Economic evaluation of pesticide use externalities in the Cotton Zones of Punjab, Pakistan.
Khan, M. Azeem ; Iqbal, Muhammad ; Ahmad, Iftikhar 等
The crop protection strategy in Pakistan is almost entirely based
on pesticide use whereas development of IPM-based technologies is in its
initial phases of scrutiny as well as implementation. The inefficient
use of chemicals has resulted in environmental pollution and sub-optimal
returns to the society on the costly investments. This study estimates
the social cost of pesticide use and suggests appropriate guidelines for
regulating the safe use of pesticides. An overall economic evaluation of
the externalities for the current pesticide use levels shows that
external costs are quite higher than the currently paid price at the
farm gate level. The environmental degradation and public health costs
inflicted on the society due to the inefficient chemical use on cotton
crop amounts to twelve thousand million rupees. A reduced reliance on
crop protection through chemical methods seems inevitable for a
sustainable and healthy crop production.
At the inception of Pakistan in 1947, there was practically no
plant protection service in the country and economic soundness of plant
protection measures was not even realized for a long time. The use of
chemicals as preventive measures to reduce losses by insects and
diseases was almost non-existent during 1960s. However, the "grow
more" pressure rendered the traditional methods insufficient, to
control the ever increasing pest problem from 1970s onwards. Consumption
of pesticides in Pakistan has increased from 665 metric tonnes (MT) in
1980 (when subsidy was withdrawn) to 69897 MT in 2002. This colossal
increase in pesticide consumption has not led necessarily to an increase
in the yield of crops, as demonstrated by Poswal and Williamson (1998)
and Ahmad and Poswal (2000). This indiscriminate use of pesticides has
destroyed the bio-control agents in the agro-ecosystems and the
populations of natural enemies of the insects and pests have declined up
to 90 percent during the last decade (of the past century) especially,
in cotton growing areas of the country [Hasnain (1999)].
The farmers are mainly concerned about the private cost of
pesticide they have to incur to achieve desirable outputs and are least
concerned about the undesirable by-products of their production
processes. The pressure to maximize output is enormous especially, on
low-income resource-poor small farms and the tenants. They have little
concern for degradation of natural resources, health risks, and future
productivity. It is presumed that social cost is not currently being
accounted for in the prices of pesticides and as a consequence current
level of pesticide use is excessive. In the past, the divergence between
the private and social costs of pesticide use has been overlooked to a
criminal extent and little efforts have been undertaken by the
government to internalize the externalities involved. This unplanned use
of chemicals has resulted in environmental pollution and sub-optimal
economic returns to the society on the costly investments. Despite a
rapid increase in the use of pesticides especially on cotton crop, the
dominant sub-sector of Pakistan's agriculture, little research is
conducted to evaluate the productivity of pesticide use or to analyze
their possible adverse effects on the natural resource base of the
The studies conducted at the international arena have shown massive
external costs, associated with the use of pesticides in agriculture, to
the respective societies. Pimental, et al. (1992) estimated that the
external cost of pesticide use for the USA amounted to $8 billion per
annum. A second attempt was made by Steiner, et al. (1995) who estimated
a cost of externalities of the order of $1.3 billion to $3.6 billion for
the USA economy. This was two to three time less than the externality cost estimated by Pimental and his colleagues. Waibel, et al. (1999)
estimated an external cost of pesticide use amounting to at least 252
million DM per year for Ex Federal State of Germany. This cost accounted
for 23 percent of the respective private cost actually paid by the
These external costs are not paid for the impairment of health
among pesticide users, reduction in biodiversity, ground water
contamination, residues in food items, and so on. These costs need to be
internalized by making all the stakeholders to consider it into their
accounts. This study attempts at highlighting the external costs
associated with pesticide use in Pakistan and to suggest appropriate
guidelines for regulating the safe use of pesticides in the country. The
externalities assessed in this study arise from the routine and legal
use of pesticides on cotton crop in Multan and Bahawalpur, the two main
cotton-producing divisions of Punjab. The estimates include the
quantitative extent of adverse impacts of pesticide on human health,
natural resources, food chain, production losses, and domestic animal
Formal survey and case study methodologies were used to collect
evidence on pesticide applicators' poisoning, health hazards to
domestic animals, loss of biodiversity, production losses due to pest
resistance, loss in wild honeybee colonies and production loss due to
reduction in pollinators. Pesticide-associated poisoning in. animals and
human was further substantiated through collecting evidence from local
veterinary clinics and human health dispensaries and hospitals. The
surveys and scientific case studies provided sufficient base to estimate
external cost of pesticide in monetary terms. The secondary data from
national statistics and information collected from research and
extension system were used to aggregate findings of case and scientific
The study also used the results of lab analyses of blood and food
constituents and the cross-section information collected from pesticide
dealers, manufacturers, laborers and market intermediaries. The yearly
statistical books were consulted for area and production of cotton crop,
vegetable crops, livestock census, and pesticide use overtime. The
experimental data collected from the provincial and central cotton
research institutes were used to estimate production losses that ensue due to pest problems. The vegetable market intermediaries were contacted
to collect data on seasonal supplies and price variability of locally
produced vegetables.
