Adoption of recommended varieties: a farm-level analysis of wheat growers in irrigated Punjab.
Iqbal, Muhammad ; Khan, M. Azeem ; Ahmad, Munir 等
This study uses farm level data to analyse the determinants of
adoption of recommended wheat varieties in irrigated Punjab, Pakistan. A
notable proportion of wheat acreage is sown to non-recommended wheat
varieties in the province. These cultivars had either lost (overtime) or
did not have resistance against yellow rust. Farm size, education, and
size of wheat enterprise on the farm are the important determinants of
adoption of recommended wheat varieties while tractor ownership and
irrigation source play a positive but insignificant role in the adoption
decisions. Age and tenure proved to be less of a constraint towards
adoption of the recommended wheat varieties. The likelihood of the
adoption of recommended wheat varieties varied among tehsils, with the
highest probabilities of adoption in Melsi and Arifwala tehsils of
cotton-wheat zones I and II respectively.
Pakistan is gifted with a wide range of agro-climatic regions
suited for the production of a wide diversity of crops. Wheat is the
major crop of the country and it is cultivated under irrigated as well
as rainfed conditions in all the provinces. It accounted for 37.18
percent of the total cropped area of the country during 19992000. The
share of wheat in total value-added in agriculture was over 12 percent
during the same year. The province of Punjab is the main producer of the
crop and contributes over 73 and 78 percent in terms of wheat acreage
and production respectively. Despite the allocation of most of the land
and other resources to wheat production, the country has been a net
importer of wheat, excepting a few years in the past. Pakistan had to
import wheat in a record amount during the year 1996-97, whereas it
experienced a bumper crop production during 1999-2000 and had a notable
amount of exportable surplus.
Evolution of new high-yielding/disease-resistant wheat varieties
and development of other technological innovations play an important
role in increasing wheat productivity. The wheat breeders at various
research institutions of the national agricultural research system of
Pakistan are continuously busy in developing new varieties with the
required characteristics. Studies have shown that a steady progress in
increasing wheat yields and improving disease resistance have been
achieved [Byerlee (1993)]. However, large yield gaps exist among the
farm-level yield of wheat and that obtained at the research stations
[Iqbal, et al. (1994); Ali and Iqbal (1984)]. This yield gap is
attributed to various biological and socio-economic factors, variety
being one of the most important among them.
Since the release of Maxipak in 1965, more than 80 wheat varieties
have been released by the national agricultural research system (NARS),
and only 25 of them were commercially adopted [Farooq and Iqbal (2001)].
Historically, adoption of wheat varieties has been slow in Pakistan and
involved long lags between the time of release of a variety and the time
of its (wider) adoption at farmers' fields. The analysis of
diffusion and adoption of new varieties and other interventions evolved
for farm-level use has been an area of special interest to the
economists. (1)
However, in Pakistan, efforts in this regard have been sporadic,
scant, and limited in scope. The purpose of this paper is to document
the extent of adoption of high-yielding wheat varieties in the irrigated
Punjab and identify the determinants of adoption of these varieties. The
marginal probabilities for various explanatory variables would also be
The paper comprises four parts. Section II deals with the
description of data and the specification of the model to be estimated.
The results regarding the composition of wheat varieties grown in Punjab
and the estimates of the model are discussed in Section III. Section IV
concludes the findings of the study.
The study is based on primary data collected through a formal
survey of wheat growers in the irrigated plains of Punjab, Pakistan. The
universe of this study comprises wheat growers in mung-wheat zone,
cotton-wheat zone I, cotton-wheat zone II, and mixed cropping zone of
the province. A multi-stage sampling technique was used to select the
sample wheat growers. At the first stage, three to five major
wheat-producing districts from the above-mentioned zones were
purposively selected. At the second stage, one to two tehsils from each
district and four to five villages from each tehsil were randomly
selected. Finally, from each village, eight to ten farmers were randomly
selected for formal interviews. This gave a total sample of 660 wheat
growers. Seven questionnaires had to be discarded due to incomplete and
faulty information, and thus data for 653 observations were analysed.
The sample included 338 small, 203 medium, and 112 large-size farms,
which respectively constituted 52, 31, and 17 percent of the total
sample size. The district-level composition of the sample by various
zones is as follows.
Mung-wheat zone Bhakkar, Mianwali, and Layyah districts;
Cotton-wheat zone I Multan, Muzaffargarh, Vehari, Khanewal, and
Lodhran districts;
Cotton-wheat zone II Sahiwal, Pakpatan, Bahawalnagar, and
Okara districts;
Mixed cropping zone Faisalabad, Toba Tek Singh, and Jhang
The adoption or non-adoption of recommended wheat varieties (RWV)
was treated as a decision involving a dichotomous response variable. The
variables representing farmer and farm attributes are likely to affect
farmers' decision about adoption of RWV. These include age,
education, farming experience, farm size, tenure, irrigation source,
extension contact, access to credit, and location of the farm (distance
of the farm from market, agricultural research institute/station, and/or
seed multiplication center, etc). Different studies on the subject have
used different sets of explanatory variables and, to some extent, with
diverse definitions and/or measurements (2) of these variables. Most of
these studies consider the total farm area as an important factor
affecting farm-level adoption of technology. However, we consider the
size of operational holding rather than the total farm size to be the
more relevant variable. Moreover, in addition to the size of operational
holding, the size of the concerned crop enterprise itself may also play
a role in affecting the adoption decisions; and the inadequate
enterprise size is expected to impede adoption of recommended varieties,
especially if they are relatively of poor quality and the farmers grow
wheat for family consumption. None of the adoption studies could
conceive the probable role that the inadequate size of a particular crop
enterprise can play in adoption decisions. This study uses the size of
operational holding as well as the size of wheat enterprise along with
other explanatory variables.
