Transfer of technology: competition or cooperation.
Azid, Toseef ; Aslam, Mohammad ; Chaudhry, Mohammad Omer 等
This paper presents the technological status of the developing
countries. It also compares their situation with the advanced economy,
and shows that the transfer of technology is the major hurdle in the
path of development of the developing countries. Some solutions to
overcome this hurdle are suggested. The results of the study are based
on the data of approximately fifty developing countries.
Looking at an economy as consisting of several layers of techniques
gives us a way to spell out the implications of macroeconomic situations
to micro levels. For instance, if macroeconomic consideration point to
reducing total employment, a map of the layers of techniques of the
economy should be able to pinpoint the firms of different regions that
are likely to be effected.
In such cases, to be able to delineate the effects of extra final
demand of the new investment on the production and employment in the
economy, we require best input-output and labour coefficients instead of
the average ones that are at present computed worldwide. Similarly, for
capacities going out of production either because of the lack of demand,
or obsolescence, we want to have the knowledge of the least efficient
techniques of production for finding out their economic implications
[Azid (2002)].
This will not only would be necessary for predicting the effects of
changes in the final demand but will also through a significant light on
the international competitiveness. There is a view that one of the
reason for the competitive advantage of Japan and West Germany after the
war was that while the price structure in the rest of the countries was
determined in such a way that the even the least efficient producer may
be able to produce without losses, the new industries in these countries
were producing with the latest techniques transferred to them by allies,
giving them sufficient cost advantage. Similarly, current developing
countries are not able to become exporters of manufacturers, as the
technological transfer coming their way is of the techniques on the
verge of obsolescence in the developed countries. As pointed out above,
all these hypothesis depend on the substantial differences in the best
practice technology from the least efficient one [Mathur (1989, 1990);
Azid and Chaudhry (2003)]
Whether to go in for the extra costs involved in its preparation
depend on the dimensions of the quantities involved. If the best
technology is only slightly better than the average one, the whole
exercise may not be of much practical value, though it will still be
useful for academic purposes. In case the construction of marginal
input-output coefficient only at the cost of relevance [Azid (1993)].
To get an idea of size of the problem, a pilot study was undertook
of US manufacturing industry for the census year 1982. The aim of the
study was to find out the differences between the best and worst
technology in each industry. If they are found to be relatively small,
the above apprehensions may be largely discounted. In the contrary case,
effort must be made to tabulate the necessary information, which will
unable us to conduct an economic analysis, which is much more faithful
us to reality and so much more useful for decision-makers.
The preliminary results of that study were startling. From that
study we found that "vast majority of industries (68 percent) have
a coefficient of variation of unit output cost ranging from 0.151 to
0.245". Coefficient of variation is standard deviation divided by
the average. Its model value would be about 0.185. We can take the
difference of the best and average technology to be about 2*sd. And same
that between worst and average technology. Thus in the model case we
find that the least efficient technique cost per unit of output 137
percent of the average, while the most efficient one 63 percent. This
implies that the cost per unit of the most efficient technique of
production is only half of that of the lest efficient ones [Azid (1993,
This is the huge difference. And it is incumbent on us to explore
the implications of such ranges of the layers of techniques for various
aspects of economic analysis. In the economic literature we can find a
number of studies discussing the different aspects of transfer of
technology. However, none of them discussed this concept in the scenario
of layers of techniques, [e.g., Eaton and Kortum (1999); Mayer (2000,
2001); Nelson and Phelps (1966); Aeemoglu (2000); Bartel and Liehtenberg
(1987); Bresnahan and Trajtenberg (1995) and De Long and Summers (1993)
and many others]. In this study we intend to look at its (Layers of
Techniques) implications for the transfer of technologies from one
country to another. Section II presents the model of layers of
techniques and vintage capital. Section III discusses the impact of
transfer of technology. Section IV presents the magnitude of the
problems and gives a comparative analysis of developed and developing
countries whereas Section V gives a guideline for the developing
countries in this scenario. At the end conclusion and solutions are
1. Layers of Techniques and Vintage Capital
An economy having continuous technical advance will be embodying a
portion of improving know how in the new investment being undertaken.
Investment of different vintages will work with different efficiencies,
and as such may require different amount of various inputs, labour and
working stocks to produce a unit of output. At a particular time, we may
expect fixed capital equipment of several vintages to be in situ for
producing the same commodity. When investment is done in the equipment
of the latest technique, the older equipment may also continue
production, though by the very nature of things it is likely to be
earning lesser returns. The old equipment will go on producing until
enough capital of the newer vintages is not accumulated to satisfy total
demand for that commodity. In a competitive industry with a free entry,
innovators with better techniques would be able to start production
units and if the demand does not increase pari pasu, they will be able
to lower the price there by displacing the requisite number of the most
inefficient production units of the commodity from the market. However,
a monopolist may delay purposely the introduction of the new process
thus giving more time for the older capital equipment to survive
economically than would have been otherwise possible.
Thus in a state of technological change we expect to witness a
spectrum of technologies of different vintages existing and working
simultaneously. We can define the technology associated with:
'kth' vintage capacity for the production of the
'jth' commodity as follows.
C([k.sub.j]) may denote capacity; A([k.sub.j]), and S([k.sub.j])
input and working stock per unit of capacity; and l([k.sub.j]) labour
Further, let e([k.sub.j]) = [P.sub.j] - wl([k.sub.j]) -
PA([k.sub.j]) - rPS([k.sub.j]) be the excess left after meeting the
prime costs pre unit of output. We may call this excess as
'Residual'. It may be noted that while price (P), wage rate
(w), and interest rate can be assumed to be the same for all units
irrespective of their vintage or technique of production, the
'residual' is different for each. It is on the value of this
residual that the actions of an individual unit depend. When investment
is being undertaken in equipment pertaining to a new technology, the
expected residual should be large enough to cover not only the interest
and depreciation charges, the risk premium etc., but also the profit
expectations of the entrepreneurs themselves. It may remembered that
this residual is not like a fixed annuity over the physical lifetime of
the equipment as will be the case if there is no technological progress
and so no obsolescence. In this age advancing technology, the value of
this residual should be progressively declining, and an entrepreneur
should take this into account while making his investment decision.