Analytical Framework
The external costs are categorized as actual and potential costs in
terms of damage costs or damage abatement costs respectively Table 1.
The potential costs include costs of establishment of laboratories for
pesticide residue analyses, residue monitoring programmes, and training
programmes on the safe use of pesticides. The loss of biodiversity, pest
resistance, fatalities (animal, human, honeybee as pollinator, and
birds) are the instances of actual cost born by the society. The
assessment of the actual and potential external costs was required to
specifically design the corrective measures in accordance to the
pesticide use level and its relative impact on health, pest resistance
and environment.
The procedure of the study is based on the methodology developed by
the Hannover University Pesticide Policy Project (HU-PPP), which has
been tested before in several countries in Asia, Africa and Latin
America. The HU-PPP concept for policy analysis in crop protection has
been widely recognized and is now being used by international and
bilateral donor agencies.
Different economic evaluation techniques like market price and
contingent evaluation approaches were used to reach at the reliable
results. The scientific evidence based on lab analyses was accumulated
on health hazards to women cotton pickers, contamination of food
products (vegetables, fruits, edible oil and animal milk) and natural
resources (soil and water). The results synthesized in this study
include occupational poisoning, food residues, drinking water contamination, pest resistance, loss of bio-diversity, cost of
prevention and abatement measures, and the cost of awareness campaign.
The evidence on known (workdays loss, treatment cost, human and
animal fatalities and pollination losses etc.); probable (rejection of
contaminated products like fruits, vegetables, cottonseed oil, drinking
water, loss of wildlife, birds and beneficial insects etc.); and
possible external costs (monitoring, analyses, and mass media costs,
etc.) were collected from the sample locations in the cotton growing
divisions (1) of Multan and Bahawalpur.
The plant protection measures in Pakistan at present are mostly
limited to the use of pesticides and collectively 83 percent of the
pesticides are used to control insects, pests and diseases of cotton,
rice and sugarcane. In cotton production, which accounts for about 54
percent of the pesticide quantity, the indiscriminate use has provoked
the development of resistance in insects/pests and the outbreak of
secondary pests. This has resulted in high crop protection costs and
declining cotton yields. The average number of insecticide applications
on cotton increased significantly in 1990s (Figure 1).
The majority of the farmers were using a minimal level of zero or
1-2 sprays during 1988 or earlier. This proportion declined considerably
by 1991-92 and the percentage of cotton growers applying 3-4 sprays in a
season attained its peak during 1991 and then switched over even to a
higher number of 5-6 sprays in a season. The most of the cotton growers
were applying six sprays to their cotton crop during 1996. In the past
few years, a greater number of growers have moved towards 7 to 11
sprays. The increase in number of sprays was not mainly for yield
improvements, but to avoid crop damages--mainly accruing due to the
massive pest buildup and development of resistance in pests.
Besides development of resistance in insects and pests, the
indiscriminate use of pesticides has also destroyed the bio-control
agents in our agro-ecosystems. In fact, increased pesticide consumption
has not led to increase in yields in all cases, particularly in cotton.
Almost three-fold increase in pesticide consumption is observed at the
expense of disproportionate improvements in the yield of cotton crop,
which has consumed lion's share of pesticides (Figure 2).