This study is based on a data set collected by Agricultural
Economics Research Unit (AERU), Faisalabad, through a survey of
varieties of selected crops in the irrigated Punjab during 1996-97. The
information on variables like extension contact, access to credit, and
distance of the farm from agricultural research institutions and seed
multiplication centers, etc., are missing and are a limitation. The
evidence on effectiveness of the extension system of Pakistan has not
been proven in any of the studies known to the authors. Similarly, the
use and need of credit for purchasing wheat seed is also expected to be
minimal, as most farmers in Pakistan purchase a small amount of seed of
new variety or varieties to start with, multiply it on their farm, and
then use own-produced seed for several years. For capturing the effect
of farm location, dummy variables representing various tehsils were
included in the model.
As mentioned earlier, adoption of RWV is treated as a binary dependent variable. The researchers have very popularly used Qualitative
Response Models (QRM) for analysis of the data sets involving such
binary response variables. (3) Harper, et al. (1990) analysed factors
that influence adoption of insect management technology by rice
producers in Texas. Malik, et al. (1991) used probit analysis to study
the role of credit in agricultural development in Pakistan. Hussain, et
al. (1994) used it to study the impact of training and visit (T & V)
extension system in the irrigated Punjab (Pakistan). Ahmad and Battese
(1996) used the probit model to study the incidence of Cotton Leaf Curl
Virus in Punjab (Pakistan). The probit model assumes that there is an
underlying response variable [y.sup.*.sub.i] defined by the following
[y.sup.*.sub.i] = [beta]'[x.sub.i] + [u.sub.i] ... (1)
Actually [y.sub.i] is not observable. What we observe is a binary
variable Yi defined as
[y.sub.i] = 1 if [y.sup.*.sub.i] > 0 [y.sub.i] = 0 Otherwise
The term [beta]' [x.sub.i] is not E ([y.sub.i] | [x.sub.i]) as
in linear model; it is E ([y.sup.*.sub.i] | [x.sub.i]). The probability
[P.sub.i] of the adoption of recommended wheat varieties on ith
farms is
Prob([y.sub.i] = 1) = Prob([u.sub.i] > - [beta]' [x.sub.i])
= 1 - F(-[beta]' [x.sub.i]) ... (2)
Where F is cumulative distribution function of [u.sub.i]. In this
case the observed value of [y.sub.i] are just realisation of a binomial process with probabilities given by the above equation. The likelihood
function can be written as
The functional form of the above equation depends upon the
assumption made about the distribution of [u.sub.i]. In probit model we
assume that [u.sub.i] are IN(0, [[sigma].sup.2]). In this case
The marginal probability of an explanatory variable "k"
in the probit model is defined as the following partial derivative
Where [phi]([x'.sub.i][beta]) denotes the standard normal
density function and 13k is the coefficient of kth independent variable.
The study estimated various indicators of adoption including crude
adoption rate, intensity of adoption, participation index, and the
propensity to adopt. The crude adoption rate is defined as the
proportion of the farmers cultivating RWV and is applicable to measuring
adoption in the aggregate. The intensity of adoption refers to the ratio
of area under RWV to total wheat acreage and is a more relevant measure
at the farm-level. Participation rate is the product of crude adoption
rate and intensity of adoption. The propensity to adopt is the
likelihood of a farmer to adopt RWV. The marginal probabilities related
to various explanatory variables affecting adoption of RWV were
calculated using the estimates of the probit model. For empirical
estimation of the model, the dependent variable ADOPTION was defined as
0 if a farmer allocated all wheat acreage to non-recommended varieties
and 1 otherwise. (4) The explanatory variables used in the model include
the farmer and farm-related attributes like age (AGE), education (EDU),
farm size (OPERHOLD), tenancy status (DOWNER), source of traction power
(DOWNTRCT), irrigation source (DCANAL), size of wheat enterprise
(DENTERP), and location of the farm (tehsil dummies DTEH1 through
DTEHI6). The location dummy for Bhakkar Tehsil (DTEH1) was dropped from
the list of explanatory variables included in the empirical model to
avoid a perfect multicollinearity. The complete list of variables used
in estimation of the probit model and their definitions are given in the
following table.
The socio-economic characteristics of the farmers and attributes
associated with their farms are likely to influence the farmers'
receptivity of new innovations and the decision to adopt new
technological interventions. The information on age, education, farm
size, tenancy status, farm power and irrigation source was obtained and
the socio-economic profiles of the sampled wheat growers are presented
in Table 2. Average age of the respondents was about 43 years. There
were no significant variations in the mean age of farmers across the
cropping zones. Education among farmers of the area under study was very
low and, on the average, farmers had about 6 years of schooling. The
education level of the farmers operating small and medium size farms was
significantly lower than that of farmers operating the large farms.
Similarly, education among the tenant farmers was significantly lower
than that among the owner and owner-cum-tenant farmers. The average size
of the operational holding was 20.47 acres. The mean size of land
holdings varied significantly among zones. The average size of holding
in cotton-wheat zone-II was significantly higher than the average farm
size in other cropping zones. Similarly, the farm size of the
owner-cum-tenant farms was significantly higher than the owner--or
tenant-operated farms.
Relationship of the operator farmer with land (tenancy status or
tenure) is also expected to affect the decision-making process of a
farmer especially for medium-and long-term investment at his farm and in
the adoption of improved farming practices. According to relationship of
land with the operator, the farms were categorised as owner and renter
farms (owner-cum-tenant or tenant-operated farms). The owners operated
majority of the farms (68 percent) and pure tenancy was the least common
category, with tenants operating only 12.7 percent of the farms. The
rest of the farms were operated by owner-cum-tenants.
The source of traction power on a farm determines the intensity and
scale at which farm operations can be performed; it also assures the
timeliness of the operations. Tractors were the major power source and
the use of bullocks for ploughing was nominal. The majority of the farms
(54.1 percent) used rented tractors for ploughing while 45.9 percent
farms used owned tractors. The ownership of tractor varied across the
farm sizes and among categories of farms by tenure. The use of own
tractors on large-size farms was higher than its use on small-size
The majority of the farmers (82.4 percent) had to supplement canal
water with tubewell water (own or rented), and only 17.6 percent of them
had sufficient canal water to irrigate their wheat fields. The
recommended high-yielding varieties usually have more water
requirements, and therefore sufficient supply of cheaper and quality
water (canal water) is expected to help in the adoption of these
Farm Area under Wheat Crop
Generally, farmers allocated more than half (55.06 percent) of the
farm area to wheat production. The farmers of the mixed cropping zone
cultivated wheat on 35.8 percent area of their farms and were allocating
the lowest proportion of their landholding to wheat cropping. The
proportion of farm area under wheat declined with an increase in
farm-size. The tenant farms devoted larger chunk of farm area (60.2
percent) to wheat production than the owner-cum-tenant or owner farms,
which respectively put 49.7 percent and 48.8 percent of the farm area
under wheat cultivation.