However, after installation of fixed capital equipment when it
eventually becomes not economically worthwhile to produce with it, it
can only fetch its scrap value. Thus its opportunity cost is almost
zero. Therefore, in taking decision whether to continue the production
process, the unit will not consider whether it can get any returns on
the fixed capital by continuing production. It should continue
production so long as it can cover the prime cost of production. In
other words, a unit will remain in production until its residual is not
Let where [bar.A], [bar.S] and [bar.L] denote the input output, and
capital coefficients matrices and labour vector respectively
representing the technology of marginal units of each commodity which
have their residual zero. For this we should have
P = P[bar.A] + w[bar.L] + rP [bar.S]
Thus given wage rate and interest rate the prices are given by
P = w[bar.L][(I - [bar.A] - r[bar.S]).sup.-1]
Let [bar.X] denote the output of these units with marginal
techniques, then net output available for final use is P(I -
[bar.A])[bar.X]. rP[bar.S] [bar.X] represent interest payments, and P(I
- [bar.A] - r[bar.S])[bar.X] the total wage bill of the units with the
marginal techniques. Thus given interest rate, the marginal technology
determines both price structure as well as the real wage rate in the
economy. It can be shown, similarly that given real wage rate the
marginal technology will determine the interest rate as well as the
price structure. There is one degree of freedom, either wage rate or the
interest rate can be independently determined.
The marginal technology itself will determined in such a way that
the total savings in the economy are equal to total investment and other
autonomous demand. Short term increases in demand will bring less and
less efficient technologies into production, thus increasing employment
in the economy. These techniques will be economically viable only if the
real wage rate and/or the interest rate decreases. This in its turn will
increase the residuals of all the units. The saving rate is likely
higher from the transitory residual income than from the wage or
interest incomes. This redistribution of income in all the working units
will, therefore, increase the total savings. Over and above there will
be some savings by the income recipiets from the increased production.
Thus bringing more and more marginal techniques into production will
increase total savings in the economy. Similarly in the opposite case of
taking more and more marginal firms out of production will decrease the
total savings.
In this section an hypothetical example will be presenting for the
understanding of the phenomenon of transfer of technology in the context
of layers of techniques.
1. Transfer of Most Efficient Technology
Let the most efficient technology of the country be given by the
following input-output, labour and capital coefficients
and the least efficient technology by
The prices in the country will be such that the producers by the
least efficient technology do not make loss until the output produced by
its means in required for use. As with given interest rates the wage
demand will be pushed up so much that the residual for these production
firms become zero, the price structure is given by the following two
0.85[p.sub.1] = 0.45w + 0.20[p.sub.2] + r*1.25 [p.suP.2]
0.70[p.sub.2] = 0.18w + 0.25[p.sub.1] + r*2.25 [p.sub.2]
With both prices being one (an assumption of the construction of
input-output table), we find that
r = 10.86 percent, and w = 1.14
If the best technology is transferred to another country, then its
price structure condition will be given by following,
Let [p.sub.1]' ; [p.sub.2]' and [e.sub.1]' ;
[e.sub.2]' be the prices and residuals respectively in the
recipient country, and wage and interest rates be w' and r'.
Then, price equation become
0.85[p.sub.1] = 0.4w + 0.15 [p.sub.1] + [rp.sub.2] + [e.sub.1]
0.75[p.sub.2] = 0.15w + 0.25[p.sub.1] + 2[rp.sub.2] + [e.sub.2]
Putting r = 10.86, and w = 1.14 in terms of first commodity, we get
[p.sub.2] = 0.79 times [p.sub.1]' and [e.sub.2]' is equal to
zero. That gives residual in the first equation as 0.19 in terms of the
first commodity. (If instead we make residual of the first equation as
zero, we do not get non-negative solution.) These results will be much
sharper if the lower wage rates prevailing in the countries receiving
this technological transfer are also take into account.
It is clear from the above, that this country having technological
transfer from the old established country will able to sell commodity
one to that country at huge profit. This will be still the case even if
the cost of transport and trade is of the order 10 percent of the price
of that commodities. This advantage will be enhanced if there is a
multinational trade involving a third country from where the second
commodity can be imported at still cheaper price. The relative
efficiency in manufacturing of Japan and West Germany compared with the
rest of the world after the war may have something to do with this
phenomenon. Even currently, in some cases Japan seems to have a
discriminating monopoly in some markets where foreign price for the good
can be different from its price within the country. This can enable to
it sell the output of its latest vintage technology in the foreign
markets, while keeping the products of its older vintages for its home
In case of newly developing countries working like off shore
processing centres to the developed countries like Hong Kong, Singapore,
Taiwan, Korea, Malaysia, etc., quite a few export industries are the
effectively the processing units for multinationals. As such they are
transferred the latest technology for that part of processing
techniques. The economic advantages of this arrangements are obvious.
2. Technological Transfer to the Developing Countries
Ordinarily developing countries are the exporters of the
agricultural and mining products and in return import manufactured
goods. However, a limit to their development by this route is quickly
reached as the availability of land and minerals start forming the
bottleneck for further growth. The way forward is progress
industrialisation of their economy. This involves the progressive
transfer of the production technique of different commodities. This
transfer is accompanied by the sale of the relevant capital equipment at
the start of the new capacity creation in the developing country and
usually the regular sale of some intermediate inputs forwards.
To meet the extra foreign exchange requirements, the
industrialising developing countries would be exporting the output of
those manufacturing industries to the developed world. This condition
impose certain constraints to the price and wage structure of these
countries. We shall investigate that below.
We shall also look into the implications of the existence of
several layers of techniques in the developed countries for wage price
structure in the countries trying to pay the cost of technology transfer
by exports of the goods produced by its instrumentality.
