Sectoral volatility, development, and governance: a case study of Pakistan.
Azid, Toseef ; Khaliq, Naeem ; Jamil, Muhammad 等
Development of overall economy of any country largely depends upon
the characteristics of different prominent sectors such as agriculture,
industry, services, etc. Sharp structural change in prominent sectors
are experienced by the Pakistan's economy during the last four
decades, in which industrial and service sector have exhibited an extra
ordinary rate of growth, while the agricultural sector did not shown
that rate of growth which was experienced during the time of green
revolution. Due to these structural changes in the prominent sectors
volatility of growth rate has been experienced by the economy.
To the extent that most of the recent volatility in growth rate of
GDP can be attributed to the increasing share of the some volatility of
the some prominent sectors, the analysis of their volatility can be
useful in providing some enlightenment on the factors behind this
phenomenon and its implications for the formulation of the policy in the
The main objective of this study is to use a time series analysis
to analyse the actual cause of the volatility in the output/growth rate
of output of the Pakistan's economy. The technical characteristics
of the volatility of the different sectors will be analysed and then an
effort will be made to estimate the impact of sectoral volatility on the
volatility of the growth rate of the Pakistan's economy. Specific
questions which will be addressed in the course of study will include:
What are the main characteristics of the structure of the
Pakistan's economy? What is the nature of volatility of the
different economic sectors? Does sectoral volatility explains relative
changes in the growth rate? In other words, is sectoral volatility
biased or neutral? How the volatility in the different sectors of
Pakistan's economy is correlated with each other? To what extent do
volatility in growth rate is associated with the Volatility of the
growth rates of the sectors under analysis? What are the main
implications of the volatility parameters for the Pakistan's policy
problem, and for the achievement of stable growth rate? Does instability
in political structure affect volatility of growth rate of output?
This will represent the first attempt to analyse quantitatively the
relationship between the volatility and development. The study is
organised in the following manner. Following the section of Introduction
Section II presents the literature review while Section III presents
methodology and estimations of impact of sectoral volatility on the
performance of Pakistan's economy. Section IV discusses data and
construction of variables and results and there discussion will be
presented in Section V. whereas last section presents the summary and
conclusion along with some policy suggestions.
In the economic literature, a number of efforts can be seen
discussing the impact of volatility on the economic performance of
different countries especially the developing countries, e.g., Koren and
Tenreyro (2005) explained that despite the number of steps have been
taken by most of the developing countries towards the stability of their
economies, still one can easily observe the volatility in most of their
macroeconomic variables. The concern with volatility in most of the
developing countries arises day by day. Most of the studies are
concerned with this question: why GDP growth is so much volatile in poor
countries than in rich one'? Generally experts identified the four
possible reasons:
(a) Poor countries specialise in more volatile sectors;
(b) Poor countries specialise in fewer sectors;
(c) Poor countries experience more frequent and more severe
aggregate shocks (e.g. from macroeconomic policy);
(d) Poor countries' macroeconomic fluctuations are more highly
correlated with the shocks of the sectors they specialise in.
This is the requirement of the time that how to decompose volatility into these four sources, quantify their contribution to
aggregate volatility, and study how they relate to the stage of
However, a number of studies can be seen in the literature
discussing the phenomenon of volatility and its impact on the
performance of the economy, It is well recognised that volatility of
different sectors has negative impact on the performance of the economy.
Especially in the literature, it has been observed that volatility of
those sectors in which the economy is specialised has a significant
effect on the production and trade of the developing as well as the
developed economies. For example, macro economic impact of volatility
discussed by Koren and Tenreyro (2005), Lucas (1988), Acemoglu and
Zilibotti (1997), Obstfeld (1994), Saint-Paul (1992), Greenwood and
Jovanovic (1990), Imbs and Wacziarg (2003), Stockman (1988), Scheinkman
and Xiong (2003), Cheema (2004), Perotti (1996), Atkinson (1996 1997),
Gottschalk and Smeeding (1997), Bourguignon and Morrissson (1998), Li,
et al. (1998), Betancourt (1996) Mobarak (2001), Pritchett (2000), Jalan
and Ravallion (1999) and Morduch (1995), Lucas (1987), Pallage, et al.
(2003), Wolfers (2003), Barlevy (2002), Barro and Sala-I-Martin (1995)
and many others. Whereas determinants of Volatility are discussed by
Levine and Renelt (1992), Acemoglu and Zilibotti (1997), Rodrik (1999)
and Ramey and Valerie (1995). Relationship between democracy and
volatility explained by Henisz (2000), Nooruddin (2003). Chandra (1998)
and Quinn and Woolley (2001).
In spite of the crucial importance attributed to growth rate of GDP
in Pakistan like other developing countries, no empirical quantitative
research has however, been conducted to examine the volatility of that
sector in which economy is specialising, and its impact on the
volatility of growth rate in Pakistan. The present study focuses on this
issue. In the first step a general overview regarding the historical
patron of economic volatility in Pakistan is given in the following
section. (1)
II.I. Patron of Economic Volatility in Pakistan
Since independence the economy of Pakistan has undergone dramatic
structural changes and economic growth. Pakistan has tried to change its
economic structure as the other underdeveloped countries from an
agricultural economy to an industrial exportoriented economy, in which
the manufacturing sector constitutes today the dominant form of economic
activity. This dominance resulted from a development strategy based on
tax exemption schemes, in addition to other incentives, which the
Pakistan's government implemented in the past five decades. The
main objective of different schemes was to alleviate the historically
high level of unemployment and at the same time, promote the economic
and social welfare of the population.
During the last five decades the manufacturing sector itself has
experienced a series of changes in its internal structure. The structure
is based towards the capital intensive techniques instead of
labour-intensive one. This however, created the problem of unemployment,
balance of payments (most of the intermediate and final inputs are
imported). The high technology is also attracted by the government and
main industrial groups in Pakistan. One of the main reasons for the
attraction has been the necessity to maintain or improve the
international competitiveness of Pakistan's manufacturing sector.
The imported technology used by these industries and the associated
technical changes have also affected the utilisation of layout and has
contributed towards increase in labour productivity. It has induced
changes in the organisation and composition of the work force, and
affected skill requirements and management of labour. Despite all of
this, still agriculture plays a significant role in the development of
Pakistan's economy.
