Impact of regulatory reforms on labour efficiency in the Indian and Pakistani commercial banks.
Jaffry, Shabbar ; Ghulam, Yaseen ; Cox, Joe 等
Efficiency plays an important role in the operation of firms. If
firms are pursing a policy of shareholder wealth maximisation, this
implies that maximum efficiency is extracted from a firm's
resources during the production process, or that the minimum quantity of
inputs are used to achieve a desired level of output. This is especially
true in the case of labour demand and labour usage, as wage expenditure
constitutes a significant portion of the average firm's cost
Knowledge of relative inefficiencies in labour usage will therefore
be of great interest to firm and, as such, academic studies on
efficiency of labour demand in firms have been relatively forthcoming.
These include work on the Indian farming industry [Kumbhakar (1996),
Swedish social insurance offices [Kumbhakar and Hjalmarsson (1991)],
Tunisian Manufacturing [Haouras, et al. (2003) and Kalimantanian rice
production [Padoch (1985)].
However, there is relatively little in the way of research
conducted on efficiency within the banking sector, and even less on the
banking sectors of developing economies [Berger and Humphrey (1997)],
despite an increase in research activity in such areas over the last ten
years. This is unfortunate, as banks and financial institutions are the
most important organisations in overall financial intermediation and
economic acceleration of a country, in no small part due to their
significant role of converting deposits into productive investment.
[Podder and Mamun (2004)].
The process of liberalisation and modernisation is vitally
important in this particular case. Because of the unique position that
it occupies within the framework of an economy, the banking industry
tends to be more heavily regulated and scrutinised than other
industries. This trend is particularly apparent in developing economies,
where banks tend to exhibit poor performance as a result of overly
prohibitive regulation [Kumbakhar and Sarkar (2003)]. Thus, tests of
labour demand efficiency can be made more meaningful by including some
comparison of efficiency both pre and most modernisation. Not only will
this paper seek to make comparisons of labour demand efficiency between
India and Pakistan, but will also examine changes in the efficiency of
labour demand in both the pre and post deregulation periods.
A major component of this study will be an examination of the
banking sectors of developing economies, and their response to changes
in the regulatory environment. In the 1980s and 1990s, a large number of
developing economies undertook extensive processes of liberalisation and
modernisation, particularly with respect to financial and banking
industries. The developed world led the way in this respect, with most
notably the USA experiencing productivity and efficiency increases as a
result of the relaxation of the country's regulatory environment.
A number of studies have documented this phenomenon within various
American industries, including air transportation, telecommunication and
freight transportation. Theory does not dictate a clear expected result
of deregulation and modernisation in the banking sector in terms of
labour efficiency gains (or losses), as the consequences of deregulation
may depend on industry conditions prior to the deregulation process, as
well as the type of deregulation employed [Berger and Humphrey (1997)].
Bonnaccorsi di Patti and Hardy (2005) examined the efficiency of
the Pakistani Banking sector in isolation. Over the period of
modernisation, they observe an increase in efficiency as a result of the
new competitive environment resulting from the first round of
deregulation. It was also found that new private banks sometimes
outperformed foreign banks in terms of efficiency.
As a result of this, studies of efficiency in banking, however have
not displayed as clear-cut trends as are illustrated in the above
examples. Expectations upon the result of the modernisation and
deregulation of the banking industries in the countries of the Indian
sub-continent are therefore unclear.
2.1. The Indian Banking Sector
India is a country in the heart of the Indian sub-continent of
South Asia and has the second largest population in the world. The
country was a part of the British Empire until it was recognised as a
republic shortly after the end of the Second World War. Owing to its
large population India's GDP purchasing power per capita works out
to be just US$3,262, ranked 120th in the World by the World Bank. India
has shed its dependence on agriculture since it has become a republic.
Now, some of the fastest growing industries include IT, textiles and
Banking has also become an emerging industry in the modern era. The
Bengal Bank was the first British patronised modern bank in India, and
was established in 1784. There are currently a total of 361 different
banks in India--27 Nationalised commercial banks, 30 local private
banks, 40 foreign commercial banks, 196 regional rural banks and 68
Co-operative banks. The banking sector in India has historically been
highly regulated, but gradually the restrictions imposed by such a
regime are being lifted. The first 'wave' of reform began in
1969, when fourteen major banks were nationalised. Six more commercial
banks were nationalised in 1980. A number of new reforms were introduced
during the period 1992-1997. These include a reduction in reserve
requirements, privatisation of public sector banks, interest rate
deregulation, and an effort to remove barriers to market entry. As such,
the Indian banking sector is currently in a transitional phase. Public
sector banks are also trying to reduce manpower, non-performing assets
and government equity. Foreign direct investment ceilings have also
increased under the reforms.
However, since the early 1990s, public sector banks have found it
extremely difficult to compete against private sector banks and foreign
banks. In response to this, public sector banks are in the process of
cutting excessive use of manpower and non-performing assets, as is their
right under the new reforms. Other responses to deregulation and
modernisation have included an increase in the volume of merger and
acquisition activity, an increase in the use of technology, an increased
usage of diversification and more sophisticated risk management
Looking to the future, there has been (and continues to be) an
attitude towards the gradual reduction of interest rates by India. GDP
growth is expected to continue rising at a rate of around 6 percent per
annum. Foreign banks are also likely to meet with more success due to
their use of innovative technology and increased freedom afforded by
reforms. Indian banks are also expected to move towards a more
streamlined and efficient workforce over the coming years.
2.2. The Pakistani Banking Sector
Pakistan also gained independence from the British Empire at the
same time as India, with a Pakistani central bank established in 1948.
