Sectoral effects of monetary policy: evidence from Pakistan.
Alam, Tasneem ; Waheed, Muhammad
Does monetary policy have economically significant effects on the
real output? Historically, economists have tended to hold markedly
different views with regard to this question. In recent times, however,
there seems to be increasing consensus among monetary economists and
policy-makers that monetary policy does have real effects, at least in
the short run. (1) Consequently, focus of monetary policy analysis has
recently shifted from the big question of whether money matters, to
emphasising other aspects of monetary policy and its relations to real
economic activity. One aspect that has received considerable attention
of late is the sectoral or regional effects of monetary policy shocks.
Recent studies on the subject make it quite clear that different sectors
or regions of the economy respond differently to monetary shocks. This
observation has profound implications for the macroeconomic management
as the central bank will have to weigh the varying consequences of its
actions on different sectors or regions of the economy. For instance,
the tightening of monetary policy might be considered mild from the
aggregate perspective, yet it can be viewed as excessive for certain
sectors. If this is true then monetary policy should have strong
distributional effects within the economy. Accordingly, information on
which sectors react first and are more adversely affected by monetary
tightening provides valuable information to monetary authorities in
designing appropriate monetary policies. Additionally, the results can
contribute to our understanding of the underlying nature of transmission
mechanism. And for that reason, many economists have called for a
disaggregated analysis of monetary transmission mechanism [e.g., Domac
(1999), Dedola and Lippi (2005), Ganley and Salmon (1997), Carlino and
DeFina (1998)].
An early attempt to explore monetary transmission at the
disaggregated level is Bernanke and Gertler (1995). They use a vector
autoregressive (VAR) model to show differing impact of monetary policy
on components of final expenditures. Since then numerous studies have
emerged analysing the impact of monetary policy on different sectors or
regions of the economy in more detail. For instance, Raddatz and Rigobon
(2003) find supportive evidence on differential effects of monetary
policy for various sectors of the US economy, whereas Gertler and
Gilchrist (1993) conclude that output of the smaller firms in the USA is
more sensitive to monetary shocks as compared to large-sized firms.
Disaggregating the Canadian economy at the level of final expenditures
as well as at the level of output, Fares and Srour (2001) collect
evidence of differing response of various sectors of the economy to
innovations in monetary policy. Analysing the UK data, Tena and Tremayne
(2006) collect evidence of cross-sectional differences across industries
and asymmetries in some sectors to a monetary policy change while Ganley
and Salmon (1997) provide evidence that the construction sector is the
most interest-sensitive sector, followed by the manufacturing industry,
services, and agriculture. In contrast, Hayo and Uhlenbrock (1999) focus
on the Germany's manufacturing sector. They conclude that heavy
industries react more strongly to interest rate shocks than the
production of non-durables such as clothing and food. Using
disaggregated industry data from five industrialised countries, Dedola
and Lippi (2005) document sizable and significant cross-industry
differences in the effects of monetary policy, Ibrahim (2005) suggests
sector-specific response to innovations in monetary policy for Malaysia.
For a panel of US regional data, Fratantoni, Schuh and Mae (2001)
and Carlino and DeFina (1998, 1999) estimate differential effects of
monetary policy shocks. Their analyses show significant variation in the
magnitude and duration of dynamic responses to monetary shocks across
regions of the USA. Giacinto's (2002) results confirm that economic
sensitivity to changes in monetary policy varies across US regions.