The case study results demonstrated that there is a great potential
for reducing over use of pesticide on cotton in Pakistan because the
least efficient farmers achieve the same cotton yield while spending 70
percent more on pesticides than the best of their counterparts. It seems
that an ample scope exists for encouraging a more efficient pesticide
use without inflicting any economic injury to the farmers. For example,
by applying an input charge (which would recover the implicit subsidies
and signal the real costs of the inputs to the users) accompanied by
appropriate changes in the pesticide regulatory policy.
Initially, in the 1950s pesticides were used for the first time to
combat the attacks of locust. In 1954, the government imported
formulated pesticides amounting to 254 metric tonnes. This was the
beginning of the pesticides business in the country. Until 1980, Plant
Protection Department was responsible for pesticide import and its
distribution in the country through national agricultural extension network. Most of the pesticide imports were for aerial spray to control
locust, pests of sugarcane, cotton, rice, tobacco, and fruit crops. The
pesticides were subsidized and aerial spraying was free of cost.
Thereafter, the government started to charge nominal cost of pesticides
from farmers, which was then extended up to 25 percent recovery of the
total pesticide application cost. The subsidy on pesticides was totally
abolished during 1980 and 1982 in Punjab and Sindh, respectively.
Pakistan's crop protection policy has been focused on
safeguarding the supply of affordable pesticides while maintaining
standards for product registration according to internationally accepted
norms. Beginning in 1980, pesticide distribution was shifted entirely
from the government to the private sector. A policy for stimulating
local formulation of pesticide products has been in place. The
registration scheme was deregulated in 1993 to facilitate imports of
generic compounds already registered under trade names and imports of
pesticides that are registered and used in OECD countries or China.
The majority of pesticide products are now imported under the
generics and import permission scheme as opposed to trade name
registration. The Regulations for distribution, storage, use and
disposal have been promulgated, but generally lack enforcement. The
pesticide product quality problems and adulteration reportedly has
increased after the introduction of the generic scheme. With regard to
monitoring of residues in food, drinking water and the environment, a
comprehensive national monitoring system is still missing.
Externalities of Pesticide Use
The environmental and social cost of pesticide use to the nation
amounted to 11941 million rupees per year (Table 2). The bulk of the
cost is caused through production losses due to resistance development
in cotton pests and damages to domestic animals, followed by damage to
human health, loss of biodiversity and monitoring costs of residues in
food chain. The costs of monitoring through residue analysis and
implementation of pesticide use regulations belong to the damage
prevention costs.
Human Health Costs
More than one quarter of the farmers did not show much
consciousness in observing basic precautions during spraying operations.
The pesticide-related illnesses are causing a considerable number of
fatalities, treatment costs, and income loss especially, in the poorer
sections of the rural communities. Substantial amounts of 24 million in
terms of treatment, 18 million for work loss during ailments and 224
million rupees for accidental deaths are estimated as the externality
costs. Total health externality of pesticide applicators adds to 267
million rupees leaving aside the partial recovery and long-term
consequences to the effected individuals (Table 2).
Most of the cotton pickers were not aware of using caution (such as
putting on gloves, wearing shoes and covering face) during picking.
Health hazards to women cotton pickers show that about 2.23 million
women got sick from their exposure to pesticide used on cotton crop and
huge economic losses of 105 million rupees occur due to health treatment
costs. The money value of five days work loss of 2.23 million-picker
amounts to 660 million rupees that is an external cost to the lowest
income strata of society (Table 2). In this way an externality of 765
million rupees is inflicted on women involved in cotton picking on field
where pesticide have been applied most extensively.
Tahir, et al. (2001) conducted a study in Multan and Bahawalpur
divisions to assess the level of poisoning among cotton pickers. The
cholinesterase (ChE) activity levels measured in the blood of cotton
pickers showed chronic pesticide poisoning. The results of blood
analysis given in Table 3 show that the post spray season ChE activity
in blood samples of only 10 percent female pickers was found to be in
the normal range of 88-100 percent whereas this level was hazardous
(00-50 percent) among 42 percent of the pickers.
Out of 1000 labourers working at 25 pesticide plants 500 were
reported sick by inhaling pesticide emissions. The treatment cost for
ailments accounted for about 0.1 million in case of minor ailments and
0.45 million rupees for acute poisoning cases.