Currently, there are a total of 45 different banks in Pakistan--5
Nationalised commercial banks, 16 local private banks, 19 foreign
commercial banks and 5 specialised development banks. Whilst initially
the country was very poor, with a significant portion of national wealth
generated from agricultural activities, in the modern era the country
growth rat has been consistently above the world average.
Despite impressive rates of growth in GDP in recent years, the
country experienced an economic slowdown in the early 1990s as a result
of poor policy making where the activities of Pakistani banks were
focused around subsidising the fiscal deficit, serving a few large
corporations and engaging in trade financing [Husain (2005)].
Additionally the financial system suffered from political interference
in lending decisions and also in the appointment of banking managers.
In response to some of these problems, a period of de-regulation
and financial liberalisation was implemented in the early and late
1990s. These included strengthening of prudential regulations, a market
driven exchange rate system, and the appointment of independent persons
to the board of directors of nationalised banks and an enhanced capital
adequacy requirement and a reduction in the restriction on branching.
Reform of the banking sector is now entering a second phase, where
local banks are being asked to raise their paid capital, follow a
maximum disclosure requirement and make full provision against
non-performing loans. Foreign banks have thrived in the past due to
significant investments in technology, including ATMs and credit cards.
However, at the current point in time, many foreign banks are selling to
local banks [Kazmi (2002)]. The fall in fortunes of foreign banks can be
put down to, in part, an increased confidence in privatised domestic
There are a number of factors that are expected to play a part in
the development of the Pakistani banking sector, including a gradual
reduction in interest rates, an increase in merger and acquisition
activity, banks attempting to enter the market for consumer finance, the
introduction of new technology and a reduction in non-performing loans.
There has also been a rapid rise in branch networks. In 2005, thanks to
the ongoing process of reform, almost 80 percent of the banking sector
was in private hands [World Bank Report (2005)].
This paper seeks to examine the labour demand efficiency of the
banking sectors in India and Pakistan, using the framework outlined by
Heshmati (2002), and used in his analysis of labour efficiency within
Swedish savings banks. This study will focus on the time period
1985-2003, which is characterised within the Indian sub-continent as a
period of significant reform, deregulation and liberalisation in both
countries' respective banking sectors.
Even though this paper adopts Heshmati (2002)'s approach, it
is worth noting that here are a number of alternative approaches to the
measurement of the efficiency of labour demand. Kumbhakar and Sarkar
(2003), for example, use TFP growth as the measure of banking
performance over the period 1985-1996, including both labour and capital
are the variable inputs, while equity and reserves are a quasi-fixed
input. The study finds that there is a significant over employment of
labour relative to capital, particularly in the public sector, both pre
and post deregulation. In contrast to this, Atkinson and Primon (2002)
formulate shadow distance and shadow cost systems using panel data for
43 US utilities over 37 years and diagnose an over-use of capital
relative to labour and energy and the under-use of energy relative to
Baltagi and Rich (2004) develop a general index time path for
technical change between production and non-production labour in US
manufacturing industries between 1959-1996. Their findings confirm that
substantial reductions in the relative share of labour in the production
process is attributable to a sustained period of non-neutral technical
change. The general index approach also explains observed shifts in
relative labour demand as a combination of price-induced substitution,
output effects and skill-biased technical change responses.
In terms of studies focusing on banking, Gjirja uses a translog
stochastic frontier input requirement model to assess efficiency in
Swedish Bank's use of labour over the period between 1982 and 1998.
The study illustrates how deregulation in Sweden positively affected
productivity growth, but had no positive impact on the efficiency of
labour use. The study also notes that banks were not able to catch up
with the expansion of the labour use frontier over time.
Heshmanti (2002) also studies the Swedish banking sector over the
period of deregulation in the 1980s, and banking crisis in 1992, looking
at a panel of 52 savings banks. The study concludes that the process
(and anticipation) of deregulation had a significant affect upon
banks' choices of input and output volumes. The study concludes
that very small banks tend to operate with a technically optimal size of
labour, as the model output indicates a negative relationship between
technical efficiency and the size of banks.
Battese, et al. (2000) also examine Swedish Banks covering the
period from 1984 to 1995. The study concludes that inefficiency is
positive over this period, and has increased--indicating that the
'average' bank did not manage to catch up with the labour use
frontier. The study concludes that Sweden might have expected greater
effects from deregulation and crisis on labour efficiency and points to
the competitive pressure from abroad remaining weak as one of the
possible reasons why this was so.
Estache and Rossi (2004) investigate the impacts of different
regulatory environments upon the efficiency of firms. The study
indicates that privatised firms operating under price-cap and similar
'hybrid' schemes are more efficient in their use of labour
than both public firms and privatised firms under rate-of-return
regulations, and that privatised firms operating under rate-of-return
regulation have, at most, similar labour efficiency as public firms.