Let the activity 1 of the less efficient technique discussed above
may be transferred to the developing country. While the developed
country's economy is now using only the more efficient one. It may
be recalled that the input-output, labour and capital coefficients
relating to that technology are given by the following.
Let the price in developing country be p1 and P2 respectively, and
wage and interest rates be w and r. Then price equations for the two
commodities give,
0.85[p.sub.1] = 0.4w + 0.15[p.sub.1] + [rp.sub.2]
0.75[p.sub.2] = 0.15w + 0.25[p.sub.1] + 2[rp.sub.2]
Putting [p.sub.1] and [p.sub.2] equal to 1, gives us w = 1.38 and r
= 0.15.
Let the price-wage-interest be denoted by underscore symbols in the
developing countries. Then, as first commodity is exported from and
second is imported in the developing country.
[[].sub.1] [less than or equal to] [[].sub.1](1 -
[t.sub.1]) ; and [[].sub.2] [greater than or equal to]
[[].sub.2] (1 - [t.sub.2]) where [t.sub.1] and [t.sub.2] are the
transport and trade costs of the two commodities respectively.
However, as first commodity is produced an developing country. Its
price there should meet its cost of production. Hence,
0.85[[].sub.1] [less than or equal to] 0.4[] +
0.15[[].sub.2] + [][[].sub.2].
This implies that, 0.4[] + (0.15 + [])[[].sub.2](1 +
[t.sub.2]) [less than or equal to] 0.85[[].sub.1] (1 - [t.sub.1]).
Assuming [t.sub.1] = [t.sub.2] = 0.33; [p.sub.1] = [p.sub.2] = 1, this
gives, 0.4[] + 1.33[] + 0.20 [less than or equal to] 0.43.
This implies that [] is less than or equal to 0.31w.
Thus the wage rate in the developing country has to be less than
one third of that in the developed country, if it chooses to develop by
means of technical transfer, and paying for its extra foreign exchange
requirements by means of the exports of its manufactures produced by
means of this transfer.
However, in many cases the technology transferred to the developing
countries is of the older vintage, which is on the way out in the
developed country itself. Wage implications for that are more drastic.
Below we shall see these implication, in case the technology transferred
is not the latest but that just preceding it. Which in our case is the
activity one of the Technology H. Its specifications are as follows:
IN ASCII] and Labour coefficients = 0.45.
Price equation in this case will be
0.85[[].sub.1] [less than or equal to] 0.45[] + (0.20 +
Assuming the interest rate the same as in developed countries, as
well as [t.sub.1] = [t.sub.2] = 0.33, we get 0.45[] + 0.5154 [less
than or equal to] 0.5659 or [] [less than or equal to] 0.12. Thus,
in this case, if the country has to export goods produced from the
imported modem technology, its wage rate should be less than nine
percent of that of developed country.
1. Magnitude of the Problem
These results have far reaching implications. They signify that
developing countries that adopt the strategy of industrialisation via
technological transfer and which involves a continuous earning of the
foreign exchange by export of their produce cannot increase their wage
rate beyond a certain proportion of the wage rate in the developed
countries. In other words they will always remain underdeveloped countries until the time these conditions prevail. Above example are
artificial created for pedagogical purposes. To get a feel of the
dimensions of the problem involved we give below the wage rates of some
countries who have adopted this strategy for development.
Twelve developing countries have been designated as exporters of
manufacturers by the World Development Report 1987. Below is given their
average wage rate for 1985 as culled from their Census of Manufacture by
UNIDO [UNIDO (1987)]. We have also given the information of 7 other
countries whose manufacturing exports were more than 30 percent of their
total exports, though they do not meet the World Bank criteria of
exported manufactures not being of agricultural processing industry
including textiles.
Of these 18 developing countries, four namely Greece, Israel, Hong
Kong, and Singapore having wage rates between 20 to 30 percent of that
of USA. These countries can be supposed to have received the techniques
at the frontier in transfer. Many of the new establishments there are
run by multinational for the purpose of producing export goods for
export to other countries and some times for being imported to their own
country after taking advantage of the cheep labour there. In quite a few
places their production facility are like that of off shore assembly
units [UNIDO (1987), p 45]. Little wonder that these multinationals put
up the plants embodying latest technology for the purpose.
Of the remaining nine are having their wage rates less than 10
percent of that of the USA. The technological transfer to them have been
largely to exploit their protected markets by the multinationals or
purchase of the technology by local entrepreneurs private or public. In
such cases, more likely than not, a technology on the verge of
obsolescence in the developed country is transferred to the developing
country. This gives a new market for its capital goods producing
capacity as well as a new lease to the intermediate goods industry
associated with it. A developing country has to have a really low wage
rate for using such a capacity for export' promotion.
Four of the countries that have their wage rates around 15 percent
of that USA are around EEC having preferential arrangements with it.
Their transport costs etc., are also low. One remaining Republic of
Korea may be considered as a genuine intermediate case. It also have
quite a few plants of "Off Shore Assembly Unit" type, which
account for a large part of the exports.
2. Purchasing Power Parity for Consumption Goods
The above formation also requires that the goods required as inputs
in the production of the export commodity and which are produced within
the country should be cheep if valued in the international prices.
Further with so low wages, the goods required for consumption of the
wage labour should also be cheep in international currency, otherwise
even survival of human beings at the low wage will become difficult.
To illustrate this, we have given in the Table 2 below the
purchasing power parity for consumption goods of manufacture exporting
developing countries, as determined by the UN Purchasing Power Project.
Results of the project are published in World Product and
Income--International Comparisons of Real Gross Project by Kravis,
Heston, and Summer (1982); The World Bank (1982). Unfortunately, the
study does not give the purchasing power of intermediate goods, and so
we to confine the table to consumption goods prices only. However, they
have collected massive data regarding this phenomenon, from which we can
judge whether the hypothesis formulated above holds.