The pattern of economic volatility in Pakistan is complex. At the
macroeconomic level the very high volatility recorded in real growth
rates, price inflation, and private investment per capita, government
revenues per capita, terms of trade and real exchange rate. But patterns
of volatility vary among sectors. In terms of GDP the most volatile
sectors are agricultural, industrial and service; while the least
volatile are distribution, transport, and communications. On government
expenditure current expenditures (there are three major components of
current expenditure, namely, interest payments, defense and expenditure
on civil administration) are highest than the development expenditures
while public expenditure as percentage share of GDP has been relatively
Tax and debt funded public spending as the driving force of the
Pakistan's economy. Fiscal policy and budget management constitute
the pivot of macro-economic policy. Major problems include: excessive
centralisation of resources and powers, to the detriment of sub-national
units of government; prevalence of fiscal imbalances both vertically
horizontally; and frequent overlapping and non-coordination of
expenditure responsibilities among different levels of government. There
is need to evaluate and restructure present fiscal set-up, to ensure
fiscal discipline at all levels, as well as to secure greater
understanding and cooperation across the different tiers of government.
Exchange rate policy is a key factor in economic management. In an
elusive search for a real exchange rate to maintain both internal and
external balance, Pakistan has experimented with a succession of
exchange rate regimes. The latest experiment is based on managed
floating rate of exchange.
Since its beginning in 1947 national development planning in
Pakistan has suffered from lack of systematic, integrated and target
oriented approach, each plan being essentially a laundry list of
projects, some rolled over from the over from the previous ones. Lack of
clear vision, transparency and functional cooperation at the political
levels, marginalisation of civil society in the planning process, and
lack of rigor at the bureaucratic level have severely compromised the
quality of the planning. At all levels, of government technical
expertise as well as technology and information management systems are
very deficient.
The review of policy options considers short-middle term as well as
long term prospects. It focuses on monetary policies, prices and
exchange rate management, revenue stabilisation, diversification and
growth, public expenditure management and the constitutional and
operational problems of fiscal federalism. The main determinant of the
stock of money, in Pakistan, has been the consolidated fiscal balance of
all levels of government, federal, state and local, which has been in
deficit for most of the time since 1947. The money supply growth has
contributed to the relative growth of the service sector and the
relative decline of the agricultural sector of the economy, contributing
to considerable GDP volatility. The federal government and most state
governments have embarked on programs to improve public expenditure
management by downsizing, rightsizing and restructuring the public
services and privatising public enterprises the stabilisation of public
expenditure is constrained by the lack of harmonisation and coordination
of expenditure management by the various tiers of government
Public revenue in Pakistan is inadequate and unstable. The major
cause of revenue volatility is a combination of two factors: the large
and unpredictable fluctuations in agricultural sector because the whole
economic activity is based on agriculture and ad hoc policies as well as
inefficient structure of the central board of revenue. In the short run
efforts should be made to raise more revenue through more effective
harvesting of existing sources and more imaginative investigation and
development of new ones. In the long run steps should be taken to
promote and support increased production and productivity in the various
sectors of the economy. The low level of social development and social
security is a major constraint to sustainable growth. There is need to
enlarge the revenue base through social security taxation in order to
provide adequately for the necessary investment in social service
Most studies on the volatility structure and development have been
undertaken for developed and developing countries as will be reviewed in
the study. Only a very limited number of studies deal with these issues
in less developed countries (LDCs). Still no serious attempt has been
seen covering the area of development and sectoral volatility. This is
the first systematic quantitative study on the measurement of volatility
and development. In addition, it is the first attempt to provide a
quarterly time series data set covering the period 1971-72 to 2002-2003,
which capture the different shocks of the Pakistan's economy and
adjustments associated with the different economic and political crises.
The analysis of the relationship between the sectoral volatility and
growth rates in Pakistan makes it a unique study in views of future
policy options.
III.I. Methodological Issues
The study takes advantage of the developments in the theory of unit
root test, Vector Auto Regressive Model (VAR), Co-integration Test and
Impulse Response Functions (IRFs). To measure the time varying measure
of volatility of output, economists construct a rolling (moving)
variance of the series. However, the rolling variance is a naive
derivation of uncertainty because economic agents are not necessarily
exploiting patterns in the data when making forecasts of uncertainty
through measures of fluctuations but not of uncertainty. The choice
stands for a measure of uncertainty measure obtained through the
ARCH-GARCH process. Auto-regressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity
(ARCH) models were introduced by Engel (1982) and generalised auto-regressive models (GARCH) by Bollerslev (1986).
(1) Autoregressive describe a feedback mechanism that incorporates
past observations into the present.
(2) Conditional implies a dependence on implies a dependence on the
observations of immediate past.
(3) Heteroscedasticity represents a time-varying variance (i.e.
Therefore ARCH models allow the error term to have a time varying
variance i.e. to be conditional on the past behaviour of the series. In
the present study volatility of all the variables is calculated using
rolling (moving) standard deviations of the series and ARCH-GARCH
process. Under the rolling (moving) standard deviation as the measure of
volatility 4-quarter moving standard deviation and 8-quarter moving
standard deviation are used for analysis.
A dummy variable is used to check the impact of political stability
on the volatility of output in growth and level form. Value of dummy
variable is one for the periods of election campaign (one quarter
before, during and after the government change) and zero otherwise. It
is expected that political instability lead to high volatility in output
in growth and level form.
III.II. Data and Variables Notations
The study uses data of output (GDP), value added of agriculture,
value added of Finance and Insurance, value added of services, value
added of industry and value added of whole sale and retail. The
secondary quarterly data covering the time period 1971-72 to 2002-2003
is used that has been taken from Kemal and Arby (2004). (2)
To differentiate among different types volatility variables that
are calculated using moving standard deviations of the series and
ARCH-GARCH process following notations are used:
To differentiate among different types volatility variables that
are calculated using moving standard deviations of the series
and ARCH-GARCH process following notations are used:
4 quarter moving Standard deviation =VOL
8 quarter moving standard deviation =VOLL
Volatility based on ARCH-GARCII =VOLT
Output (GDP) =Y
Value added of agriculture =VAG
Value added of Finance and Insurance =VFIN
Value added of Services =VSER
Value added of Industry =VIN
Value added of Whole sale and retail =VWH
Growth Rate of Variables
Growth rate of output =GRY
Growth rate of value added of agriculture =GR VAG
Growth rate of value added of Finance and Insurance =GR VFIN
Growth rate of value added of Services =GR VSER
Growth rate of value added of Industry =GR VIN
Growth rate of value added of Whole sale and retail =GR VWII
Volatility based on 4 quarter moving standard deviation
Volatility of output =VOL Y
Volatility of value added of agriculture =VOL VAG
Volatility of value added of Finance and Insurance =VOL VFIN
Volatility of value added of Services =VOL VSER
Volatility of value added of Industry =VOL VIN
Volatility of value added of Whole sale and retail =VOL VWH
Volatility based on 8 quarter moving standard deviation
Volatility of output =VOLL_Y
Volatility of value added of agriculture =VOLL_VAG
Volatility of value added of Finance and Insurance =VOLL_VFIN
Volatility of value added of Services =VOLL_VSER
Volatility of value added of Industry =VOLL_VIN
Volatility of value added of Whole sale and retail =VOLL_VWH
Volatility based on ARCH-GARCH Process
Volatility of Growth rate of output =VOLT_GRY
Volatility of Growth rate of value added of =VOLT_GR_VAG
Volatility of Growth rate of value added of Finance =VOLT_GR_VFIN
and Insurance
Volatility of Growth rate of value added of Services =VOLT_GR_VSER
Volatility of Growth rate of value added of Industry =VOLT_GR_VIN
Volatility of Growth rate of value added of Whole =VOLT_GR_VWH
sale and retail
The data for this study exhibits the regular characteristics
associated with most of the macroeconomic variables. This conclusion
derives by looking at various tests carried out on the variables used.