Soderbom and Teal (2004) investigate efficiency within the
developing African economies and show that the Cobb-Douglas functional
form adequately captures efficiency in production technology. The study
also concludes that large firms facing higher relative labour costs than
smaller firms use a much more capital intensive technology and operate
with costs 20-25 percent higher than those which would occur if factor
prices differentials across firms of differing sizes could be
There have also been a number of studies conducted analysing
firm's response in terms of risk preference in the
post-deregulation period. Just and Pope (1978), for example, say that
risk adverse producers take into account both the mean and variance of
output when ranking different technologies, and that this can have an
effect upon relative efficiency levels. Rao (2004) investigates cost
efficiencies and its relationship with risk-return behaviour of banks in
United Arab Emirates by using Stochastic Frontier Analysis in both
translog and flexible Fourier forms. The authors detect substantial
inefficiencies. In addition, the study concludes that domestic and large
banks were less cost efficient than foreign and small banks. The study
also revealed a positive and significant relationship between cost
efficiencies and levels of capitalisation
The model to be used in this study is from Heshmati (2002), itself
adapted from the work outlined in Aigner, et al. (1977). In this paper,
Heshmati expresses the function of labour demand as:
h = f([y.sub.j],w,q,t)exp([epsilon])
[epsilon] = [mu] + [upsilon] ... ... ... ... ... ... ... (1)
Where h is units of labour measured in hours, t represents the
production technology and yi (j = 1,2,..., M) are services produced
using labour, w is wage, q is a vector of quasi-fixed factors and t is
time effects. This function estimates the minimum amount of labour
required to produce a given level of output. The error term in this
equation is decomposed into two distinct parts (u and x>),
representing technical efficiency and factors beyond the control of
banks respectively. In addition to these two, the bank's production
technology will also have an effect upon their demand for labour.
If the [mu] component of the error term is greater than or equal to
zero, the firm displays a level of technical inefficiency [Aigner, et
al. (1977)], as the firm has used more labour than was technically
necessary in order to produce a given level of output. A bank, which
displays s a [mu] value of zero, can claim to be fully efficient in the
use of labour. The [upsilon] component of the error term can be both
positive and negative. Due to its presence, therefore, the labour demand
frontier is stochastic even when u is set to zero.
If risk functions are also taken into account, then the model is
redefined appropriately. Again, as from Heshmati (2002), Robinson and
Barry (1987) and Just and Pope (1978). When doing so, the model then
h = f(x;[alpha])exp(g(x;[beta])[epsilon]) ... ... ... ... ... ...
Where x = (y,w,q,t), with /(-x;[alpha]) representing the demand
part and g(.Y;P)s representing the variance part of the demand function.
The model can also be re-specified in log linear form.
ln h = ln f(x;[alpha]) + g(x;[beta])[epsilon] ... ... ... ... ...
... (3)
Panel data is taken from a selection of Indian and Pakistani banks,
covering the period 1985-2003. The data were taken from the annual
reports of 73 Indian and 41 Pakistani banks, and are each provided at
bank levels, rather than at the individual branch level. Any conclusions
generated form this study can therefore only be made at a bank level.
Unlike Das, et al. (2005), specific branch level analysis is not
possible using the data available for this study.
The panel consists of 1 14 Indian and Pakistani commercial banks
observed for 19 years (from 1985 to 2003), and is unbalanced as not all
banks were in existence for the whole sample period. Summary statistics
of the data are presented in Table 1 (below).
Outputs and inputs are chosen as per policy objectives of the
individual banks, as well as those of the regulatory reforms within the
respective countries. The specific variables used in the analysis
include the total quantity of labour hours used (h), wages (w), loans
(y1), investment (y2), deposits (y3), number of branches (y4), fixed
assets (q), and a time trend (/) representing exogenous rates of
technical change. The wages, loans, deposits, investment, fixed assets
and total labour costs are provided in constant 2000 prices United
States Dollar (USD) values to make the data comparable between India and
Pakistan. Labour is measured in hours used per year. As the data on
number of hours worked for each employee is not available, we have used
a rough proxy figure of 2400 considering 300 working days and eight
hours per day work. The 'wage' variable is defined as hourly
wages--an aggregate measure of the cost associated with the hiring of
labour, including payroll taxes. The quasi-fixed variable, q, is defined
as the sum of fixed assets. Quality and risk variables are used in the
regression stages to control for heterogeneity in risk taking behaviour.
In this study, the variables loans, investment deposits and
branches are regarded as outputs. The literature is divided as to
whether certain variables are an input or an output. Berger and Humphry (1997), for example, see deposits as outputs (what is known as a
value-added approach). In the case of this study, it is important to
define whether total number of branches is considered to be an input or
an output. In this case, as with Heshmati (2002) and Kumbhakar and
Sarkar (2003), the number of branches is considered an output variable.
It is worth noting at this stage how the 'size' variable
was constructed. A size distribution is calculated by the number of
employees of each bank, with the following restrictions:
From the total sample of data, 1 percent of observations was
determined to be excessively large or small outliers, and was
resultantly excluded from the model. The regression outlined below was
subsequently run for the combined dataset. In order to make country
specific technical efficiency scores apparent, individual bank specific
efficiencies are calculated and then separated by years, size classes,
types of ownership and countries.
A flexible translog functional form (which is linear in parameters)
is then used to approximate/(.). The model can therefore be specified as
where h, y, w and q are variables which are defined above, i is an
index of banks ... i(1 ... N), /represents an index of time ... t(1 ...
T) and both j and k ... j;k (1 ... M) are indices of outputs. Finally,
the exogenous rate of technical change is represented by
The key to this Equation is the bank, which performs best in terms
of technical efficiency within the sample. We assume that this
particular bank is fully efficient (hence the u value for this bank is
equal to 0). All other banks in the sample are assumed to be inefficient
to a certain degree, the extent of which is determined relative to the
single, fully efficient bank.
