the relatively small cotton
market at Hasilpur to only two weeks for the large Chishtian market.
Bahawalnagar was the only cotton market found not integrated even
in the long run. But note that the restrictions for market segmentation
and short-run integration were also rejected for this market. As
mentioned in the previous section, a situation like this arises when
there is some transmission of price signal from the central market but
one hundred percent of the price signal is not transmitted to the local
market even in the long run. Several factors explain why this is so for
the Bahawalnagar cotton market. First, the area surrounding Bahawalnagar
has good canal water supply and, therefore, a lot of acreage under rice,
the other major Kharif crop besides cotton. Consequently, the
Bahawalnagar market is more specialised in rice, with less active cotton
trading. Second, this conclusion is also supported by
Bahawalnagar's proximity to a large and active cotton market at
Chishtian (11) (about 30 km. away), which was found to be
well-integrated in the long run with the central market.
The results of market integration tests for rice are presented in
Table 3. Fort Abbas market is omitted because rice is not cultivated in
that area. As mentioned earlier, the reference market for these tests
was taken to be the rice market at Multan. The F-statistics reported in
the table indicate that the Bahawalnagar and the Chishtian rice markets
were both integrated with the Multan market. Whereas the Chishtian
market was integrated with the Multan market only in the long run, the
Bahawalnagar market was integrated even in the short run. This is
consistent with the observation made earlier that Bahawalnagar region
has abundant canal water supply resulting in sizable area under rice
(see Table 1). The market intermediaries there are more specialised in
rice trading. Hence, the almost instantaneous adjustment to changes in
central market price.
The remaining markets, Hasilpur and Pakpattan, were found to be not
integrated with the Multan market. The calculated F-values for these
markets were smaller than the respective values from the F distribution
tables (Column 3), leading to a failure to reject the null hypothesis of
market segmentation.
The segmentation of the Hasilpur rice market is due to the low
turnover of rice in that market. Hasilpur is located at the tail-end of
Fordwah and Azim distributaries where there is a general scarcity of
canal water in the area. Not much rice is grown around these tail-end
reaches of the canal system. The farmers who do cultivate rice have
reclamation objectives. They are willing to incur the extra cost of
supplemental tubewell water not for rice profits but because the extra
water would leach down salts in addition to meeting irrigation
requirements of this water-intensive crop. Rice sales just serve to
offset all or part of the cost of extra water. In this context, the
finding that Hasilpur market is isolated from the reference market has
important implications. It raises the possibility that farmers'
returns on rice may be depressed by low local demand. In this situation,
the cost of salinity mitigation strategy would increase and fewer
farmers would be inclined to adopt it, leading to adverse environmental
Results in Table 3 indicate that Pakpattan rice market is also
segmented from the Multan rice market. This result is difficult to
explain because the Pakpattan rice area is quite large (see Table 1).
But note that the rice acreage in the district is large only in relation
to other selected market areas; on a province-wide basis, Pakpattan is
not major rice-growing district. Its population is the largest among the
selected market areas. It is possible that most of the rice is consumed
within local area or whatever is traded is destined for a market other
than Multan (Lahore, for example) which has its own price dynamics.
Pakpattan is located on the right bank of river Sutlej. The fact that
Lahore, the second largest urban centre in Pakistan, is also situated on
the right bank of river Sutlej, and is closer to Pakpattan than Multan,
lends support to this conclusion.
The results in the last column of Table 3, regarding the time taken
for complete price transmission, indicated that price transmission was
much faster between rice markets as compared to cotton markets. However,
even in the case of rice, the speed of adjustment was related to market
size. The very big rice market at Bahawalnagar was integrated in the
short run (1 week for complete transmission); the smaller Hasilpur
market was isolated.
Test result of hypotheses regarding various wheat markets are
reported in Table 4. The results indicate that all selected wheat
markets, except Hasilpur, were integrated with the Multan market in the
long run. None of the wheat markets were integrated in the short run. As
in the case of rice, the Hasilpur wheat market was also segmented from
the Multan market.
