Zero-tillage technology and farm profits: a case study of wheat growers in the rice zone of Punjab.
Iqbal, Muhammad ; Khan, M. Azeem ; Anwar, M. Zubair 等
This study presents the results from a field survey of the wheat
growers in the rice-wheat zone of Punjab. The late-maturing basmati rice varieties and the post-paddy harvest conventional tillage practices to
prepare seedbed for wheat sowing often result in delayed planting of the
crop. Late sowing is a major factor responsible for low wheat yields
obtained by the farmers of the area. Introduction of the new zerotillage
seed drill in the area during early 1980s made it possible to sow wheat
in freshly harvested untilled paddy fields utilising residual moister.
At present, more than eighty thousand hectares of wheat are sown with
zero-tillage drill technology. The partial budget analysis showed that
zero-tillage is more profitable than conventional wheat sowing methods
of wadwatter or rauni. The new technology saves tillage and irrigation costs, results in yield gains through a possible improvement in sowing
time and enhanced fertiliser and water use efficiencies. The results
showed that the zero-tillage adopters earn an extra income of 253 and
2278 rupees per acre of wheat over that earned from wheat sown with
rauni and wadwatter methods respectively. The results of multiple
regression analysis confirmed that the zero-tillage technology enhances
water and fertiliser use efficiency. However, sufficient evidence was
not present to prove any positive or adverse effect of the technology on
the incidence of weeds in wheat crop. It is suggested that this aspect
of zero-tillage technology be focused on more in future research.
The rice-wheat cropping zone of Punjab is the main producer of
high-valued and fine quality basmati rice in Pakistan. The rice produced
in this area is famous for its grain length and aromatic
characteristics. Being an important export item, rice contributes
significantly to the national foreign exchange earnings. Wheat is the
other major crop of the rice-wheat system and being the staple food is
central to national agricultural policies. Rice is grown on a vast area
in this zone during Kharif mostly followed by wheat in the Rabi season.
Studies have shown that a large gap exists between the potential and
yields actually realised by the wheat growers of the area [Byerlee, et
al. (1984); Hobbs (1985) and Sheikh, et al. (2000)]. Farmers'
practices regarding land preparation for paddy, wheat planting time, and
other conflicts endogenous to the rice-wheat based cropping system were
identified as the major factors limiting wheat yield in the area. The
flooded and puddled soils that are well suited for paddy production as
compared to well-drained conditions required for wheat is such an
example of the system conflicts.
The farmers in the rice-wheat zone of the Punjab predominantly grow
basmati varieties, which are late maturing as compared to coarse
varieties of rice. Therefore, paddy harvest is generally delayed at most
of the farms in this zone. The late paddy harvest coupled with poor soil
structure and loose plant residues create problems for preparation of a
good seedbed and planting of wheat often gets late [Byerlee, et al.
(1984)]. The farmers also had to resort to the broadcast method for
wheat sowing which results in poor and patchy plant stands. Moreover,
the occurrence of rain during land preparation operations may cause a
further delay of 2-3 weeks in wheat sowing [Aslam, et al. (1993)].
Studies have reported that after the mid-November a day's delay in
planting of wheat results in a yield loss of one percent per hectare [Randhawa (1979) and Hobbs and Butler (1988)].
The conventional tillage practices after rice harvest involve
extensive ploughing with common cultivator an/or deep tillage implements
for preparation of a fine seedbed for wheat planting which is time
consuming as well as costly. In order to save on sowing time and the
tillage costs, a new seed drill was introduced in early 1980s that made
it possible to sow wheat in freshly harvested and untilled paddy fields
utilising residual moisture. The drill was named as zero-tillage drill
and the method of wheat sowing with this drill is called as zero-tillage
technology. The on-farm experiments of wheat sowing with this technology
were conducted in Pakistan during 1984-89. The results of this
experimentation showed that the crop stand is improved for wheat sown
with zero-tillage drill and a 10 to 40 percent higher yield can be
realised under different soil types and wheat sowing regimes as compared
to that obtained under conventional systems [Aslam, et al. (1989)].