Pesticide Residues in Food Chain
The residual effect of pesticides applied on crops appears in the
food chain. The analysis of samples of food and animal feed products
produced in the high pesticide use zones showed that a high proportion
of these items contain residues in excess of standards for marketing and
consumption (Figure 3). The presence of residues in food and fiber
products is threatening the export opportunities to markets in foreign
All the vegetable samples were found contaminated, out of which 63
percent samples were exceeding MRLs. The 51 percent of the vegetable
produce that was found unsuitable for human consumption would account
for 9.4 thousands metric tonnes (MT) of kharif vegetables that should
either be thrown away or abandoned for human consumption. This could
result into an economic loss of 72.3 million rupees if pesticide use on
vegetable is not regulated. About 327 thousand MT of edible oil and 2146
thousand MT of oilseed cake produced in the Punjab would need to be
abandoned for consumption purposes. The economic value of this
externality amounts to 7.23 million for cottonseed oil and 16.1 million
rupees for the oilseed cake.
Animal and Honeybee Poisoning
The use of pesticide on crops is also resulting in the poisoning of
domestic animals through various ways. The common sources of animal
poisoning are: (a) feeding fodders carrying sprayed chemicals; (b)
chemicals residues in the cotton seed cake; and (c) chemicals residues
in the wheat straw. Animal succumbed to acute poisoning if fed
accidentally with poisoned fodder. Major consequences of poisoning on
animal health include loss in milk productivity (40 percent), loss in
vigor (36 percent) and mortality (18 percent). The money value of
externality of animal poisoning incidences amounts to 1304 million
rupees, when aggregated over the total population of small and large
ruminants and poultry birds in the study zone. The increased pesticide
use has severely affected the wild honeybee colonies in the area and has
deprived the farming communities of sizeable direct and indirect
benefits. The direct annual loss of 9.91 million rupees is accrued on
account of a loss of 5661 MT of honey. The indirect loss is through
probable reduced yield of pollinated crops due to decline in population
of the honeybees. There is no scientific evidence available in Pakistan,
to directly relate sunflower yield losses to depletion in
pollinators' population. Piemetal, et al. (1,993) estimated
honeybees related pollination losses of about 10 percent for pollinated
crops. Assuming a conservative 10 percent loss in sunflower production
due to reduction in honeybees as pollinator would result in a net annual
loss of 6.55 million rupees in the selected 9 districts of the cotton
Pest Resistance, Resurgence, and Biodiversity Loss
The greatest concern is now also being shown to the question that
how the use of pesticides effect biodiversity. Pearce and Tinch (1998)
indicated that yet this is the subject about which least appears to be
known. Irshad (1999) has classified a comprehensive review on pest
resistance problems in Pakistan. He improved upon his predecessors Matin and Jabbar (1988) and Jabbar (1988), who reported preliminary
information on the pest resistance issues. The development of pesticide
resistance in pest population is resulting in additional applications of
pesticides to maintain the crop yields. This becomes more obvious during
pest flare-ups, which cause serious setbacks (2) to our cotton crop. The
additional cost of increased pesticide application, due to pesticide
resistance developed in the pests, is about 11000 rupees per hectare.
This amounts to 5667 million rupees when extrapolated to 1.7 million
hectares of cotton grown in the study area. Similarly, a loss of 374
million rupees per annum is estimated occurring due the loss of
biodiversity resulting from pesticide use.
The structure of external costs of pesticide use in our
agricultural production systems is shown in Figure 4. About 49 percent
external cost can be attributed to the pest resistance problem, while
loss in biodiversity and human and animal health damages respectively
accounted for 29 and 20 percent of the total external costs. The damage
prevention cost on residue monitoring and public awareness is less than
2 percent.
This shows that what a meager amount we are spending on damage
prevention strategies against the damages caused through production
losses, additional pesticide use, human health and animal fatalities.
