Foreign debt, dependency, and economic growth in South Asia.
Chaudhary, Mohammad Aslam ; Anwar, Sabahat
Many developing countries are following a policy to attract foreign
capital through loans and other means to enhance investment. The inflow of these resources is seen as an addition to investment for accelerating
economic growth. However, there are only a few success stories where
such resources have made any significant contribution to improve the
economic conditions of recipient country. (1) Pakistan and other South
Asian countries have received significant amount of foreign loans (2)
but its role is critical [Chaudhary and Ali (1993, 1996)]. In spite of
increasing foreign aid, South Asia has emerged one of the poorest and
illiterate regions of the world, having more than 500 million poor
living below poverty line and about 46 percent of the world's
illiterate live in the South Asia [UNDP/MHHDC*(1997)]. This is the
region, which has 22 percent of the world's population, while
having only 1.3 percent of the world's income. It also appears one
of the most indebted regions of the world [Anwar (1995)]. In spite of a
significant inflow of foreign aid, the economic conditions remained poor
in this region. Such a situation calls for an in depth analysis of the
contribution of foreign aid. Therefore, this paper is focused to analyse the role and implications of international debt in South Asia. Besides,
South Asia's dependency upon foreign debt is also analysed. (3) In
addition, tendency of resources outflow from South Asia to other
countries, in terms of debt services, is also identified.
The debt cycle theory provides a rational for international aid in
terms of its contributions to enable recipient countries to enhance
economic growth. A country borrows in the first stage, generates
additional resources and is able to stand on its own feet in the second
stage. However, it continues to borrow in the second stage. In the third
stage, the country may emerge as surplus of resources and it can repay
the loans (debt cycle theory). (4) The process helps recipient countries
to sustain and accelerate their economic growth. Thus, international aid
is envisaged to help a country to develop faster and pay back the loans
from its returns. Chenery's Pioneering dual-gap studies pointed out
the need for foreign resources and their role in accelerating economic
growth [Chenery and Bruno (1962); Chenery and Strout (1966)]. These
studies indicate typical sequence of investment-saving gap and it was
followed by export-import gap which was to be filled for accelerating
growth in developing countries. A study by UNCTAD (1968) indicates no
significant difference between investment-saving gap and export-import
gap. These to gaps ultimately merge to budgetary gap. Some studies call
them three gaps [Ahmed (1997)]. The basic problem is lack of resources,
which emerge in terms of export-import gap and or saving-investment gap.
These gaps are indicated by budgetary deficits, which include both the
above-mentioned gaps. If the gap is filled through foreign borrowing and
the foreign aid fails to improve leads the economic conditions of the
recipient developing countries then the contribution of these resources
remain a questionable.
Foreign capital may accelerate the process of economic growth,
however, there are conflicting views about its contributions as stated
above. [Mosely (1980)] stated that the relationship between aid and
economic growth is positive for U.K. aided countries and negative for
the French and Scandinavian aided countries. There are areas where aid
did improve economic conditions, such as the spread of green revolution
in the South East Asia, Bangladesh, India and also in the countries like
Korea, Malawi and Kenya etc. Its performance remained poor in several
other areas too as indicated by the Debt Laffer curves [Claessens
(1990)], i.e. poverty alleviation, unemployment reduction and
development of institutions. Ali (1993) found no significant
relationship between the flow of foreign resources and economic growth
in the case of Pakistan. Shabbir and Mahmood (1992), regarding Pakistan,
indicated that net foreign capital investment and disbursement of grants
and external loans have a positive impact on the economic growth of
Pakistan. Thus, the evidences are mixed regarding contributions of
foreign aid. Notwithstanding the above, Pakistan in spite of receiving
significant foreign aid has reached the stage of default. It is
rescheduling its foreign debt to avoid default situation.
The international aid is also meant to supplement domestic savings
to bridge investment-saving gap [Thirlwall (1999)]. Its role to enhance
savings is also not very clear. The flow of international resources may
substitute domestic savings, ultimately the level of investment may not
increase. Khan and Rahim (1993) stated that foreign aid has negative
relationship to domestic savings with no significant impact on economic
growth. A country may fail to mobilise domestic resources if it has an
easy access to foreign or domestic borrowing [Chaudhary and Ali (1993,
1996)]. Besides, these resources may not supplement but substitute local
resources, [Ali (1993); Khan and Rehman (1993); Khan and Malik (1992);
Mahmood and Qasim (1992)]. Thus, it may fail to increase overall
available capital for enhancing investment. Bulow and Rogoff (1989)
stated that lending to small country must be supported by direct
sanctions available to creditor country. Such help must not carry a tag
of the country's reputation. The aim of aid is to help the country,
not to leave it in a vulnerable situation [Sachs (1988)] supported debt
reduction if the loans are not sustainable for a country or its growth
is affected by such burden, debt servicing. (5)
Bandera and Luckman (1985) describe how a country becomes heavily
indebted by piling up colossal magnitudes of foreign debt. As a result,
the debt services could provide a permanent drain on the resources of
the recipient country. After a certain level of debt, a country may
loose credit worthiness and therefore the flow of resources may become
discontinuous, [Krugman (1988)], which could further affect its growth.
Moreover, international loans may have multidimensional faces, like
political interests and dependency tag attached to them. (6) The aid
antagonists argue that foreign assistance is maldistribution and does
not reach the poor people in the poor countries, [Thirlwall (1999)].
Moreover, the international assistance, which is meant to improve the
economic conditions of developing countries, has not grown to the extent
to contribute to show its impact significantly.