Wheat is a heavily regulated commodity. For many months during the
year wheat movement between districts is banned. So wheat markets are
expected to be less well-integrated, especially, in the short run.
However, government is quite active in procurement of wheat and has its
procurement centres all over the country. This might have led to better
long-run market integration.
The results on the speed of adjustment presented in the last column
of Table 4 confirm the pattern found in the case of cotton and rice. The
larger wheat markets--Bahawalnagar, Chishtian, and Pakpattan--took only
two-to-three weeks to fully adjust to price shocks from the reference
Multan market. The smaller wheat markets were either completely isolated
(Hasilpur) or took considerably longer to adjust (five weeks for Fort
Three main conclusions emerge from this study. First, the
agricultural commodity markets in general are integrated only in the
long run, with short-run integration limited to a few special cases. For
some markets and commodities, the adjustment period is over a month.
This suggests that there is scope for policy interventions to prevent
post-harvest gluts and localised food shortages.
Second, the degree of market integration is not independent of
market size. In particular, the smaller markets are more likely to be
isolated. Also, the speed of transmission of the price shock from the
reference market to the local market is related to the latter's
size. Smaller markets, especially for cotton and wheat, take
considerably longer to fully adjust to price shocks emanating from the
reference markets.
Third, market integration has environmental implications. This is
especially true for rice, which is grown in the study area as a part of
salinity mitigation strategy. Some rice markets were found to be
not-integrated even in the long run. This suggests that there is
potential for local demand conditions to limit farmer incentives for
adopting the particular salinity control strategy.
The conclusions regarding specific commodities are as follows. In
the case of cotton, four out of five selected markets were integrated
with KCA equivalent price of cotton in the long run. That is, if
sufficient time was allowed, the price shocks in the KCA equivalent
price were fully transmitted to local markets. So, any large increase or
decrease in the production of cotton either due to an irrigation project
or any environmental change (drainage project etc.)would not affect the
local cotton price and the economic well-being of the farmers in the
local area. However, given the length of the adjustment period, small
cotton farmers who need to dispose of their produce immediately may face
The market integration tests for rice gave mixed results. The rice
markets of Chishtian and Bahawalnagar were found integrated with the
Multan (reference) market even in the short run. However, the Hasilpur
and Pakpattan markets were segmented.
Wheat markets were generally integrated only in the long run, and
short-run integration was rejected for all wheat markets. This may be
due to government-imposed restrictions on the movement of wheat between
districts that, generally, remain in place for several months during the
year. The Hasilpur wheat market was found to be isolated even in the
long run. As in the case of rice, this may be due to small turnover in
the market.
The scope of the present study was limited to only five markets and
three commodities. There is a need to conduct similar studies, covering
more small and medium markets. Special attention needs to be paid to
markets located in areas where land degradation problems are severe and
farmers' reclamation strategies include specific cropping patterns,
whose profitability may be affected by the degree of market integration.
There is also a need to study other commodities, such as oilseeds and
The variable definitions are provided at the end of this appendix.
Appendix Table 1
Hasilpur Cotton Market
Variable B Std. Error T-Ratio
HCOTTON1 0.66087 0.1077 6.137
HCOTTON2 0.39164 0.1377 2.844
HCOTTON3 -0.29439 0.1395 -2.110
HCOTTON4 -0.33030E-02 0.1408 -0.2345E-01
HCOTTON5 -0.47624e-01 0.1092 0.4361
KCAECP 1.0215 0.1245 8.206
KCAECP1 -0.77640 0.2031 -3.823
KCAECP2 -0.27885 0.2108 -1.323
KCAECP3 0.12150 0.2071 0.5866
KCAECP4 -0.10386 0.1946 -0.5338
KCAECP5 0.19213 0.1407 1.365
SNDUMY 15.996 9.067 1.764
JNDUMY 66.913 20.83 3.212
Dependent Variable: HCOTTONP.