Arnold and Vrugt (2002) measure the impact of monetary policy shocks on
regional and sectoral output for the Netherlands. They document large
regional and sectoral variation in monetary policy transmission. With
concern over the viability of a common European monetary policy, the
European Central Bank created in 1999 the Monetary Transmission Network
(MTN) to comprehensively research the transmission of monetary policy in
the newly formed euro area. It existed for about three years documenting
large amount of evidence on the differences in the effects of monetary
policy among the EU countries using a range of econometric techniques
and a number of data sets [see, for instance, Angeloni, Kashyap and
Mojon (2003)]. (2)
In the case of Pakistan, past research on monetary transmission
mechanism has focused on the response of aggregate variables to monetary
shocks and on measuring the effectualness of various channels of
transmission mechanism. (3) The present paper takes a first step in
investigating the monetary transmission mechanism in Pakistan at a
sectoral level. There are two possible levels of disaggregation of an
economy; one at the level of final expenditures and the other at the
level of production. Due to data limitations, however, we restrict this
analysis to examining the issue with disaggregated data of sectoral
production. Using quarterly data spanning from 1973:1 to 2003:4, we
examine effects of a monetary policy shock to aggregate output as well
as real production from seven different sectors. These sectors are
agriculture (S1), mining and quarrying (S2), manufacturing (S3),
construction (S4), wholesale and retail trade (S5), finance and
insurance (S6), and ownership of dwellings (S7). To this end, we adopt a
standard vector autoregression (VAR) framework and generate
impulse-response functions as a way to assess dynamic responses of
aggregate as well as sectoral production to monetary policy shocks. (4)
This paper also examines the robustness of the estimates of the
responses of outputs to monetary shocks with respect to inclusion of
nominal exchange rate in the VAR specification. Taking note of
structural transformation of the economy and the monetary and financial
reforms during 1990s, we also assess whether this has notable impact on
the monetary transmission mechanism.
The organisation of this paper is as follows. The next section
provides some background information on monetary transmission mechanism
and the framework for evaluating empirical evidence. Section III
describes the data and the estimation strategy. Estimation results are
discussed in Section IV. Section V concludes the paper with a summary of
the main findings.
The monetary transmission mechanism is generally defined as the
process through which monetary policy decisions affect the level of
economic activity in the economy. Broadly speaking, there are two views
on the transmission mechanism. The financial market price view
emphasises the impact of monetary policy on prices of and rates of
return on financial assets (i.e., interest rates, exchange rate and
other asset prices). The other, named credit view, stresses changes in
lending by banks and other financial intermediaries as an alternative to
internal finance [Taylor (2000)]. Thus, in the credit view the
contractionary impulses of monetary policy are transmitted to a large
extent through declines in bank lending. Variations in the effects of
monetary shock on different sectors can arise because of relative
strength of a particular channel of transmission mechanism for some
sectors and not for others. This relative strength, in turn, depends
crucially on the structure, dependence on and availability of bank
credit, and openness of a particular sector. (5) Hence, for example, one
would expect exchange rate channel to have a significant impact of a
monetary shock to a sector which is considered relatively more open than
to the rest of the economy.
Since our objective in this paper is to derive an estimate of the
statistical relationship between a set of variables and not to establish
relative importance of the various channels of the transmission
mechanism, the appropriate framework to evaluate empirical evidence
consists of reduced-form VARs. The VAR approach presumes as if the
economy were a black box whose working cannot be seen and hence it
abstracts from spelling out the specific ways in which a monetary shock
is transmitted to the economy. A VAR essentially consists of a set of
equations in which each variable is treated symmetrically; i.e., each
variable is determined by its own lagged values and the lags of all
other variables in the system. Thus, this particular approach has the
distinct advantage of allowing for the presence of feedback in the
system. The VAR approach also provides an appropriate framework for
making sectoral comparisons--the same reduced form equations can be used
in all sectors for estimating the response of output to monetary shock.
Additionally, the VAR approach allows the data to determine the shape of
the impulse responses for different sectors when there are no clear
priors about these.
In line with previous studies on the transmission of monetary
policy, we estimate a VAR with three variables for the aggregate economy
as well as for each sector: the level of output, the level of prices,
and a monetary policy indicator. (6) The price level is represented by
the consumer price index. In the context of Pakistan, there is no
general consensus among policy-makers or academia on whether some
monetary aggregate or short term interest rate be used as a measure of
monetary policy stance. Many, however, now argue for using some short
term interest rate as a monetary policy indicator because the financial
sector reforms have, presumably, caused instability within the
components of reserve money, and the association between reserve money
and monetary aggregates seems to have become inconsistent [Ahmed, et al.
(2005)]. Accordingly, and also due to being in line with many recent
studies on the subject, we use the call money rate as our monetary
policy variable. A positive shock to the call money rate signals tight
monetary policy and vice versa. Additionally, we test the stability of
the results obtained from above VAR analysis by performing similar VAR
estimation with the inclusion of nominal exchange rate.