The Cost Benefit Analysis of Pesticide Use
The benefit cost ratios were estimated separately using private
costs as well as social costs associated with pesticide use and are
reported in Table 4. Potential yield gains of pest control were
estimated by calculating 27 percent yield loss of cotton due to insect
pests and assuming 50 percent effectiveness of insecticide control under
farmer conditions. The production loss estimates are based on the
results presented in the annual reports (1992-1999) of Central Cotton
Research Institute, Multan. About 272 kg per hectare increase in the
yield of seed-cotton was estimated with pesticide use. The actual gross
benefit of pest control was calculated as 8069 million rupees by
multiplying incremental yield with price of seed-cotton (Rs 17.5/kg) and
the total cotton area of 9 districts (1.7 million hectare). In order to
calculate benefit cost ratio, the private costs of pesticides were added
to the producer rent yielding the gross value added from this input
The social cost (private plus the external cost) resulted into a
benefit-cost ratio of about 0.43. This shows that benefit cost ratio of
1.14 reduced significantly when external cost was added in the total
cost. However, the ratio of external costs to the private cost of
pesticide use is quite high (1.64), which shows other tradeoffs
involving environmental quality, irreversible damages to agro-ecosystem
and human health problems.
An overall economic evaluation of the externalities of current
pesticide use levels show that the external costs are quite higher than
the currently paid price at the farm gate level. This means that the
true cost of pesticides for the national economy are currently grossly
understated since they are more than twice as high as assumed by the
participants in the pesticide market. If externalities are incorporated
in the market price of pesticide products, there will be an incentive to
reduce inefficient use and related external effects, which subsequently
benefits the national economy. From a strictly cost benefit approach, it
appears that pesticide use is not beneficial (Table 4).
The present study conducted in the cotton growing belt of Pakistan
provide evidence which shows significant impacts of pesticides on
society and strongly recommends the promotion of precautionary
approaches towards the use of pesticides in agriculture. The reduced
reliance on crop protection products seems inevitable for sustainable
and healthy crop production. The basic structure of the external costs
of pesticide use established in this study help to draw important
conclusion to introduce economic instrument for regulating the pesticide
Imposition of access on import of pesticides and raw materials is
recommended for investment of the proceeds in health care, residue
monitoring, research and extension. The emphasis needs now to be shifted
from sheer plant protection to total crop management for sustainable and
healthy crop production. Similarly, other steps to discourage cheap
availability of pesticide to users and strict enforcement of regulatory
measures are also suggested. The major future strategy components to
promote rational use of pesticides are given here as under.
Policy Regulations
The government of Pakistan should review mechanism for the
enforcement of existing legislation in pesticide for import,
registration, formulation, distribution, advertising, usage and
disposal. The legislation should be amended in cases where human health
and the environment are endangered to an un-necessarily high degree.
Proper taxing of pesticides is required as an instrument of Integrated
Pest Management (IPM) policy. The financing of monitoring and control
may be assured by a targeted cess on pesticide products. The government
should be giving increased emphasis to provide an incentive system
including the use of economic instruments in reducing uneconomic
pesticide use and promotion of market mechanisms for the production of
food and fiber with reduced pesticide use and safety measures or risk
Public Awareness on True Cost of Pesticide Use
The true costs including external costs of pesticides must be made
explicit to everybody for the benefit of the common people and the
economy. Hiding such information will cause unnecessary risks for the
Pakistani people and endanger the competitiveness of Pakistan's
exports in the international markets.
Institutional Reforms
The government of Pakistan may create an enabling environment for
transforming the existing pesticide market into a market for crop
protection information. In this regard the role of extension staff and
NGOs in farm level extension work has to be strengthened. The government
should set targets for environmental quality and human health related to
pesticides use in collaboration with ministries of Agriculture,
Environment, and Health. A proper national monitoring and surveillance
system also needs to be established.
Capacity Building
The government should support capacity building in economic
analyses of pesticide use and assessment of externalities. IPM may be
taken as a farming system approach rather than a commodity approach.
Instead of having a centralized research system, IPM research should
agree on a common ecological framework in support of local
decision-making. The national IPM Programme (Nat-IPM) may be
strengthened. Substantial increases in the allocation of financial
resources to promote IPM methods in crop protection need immediate
attention at planning and policy levels. Implementation of farmer-led
IPM approach could help in achieving the production, income, health,
environment, and equity goals.