R-Square = 0.9720.
R-SQ Adjusted = 0.9676.
Appendix Table 2
Chishtian Cotton Market
Variable B Std. Error T-Ratio
CCOTTON1 0.82647 0.6395E-01 12.92
KCAECP 0.62895 0.9622E-01 6.537
KCAECP1 -0.47161 0.1089 -4.332
SNDUMY 13.577 8.049 1.687
JNDUMY 32.844 21.12 1.555
Dependent Variable: CCOTTONP.
R-Square = 0.9720.
R-SQ Adjusted = 0.9676.
Appendix Table 3
Bahawalnagar Cotton Market
Variable B Std. Error T-Ratio
BCOTTON1 0.53209 0.1078 4.935
KCAECP 0.98822 0.2200 4.492
KCAECP1 -0.57147 0.2539 -2.251
SNDUMY 32.527 15.65 2.078
JNDUMY 102.57 45.63 2.248
Dependent Variable: BCOTTONP.
R-Square = 0.8400.
R-SQ Adjusted = 0.8287.
Appendix Table 4
Fort Abbas Cotton Market
Variable B Std. Error T-Ratio
FCOTTON1 0.77957 0.1351 5.772
FCOTTON2 -0.17989 0.1656 -1.086
FCOTTON3 0.28007E-01 0.1611 0.1738
FCOTTON4 0.84583E-01 0.1402 0.6034
KCAECP 0.83979 0.1265 6.639
KCAECP1 -0.40213 0.1769 -2.273
KCAECP2 .52739E-01 0.1584 0.3330
KCAECP3 -0.34930 0.1588 -2.199
KCAECP4 0.14534 0.1299 1.119
SNDUMY 15.619 8.135 1.920
JNDUMY 26.745 22.76 1.175
Dependent Variable: FCOTTONP.
R-Square = 0.9728.
R-SQ Adjusted = 0.9685.
Appendix Table 5
Pakpattan Cotton Market
Variable B Std. Error T-Ratio
PCOTTON1 0.55205 0.1241 4.447
PCOTTON2 0.30298 0.1518 1.996
PCOTTON3 -0.35275 0.1360 -2.593
PCOTTON4 0.22529 0.1126 2.001
KCAECP 0.69018 0.1154 5.980
KCAECP1 -0.28099 0.1692 -1.660
KCAECP2 -0.49233 0.1614 -3.051
KCAECP3 0.30784 0.1679 1.833
KCAECP4 0.02438E-01 0.1329 0.1835
SNDUMY 11.150 10.81 1.031
JNDUMY 76.861 24.75 3.105
Dependent Variable: PCOTTONP.
R-Square = 0.9630.
R-SQ Adjusted = 0.9569.
Appendix Table 6
Hasilpur Rice Market
Variable B Std. Error T-Ratio
HRICEP1 0.799 0.120 6.642
MRICEP 0.297 0.161 1.850
MRICEP1 -0.06249E-01 0.197 -0.317
JNDUMY -5.998 6.690 -0.897
Dependent Variable: HRICEP.
R-Square = 0.8772.
R-SQ Adjusted = 0.8672.
Appendix Table 7
Chishtian Rice Market
Variable B Std. Error T-Ratio
CRICEP1 0.63896 0.1220 5.237
MRICEP 0.70265 0.1493 4.706
MRICEPI -0.31236 0.1798 -1.737
JNDUMY 15.405 8.222 1.874
Dependent Variable: CRICEP.
R-Square = 0.8682.
R-SQ Adjusted = 0.8566.
Appendix Table 8
Bahawalnagar Rice Market
B Std. Error T-Ratio
BRICEP1 0.31514 0.1663 1.895
BRICEP2 0.20973 0.1784 1.176
MRICEP 0.88460 0.1430 6.188
MRICEP1 -0.48912 0.2175 -2.249
MRICEP2 0.81123E-01 0.1852 0.438
JNDUMY 7.7674 5.379 1.444
Dependent Variable: BRICEP.