The data used in the present study are quarterly, spanning from
1973:1 to 2003:4. Note that the financial sector of Pakistan underwent a
drastic reform process starting from early 1990. This included various
measures to switch from a highly regulated to a liberalised and
market-based monetary and financial system. This could and should have
fundamental implications for the monetary transmission mechanism in
Pakistan. (7) For this reason, we also performed the VAR analysis on a
sub-sample of the data set which excluded the pre-reform period,
spanning from 1990 to 2003.
An important issue relating to the estimation strategy consists of
selecting the appropriate specification of the VARs. Specification
entails deciding on whether the VAR should be estimated in pure
differences, in levels without imposing any restriction, or as a vector
error correction model (VECM) to allow for the presence of
cointegration. Statistically, the decision hinges crucially on the data
temporal properties; that is, their unit root and cointegration
properties. In particular, if the variables in a VAR are non-stationary
and are not cointegrated then the VAR should be specified in pure
differences. Sims (1980), and Sims, Stock and Watson (1990), however,
recommend against differencing even if the variables contain a unit
root. They argue that by way of differencing we trade loss of
information for (statistical) efficiency. But since the goal of VAR
analysis is to determine the interrelationships among the variables and
not the parameters estimates, this trade is obviously unwarranted. (8)
In contrast, if the variables are integrated of the same order and are
cointegrated as well, then vector error correction is the preferred
specification since it can generate efficient estimates without losing
information about the long run relationships among the variables.
However, many economists have argued against simply looking at the
statistical properties of the data to decide on the appropriate
specification. Hence, Ramaswamy and Slok (1998) contend that a VAR
should be estimated using the error correction model only if
cointegration exists, and the true cointegrating relationship is both
known and can be given an economic interpretation. However, if the true
cointegrating relationships are unknown, and furthermore, when these
relationships are not the main focus of the analysis, then imposing
cointegration may not be the appropriate estimation strategy. Imposing
inappropriate cointegration relationships can lead to biased estimates
and hence bias the impulse-responses derived from the reduced-form VARs.
In cases where there is no a priori economic theory that can suggest
either the number of long run relationships or how they should be
interpreted, it is reasonable not to impose the cointegrating
restriction on the VAR model. Consequently, we proceed by estimating an
unrestricted VAR in levels. (9)
The VAR model is identified using recursive Cholesky decomposition.
For each system, we use the following ordering: real output, consumer
prices, and call money rate. Our contention is that a shock to interest
rate has no contemporaneous effect on output. This assumption is
implemented by placing real output and prices before call money rate.
Technically, this involves identifying monetary policy by taking the
residuals from the reduced-form interest rate equation and regressing
them on the residuals from the output and price equations. From the VAR,
we generate impulse response functions which trace the response of a
variable through time to an unanticipated change in itself or other
interrelated variables. Since our focus in this paper is on reaction of
real output to a monetary shock, we only derive the impulse-response
functions which trace the reaction of real output to a one standard
deviation shock to the interest rate.
I. Aggregate Results
We first evaluate aggregate production response to a monetary shock
in a system consisting of real output (GDP), consumer prices (CPI), and
call money rate. Figure 1 (a) depicts the response of real GDP to one
standard deviation shock to the interest rate. The response of real
output is consistent with existing evidence on the real effect of
monetary policy. In response to monetary tightening, real output
declines and bottoms out at around 8 quarters, at approximately 0.25
percent below the baseline.
2. Sectoral Results
We next proceed to estimating a VAR model for each sector. Using
innovation accounting, we examine which sectors seem to be affected more
by monetary tightening. To implement this analysis, we classify the
seven sectors on two bases. First, sectors are categorised according to the magnitude of the response; that is, those with a response of less
than 1 percent decline in output (relative to baseline) to a one
standard deviation shock to the interest rate and those with a response
of greater than 1 percent. Secondly, we also categorise these sectors
according to the duration of the response; that is, those wherein the
decline in output bottoms out within four quarters and those wherein the
decline bottoms out after that period. Figure l plots impulse responses
of the seven sectors considered.