The authors have examined a very important issue. How the use of
pesticides in cotton has increased over time and how it has led to the
occurrence of huge negative externalities to the people of the growing
areas without a corresponding increase in its yield points to the
gravity of the issue. Using a large and diversified set of data obtained
through field surveys and case studies, and records of hospitals,
dispensaries and veterinary clinics, they have estimated and evaluated
(by applying the methodology developed by the Hannover University
Pesticide Policy Project) the cost of externalities to the society in
terms of human health, crop production, and general environment. Large
monetary estimates of externality costs to the residents of the cotton
zones considered are reported in support of their claim. It does account
for a good effort.
Needless to say that an adequate quantity of reliable data is sine
qua non for such an evaluation. To this end, the methodologies of
surveys and case studies are not adequately explained in terms of sample
size, selection of sample respondents, coverage of growers and
non-growers, etc. Similarly, the analytical framework applied is
referred to be based on HU-PPP. The nature of the study warrants
discussion of this analytical framework even if in very brief form as
its original source may not be readily accessible to all the readers.
The authors have measured production losses caused by excessive
sprays of pesticides by comparing experimental with farm-level yields of
cotton. This approach is likely to have caused upward bias in production
losses. Instead, the comparison of yields of progressive or efficient
farmers with those of the general farmers could have been a more valid
approach to estimating production losses.
The author's forceful emphasis on reducing the present use of
pesticides may be justified in the face of colossal loss to the society.
The use of pesticides may have exceeded the optimal level, as the number
and dozes of sprays are reported to have both increased significantly
overtime. However, the researchers have not been able to state what is
the optimal number of sprays and the quantity of pesticides for
information of the stakeholders. Further, the authors are also right in
advising enhancement of farm-level prices of pesticides to reduce their
rate of application. In my view, a concrete recommendation about how
much reduction in use of pesticides is required and what increase in
their prices can be effective in achieving it was needed for the benefit
of all concerned with the scenario under focus. Making use of the price
elasticity of demand for pesticides could have enabled the authors to
estimate the accurate impact of a given increase in price on their
consumption. Despite the need of such additional analysis, the study has
a useful message.
Mohammad Ali Chaudhary
Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad.
Authors' Note: The authors express their sincere thanks to the
Technical Experts of FAO Global IPM Facility, Rome, Italy, to the
Representative, FAO, Pakistan, and to International Consultants,
Pesticide Policy Project at the University of Hannover, Germany, for
financial and technical support and valuable comments/suggestions.
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Pimental, D., H. Acquay, M. Biltonen, P. Rice, M. Silva, J. Nelson,
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Giordane, A. Horowitz, and M. D'Amore (1993) Assessment of
Environmental and Economic Impacts of Pesticide use. In D. Pimental and
Ethics. Chapman and Hall, New York and London, pp. 47-84.
Poswal, M. A., and S. Williamson (1998) Stepping off the Cotton
Pesticide Treadmill: Preliminary Findings from a Farmers'
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Centre, Rawalpindi.
Steiner, R. L. McLaughlin P. Faeth, and R. Janke (1995)
Incorporating Externality Costs into Productivity Measures: A Case Study
Using US Agriculture. In V. Barbett and Payne and R Steiner (eds)
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Heft 6, 219-230.
(1) The external costs were confined to the sample divisions,
because: (a) these represent intensively managed 80 percent of the total
cotton acreage of the Punjab; and Co) intensity of pesticide use was
higher in these regions as compared with that in rest of the 20 percent
cotton planted in the diversified agroecologies.
(2) The farmers of the area reported the occurrence of at least 3
such setbacks to cotton crop during the last decade.
Muhammad Azeem Khan, Iftikhar Ahmad, and Manzoor H. Soomro are
working at National Agricultural Research Centre, lslamabad, and
Muhammad lqbal is Research Economist at Pakistan Institute of
Development Economics, lslamabad.