R-Square = 0.9520.
R-SQ Adjusted = 0.9445.
Appendix Table 9
Pakpattan Rice Market
Variable B Std. Error T-Ratio
PRICEP1 0.73796 0.1409 5.236
MRICEP 0.40273 0.3888 1.036
MRICEP1 -0.10695 0.3884 -0.2754
JNDUMY -9.4105 17.46 -0.5391
Dependent Variable: PRICEP.
R-Square = 0.1081.
R-SQ Adjusted = 0.0159.
Appendix Table 10
Hasilpur Wheat Market
Variable B Std. Error T-Ratio
HWHEATP1 0.6098 0.8305E-01 7.342
HWHEATP2 0.2383 0.8620E-02 2.764
MWHEATP 0.2350 0.1399 1.679
MWHEATP1 -0.27673 0.1892 -1.463
MWHEATP2 0.19723 0.1297 1.521
SNDUMY -2.1492 1.425 -1.508
Dependent Variable: HWHEATP.
R-Square = 0.9315.
R-SQ Adjusted = 0.9291.
Appendix Table 11
Chishtian Wheat Market
Variable B Std. Error T-Ratio
CWHEATP1 1.1213 0.8032E-01 13.960
CWHEATP2 -0.20711 0.8213E-01 -2.522
MWHEATP 0.24804 0.8937E-01 2.776
MWHEATP1 -0.10719 0.1264 0.8480
MWHEATP2 -0.54133E-01 0.8881E-01 0.6096
SNDUMY -1.1329 0.8950 -1.266
Dependent Variable: CWHEATP.
R-Square = 0.9666.
R-SQ Adjusted = 0.9655.
Appendix Table 12
Bahawalnagar Wheat Market
Variable B Std. Error T-Ratio
BWHEATP1 0.68097 .8663E-01 7.861
MWHEATP 0.26331 0.1867 1.411
MWHEATP1 0.47637E-01 0.1850 0.2575
SNDUMY 1.3791 2.267 0.6085
Dependent Variable: BWHEATP.
R-Square = 0.8134.
R-SQ Adjusted = 0.8062.
Appendix Table 13
Fort Abbas Wheat Market
Variable B Std. Error T-Ratio
MWHEATP1 1.0522 0.9227E-01 11.40
CWHEATP2 -0.38064 0.1246 -3.055
FWHEATP3 0.54483 0.1255 4.340
FWHEATP4 -0.31203 0.9647E-01 -3.235
MWHEATP 0.33864 0.8831E-01 3.835
MWHEATP1 -0.28401 0.1182 -2.404
MWHEATP2 .65455E-01 0.1214 0.5390
MWHEATP3 -0.13755 0.1210 -1.136
MWHEATP4 0.1107 0.8861E-01 1.250
SNDUMY -0.78517 0.8491 -0.9247
Dependent Variable: CWHEATP.
R-Square = 0.9722.
R-SQ Adjusted = 0.9700.
Appendix Table 14
Pakpattan Wheat Market
Variable B Std. Error T-Ratio
PWHEATP1 0.85872 0.4281E-01 20.060
MWHEATP 0.14283 0.9208E-01 1 .551
MWHEATP1 -0.64805E-01 0.9637E-01 0.6725E-01
SNDUMY 1.6731 0.9542 1.753
Dependent Variable: PWHEATP.
R-Square = 0.9751.
R-SQ Adjusted = 0.9745.
BCOTTONP = Bahawalnagar cotton price.
BCOTTON1 = 1st lag of dependent variable.
CCOTTONP = Chishtian cotton price.
CCOTTON1 = 1st lag of dependent variable.
FCOTTONP = Fort Abbas cotton price.