Group I countries is only 8.4 percent of that of the USA. Their
real wage rate comes to be 21 percent. Similarly for Group II and Group
III it is 22 percent and 44 percent respectively instead of eleven and
twenty six percent. It may be noted that for Group I and Group II the
real wage rate is the same, the apparent difference is completely
compensated by higher prices. These groups include not only all
'exporters of manufacturers' but also about 90 to 95 percent
of all developing countries. Only a few developing countries depending
on high commodity prices are in Group III. In the UN sample. It
consisted of only four market economies viz. Mexico, Iran, Uruguay and
Ireland. Of these, after the collapse of the commodity prices in
eighties, the real wage rate of Mexico, Iran and Uruguay came down to
Group II level only. See UNIDO (1987) for 1983 wage rate. Table 3 and
Table 4 give the deep insight of this problem.
Thus we see that in almost all the developing countries the real
wage rate is about one-fifth of that in the USA which may just be
sufficient to meet the 'necessities' of life (subsistence
wage). The prices of 'necessities' are determined by the
nominal wage rate or vice versa. Any extra income of these countries is
appropriated by the non-wage earnings of local people or foreigners.
These nominal differences depend upon the extent of imported inputs in
the production of these 'necessities'. Thus if imported
fertilisers and fuel are used in the production of foodgrains, the
prices of cereals is about 55 percent that of US, if not it is only 35
percent. Nominal wage rates are adjusted accordingly. Thus we see that
even after five decades of continuous 'development', most
developing countries have not been able to increase the standard of
living of their labour force.
We see that the price of consumption goods in the first group is
only 40 percent of that of USA. And that of cereals and bread which is
the most basic consumption good, it is only 35 percent in this first
group. The sample of the first group in the study consisted of India,
Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Philippines, Kenya, Zambia, and Malawi.
Of these India, Pakistan, Philippines are exporters of manufactures
based on their low wages.
Here the only compensation for the worker class is to keep the
prices of wage goods as low as the worker class can endure. The wage
rate is how much lower than the US wage rate, it is out of fantasy. The
above debate also demands that the goods required as inputs in the
production of the export commodity and which are produced within the
country should be cheap valued in the international prices. Further,
with so low wages, the goods required for consumption of the wage labour
could also be cheap in international currency, otherwise even endurance of human beings at the low wage will be hard [Kravis, et al. (1982)].
Table 4 depicts the prices of the rice and wheat almost in some
selected developing countries. The correlation coefficient between the
wage rate and the price of cereals is positive and also significant. R
tells us that for the enhancement of export earnings there is necessary
to depress the wage goods beside the low wage rate, and the subsidy from
the government is also a policy tool for the achievement of this goal
(see Tables 4 and 5).
Further looking at the price relatives of the producer's
durables, which are mainly imported in the poor countries, and of simple
manufactures which are exports of some of the newly industrialising poor
countries, we can surmise that the prices may be about thirty to fifty
percent either way for traded goods. This gives an approximate idea of
the involved trading and transport costs.
We saw two types of technology transfers. One where the
transferring country transfers the most efficient techniques to the
recipients. Such was the case to the defeated countries after the second
world war. The recipient countries were Japan and West Germany. That
enabled them not only to rebuild their shattered economy after the war
but unshackled by the burden of the old technology enabled them to go to
the economic forefront of the developed nations. There also have been a
partial transfer of efficient technology to some small countries that
could become the processor of some labour intensive part of production
for the multinationals. That allowed such countries to go quite forward
in the race for development ahead of other developing countries, though
they seem to be stuck there.
Another type of technological transfer have been that of near
obsolete techniques to the developing countries. The economic
necessities that imposed in shape of compulsory exports to pay up for
the privilege and the debts incurred in the process, compelled these
countries to export at any cost. To make that feasible the wage rates
had to be depressed sufficiently, in turn forcing the prices of wage
goods to a low level. This implies that modernisation in such cases will
not be able proceed to all the sectors.
Thus we see that the techniques of development through technical
transfer is not likely to lead to the graduation of the developing
countries into 'developed' world. If the transfer provides an
opportunity for the industrialised countries to transfer their
technologies becoming obsolete in their countries to the developing
countries, the wage rate in those countries is hardly likely to increase
more than ten percent to that of the industrialised world.
This seems to be the economic law independent of the local
institutional framework. Communist countries like Poland, Hungary,
Yugoslavia as well as free market economies, having democratic or
dictatorial regimes, all seem to be equally constructed by this
restriction to growth through this technique of technological transfer,
the economic cost of which is to be paid through consequent export
This section in short discusses the behaviour of the developing
countries when different layers of techniques are working simultaneously
with the different level of efficiencies in the different developing
countries. So in this regard it is necessary to discuss the concept of
obsolescence in this scenario.
1. Obsolescence
It is consensus among the economists that exploitation of the
resources are not allowed at any stage. The same is true for the
obsolescence of economic, physical and financial capital. Specifically
for the developing countries where they are already in the lack of
capital, the economic obsolescence of the resources is not appreciated.
It has been observed from the empirical study of the selected developing
countries that transfer of technology is one of the main cause of the
economic obsolescence of their capital. As it is mentioned above that
the objective of these countries is to increase their foreign exchange
resources. For the achievement of this objective they tried to increase
their exports at the cost of human resources. Ultimately this has the
significant negative effect on their economic activities [Azid and
Chaudhry (2003)].
The above phenomenon compels the developing countries not to
compete themselves in the international market especially when they
export to developed world. In this respect there is a significant demand
for the cooperation among the developing economies.