Simple graphical comparisons of volatility variables obtained through
the moving standard deviation (both 4-quarter and 8-quarter) indicate
that volatility of output is the highest volatile sector followed by
volatility of value added of agriculture sector. Dispersion among the
volatilities of other variables is relatively less. Important thing to
note down is this that all the volatility variables whether based on
4-quarter or on 8-quarter moving standard deviation are increasing over
the time period. This type of patron can be seen from Figure 1 and
Figure 2.
Volatility of growth rate of value added of finance and insurance
is observed to be most volatile when observing the volatility variables
through ARCH-GARCH process (3). Volatility of other growth variables are
less volatile and lie within [+ or -] 2. Here the important thing is
that volatility variables obtain through ARCH-GARCH process can have
negative values.
Now moving towards more sophisticated techniques of analysis in
section V.I results of unit root tests are reported, this is necessary
because the co-integration tests can be applied only to variables that
are non-stationary in levels (contain unit root). In section V.II error
correction model and regression analysis are presented to check the
short run or long run relationship between volatility of growth rate of
output and variables under analysis and in section V.III Impulse
Response Functions (IRF) will be presented.
V.I. Unit Root Tests
Checking stationary is necessary because during building models for
time series, the underlying stochastic process that generated the series
must be invariant with respect to time. If the characteristics of the
stochastic process change over time, i.e., if the process is
non-stationary, it will often be difficult to represent the time series
over past and future intervals of time by a simple algebraic model. This
leads to misleading result. On the other hand, if the stochastic process
is fixed in time, i.e., if it is stationary, then one can model the
process via an equation with fixed coefficients that can be estimated
from past data.
We report the results for the Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) test
that has been initially developed by Dickey and Fuller (1979) because it
has an Over-riding advantage on other tests, as ADF automatically
controls for higher order correlations by assuming that the coefficient
of the series follows an AR (p) process and automatically adjusts the
test methodology. Results of unit root tests on variables are reported
in Table I.
Results of ADF tests shows that all the variables of the model are
integrated of order one that is I (1) if test is applied with intercept,
suggesting the need for differencing of the variables. Results of the
unit root tests based on with trend and intercept or with none showed
mixed level of integration that is variables are not integrated of same
order. All the growth rate variables are integrated of order zero
whether based on with intercept, with trend and intercept or with none.
Our prime objective is to check the impact of volatility of
different sectors on the volatility of output. In this regard we applied
unit root tests on the volatility of different variables that are
calculated by 4-quarter moving standard deviation, 8-quarter moving
standard deviation and by ARCH-GARCH process. Here the results of ADF
test indicate that all the volatility variables of growth rate variables
based on ARCH-GARCH process are integrated of order zero. Volatility
variables based on moving standard deviation showed mixed results.
Volatility variables based on 4-quarter moving standard deviation and
8-quarter moving standard deviation are integrated of order one except
volatility of value added of finance and insurance and volatility of
value added of services when test applied with intercept. Volatility of
value added of services based on moving standard deviation (both
4-qaurter and 8-quarter) is integrated of order zero when ADF test
applied with intercept or with trend and intercept while integrated of
first order when test was applied with none. Volatility of value added
of finance and insurance based on moving standard deviation (4-quarter
moving and 8-quarter) is integrated of order zero when test was applied
with intercept otherwise integrated of order one. According to Angel-Granger Approach if any of the variables is integrated of order
zero then co-integration test cannot be applied. So there is no
co-integration among volatility of growth rate of output and volatility
of growth rates of value added by different sectors under analysis, all
there exist is the short run relationship.
V.II. Error Correction Analysis and Regression Analysis
In this section analysis has been performed in two steps in the
first step volatility of growth rate of value added of each variable is
regressed over the volatility of growth rate of output. In the second
step all the variables of volatility of growth rates of value added of
different variables used to check the impact on volatility of growth
rate of output at once. Another attempt is made to test the hypothesis
based on the volatility derived from moving standard deviations.
Dependent variable is volatility of the output (based on 4-quarter and
8quarter moving standard deviation) and independent variables are
volatility of (based on 4-quarter and 8-quarter moving standard
deviation) value added of different sectors under analysis. Results are
provided in Table 2.
Results are very much in the same direction as was expected. From
the regression results it has been observed that volatility of growth
rate of selected sectors have significant impact on the volatility of
growth rate of the income when regressed combined or separately. Similar
results were observed in case of volatility variables obtained through
moving standard deviations except of volatility of finance and
insurance. Volatility of finance and insurance obtained through moving
standard deviation has significant impact on the volatility of output
when regressed separately while indicate negative but insignificant
impact on the volatility of output when combined with other variables in
In magnitude form volatility of growth rate value added of services
contribute highest and volatility of growth rate of value added of
finance and insurance contribute lowest to volatility of growth rate of
output when regressed separately or combined with other variables.
Results of volatility variables based on moving standard deviations
(based on both 4-quarter and 8-quarter) indicate that volatility of
value added of whole sale and retail contribute highest volatility of
value added of agriculture contribute lowest to the volatility of output
when regressed separately. When combined with other variables indicate
that volatility of value added of services contributes highest and
volatility of value added of industry contributes lowest to the
volatility of output.
At the end dummy variable constructed for the political instability
used as another independent variable. Results indicate that political
instability has insignificant effect on the volatility of output in
growth and level forms. As it is observed that volatility of financial
sector do not have significant impact on the on the volatility of
output. So a new regression is estimated without this variable and
included the same dummy. However, the similar results were obtained that
is political instability have no significant effect on the volatility of
One can also find the short run one by constructing an error
correction mechanism (ECM). A pre-condition of the ECM is this that all
the variables should be integrated of same order and no variable should
be integrated of order zero. If any variable is integrated of order zero
or integrated of different orders then there do not exist long run
relationship so no adjustment process. This again put another brick in
the wall of analysis that there exist short run relationship among the
volatility of sectors under analysis and volatility of growth rate.
V.IlI. Impulse Response Functions (IRF)
The findings of Impulse Response functions are not very much
promising. It has been observed from Figure 3 to Figure 7 that
volatility of sectoral growth has not significant impact on the
performance of the economy in the long-run. Figure 3 presents the
impulse response function of volatility of growth rate of value added of
agricultural sector to one standard deviation shock to volatility of
growth rate of income and the IRFs indicate that impact is temporary.