FCOTTON1-4 = 1st to 4th lag of dependent variable.
HCOTTONP = Hasilpur cotton price.
HCOTTON1-5 = 1st to 5th lag of dependent variable.
JNDUMY = Dummy indicating periods where gap occurred in cotton
KCAECP = Karachi market equivalent price.
KCAECP1-5 = 1st to 5th lag of KCAECP.
PCOTTONP = Pakpattan cotton price.
PCOTTON1-4 = 1st to 4th lag of dependent variable.
SNDUMY = Seasonal dummy (takes value 1 during cotton
picking/harvest season).
BRICEP = Bahawalnagar rice price.
BRICE1-2 = 1st and 2nd lag of dependent variable.
CRICEP = Chishtian rice price.
CRICE1 = 1st lag of dependent variable.
HRICEP = Hasilpur rice price.
HRICE1 = 1st lag of dependent variable.
JNDUMY = Dummy indicating period where gap occurred in rice series.
MRICEP = Multan market rice price.
MRICEP1-2 = 1st and 2nd lag of MRICEP.
PRICEP = Pakpattan rice price.
PRICE1 = 1st lag of dependent variable.
BWHEATP = Bahawalnager wheat price.
BWHEAT1 = 1st lag of dependent variable.
CWHEATP = Chishtian wheat price.
CWHEAT1-2 = 1st and 2nd lag of dependent variables.
FWHEATP = Fort Abbas wheat price.
FWHEAT1-4 = 1st to 4th lag of dependent variable.
HWHEATP = Hasilpur wheat price.
HWHEAT1-2 = 1st and 2nd lag of dependent variable.
MWHEATP = Multan market wheat price.
MWHEATP1-2 = 1st and 2nd lag of MWHEATP.
PWHEATP = Pakpattan wheat price.
PWHEAT1 = 1st lag of dependent variable.
SNDUMY = Seasonal dummy (takes value 1 during wheat harvesting
Authors' Note: Research for this paper was conducted when both
of us were affiliated with IIMI. We are grateful to IIMI for providing
support for completing the research. We are also thankful to an
anonymous referee of this journal for helpful comments. All views
expressed in the paper are our own.
Alderman, H. (1993) Inter-commodity Price Transmittal: Analysis of
Food Market in Ghana. Oxford Bulletin of Statistics and Economics 55:
Cummings, W. Ralph (1967) Pricing Efficiency in the Indian Wheat
Market. New Delhi: Impex.
Haq, N. U. (1992) Issues in Agricultural Pricing Policies in
Pakistan. IFPRI, Islamabad. (Report.)
Jasdanwala, Zaibun Y. (1966) Marketing Efficiency in Indian
Agriculture. Bombay: Allied Publishers.
Jhala, M. L. (1984) Restructuring Edible Oil and Oil Economy of
India. Economic and Political Weekly 19:39 A-111-A-128.
Lele, Uma J. (1971) Food Grain Market in India. Ithaca, New York:
Cornell University Press.
Mohammad, F. (1977) Pricing Efficiency in Agricultural Markets in
Pakistan. Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad.
(Research Report Series No. 106.)
Neeltje, C. Kielen (1996) Farmer's Ability to Cope with
Salinity and Sodicity. International Irrigation Management Institute,
Lahore. (IIMS Research Report No. 6.)
Qureshi, S. K. (1974) The Performance of Village Markets for
Agricultural Produce: A Case Study of Pakistan. The Pakistan Development
Review 13:3 280-307.
Raju, V. T., and M. Von Oppen (1982) Marketing Efficiency for
Selected Crops in Semi-arid Tropical India. Economic Programme
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-arid Tropics.
Patanchero, Andhra Pradesh, India. (ICRISAT Report No. 32.)
Ravallion, M. (1986) Testing Market Integration. American Journal
of Agricultural Economics 68:1 102-129.
Riaz, K. (1994) Food Consumption Patterns in Rural Pakistan.