Number of Wheat Varieties Grown
Mostly mono-varietal culture prevailed in the area wherein a single
variety is spread over a vast acreage with most of the farmers planting
it. About three-fourths of the farmers planted only one wheat variety on
their farms whereas one-fifth of them cultivated two wheat varieties.
However, percentage of the farmers who cultivated more than two wheat
varieties was nominal. The farmers of the mung-wheat zone were
relatively more inclined to grow more than one cultivar and 36.6 percent
of them planted two or more wheat varieties on their farms. The farmers
operating small-size farms and the tenants were relatively more inclined
towards mono-varietal plantation of wheat.
Adoption of Recommended Wheat Varieties
More than 14 wheat varieties were being cultivated in the area
under study during 1996-97. These cultivars are listed in Annexure
(Tables A-1 and A-2) and are grouped as recommended and non-recommended
wheat varieties. Among the recommended wheat varieties, Inqalab-91 was
the dominant variety and accounted for about 70 percent of the total
wheat acreage. The other major RWV included Parwaz and Punjab-85; these
were grown on 4.14 and 2.64 percent of the total wheat acreage,
respectively. Wheat varieties Shahkar-95 and Punjab-96, released a short
time ago, were in the initial stages of adoption. These varieties, wheat
variety Faisalabad-85, and other recommended varieties, are summed up
under the title "others" in Annexure Tables A-1 and A-2.
About one-fifth of the wheat acreage was allocated to
non-recommended varieties. Wheat varieties PAK-81 and Wattan were the
main non-recommended cultivars grown during the year under study. Wattan
is a newly evolved high-yielding variety. However, it was not approved
for cultivation due to its susceptibility to yellow rust. (5) Similarly,
PAK-81 (once a very popular and recommended variety) has been withdrawn
from the list of recommended varieties due to its loss of resistance
against yellow rust. However, the farmers are continuing cultivation of
these varieties on account of certain characteristic of these varieties,
especially for quality of chapati and bhoosa, grain size, and white
colour, etc. The common indicators of adoption like crude adoption rate,
intensity of adoption, and participation index were calculated and are
reported in Table 5. The marginal probabilities to adopt recommended
wheat varieties were also calculated for various explanatory variables
included in the model and are discussed in the relevant sub-section.
The crude adoption rate of 82.1 percent is quite encouraging.
However, a notable proportion of farms (17.9 percent) cultivated
non-recommended wheat varieties. The crude rate seems to be positively
related to farm size as a higher percentage of large farmers (90.2
percent) adopted RWV than their counterparts operating medium (81.8
percent) or small farms (79.6 percent). Similarly, crude adoption rate
varied among the cropping zones. It was the highest (92.8 percent) for
cotton-wheat zone-II and the lowest (72.6 percent) in mung-wheat zone.
The crude rate showed little variation across various categories of
wheat growers by tenure. The overall adoption intensity was 80.34
percent, reflecting the fact that quite a notable proportion of wheat
acreage (19.66 percent) is being planted to non-recommended wheat
varieties and is prone to high risk of yield losses. The intensity of
adoption was higher in cotton-wheat zones relative to the other zones.
The intensity tends to increase (to some extent) with farm size.
Intensity of adoption of RWV was the highest at tenant farms (86.16
percent) and the lowest (73.23 percent) at farms operated by
Factors Affecting Adoption of Recommended Wheat Varieties
Identification of characteristics that differ on
adopter/non-adopter farms and ascertainment of the determinants of
adoption are very important. A comparison of the characteristics of
adopters and non-adopters is presented in Table 6. As defined earlier,
farmers who allocated all wheat area to non-recommended varieties were
termed as non-adopters, and others were called adopters. Among the
continuous variables, education and farm size differ significantly
between adopters and non-adopters at 5 percent and 10 percent level
respectively. These variables may be the determinants of adoption of
recommended wheat varieties. Similarly, using Cochran's and Mantel
Haenszel "Chi Square" statistics, independence between the
response variable ADOPTION and various dichotomous factor variables was
also tested. The dummy variables for enterprise size and the dummies for
certain tehsils are significantly different between adopters and
non-adopters. The dummy variables representing farm ownership, tractor
ownership, irrigation source, and some tehsil dummies show insignificant
relationship with adoption. The scope of this kind of analysis has its
limitations as it examines the relationship between two variables at a
time. More information can be gained by investigating the multivariate
relationships. Given the type of data involved in the study of adoption,
we used a probit model for further analysis and the empirical results
are discussed in the following sub-section.
Empirical Results of Probit Model
The model described in Section II was estimated by using the LIMDEP
software. The probit estimates of the coefficients and corresponding
marginal probabilities for various explanatory variables are presented
in Table 7. The chi-square is significant at 1 percent and implies that
the explanatory variables affect adoption of RWV. The McFadden-[R.sup.2]
was low (0.114) as compared to the typical range of 0.2 to 0.4 for such
models. Nonetheless, the model correctly predicted over 81 percent of
the observations. The coefficient for continuous variables, like the
size of operational holding (OPERHOLD), age (AGE), and education (EDU),
is positive. For a one-tailed test, farm size and education were
significant at 0.05 and 0.10 level of significance respectively.
However, for a two-tailed test these variables were significant at
0.0556 and 0.1567 percent level respectively. A 20 percent confidence
level has been used in similar studies when little was known about the
relationship between the dependent and explanatory variables [Harper, et
al. (1990); Ahmad and Battese (1997)]. There are contradictory findings
about the effect of education on adoption of technology. Harper, et al.