The volatility of growth rate of income gradually returns to the
converging point. Previous literature does not suggest any a priori explanation of this behaviour. The effects of volatility of growth rate
of finance and insurance sector are presented in Figure 4. Same
phenomenon has been occurred as observed in case of volatility of growth
rate of value added of agriculture. Short run fluctuations can be seen
whereas long run effects are not appeared. Currently it is well known
fact that increases in the volatility of finance and insurance sector
has the impact in the performance of the economy but the impact is
observed to be temporary. The impact of volatility of growth rate of
industrial sector, volatility of growth rate of service sector and
volatility of growth rate of whole sale and retail sector are not
significantly different from zero.
From this study it has been observed that in Pakistan every policy
is based on short-run whereas it requires the introduction of a long
term planning and expenditure framework for Pakistan. This requires an
appropriate policy and institutional framework which addresses the
long-term goals of the nation as determined through a transparent
process involving all the legitimate stakeholders, and should be based
on a clear strategy and an integrated program of action. The National
Economic Council has a central role to play in this task.
However, for this study it is also observed that volatility of
different sectors have impact on the volatility of growth rates in the
short-run while volatility of value added of finance and insurance
indicate insignificant impact. Volatility of value added of services
contributed highest to the volatility of growth rate of output and
volatility of finance and insurance contributed lowest to the volatility
of growth rate of output.
Dynamic changes in political structure have insignificant impact on
the growth rate of the economy. Currently the insignificant impact might
be due to the dummy variable used for the political instability. So
there is a need to estimate the impact of political instability on the
volatility of the growth rate by considering and developing
comprehensive measures of political instability.
The problem of inadequate, untimely and unreliable data has
adversely affected development planning and management. Although there
are several institutions at the federal level charged with the
production of statistical and survey reports, their performance has been
uneven and irregular. The system lacks the capacity to harvest and use
the information available at the various agencies and centres of action.
There is need to re-think and restructure fiscal federalism in
Pakistan. Under prolonged military rule the principles and practice of
fiscal federalism were eroded. Efforts are now being made to re-build
the system. Such efforts should include the establishment of mechanisms
for coordination and cooperation between Federal Government of Pakistan and provincial governments in such a way as to make it possible to agree
on economy-wide macroeconomic objectives and targets, and ways of
achieving same. The Constitution itself should be drastically reviewed
and refashioned in the light of the needs and expressed wishes of the
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This paper examines the nature of volatility of GDP along with the
volatility of different economic sectors of the economy, and focuses on
the question as to what extent the volatility in the GDP growth rate is
associated with the volatility of various sectors of the economy. The
paper concludes that in a country like Pakistan, no long-run
relationship exists between the volatility of GDP growth rate and the
volatility of sectoral growth rates. However the relationship exists for
the short run only.
As the title of the paper suggests, the authors were expected on
the one hand to explain the microeconomic and macroeconomic determinants
of sectoral volatility of GDP and on the other, to establish the
linkages between sectoral volatility, economic development and
governance. The contents of the paper, however, clearly show the failure
of the authors to clearly diagnose the basic determinants of sectoral
volatility and to establish the transmission mechanisms between sectoral
volatility, development and governance. In fact, the discussion on these
two critical aspects is almost non-existent in the paper.
The literature review in the paper refers to some important studies
on the subject, however, the paper does not explain their findings and
conclusions. The authors could develop a tabulated matrix to show the
readers when each of these studies was conducted, what was the sample of
the country data and what were the results. This would have
significantly improved the contents of the paper.
The authors point out that this paper would answer a number of
questions about the volatility of GDP growth rate etc. and then go on to
pen down a few specific questions. However the answers to many of these
questions are missing in the paper, which include the following:
(a) What are the main implications of the volatility parameters for
Pakistan's policy problems'?
(b) What are the main implications of the volatility parameters for
the achievement of stable growth rate of real G DP?
(c) How is the volatility in different sectors of Pakistan's
economy correlated with each other?
(d) What is the nature of volatility of different economic sectors?
The regression results presented in the paper need far greater
explanation than is provided in the paper. Simply stating that the
impact variables are insignificant is not sufficient analysis. The idea
is not to show the regression results, but to explain them in the light
of changes in the stock and flow of economic variables. This could make
the discussion interesting as well as meaningful. At the same time,
there is a need to incorporate other independent variables in the
regression equations which can be proxies for development and
governance. Simply regressing the volatility in the overall GDP with the
volatility in sectoral GDP is an oversimplified exercise and does not
provide any useful policy conclusions.
In the sub-section on Impulse Response Function (IRF), each figure
(Figure 5 - 9) in the paper requires exclusive explanation. The results
from the IRF suggest that the sectoral volatility has no significant
impact on the overall performance of the economy. One needs a
decomposition analysis to validate such a result. There are various
decomposition techniques in the literature which the authors could
utilise for improving their results.
The literature on the theory and usage of Unit-Root Test and
Angel-Granger Approach is well-known by now. The rudimentary explanation
of these tests should be placed the in an appendix. There is no need for
these details to be placed as a sub-section in the main body of a paper
explaining policy implications of sectoral volatility.
In the concluding part of the paper, a reference has been made
about restructuring the fiscal federalism in Pakistan. This is an
unwarranted addition as the fiscal policy and demand management policies
have not been incorporated in the econometric tests conducted in the
paper. The reader is unable to see how sectoral volatility of the
economy can be linked with fiscal federalism.
Aqdas Ali Kazmi
Planning Commission, Islamabad.
Toseef Azid is Fulbright Fellow at Social and Behavioural Sciences Division, El Camino College, Torrance, California, USA. Naeem Khaliq is
a postgraduate student at Markfield Institute of Higher Education,
Loughborough University, UK. Muhammad Jamil is Staff Economist at the
Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, lslamabad.
Authors' Note: The views expressed are those of the authors
and do no necessarily represent those of the institutions at which they
study or work.
(1) In this most of Views regarding the patron of economic
volatility in Pakistan are based on author's personal observation
and experience of rescarch work.
(2) This is the only data source that provides quarterly data on
GDP of Pakistan from 1971 to 2003 however State Bank of Pakistan also
starts reporting quarterly figures on GDP since 1998 but that is not
considered in the present study.