Unpublished Ph.D. diss., Iowa State University, Iowa.
(1) The local demand for foodgrains such as rice is limited in
areas where rice is not the staple food and which are not located in
close proximity to a large urban centre. Typically, these areas are
those where rice is not a major crop [see Riaz (1994)]. The
salinity-affected regions in South Punjab are an example of such areas
where rice cultivation is mainly a part of reclamation efforts.
(2) The difficulty of collecting long enough time series of price
for these small markets may be another reason for ignoring them.
(3) Three canals off-take from Sulaimanki Headworks. The Fordwah
canal and the Eastern Sadiqia canal irrigate areas on the right bank of
river Sutlej including areas served by the Bahawalpur. Chishtian.
Hasilpur, and Fort Abbas markets. The Pakpattan canal serves areas in
District Pakpattan which are on the left bank of Sutlej.
(4) Some centres are temporarily established in the field during
(5) The applicability of the Ravallion model is not limited to
radial market structures and it can be used to study other market
structures as well.
(6) We tested the hypothesis for each market by using KCA's
lint price as reference price. Not surprisingly, we found that all
markets were segmented from the Karachi lint market.
(7) More specifically, 40 Kg. of raw cotton contains roughly 13.5
Kg. lint, 26 Kg. seed and 0.5 Kg. of waste. The equivalent price of raw
cotton was computed as the price of 13.5 Kg. cotton lint and 26 Kg.
cotton seed. The lint price was taken to be the average of KCA price of
three varieties (MNH93, K68, NIAB78) in the Karachi market.
(8) The commission agents told us that cottonseed of local area
have main flow to Multan area due to large concentration of oil
industry. So the Multan market seed price affects the local seed price,
which is involved in price formation of cotton.
(9) The addition of an extra week is necessary to account for the
current week.
(10) Although data on market turnover are not available, an idea of
the relative size of the markets can be had from cultivated area under
the crop (Table 1).
(11) Chishtian market also is in Bahawalnagar district, so
merchants do not have to pay octroi at district boundary. This is
another reason that has helped specialisation of Bahawalnagar and
Chishtian in rice and cotton respectively.
Zubair Tahir is Assistant Research Economist at the International
Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI), Pakistan. Khalid Riaz is Water
Resources Economist, UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs,
Sustainable Water Resources Management Project, Yemen.
Table 1
Main Features of Selected Markets
Notified Population Area Wheat
Area 1994 in Acres
Markets (Sq. Km) Estimated (1994-95)
Hasilpur 3436 322000 91966
Chishtian 1500 486000 136046
Bahawalnagar 1729 477000 640015
Fort Abbas 2536 344000 96299
Pakpattan 1843 729000 213896
Cultivated Cultivated
Area Cotton Area Rice
in Acres in Acres
Markets (1994) (1994)
Hasilpur 92286 6302
Chishtian 116156 7778
Bahawalnagar 116349 116142
Fort Abbas 69882 --
Pakpattan 98233 57571
Source: Bureau of Statistics, Punjab.