Based on these findings a comprehensive zero-tillage pilot production
programme was initiated in 1990 to expand the usage of the technology in
the rice-wheat zone of Punjab [Aslam, et al. (1993)]. However, a
perceptible use of the drill started only after 1997 when provincial On
Farm Water Management Programme (OFMP) got involved in drill promotion
The zero-tillage technology is widely maintained as an integrated
approach that can tackle the problem of wheat yield stagnation in the
rice-wheat zone by improving planting time, reducing weed infestation,
and enhancing fertiliser and water use efficiency [Malik and Singh
(1995); Malik (1996); Hobbs, et al. (1997, 2002)]. It is observed that
zero-tillage technology helps in reducing the Phalaris minor weed
infestation and also enables timely seeding of the wheat crop [Hobbs, et
al. (1997)]. With comprehensive efforts being done by OFWM, the new
technology has entered now in the critical phase of mass-scale
development and promotion. During the past two years substantial wheat
acreage was sown with zero-tillage drill. It stood at about 30 thousand
hectares during rabi 2000-01, which increased to almost 80 thousand
hectares during rabi 2001-02. The experts attribute this acceleration in
the adoption of the technology to its benefits like: reduction in sowing
cost, increased fertiliser and water use efficiency, ease in operation
at hard and low lying fields, and considerable improvements in wheat
yields through timely planting and better crop stands established.
The results discussed above are based either on experiments
conducted at the research stations or on scientists managed trials done
on farmers' fields. The management skills of the farmers usually
differ considerably from that of the scientists and they are often
confronted with a multitude of constraints and a socioeconomic
environment different from that faced by the scientists. Therefore, the
newly developed technologies are anticipated to perform differently
under farmers' practices. The purpose of this paper is to provide
information regarding the current status of zero-tillage technology in
the study area, quantify its impact, and offer evidence from
farmers' fields to validate the above claims about benefits of the
technology. The paper consists of four parts. Section II describes the
sample and analytical techniques used. The results are discussed in
Section III. The last section presents the summary of major findings of
the study and suggests implications.
This study is based on a primary data set (1) collected through a
formal survey of 94 farmers from the rice-wheat zone of the Punjab
province of Pakistan. The sample includes randomly selected 74 wheat
growers who adopted zero-tillage technology (fully or partially) and 20
neighbouring farmers using conventional wheat sowing methods. Two
respondents were dropped due to faulty or missing data. The sample
farmers come from seven major tehsils of Gujranwala, Narowal, Sialkot,
and Sheikhupura districts. The block specific information (regarding
output, inputs use and other variables) on each farm was recorded for
all parcels of wheat crop sown using a particular planting method. As a
result 154 observations were obtained and finally included in the
For the purpose of this paper, traditional wheat sowing method
'wadwatter' is defined as a technique in which farmers exploit
the residual soil moisture in harvested paddy fields to prepare seedbed
for wheat planting using common cultivator and/or deep tillage
implements. In this method they usually sow wheat seed by broadcasting
it in the roughly prepared seedbed and cover it with soil using certain
implements. The 'rauni' method is referred to the technique in
which a pre-irrigation is applied in order to get the optimal moisture
conditions and prepare a fine seedbed for wheat planting and seed is
sown either by broadcasting or planted in row with a seed drill or other
implements and manners. In the zero-tillage method it is possible to
place wheat seed at proper depth in the soil with a special drill using
residual moisture without prior land preparation and causing the minimum
disturbance to the surface of soil.
The study makes use of descriptive statistics, partial budgeting,
and regression analysis techniques to determine the profitability and
investigate whether or not sufficient evidence is available from
farmers' fields that the zero-tillage technology leads to higher
wheat yields, lower production costs, and greater fertiliser and
irrigation water use efficiency etc? This is clearly a case of comparing
wheat yield regression equations associated with zero-tillage and the
conventional wheat sowing technologies i.e. testing that whether the
intercept terms and the slope parameters in two equations are different
or the same. The dummy variable approach was adopted for demonstrating
the differentials in input use efficiencies under alternate wheat
planting methods. This approach is well explained in Gujarati (1995) and
Madala (1992). The following linear production function was assumed for
wheat yield in the study area.
YIELD = [[beta].sub.1] + [[beta].sub.2] IPRINO + [[beta].sub.3]
TOTFERT + [[beta].sub.4] PNRATIO + [[beta].sub.3] WHTAREA +
[[beta].sub.3] PROPWEED + [[beta].sub.3] PSOWNLAT + [[beta].sub.3]
DZEROTILL + [[beta].sub.3] ZTxIRRINO + [[beta].sub.3] ZTxTOTFERT +
[[beta].sub.3] ZTxPROWEED + U
YIELD = Wheat yield (in 40 Kilogram Maunds per acre).
IRRINO = Number of Irrigations Applied to Wheat Crop.