The developed countries' (DCs) commitment, under UNO, to
transfer one percent of their GDP as foreign aid to the developing
countries was never-fulfilled. They have not even transferred 0.07
percent of their GDP, [Thirlwall (1999)]. The debt of the developing
countries continued to grow but did not seem to improve significantly
the poor conditions in the developing countries. It appears that the DCs
are recycling the same fund and the addition to it is a result of
transfers from developing countries. Such a cycle of resource flow is
making the recipients more and more dependent upon donors. Such an
outcome seems true for South Asia.
The outstanding debt of developing countries was $570 billion in
1980, which increased to 1940 billion in 1995. Presently, their debt is
over $2000 billion. (7) The debt/GDP ratio increased from 28 percent to
40 percent in the same period. However, the debt/export ratio increased
from 130 percent to 151 percent. The annual amortisation increased from
$45 billion to 107 billion [World Bank (1997)]. The same transfer of
resources has surpassed $240 billion. The increasing dependency of
developing countries, particularly of South Asian countries, seems a
result of transfer of their resources, which keeps them dependent.
Actually the resources from developing to developed countries
multiplied, [Thirlwall (1999)]. For such a situation [Weisskopf (1972)]
suggested to reschedule the debt to reduce the burden of debt servicing.
(8) There exists deep concern in South Asia about their increasing
South Asia is indebted to over $180 billion. Their 25 percent of
exports are being washed away by debt services. The foreign debt has
surpassed 200 percent of their exports. The debt servicing constitutes
more than 2 percent of their GDP. In other words, annually, about 2
percent of their GDP is being washed away by the debt services. Such a
situation is alarming given the poor economic conditions in the South
To analyse the above-cited debt issues, related to South
Asia's debt, the paper is organised as given below. Part two of the
paper provides present foreign dependency of South Asian countries. A
model is developed to identify future trends of foreign borrowings and
its expected burden. The model is provided in the appendix, (9) however,
the empirical findings, based upon the estimates of the model, are
discussed in this section. The expected debt burden in the future is
identified and its solution in terms of policy options is also provided
in the same section. Conclusion and policy implications are given in
section three.
Increasing foreign dependency may be visualised by looking at the
pattern of different economic indicators. Generally, these indicators
are the level of debt and debt services to GDP ratio and ratio of total
export receipts to foreign debt. Scaling by exports represents the
earning power of foreign exchange that can be used for servicing the
debt, but it does not take into account the need for export earnings to
finance imports, which are determined by GDP. Moreover, the ratio of
debt outstanding/GDP ratio provides not only an estimate of the burden
on productive capacity of a country, but it also provides an insight
into the long run sustainability of foreign debt. An increasing ratio of
debt to GDP signifies that the rate of growth of debt is higher than the
rate of growth of GDP. Such a situation could lead to unsustainability
of foreign loans.
Debt indicators pertaining to Pakistan do not paint an attractive
picture of debt burden. The average ratio of total debt stocks to GDP
was 32.4 percent in the 1970s, and it further increased to over 38
percent in the late 1990s. The growing numerator of the above ratio
indicates that GDP growth is less than the growth of foreign debt. Such
a situation has brought the country to unsustainable level of debt. For
India this ratio was 15 percent in the 1970s, 20.5 percent in the 1980s,
and it grew to over 36 percent in the late 1990s. This indicates that
the economy of India is also becoming more and more dependent upon
foreign debt. For Sri Lanka, the ratio was 46.1 percent in the 1970s,
and it increased to over 68 percent in the late 1990s, which indicates
that the dependency condition of this country is much worse than that of
Pakistan and India. For Bangladesh, this ratio was 31.5 percent in the
1970s, and it increased to over 65 percent in the late 1990s. It
indicates that its dependency increased more than double in this period.
Thus, rather than improvement, the dependency kept on growing. For
Nepal, this ratio was 10,4 percent in the 1970s, 28.7 percent in the
1980s and over 45 percent in the late 1990s. It again indicates fast
growing dependency upon foreign resources. For Maldives, it was 33.4
percent in the 1970s. 45.2 percent in the 1980s, and 52 percent in the
late 1990s. For Bbutan, it was 10.4 percent in the 1970s, 24.2 percent
in the 1980s, and over 35 percent in the late 1990s. (10) The debt
services also increased at the same pace. About 2 percent of South Asian
countries' GDP is washed away by the debt services. The financing
of such services have become a bottleneck for their growth. All the
above figures indicate that foreign dependency of the South Asian
countries has increased very fast. It is an alarming situation for the
Sri Lanka and Bangladesh have the worst foreign debt to GNP ratio
among the South Asian countries. The growing foreign dependency provides
a signal for creditors' liquidity constraints for these countries,
if the present trend of foreign borrowing were to continue in the
future, these countries are likely to default. Pakistan has already
started to reschedule its foreign debt, in 1999-2000. Such rescheduling
is an indicator of its poor capacity to repay the debt. The situation
calls for better management of foreign debt. To analyse such a
situation, a model has been developed to forecast foreign debt of South
Asian countries and their expected dependency in the future. The policy
options are also explored to solve the debt problem.
The Model
Chaudhary and Ali (1996) and Ahmed (1997) developed debt models to
analyse the debt burden of Pakistan. However, the model suffers from
several drawbacks. Chaudhary and Ali (1996), following Bandera and
Luckman (1985) provided good policy options but it was not based upon
simultaneous determination of economic variables. Some of the variables
were exogenously assumed. (11) Ahmed (1997) estimated endogenous coefficients of his model and used them for forecasting. However, he was
unable to provide effective policy option, and his work was limited to
Pakistan only. He derived policy strategies which were developed by
[Chaudhary (1988)]. We have also benefitted from these models and
amended as per local environment of each country and then estimated the
expected debt burden. Based upon the nature of debt burden, its solution
is provided by suggesting alternative policy options. The model is
provided in the appendix. The empirical findings are discussed below.