(1990) find education negatively affecting the adoption of insect
management technology by rice growers in Texas. Alauddin and Tisdell
(1988) report an insignificant effect of education on adoption of
high-yielding varieties of cereals in Bangladesh. However, estimates of
our model provide the evidence that farm size and education are
importantly and positively associated with the adoption of RWV. This
finding is consistent with Soule, et al. (2000) who conclude that farm
size and education are significantly and positively related to the
adoption of conservation tillage practices by the U.S. corn producers.
The insignificant positive coefficient for age hints that age of the
farmer is not a constraint to adoption of these varieties.
The dummy variables representing tractor ownership and irrigation
source show a positive effect on adoption of the RWV. However, the
coefficients were not significant at any reasonable level of
significance. Similarly, the dummy variable representing owner farmers
(DOWNER) is insignificant and bears a negative sign. This may relate to
the very nature of technology under discussion, i.e., the investment in
high-yielding RWV is a short-term investment (usually meagre in amount
also) and tenants have no less incentive for investment than the owners.
Moreover, the pure lease tenants (pressed to be more competitive) are in
no way less likely to adopt RWV. This is in contrast to Shakya and Flinn
(1985) who find that owner farmers are more likely to adopt modern rice
varieties in Nepal. Similarly, Soule, et al. (2000) report that cash
renter U.S. corn producers are less likely than owner operators to adopt
conservation tillage practices. However, our results show that tenure
plays an insignificant role in the adoption of a short-term practice
like RWV.
The coefficient for the dummy representing type of wheat enterprise
(DENTERP) was positive and significant at 10 percent level, showing that
the likelihood of adoption of RWV was higher at wheat enterprises of
adequate size. It was observed that varieties like PAK-81, Wattan, and
Yakora accounted for a large proportion of area under non-recommended
wheat varieties. These varieties are high-yielding and are considered
high-quality wheat cultivars. (6) However, wheat variety Wattan was not
approved due to its susceptibility to yellow rust. The other two
varieties have lost resistance against rust over time and have been
withdrawn from the list of recommended varieties by the Department of
Agriculture, Government of the Punjab. The area under these varieties is
on decline but the farmers continued to grow them for their high quality
grain and high yield. (7)
All the coefficients for tehsil dummies had a positive sign except
for Layyah (DTEH4) and Lodhran (DTEH9). Most of them (nine out of
fifteen) were significant. The results show that the probability of
adoption of RWV is higher in tehsils of Piplan (DTEH2), Multan (DTEH5),
Muzaffargarh (DTEH6), Melsi (DTEH7), Khanewal (DTEH8), Chichawatni
(DTEH10), Arifwala (DTEHII), Bahawalnagar (DTEH12) and Depalpur (DTEH13)
than in Bhakkar tehsil. The coefficients for the dummy variables
representing thesils of Krore (DTEH3), Layyah (DTEH4), Lodhran (DTEH9),
Jaranwala (DTEH14), Gojra (DTEH15), and Chiniot (DTEHI6) were
insignificant, showing that the likelihood of adoption of RWV in these
tehsils is not more than that in Bhakkar.
Marginal probabilities were also estimated for various explanatory
variables included in the model and are reported in the last column of
Table 7. Marginal probabilities for OPERHOLD and EDU are 0.224 and 0.556
percent respectively. The marginal probability of the size of holding
shows that an increase of 5 acres in farm size would increase the
probability of adoption of RWV by 1.12 percent. Similarly, an additional
five years of formal schooling would raise the probability of adoption
by 2.78 percent. Inadequate size of the wheat enterprise reduces the
probability of adoption of RWV by 10.55 percent. The likelihood of
adoption of RWV by farmers in Piplan, Multan, Muzaffargarh, Melsi,
Khanewal, Chichawatni, Arifwala, Bahawalnagar, and Depalpur tehsils was
higher by 18 to 30 percent than that in Bhakkar. Variables like the
general educational level, roads and marketing infrastructure, presence
or non-presence of seed multiplication centre and/or agricultural
research institutions, and variables related to weather may be
responsible for these disparities in probabilities of adoption across
The predicted probabilities that the recommended wheat varieties
would be adopted were also calculated for an average farmers possessing
various combinat.ions of other socio-economic characteristics and are
reported in Annexure Table A 3. The probability that a farmer who has
sufficient canal water, owns a tractor, has a title to the land (with an
adequate size of wheat enterprise), and is located in Melsi tehsil will
grow RWV is 0.97, while the probability of adoption by a farmer located
in Layyah or Lodhran tehsils with all other attributes remaining the
same is 0.64. The chance of adoption of RWV by an average farmer with
insufficient canal water (who has to supplement irrigation with tubewell
water) who rents a tractor, has title to the land (with an inadequate
size of wheat enterprise), and belongs to Layyah or Lodhran tehsil is
only 0.32.
The non-recommended wheat varieties are grown on about one-fifth of
the wheat acreage in irrigated Punjab. The major part of wheat area
under non-recommended varieties is being sown to cultivars which are
susceptible to yellow rust. This implies that a notable proportion of
wheat acreage is prone to a high risk of incidence of yellow rust
especially during the years when favourable conditions for outbreak and
spread of rust would prevail. Inqalab-91 is the most dominant wheat
variety and accounts for more than 70 percent of the total wheat
acreage. This variety is getting quite old and may degenerate or lose
its resistance against yellow rust in the coming years. The spread of a
single (old) variety over such a vast acreage presents a very risky
situation as any probable loss in resistance of this variety against
rust may result in huge losses to farmers and the nation. Hence, there
is an urgent need to develop replacement/substitute wheat varieties for
Inqalab-91 and to promote them.
====== The age and tenure of the farmer are less of a constraint on
adopting the recommended wheat varieties. Farm size and education are
important determinants of adoption. The widespread illiteracy or low
education among farmers and the dominating number of small farms in the
province may hinder adoption of recommended varieties in future years.
Therefore, varietal technology needs to be made easily available for the
small and illiterate or less educated farmers through enhanced extension
services, better access to institutional credit, and an improved system
of multiplication and distribution of certified seed. The wheat breeders
should also focus on improving wheat quality along with yield
improvements--or at least should not be unrestrained in trading off
quality for quantity. In particular, more attention should be paid to
maintain those crucial characteristics of wheat cultivars which are the
most liked by the farmers and consumers. Finally, a regular monitoring
of wheat varieties in the Punjab is suggested to assess the adoption
patterns of the farmers and the yield performance of various varieties.
