Enhancing vocational training for economic growth in Pakistan.
Mustafa, Usman ; Abbas, Kalbe ; Saeed, Amara 等
Training in general and skills development in particular, not only
play a vital role in individual, organisational and overall national
economic growth but are integral part of Human Resource Development
(HRD). Skill development may be defined as a process to acquiring and
sharpening capabilities to perform various functions associated with
their present and future roles [Tripathi (2003)]. Moreover, literature
suggests that human capabilities can be improved through better
education and training [Haq (2002)]. Enhanced skills enable individuals
to be more productive and spawn more money. It not only raises the rate
of return on investment and increases employability but also ensures the
implementation of various development projects in the time [Booth and
Snower (1996) and O'Conner and Lunati 0999)]. To summarise,
vocational education and training are indispensable instruments for
improving labour mobility, adaptability and productivity, thus
contributing to enhancing firms' competitiveness and redressing
labour market imbalances [Caitods (1994)].
The demand for vocationally trained and technically educated human
resource rises with every step towards industrialisation and
modernisation of production units and work premises. Yet another outcome
of such a transformation is the surge in demand for commercially
educated human resource with the inflow of capital. Therefore, skill and
capital are complementary. With the emergence of globalisation there is
an increase of capital inflow from developed to developing countries
implying that even without technology imports, capital output ratios in
developing countries would rise and, given the complementarities between
capital and skill, this would raise the relative demand for skilled
labour [O'Conner and Lunati (1999); Mayer (2000) and ADP (2004)].
The development of services sector, that invariably follows
industrialisation and modernisation, requires mid-level human resource
duly possessing entrepreneurial, secretarial and other vocational
skills. Even, small-scale activities, especially those in the fields of
businesses, transport and trade, are enhanced with improved skills thus
generating demand for commercially educated human resource. Keeping this
in view, the Asian Tigers stressed on rapid growth in worker output that
brought rapid growth of the income of both the salaried and
self-employed together with a swift influx of rural labour into higher
productivity employment in industry and services. Over time these
countries have invested heavily in both physical and human capital.
As with capital and skill, there are also complementarities between
technology and skill. "The stock of human capital appears to be
positively correlated with technological dynamism [ADB (2004)]".
Technological changes have shifted demand toward higher skills in the
labour force [World Bank (2002)]. The acceleration of technical change
in recent decades has been complemented by greater numbers of workers
with higher skill. Acquiring new skills is a continuous process without
which it would be difficult to harness returns from technological
progress. Additionally, a high rate of labour turnover across industries
and occupations is also necessary to cope with the rapidly changing
technologies and innovations: when people acquire skills, they commonly
also make themselves more adaptable [Booth and Snower (1996) and ADB
(2004)]. Thus, adaptability becomes crucial in order to keep the labour
and capital employed and yet maintains competitiveness. New technologies
are knowledge and skill intensive, and there is a need to train people
to work accordingly.
Globalisation places a premium on skill; skill resources, rather
than the traditional resource base, determine the competitiveness of
region [Mayer (2000) and Shankar and Shah (2001)]. A well organised
education system and a more educated labour force can act to attract
globalise financial capital [O'Connor and Lunati (1999)].
Experience of East Asia shows that the availability of skills cannot
catalyse growth by itself, but that of lack of skills can seriously
constrain growth. The skill level and quality of the workforce will thus
increasingly provide the cutting edge to successful competition in the
global economy [ILO (1998a)].
During the last 50 years, Pakistan's population has increased
from 33 million to 152.53 million in 2004-05 [Pakistan (2005a)].
Although, the current population growth rate showed to 1.9 percent per
annum, overall population has increased by 2.76 million people as
compared to last year. Pakistan is on the favourable end of the
demographic transition. In the next few decades there would be massive
influx of people in the working age group (around 60 million people).
This trend can already be seen as over the last decade, the population
of working age cohorts has increased from 53 percent in FY 1986 to 56
percent in FY 2003. As total labour force has also increased from 41.38
million in 2001 to 45.76 million in 2004. Of this, 99.25 million of work
forces are in the rural areas and 51.22 million is in the urban area.