Empirical Findings
The empirical findings of increasing debt burden of South Asia do
not provide any bright picture. The debt forecast indicated that if the
present trend of borrowing were to continue, these countries will hardly
come out of the debt trap and their economic growth will be hampered
too. Table 1 provides the results by showing different parameters
specified in the model. (12) The external gap exceeds that of the
internal gap throughout the period it indicates the need and deficiency
of foreign exchange. Therefore, foreign borrowing is essential. (13)
External gap is larger than internal gap for Pakistan, India,
Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepalese and Maldives. For Bhutan, the internal
gap is larger than the external gap. The investment and saving gap also
increases for all the seven countries because additional domestic
resource mobilisation is insufficient for the required investment and
growth. It may be noted that this is the case in spite of decreasing
investment and growth rates in some of these countries. (14) It means
that in spite of lower needs for investment, the borrowing continued to
increase. The external gap increased to 2.5, 2.1, 2.5, 3.6, 4, and 4
times the level of 1997-98 for Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka,
Nepal and Maldives, respectively. The debt is expected to grow more than
twice for all the countries. However, the same will increase for about
four times for Sri Lanka, Nepal and Maldives. The foreign debt is not
sustainable now, (15) and the situation will be even worse in the year
Expected Debt and Debt Servicing
Table 2 indicates projections of real debt burden by the year
2014-15. It is to be noted that expected debt and debt servicing are on
increasing trend throughout the period. In the case of Pakistan, total
real debt, which is estimated at 38 percent of GDP in 1997-98, which
will increase to 86 percent of GDP by 2014-15, if the present trend of
borrowing were to continue. Present debt level is not sustainable
[Chaudhary and Waseem (1996)] and Pakistan is rescheduling its foreign
debt. Such a burden will be almost double the present level. The
situation will lead to collapse. It may also be noted that, presently,
debt servicing is washing away one-third of its budget, 3 percent of GDP
and one-fourth of its exports. It is on the face of that during the late
1990s GDP grew at a lower rate, by 4.5 percent on average. The
population growth was about 2.5 percent. Thus, adding population growth
and debt servicing exceeds economic growth rate. It means that per
capita income growth is negative i.e.-1 percent per year. (16) The debt
servicing is expected to grow to 6.2 percent of GDP by 2014-15, which
implies that debt servicing will be more than double the level of now.
The country will remain in a debt trap and unable to pay the debt
servicing. The negative per capita income growth will be even higher in
the future. It clearly indicates collapse of the economy and
unsustainability of the debt. The economic conditions are presently
deteriorating rapidly. The situation will be even worse in the future.
No wonder the country is facing economic hardships to repay the loans.
In the future it will face a chronic, even fatal situation. The debt
servicing will wash away up to 6.2 percent of GDP in 2014-15, which is 3
percent now. More than 8 percent of economic growth will be required to
sustain the foreign debt. Pakistan has never achieved such high economic
growth rate. Thus, it will have to sell its assets to repay the debt and
debt services. It will also continue to suffer from negative real per
capita income growth, since more than economic growth rate will be
washed away by debt services. It is on the face that internal debt
services are not a part of it. It may be noted that internal debt and
debt services are more than the external debt [Economic Survey
In the case of India, the debt to GDP ratio was 26.5 percent in
1997-98, which is expected to grow to about 65 percent by 2014-15.
Presently, 4.3 percent of the economic growth is being washed away by
debt servicing which are expected to increase to 6.9 percent in 2014-15.
It indicates large outflow of resources and the country is likely to
face debt trap. The situation of India is not much different from that
of Pakistan. It started borrowing later but borrowed more heavily.
Bangladesh is one of the highest indebted countries in the South Asia.
Its debt to GDP/Debt ratio was 75 percent in 1997-98, which will grow to
over 110 percent of its GNP, in 2014-15. Its debt-servicing ratio was
over 13 percent in 1997-98, which will grow to over 18 percent of GNP in
the year 2014-15. It again indicates a severe burden of debt servicing.
The debt service liabilities also show a serious situation. It will be a
dream to think whether this country will be ever out of the debt trap
and its economic conditions will ever become better. No wonder the
country is at the bottom in human development ranking and one of the
most poverty ridden countries in the world [World Development Report
Table also illustrates Sri Lanka's debt situation. Its
debt/GDP ratio is over 54 percent which is expected to increase to 97.2
percent by the year 2014-15. This situation is chronic. It is also a
victim of heavy debt servicing liability which will increase to 12
percent of GDP in the 2014-15, from 7 percent in (1997-98). It means
that almost 12.3 percent of the economy's total resources would
consumed up by the debt servicing. Can this country ever grow at a rate
to be able to pay the entire debt servicing from its annual economic
growth? This answer is very clear that it seems no. It must sell its
assets to repay the debt and debt servicing. If so, then the role of the
foreign assistance is critical which is leading to collapse the country
rather helping it to grow faster.
Nepal's GDP growth rate is lower than that of Sri Lanka which
is growing at a rate of 5.5 percent per annum. The total real debt,
estimated at about 36 percent of GDP, which will increase to 61.6
percent in 2014-15. The debt servicing liability will increase to 7.4
percent of GDP in 2014-15, from 2.6 percent now. For Maldives and
Bhutan, external debt/GDP ratios are 62.3 percent and 78 percent,
respectively. This will increases to 89 percent and 94 percent,
respectively, in 2014-15. The debt-servicing will increase to 17 percent
and 15.6 percent in 2015, as compared to 13.8 percent and 10.3 percent
The above picture of external debt and debt servicing shows a
chronic liquidity problem for South Asian countries. This ever
increasing debt servicing is expected to seriously affect the
creditworthiness of South Asian countries. The possibility of
sustainability of debt and repayment of debt servicing will become very
weak rather impossible in the future. In the light of opportunity cost,
this situation results in lesser domestic resources being available for
other development activities e.g. education, health and human
development. As mentioned earlier that South Asia is one of the poor and
the most illiterate regions of the world. On the face of the above-cited
resource transfer, nothing better cannot be expected for the region.