Annexure Table A-1
Composition of Wheat Varieties in Selected Zones of the Irrigated
(Area in Percentage)
Mung- Cotton- Cotton- Mixed All
Characteristics wheat wheat-I wheat-II Zone Zones
Ingalab-91 52.18 71.67 77.84 70.51 69.87
Parwaz 2.55 3.04 6.99 0.70 4.14
Punjab-85 5.57 1.89 1.66 2.52 2.64
Pasban 2.72 2.58 0.04 0.70 1.43
Others (a) 0.18 0.96 4.47 2.11 2.25
Sub-total 63.20 80.14 91.00 76.54 80.34
Pak-81 22.48 11.82 1.39 12.31 10.10
Kohnoor-83 7.71 2.76 0.00 0.00 1.76
Wattan 6.17 1.99 4.83 6.43 4.49
Others (b) 3.44 3.29 2.78 4.72 3.31
Sub-total 36.80 19.86 9.00 23.46 19.66
Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
(a) Includes the Punjab-96, Shahkar-95, and Faisalabad-85 wheat
(b) lncludes Yakora, Fakhar-i-Hind, and unidentified non-recommended
wheat varieties.
Annexure Table A-2
Wheat Varietal Mix on the Sampled Farms by Size
(Area in Percentage)
Small Medium Large All
Wheat Varieties Farms Farms Farms Farms
Ingalab-91 68.38 60.92 76.38 69.87
Parwaz 1.85 5.37 4.40 4.14
Punjab-85 4.53 4.31 0.68 2.64
Pasban 1.59 1.50 1.31 1.43
Others (a) 1.39 1.13 3.39 2.25
Sub-total 77.74 73.23 86.16 80.34
Pak-81 12.54 17.44 4.21 10.10
Kohnoor-83 1.13 2.58 1.52 1.76
Wattan 3.63 3.74 5.37 4.49
Others (b) 4.96 3.01 2.74 3.31
Sub-total 22.26 26.77 13.84 19.66
Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
(a) Includes the Punjab-96, Shahkar-95, and Faisalabad-85 wheat
(b) Includes Yakora, Fakhar-i-Hind, and unidentified non-recommended
wheat varieties.
Annexure Table A-3
Predicted Probabilities of Adoption of Recommended Wheat Varieties in
the Irrigated Punjab
Canal Water: Sufficient
Tractor Ownership: Own Tractor
Title to the Land: Owner Renter
Adequate Enterprise
Size: Yes No Yes No
Farm Location Probabilities
In Piplan 0.93 0.80 0.95 0.83
Not in Piplan 0.69 0.43 0.73 0.48
in Krore 0.82 0.60 0.85 0.65
Not in Krore 0.69 0.43 0.73 0.48
in Layyah 0.64 0.39 0.69 0.44
Not in Layyah 0.69 0.43 0.73 0.48
In Multan 0.92 0.77 0.94 0.81
Not in Multan 0.69 0.43 0.73 0.48
In Muzaffargarh 0.89 0.71 0.91 0.75
Not in Muzaffargarh 0.69 0.43 0.73 0.48
In Melsi 0.97 0.88 0.98 0.91
Not in Melsi 0.69 0.43 0.73 0.48
hr Khanewal 0.86 0.67 0.89 0.72
Not in Khanewal 0.69 0.43 0.73 0.48
in Lodhran 0.64 0.38 0.69 0.43
Not in Lodhran 0.69 0.43 0.73 0.48
In Chichawatni 0.91 0.76 0.93 0.79
Not in Chichawatni 0.69 0.43 0.73 0.48
In Arifwala 0.96 0.87 0.97 0.89
Not in Arifwala 0.69 0.43 0.73 0.48
In Bahawalnagar 0.93 0.79 0.95 0.83
Not in Bahawalnagar 0.69 0.43 0.73 0.48
hr Depalpur 0.93 0.78 0.94 0.82
Not in Depalpur 0.69 0.43 0.73 0.48
in Jaranwala 0.82 0.60 0.85 0.65
Not in Jaranwala 0.69 0.43 0.73 0.48
In Gojra 0.82 0.61 0.86 0.66
Not in Gojra 0.69 0.43 0.73 0.48
In Chiniot 0.80 0.56 0.83 0.61
Not in Chiniot 0.69 0.43 0.73 0.48
Canal Water: Sufficient
Tractor Ownership: Rent Tractor
Title to the Land: Owner Renter
Adequate Enterprise
Size: Yes No Yes No
Farm Location Probabilities
In Piplan 0.93 0.79 0.94 0.82
Not in Piplan 0.67 0.41 0.72 0.47
in Krore 0.81 0.59 0.84 0.64
Not in Krore 0.67 0.41 0.72 0.47
in Layyah 0.63 0.37 0.68 0.42
Not in Layyah 0.67 0.41 0.72 0.47
In Multan 0.92 0.76 0.93 0.80
Not in Multan 0.67 0.41 0.72 0.47
In Muzaffargarh 0.88 0.70 0.90 0.74
Not in Muzaffargarh 0.67 0.41 0.72 0.47
In Melsi 0.96 0.87 0.97 0.90
Not in Melsi 0.67 0.41 0.72 0.47
hr Khanewal 0.86 0.66 0.88 0.70
Not in Khanewal 0.67 0.41 0.72 0.47
in Lodhran 0.63 0.37 0.68 0.42
Not in Lodhran 0.67 0.41 0.72 0.47
In Chichawatni 0.91 0.74 0.93 0.78
Not in Chichawatni 0.67 0.41 0.72 0.47
In Arifwala 0.96 0.86 0.97 0.89
Not in Arifwala 0.67 0.41 0.72 0.47
In Bahawalnagar 0.93 0.78 0.94 0.82
Not in Bahawalnagar 0.67 0.41 0.72 0.47
hr Depalpur 0.92 0.77 0.94 0.81
Not in Depalpur 0.67 0.41 0.72 0.47
in Jaranwala 0.81 0.59 0.84 0.64
Not in Jaranwala 0.67 0.41 0.72 0.47
In Gojra 0.81 0.59 0.85 0.64
Not in Gojra 0.67 0.41 0.72 0.47
In Chiniot 0.78 0.55 0.82 0.60
Not in Chiniot 0.67 0.41 0.72 0.47
Canal Water: Insufficient
Tractor Ownership: Own Tractor
Title to the Land: Owner Renter
Adequate Enterprise
Size: Yes No Yes No
Farm Location Probabilities