According to the Labour Force Survey 2003-04 the overall labour force
participations rate [Crude Activity Rate (CAR)] is 30.41 percent (48.74
percent of males and 11.16 percent of females). Agricultural sector has
absorbed 17.79 million of the total employed labour force [Pakistan
(2005b)]. There is a need to harness the favourable end of the
demographic transition in Pakistan. Government and private sectors
should pursue policies that promote growth in Human Resource Development
(HRD) investment and improved social infrastructure.
The objective of this paper is to highlight the importance of HRD
in general and vocational training in particular for economic growth in
Pakistan. The paper specifically reviews and analyses the status of
vocational training, related policies and practices and their impact on
development of human resource in Pakistan. Moreover it looks at overall
vocational training needs and assesses the existing gaps in meeting the
national economics goals, and thus formulates policy recommendations for
an effective and efficient vocational training programme to meet the
emerging new challenges and for prosperous economic growth.
The output (GDP) is greatly affected by the fluctuations in the
growth of vocational institutions, enrolment, and teachers. The effect
of the rate and variability of these indicators on output growth
variability is explored. Abbas (1992) examined the impact of the rate
and variability of inflation on output growth variability and found that
both have played significant role in determining the output growth
variability in most of the countries under investigation.
The main sources of data for analysis were obtained from different
issues of "The Labour Force Survey" published by Federal
Bureau of Statistics, Statistical Division of Government of Pakistan. A
rich source of information related to vocational training has been the
progress reports of the World Bank and Asian Development Bank (ADB)
sponsored vocational development and skill enhancement projects in
Pakistan which have been reviewed in depth. Government policies and
plans related to vocational training were analysed and reviewed from
Medium Term Development Framework (MTDF) 2005-10 [Pakistan (2005c)]. The
Asian Development Bank (ADB) Labour Market Survey [ADB (2003)] has been
used for information on the quality of skilled workers and technicians
employed in industries, level and quality of technicians and skilled
workers produced by Technical Education and Vocational Training (TEVT)
The effect of the rate and variability of increase in institutions,
enrolment, and teachers on output growth variability was explored. The
fluctuations in rate and variability of these vocational indicators have
serious implications for the output growth variability. In the present
paper output growth variability was regressed on the rate and
variability of the institutions, enrolment, and teachers, alternatively
using appropriate lags. Following equations are estimated using Ordinary
Least Square (OLS) method:
[VGDP.sub.it] = [a.sub.it] + bGINST[(p).sub.it] + [U.sub.it] ...(1)
[VGDP.sub.it] = [c.sub.it] + dGENROL[(p).sub.it] + [U.sub.it]
VGDP = [a.sub.it] + bGTEACH[(p).sub.it] + [U.sub.it] ...(3)
[VGDP.sub.it] = [a.sub.it] + bGINST[(p).sub.it] + [U.sub.it] ...(4)
[VGDP.sub.it] = [c.sub.it] + dGENROL[(p).sub.it] + [U.sub.it]
[VGDP.sub.it] = [a.sub.it] + bGTEACH[(p).sub.it] + [U.sub.it]
Where, GDP=Gross Domestic Product, INST=Institutions, and TEACH =
Teachers, G and V are used in the start of the variables for growth rate
and the variability, respectively. P denotes appropriate number of lags.
The rate of growth is the measure of desired rate while the
standard deviation is the measure of next period's uncertainty. The
direction and the strength of between the rate and its variability and
output growth variability are determined from the sign of the
coefficient and significance of t-ratios.
III.1. Status of HRD and Vocational Training Programme in Pakistan
Training and education is a prime ingredient, not only in the
process of creating jobs and generating growth, but of improving the
capacity of economies to "seize the moment" by capitalising on
opportunities and occupying the many niche markets that emerge from the
interface between rapid globalisation and technological change. The HRD
and vocational training situation in Pakistan is not impressive as of
its competitors, neighbours, and other developing countries of Asia and
South Asia. Malaysia is spending about eight percent of its GDP on
education, while Pakistan is spending less than two percent, ever lower
as of overall South Asian countries (Table 1). This underinvestment has
the potential to inhibit future investment and development of high value
added products and services for export and domestic markets.
Looking at the statistics in the Table 1, the percentage of
professional, diploma holders, skilled worker are lagging badly but over
the time their situation is not improved. The professionals/technology
workers as percentage of work force are only 5.3 percent whereas it is
11 percent with Turkey and Malaysia.