Appropriate policies are needed to address the issue. Pakistan and other
countries, under severe indebtedness, might find themselves at the verge of the same debt crisis as experienced by Latin American countries in
the early 1980s. Debt strategies and policy options are analysed to find
some solution to the problem.
Alternative Parametric Scenarios
The preceding discussion of projected debt and debt servicing
liabilities supports the hypothesis that if the present trend in
external borrowing of South Asian countries were to continue these
countries will end up with a colossal debt burden, unsustainable for the
economy. Their economies would become heavily dependent on foreign debt.
Therefore, the problem requires immediate policy measures to avoid the
future expected debt crisis. Certain remedial measures are also
important to bridge the gap between required capital and increasing
burden of foreign debt. Alternative scenarios under different
assumptions are estimated to draw some policy interferences. These
include, (i) measures to mobilise domestic resources, increase taxes,
increase savings, reduce non-developmental government expenditure, and
increase GDP growth rate; (ii) increase exports; and (iii) apply both of
the aforementioned policies at the same time. Before analysing the
results of these proposals, it is important to note that how taxes and
non-developmental government consumption expenditure affect the budget
deficit. GDP growth rate; (ii) increase exports; and (iii) to apply both
of the aforementioned policies at the same time. Before analysing the
results of these proposals, it is important to note that how taxes and
non-developmental government consumption expenditure affect the budget
deficit. Ahmed 0997) analysed primary resource deficit as the excess of
current expenditure to government income, over time, excluding net
interest payments on debt. Foreign borrowing measures the balance of
payments and government budget positions. The national income accounting
identity shows that primary foreign deficit is the sum of the primary
government and private sector deficit. This includes the basic aggregate
demand model. The external gap is equal to savings minus investment plus
taxes, minus government purchase of goods and services. From this, the
external gap can be used to cut government consumption expenditure and
increase taxes to enhance additional revenue, (18) The development needs
may further be supplemented with domestic resource mobilisation. These
variables may be used for policy options to control or reduce foreign
Policy Option 1:
A n Increase in the Marginal Tax Rate, Reduction in
Non-developmental Government Expenditure, and an increase in the GDP
Growth Rate
Keeping in view revenue generation efforts in the South Asian
countries, different policy options are explored to overcome the
increasing burden of foreign debt. (19) In the case of Pakistan, first
setting the historical GDP growth of 6 percent and an increase in
marginal tax rate by 25 percentage point after every five years were
considered. Ahmed (1997) uses 4.7 percent of GDP growth rate, but it is
very low according to the potential and historical growth of
Pakistan's economy. Chaudhary and All (1996) estimated their
regression assuming 7 percent growth rate, which is on high side, given
the economic growth in the 1990s. For policy option one, the taxes are
assumed to grow by 2 percent of GDP, above the current rate, and
government consumption expenditures are decreased by one percent of GDP.
All these settings are not abruptly adjusted. Besides, marginal GDP is
changed 0.20 percentage point every year i.e. one percent increase after
five years. Moreover, marginal tax rate is also assumed to grow by 0.25
percent of the GDP, every two years, and non-developmental public
consumption expenditure is reduced by 1 percent of GDP, after every five
years. These measures are introduced in the model to estimate scenarios
for reduction in the foreign debt. Only 2 percent increase in foreign
exports was also considered. The results based upon only on foreign
trade are give in the appendix. However, alone this change does not
reduce debt burden to the extend that it could be sustained foreign
debt. However, it will help with other devices such as given below.
With the above policy options, foreign debt may be reduced to
substantial level. Table 3 indicates that Pakistan could reduce its
foreign debt burden up to 20 percent of its GDP by 2014-15. In other
words, during this period, its foreign debt which is expected to grow to
86.2 percent will be only 62 percent of GDP. Similarly, it could reduce
debt servicing from 5.2 of GDP to 6.2 percent of GDP. India could also
benefit from the same package to a significant level. India's
average GNP growth rate, during 1984-98, was 5.2 percent. With the
policy measures, it is proposed to increase it to 6.1 percent. Under
Scenario 1, India's external debt to GDP ratio is expected to
decrease from 64.9 percent to 38.3 percent by the year 2014-15.
Similarly, the debt servicing ratio will decrease from 6.9 percent to
5.1 percent of GDP, in the same period, thus, reducing the burden to
one-half in fifteen years.
Table 3 also shows the expected position of Bangladesh, Sri Lanka,
Neap, Maldives and Bhutan. The proposed measures for Bangladesh seem to
slightly alleviate an already fatal situation; foreign debt to GDP ratio
is reduced from 110 percent to 91 percent of GDP, in 2014-15. However,
the debt servicing to GDP ratio is reduced to 16.4 percent, i.e. from
18.3 percent of GDP.
Sri Lanka also takes relief from these measures. Its debt to GDP
ratio is expected to grow to 97.2 percent by 2014-15, without any policy
interference. However, it could reduce to 73.8 percent with the policy
measure. The debt servicing liability is reduced to 10.1 percent of GDP,
in the same year. The policy one also favourably alters Nepal's
results. Foreign borrowing which was expected to grow to 82 percent of
GDP, could be reduced to 62 percent. Debt servicing as a percentage of
GDP is reduced to 6. l percent of GDP with the proposed measures.