One of the drawbacks associated with this method is that the
'fully efficient' bank may not always be the best in all of
the time periods used in the study. For this reason, following Schmidt
and Sickles (1984), a time variant technical inefficiency score is
calculated (relative to the banks with best performances in each year)
And technical efficiency as
[] = exp(-[]) ... ... ... ... ... (6)
Which, as Heshmati (2002) points out, is both bank and time
specific. The expectations on the first order coefficients are as with
Heshmati (2002), where [[alpha].sub.j] and [[alpha].sub.q] are expected
to be positive and [alpha]w negative, which can be interpreted s the
elasticity of labour demand with respect to output, quasi-fixed inputs
and wages respectively. These expectations are only valid at the
normalised data point, with the corresponding elasticities (which are
both bank and time specific) for all data points derived respectively as
And the time specific elasticity of labour with respect to time
(the exogenous rate of technical change) is derived as:
[E.sub.t] = [partial derivative]ln[]/[partial derivative]t
= ([[lambda].sub.t] - [[lambda].sub.t-1]) ... (10)
The model used in this study follows the approximation outlined in
Heshmati (2002) and detailed above. The model outlined in Equation (4)
is firstly used to estimate labour demand function for a sample of
Indian and Pakistani commercial banks observed for nineteen-year period
between 1985-2003. Estimates of the demand function, (f) and the
variance function, (g) regression results are presented in Appendix A. A
majority of the bank-specific variables are statistically significant
from zero. The variance function, (g). outlined above, was estimated
using the weighted non-linear method. The results can be seen in Table
3, below, and in the Appendix A.
Labour Demand Elasticity and Productivity Growth
The elasticities of labour demand with respect to different
outputs, wages and fixed assets were calculated for bank and time
specific. The mean values are reported in Table 3 (above) by years, bank
size, type of ownership and country. At the mean data point, all
elasticities with the exception of wage and time elasticities are
positive and significant, indicating that there is a degree of
responsiveness of labour demand to changes in the levels of outputs and
wages and fixed assets. These are similar results to those provided by
Heshmati (2002). Labour demand elasticity with respect to the output
'loans' is negative for a number of specific bank
sizes--namely small, large, very large and public banks. It is possible
that some large or small banks are leaning toward an 'arm's
length' approach to banking, perhaps using less labour and more
automation in order to generate new loans.
In relative terms, the sample mean elasticities of labour with
respect to 'loans' and 'investments' are quite
small, taking values of 0.03 I, 0.054 respectively (although these are
still slightly higher than Heshmati's estimates of the same
elasticities applied to Swedish savings banks), with standard deviations
which are not unusually large in either case. Both of these elasticities
are steadily decreasing over time, suggesting that loans and investment
have become less labour intensive outputs for Indian and Pakistani banks
over time. 'Deposits' have larger labour demand elasticity
than either of these two outputs, with a sample mean elasticity of 0.175
and a standard deviation of 0.057. This means that 'deposits'
are a significantly more labour intensive output than 'loans'
and 'investments'.
The largest of the output elasticities is that which relates to
'branches', with a mean elasticity of 0.452 and a standard
deviation of 0.009. We can conclude from this that 'branches'
is the most labour-intensive banking service offered in India and
Pakistan, and this degree of elasticity is very unlikely to be
significantly different across the number of banks included in the
sample. This is a result that is to be expected, showing that a marginal
change in the number of branches will have the largest marginal effect
on labour demand of all outputs.
The wage elasticity is on average -0.288 (the largest of the input
elasticities) with a relatively small standard deviation of 0.10. In
contrast to the results of Heshmati (2002), the elasticity of wages is
decreasing over time, from -0.442 in 1985 to -0.163 in 2003. Although
the sign of this variable is consistent with theory, such changes in
elasticity over time contradict Heshmati (2002) and indicate that labour
demand is becoming less and less responsive to changes in the wage rate.
This seems to indicate that banking reforms within the Indian
sub-continent have not had the desired effect of making labour use more
The elasticity with respect to fixed assets has a mean value of
0.010 with a relatively high standard deviation of 0.007. There is an
upward trend in the elasticity of this input, starting at -0.002 in 1985
and ending at 0.014 in 2003. Again, these results contrast with Heshmati
(2002), and indicate an increasing demand for labour with the
accumulation of fixed assets. There must be significant differences in
the degree to which the crowding out of labour as a result of changes in
wage levels in the sub-continent as compared to Sweden.
The exogenous rate of technical change (consisting of only a
neutral component) changes only over time. The sample mean value is
-0.007, indicating very slight positive technical change (due to a
slight reduction in labour usage). Technical change fluctuates from
positive to negative before the turn of the 21st Century, with no clear
trend established for more than a few tears at a time. However, from
1999, there is a consistent positive technical change. It would be
interesting to see if this trend has continued post 2003, and further
study might seek to establish whether or not this apparent trend towards
positive technical change is consistent throughout the decade. However,
when taking the overall sample into account, it appears that there has
been no definite trend in terms of technological progress or regress in
the sub-continent over the years included in the study.
The magnitude of the different output elasticities also appear to
vary with the size of the individual bank in question. Labour demand
elasticity with respect to wages seems to fall as bank size increases.
This illustrates that increased wage levels do not serve as great a
deterrent to the hire of additional labour for larger banks as opposed
to their smaller counterparts. The elasticity with respect to branches
decreases with size of bank, showing that larger banks are better able
to expand their branching network without having the large effect on
labour demand experienced by smaller banks across the sub-continent.
Labour demand elasticity with respect to fixed assets seems to fall very
slightly with the size of the bank in question (showing that increasing
volumes of fixed assets requires less additional labour for larger
banks). Finally, the time trend shows very consistent amounts of
technical change for all sizes of bank, meaning that the very small
technical progress shown over the sample period has not been limited to
banks of specific sizes. Aside from these, there does not appear to be a
definite trend with respect to the other input or output labour demand
elasticities as bank size increases.