In the case of Pakistan, there is a serious mismatch between the
jobs demanded by the emerging needs of the economy and the supply of
skills and trained human resource in the country (Table 2). While the
economy is moving towards sophisticated sectors such as
telecommunications, information technology, oil and gas, financial
services, engineering goods, the universities and colleges are turning
out hundreds of thousands of graduates in Arts, Humanities and
Languages. This divergence has created waste and misallocation of
resources on one hand and the shortages of essential skills required to
keep the wheels of the economy moving. It also shows that the public
sector and government is losing jobs or there is at least stagnation.
Moreover, technical and vocational training has failed to keep pace with
the emerging skill gaps that have further been widened by the migration
of experienced technicians and professionals to the Middle East and
III.2. Technical Education and Vocational Training (TEVT) in
TEVT in Pakistan can be divided into three subcomponents:
prevocational or school level known as TEVT, higher engineering, and
technology education. The history of the introduction and integration of
prevocational and vocational courses into the general school education
dates back to the early 1950s and many experiments have been conducted.
However, these efforts have not had a significant impact on general
school education, which from the period of colonial rule was geared
toward producing clerks and other office workers rather than
technicians, engineers, and scientists. The education policy of 1972-80
suggested a major shift from general education and emphasised relating
education to the world of work. This resulted in the introduction of
agro-technical studies (wood work, metal work, and electricity),
agriculture, and home economics in urban, rural, and girls' middle
schools respectively in grades 6-8. In grades 9-10 introduction of
vocational courses of various groups such as agriculture, commerce, home
economics, and industrial arts was encouraged. More recently, this
approach is reaffirmed under the National Education Policy and Education
Sector Reform Programme.
The growth of the TEVT sub-sector is due to the Government's
desire to increase access of rural youths and women to technical
education and vocational training to improve their job skills and means
of livelihood. The lack of places in the universities also led to
expansion of the sub-sector, as it became an alternative channel for
youth and school leavers. This resulted in the social demand for more
opportunities for and access to TEVT. The Government assumed the main
responsibility of providing TEVT to youths with little participation of
the private sector. Only during the last few years there has been a
growing trend toward encouraging participation of the private sector in
TEVT provision. Under the Education Sector Reforms Programme, a number
of incentive schemes have been introduced to enlist private sector
participation in education and training.
Vocational training caters to unemployed youths who lack skills and
those who either drop out of the school system or fail to qualify for
admission in the polytechnic institutes and colleges. Expansion in
vocational training took place during 1980-1990, and included
establishing several training centres and upgrading a number of old ones
across the country. The Ministry of Youth Affairs also established 20
youth vocational centres. The duration as well as entry qualifications
for different vocational training programmes vary widely. Training
programmes range from a few weeks to 2 years and entry qualifications
vary from middle to secondary school pass. Vocational courses are more
practically oriented compared with technical education. The curriculum
of vocational courses comprises 80 percent practical and 20 percent
theory. Graduates are expected to perform semiskilled and skilled jobs
in various sectors or can be self-employed.
The National Vocational Training project (1981-95) costing Rs 2,
467.206 million is being implemented by the National Training Bureau
(NTB) through the Provincial Training Boards (PTBs) and is funded by the
agencies/countries like the World Bank, ILO, CIDA, UNDP and the Federal
Republic of Germany mainly for the purpose of increasing the supply and
upgrading the skills in the country. The project is divided into two
different phases.
Three years course leading to diploma of associate engineer (DAE)
is the main programme of the polytechnic institutes in the country. The
DAE curriculum comprises 60 percent practical and 40 percent theory. The
polytechnic institutes offer a wide range of training programmes in
traditional as well as new and emerging technologies. Traditionally most
TEVT institutions, particularly the polytechnic institutes, were
established to train the workforce for Government departments and public
sector organisations where their qualifications (certificate/diplomas)
served as proof of competence. Until recently very little attempt has
been made to involve the end users in the operation, management, and
programme delivery, and to align the course contents to the needs of
industries. This failure has contributed to the marginalisation of TEVT
institutions with employers showing little interest in extending
cooperation to the institutions due to lack of interactions between
industries and TEVT institutions. Consequently, TEVT programmes are seen
as out of step with the needs and expectations of the workplace.