TOTFERT = Total Fertiliser Nutrients Applied per acre of Wheat (in
PNRATIO = P-nutrient to N-nutrient Ratio.
WHTAREA = Total Wheat Area on the Farm (Acres).
PROPWEED = Proportion of Wheat Acreage Affected with Weeds.
PSOWNLAT = Proportion of Wheat Acreage Sown After 30th November.
DZEROTILL = Dummy Variable for zero Tillage (Zero-tillage Sowing
Method = 1 Else = 0).
STxIRRINO = Zero-tillage Dummy Cross Number of Irrigations Applied.
STxTOTFERT = Zero-tillage Dummy Cross Total Fertiliser Nutrients
STxPROPWEED = Zero-tillage Dummy Cross Proportion of Wheat Acreage
Affected with Weeds.
U = Random Error Term Independently and Identically
Distributed with Zero Mean and Constant Variance.
In the rice-wheat zone, the level of moisture in the soil at the
time of tillage after paddy harvest, soil texture, and the rice crop
residue situation mainly affect farmers' choice of tillage methods.
On the sample farms, about 66 percent of the total wheat area was
planted with the conventional wheat sowing method of
'wadwatter'. The farmers' using this method mostly apply
2 to 3 ploughing with disc and 3-4 ploughing with common cultivators
making use of residual moisture in the field. While in the rauni method
farmers first irrigated the field and then use 3 ploughing with common
cultivator and 3 disc ploughings. These time consuming and costly
conventional tillage practices of wheat planting are maintained as the
important factors that may induce a rapid adoption of resource
conserving zero-tillage technology.
The zero-tillage drill owners planted 75 percent of the total wheat
acreage on their farm with zero-tillage drill (Table 1). The rental
users of the zero-tillage drill planted about 47 percent of wheat area
with this method. The rest of the wheat acreage was planted using the
'rauni' or 'wadwatter' methods. The main reasons
behind using other methods were 'watter' problems (40
percent), difficulties in drill operations (20 percent) and the
indifferent behaviour of drill owners for renting drill services (40
percent). The use of conventional methods of wheat sowing is higher at
the farms renting drill services as compared to that at drill owner
farms. This shows that a guaranteed access to the drill has helped
farmers to opt for the low cost wheat sowing method of zero-tillage. A
similar switchover is expected from the rental users in future as a
result of rapidly growing number of the drills in the area.
The future intentions of the farmers to use zero-tillage technology
were also explored to understand the pace of adoption for the coming
years. The results clearly showed that farmers would allocate more area
to zero-till wheat in the future. The drill owners indicated that they
would plant 86 percent of the wheat area by zero-tillage drill during
the next year whereas the rental users intended to plant 52 percent of
the wheat acreage on their farms with this technology in the coming
Wheat Planting Dates and Sowing Methods
The proportion of wheat acreage planted in three sowing time
intervals is presented in Table 2. A slight shift of 3 percent in wheat
area planted late (after 30th November) to timely sowing (on or before
30th November) was observed. This shows that planting dates under all
wheat-sowing methods were shifted earlier towards the first fortnight of
November. In the case of rauni method, a 10 percent shift was seen from
December to 15-30 November. The shift in wheat area from late planting
to timely sowing is much higher for zero-tillage method than that with
conventional methods. This upward movements in wheat acreage towards
timely planting of the crop is very encouraging, particularly during
initial phase of mass scale promotion of zero-tillage technology. It
also shows the potential help that zero-tillage technology may render in
resolving the" rice-wheat planting time conflicts. This would be
more evident during coming years when more drills will be available in
the area and as the operational skills of the drill owners are improved
Crop Stand Establishment
Farmers' observations regarding the establishment of crop
stand with the use of zero-tillage technology were also collected and
their responses are presented in Table 3. A vast majority (79-87
percent) of the zero-tillage adopters maintained that the crop stand was
established uniformly on their fields. However, the rest of the farmers
indicated that they observed patchy wheat stand in fields sown with
zero-tillage drill due to lack of drill operation skills and problem of
residual soil moisture in the harvested paddy fields.
Wheat Area Affected with Weeds
In the rice-wheat cropping system incidence of weeds in rice as
well as in wheat crop is a growing problem causing heavy economic
losses. Almost every farmer needs to apply herbicide for an effective
weed control. Traditionally, farmers maintain that using the rauni
method or deep-tillage implements can help in controlling weeds in wheat
crop more effectively. However, the survey data revealed that the
incidence of weeds is less frequent in zero-tillage fields as less
percentage of the wheat area was covered with chemical control on these
plots Table 4. The other scientists [Malik and Singh (1995); Malik
(1996); Hobbs, et al. (1997); Mehla, et al. (2000)] also reported that
the use of zero-till technique reduces weeds problem. Mehla, et al.
showed that the population of Phalaris minor weed in zero-tillage plots
was one-fourth of that observed in field sown using conventional tillage
system (CTS).