Keeping above in view it can be concluded that the economic
obsolescence of resources does not appreciated for these countries. The
only way for these countries is to use the resources in the strict
absence of waste, for the achievement of cooperation in production and
consumption and the realisation of balanced economic growth. This is not
the demand of the system to discuss the economic obsolescence but the
actual requirement and demand of the system are that a model should be
developed which will be helpful in the estimation of the productivity of
those firms which are in these economies on the verge of obsolescence
and allow them to remain themselves in the market until physical
2. A Step Towards Common Market among the Developing Economies
No one can deny the importance of economic cooperation among
developing countries in the 21st century; economic cooperation among the
developing countries is the basic condition for the development. We can
say it is important for the developing countries to respect all people
and strive hard to achieve "power". Power, includes a
combination of military, economic and political strengths, which cannot
be acquired unless the society possesses a lead in science and
technology. Although mankind seeks cooperation, the world is generally
characterised by confrontation among nations, civilisations, cultures
etc. This confrontation is not always harmful. It could be one of the
main driving forces for progress, inventions and new discoveries.
This is the urge of the time that the developing nations to strive
to become strong nations. As at present, economic power is the most
important element of strength, it is the duty upon all developing
countries to strive to achieve this power. Being stable economically
would not only make them stronger nations but also contribute towards
the protection of their economic, social and political culture.
Since the trends anticipated in the 21st century call for closer
economic cooperation in all fields, which include trade, aid, technology
and production, it is urged the developing countries to look into
alternatives and strive to achieve the goal soon. It can be referred to
the European Union as an example, it was not an over night effort to
consolidate and work as a united power. It takes years for these
countries to come to terms and work as an alliance. It is recommended in
the academic discussions that the developing countries to start now, as
otherwise their vision of achieving this goal would just be buried off,
however small efforts maybe now, will finally see the fruit of these
efforts in times to come. In many studies the following recommendations
proposed for the further enhancement in the economic cooperation among
the developing countries;
(i) Stronger political commitment on behalf of the developing
countries needs to be established.
(ii) The existing cooperative institutions in the developing
countries should be provided with necessary authority and
responsibilities, instead of creating unnecessary new regional
(iii) Serious steps should be taken toward establishing developing
Multinational Companies (MNCs) in specific sectors and production of
goods and services should be encourage.
(iv) Plan or layout agreements and treaties such as customs union,
free trade area and single market realise gradual economic integration.
(v) With the spread of privatisation and the mounting role of the
private sector, give businessmen in the developing countries greater
roles to play.
(vi) The concept of regionalism should be established. As
developing countries are spread over three continents, regional
sub-groupings closer relationships and ties should be encouraged between
the sub-groupings to facilitate and strengthen economic cooperation
within the developing world.
The world is changing very fast distances and time have greatly
diminished. Developing countries should match this change. Great causes
push nations to heights that would not otherwise be achieved. Closer
economic cooperation and integration among developing countries is such
a cause, shall they strive to fulfill it.
Choudhury (1998) explained about the conditions of the developing
countries and narrated that Trade became an instrument of competition
among the these countries to penetrate northern markets for hard
currencies, while the developing regional bloc could not develop its own
independent transaction numeraire for managing their trade and
development matters and valuing their assets.
In this study, we will try to discuss the hypothesis of layers of
techniques in the context of economic cooperation among the developing
countries. The above hypothesis stated that in growing economy, layers
of techniques with different productive efficiency exist and are
employed simultaneously. That what is called a phenomenon of layers of
techniques. A successful innovation lowers the variable cost per unit of
output and an entrepreneur's decision on whether to continue to
production or not is dependent on variable cost per unit of output. The
introduction of a new and most efficient technology can cause variable
cost per unit of output for the existing technologies to increase (in
relative term), forcing the least efficient one(s) to become obsolete.
The marginal techniques, the techniques which are on the verge of
obsolescence, will determine the price. Technological progress mostly
comes about the installation of new equipment, embodying more profitable
techniques at the current price structure. If demand is not increasing
pari pasu with increase in the level of production, the technique which
works at the highest cost becomes economically obsolete. Because once
capital is installed, its opportunity cost becomes equal to zero. In
this mumble economic milieu, a flood of techniques enters in the market,
so only that technique can survive which has lower variable cost per
unit of output than prevailing price structure. The only remedy for the
obsolescence is to increase the demand of that product. The solution is
suggested by the above mentioned model is the mutual co-operation, i.e.,
to formulate the common market, through which the demand level will be
increased and economically obsolete technology again will start to work.
Most of the developing countries have not the modern technology to
compare with the Western Europe, North America and the Far Eastern
developed countries. It is difficult rather impossible for them to
compete these nations because of their cost advantage. The only way out
for them is to formulate a policy of common market with the other
developing countries. Hence the formulation of common market is likely
to have an affect on the rate of obsolescence of these economies and
their capital can economically survive for a longer spell.
3. Mutual Co-operation
As already pointed out, nearly all the developing countries are not
employing the advanced technologies. The survival of the old technology
is dependent on the volume of demand. With the formulation of economic
integration, the overall demand in this bloc can be increased.
The production of the commodities is organised in two ways. One
where immediate demand is met from stocks and production is in response
to the stock holders demand for replacing their stocks. These has been
designated as Fix-Price commodities as the level of demand does not
effect the prices directly. The other group consists of those
commodities where production decisions are taken in advance of the known
demand and are based on the command resources. This will be mostly the
case with natural resource based production such as agriculture,
plantations and mining. These have been termed as Flex-Price
commodities. For them, in the short period, both supply and demand are
given and the changes in prices act as equilibrium force.
Changing in autonomous demand will affect the two types of
commodities differently. If autonomous demand decreases, the demand
curve of Flex-Price commodities will shift downwards reducing the prices
in its turn. For Fix-Price commodities it will imply less orders by
stockholders. And they in turn will order from the cheapest (least
price) supplies. The fixed capital embodies the technology of the time
when it was newly installed and this technology remains almost same up
to the equipment embodying it is a scraped.