Maldives' debt to GDP ratio was 88.9 percent without any measure
and it reduces to 62.6 percent with the policy one measures, in the year
2014-15. The debt servicing liability is reduced to 12.3 percent of GDP,
from 17.5 percent of GDP to 11 percent in the same year. The measures
for Bhutan seem to slightly alleviate an already poor situation; foreign
debt to GDP is reduced from 94.4 percent of GDP to 71.24 percent, in the
year 2014-15, The debt servicing to GDP ratio is reduced to 11.3 percent
from 15.7 percent in the same year. The policy option helps
significantly to reduce the debt burden.
The above analysis leads to the conclusion that all the countries
are relieved of debt burden by the above proposed policy one measures.
These policy measures were suggested which were achieved in the past or
the economy has full potential to adjust to these targets. However, more
efforts are needed for complete solution of the debt crises. Sri
Lanka's economy responds effectively and it is most relieved by
this measure. However, the debt reduction do lead to sustainable level
of debt. Although this proposal is not comprehensive enough to give
substantial relief for debt burden. But still it provides a policy path
to bring the situation under control. However, additional measures are
needed to gain fruitful results. For this purpose, policy two is
analysed, as given below.
Policy Option 2 (Scenario 2)
Simultaneous efforts on the part of tax increase, enhancing
exports, decreasing non-essential imports and increase in savings are
expected to generate better results. Under this proposal, the extra
efforts are proposed to overcome the debt problem. These changes
include: (i) setting the GDP growth rate above the current level by (2
percent), (ii) increasing the tax rate to 3 percent of GDP; (iii)
decreasing the non-development public expenditure by 2 percent of GDP;
and (iv) increasing the exports grow, h rate and savings by 2 percent of
GDP. Besides, cut non-essential imports by 2 percent. Tax measures are
the same as proposed in policy one. If all these parametric proposals
are applied simultaneously to the model, the debt and debt servicing are
substantially reduced. The projected results are reported in Table 4.
Table 4 indicates that dependency may be reduced to the extent that
debt will no longer wash away the entire fruits of growth, in the case
of Pakistan, the debt services are reduced to half of what is
expectations for the year 2014-15. The debt to GDP ratio is reduced to
25.4 percent i.e. from 86 percent. The debt services are reduced to
below 2 percent of GDP. Such a level of foreign debt and debt services
are not a problem for Pakistan, since it had been managing this quantum
of foreign debt and growing at more than 6 percent per annum. It may
also be noted that the policy package proposed is also such that the
economy could sustain such a level of these variables. The economy has
even higher potential to grow if appropriate policies are introduced.
In the case of India, the debt to GNP ratio is reduced from 65
percent to about 20 percent of its GDP. The debt services are reduced to
only 1.6 percent. Thus, such a level of foreign debt does not create
dependency could threaten its economic growth. This level of debt is
sustainable and not an obstacle to development.
Bangladesh is one of the most indebted countries. Its debt is
expected to grow to over 110 percent of its GDP by 2014-15. However,
under the policy 2, it could be reduced to 63 percent of GDP. Similarly,
the debt services may also be reduced from 17 percent to 5.8 percent of
GDP. Thus, by using the proposed policy package the debt dependency
could be reduced to a substantial level. Sri Lanka is expected to
accumulate unsustainable level of foreign debt by 2014-15. Its
outstanding debt will be only 37 percent of its GDP, reduced from 97
percent of GDP. (20) The debt services will be reduced from 12 percent
to 3.4 percent, of GDP.
Thus, the debt default situation could be brought under control if
these polices are introduced. However, these countries need further
concessions in debt relief to get rid of debt problem. Nepal
significantly befits from the policy package 2. Its debt is expected to
grow to 61 percent of GDP by 2014-15 which could be reduced to 27
percent of GDP. The debt services could also be reduced from 7.4 percent
to 2.3 percent of GDP by 2014-15. Maldives' foreign debt is
expected to grow to 89 percent of its GDP in 2014-15. It could be
curtailed to 31.3 percent by 2014-15, if policy package-2 is introduced.
The debt servicing will remain only 3.5 percent of GDP, which are more
than four times less than these were expected by 2015.
The policy package substantially reduced the debt burden and brings
it to a sustainable level. Bhutan is expected to have a similar impact
on the level of foreign debt by the year 2014-15. Its foreign debt was
expected to grow to about 95 percent of its GDP, which could be reduced
to only 36 percent of GDP by 2014-15, under policy 2. The debt services
may be reduced from 15 percent to 3.9 percent of GDP by 2014-15. Thus,
the debt burden is reduced to a sustainable level and a threat of the
collapse of the economy is avoided. All the above indicate that policy
option 2 brings the South Asian countries to a sustainable level of
foreign debt. Some countries are able to get out of debt trap. However,
the poorest countries like Bangladesh and Maldives remain under debt,
which is unsustainable. These countries need additional efforts to get
out the debt trap or write off debt will help them to sustain their
economic growth.
The main focus of this study was to highlight and analyse the
problem of rising foreign debt burden in South Asia. The increasing
dependency of South Asian economies on foreign resources is evident by
their debt and debt servicing to GDP ratios. The debt figures are
alarming and indicate that these countries are on the verge of economic
insolvency. The ratios of debt to GDP and foreign exchange earnings both
show rising trends of foreign dependency beyond sustainable level. Some
of the countries have negative per capita real income growth. The debt
projection for future suggests that if the present trend of borrowing
were allowed to continue, South Asian countries may end up with foreign
debt to a level of unsustainability. Overall, for South Asian countries
the debt-servicing ratio, which is now 5 percent of their GDP, will
increase to over 14 percent by the year 2014-15. Thus, the dependency of
South Asian countries on foreign resources would increase manifold. All
the countries have piled up foreign debt to an unsustainable level. So
much so that some countries are on the verge of collapse. A comparison
of these estimates shows that Bangladesh is relatively more dependent
than Nepal is relatively less dependent on foreign resources. However,
in the future both the countries will reach such a level of debt that
will be unsustainable.