In line with aggregate results, production of all seven sectors
decline after a positive interest rate shock. Looking at Figure 1
(b)-(h), we observe various patterns of temporal response. Among the
seven sectors, output of three seems to decline by less than 1 percent
below the baseline. These sectors are agriculture, construction and
ownership of dwellings. The remaining four sectors show little more than
1 percent decline relative to baseline except for Finance and Insurance,
wherein output declines by more than 12 percent in response to a one
standard deviation shock to interest rate. Analysing the duration of the
responses, we notice that the decline in output bottoms out within a
year for only two sectors; these are construction (4 quarters) and
finance and insurance (2 quarters). For both agriculture and
manufacturing sectors, the decline in output bottoms out at around 6
quarters whereas this happens at 4 quarters for construction and at 9
quarters for wholesale and retail trade.
From these results, we are inclined to suggest that for the period
under consideration there are potential disparities in the effects of
monetary shocks on sectoral output. Specifically, we find that mining
and quarrying, manufacturing, and wholesale and retail trade and finance
and insurance sectors are more responsive to monetary shocks. Moreover,
agriculture and construction sectors seem to be weakly interrelated with
interest rate.
The above results are relatively stable when estimations are
carried out with the inclusion of the nominal exchange rate in the VAR.
The most notable difference in the two results is that the decline in
aggregate output now bottoms out at around 6 quarters compared to 8
quarters in earlier analysis (see Figure A1 at the Appendix).
3. Sub-sample Results
This subsection performs further analysis on aggregate and sectoral
effects of monetary policy by focusing on whether these effects have
undergone any changes with the monetary and financial system reforms
undertaken since early 1990. With the liberalisation and transformation
of the financial sector into a market-based system, one would conjecture
that the transmission mechanism might have experienced significant
changes. To check this we redo the above analysis on a sub-sample of the
data set containing observation over the period 1990 to 2003. The
responses of aggregate as well as sectoral outputs to a monetary shock
are depicted in Figure 2.
Several observations are notable from these results. First, at the
aggregate level, the effects of monetary policy seem stronger and are
transmitted to the real activity more rapidly. Specifically, aggregate
output declines and bottoms out at around 2nd quarter, with 0.38 percent
below the baseline. This result, therefore, suggests that effect of
monetary policy becomes more potent for the aggregate real activity.
Second, at the sectoral level, Figure 2 asserts that monetary shocks
have almost insignificant impact on the output of agriculture, mining
and quarrying, construction and ownership of dwelling sectors. In
particular, output of these sectors declines by less than 0.6 percent in
response to a one-standard deviation shock to interest rate. In
contrast, real activity in manufacturing and wholesale and retail trade
sectors declines by about 1.4 and 1 percent respectively in response to
the same interest rate shock. Activity in finance and insurance sector
seems to be hit the most by the monetary shock--a decline of almost 9.5
percent. Last, but not the least, Figure 2 also reveals that though the
effects of monetary policy are still realised with some lags, the time
required for the reaction of real activity to bottom out in response to
interest rate shock is now significantly reduced.
The present paper analyses the relations between sectoral output
and the call money rate in a multivariate setting to answer an important
question: whether monetary policy shocks have different sectoral
effects. The analysis considers seven different sectors of the economy
and estimates a VAR for each sector as well as for the aggregate
production. The analysis is conducted for the whole sample period as
well as for a sub-sample. From the estimated VAR, we generate impulse
response functions to estimate the effects of monetary shocks on real
In line with many studies on money-income causal nexus, we find
evidence supporting the real effects of monetary policy. Results from
the sub-sample estimation indicate major changes in the transmission of
monetary shock to variation in real activity. In particular, following
monetary tightening, aggregate output declines and bottoms out after 2
quarters. Analysing sectoral output responses to monetary shocks, we
find evidence that some sectors are more affected by monetary
tightening. The manufacturing, wholesale and retail trade, and finance
and insurance sectors seem to decline more in response to the interest
rate shocks. It seems that these three sectors are the driving force
behind the aggregate fluctuations. In contrast, we observe the
insensitivities of agriculture, mining and quarrying, construction, and
ownership of dwellings to interest rate changes.