Almost, all the developing countries are the major producers of
agricultural and minerals (primary commodities), whereas primary product
market follow mainly the Flex-Price system which relies on variations in
prices for keeping demand and supply aligned to one another, both in the
short-run and long-run. In the short-run price stability depends
crucially on the professional traders willingness to absorb stocks or to
release them in response to small variations in the market prices. In
the long-run it crucially depends on the correct forecast of future
demand sufficiently in advance of creating new capacities, which may be
quite a while in natural resource based industries. These conditions, by
and large, not been satisfied in the present century in large price
fluctuations in their prices. These price fluctuations are in no way
conducive to economic development of the producers, even their
well-being is in jeopardy. As a result of economic integration, the
demand of their industrial product should be increased. This increase in
demand will lead to the survival of that technology which is on the
verge of obsolescence as these are following the FixPrice system. Owing
to this a positive cycle will be started, which leads to the increase in
prices of the industrial product, in return the level of employment and
enhance the demand level.
It can be concluded from the above discussion that one should be
interested in both types of firms, i.e., best practice and least
efficient. Because, in translating the extra final demand of macro
models, the best-practice coefficients will be more useful than the
average ones while on the other side the coefficients of least efficient
techniques are best for the assessment of the incidence of obsolescence
and unemployment, etc.
The preceding analysis points out that the knowledge of both best
practice and least efficient coefficient is more essential than the
knowledge of average coefficients for disaggregating planning and
forecasting as well as for exercising a suitable economic policy.
Therefore, the analysis underlines the need for compiling marginal
input-output tables referring to the best practice and the least
efficient techniques, rather than to the average technique, in order to
improve the reliability of input-output estimates.
The data required for the construction of best practice and least
efficient matrices are available in the files of the Census of
Manufacture, but to analyse them is extremely time and resource
consuming. Consequently, before embarking on that, it is possible to
have a summary analysis which may go a long way in meeting the need and
also indicate whether the detailed analysis will be justified.
On the basis of summary file, the Statistical office may calculate
the production cost per unit of output and arrange the establishments in
each industry should be divided into as many groups as possible. The
groups are to be formed in such a way that the unit cost in each
establishment of a group be less than that in any subsequent group.
Moreover, the important characteristics for each group, such as
output, total cost, employment, material cost, fuel cost etc., should be
tabulated. The tabulation may be further analysed for technological
variation, continuity or discontinuity, and the feasibility of fitting
algebraic function. Finally, the effect of macro-economic conditions on
capacity utilisation, employment, fuel requirements etc., may be
elaborated industry and technique wise. For the establishment of the
common market a marginal input-output table should be constructed. From
this table the technological change can be measured, this table will
also depict the coefficients of every region/country of the Muslim bloc
and every existing technique, on the bases a policy for autonomous
demand can be formulated.
4. Recapitulations
The above analysis presents the policy of the developing world
including developing countries for export promotion, ultimately
propelling these countries towards adversity and poverty and this is
becoming the indispensable predicament of the export promotion. This is
because of technological transfer have been that of near obsolete
techniques to the developing world. The economic necessities that
imposed in shape of compulsory exports to pay up for the privilege and
the debts incurred in the process, compelled these countries to export
at any cost. To make that feasible the wage rates had to be depressed
sufficiently, in turn forcing the prices of wage goods to a low level.
This implies that modernisation in such cases will not be able to go on
in all the sectors.
From the above thesis one can recapitulate that the developing
world should consider the problem of economic obsolescence seriously. A
new institutional framework, which is capable of enhancing the efficient
economic activities in modern society of these countries, to ensure a
better and durable management of the continuous flow of techniques
should be established. It is the requirement of the time to construct
the table of marginal input-output coefficients for the whole developing
world, which depict the different layers of techniques exists in these
economies. So this will enable the whole developing block for the
further policy formation.
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Toseef Azid is Professor of Economics, Bahauddin Zakariya
University, Multan. Mohammad Aslam is District Officer, Planning,
Bahawalpur. Mohammad Omer Chaudhry is Lecturer, Department of Economics,
Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan.
Table 1
Average Industrial Wage in Developing Countries 1985
Average % of US
Country Wage (US$) Average Wade
USA 22694.0 100.0
Developing Countries Classified as
Exporters of Manufactures
Brazil 2050.0 9.0
China -- --
Hong Kong 4643.0 20.5
Hungary 1381.0 6.1
India 1013.0 4.5
Israel 6922.0 30.5
Poland 1611.0 7.1
Portugal 3405.0 15.0
Republic of Korea 3282.0 14.5
Romania -- --
Singapore 6777.0 29.9
Yugoslavia 1903.0 8.4
Other Developing Countries Having
[greater than or equal to] 30
Percent Manufacturing Exports
Bangladesh 539.0 2.9
Greece 5940.0 26.2
Pakistan 1182.0 5.2
Philippines 1357.0 6.0
Turkey 3404.0 15.0
Tunisia 3016.0 13.3
Morocco 2883.0 12.7
Uruguay 2201.0 9.7
Table 2
Average Price Indices for Groups of Countries (1975)
Real Income Group
Real GDP Per Capita (USA =100)
Range <15 15-30 30-45 45-60
Mean 9.01 23.1 37.3 52.4
Price Indices (USA = 100)
Tradables 60.0 70.0 86.6 97.9
Food 49.8 62.9 68.2 82.2
Bread and Cereals 35.3 56.7 55.0 58.1
Meat 44.4 67.3 72.7 93.2
Coffee, Tea, Cocoa 81.8 118.5 167.7 285.1
Tobacco 73.2 66.2 130.4 78.5
Clothing and Footwear 55.7 59.0 79.8 100.5
Furniture Appliances 77.6 91.4 96.3 94.9
Transport Equipment 168.4 163.5 226.2 162.4
Producers Durables 130.1 105.6 135.8 116.4
Fuel and Power 64.4 82.1 81.9 99.1
Liquid Fuel 123.4 118.4 113.7 166.0
Non Tradables 24.9 37.2 46.5 53.4
Construction 46.0 52.2 72.8 78.5
Services 20.7 34.1 41.2 46.3
Education 11.0 17.7 32.2 38.0
Medical Care 27.5 29.7 35.9 33.2
Total Consumption
(including government) 40.1 50.1 59.2 69.1
Non-residential Capital Formation 109.0 95.6 118.7 107.4
Average Industrial Wage Rate 8.4 11.0 26.0 36.9
Average Real Consumption of
Industrial Worker 20.9 22.0 43.9 53.3
Real GDP Per Capita (USA =100)
Range 60-90 > 100
Mean 76.0 100
Price Indices (USA = 100)
Tradables 118.5 100
Food 107.2 100
Bread and Cereals 97.2 100
Meat 127.2 100
Coffee, Tea, Cocoa 192.8 100
Tobacco 147.8 100
Clothing and Footwear 126.0 100
Furniture Appliances 93.8 100
Transport Equipment 149.1 100
Producers Durables 125.8 100
Fuel and Power 151.7 100
Liquid Fuel 166.5 100
Non Tradables 96.7 100
Construction 115.8 100
Services 94.6 100
Education 100.7 100
Medical Care 62.0 100
Total Consumption
(including government) 102.8 100
Non-residential Capital Formation 131.5 100
Average Industrial Wage Rate 77.5 100
Average Real Consumption of
Industrial Worker 75.4 100
Source: UNDO (1987).