III.3. Structure of the Vocational Training System of Pakistan
Technical Education and Vocational Training (TEVT) are provided by
a number of Federal, Provincial, and Private Agencies. The Vocational
Training is skill-intensive and is offered in 27 trades for boys and 18
trades for girls by institutions both in public and private sectors.
These institutions are under the administrative control of Federal
Labour and Manpower Division, Women Division, Provincial Departments of
Education/Labour and Manpower Training, Social Welfare, Small
Industries, Agriculture, Agency for Barani Area Development (ABAD),
Ex-Servicemen Welfare, WAPDA, Railways, POF, SMEDA, NGOs and private
ownership. Besides, there are formal and informal apprenticeship
programmes. A summary of existing Vocational and Technical Institutes
(VTI) along with their capacity is presented in Table 3.
The National Training Board (NT Board) was established at the
national level in 1980 by an Ordinance which was updated in 2002. The
NTB was closed in 2001, but subsequently revised in 2002 and continues
under the Ministry of Labour and Overseas Pakistanis (MLOP) to perform
coordinating role for VTI. A National Training Bureau (NT Bureau) was
established in 1976, and acts as secretarial for NT Board and performs
all functions assigned to it by the NT Bureau. The NT Bureau does not
directly manage training centres, but manages a teacher training
function for VTI. It currently has 85 staff, as compared to 257 before
2001. The National Staff Training Institute (NSTI) was established in
1998. A recent initiative was small Education and Vocational training
initiative by the MLO, in cooperation with the International Labour
Organisation (ILO) and Skill Development Council (SDC) in Karachi, which
is being expanded to include 300,000 youth [ADB (2005)].
III.4. Quality of Technical Training and the Job Market
Quality of training should be given higher weight than any other
social objective as to give undue attention to establish training
opportunities for disadvantaged segment of population. Social objectives
in training were rarely achieved without a strong economic foundation
[ADB (2004) and Middleton, et al. (1993]. According to the ADB (2005)
Labour Market Survey, the abilities of work ethics, reliability,
initiative and person-relating were not acquired by both pass-out of
vocational and polytechnics, and in the competencies of tool making,
selecting materials/tools/process,
producing/installing/operating/assembling and trouble shooting the
pass-outs of vocational institutes were better. The overall evaluation
of both programmes by the majority of the enterprises was
'fair', which means that the training in skills/techniques
required in job market had to be strengthened and improved. The summary
of the quality of abilities developed during training at
polytechnic/vocational institutes is presented at Table 4.
III.5. Need and Duration of Orientation/Training of TEVT
Workers after Employment
The Labour Market Survey [ADB (2005)] revealed that 58 percent
enterprises state that the pass-outs of TEVT after employment needed 3-6
months orientation on-the-job training specific to the plant for
improving general skill proficiency. 36 percent said that they needed
6-9 months training. This indicates that the preparedness of the
pass-outs for skills in demand is unsatisfactory. If the training
programmes were made more effective the duration of on the job
orientation/training could be reduced (Table 5).
III.6. The Impact of Rate and Variability of Vocational Training
Indicators on the Output Growth Variability
Vocational training enhances the productivity of the workers and
hence gives rise in the economic growth. Secondly, vocational
institutions, enrolment of the students, and the teachers play an
important role in determining the scope of the vocational training.
Furthermore, technicians and associate professionals, skilled
agricultural fishery workers, craft and related trade workers, and plant
and machine operators and assemblers are the main components of the
secondary vocational training.
Vocational institutions, enrolment of students in these
institutions and teachers employed are the best indicators of the
performance of the output in producing good quality labourers. A
consistent time series data on skilled workers are not available.
Therefore, we focus on these indicators in our analysis.
Growth rates of vocational institutions, enrolment, teachers and
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) are presented in the Table 6. GDP
fluctuated 2.86 percent in Period IV to 6.49 percent in period I. In
Period Ill vocational institution showed a negative trend while it grew
at 21 percent in the period II. The enrolment and the teacher declined
during the period III.