In Piplan 0.91 0.76 0.93 0.79
Not in Piplan 0.64 0.38 0.68 0.43
in Krore 0.78 0.55 0.82 0.60
Not in Krore 0.64 0.38 0.68 0.43
in Layyah 0.59 0.33 0.64 0.38
Not in Layyah 0.64 0.38 0.68 0.43
In Multan 0.90 0.73 0.92 0.77
Not in Multan 0.64 0.38 0.68 0.43
In Muzaffargarh 0.86 0.66 0.89 0.71
Not in Muzaffargarh 0.64 0.38 0.68 0.43
In Melsi 0.96 0.85 0.97 0.88
Not in Melsi 0.64 0.38 0.68 0.43
hr Khanewal 0.83 0.62 0.86 0.67
Not in Khanewal 0.64 0.38 0.68 0.43
in Lodhran 0.59 0.33 0.64 0.38
Not in Lodhran 0.64 0.38 0.68 0.43
In Chichawatni 0.89 0.71 0.91 0.75
Not in Chichawatni 0.64 0.38 0.68 0.43
In Arifwala 0.95 0.84 0.96 0.87
Not in Arifwala 0.64 0.38 0.68 0.43
In Bahawalnagar 0.91 0.75 0.93 0.79
Not in Bahawalnagar 0.64 0.38 0.68 0.43
hr Depalpur 0.90 0.74 0.92 0.78
Not in Depalpur 0.64 0.38 0.68 0.43
in Jaranwala 0.78 0.55 0.82 0.60
Not in Jaranwala 0.64 0.38 0.68 0.43
In Gojra 0.79 0.55 0.82 0.60
Not in Gojra 0.64 0.38 0.68 0.43
In Chiniot 0.75 0.51 0.79 0.56
Not in Chiniot 0.64 0.38 0.68 0.43
Canal Water: Insufficient
Tractor Ownership: Rent Tractor
Title to the Land: Owner Renter
Adequate Enterprise
Size: Yes No Yes No
Farm Location Probabilities
In Piplan 0.91 0.74 0.93 0.78
Not in Piplan 0.62 0.36 0.67 0.41
in Krore 0.77 0.53 0.81 0.58
Not in Krore 0.62 0.36 0.67 0.41
in Layyah 0.58 0.32 0.63 0.37
Not in Layyah 0.62 0.36 0.67 0.41
In Multan 0.89 0.72 0.91 0.76
Not in Multan 0.62 0.36 0.67 0.41
In Muzaffargarh 0.85 0.65 0.88 0.69
Not in Muzaffargarh 0.62 0.36 0.67 0.41
In Melsi 0.95 0.84 0.96 0.87
Not in Melsi 0.62 0.36 0.67 0.41
hr Khanewal 0.82 0.60 0.85 0.65
Not in Khanewal 0.62 0.36 0.67 0.41
in Lodhran 0.58 0.32 0.62 0.37
Not in Lodhran 0.62 0.36 0.67 0.41
In Chichawatni 0.88 0.70 0.90 0.74
Not in Chichawatni 0.62 0.36 0.67 0.41
In Arifwala 0.95 0.83 0.96 0.86
Not in Arifwala 0.62 0.36 0.67 0.41
In Bahawalnagar 0.90 0.74 0.92 0.78
Not in Bahawalnagar 0.62 0.36 0.67 0.41
hr Depalpur 0.90 0.73 0.92 0.77
Not in Depalpur 0.62 0.36 0.67 0.41
in Jaranwala 0.77 0.53 0.81 0.58
Not in Jaranwala 0.62 0.36 0.67 0.41
In Gojra 0.78 0.54 0.81 0.59
Not in Gojra 0.62 0.36 0.67 0.41
In Chiniot 0.74 0.49 0.78 0.55
Not in Chiniot 0.62 0.36 0.67 0.41
Authors' Note: We are thankful to Dr A. R. Kemal for
encouraging us to undertake this piece of research. We are grateful to
Dr M. Ghaffar Chaudhry for technical discussions and comments on an
earlier draft of this paper. Provision of access to the data set by
Agricultural Economics Research Unit, Faisalabad, is also thankfully acknowledged.
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Economic Development and Cultural Change 33:2, 253-298.
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Technology. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 72, 997-1005.
Hussain, S. Sajidin, Derek Byerlee, and Paul W. Heisey (1994)
Impacts of the Training and Visit Extension System on Farmers'
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McFadden, D. (1974) Conditional Logit Analysis of Qualitative
Choice Behaviour. In P. Zarembka (ed.) Frontiers in Econometrics. New
York: Academic Press. 105-142.
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Nagy, Joseph G., and Zulfiqar Ahmad (1993) Adoption and Diffusion
of Agricultural Interventions: A Primer on the use of Statistical and
Qualitative Response Model Estimation. PARC/Hunting Technical Services
Ltd. Collaborative Paper.
Sarap, Kailas, and D. C. Vashist (1994) Adoption of Modern
Varieties of Rice in Orissa: A Farm Level Analysis. Indian Journal of
Agricultural Economics 49:1, 88-93.
Shakya, Padma B., and J. C. Flinn (1985) Adoption of Modern
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Journal of Agricultural Economics 36, 409-419.
Shiyani, R. L., P. K. Joshi, M. Ashokan, and M. C. S. Bantilan
(2000) Adoption of Improved Chickpea Varieties: Evidence from Tribal
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Soule, Meredith J., Abebayehu Tegene, and Keith D. Wiebe (2000)
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of Agricultural Economics 82:4, 993-1005.