Table 1
Damage Costs and Damage Abatement Costs Estimated in
Different Areas
Damage Abatement
Externality Area/Category Damage Cost Cost
1. Human Health
Occupational Poisoning
Pesticide Applicators Fatalities, Blood Samples Cost,
Treatment Cost Awareness
Campaigns, Workdays
loss Monitoring
Women Cotton Pickers Treatment Cost Blood Samples
Monitoring Cost,
Campaigns, Workdays
Industrial Workers, Acute/minor Blood Samples
Distribution, Storage ailment cost; Monitoring Cost,
and Disposal Treatment Cost, Awareness
Environmental Campaigns,
Degradation Implementation of
Safety Regulations,
Workdays Loss
Pesticide Residues
Kharif Vegetables Potential Residue Monitoring,
Externality for Implementation of
Rejected Regulations
Irrigation and Contamination Residue Monitoring,
Drinking-water of Underground Opportunity Cost to
Water Resources get Clean Water
Cottonseed-oil and Rejection of Residue Monitoring,
Cottonseed--cake Contaminated Awareness cost
Cottonseed oil
and cake
2. Production Externalities
Pest Resistance Yield Loss Research and
Extension, more
Pesticide use cost
Domestic Animal Production Separate Fodder
Poisoning Loss, Mortality Crops, Awareness
and Treatment cost
Wild Honeybee Loss Loss of Honey Research to Prove
and Yield Loss and Prevent Honey
Due to Bee Losses
Pollinator Loss
3. Environmental Externalities
Wildlife and Birds Loss of useful Ecosystem Analyses
Misects and to Restore Natural
birds Fauna Balance
Loss in Bio-diversity Stagnating or Ecosystem Analyses
Declining to Restore Natural
Productivity Balance, Increased
Pesticide Use
4. Health/Environmental Health and Establishment of
Monitoring Environmental Regular residue
Damages Monitoring System
5. Public Awareness Complexity to Campaigns on Safe
Campaigns Develop General and Judicious use
Recommendations of Pesticides
Table 2
External Cost of Pesticide Use in the Major Cotton Growing Areas
of Punjab
Types of External Cost Effects Identified Value
(Million Rs)
1. Human Health
Occupational Poisoning
Pesticide Applicators Fatalities, 266.70
Treatment Cost,
Workdays Loss
Women Cotton Pickers Treatment Cost, 765.00
Workdays Loss
Industrial Workers Acute/Minor Ailment 0.64
Distribution, Storage Environmental/Health
and Disposal Problems NQ (a)
Pesticide Residues in Food
Kharif Vegetables Potential 72.3
Externality for
Rejected Outputs
Drinking-water Opportunity Cost of 14.3
Labor to Get Clean
Cottonseed-oil and Potential 23.3
Cottonseed-cake Externality for
Cottonseed-oil and
2. Production Externalities
Pest Resistance Yield Loss and More 5667.0
Pesticide use Cost
Domestic Animal Production Loss, 1304.5
Poisoning Mortality and
Treatment Cost
Wild Honeybee and Loss of Honey and 63.2
Sunflower Production Yield Loss Due to
Losses Pollinator Loss
3. Environmental
Wildlife and Birds Loss of useful NQ
Insects and Birds
Fauna with
Increased use of
Loss in Bio-diversity Increased 3745
Dependence on
Pesticide use to
get Stagnating or
4. Health/Environmental Cost of Toxicity
Monitoring Analyses 4.8
5. Public Awareness Cost of Public 14.1
Campaigns Extension Media and
Total 11,941
(a) NQ = Effects yet not quantified.
Table 3
Proportion of Female Pickers by ChE Activity Percentage Groups
during Pre-spray and Post-spray Season in 2000
Percent Activity of ChE
Normal Mild Moderate Considerable
Surveys (88-100) (76-87) (65-75) (514)
Pre-season 71 15 7 5
Post-season 10 16 13 1
Percent Activity of ChE
Surveys (00-50)
Pre-season 2
Post-season 42
Table 4
Benefit-cost Ratio of Pesticide Use in the Cotton Zone of Pakistan's
Total Costs per Year 18611 Million Rupees
Pesticide Costs (Chemical + Spray) 7044 Million Rupees
External Costs 11567 Million Rupees
Benefit 8069 Million Rupees
Benefit-cost Ratio without External Cost 1.14
Benefit-cost Ratio with External Cost 0.43
Fig. 4. Percent Share of Different External
Costs in Total Pesticide Use
Occupational Poisoning 9%
Residues in Food Chain 1%
Pest Resistance 49%
Residue Monitoring 1%
Animal Poisoning 11%
Biodiversity loss 28%
Note: Table made from pie chart.