In terms of elasticity differentiated by bank ownership, public
banks have negative labour demand elasticities with respect to loans,
while foreign banks have by far the largest elasticity with respect to
this output. It seems that public banks in the sub-continent are leading
the way in reducing the labour intensity associated with marginal
increases in the production of this output. Other differentials of note
include foreign banks having significantly more labour demand elasticity
with respect to branches; while public banks have the lowest. This means
that it is publicly owned banks that are able to expand their branch
network with the smallest marginal impact on labour demand. This ,nay be
due to more efficient management and organization, or to economies of
scale. Public banks also have the largest elasticity with respect to
wages, with foreign banks having almost half the labour demand
elasticity with respect to wages than their public counterparts.
Private, domestic banks are fairly close to public banks with regard to
elasticities applicable to this particular input. This means that
domestic banks in the sub-continent are far more responsive in their
demand for labour when the wage rate changes than their foreign
The Employment Variance
The figures representing the following can be found in Appendix A
(Section B). The beta coefficients with respect to
'investment' (y2), 'deposits' (y3) and
'branches' (y4) are all positive and statistically
significant. The coefficient for 'loans' (y1) is however
negative but statistically insignificant at the 5 percent level of
significance. Of all of the input variables, the wage coefficient is by
far the largest, and, as with Heshmati (2002) is both negative and
strongly significant. Time specific dummy variables have a mixed signs
and few of them statistically significant. The coefficient applying to
fixed assets is positive, but not significant.
In common with Heshmati (2002), the employment variance elasticity
or marginal risk effects are calculated with respect to the dispersion factors of 'Outputs', 'Wages', 'Fixed
assets' and 'Time Trend', with mean values being
estimated separately for each year, size of bank, type of bank and
country. These results, together with the overall sample mean, are
reported in second part of Table 3. Marginal variance (risk) effects
evaluated at the mean of the data with respect to 'loans',
'investment', 'deposits' and 'branches'
are generally negative. Positive marginal effects are observed for wages
in post deregulation period. In all cases the standard deviations are
large and, for some variables, are in excess of the mean value itself.
Thus, generally for banks with production levels close to the sample
means, the employment variance decreases if the bank produces more
The variables 'Wages' and 'Branches' are the
most important factors contributing to the variance of employment in
terms of marginal effects. The signs of marginal effects are, on the
whole, as expected. Significantly more variation in the estimated
marginal effects seems to take place almost uniformly as bank size
increases. Some of the inputs and outputs seem to demonstrate
significant variation in their respective marginal effects over time
(notably loans, branches and wages), while the remaining inputs and
outputs display fairly consistent marginal effects over time.
Technical Efficiency
The efficiency measured here is a relative efficiency, as it is
measured relative to the bank demonstrating 'best-practice' in
each year. This individual bank is assumed to be 100 percent efficient.
The mean values of estimates of technical efficiency obtained from
Equation (6) are reported in Table 3 by year, bank size, type of bank
and country. Technical efficiency is both bank and time-specific. The
overall mean technical efficiency is 65.3 percent with a standard
deviation 0.132. This means that, on average, banks in the sub-continent
could have reduced their labour usage by 34.7 percent with output
remaining constant. This is indicative of a relatively low level of mean
labour use efficiency displayed by banks in the sub-continent over the
sample period.
However, what is apparent from investigating the changes in labour
use efficiency over time is that the financial reforms initiated in the
1990s have helped to improve the efficiency of labour demand within
banks, as the mean technical efficiency over time is increasing. In
1985, the average commercials bank in the sub-continent showed only 40
percent labour use efficiency, compared with 65 percent in the final
year of the sample period, and a high of 82 percent in 1995. The year on
year change is largest between 1990 and 1992 (despite a small adjustment
'blip in 1991), which is indicative of the success of the round of
reforms introduced in 1992. There appears to be a noticeable variation
in technical efficiency over the bank size. As was concluded in the
study of Heshmati (2002), there is found to be a negative relationship
between the level of technical efficiency and the size of banks. In a
relative sense, very small banks operate with a more technically optimal
size of labour than do very large banks. The results indicate that the
largest banks could reduce their labour demand on average by 43.6
percent. Therefore, there is a very significant gap between the optimal
level of labour efficiency, and that, which is observed in the largest
banks within the sub-continent. The very smallest sub-continental banks
were found to be slightly inefficient in labour usage, and could have
reduced labour usage by 25.9 percent.
Among banks of different ownership types, it was found that foreign
banks were the most efficient in terms of labour usage, followed by
private domestic and public domestic commercials banks respectively.
Foreign banks could have reduced their labour usage by 26.1 percent,
private banks by 33.5 percent and public banks by 42 percent, indicating
that publicly owned commercials banks in the sub-continent are employing
far more labour than is technically necessary given output levels, and
still have some way to go in improving technical efficiency levels in
the future. The frequency distribution of technical efficiency is
reported in Table 4. A significant number of banks are found in the
intervals of between 60 percent and 80 percent labour usage efficiency.
The correlation coefficients of ranking of efficiencies are
reported in Table 5. This study concludes that there is a negative
correlation between efficiency and the size of bank, while a positive
relationship is found between efficiency and time. We find a positive
association between both the input and output variance effects and time,
which is significant for the former, but not for the latter. We also
find a negative relationship between the input and output variance
effects and bank size where input and output variance effects refer to
the sum of total marginal effects with respect to input and output
This paper has sought to examine the efficiency of labour use in
both India and Pakistan during a period of modernisation and
deregulation. Data from 73 Indian and 41 Pakistani banks have been
analysed over the period 1985-2003. A flexible translog functional form
is used where demand for labour is a function of wages, fixed inputs and
a time trend. Of those outputs and inputs elasticities are largely as
expected. The largest elasticity is with respect to wages, which have a
strong negative elasticity. Of outputs, branches have the most effect
upon labour demand, with a strong, positive elasticity.