The differential responses of various sectors to monetary shocks
are important from a policy point of view. Historically, monetary
authorities in Pakistan have been actively involved in stabilisation
policies, promoting output growth during periods of economic slowdown
and containing inflation during periods of expansion. However, the
benefits of these policies need to be fully assessed in terms of
potential unequal distribution of income across sectors. In other words,
the potential sectoral effects of monetary shocks need to be taken into
consideration for future designs of monetary stabilisation policies.
These results also raise a very important question regarding the
reasons underlying differential responses of various sectors. We contend
that the credit view explanation seems very likely, as the sectors that
are affected most by monetary tightening are those sectors that are
heavily dependent on bank loans and that are interest rate sensitive.
This explanation, however, does not rule out other potential channels
for monetary mechanisms. And thus a concrete answer to this question is
an important avenue for future monetary research in the context of
Data Sources
Data on quarterly GDP and sectoral outputs are obtained from Kemal
and Arby (2004). Data on nominal exchange rate, CPI, and call money rate
are obtained from IMF's International Financial Statistics. Output
and CPI are in logs. Data on all variables is checked for seasonality
and adjusted accordingly.
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(1) For discussions regarding the emerging consensus on the real
effects of monetary shocks, [see Bernanke and Gertler (1995), Taylor
(1995), and Solow (1997)].
(2) Much research on regional differences of the effect of monetary
policy has focused on the Euro area. See, for example, Carlo and Luigi
(2005), Mihov (2001), Ramaswamy and Slok (1998), Guiso, et al. (1999),
Cecchetti (1999), Barran, et al. (1996).
(3) See, for example, Ahmed, et al. (2005).
(4) The monetary shock is of the same dimension for all the
systems--a one standard deviation shock to the orthogonalised error term
of the interest rate equation in the VAR. It corresponds approximately
to 2.3 and 2.9 percentage point shocks to the interest rate in the full
sample and sub-sample periods respectively.
(5) Several studies investigate the sources of differential impact
of monetary policy shock to different regions or sectors; see, for
instance, Arnold and Vrugt (2002), Dedola and Lippi (2005), Dornbusch,
Favero, and Giavazzi (1998), Mishkin (1996), Kashyap and Stein (1993).
(6) See Appendix for a description of the data and its sources.
(7) For detailed description of the reform process and its
implications, see Financial Sector Assessment (Various Issues). State
Bank of Pakistan. <>.
(8) Ramaswamy and Slok (1998) provide an economic argument for
estimating the VAR in levels rather than in first differences. They
argue that the impulse response functions generated from estimating the
VAR in first differences tend to imply that monetary shocks have
permanent impact on the level of output, while those from the
unrestricted VAR allow data to decide on whether the effects of monetary
shocks are long lasting are not.
(9) We performed the statistical analysis of the variables'
temporal properties. The ADF test indicate that all data series are
integrated of order I, except real output of finance and insurance
sector which is stationary in levels; see Table A1 at the Appendix.
Tasneem Alam and Muhammad Waheed are PhD students at the Pakistan
Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad.
Authors' Note: The authors wish to thank Mr Waseem Shahid
Malik and participants of the 22nd AGM and Conference of the PSDE,
Islamabad, for their helpful comments.
Table A1
Unit Root Analysis
Augmented Dickey-Fuller
Variables Definition Model t-stat Lags
y Real GDP c -2.343881 [8]
s1 Agriculture c,t -2.941458 [9]
s2 Mining and Quarrying c,t -1.609281 [11]
s3 Manufacturing c -2.318332 [11]
s4 Construction c,t -2.594169 [4]
s5 Wholesale and Retail c -1.64194 [1]
s6 Finance and Insurance c,t -10.37842 [0]
s7 Ownership of Dwelling c,t -1.810605 [12]
R Call Money Rate c,t -1.800983 [3]
p Consumer Price Index c -2.093273 [5]
e Nominal Exchange Rate c,t -1.622351 [0]
Critical values of ADF test for model with 'c,t' are (-3.96, -3.41,
-3.13) respectively for 1 percent, 5 percent and 10 percent;
Mackinnon (1991).
Critical values of ADF test for model with 'c' are (-3.43, -2.86,
-2.57) respectively for 1 percent, 5 percent and 10 percent;
Mackinnon (1991).