Appendix A Data of the Volatility Variables Obtained from
the ARCH-GARCH Process
Volatility in Growth Rate (VOLT GR) of
1971-72-Q2 3.9916
1971-72-Q3 -1.2284
1971-72-Q4 1.2416
1972-73-Q1 0.0916
1972-73-Q2 -0.5484
1972-73-Q3 -0.9184
1972-73-Q4 0.2716
1973-74-Q1 -1.0384
1973-74-Q2 6.9516
1973-74-Q3 -0.8484
1973-74-Q4 -0.0884
1974-75-Q1 -2.4784
1974-75-Q2 -0.0060 -2.7784 0.0966
1974-75-Q3 -0.0022 -1.0184 0.1487
1974-75-Q4 -0.0249 0.2716 0.0179
1975-76-Q1 -0.0058 -1.2684 0.0313
1975-76-Q2 0.0007 5.4616 -0.0642
1975-76-Q3 0.0480 -0.8184 -0.0311
1975-76-Q4 0.0587 -1.3084 -0.1132
1976-77-Q1 -0.0452 9.2316 0.0251
1976-77-Q2 -0.0461 0.0116 -0.0326
1976-77-Q3 0.0875 -1.3184 -0.0461
1976-77-Q4 0.0172 -1.3784 -0.0450
1977-78-Q1 0.0345 41.4016 0.0158
1977-78-Q2 0.0118 2.1616 0.0282
1977-78-Q3 0.0098 -1.1284 0.0421
1977-78-Q4 -0.0277 1.0616 0.0700
1978-79-QI -0.0105 -0.9884 -0.0119
1978-79-Q2 0.0188 1.1616 -0.0135
1978-79-Q3 0.0116 -0.7384 0.0194
1978-79-Q4 0.0409 -0.1884 0.0283
1979-80-Q1 0.0068 -1.2684 -0.0313
1979-80-Q2 0.0670 6.5516 0.0148
1979-80-Q3 -0.0585 -0.7484 0.0125
1979-80-Q4 -0.0275 -0.2884 0.0219
1980-81-Q1 -0.0375 -1.2784 -0.0181
1980-81-Q2 0.0480 6.5416 0.0061
1980-81-Q3 0.0303 -0.8484 0.0027
1980-81-Q4 0.0049 0.0416 0.0150
1981-82-Q1 -0.0093 -1.8884 -0.0479
1981-82-Q2 0.0419 -6.3684 0.0982
1981-82-Q3 0.0136 -0.9084 0.0276
1981-82-Q4 -0.0518 -0.9584 -0.0164
1982-83-Q1 0.0262 0.3916 0.0835
1982-83-Q2 0.0171 -0.5584 -0.0446
1982-83-Q3 -0.0244 0.2616 0.0272
1982-83-Q4 -0.0511 -0.9484 0.0146
1983-84-Q1 -0.0355 0.2216 0.0154
1983-84-Q2 -0.0926 0.0716 0.0320
1983-84-Q3 0.0340 -0.4784 0.0339
1983-84-Q4 -0.0083 -1.3784 -0.0520
1984-85-Q1 0.1004 -7.4484 -0.0544
1984-85-Q2 0.0495 -5.2884 0.0375
1984-85-Q3 -0.0856 -0.0884 0.0574
1984-85-Q4 0.0034 -1.2884 -0.0178
1985-86-QI 0.0725 1.6416 0.0338
1985-86-Q2 0.0077 -0.6884 -0.0525
1985-86-Q3 -0.0412 0.8016 -0.0430
1985-86-Q4 0.1109 -1.0184 0.0144
1986-87-Q1 0.0656 -0.1784 -0.0212
1986-87-Q2 0.0230 -0.1484 0.0154
1986-87-Q3 -0.0463 -0.0884 -0.0171
1986-87-Q4 -0.0211 0.9384 -0.0150
1987-88-Q1 0.0267 -0.1684 0.0062
1987-88-Q2 0.0321 -0.3684 -0.0030
1987-88-Q3 -0.0249 0.5316 0.0144
1987-88-Q4 -0.1909 -1.1384 -0.0140
1988-89-Q1 0.0651 0.7016 -0.0310
1988-89-Q2 0.0686 -0.6184 -0.0126
1988-89-Q3 -0.0215 0.9316 0.0076
1988-89-Q4 0.1018 -1.3584 -0.0344
1989-90-Q1 -0.0589 5.2416 -0.0227
1989-90-Q2 -0.0267 -0.2284 0.0039
1989-90-Q3 0.0057 -0.1684 -0.0247
1989-90-Q4 -0.0026 -0.8784 0.0137
1990-91-Q1 0.0416 -0.0884 -0.0137
1990-91-Q2 0.0193 -0.4684 0.0150
1990-91-Q3 -0.0190 0.0316 -0.0071
1990-91-Q4 0.0544 -0.8784 -0.0005
1991-92-Q1 0.0432 -0.3584 0.0093
1991-92-Q2 0.0510 -0.0684 0.0199
1991-92-Q3 -0.0274 -0.2684 -0.0012
1991-92-Q4 -0.0022 -0.6184 0.0088
1992-93-Q1 -0.0681 0.3416 0.0222
1992-93-Q2 -0.1037 -1.0484 -0.0254
1992-93-Q3 0.0238 0.2316 -0.0097
1992-93-Q4 -0.0049 -0.6884 -0.0015
1993-94-Q1 0.0280 -0.2984 -0.0144
1993-94-Q2 -0.0547 -0.2584 -0.0002
1993-94-Q3 0.0140 0.0516 0.0107
1993-94-Q4 -0.0481 -0.6084 -0.0009
1994-95-Q1 -0.0109 -0.3284 -0.0258
1994-95-Q2 -0.0372 -0.5584 0.0001
1994-95-Q3 0.0440 0.1716 0.0147
1994-95-Q4 0.0230 0.9184 0.0086
1995-96-Q1 0.0929 -0.0484 0.0002
1995-96-Q2 0.0418 -0.5084 0.0123
1995-96-Q3 0.0306 0.3016 0.0141
1995-96-Q4 0.0028 -0.9984 -0.0041
1996-97-Q1 -0.0011 -0.4484 -0.0222
1996-97-Q2 0.0022 0.2116 0.0157
1996-97-Q3 0.0153 0.1216 -0.0153
1996-97-Q4 -0.0087 -0.8984 -0.0299
1997-98-Q1 0.0080 -0.7384 -0.0427
1997-98-Q2 -0.0198 0.3216 -0.0082
1997-98-Q3 0.0428 -0.1284 -0.0285
1997-98-Q4 0.0193 -1.1384 -0.0345
1998-99-Q1 -0.0667 -0.1584 -0.0225
1998-99-Q2 -0.0233 2.6016 0.0544
1998-99-Q3 0.0098 -1.4184 -0.0805
1998-99-Q4 -0.0442 51.0916 0.0548
1999-00-Q1 -0.0296 -1.1584 0.0008
1999-00-Q2 0.0532 1.6116 -0.0221