The most interesting conclusions from this study are those that
illustrate technical efficiency levels. The average level of technical
inefficiency across the sample was relatively low, as was expected. It
was found that, on average, banks in the sub-continent could have
reduced their labour usage by 34.7 percent with output remaining
constant. However, the sub-continent was generally experiencing
increases in labour efficiency across the nineteen years of the study,
indicating that policies enacted in the early and late 1990s to assist
banks in the reduction of their labour use were reasonably successful.
This level of efficiency varies inversely with bank size as expected.
The results indicate that the largest commercial banks could reduce
their labour demand on average by 43.6 percent. The very smallest banks
were found to be slightly more efficient on average in terms of labour
usage, which could have been reduced by 25.9 percent. Among banks of
different ownership types, it was found that foreign banks were the most
efficient in terms of labour usage, followed by private domestic and
public domestic commercial banks respectively.
It would appear that the significant financial reforms of the last
decade in the Indian subcontinent over the last decade have reduced the
degree of over-usage of labour in its banking sectors. There still
exists, however, a fairly large degree of inefficiency in terms of
labour usage, particularly among the very large banks of the
subcontinent. It appears that the number of branches that are owned by a
bank have the greatest impact on the demand for labour and, if the
outcome of more efficient labour usage is to be achieved, more emphasis
needs to be placed on those large banks with an extensive network of
branches. These are most likely to be the banks that have previously
been publicly owned, and therefore may have encountered difficulties
meeting the challenges of the new competitive environment. It may be
deemed that additional effort needs to be made to streamline these large
banks if the desired efficiency gains are to be made.
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Shabbar Jaffry <shabbar.jaflfryfa/> is Reader in
Economics, Yasccn Ghulam <yasecn.
[email protected]> is Director
of Postgraduate Programme in Economics, and Joe Cox
[email protected]> is Lecturer. Department of Economics.
Portsmouth Business School, University of Portsmouth, UK.
Appendix A
GLS Parameter Estimates of the Labour Demand and Nonlinear Least Square
Estimates of the 0ariance Function (Combined)
A. Labour Demand Function
a0 1.8769 * 0.1418
ay1 -0.0241 0.0315
ay2 0.0901 ** 0.0232
ay3 0.0612 * O.0334
ay4 0.4912 ** 0.0344
aw -0.1204 ** 0.0441
aq 0.0083 0.0290
ay11 0.0269 0.0101
ay32 0.0149 ** 0.0236
ay33 0.0278 0.0033
ay44 0.0121 0.0235
aww 0.0744 ** 0.0066
aqq -0.0003 0.0175
ayl2 -0.0211 0.0031
ayl3 0.0556 0.0184
ay14 -.0316 * 0.0428
ay1w -.0533 0.0141
aylq -.0706 ** 0.0312
ay23 -0.0803 ** 0.0141
ay24 0.0512 ** 0.0219
ay2w 0.1384 ** 0.0098
ay2q 0.0111 0.0195
ay34 -0.0812 ** 0.0087
ey3w -0.2123 ** 0.0183
ay3q 0.0555 ** 0.0409
ay4w 0.1189 ** 0.0176
ay4q 0.0014 0.0137
awq 0.0290 ** 0.0046
C2 0.0127 0.0116
C3 0.0088 0.0154
C4 0.0508 ** 0.0162
CS 0.0213 0.0169
C5 0.0198 0.0177
C7 -0.0002 0.0185
C8 -0.0042 0.0235
C9 -0.0205 0.0245
C10 -0.0197 0.0264
C11 -0.0009 0.0262
C12 -0.0108 0.0270
C13 -0.0367 0.0282
C14 -0.0233 0.0294
C15 -0.0369 0.0307
C16 -0.0858 ** 0.0309
C17 -0.1330 ** 0.0310
C18 -0.1497 ** 0.0319
C19 -0.1426 ** 0.0331
D2 -1.4880 ** 0.0329
D3 -1.4838 ** 0.1400
D4 -1.4838 ** 0.1470
D5 -1.3719 ** 0.1417
D6 -1.4947 ** 0.1538
D7 -1.5394 ** 0.1685
D8 -1.7031 ** 0.1687
D9 -0.9720 ** 0.0836
D10 -0.8144 ** 0.0667
D11 -0.8615 ** 0.0840
d12 -0.8053 ** 0.0885
d13 -0.9500 ** 0.0725
d14 -1.1713 ** 0.0957
d15 -1.2362 ** 0.1120
d16 -1.1402 ** 0.1131
d17 -0.9401 ** 0.1039
d18 -1.0788 ** 0.0990
d19 -1.4766 ** 0.1016
d20 -1.2957 ** 0.1155
d21 -1.5890 ** 0.1455
d22 -1.6336 ** 0.1557