The impact of rate and variability of vocational training
indicators is presented in Table 7. In all, 6 equations have been
estimated to find out the growth and the variability impact of the
vocational indicators on the output growth variability. The analysis of
the table shows that in all equations except Equation 6 the impact of
vocational indicators emerges from 3rd to 10th lags. It indicates that
the long term planning is required to achieve the benefits of current
policies. Equation 1 explains the positive and significant relationship
between the growth of Institutions and output growth variability at the
7th lag. Enrolment and Teachers also play a significant role in
determining the output growth variability at the 10th and 4th lags,
respectively. In the case of variability impact in Equation 5 and 6,
both Enrolment and Teachers play a significant role. Equation 4 explains
positive but insignificant effect of Institutions on output growth
variability at the 6th lag. The overall analysis shows that both the
rate and variability of vocational indicators have positive and mostly
significant impact on the output growth variability in the long run.
III.7. Strategy for the MTDF 2005-2010
Pakistan is facing a serious skill gap. There is also large drop
out of students from schools, or even when they continue they fail to
acquire marketable skills. There is, therefore, a pressing need to plan
for building a strong pool of skills among the young people so that they
can earn a respectable living for their families. Keeping in view to
emerging challenges and need of the day, the Government of Pakistan in
her MTDF developed a strategy to develop a flexible and response
Technical Training System in the country [Pakistan (2005c)].
The key features of the strategy include need oriented, multi skill
and flexible training to meet changing needs of local industry, overseas
employment and self employment. We should set minimum standards of
training, trade testing and certification. Improvement should be carried
out in quality of training of instructional and management staff. High
priority should be given to female training. Operational and financial
autonomy should be provided to institutions. Enhancement in
public-private partnership should be ensured. Micro credit facilities should be provided to facilities to pass out trainees and private sector
for establishment of training centres. We should development of well
skilled Labour force to help achieve significant gains in productivity
and efficiency primarily through efforts of the private sector.
III.7.1. Proposed Institutional Framework
With a view to giving a major impetus to technical and vocational
training in the country, the MTDF investigates to impart training to one
million unemployed youth, which would enhance their capabilities to gain
productive jobs. In this connection, the following institutional
framework is proposed for streamlining the technical Education and
Vocational Training System.
III.7.1.1. National Technical Education and Vocational Training
Authority (NTEVTA)
National Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority
would under take national planning, curriculum development,
standardisation of technical education, training of trainers, national
accreditation of private polytechnics and institutes and develop strong
linkages with the industrial end users. This will afford close
coordination with industry and proper judgment of demand and supply of
appropriate skills. Training need assessment, Development and defining
of skill standards, Curriculum development, Trainers training,
International recognition and linkage, Standards and accreditation of
institutions and Establishment of National University of Technology, are
the main functions of NTEVTA.
III.7.1.2. Provincial Technical Education and Vocational Training
Authority (PTEVTA)
A fully autonomous corporate body is set up in each province headed
by a renowned entrepreneur whereas majority of other members be eminent
industrialists, Government and one representative of NTEVTA. This
organisation formed its own rules and procedures and allowed to work
with out bureaucratic controls.
III.7.1.3. Introduction of "Skills and Technology" as a
Compulsory Subject
It is planned to introduce "Skills and Technology" as a
compulsory subjects in Classes of 8-10 of schools, where students are
provided reasonable proficiency in areas where there is great demand,
such as plumbing, carpentry, masonry, electrical wiring and machines
electronics and computer literacy. This strategy will reduce the
prohibitive costs of creating completely new institutes, spread basis
skill more widely in society, reduce drop-out rates, if students can
learn skills while still at school.
The levels of economic development roughly corresponded to certain
levels of development of education and training. For a developing
country like Pakistan universal secondary education, worker up gradation and technical training became priorities but we must prepare for the
next stage in order to cope with the development. Governments, firms,
and individuals must plan strategies to fill emerging gaps between
existing education and skills levels of the population and the need for
new skills and training arising from advance technology, capital
accumulation and expansion of labour market.
The MTDF proposed an ambitious strategy for TEVT. We are already
behind our competitor although we have substantial comparative advance.
Our analysis and experiences from "Asian Tigers" countries
shows that in order to reach takeoff stage they plan their HRD well in
time. It will take five to ten years to reap the benefit from HRD.
Countries that fail to develop action plan to implement cost effective
and quality education and training for citizen will risk jeopardising
long terms effectiveness in successfully competing in the global
economy. With WTO agreements, we have more opportunities for export and
also to open our border for import. Only those countries will survive
which have quality and cheap product. These only achieved with new
technologies and skill. It is worth wise to note that skill formation
policies cannot be delivered just in time. In many countries the reform
process has taken a decade or more to reach full implementation.