1999-00-Q3 -0.0486 -0.8084 0.0319
1999-00-Q4 0.0652 0.6016 0.0083
2000-Ol-Q1 -0.0548 -1.1584 0.0098
2000-O1-Q2 -0.0531 3.3116 0.0006
2000-01-Q3 -0.0336 -1.2784 -0.0098
2000-01-Q4 -0.0732 3.9216 0.0216
2001-02-Q1 -0.0272 -0.8584 0.0137
2001-02-Q2 0.0326 0.9116 -0.0047
2001-02-Q3 -0.0502 -1.0684 -0.0098
2001-02-Q4 -0.0687 0.6116 0.0065
2002-03-Q1 -0.0081 -0.8484 0.0139
2002-03-Q2 -0.0049 0.1616 -0.0050
2002-03-Q3 0.0122 -0.7184 0.0203
2002-03-Q4 0.0084 -0.0684 -0.0079
Volatility in Growth Rate (VOLT GR) of
1972-73-Q2 0.0171 -0.0010
1972-73-Q3 0.0742 0.0100
1972-73-Q4 0.0200 0.0003
1973-74-Q1 -0.0014 0.0158
1973-74-Q2 -0.0293 0.0252
1973-74-Q3 0.0276 0.0651
1973-74-Q4 0.0219 0.0342
1974-75-Q1 0.0199 -0.0504
1974-75-Q2 -0.0218 -0.0128 0.0215
1974-75-Q3 -0.0888 -0.0556 0.0335
1974-75-Q4 -0.0356 -0.0352 -0.0034
1975-76-Q1 0.0553 -0.0244 0.0255
1975-76-Q2 -0.0541 -0.0729 -0.0401
1975-76-Q3 0.0216 -0.0124 0.0401
1975-76-Q4 -0.0306 -0.0009 0.0021
1976-77-Q1 -0.0682 -0.1356 0.0004
1976-77-Q2 -0.0135 -0.0398 -0.0265
1976-77-Q3 -0.0004 0.0043 -0.0024
1976-77-Q4 0.0070 -0.0291 0.0033
1977-78-Q1 0.0017 0.0348 0.0443
1977-78-Q2 0.0499 0.0418 -0.0010
1977-78-Q3 0.0367 -0.0056 0.0119
1977-78-Q4 0.0041 -0.0184 0.0171
1978-79-QI 0.0015 -0.0332 -0.0221
1978-79-Q2 -0.0196 0.0071 -0.0034
1978-79-Q3 0.0083 0.0114 -0.0075
1978-79-Q4 0.0420 0.0316 0.0302
1979-80-Q1 0.0817 0.0365 0.0165
1979-80-Q2 -0.0147 -0.0025 0.0241
1979-80-Q3 0.0192 -0.0284 0.0084
1979-80-Q4 0.0112 0.0189 0.0181
1980-81-Q1 0.0098 -0.0104 -0.0151
1980-81-Q2 0.0418 0.0213 0.0029
1980-81-Q3 0.0358 0.0101 0.0053
1980-81-Q4 -0.0126 0.0182 -0.0111
1981-82-Q1 0.0443 -0.0004 -0.0377
1981-82-Q2 0.0241 0.0511 0.0325
1981-82-Q3 -0.0038 0.0112 -0.0005
1981-82-Q4 0.0732 0.0321 -0.0261
1982-83-Q1 -0.0265 0.0228 0.0063
1982-83-Q2 -0.1112 0.0201 -0.0504
1982-83-Q3 -0.0276 -0.0057 0.0072
1982-83-Q4 0.0211 0.0204 0.0058
1983-84-Q1 -0.0111 -0.0330 -0.0145
1983-84-Q2 0.0064 -0.0547 -0.0356
1983-84-Q3 0.0275 0.0691 0.0072
1983-84-Q4 -0.0139 -0.0154 -0.0344
1984-85-Q1 0.0314 0.0775 0.0116
1984-85-Q2 0.0340 0.0748 0.0272
1984-85-Q3 0.0315 -0.0253 0.0178
1984-85-Q4 -0.0929 -0.0208 -0.0285
1985-86-QI 0.0341 0.0113 0.0129
1985-86-Q2 0.0470 0.0284 0.0061
1985-86-Q3 -0.0071 -0.0363 -0.0088
1985-86-Q4 0.0089 0.0500 0.0068
1986-87-Q1 0.0167 -0.0061 0.0086
1986-87-Q2 -0.0070 0.0225 0.0298
1986-87-Q3 0.0526 0.0080 -0.0303
1986-87-Q4 0.0116 -0.0385 -0.0316
1987-88-Q1 -0.0048 0.0205 0.0238
1987-88-Q2 0.0254 0.0532 0.0089
1987-88-Q3 0.0640 0.0444 0.0165
1987-88-Q4 0.0034 -0.0027 -0.0161
1988-89-Q1 -0.0425 -0.0535 -0.0544
1988-89-Q2 -0.0393 0.0173 0.0105
1988-89-Q3 0.0001 0.0436 0.0194
1988-89-Q4 0.0321 0.0045 0.0015
1989-90-Q1 0.0078 0.0046 -0.0470
1989-90-Q2 0.0411 0.0052 -0.0078
1989-90-Q3 -0.0155 -0.0296 -0.0023
1989-90-Q4 -0.0575 -0.0077 -0.0099
1990-91-Q1 0.0090 -0.0042 -0.0146
1990-91-Q2 0.0096 0.0462 -0.0096
1990-91-Q3 0.0063 -0.0207 -0.0246
1990-91-Q4 0.0015 -0.0241 -0.0009
1991-92-Q1 0.0318 0.0774 0.0494
1991-92-Q2 -0.0104 -0.0029 0.0356
1991-92-Q3 0.0241 0.0100 -0.0051
1991-92-Q4 -0.0242 -0.0118 -0.0019
1992-93-Q1 -0.0257 -0.0403 -0.0162
1992-93-Q2 -0.0085 -0.0083 -0.0164
1992-93-Q3 0.0146 0.0021 0.0119
1992-93-Q4 -0.0052 0.0179 -0.0131
1993-94-Q1 -0.0248 0.0114 0.0103
1993-94-Q2 -0.0255 -0.0564 -0.0206
1993-94-Q3 0.0013 0.0004 -0.0049
1993-94-Q4 -0.0328 -0.0155 -0.0184
1994-95-Q1 0.0061 -0.0320 -0.0409
1994-95-Q2 -0.0581 0.0177 -0.0204
1994-95-Q3 0.0126 0.0019 0.0183
1994-95-Q4 0.0368 0.0710 0.0254
1995-96-Q1 -0.0006 -0.0248 -0.0078
1995-96-Q2 0.0201 0.0277 0.0150
1995-96-Q3 -0.0198 0.0237 -0.0131
1995-96-Q4 -0.0463 -0.0152 -0.0163
1996-97-Q1 -0.0162 -0.0230 -0.0230
1996-97-Q2 -0.0380 0.0465 -0.0059