A set of policy measures are suggested for South Asian countries to
avoid liquidation. These policy efforts mainly emphasise on three main
parameters: (i) increasing the marginal tax rate, reducing
non-developmental government expenditure and increasing GDP growth rate;
(ii) increasing exports and the marginal savings rate; and (iii) a
combination of the above two policies. By following policy I, the debt
to GDP ratio in South Asia can be significantly reduced. However, it
does not bring these countries to a sustainable level. Among South Asian
countries, Sri Lanka will benefit the most by this policy measure, while
Maldives benefits the least.
Under policy 2, all the South Asian countries can significantly
reduce their foreign debt to sustainable level. However, Bangladesh and
Bhutan need additional help to bring their debt to sustainable level.
Most probably, there is a need for their debt forgiven. By written off
their debt could put them on the path of sustainable economic growth.
Presently, these countries have experienced negative real per capita
income growth. However, further efforts such as enhancing saving rate,
reduction in unnecessary luxuries imports, cutting down unnecessary
public expenditures and mobilisation of domestic resources could provide
them a relief and they may experiences positive per capita income
The Model
A simple measure of resource deficit may be indicated by excess of
expenditures over income. In the literature there are different measures
of resource deficit [Chaudhary (1988); Ahmed (1997); Chaudhary and Ali
(1993, 1996)]. Net domestic and foreign borrowing consists upon budget
deficit and balance of payment deficit. Chaudhary (1988) suggested that
foreign resource requirement might be defined as net interest payment
plus amortisation plus deficit in trade and new borrowing to meet
development needs. However, Ahmed (1997) measured primary foreign
deficit is the sum of public and private deficit. His estimates are
limited to Pakistan and do not fully explain the path and quantum of
deficit. He also ignores interest payments. For better picture of the
deficit there is a need to include interest payments, amortisation and
new need for resources. The new need may emerge from resource gap in
saving and investment. Following Ahmed (1997); Chaudhary (1988);
Chaudhary and Ali (1996) and Anwar (1995), the resource deficiency may
be identified from national accounting identity, which shows primary
deficit as follows:
Mi - Xi - WRi = (Cgi + Igi - TRi) + (Cpi + Ipi + TRi - GDPi - Ri)
... (1)
Mi - Xi - WRi = (Igi - Sgi) + (Ipi - Spi) ... ... ... (1.1)
The primary deficit is a sum of private and public deficit.
Where Mi = Imports, Xi = Exports, WRi = Unrequired transfers from
abroad (net). It includes workers remittances, g = Government
(spending), p = Private, I = Investment, GDP = Gross Domestic Product. S
= Savings, Ri = other income (unrequited transfers), C =
Consumption/Expenditures, i = Time period, TR = Revenue; tax and non-tax
and surplus of corporate sector, d = domestic. GDPi + Ri - TRi, is
private disposable income. Basically, it represents two-gap model.
Over time, the expansion or contraction of private and public
sector, will determine the foreign resource gap as well as the domestic
capacity to close the gaps from domestic resources.
(Mi-Xi-WRi) = (Mi-1 - Xi - 1- WRi-1) + [(ki Gi+ 1 - ki-1 Gi)/Gi +
ki Gi+1 -
{(MTRi-MRCgi) + MRSpi (1+MURi-MTRi)}] giGDP-1 ... (2)
Where M and X are imports and exports. MTR = Marginal tax rate, MRC = Government expenditure, FR = Transfers from abroad, UR = Unrequired
Transfers, MRS = Marginal saving rate and gi = Growth rate. The equation
indicates that primary resource deficit is a sum of private and public
deficit. It includes foreign resource deficit, through exports and
imports earnings/deficits. Thus, the resource deficit may be identified
through two gaps, which includes the third gap. The parameters may be
estimated by holding some values constant. Say if the primary deficit is
increasing over time, we can eliminate its impact by either increasing
taxes or savings. It can also provide us policy framework to control
foreign resource deficit, in other words, how much resources can be
generated by different means to curtail foreign dependency. The budget
deficit (GBD) may be identified as follows:
GBD = 1+[phi](Igi-Sgi)+[beta]i(l+ei)FD-1+(1+a)(1+[phi])-1)Ddi-1 ...
... (4)
Where FD = Foreign debt, "e" is depreciation of foreign
exchange, DD = Domestic debt, [beta] is interest rate, a is interest on
domestic loans and [phi] is inflation rate. The current account deficit
(CAD) will reflect the need for foreign resources (FK), which may be
stated as:
CAD = (1+[phi]) (Mi-Xi-WRi) + [beta] (1+ ei) (FD-1) + ([eta])-1)
(1+ ei) Fki-1 ... (5)
Where [beta] is interest rate on foreign loans, G represents real
rate of return, interest on domestic debt and domestic inflation. The
foreign borrowing is needed to finance the current account deficit in
the balance of payment, while additional funds may be Borrowed for
development purposes too.
FBi = CADi-[DELTA]Fki + [DELTA]FRi =CADi-GFki(1+ei) Fki-1 + Gfri
(1+ei) Fri-1 (5.1)
Where Gfri and Gfki are exogenously given growth rates of foreign
reserves and foreign capital,
FBi = (1+ei) FDi-1 + FBi ... ... ... ... ... (6)
The domestic borrowing (DB) may be given as:
DB = BDi - (FBi - [DELTA]FRi) - [DELTA]H = BDi - Fbi + gFRi (1+ei)
Fri-1-gHi Hi- 1 (7)
Hi is hot money supply, gFRi is growth rate of foreign resources.