Resource Development through vocational and technical education
should be encouraged to promote the capacity of skilled manpower to
adjust to changes in Labour demand. The MTDP should be properly
supported and encouraged in order to achieve its next five year
objectives for a prosperous and well growing economy of Pakistan. For
this thing to happen Technical and Vocational training and education is
must for high skilled Labour force and manpower of country. This
programme should be launched on crash and implemented on emergency
Institutional Level Recommendations
Training institutes should develop research and development
capacities in their own respective fields to keep the supply of
technicians/skilled workers of TEVT institutions matched, quantitatively
and qualitatively, with the demand of industry.
Technical education and vocational training institutions should
ideally have to devise their technical education and vocational training
according to the requirements of industry. The industry and the
institutions should strengthen linkages between themselves as one cannot
succeed without the support and cooperation of the other. The teachers
at training institutes should be provided training by the relevant
manufacturers/vendors about installing/operating machines/equipment and
developing/using software to avoid situations where machines cannot be
used due to malfunction. The shortage of teachers at institutions of
distant and rural locations should be made up by filling the sanctioned
posts by those teachers who have high proficiencies in such latest
skills that were in demand in job market. Accredit own TEVT institutions
with global or regional associations of repute to accord international
acceptability to workforce. The shortage of teachers at institutions of
distant and rural locations should be made up by filling the sanctioned
posts by those teachers who have high proficiencies in such latest
skills that were in demand in job market. Consolidate existing TEVT
institutes by completing their deficiencies of teachers and equipment.
Initiate refresher programmes and crash programmes in latest
methodologies for teachers. Upgrade existing technical colleges in terms
of syllabus, equipment, facilities and teachers to meet modern
challenges. An internal pool of trainers in selected technologies should
be created by inducting master trainers from abroad.
Policy Level Recommendations
A central regulatory authority should be established to ensure that
not only technical training programmes are developed and implemented but
also continuous data collection and/or analysis is carried out to keep
technical educational and vocational training in sink with the every
changing demand. A national level strategy should be developed to
provide direction and chalk out a pathway to help meet the targets set
under the Millennium Development Goals. The strategy should also help
develop provincial and local training plans and projects. The Provincial
Directorates of Technical Education should be brought together under one
umbrella at the Federal level. It should however be made sure that this
mechanism does not increase bureaucracy. The objective of bringing the
Provincial Directorates under one umbrella is to encourage synergism and
complementarily and also to provide guidance and direction to all four
provinces. Introduce and implement immediate measures for improving
service conditions of teachers. Develop and establish national system of
skills standardisation, testing, certification, accreditation of
institutions and equivalence. Develop and implement a monitoring and
evaluation system to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of training
programmes. Foster public-private partnership especially in
technology-intensive field. Incentives can then be provided to private
to establish technical institutes relevant to their own sector. Emphasis
should be given to sectors where jobs are being created now for instance
telecommunications, information technology, electronic media companies,
private and non-governmental educational institutions, scientific
research and development organisations, hospital management and medical
services, automotive industry, hospitality management, airlines industry
and sustainable exploration and development of natural resource.
Thanks for inviting me as a discussant. The authors presented a
paper in a very important area which has not received adequate attention
in past. The paper is clearly linked with the theme of the conference.
The role of vocational training is important because of its linkages
with economic growth, employment generation and poverty reduction.
Enhanced skills enable individuals to be more productive and generate
more money that helps in capacity building; raises the rate of return on
investment as well as the level of employability and thus enhances the
economic growth rate.
In most of the part of the paper, the authors review and describe
the status of vocational training, its policies, practices and their
impact on Human Resource Development in general and in Pakistan in
particular. At page 5, the authors make a comparison of Pakistan's
HRD and vocational training with its competitors, neighbours, and other
developing countries of Asia and South Asia by comparing Public Spending
on education as percent of GDP, which is not impressive. However, I
would say that this indicator does not capture the importance of
vocational training in public sector priorities. The right indicator to
gauge importance of vocational training in public sector priorities is
the Public Spending on vocational training as percent of total
Government Expenditure or as percent of Public Spending on education. I
am sure that the comparison based on such indicator would be even more
While describing the data it should be clearly mentioned what type
of data have been used in their regression analysis to analyse the
variability of GDP growth rate. The main sources of data for analysis is
obviously the Labour Force Surveys conducted by Federal Bureau of
Statistics, Government of Pakistan. However, historical data on skilled
labour from labour force survey are available with a gap of 2-3 years.