Table 3
Purchasing Power Parities and Agricultural Output at PPP Rates
of Some Developing Countries, 1980
Local Currency per US $
Purchasing Power Parities
Exchange Rate GDP Agriculture
Afghanistan 44.10 na 53.37
Algeria 3.84 3.82 23.45
Bangladesh 15.48 2.76 12.89
Benin 211.30 95.63 229.57
Burkina Faso 211.30 137.35 277.77
Cameroon 209.20 200.37 256.18
Chad 211.30 120.40 192.13
Egypt 0.72 0.31 0.58
Gambia 1.75 0.76 1.81
Guinea 18.97 20.46 36.99
Guinea Bissau 33.81 19.88 30.46
Indonesia 627.00 329.99 710.79
Iran 71.58 66.52 154.27
Iraq 0.30 0.19 0.46
Jordan 0.30 0.23 0.50
Malaysia 2.18 1.28 2.63
Mali 211.30 116.09 174.65
Mauritania 45.91 43.00 51.71
Morocco 3.94 2.62 7.51
Mozambique 32.40 9.25 25.53
Niger 211.30 202.95 309.07
Nigeria 0.5 0.59 1.76
Pakistan 9.90 3.28 8.71
Saudi Arabia 3.33 3.84 6.91
Senegal 211.30 137.73 160.59
Sierra Leone 1.05 0.41 1.78
Somalia 6.30 7.48 11.60
Sudan 0.50 0.32 0.67
Suriname 1.79 1.26 2.52
Syria 3.93 1.73 4.87
Togo 211.30 169.15 270.08
Tunisia 0.41 0.28 0.50
Turkey 76.04 44.46 98.36
Uganda 0.07 0.57 0.51
USA 1.00 1.00 1.00
Yemen 4.56 1.64 12.56
Source: Karshenas (2000).
Table 4
Prices of the Cereals in the Some Selected Developing Countries
and United States (Local Currency)
Country 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- 2000 2650
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Spaghetti 500g -- -- -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Spaghetti 500g -- -- -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Spaghetti 500g -- -- -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- 13.50 14.58 17.90
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- 10.75 12.35 14.00
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Spaghetti 500g -- -- -- -- --
Brunei Darussalam
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- 1.25 -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg 1.05 -- -- --
Burkina Faso
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Spaghetti 500g -- -- -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- 155 -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- 370 -- --
Spaghetti 500g -- -- 66g -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Spaghetti 500g -- -- -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Spaghetti 500g -- -- -- -- --
Coste d'Ivoire
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Spaghetti 500g -- -- -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg 626 567 -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg 342 345 -- -- --
Spaghetti 500g 273 288 -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- 4.42 4.64
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Spaghetti 500g -- -- -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Spaghetti 500g -- -- -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Spaghetti 500g -- -- -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg 375 120 120 -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg 105 92 99 -- --
Spaghetti 500g 210 208 -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Spaghetti 500g -- -- -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Spaghetti 500g -- -- -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- 186 -- -- 263
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- 250 -- -- 295
Spaghetti 500g -- 281 -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- 3.76 4.29 4.25 4.02
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- 4.26 4.10 4.28 4.04
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Spaghetti 500g -- -- -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg 1250 1585 -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg 900 2250 -- -- --
Spaghetti 500g 650 1250 -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- -- 600
Wheat Flour
Whole 1 kg -- -- -- -- 319
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg 8.62 14.69 17.31 26.77 62.99
Wheat Flour
Whole 1 kg 3.86 9.14 8.79 9.26 22.74
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Spaghetti 500g -- -- -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Spaghetti 500g -- -- -- -- --
Saudi Arabia
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- 295 1500 6680 6680
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- 275 275 360 30
Sierra Leone
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- 189.99 210.87 180.00 520.00
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- 139.27 198.95 150.00 1467.00
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg 50.00 78.19 -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg 30.00 32.47 -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- -- 325.88
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- -- -- 339.52
Syrisa Arab Republic
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Spaghetti 500g -- -- -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Spaghetti 500g -- -- -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- -- 345
Spaghetti 500g -- -- -- -- 438
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- -- 0.650
Wheat Flour
Whole 1 kg -- -- -- -- 0.370
Spaghetti 500g -- -- -- -- 0.250
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Spaghetti 500g -- -- -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain l kg -- -- 800 -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- 1000 -- --
Spaghetti 500g -- -- 4667 -- --
United Arab Emirates
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Spaghetti 500g -- -- -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- 165.68 5.10 26.13
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- 60.00 4.18 15.12
Spaghetti 500g -- -- -- 6.00 21.00
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- -- 90
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- -- -- 70
Spaghetti 500g -- -- -- -- 70
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg 1.20 1.197 1.091 1.177 1.179
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg 0.507 0.531 0.503 0.511 0.560
Spaghetti 500g 0.939 0.929 0.901 0.958 0.908
Country 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- 99.0 86.0 --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- 67.0 66.0 --
Spaghetti 500g -- -- 110.0 104.0 --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- 5.71 5.71 -- --
Spaghetti 500g -- -- 38.2 -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- 3240 2452 2874
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- 2163 1890 2000
Spaghetti 500g -- -- 1962 1773 1830
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- 0.330 0.335 0.320 0.330
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- 0.290 0.283 0.283 0.190