Fertiliser Use and Efficiency with the Zero-tillage Drill
The continuous rice-wheat rotation is quiet exhaustive in terms of
soil fertility and application of sufficient fertiliser (NPK and others)
is imperative to maintain the proper nutrient balances in the soil to
sustain productivity at higher level and conserve soil fertility. The
higher dose of fertiliser alone would not be of much help if the plants
do not use up most of the added nutrients due to a faulty fertiliser
application method. At present, majority of the farmers apply fertiliser
using the surface broadcast method. Though the method is cost saving but
is inefficient and patchy, and most of the nutrients are not available
to the plants. Aslam, et al. (1993) pointed out that nitrogen
application on the surface of the soil caused 20-25 percent loss in
nitrogen use efficiency. Hobbs, et al. (2002) found that the
zero-tillage technology increases fertiliser use efficiency because of
its more precise placement. Some of the sample farmers were aware of the
usefulness of this aspect of the zero-tillage method and expected higher
wheat yield from the fields sown with it. No significant differences
were observed in fertiliser use on wheat across sowing methods. The
fertiliser use on zero-tillage and rauni fields was 59 kilograms of
nitrogen and 28 kilograms of phosphorus per acre whereas on plots sown
with wadwatter method slightly less fertiliser was used and averaged to
56 and 25 kilograms of N- and P-nutrients respectively Table 5. None of
the farmers applied any potash nutrient to their wheat crop.
Wheat Yields and Zero-tillage Technology
The farmers more frequently use yield as a yardstick to assess the
performance of a given technology. They also consider its cost
effectiveness but to a lesser extent. Therefore, the yield variations
across sowing methods were analysed and the results are presented in the
Table 6. Comparatively higher yields were realised from fields sown with
rauni method than that obtained from plots sown using other methods. The
yield with the rauni method was 37 maunds while that with zero-tillage
and wadwatter was 33 and 28 maunds per acre respectively. Besides the
low yield with the wadwatter method, the production costs were
significantly higher. About 10 percent higher yield was obtained on the
rauni fields compared to the zero-tillage wheat plots. This yield gap
can be bridged and even exceeded in future as the farmers become more
acquainted with the zero-tillage technology and acquire better drill
operating skills. Considering high cost of conventional technology, per
acre net returns realised with zero-tillage technology significantly
excel those obtained under other sowing methods.
Wheat Yield and Sowing Date
The yields across various sowing methods were also compared on the
bases of planting date intervals and are plotted in the following
figure. It can be observed that comparable wheat yields were realised
with insignificant difference across sowing method when planted before
15th November. The yields declined more sharply on wadwatter fields and
yield gap widened more and more between wadwatter and the other two
methods as wheat planting was delayed. This shows that the late wheat
planting not only reduces yield but also the efficiency of inputs
applied. Similar results are reported by Saunders (1990). The other
scientist reported a linear decline in yield of 1-1.5 percent per day
resulting from late planting [Ortiz-Monsanterio, et al. (1994);
Randhawa, et al. (1981); Hobbs (1985, 2002)].
Land Preparation and Seed Cost
The farmers planting wheat with wadwatter method on an average
apply 2.62 disc ploughings, 3.29 ploughings with common cultivator, and
2.78 plankings. In rauni method, the tradition is use 2.45 plankings,
3.08 disc and 3.04 ploughings with common cultivator. The costs of these
land preparation activities in wadwatter and rauni methods averaged to
1358 and 1409 rupees per acre respectively. The sowing cost with
zero-tillage technology was a nominal amount of 350 rupees per acre.
Thus the farmers save more than 1000 rupees per acre just on land
preparation by adopting zero-tillage. The average seed rate of 45, 50
and 48 kilograms per acre was observed under the wadwatter, rauni, and
zero-tillage wheat sowing methods respectively. The corresponding seed
costs amount to 338, 375 and 360 rupees per acre. The farmers used a
higher seed rate than needed with zero-tillage method because influenced
by their experience of poor germination in the past under conventional
methods, they were not sure any better germination will result with new
sowing method. The farmers are likely to reduce the seed rate overtime
as they gain confidence through experience with zero-tillage and hence a
decline in seed cost relative to other wheat sowing methods is expected
in future.