Since consistent time series of data on skilled labour workers are not
available because labour force surveys are not conducted on yearly
basis, the authors have used vocational institutions, enrolment and
teachers in these institutions as proxy for the skilled labour probably
as reported by the Economic Survey. Since in the empirical section the
authors reported quite long effects of lags, 1 suggest that it would be
interesting to see the effect of skilled labour on the economic growth
or its variability by using direct indicators of skilled labour from the
labour force data.
The authors mentioned at page 3 that the objective of the paper is
to highlight the importance of HRD in general and vocational training in
particular for economic growth in Pakistan. Conversely, the analysis is
different from the objective of the paper. The variability of economic
growth rate has been analysed rather than the
growth rate. At page 3 the authors mentioned that the fluctuations
in rate and variability of the vocational institutions, enrolment and
teachers have serious implications for the output growth variability but
they have not explained these serious implications in the paper.
The authors found in all equations except Equation 6 as positive
impact of vocational indicators on output growth variability from 3rd to
10th lags. It appears that both rate and variability of vocational
indicators have long run impact on the output growth variability. While
lag effect seems to be logical but sequencing of the effects is not
understandable. For example, teachers affect the growth well before the
establishment of institution in growth equation in Table 7. Similarly,
enrolment effect is before the establishment of institutions in
variability impact equation. While growth rate GDP is a performance
indicator, the use of variability of GDP as explanatory variable should
be explained in the paper. However, the authors did not explain what
they have achieved or deduced from this empirical analysis by using
output variability as an outcome variable. Even the concluding section
is silent about the inference from the empirical analysis. The
conclusion is not entirely linked from the empirical analysis. Rather it
is based on the general review of policies, practices and their impact
on Human Resource Development in general and in Pakistan in particular.
Nevertheless, the authors recommend pursuing the ambitious strategy of
technical education and vocational training proposed by the MTDF.
In the end, I would say that the paper is yet a good attempt in the
area which has received less attention in past.
Talat Anwar
UNDP, UNOPS, Centre for Research on Poverty Reduction and Income
Distribution, Islamabad.
Abbas Kalbe (1992) The Effects of Rate and Variability of Inflation
on Output Growth Variability: Evidence from Selected Countries. The
Pakistan Development Review 31:4, 771-777.
Asian Development Bank (2003) Labour Market Survey of Pakistan.
Vocational and Technical Education Training Component of Pakistan.
Manila: Asian Development Bank.
Asian Development Bank (2004) Improving Technical Education and
Vocational Training. Strategies for Asia. Asian Development Bank,
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Usman Mustafa is Chief, Training and Project Evaluation Division,
Kalbe Abbas is Research Economist, and Amara Saeed is Senior Faculty
Member, Training and Project Evaluation Division, Pakistan Institute of
Development Economics, Islamabad.
Table 1
Comparative Human Indicators
Indicator Turkey Malaysia Phil Pakistan Asia
Unemployment Rate 9.2 3.2 10.8 7.8 5.4
(2002; %)
Human Development Index 0.75 0.79 0.75 0.52 0.57
Public Spending on 3.7 7.9 3.2 1.8 2.6
Education (1999; %
Secondary School 76 70 82 26 49
Enrollment (%)
Post Sec. Tertiary 24 26 30 3.50 6.l
Enrollment (%)
Adult Literacy (%) 86 88 95 47 57
Workers as Percentage
of Work Force 11 11 7.1 5.3 6
Extent of Staff Training 3.6 5.1 3.9 3.0 3.1
(1-7 scale)
Cluster Development 3.6 3.9 3.3 4.2 3.8
(1-7 scale)
Average Years of 5.2 6.8 8.2 3.8 4.1
Source: ADB (2005).