Table 2
Cotton: Tests of Various Market Integration Hypotheses
F(n l n2)
Hypothesis F-Value at 1 %
Ho = Mkt Segmentation 12.5595 F(677) = 3.22
Ho = S.R. Integration 46.7256 F(977) = 2.60
Ho = L.R. Integration 4.8917 F(177) = 6.96
Ho = Mkt Segmentation 23.7140 F(2101) = 4.81
Ho = S.R. Integration 154.4585 F(3101) = 3.98
Ho = L.R. Integration 5.0004 F(1101) = 6.88
Ho = Mkt Segmentation 22.3859 F(257) = 4.98
Ho = S.R. Integration 31.4723 F(357) = 4.13
Ho = L.R. Integration 10.1471 F(157) = 7.08
Fort Abbas
Ho = Mkt Segmentation 10.2511 F(562) = 3.34
Ho = S.R. Integration 6.9008 F(962) = 2.72
Ho = L.R. Integration 0.0346 F(162) = 7.08
Ho = Mkt Segmentation 10.1141 F(560) = 3.34
Ho = S.R. Integration 31.6000 F(960) = 2.72
Ho = L.R. Integration 3.1641 F(160) = 7.08
Weeks Required
for Complete
Transmission of
Hypothesis Remarks Price Signals
Ho = Mkt Segmentation Rejected
Ho = S.R. Integration Rejected
Ho = L.R. Integration Accepted 6
Ho = Mkt Segmentation Rejected
Ho = S.R. Integration Rejected
Ho = L.R. Integration Accepted 2
Ho = Mkt Segmentation Rejected
Ho = S.R. Integration Rejected
Ho = L.R. Integration Rejected
Fort Abbas
Ho = Mkt Segmentation Rejected
Ho = S.R. Integration Rejected
Ho = L.R. Integration Accepted 5
Ho = Mkt Segmentation Rejected
Ho = S.R. Integration Rejected
Ho = L.R. Integration Accepted 5
Table 3
Rice: Tests of Various Market Integration Hypotheses
Value F(n1 n2)
Hypothesis F-Value at 1 %
Ho = Mkt Segmentation 2.9795 F(237) = 5.22
Ho = Mkt Segmentation 13.0795 F(234) = 5.27
Ho = S.R. Integration 44.0815 F(334) = 4.39
Ho = L.R. Integration 3.7356 F(134) = 7.44
Ho = Mkt Segmentation 13.1924 F(332) = 4.50
Ho = S.R. Integration 2.1335 F(532) = 3.69
Ho = Mkt Segmentation 2.0590 F(229) = 5.42
Weeks Required
for Complete
Transmission of
Hypothesis Remarks Price Signals
Ho = Mkt Segmentation Accepted
Ho = Mkt Segmentation Rejected
Ho = S.R. Integration Rejected
Ho = L.R. Integration Accepted 2
Ho = Mkt Segmentation Rejected
Ho = S.R. Integration Accepted 1
Ho = Mkt Segmentation Accepted
Table 4
Wheat: Tests of Various Market Integration Hypotheses
Tabulated Value
Hypothesis F-Value F(n1 n2) at 1%
Ho = Mkt Segmentation 2.6729 F(3145) = 3.78
Ho = Mkt Segmentation 4.0183 F(3149) = 3.78
Ho = S.R. Integration 149.0959 F(5149) = 3.02
Ho = L.R. Integration 0.2907 F(1149) = 6.63
Ho = Mkt Segmentation 6.9427 F(278) = 4.91
Ho = S.R. Integration 37.4457 F(378) = 4.08
Ho = L.R. Integration 2.8347 F(178) = 7.01
Fort Abbas
Ho = Mkt Segmentation 3.5878 F(5114) = 3.17
Ho = S.R. Integration 103.6379 F(9114) = 2.56
Ho = L.R. Integration 0.5595 F(1114) = 6.85
Ho = Mkt Segmentation 6.1867 F(2122) = 4.79
Ho = S.R. Integration 311.7482 F(3122) = 3.95
Ho = L.R. Integration 3.7190 F(1122) = 6.85
Weeks Required
for Complete
Transmission of
Hypothesis Remarks Price Signals
Ho = Mkt Segmentation Accepted
Ho = Mkt Segmentation Rejected
Ho = S.R. Integration Rejected
Ho = L.R. Integration Accepted 3
Ho = Mkt Segmentation Rejected
Ho = S.R. Integration Rejected
Ho = L.R. Integration Accepted 2
Fort Abbas
Ho = Mkt Segmentation Rejected
Ho = S.R. Integration Rejected
Ho = L.R. Integration Accepted 5
Ho = Mkt Segmentation Rejected
Ho = S.R. Integration Rejected
Ho = L.R. Integration Accepted 2