The budget deficit is the combination of domestic borrowing, foreign
borrowing and change in foreign reserves and the monetisation. We are
keeping (assuming) domestic debt constant for this simulation. The
parameters for foreign debt are estimated. For Pakistan these variables
have the historical values: ei = 0.085, ([phi]) is 0.09, the growth of H
is 0.145, while the same for foreign debt is 0.05 percent unrequired
transfers growth is 0.06 MRS = 0.15, MRc = 0.12, MT = 0.18, GDP growth
is = 0.06. The GDP growth rate is assumed 6 percent, historical trend,
except the 1990s for Pakistan. Similarly the needed values are calculate
for other countries, based upon historical data. The overall need for
resources to fill the resource gap may be identified by including saving
and investment gap; private (pi) and government saving and investment
(Sgi, sdI). Only the main equations are given above. For detailed model
see: [Chaudhary (1988) and Ahmed (1997)].
Appendix Table 1
Scenario under Trade Policy *
Pakistan India Bangladesh
2000-01 58.23 6.23 38.76 6.37 132.87 24.80
2004-05 65.34 6.99 43.36 7.05 142.42 26.58
2014-15 71.66 7.43 46.63 7.25 153.26 28.61
Sri Lanka
2000-01 101.30 10.21
2004-05 119.25 12.16
2014-15 114.69 15.36
Nepal Maldives Bhutan
1994-95 15.82 2.01 43.81 9.64 32.64 5.76
2000-01 20.51 3.96 72.38 15.92 71.45 12.62
2004-05 33.16 4.45 74.62 16.41 77.73 13.73
2014-15 40.27 4.99 77.46 17.04 83.60 14.77
Where DGDP = external debt as a ratio of GDP,
SGDP = Debt servicing as a ratio of GDP.
* An increase in exports by 2 percent.
Authors' Note: We are thankfial to Dr Zalhr Mahmood and Dr S.
M. Younis Jaffrai for their valuable comments. The views expressed in
the paper entirely belong to the authors. An earlier version of the
paper was presented at the Annual Conference of the Pakistan Society of
Development Economists, Islamabad, 2001.
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* United Nation's Development Programme (UNDP) and Mahbubul
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(1) The countries which benefitted from international loans are
limited. For example, Israel, Egypt, etc.
(2) Pakistan is indebted to the tune of over 35 billion dollars.
Its 25 percent of exports earning, 1/3rd of the budget, 3 percent and 90
percent of revenue is washed away by debt services Economic Survey,
(3) Foreign loans are also treated as foreign aid. Foreign aid does
not mean that it is free money. Thus, the words of loans and aid are
used alternatively, which means international loans/debt.
(4) See Avramovic (1964); Miksell (1968). They define the stages
slightly different. See Chaudhary and Ali (1993).
(5) Pakistan has reached to a stage that it was unable to repay the
debt services. Therefore it is rescheduling its debt. Also see
[Chaudhary (1988)] i.e. unsustainability of debt. Also see [Chaudhary
and Waseem (1999)].
(6) USA never had very good relation with India, since India was
friendly to USSR. Now USA relations are changing with India, since its
relations with China. US is seeking help from India against China.
(7) Increase in tbreign loans does not mean that it is helping LDCs
to come out of their economic problems.
(8) Pakistan has already reached at a stage that it is rescheduling
its loans. Such a situation was identified by same author in 1998, see
[Chaudhary (1988); Chaudhary and Ali (1993) and Chaudhary and Ali
(9) The model is my earlier [Chaudhary (1988)] version duly
published and it is amended by following [Ahmed (1997)].
(10) All figures are taken from World Debt Tables (1988, 1992,
1996, 1999).
(11) For example the GDP growth, growth of debt and saving rates
etc., were exogenously assumed. These variables need to be estimated
(12) The crucial assumption is that foreign capital can always
accommodate the larger of the two gap. It maybe kept in mind is that the
borrowing requirement are for each year and does not carry on from the
previous year.
(13) It is true if no alternative policies are formulated to
mobilise domestic resources.
(14) For example, [see Economic Survey (1999-2000)]. The investment
rate decreased from over 20 percent to around 16 percent, over time. Its
economic growth fell from over 7 percent to less than 4 percent
(15) See [Chaudhary and Ali ( 1993, 1996) and Chaudhary and Waseem
(16) It will be 5 percent if the domestic debt servicing is added.
(17) Where GDP = Gross Domestic Product, DGDP = Debt as a ratio of
GDP, SGDP = Debt Servicing as a ratio of GDP.
(18) Pakistan is attempting to enhance revenue. It is able to
increase the tax payers more than 100,000 in the first attempt i.e. just
from thirteen cities. It has a capacity to increase at least one million
new tax payers. Thus potential to enhance revenue is there.
(19) These policy suggestions are based on historical achievements
o f the respective countries.
(20) Some countries have written off its debt due to
unsustainability. For example USA has announced to write off some of its
debt. The Do's are also considering to write off debt for poor
The paper is interesting in so far as it contains comparative
information on foreign debt. The value of this information will be
greatly enhanced if it is presented in terms of constant dollars. There
are a number of deficiencies in the methodology applied by the authors.
They begin by giving three policy options, but develop two scenarios for
one option besides the base case. A critical assumption relates to
constancy of domestic debt. With declining access to external financing,
domestic borrowing is called upon to finance the bulk of the deficit. It
is unrealistic, therefore, to assume constant domestic debt. Variations
in foreign exchange rates, interest rates and inflation can be
disregarded, as the authors have done, at the cost of serious loss of
analytical power. An obvious example would be that the falling real
interest rates on domestic debt will slowdown its growth, while rising
real interest rates on external debt increase its burden. The model
simulations do not hold good for initial year in case of Pakistan,
Bangladesh and India. Oddly enough, India with its sizeable reserves has
been treated in the same way as the countries with alarmingly low levels
of reserves.