d23 -1.4813 ** 0.1374
d24 -1.5322 ** 0.1220
d25 -1.4590 ** 0.1212
d26 -1.4947 ** 0.1284
d27 -.5407 ** 0.1410
d28 -.9401 ** 0.1717
d29 -1.9097 ** 0.1681
d30 -2.0338 ** 0.1728
d31 -1.9453 ** 0.1749
d32 -2.1090 ** 0.1715
d33 -2.0121 ** 0.1874
d34 -2.2942 ** 0.1908
d35 -2.1664 ** 0.1749
d36 -2.2752 ** 0.1787
d37 -2.1646 ** 0.1799
d38 -2.3285 ** 0.1983
d39 -2.4739 ** 0.1895
d40 -2.1861 ** 0.1903
d41 -2.3707 ** 0.2170
d42 -2.6330 ** 0.1982
d43 -2.5258 ** 0.2081
d44 -2.3914 ** 0.2050
d45 -2.3704 ** 0.1959
d46 -2.8769 ** 0.2137
d47 -2.3685 ** 0.2146
d48 -2.6190 ** 0.2175
d49 -2.8671 ** 0.2154
d50 -3.1282 ** 0.2481
d51 -1.3382 ** 0.2422
d52 -1.3213 ** 0.2179
d53 -1.2972 ** 0.2309
d54 -1.3505 ** 0.2452
d55 -1.7387 ** 0.2474
d56 -1.2204 ** 0.2286
d57 -1.9500 ** 0.2408
d58 -1.9285 ** 0.2399
d59 -2.3957 ** 0.2408
d60 -2.1982 ** 0.2411
d61 -2.6138 ** 0.2419
d62 -2.9448 ** 0.2419
d63 -3.0255 ** 0.2433
d64 -1.9438 ** 0.2433
d65 -2.9248 ** 0.2398
d66 -2.9842 ** 0.2444
d67 -2.9127 ** 0.2404
d68 -2.8301 ** 0.2421
d69 -3.0724 ** 0.2429
d70 -2.8792 ** 0.2429
d71 -2.0926 ** 0.2493
d72 -3.0830 ** 0.2403
d73 -2.4219 ** 0.2375
d74 -1.9263 ** 0.1396
d75 -1.8993 ** 0.2411
d76 -2.1077 ** 0.2357
d77 -2.2246 ** 0.2312
d78 -1.7513 ** 0.2366
d79 -2.7398 ** 0.2297
d80 -2.5103 ** 0.2401
d81 -2.0333 ** 0.2449
d82 -3.0176 ** 0.2299
d83 -.8897 ** 0.2664
d84 -.0300 ** 0.1887
d85 -2.6177 ** 0.2400
d86 -2.2349 ** 0.2331
d87 -2.6660 ** 0.2469
d88 -1.8077 ** 0.2421
d89 -2.2207 ** 0.2429
d90 -2.9928 ** 0.2360
d91 -2.3572 ** 0.2374
d92 -2.4372 ** 0.2388
d93 -2.7708 ** 0.2285
d94 -2.4817 ** 0.2425
d95 -1.2751 ** 0.1003
d96 -2.4669 ** 0.2393
d97 -3.1033 ** 0.2462
d98 -2.8417 ** 0.2385
d99 -1.7112 ** 0.2381
d100 -1.4452 ** 0.1179
d101 -2.7886 ** 0.1106
d102 -2.6981 ** 0.2345
d103 -2.4645 ** 0.2393
d104 -2.7785 ** 0.2339
d105 -3.0457 ** 0.2387
d106 -2.8658 ** 0.2368
d107 -2.6618 ** 0.2443
d108 -1.9528 ** 0.2367
d109 -1.9528 ** 0.2382
d110 -2.8477 ** 0.2476
d111 -2.2803 ** 0.2309
d112 -1.4467 ** 0.1092
Quality -0.0089 * 0.0046
Risk -0.0417 0.0298
B. Variance Function
by1 0.0025 0.0035
by2 0.0006 0.0028
by3 -0.0049 0.0051
by4 -0.0036 0.0037
bw 0.0552 ** 0.0039
bq 0.0029 0.0030
bt 0.0050 ** 0.0003
[[sigma].sub.2v] 5.7433
Table 1
Summary Statistics of the India and Pakistani (Combined)
Commercial Banks, 1985-2003 (in rea1 2000 US dollars)
Variable Variable Name N Mean Std Dev
Idnr Bank ID 1681 51.45 32.88
Period Year 1681 1994 5
Lcost (c) Labour Cost (mill.) 1681 103.39 288.34
Hours (h) Labour Hours (mill.) 1681 26.29 62.93
Wage (w) Hourly wage rate 1681 5.60 5.31
Fixass (q) Fixed assets (mill.) 1681 46.09 89.27
Loans (y1) Loans (mill.) 1681 2582.83 7287.54
Inv (y2) Investment (mill.) 1681 2270.79 5562.63
Deposits y3) Deposits (mill.) 1681 4592.03 11331.70
Brans (y4) Branches 1681 595 1134
T (t) Time trend 1681 10.32 5.34
Size Size of the bank 1681 2.42 1.52
Type Type of bank 1681 1.98 0.81
Qty Quality 1681 6.30 3.28
Lar Risk 1681 42.82 10.57
Variable Variable Name N Minimum Maximum
Idnr Bank ID 1681 1 114
Period Year 1681 1985 2003
Lcost (c) Labour Cost (mill.) 1681 0.07 4382.31
Hours (h) Labour Hours (mill.) 1681 0.03 575.16
Wage (w) Hourly wage rate 1681 0.71 57.72
Fixass (q) Fixed assets (mill.) 1681 0.00 944.50
Loans (y1) Loans (mill.) 1681 0.64 101113.76
Inv (y2) Investment (mill.) 1681 0.00 63210.30
Deposits y3) Deposits (mill.) 1681 3.17 155534.23
Brans (y4) Branches 1681 1 9089
T (t) Time trend 1681 1 19
Size Size of the bank 1681 1 5
Type Type of bank 1681 1 3
Qty Quality 1681 0.01 14.94
Lar Risk 1681 4.91 82.27
Notes: Type of bank includes three categories: public,
private, foreign.
Quality = capital to asset ratio = (capital + reserves)/total
assets) * 100.
Risk = loans to assets ratio = (Total loans/Total assets) *
Type of banks includes three categories: public, private, foreign.
Size of banks includes five categories: very small, small, medium,
large and very large based on number of employees.
Labour hours = labour * 2400.