Muhammad Iqbal is Research Economist at the Pakistan Institute of
Development Economics, Islamabad. M. Azeem Khan is Scientific Officer at
the Social Sciences Institute, National Agriculture Research Centre,
Islamabad. Munir Ahmad is Senior Research Economist at the Pakistan
Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad.
(1) Harper, et al. (1990) analysed the factors that the influence
adoption of insect management technology by rice producers in Texas.
Alauddin and Tisdell (1988) studied the patterns and determinants of
high-yielding varieties of cereals in Bangladesh. Soule, et al. (2000)
examined the adoption of conservation tillage practices by U.S. corn
producers. Shakya and Flinn (1985) analysed the adoption of modern
varieties and fertiliser use for rice in Nepal. Sarap and Vashist (1994)
investigated the adoption of modern varieties of rice in Orissa (India).
Shiyani, et al. (2000) studied the adoption of improved chickpea
varieties in the tribal region of Indian Gujarat. A comprehensive survey
of more studies regarding adoption of agricultural innovation can be
found in Feder, et al. (1985). The findings of adoption studies
especially, regarding the effect of farm size, education, and tenure on
adoption decisions of the farmers differ depending on the
characteristics of the technology (soil conservation innovations vs.
variety of a mono seasonal crop of 4 to 5 months duration) or
institutional set-up in the respective societies.
(2) For example, education has been measured as schooling years in
some studies while in others as a dichotomous variable (illiterate = 0
and literate = 1).
(3) The qualitative response models are well-presented in Maddala
(1986). Empirical estimation of qualitative response models, by using
the LIMDEP programme, is well-described in Nagy and Ahmad (1993).
(4) The partial adopters were treated as adopters, assuming them to
be in the process of adopting.
(5) The provincial and federal research institutions submit their
best advanced lines of wheat for testing the yield, quality, and disease
adaptability, etc., through the National Uniform Yield Trial (NUYT) in
different agro-ecological zones of the country as well as international
testing for disease and yield. The data of NUYT and the recommendations
regarding the candidate varieties are presented for the approval of
Variety Evaluation Committee (VEC). Only the varieties approved by the
VEC are released by National Seed Council and are called recommended
(6) In terms of quality of chapati and bhoosa.
(7) For home consumption especially in areas with low risk of
incidence of rust.
(8) Farmer operating average-size farm (20.47 acres), having
educational level equal to mean schooling years (6.36 years), and with
an age matching the sample average (42.57 years).
Table 1
Definitions of Variables Used in the Adoption Models
Variable Definition
AGE Age of the farmer in years.
EDU Years of schooling.
OPERHOLD Size of operational holding in acres.
DOWNER = 1 For the owner-operated farms. 0 Otherwise
DTRACTOR = 1 For farm that owns a tractor. 0 Otherwise
DENTERP = 1 If the farmer grows wheat on more than 0 Otherwise
one acre;
DTEH1 * = 1 If the farm is located in Bhakkar Tehsil; 0 Otherwise
DTEH2 = 1 If the farm is located in Piplan Tehsil; 0 Otherwise
DTEH3 = 1 If the farm is located in Krore Tehsil; 0 Otherwise
DTEH4 = 1 If the farin is located in Layyah Tehsil; 0 Otherwise
DTEH5 = 1 If the farm is located in Multan Tehsil; 0 Otherwise
DTEH6 = 1 If the farm is located in Muzaffargarh 0 Otherwise
DTEH7 = 1 If the farm is located in Melsi Tehsil; 0 Otherwise
DTEH8 = 1 If the farm is located in Khanewal 0 Otherwise
DTEH9 = 1 If the farm is located in Lodhran Tehsil; 0 Otherwise
DTEH10 = 1 If the farm is located in Chichawatni 0 Otherwise
DTEH11 = 1 If the farm is located in Arifwala 0 Otherwise
DTEH12 = 1 If the farm is located in Bahawalnagar 0 Otherwise
DTEH13 = 1 If the farm is located in Depalpur 0 Otherwise
DTEH14 = 1 If the farm is located in Jaranwala 0 Otherwise
DTEH15 = 1 If the farm is located in Gojra Tehsil; 0 Otherwise
DTEH16 = 1 If the farm is located in Chiniot Tehsil; 0 Otherwise
* Tehsil was not included in the estimated model to avoid a perfect
Table 2
Socio-economic Characteristics of the Sample Wheat Growers by
Cropping Zones
Mung- Cotton- Cotton-
Characteristics wheat wheat-I wheat-II
Age (Years) 41.76 41.98 42.91
Education (Years) 5.52 5.72 7.24
Farming Experience (Years) 21.02 20.65 19.88
Tenancy Status: (%)
Owner 64.6 75.6 57.8
Renter 35.4 24.4 42.2
Power Source: (%)
Own Tractor 48.8 36.8 46.4
Rent Tractor 51.2 63.2 53.6