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg 16.48 16.35 21.5 -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg 15.66 14.50 16.00 -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- 350 400
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- -- 300 400
Spaghetti 500g -- -- -- 300 350
Brunei Darussalam
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Burkina Faso
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- 285 285 246
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- 371 371 302
Spaghetti 500g -- -- 766 766 316
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Spaghetti 500g -- -- -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- 250 333 256 360
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- 585 559 471 680
Spaghetti 500g -- 795 650 550 304
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- 500 500 500 --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- 300 300 300 --
Spaghetti 500g -- 500 600 600 --
Coste d'Ivoire
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg 282 302 -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg 380 385 -- -- --
Spaghetti 500g 648 663 -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- 1.40 1.35 1.43 1.20
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- 1.47 1.33 1.25 1.28
-- 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Spaghetti 500g -- -- -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg 600 600 -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg 1600 1600 -- -- --
Spaghetti 500g 600 600 -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- 1192.40 3381.50 2835.00 2624.00
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- 1000.00 3546.42 2544.00 2544.00
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- 4970.38 6376.82 --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- 2058.36 2586.54 --
Spaghetti 500g -- -- 1171.51 1415.16 --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- 72.28 68.77 97.99 107.46
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- 34.00 29.74 40.03 38.33
Spaghetti 500g -- 39.17 38.70 46.73 46.99
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Spaghetti 500g -- -- -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- 10.96 11.15 23.64 20.78
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- 6.48 6.36 13.28 13.58
Spaghetti 500g -- -- -- -- 12.76
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- 900 1000 1083 1083
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- 1000 975 975 975
Spaghetti 500g -- 1100 1230 1173 1260
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- 1.54 1.84 1.82 1.81
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- 1.15 1.44 1.47 1.47
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Spaghetti 500g -- -- -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- 4.62 4.43
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- 16.00 16.00 13.50 12.00
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- 3.00 3.00 3.15 3.15
Spaghetti 500g -- 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Spaghetti 500g -- -- -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg 855 -- -- --
Wheat Flour
Whole 1 kg 355 -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Wheat Flour
Whole 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- 0.350 0.333 0.350 0.300
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- 0.272 0.272 0.256 0.159
Spaghetti 500g -- 0.357 0.356 0.366 0.361
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- 24.05 27.35 30.07 29.59
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- 9.76 9.20 10.18 10.99
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg 2.55 2.23 3.63 2.09 --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg 2.47 2.31 2.50 2.48 --
Spaghetti 500g 2.51 2.53 2.90 2.75 --
Saudi Arabia
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- 3.51 3.00 --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- l.70 1.79 --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg 225 -- -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Sierra Leone
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg 2000 -- -- -- --
Rice Long '
Grain 1 kg -- 1545.80 -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg 263.11 199.96 258.49 -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg 337.40 278.52 303.33 -- --
Syrisa Arab Republic
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00
Spaghetti 500g -- 20.00 20.00 17.50 17.50
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg 336 355 462 607 --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg 484 357 652 -- --
Spaghetti 500g 115 231 225 278 --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Spaghetti 500g -- -- -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg 0.700 0.700 -- -- --
Wheat Flour
Whole 1 kg 0.380 0.440 -- -- --
Spaghetti 500g 0.270 0.290 -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- 236760 464948 693697 1010810
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- 109993 168207 243811 361153
Spaghetti 500g -- 110000 148333 200000 272500
Rice Long
Grain l kg -- -- -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Spaghetti 500g -- -- -- -- --
United Arab Emirates
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- 2.32 2.29 -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- 1.49 1.09 -- --
Spaghetti 500g -- 1.95 1.91 -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg -- -- -- -- --
Spaghetti 500g -- -- -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg 90 -- -- -- --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg 70 -- -- -- --
Spaghetti 500g 70 -- -- -- --
Rice Long
Grain 1 kg 1.224 1.252 1.195 1.13 --
Wheat Flour
White 1 kg 0.646 0.648 0.664 0.640 0.640
Spaghetti 500g 0.937 0.978 0.987 0.940 0.940
Table 5
Wages and Labour Cost per Worker of Some Selected Developing
Countries and United States
Minimum Wage Labour Cost per Worker in
($ per Year) Manufacturing ($ per Year)
Countries 1980-84 1995-99 1980-84 1995-99
Algeria -- 1340 5242 --
Bangladesh -- 492 556 671
Burkina Faso 695 585 3282 --
Coste d'Ivoire 1246 871 5132 9995
Egypt 343 415 2210 1863
Indonesia 241 -- 898 1008
Iran -- -- 9737 --
Iraq -- -- 4624 13288
Jordan -- -- 4643 2082
Kuwait -- 3903 -- 10281
Kyrgyzstan -- -- 2287 687
Libya -- -- 8648 21119
Malaysia -- -- 2519 3429
Mali 321 459 2983 --
Morocco -- 1672 2583 3391
Niger -- -- 4074 --
Nigeria -- 300 4812 --
Oman -- -- -- 3099
Pakistan -- 600 1264 --
Saudi Arabia -- -- 9814 --
Senegal 993 848 2828 7754
Sierra Leone -- -- -- 1624
Syria -- -- 2844 4338
Tunisia 1381 1525 3344 3599
Turkey 594 1254 3582 7958
Uganda -- -- 253 --
United Arab Emirates -- -- 6968 --
United States 6006 8056 19103 28907
Source: World Bank (2000) World Development Indicators. New York:
Oxford University Press.