1996-97-Q3 -0.0352 -0.0682 -0.0270
1996-97-Q4 -0.0819 -0.0810 -0.0502
1997-98-Q1 -0.0282 -0.0222 -0.0306
1997-98-Q2 0.0657 -0.0256 0.0071
1997-98-Q3 0.0477 -0.0236 0.0096
1997-98-Q4 -0.0478 -0.0055 -0.0182
1998-99-Q1 0.0263 -0.0100 -0.0184
1998-99-Q2 -0.0821 -0.0075 0.0237
1998-99-Q3 0.0210 -0.0166 0.0006
1998-99-Q4 0.0189 0.0274 0.0489
1999-00-Q1 -0.0248 0.0077 0.0036
1999-00-Q2 0.0005 -0.0542 0.0244
1999-00-Q3 -0.0885 0.0119 0.0047
1999-00-Q4 -0.0141 -0.0553 0.0310
2000-Ol-Q1 -0.0105 0.0700 0.0042
2000-O1-Q2 -0.0996 -0.1106 -0.0511
2000-01-Q3 0.0758 0.0744 -0.0108
2000-01-Q4 0.0124 0.0275 -0.0043
2001-02-Q1 0.0362 -0.0016 0.0022
2001-02-Q2 -0.0627 -0.0213 -0.0341
2001-02-Q3 0.0175 -0.1111 -0.0317
2001-02-Q4 -0.0173 0.0549 0.0012
2002-03-Q1 -0.0344 -0.0106 0.0115
2002-03-Q2 -0.0307 0.0603 0.0015
2002-03-Q3 0.0707 0.0384 0.0479
2002-03-Q4 -0.0216 -0.0206 0.0153
Table 1
Results of the Unit Root Tests
ADF Test Statistics ADF Test Statistics
Intercept Trend and Intercept
First First
Variables Level Difference Level Difference
Y 2.868 -4.7467 * -2.447 -1.617 *
VAG 0.736 -5.7559 * -2.4458 -5.8665 *
VFIN -1.156 -9.9411 * -4.5852 * -9.9046 *
VIN 2.516 -5.9679 * -2.3260 -6.5399 *
VSER 5.148 -5.5177 * -0.8968 -7.4847 *
VWH 1.465 -5.1124 * -2.1241 -5.3080 *
VOL_Y -1.0489 -4.6774 * -3.4010 -4.6507 *
VOL_VAG -0.2862 -6.0048 * -3.4605 * -6.0116 *
VOL_VFIN -3.1330 * -6.0889 * -3.2373 -6.0790 *
VOL_VIN 0.0999 -6.0792 * -3.6675 * -6.2316 *
VOL_VSER -4.9313 * -6.1285 * -5.8330 * -6.1230 *
VOL_VWH -2.0712 -4.0367 * -2.1027 -4.0977 *
VOLL_Y -0.8132 -3.9776 * -4.4250 * -3.9310 *
VOLL_VAG -0.1096 -3.9744 * -3.3707 -4.0038 *
VOLL_VFIN -2.9116 * -5.5337 * -3.1435 -5.3472 *
VOLL_VIN 0.4487 -3.9141 * -3.7840 * -4.1450 *
VOLL_VSER -3.5416 * -4.3628 * -5.5585 * -4.3340 *
VOLL_VWH -2.3334 -2.8587 * -3.6414 * -3.8153 *
ADF Test Statistics
Variables Level Difference
Y 6.3290 -1.6179
VAG 3.7258 -4.4730 *
VFIN 0.6380 -9.7911 *
VIN 7.3812 -2.8258 *
VSER 9.5974 -1.8768
VWH 6.0821 -2.7513 *
VOL_Y 0.9928 -4.4712 *
VOL_VAG 1.6703 -5.5789 *
VOL_VFIN -1.0052 -6.1098 *
VOL_VIN 1.2246 -5.7942 *
VOL_VSER -1.1751 -6.1443 *
VOL_VWH -0.5229 -4.0490 *
VOLL_Y -0.9980 -3.7275 *
VOLL_VAG 1.8916 -3.4342 *
VOLL_VFIN -0.8253 -5.4076 *
VOLL_VIN 1.6402 -3.3896 *
VOLL_VSER -0.6511 -4.3873 *
VOLL_VWH -0.4726 -2.8647 *
ADF Test Statistics
Trend and
Intercept Intercept None
Variables Level Level Level
GRY -5.3590 * -5.8624 * -1.9516 *
GR_VAG -6.2150 * -6.1882 * -4.5707 *
GR WIN 1.7932 * -4.7726 * -4.4327 *
GR VIN -5.4886 * -5.9445 * -2.4740 *
GR_VSER -6.7988 * -7.0784 * -2.8983 *
GR_VWH -4.7395 * -5.0803 * -2.5758 *
VOLT_GRY -4.2038 * -4.2333 * -4.1701 *
VOLT_GR_VAG -4.8655 * -5.2690 * -4.8831 *
VOLT_GR_VEIN -4.7931 * -4.7726 * -4.6654 *
VOLT_GR_VIN -4.4653 * -4.8847 * -4.4841 *
VOLT_GR_VSER -5.2493 * -5.2392 * -5.2708 *
VOLT_GR_VWH -4.4865 * -4.4477 * -4.5006 *
Table 2
Regression Results Based on Different Volatility Variables
Variable Constant VOLT_GR_VAG VOLT_GR_VEIN
VOLT_GR_Y -0.001 (0.497) 0.154 (0.001)
VOLT_GR_Y 0.002 (0.385) 0.001 (0.016)
VOLT_GR_Y -0.001 (1.580)
VOLT_GR_Y -0.002 (0.383)
VOLT_GR_Y -0.001 (0.619)
VOLT_GR_Y -0.002 (0.215) 0.154 (0.000) 0.001 (0.006)
VOLT_GR_Y 0.003 (0.162) 0.155 (0.000) 0.001 (0.006)
VOL_Y 716.586 (0.045) 1.418 (0.000)
VOL_Y 7585.577 (0.000) 2.000 (0.000)
VOL_Y 5803.860 (0.000)
VOL_Y 4070.161 (0.079)
VOL_Y 4110.778 (0.000)
VOL_Y 290.189 (0.187) 0.823 (0.000) -0.031 (0.784)
VOL_Y -282.798 (0.196) 0.877 (0.000) 0.825 (0.000)
VOL_Y -282.737 (0.193) 0.825 (0.000)
VOLL_Y 788.324 (0.007) 1.458 (0.000)
VOLL_Y 6495.665 (0.000) 2.561 (0.000)
VOLL_Y 4977.266 (0.000)
VOLL_Y 1114.281 (0.079)
VOLL_Y 2744.127 (0.000)
VOLL_Y -478.659 (0.007) 0.759 (0.000) -0.082 (0.415)
VOLL_Y -473.827 (0.008) 0.754 (0.000) -0.092 (0.366)