Table 2
Percentage Distribution of Employed Population according
to Major Occupation Groups
Major Occupational Groups 1996-97 2001-02 2003-04
Legislators, Senior Official and Managers 8.6 11.6 11.5
Professional 3.5 2.1 2.0
Technical and Associated Professionals 2.8 4.7 4.9
Clerks 2.9 1.7 1.6
Services Workers and Shop and Market Sale 7.8 5.7 5.2
Skilled Agriculture and Fishery Workers 36.8 34.7 34.9
Craft and Related Traders Workers 9.9 16.2 15.9
Plant and Machine Operators and 4.8 3.9 3.7
Elementary (Unskilled) Occupations 22.9 19.4 20.3
Total 100 100 100
Source: Pakistan (2005b).
Table 3
Vocational and Technical Training Institutions in Pakistan (2004)
No. of
Province Type of Institute Centre Capacity
TEVTA Punjab Technical and Vocational 402 83,000
Punjab Training Vocational 60 15,000
DMT * Sindh Vocational 33 3,740
TE and MT NWFP Technical and Vocational 35 3,300
DMT Balochistan Vocational 12 1,730
Skill Development Contractual 25,000
Federal Ministry of Labour 2 1,500
Federal Ministry of Education 2 1,400
Private Sector and 70,000
Total 546 204,670
Source: ADB (2005).
* Directorate of Manpower and Training of Labour.
Table 4
Abilities Developed during Training at Polytechnic/Vocational
Polytechnic Programme
Aspects of Evaluation Poor Fair Good
Technical Concepts 46 41 13
Practical Skills 55 33 12
Repair/Maintenance/Trouble Shooting 55 37 8
Communication Skills/Report Writing 63 29 8
Safety Consciousness 46 40 14
Quality Mindedness 43 43 14
Others 33 67 --
Vocational Programme
Aspects of Evaluation Poor Fair Good
Technical Concepts 28 60 12
Practical Skills 27 54 19
Repair/Maintenance/Trouble Shooting 27 58 15
Communication Skills/Report Writing 44 48 8
Safety Consciousness 31 54 15
Quality Mindedness 28 60 12
Others -- 100 --
Source: ADB (2005).
Table 5
Need and Duration of Orientation/Training of TEVT
6-9 3-6 1-2
Type of Orientation Planning Months Months Months
General Skill Proficiency 30 58 12
Shop Floor on-the-job 31 56 13
Specific to Plant 36 47 17
Source: ADB (2005).
Table 6 Growth Rates of Secondary Vocational Institutions, Enrolment
and Teachers
1981-85 1986-90 1991-95 1996-00 2001-04
Period Period Period Period Period
Institutions 1.33 20.98 -9.47 1.48 0.24
Enrolment 14.36 11.15 -1.13 1.42 5.03
Teachers 12.11 16.92 -1.57 6.14 -2.49
GDP 6.49 5.87 4.42 2.86 3.59
Source: Based on Pakistan (2005) and 50 Years of Pakistan in Statistics
Table 7
Impact of Rate and Variability of Vocational Training
Indicators on Output Growth Variability
Growth Impact Variability Impact
Equation 1 1.0949+0.027 GINST Equation 4 0.9321+0.0307 VINST
at 7th lag (1.09) (1.40) * at 6th lag (1.78) * (0.82)
DW=1.78 DW=1.88
Equation 2 1.038+0.0409 GENROL Equation 5 0.6049+0.046 VENROL
at 10th lag (2.89) (2.17) * at 3rd lag (1.50) (1.94) *
DW=1.82 DW=2.00
Equation 3 0.0.961+0.0368 GTEACH Equation 6 0.8572+0.0324 VTEACH
at 4th lag (3.57)* (2.21) * (0.59) (1.43)*
DW=1.37 DW=2.06
Table 9
Summary of the New TEVTA System 2005-2010
No. of Institutions to be Established 2649
Annual Intake 838,290
Total Enrolment of New Institutions 955,640
Apprentices 100,000
Total Enrolment 1,055,640
Direct Employment Generation 75,156
Capital Cost Rs 69.72 billion
Annual Recurring Cost Rs 17.3568 billion
Existing TEVT Capacity 0.86 percent of total
enrolment up to higher
secondary level, in the age
group 10-16
Increased TEVT Capacity 2.75 percent of total
enrolment up to higher
secondary level, in the age
group 10-16
Source: Pakistan (2005c).