Fertiliser and Irrigation Cost
It has been discussed earlier that the farmer in the study area
apply 81 kilograms of fertiliser in wheat sown with wadwatter method and
87 kilograms of N-P nutrients per acre of wheat sown with rauni or the
zero-till methods. This results in a per acre fertiliser cost of 1473
rupees in wadwatter and 1578 rupees each in rauni and zero-tillage
method Table 7. The same cost of 286 rupees per acre was assumed for
chemical weed control irrespective of the sowing method used. However,
overtime the weed control cost in zero-tillage is expected to decline as
observed by [Malik, et al. (2002) and Yadav, et al. (2002)] in case of
India. The combination of zero-tillage and herbicide use resulted in
reduced weed populations in India within 4 years time to a level where
chemical weed control is no more required. The same needs to be
confirmed in Pakistan over time by monitoring the benchmark fields.
During the rabi (winter) season canal water is not available to
most of the wheat growers of the areas. Therefore, the majority of
farmers use tubewell water for irrigation of wheat. Under wadwatter and
zero-tillage method farmers applied three irrigations to their wheat
crop, while in rauni method an extra irrigation is mostly used. The
number of hours involved to irrigate an acre of wheat (especially during
the first irrigation) varied a lot across various sowing methods. It
took 3.5, 4.0, and 2.5 hours respectively to irrigate one acre of wheat
sown with wadwatter, rauni and zero-till methods. This variation in
irrigation time results in significant differences in the irrigation
costs associated with various sowing methods. The irrigation cost
incurred with wadwatter, rauni, and zero till methods were respectively
1050, 1200, and 750 rupees per acre Table 7.
Gross Income and Margins
The gross income under wadwatter, rauni, and zero-tillage methods
was calculated as 7894, 10249 and 9197 rupees per acre respectively. The
partial budget analysis of the three wheat planting methods showed that
the zero-tillage wheat planting was more economical than the wadwatter
or rauni methods. The zero-tillage method resulted in the gross benefits
of 5869 rupees per acre, whereas the gross benefits with rauni and
wadwatter methods were 5616 and 3591 rupees per acre respectively. The
analysis shows that the farmers earn an extra income of 253 and 2278
rupees per acre of wheat sown with zero-tillage method as compared to
that earned from wheat sown with rauni and wadwattar methods
respectively (Table 7). The higher returns in case of zero-tillage
method are going to provide a big incentive for the farmers to adopt
this technology.
The Regression Analysis
The multiple regression equation assumed in Section II was
estimated by using ordinary least squares method and the results are
presented in Table 8. The F-statistics is significant at 1 percent level
showing that the explanatory variables included in the model
collectively have significant influence on wheat yield. An [R.sup.2]
value of 0.534 suggests that about 53 percent variations in the
dependent variable are explained by the independent variables included
in the model. For a cross sectional data it represents quite a good fit
and hints that the estimated model fits the data fairly well. The
frequency of irrigation and the balance in which P- and N-nutrients are
applied (PN-ratio) constituted the important determinants of wheat
yield. The coefficients of these variables were positive and significant
at 1 and 5 percent level respectively. The total nutrients of fertiliser
applied showed a positive but insignificant affect on wheat yield.
The negative coefficient for zero-tillage dummy hints that the
yield equation for wheat sown with this method has a smaller intercept.
The coefficient for the cross term of irrigation and zero-tillage dummy
is positive and significant at 10 percent level. It hints the fact that
water use efficiency is enhanced in zero-tillage method. The cross terms
of zero-tillage dummy with fertiliser and with proportion of wheat area
affected with weeds are also positive but insignificant at 10 percent
level. The presence of a slight to moderate multicollinearity due to
high correlation among fertiliser, zero-tillage dummy and their cross
term are resulting in high standard errors and consequently the
insignificance of the coefficients for fertiliser and its cross term
with zero-tillage dummy at 10 percent level. If we apply a one-tail test
to check whether zero-tillage technology enhances fertiliser use
efficiency or not, the coefficient turns out to be significant at 10
percent level. However, there is no evidence found that the zero-tillage
reduces weed problem or its adverse effect on wheat yield.
The results suggest that the curve of production function for
zero-tillage sown wheat would start at a lower intercept. The resulted
higher yield is due to the enhanced water and fertiliser use efficiency
(the greater slope coefficients) and the yield losses saved due to
improvement in sowing time because of the use of zero-tillage
technology. In addition, considerable amount of costs will be saved due
to the minimal tillage requirement of the technology and certain other
beneficial externalities associated with its use.