No analysis is presented of factors responsible for rapid debt
accumulation. Effective use of aid contributes to debt sustainability.
Similarly creation of conditions for steady inflow of foreign direct
investment finances current account deficit without creating
corresponding debt liabilities. The paper could shed some light on these
important aspects as well. The effect of taxes and non-development
expenditure on the budget deficit is noted but not explained. As a
matter of fact, the paper does not define the level of sustainability of
debt. This disables the analytical framework to predict any useful debt
sustainability landmarks.
Pervez Tahir
The Planning Commission, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad.
M. Aslam Chaudhary and Sabahat Anwar are respectively Associate
Professor and graduate student at the Quaid-i-Azam University,
Table 1
Projected Foreign Borrowing Needs for South Asian Countries
(Million, Real) *
Pakistan India
Year G1 G2 G1 G2
2000-01 78777.5 210766.1 149753.1 110942.1
2004-05 110626.1 266087.3 283151.4 134850.8
2008-09 9662.9 335929.1 344172.3 163912.0
2014-15 7835.7 476521.8 603983.5 219657.8
Bangladesh Sri Lanka
Year G1 G2 G1 G2
1997-98 915435 389745.8 24468.81 203859.7
2000-01 100869 452327.8 27153.6 217135.5
2004-05 122176 539409.3 31043.2 300919.1
2008-09 145697 723662.6 43021.5 417031.4
2014-15 195390 956009.3 62063.4 737584.4
Nepal Maldives Bhutan
Year G1 G2 G2 G1 G2
2000-01 17752.4 19605.3 654.1 2324.2 369.1
2004-05 22822.8 24287.5 883.3 2912.2 583.9
2014-15 39022.4 41487.7 1995.2 6145.3 1101.5
Where GDP = Gross Domestic Product, G1 = Internal Gap, G2 = External
* The values are in respective country's currency.
Table 2
Projected Foreign Debt and Debt Servicing,for South Asian Countries 1
(Million Real) *
Pakistan India
1998-99 1618562 38.2 3.2 12229334 26.5 4.3
2000-01 1813682 66.6 3.5 8837271 55.7 4.5
2004-05 2333241 76.8 4.3 11156851 61.9 5.3
2008-09 3001636 82.4 5.6 14085267 63.9 6.2
2014-15 4379814 86.2 6.2 19980220 64.9 6.9
Bangladesh Sri Lanka
2000-01 1215768 75.1 14.7 761080.6 56.9 8.1
2004-05 1506123 86.5 16.3 1094176 69.3 9.6
2008-09 1865823 98.3 17.2 1573054 81.4 10.8
2014-15 2572676 10.7 18.3 2711617 97.2 12.3
Nepal Maldives
1998-99 164081.8 36.78 4.52 2012.41 62.23 13.8
2000-01 186602.8 49.76 5.97 2668.51 81.28 14.9
2004-05 235581.8 57.15 6.86 4939.22 86.24 15.6
2008-09 297416.6 60.40 7.25 7837.93 88.97 16.7
2014-15 421891.1 61.62 7.39 7837.93 88.97 17.5
1998-99 8121.92 78.41 10.32
2000-01 9861.89 84.56 11.94
2004-05 13170.25 91.46 12.16
2008-09 17588.47 93.26 13.47
2014-15 27144.31 94.44 15.68
* In country's respective currency (Pakistani, Indian, Sri Lankan and
Nepalese Rs Bangladeshian Taka, Maldivian Rut'tia, and Bhutanese
Ngultrun, million, Real).
Table 3
Debt Management under Policy l (Scenario l) *
(% GDP)
Pakistan India Bangladesh Sri Lanka
2000-01 52.7 4.6 32.2 4.2 71.6 16.1 53.5 7.8
2004-05 58.6 5.2 34.1 4.3 77.8 18.9 62.5 8.5
2008-09 60.9 5.9 36.5 4.4 86.1 19.5 67.4 9.2
2014-15 62.1 5.2 38.3 5.1 91.3 16.4 73.8 10.1
Nepal Maldives Bhutan
2000-01 39.8 4.8 61.5 11.8 68.7 9.8
2004-05 42.73 5.01 65.03 13.74 71.65 11.42
2008-09 45.91 5.6 67.19 14.79 74.43 12.9
2014-15 51.98 6.1 62.63 11.32 71.24 11.35
Where DGP = external debt as a ratio of GDP, SGP = Debt servicing as
a ratio of GDP.
* An increase in the marginal tax rate. Reduce non-developmental
government expenditure and an increase in the GDP growth rate.
Table 4
Debt Management under Policy 2 (Scenario 2) *
(% of GDP)
Pakistan India Bangladesh Sri Lanka
2000-01 36.8 3.6 28.9 3.6 86.7 14.3 45.9 5.1
2004-05 41.6 4.2 35.4 4.2 89.7 15.4 48.7 6.8
2008-09 32.8 2.9 26.8 2.7 78.9 9.3 42.6 5.2
2014-15 25.4 1.7 19.4 1.6 63.5 5.8 37.2 3.4
Nepal Maldives Bhutan
2000-01 37.8 4.5 56.8 7.4 61.4 9.4
2004-05 45.6 4.7 59.7 8.2 65.8 10.2
2008-09 35.4 3.6 44.8 5.6 53.5 7.8
2014-15 26.9 2.3 31.3 3.5 35.9 3.9
Where DGP = external debt as a ratio of GDP.
SGP, SGP = Debt servicing as a ratio of GDP.
* Under assumptions as proposed above.