Irrigation Source: (%)
Canal Irrigation 17.7 24.5 12.1
Supplemented with Tubewell 82.3 75.5 87.9
Mixed All
Characteristics Zone Zones
Age (Years) 44.15 42.57
Education (Years) 7.79 6.36
Farming Experience (Years) 21.65 20.73
Tenancy Status: (%)
Owner 73.8 68.0
Renter 26.2 32.0
Power Source: (%)
Own Tractor 56.6 45.9
Rent Tractor 43.4 54.1
Irrigation Source: (%)
Canal Irrigation 13.3 17.6
Supplemented with Tubewell 86.7 82.4
Table 3
Average Farrrt Size, Wheat Acreage and Percentage of Farm
Area under Wheat
Share of
Area under Acreage in
Zone/Farm Category/ Farm Size Wheat Total Farm
Tenure (Acres) (Acres) Area (%)
Cropping Zone
Mung-wheat Zone 18.53 8.50 45.87
Cotton-wheat Zone-I 15.29 9.74 63.70
Cotton-wheat Zone-II 29.37 15.59 53.08
Mixed Zone 19.52 7.07 36.22
Farm Category
Small 7.51 4.40 58.59
Medium 19.23 10.31 53.61
Large 61.85 28.80 46.56
Owner 17.51 8.81 50.31
Owner-cum-tenant 35.43 17.60 49.68
Tenant 13.11 7.94 60.56
All Zones/All Farms 20.47 10.42 50.90
Table 4
Number of Wheat Varieties Grown by Cropping Zone, Farm Size,
and Tenure
(Percent of the Farmers)
Four or
One Two Three More
Zone/Farm Size/Tenure Variety Varieties Varieties Varieties
Cropping Zone
Mung-wheat Zone 63.4 30.5 3.7 2.4
Cotton-wheat Zone-I 82.6 15.9 1.5 --
Cotton-wheat Zone-II 74.1 21.7 4.2 --
Mixed Zone 83.6 14.8 1.6 --
Farm Size
Small 84.0 15.1 0.9 --
Medium 68.0 27.1 3.4 1.5
Large 65.2 26.8 7.1 0.9
Owner 76.4 20.0 2.7 0.9
Owner-cum-tenant 71.1 24.2 4.7 --
Tenant 80.2 19.8 -- --
All Zones/All Farms 75.8 20.8 2.8 0.6
Table 5
Adoption Rate, Adoption Intensity, and Participation Index
Adoption Rate (% Farms)
Non-adopters Adopters
Zone/Farm Type (1) (2)
Cropping Zone
Mung-wheat Zone 27.40 72.60
Cotton-wheat Zone-I 15.40 84.60
Cotton-wheat Zone-II 7.20 92.80
Mixed Zone 23.80 76.20
Farm Size
Small 20.40 79.60
Medium 18.20 81.80
Large 9.80 90.20
Owner 18.50 81.50
Owner-cum-tenant 16.40 83.60
Tenant 17.30 82.70
All Farms 17.90 82.10
Intensity Participation
(%) Index
Zone/Farm Type (3) (2 x 3)
Cropping Zone
Mung-wheat Zone 63.20 0.4588
Cotton-wheat Zone-I 80.14 0.6780
Cotton-wheat Zone-II 91.00 0.8445
Mixed Zone 76.54 0.5832
Farm Size
Small 78.33 0.6235
Medium 82.92 0.6783
Large 83.55 0.7536
Owner 77.74 0.6336
Owner-cum-tenant 73.23 0.6122
Tenant 86.16 0.7125
All Farms 80.34 0.6596
Table 6
Characteristics Associated with the Adoption of
Recommended Wheat Varieties
Variable * All Farmers Non-adopters
OPERHOLD (Acres) 20.47 13.91
AGE (Years) 42.57 42.65
EDU (School Years) 6.36 5.66
DOWNER 68.00 70.10
DCANAL 17.60 15.40
DTRACTOR 45.90 40.20
DENTERP 3.20 6.00
DTEH1 6.28 12.82
DTEH2 6.28 3.42
DTEH3 6.28 7.69
DTEH4 6.28 14.53
DTEHS 6.28 4.27
DTEH6 6.28 5.98
DTEH? 6.28 1.71
DTEH8 6.28 4.27
DTEH9 5.67 10.26
DTEH10 5.97 2.56
DTEH11 6.43 0.85
DTEH12 6.28 3.42
DTEH13 6.74 3.42
DTEH14 6.28 7.69
DTEH15 6.29 7.69
DTEH16 6.13 9.40
Variable * Adopters Significance
OPERHOLD (Acres) 21.91 0.020
AGE (Years) 42.55 0.946
EDU (School Years) 6.51 0.076
DOWNER 67.50 0.592
DCANAL 18.00 0.494
DTRACTOR 47.20 0.167
DENTERP 2.60 0.061
DTEH1 4.85 0.001
DTEH2 6.90 0.159
DTEH3 5.97 0.487
DTEH4 4.48 0.000
DTEHS 6.72 0.324
DTEH6 6.34 0.884
DTEH? 7.28 0.025
DTEH8 6.72 0.324
DTEH9 4.66 0.018
DTEH10 6.72 0.086
DTEH11 7.65 0.007
DTEH12 6.90 0.159
DTEH13 7.46 0.114
DTEH14 5.97 0.487
DTEH15 5.97 0.487
DTEH16 5.41 0.103
* Please see Table 1 for definitions of various variables.
Table 7
Probit Estimates of Coefficients of Various Determinants
Affecting Adoption of Recommended Wheat Varieties
Coefficients Standard Error Marginal
Variable (R) (S.E) Probability
OPERHOLD (a) 0.00987 ** 0.00516 0.00224
AGE 0.00182 0.00499 0.00041
EDU (a) 0.02452 * 0.01731 0.00556
DUMCANAL 0.13842 0.20335 0.03013
DTRACTOR 0.03980 0.14306 0.00907
DOWNER -0.12811 0.15752 -0.02855
DENTERP 0.66192 * 0.41358 0.10549
DTEH2 1.00758 *** 0.34033 0.26224
DTEH3 0.43412 0.31187 0.14140
DTEH4 -0.11534 0.29684 -0.04319
DTEHS 0.92911 *** 0.33133 0.25017
DTEH6 0.72957 ** 0.31475 0.21331
DTEH7 1.36117 *** 0.40987 0.30199
DTEH8 0.61599 * 0.34433 0.18815
DTEH9 -0.11724 0.38384 -0.04391
DTEH10 0.87139 ** 0.38395 0.24044
DTEH11 1.29408 ** 0.51104 0.29610
DTEH12 0.99908 *** 0.35815 0.26100
DTEH13 0.96198 *** 0.34452 0.25538
DTEH14 0.43795 0.34548 0.14247
DTEH15 0.44857 0.34280 0.14247
DTEH16 0.33934 0.33934 0.11393
Constant -0.66175 0.50772
(a) Tested for a one-tailed test.
*, **, *** Significant at 10, 5, and 1 percent level respectively.
Log-likelihood Function = -232.06
Chi-squared = 59.82401
Significance Level = 0.000024
Percentage of Right Predictions = 81.5
Log-likelihood (0) = -261.97
Degrees of Freedom = 22
McFadden-[R.sup.2] = 0.1142