The study assessed the status of zero-tillage technology in the
rice-wheat zone of Punjab. Such an assessment was required not only to
understand the current status of technology but was also needed to
provide feed back from farmers' field regarding its impact on wheat
yield and farm incomes.
The wheat acreage sown with zero-tillage technology is expected to
expand rapidly in the rice-wheat zone. The study confirms that the
zero-tillage technology enhances water and fertiliser use efficiency.
However, sufficient evidence was not available to prove any positive or
adverse affect of the technology on incidence of weeds in wheat crop. It
is suggest that this aspect of zero-tillage technology be focused more
in future research. A multi-visit formal survey is suggested to get more
correct and quantitative information for example, recording weed
intensity (count per unit area) and its type instead of asking acreage
The new technology reduces costs of production with comparable
wheat yields to that obtained using other methods and thus results in
higher net farm returns. The farmers of the area have started
appreciating the reduced tillage cost aspect of the technology however
they are not much convinced about the enhanced yields and increased
input use efficiency of water and fertiliser. The proper promotion of
these aspects of the technology would accelerate adoption and result in
increased demand for the drills.
At present no systematic information is being generated to know the
future demand for the drill and drills are often produced hurriedly to
meet the high seasonal demand. The unforeseen high demands are in some
cases met by using low standard material, less skilled labour and
overburdening of the experienced workers. A mechanism of generating
information on demand for the drill and proper monitoring needs
immediate attention to ensure quality and cost effective manufacturing
of drills. A panel of experts including agricultural engineers, the
representatives of drill manufacturers and ideally also the members from
farming community, should be designated to provide technical backup and
vigilance for ensuring quality manufacturing of the drill according to predetermined standards. In addition, continuous research efforts are
required to keep on improving the zero-tillage drill in the light of
feedback on its performance in the field.
At present, the farmers are operating without a proper formal or
informal training. The proper knowledge about operation and calibration
of the drill under different farm and soil situations is essential to
ensure efficient use of the drill. There is an urgent need of
preparation of handouts containing information on critical aspects of
drill use including: (a) management of appropriate field conditions; (b)
seed and fertiliser mixing, (c) calibration of the drill; (c)
replacement of parts; (d) trouble shooting, and (e) post season care and
The large farmers initially purchased the drills (91 percent) and
majority of them does not rent out the drill services to other farmers
who may be interested in experimentation and evaluation of the
technology. For a rapid expansion of the technology, the farmers who
rent out tractor services should be provided an easy access to credit
for purchase of drills and proper training in drill related operations
be imparted to them. The cost effectiveness and yield advantages of this
technology also need to be publicised for its rapid adoption. There are
some government agencies that have difference of opinion on usefulness
and the benefits of zero-tillage technology. These differences need to
be resolved immediately.
Zero-tillage wheat sowing was mainly promoted to ensure timely
sowing of wheat after late maturing fine varieties of basmati rice.
Replacement of Basmati-370 by the early maturing Basmati-385 during
mid-1980s resolved the wheat planting conflict to a certain extent.
However, need for adoption of low cost zero-tillage technology is even
more crucial in order to control ever increasing rice producing costs,
solve the time conflict arising from some recently introduced long
duration but very fine and high yielding rice varieties, and to conserve
The market forces have led the farmers to replace basmati-385 rice
with super-basmati and basmati-386 during 1990s. The area under
super-basmati has increased considerably during 2001. This variety is
not only late maturing but also very hard to thresh manually. Therefore,
the use of combine harvesters is gaining popularity in the area. The
harvesting of paddy by combine harvesters results in an increased level
of loose straw and more than 6 inches high paddy stubbles in the
harvested fields. These stables affect the performance of the
zero-tillage drill and results in residue management problem even for
planting of wheat with conventional methods. Handling of rice straw,
especially the loose residues when using the zero-tillage drill in paddy
fields harvested with a combine harvester, needs to be placed on the
future research agenda. At present, farmers resort to burning of the
loose residues that increases air pollution and damages the soil
texture. This practice needs to be discouraged and certain equipment or
technique need to be developed that allows planting of wheat under these
conditions while maintaining some of the loose straw as surface mulch.