VOLL_Y -491.984 (0.000) 0.748 (0.000)
Variable Constant VOLT_GR_VIN VOLT_GR_VSER
VOLT_GR_Y -0.001 (0.497)
VOLT_GR_Y 0.002 (0.385)
VOLT_GR_Y -0.001 (1.580) 2.286 (0.000)
VOLT_GR_Y -0.002 (0.383) 0.300 (0.000)
VOLT_GR_Y -0.001 (0.619)
VOLT_GR_Y -0.002 (0.215) 0.131 (0.006) 0.299 (0.000)
VOLT_GR_Y 0.003 (0.162) 0.137 (0.006) 0.304 (0.000)
VOL_Y 716.586 (0.045)
VOL_Y 7585.577 (0.000)
VOL_Y 5803.860 (0.000) 2.049 (0.000)
VOL_Y 4070.161 (0.079) 2.454 (0.000)
VOL_Y 4110.778 (0.000)
VOL_Y 290.189 (0.187) 0.455 (0.000) 1.040 (0.000)
VOL_Y -282.798 (0.196) 0.001 (0.995) 0.461 (0.000)
VOL_Y -282.737 (0.193) 0.461 (0.000) 1.008 (0.000)
VOLL_Y 788.324 (0.007)
VOLL_Y 6495.665 (0.000)
VOLL_Y 4977.266 (0.000) 2.286 (0.000)
VOLL_Y 1114.281 (0.079) 3.181 (0.000)
VOLL_Y 2744.127 (0.000)
VOLL_Y -478.659 (0.007) 0.416 (0.000) 1.190 (0.000)
VOLL_Y -473.827 (0.008) 0.418 (0.000) 1.203 (0.000)
VOLL_Y -491.984 (0.000) 0.420 (0.000) 1.451 (0.000)
Variable Constant VOLT_GR_VWH DUMMY
VOLT_GR_Y -0.001 (0.497)
VOLT_GR_Y 0.002 (0.385)
VOLT_GR_Y -0.001 (1.580)
VOLT_GR_Y -0.002 (0.383)
VOLT_GR_Y -0.001 (0.619) 0.249 (0.000)
VOLT_GR_Y -0.002 (0.215) 0.120 (0.000)
VOLT_GR_Y 0.003 (0.162) 0.119 (0.011) 0.002 (0.506)
VOL_Y 716.586 (0.045)
VOL_Y 7585.577 (0.000)
VOL_Y 5803.860 (0.000)
VOL_Y 4070.161 (0.079)
VOL_Y 4110.778 (0.000) 3.703 (0.000)
VOL_Y 290.189 (0.187) 0.845 (0.000)
VOL_Y -282.798 (0.196) 1.008 (0.000) -192.99 (0.133)
VOL_Y -282.737 (0.193) -192.860 (0.125)
VOLL_Y 788.324 (0.007)
VOLL_Y 6495.665 (0.000)
VOLL_Y 4977.266 (0.000)
VOLL_Y 1114.281 (0.079)
VOLL_Y 2744.127 (0.000) 4.392 (0.000)
VOLL_Y -478.659 (0.007) 0.945 (0.000)
VOLL_Y -473.827 (0.008) 0.933 (0.000) 70.466 (0.387)
VOLL_Y -491.984 (0.000) 0.987 (0.000) 62.319 (0.441)
Dependent Adjusted
Variable Constant R-squared R-squared
VOLT_GR_Y -0.001 (0.497) 0.10089 0.09290
VOLT_GR_Y 0.002 (0.385) 0.05069 0.04228
VOLT_GR_Y -0.001 (1.580) 0.08862 0.08055
VOLT_GR_Y -0.002 (0.383) 0.21125 0.20427
VOLT_GR_Y -0.001 (0.619) 0.18274 0.17550
VOLT_GR_Y -0.002 (0.215) 0.05068 0.48415
VOLT_GR_Y 0.003 (0.162) 0.50880 0.48152
VOL_Y 716.586 (0.045) 0.87175 0.87071
VOL_Y 7585.577 (0.000) 0.18360 0.17696
VOL_Y 5803.860 (0.000) 0.76510 0.76319
VOL_Y 4070.161 (0.079) 0.47266 0.46837
VOL_Y 4110.778 (0.000) 0.44667 0.44217
VOL_Y 290.189 (0.187) 0.97582 0.97480
VOL_Y -282.798 (0.196) 0.97628 0.97507
VOL_Y -282.737 (0.193) 0.97628 0.97528
VOLL_Y 788.324 (0.007) 0.90629 0.90550
VOLL_Y 6495.665 (0.000) 0.21282 0.20620
VOLL_Y 4977.266 (0.000) 0.86371 0.86257
VOLL_Y 1114.281 (0.079) 0.64651 0.64354
VOLL_Y 2744.127 (0.000) 0.57882 0.57528
VOLL_Y -478.659 (0.007) 0.98840 0.98790
VOLL_Y -473.827 (0.008) 0.98848 0.98787
VOLL_Y -491.984 (0.000) 0.98839 0.98789
Variable Constant F-statistic
VOLT_GR_Y -0.001 (0.497) 12.679 (0.0005)
VOLT_GR_Y 0.002 (0.385) 6.033 (0.0156)
VOLT_GR_Y -0.001 (1.580) 10.987 (0.0012)
VOLT_GR_Y -0.002 (0.383) 30.265 (0.0000)
VOLT_GR_Y -0.001 (0.619) 25 266 (0.0000)
VOLT_GR_Y -0.002 (0.215) 22.399 (0.0000)
VOLT_GR_Y 0.003 (0.162) 18.645 (0.0000)
VOL_Y 716.586 (0.045) 836.079 (0.0000)
VOL_Y 7585.577 (0.000) 27.662 (0.0000)
VOL_Y 5803.860 (0.000) 400.624 (0.0000)
VOL_Y 4070.161 (0.079) 110.245 (0.0000)
VOL_Y 4110.778 (0.000) 99.289 (0.0000)
VOL_Y 290.189 (0.187) 960.460 (0.0000)
VOL_Y -282.798 (0.196) 809.442 (0.0000)
VOL_Y -282.737 (0.193) 979.562 (0.0000)
VOLL_Y 788.324 (0.007) 1150.813 (0.0000)
VOLL_Y 6495.665 (0.000) 32.172 (0.0000)
VOLL_Y 4977.266 (0.000) 754.152 (0.0000)
VOLL_Y 1114.281 (0.079) 217.643 (0.0000)
VOLL_Y 2744.127 (0.000) 163.537 (0.0000)
VOLL_Y -478.659 (0.007) 1959.675 (0.0000)
VOLL_Y -473.827 (0.008) 1629.704 (0.0000)
VOLL_Y -491.984 (0.000) 1958.453 (0.0000)
Values within parenthesis are P-values.