Rice-wheat is the dominant cropping system followed by majority of
the farmers in the area. Presently, the zero-tillage drill is only used
for planting wheat in the harvested paddy fields. In future, possibility
of extension of the technology to sow wheat following other crops also
needs to be explored.
A proper communication between farmers and various stakeholder of
zero-tillage technology need to be established on modem lines. The
foremost consideration needs to be accorded to two-way communication rather than treating farmers only as a recipient. The success of the
widely used participatory approach lies in the fact that decisions are
not preplanned and imposed from outside but are based on the analysis of
circumstances at the site and are made by the farmers with the help of
facilitators. It is proposed that similar procedures should be tested in
transferring the zero-tillage technology package.
Importance of wheat in our agrarian economy can be judged from many
different angles. It is the main staple diet of the majority of the
people of the country. It contributes 12.1 percent to the value-added in
agriculture and 2.9 percent to GDP. Because of its economic importance,
it always remains in the discussion of the policy-makers and the
agricultural scientists. Performance of wheat production has been
severely damaged registering a -8.5 percent change in kg/hec in
:2000-2001 due to the persistent drought condition for the last three
years. On the other hand, rice is the second largest staple food crop
and is also a major export item. It accounts for 6.6 percent in
value-added in agriculture and 1.6 percent in GDP. Rice also have a -1.4
percent change in 2000-2001 in kg/hec. These negative growths in both
the food items and export earner demand more attention from researchers.
The present paper is an effort to deal with this problem. However,
nothing is perfect in this universe and there are always chances for
improvement. The following suggestions, if incorporated, will increase
the scope of the paper.
Usefulness of any research depends upon the methodology used for
the purpose of research. For the present study there is a
disproportionate representation of the different groups of the farmers.
The data set represents the 78 percent of the adopter of zero-tillage
and 21 percent of the conventional wheat-growing farmers. Similarly this
disproportionate trend is there in case of small, medium and large
farmers (Large 66 percent, Medium 15 percent and Small 19 percent). The
concept of small, medium and large categories is also debatable.
Historically, in central Punjab it is easy to find small as compared to
large farmers. But data set shows a different trend. Similarly, the data
were collected from seven tehsils and have only 11 medium farmers mean
only 1.5 farmer per tehsils. Furthermore, this classification has never
been used in the discussion of the paper which, leaves a question mark
in the mind of the reader, that why farmers were so classified?
The results of the study seems to be normal, but there are some
typing errors, which must be carefully rectified. For example, Table 1
shows that 75 percent of the zero-tillage adopters have there own drill,
but in the discussion this figure is 67 percent. Similarly in Table 6,
which is about average yield, figures and the captions of the columns do
not match with each other. Seed cost used for different sowing methods
is also confusing. Cost of the seed is calculated as Rs 7.5 per kg. At
this rate cost of the 48 kg of seeds must be Rs 360 instead of Rs 350
for zero-tillage growers. Same is the case with fertiliser and
irrigation cost. Cost per irrigation is Rs 300 in case of Wadwatter and
Zero-tillage and Rs 400 in case of Rauni. Such type of discrimination is
difficult to understand.
The Model (Regression Analysis)
Perhaps this is the most interesting part of the paper. Here the
researchers have assumed a linear yield function but in agriculture most
of the relations are not additive but multiplicative. Keeping in view
the problem in hand, it seems to be the right selection because
multiplicative function will convert every thing into zero in case of
non-user of zero-tillage technology due to the use of dummy variable.
But the selection of correct variable is very much important.
Methodology is silent about the use of variable numbers 8, 9 and 10.
Definitely, there will be a need for these variable in the minds of
researchers (which may be the efficiency parameter) but it must be
shared with the readers. It seems to me that these are there to provide
justification for lower [R.sup.2] value, which is normally acceptable in
case of a large number of variables. Some other statistical indicators,
like standard errors of the individual estimates, are also missing. As
for the results of this multiple regression, they need some improvement
in explanation. For example it is said about the explanation of the
coefficient of the zero-tillage variable: "the negative coefficient
for zero-tillage dummy hints that the yield equation for wheat sown with
this method has smaller intercept". Intercept is a different
concept and it must not be confused with the coefficient of the
parameter. The negative sign must have an economic interpretation, which
is missing in the discussion. In case of fertiliser use efficiency, the
coefficient is not only very small but also insignificant. But just
stating the presence of slight to moderate multicollinearity will not
serve the purpose. What different methods were used to detect
multicollinearity? Their results must be provided in the paper. Out of
the nine selected variables, three important ones are insignificant and
four are carrying negative sign. Explanatory power of the model can be
increased by the proper selection of the variables, e.g., water use
efficiency is positive, having a coefficient of 2.656, and is
significant at 10 percent. It is known that water use and fertiliser
application complement one another. A new variable can be constructed to
know the water-fertiliser use efficiency for zero-tillage operation.
In the end I convey my good wishes to the team of researcher in
their efforts to investigate the problem.
Abdul Qayyum Mohsin
Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi.
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(1) A multidisciplinary team consisting of agronomists, farm
machinery engineers, agricultural economists, rural sociologists, and
statisticians from the National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad
collected the data during a formal survey of the study area in June
2001. The data pertains to the cropping year 2000-2001.
Muhammad Iqbal is Research Economist at the Pakistan Institute of
Development Economics, Islamabad. M. Azeem Khan and M. Zubair Anwar are
Scientific Officers at the Social Sciences Institute, National
Agriculture Research Centre, Islamabad.
Table 1
Area Allocations to Wheat under Various Methods (Percent Wheat Area)
Drill Rental Conventional
Methods Owners Users Farms
Zero-tillage 74.5 46.6 --
Wadwatter 12.7 28.5 66.2
Rauni 12.8 24.9 33.8
Table 2
Proportion of Wheat Acreage Planted during Various Time Intervals
by Planting Methods (Percent Wheat Area)
Zero-tillage Conventional
Adopter Farms Tillage Farms
Planting Time Zero-till Wadwatter Rauni Wadwatter Rauni
Before 15 November 37 35 25 43 36
During 15-30 Nov. 44 43 55 35 32
After 1st December 19 22 20 22 32
Table 3
Farmers' Assessment of the Zero-tillage Wheat Crop Stand
Crop Stand Owner User Farms Rental User Farms
Category Number Percent Number Percent
Uniform 26 78.8 31 88.6
Somewhat Patchy 6 18.2 4 11.4
Very Patchy 1 3.0 -- --
Total 33 100.0 35 100.0
Table 4
Percent Weed Area Affected and Treated by Herbicide
Use of Weedicide
Wheat Planting Wheat Area
Method (Acres) Area Percentage
Zero-tillage 2247 1351 60.1
Wadwatter 591 444 75.0
Rauni 581 389 66.9
Table 5
Fertiliser Use in Different Wheat Sowing Methods (Kilogram/Acre)
Type of Fertiliser Zero-tillage Wadwatter Rauni
P-Nutrients 28 25 28
N-Nutrients 59 56 59
Total Nutrients 87 81 87
P-nutrient to 0.475 0.446 0.475
N-nutrient Ratio
Table 6
Average Wheat Yield with Different Sowing Methods
(40 Kilogram/Acre)
Wheat Sowing Method Maximum Minimum Average
Zero-tillage 41.08 26.81 33.2
Wadwatter 34.60 26.61 28.5
Rauni 44.52 33.89 37.0
Table 7
Gross Margin Analysis for Various Wheat Planting Methods
Wadwatter Rauni Zero-tillage
Items Method Method Method
Land Preparation (Rupees/Acre)
Cultivator 494 456 350
Disc Plough 524 616 0
Planking 139 123 0
Sub. Total 1157 1195 350
Seed @ Rs 300/40 Kg 338 375 360
P-Nutrients 553 603 603
N-Nutrients 920 974 978
Sub. Total 1473 1577 1581
Weeds 286 286 286
Irrigation 1050 1200 750
Grand Total 4304 4633 3327
Wheat Yield (Maunds/Acre) 28.5 37.0 33.2
Price (Rupees/Maund) 277 277 277
Total Returns 7895 10249 9196
Gross Margins 3591 5616 5869
Table 8
The OLS Estimates of Parameter for Various Factors
Affecting Wheat Yield
Variables Coefficient Estimates t-Value Significance
Constant 30.9430 8.112 0.000
IRRINO 2.4320 3.529 0.001
TOTFERT 0.0075 0.197 0.845
PNRATIO 4.6990 1.934 0.058
WHTAREA -0.0385 -2,289 0.026
PROPWEED -1.291 -1.826 0.073
PSOWNLAT -14.094 -4.636 0.000
DZEROTILL -17.18 -2.353 0.022
STxIRRINO 2.6560 1.820 0.074
STxTOTFERT 0.0920 1.361 0.179
STxPROPWEED 0.8860 0.541 0.590
[R.sup.2] = 0.534 Adjusted-[R.sup.2] = 0.454 F= 6.645.