Table 2
Construction of 'Size' Variable
Resultant 'Size'
Number of Bank Employees Classification
Employees [less than or equal to] 1,000 1
1,000 < Employees [less than or equal 2
to] 5,000
5,000 < Employees [less than or equal 3
to] 10,000
10,000 < Employees [less than or equal 4
to] 20,000
Employees > 20,000 5
Table 3
Mean Input and Output Elasticities and Marginal Effects by Year,
Size and Type of Banks (Indian and Pakistani (Combined)
Commercial Banks)
Loans Investment Deposits
(y1) (y2) (y3)
A. Labour Demand
1985 0.058 0.119 0.094
1936 0.054 0.111 0.104
1987 0.058 0.113 0.091
1938 0.049 0.122 0.092
1989 0.058 0.096 0.119
1990 0.059 0.084 0.133
1991 0.048 0.059 0.144
1992 0.042 0.054 0.148
1993 0.037 0.036 0.172
1994 0.035 0.039 0.180
1995 0.021 0.034 0.212
1996 0.019 0.021 0.224
1997 0.010 0.014 0.247
1998 0.003 0.019 0.237
1999 0.003 0.019 0.242
2000 0.011 0.019 0.238
2001 0.010 0.021 0.228
2002 0.005 0.024 0.209
2003 0.010 0.026 0.203
Very Small 0.085 0.035 0.184
Small -0.001 0.068 0.169
Medium 0.001 0.054 0.179
Large -0.003 0.070 0.149
Very Large -0.037 0.054 0.209
Public -0.014 0.060 0.175
Private 0.016 0.047 0.186
Foreign 0.091 0.047 0.176
India 0.014 0.059 0.163
Pakistan 0.065 0.035 0.214
Sample Mean 0.031 0.054 0.175
St. deviation 0.022 0.040 0.057
B. Marginal Variance
(Risk) Effects
1985 -0.051 -0.164 0.015
1986 -0.036 -0.001 0.048
1987 -0.037 0.478 0.011
1988 -0.066 -0.030 0.013
1989 -0.027 -0.042 -0.012
1990 -0.030 -0.041 -0.012
1991 -0.004 -0.012 -0.001
1992 -0.004 -0.016 0.005
1993 -0.003 0.178 -0.002
1994 -0.896 -0.008 -0.005
1995 0.003 -0.036 0.002
1996 1.536 -0.010 -0.003
1997 -0.003 -0.001 -0.014
1998 0.002 -0.002 0.059
1999 0.005 0.000 -0.008
2000 0.006 -0.009 0.414
2001 -0.010 -0.001 0.025
2002 0.078 -0.011 0.024
2003 0.068 0.003 0.019
Very Small 0.000 0.000 0.000
Small -0.002 -0.097 -0.005
Medium -0.001 0.006 0.019
Large 0.615 0.028 0.013
Very Large -0.380 -0.116 0.162
Public 0.110 -0.032 0.081
Private 0.000 -0.005 0.001
Foreign -0.001 -0.060 -0.003
India -0.085 0.052 0.018
Pakistan 0.314 0.013 0.048
Sample Mean 0.028 -0.036 0.026
St. deviation 0.420 0.122 0.096
Branches Wages Fixed Asst
(y4) (w) (q)
A. Labour Demand
1985 0.443 -0.442 -0.002
1936 0.444 -0.423 0.000
1987 0.456 -0.419 0.004
1938 0.462 -0.419 0.001
1989 0.450 -0.411 0.003
1990 0.450 -0.406 0.005
1991 0.468 -0.298 0.014
1992 0.464 -0.275 0.019
1993 0.468 -0.256 0.026
1994 0.465 -0.269 0.019
1995 0.453 -0.263 0.010
1996 0.450 -0.239 0.015
1997 0.444 -0.233 0.012
1998 0.452 -0.197 0.014
1999 0.441 -0.202 0.010
2000 0.443 -0.213 0.008
2001 0.443 -0.197 0.010
2002 0.448 -0.144 0.014
2003 0.444 -0.163 0.014
Very Small 0.527 -0.423 0.013
Small 0.456 -0.215 0.013
Medium 0.030 -0.175 0.008
Large 0.385 -0.156 0.008
Very Large 0.329 -0.155 0.006
Public 0.365 -0.157 0.009
Private 0.455 -0.197 0.010
Foreign 0.541 -0.504 0.014
India 0.440 -0.223 0.014
Pakistan 0.479 -0.415 0.004
Sample Mean 0.452 -0.288 0.010
St. deviation 0.009 0.100 0.007
B. Marginal Variance
(Risk) Effects
1985 -0.209 -0.837 0.051
1986 -0.144 -0.928 -0.039
1987 -0.084 -0.992 -0.067
1988 0.266 -1.076 -0.061
1989 -0.107 -0.162 0.034
1990 -0.132 0.404 0.022
1991 -0.031 0.044 -0.010
1992 0.046 0.281 -0.011
1993 -0.016 0.046 -0.004
1994 -0.027 0.004 -0.008
1995 0.022 0.116 -0.008
1996 -0.014 0.029 -0.004
1997 0.009 0.018 -0.004
1998 -0.010 0.015 -0.004
1999 0.069 0.028 -0.003
2000 -0.042 0.097 -0.006
2001 -0.033 0.040 -0.004
2002 -0.027 0.061 -0.005
2003 -0.039 0.087 -0.007
Very Small 0.000 0.007 0.000
Small 0.004 -0.005 0.001
Medium -0.002 -0.050 0.000
Large -0.762 -0.321 -0.008
Very Large -0.251 -0.444 -0.104
Public -0.457 -0.367 -0.050
Private -0.001 0.016 0.000
Foreign 0.002 0.009 0.000
India -0.026 -0.096 -0.024
Pakistan 0.039 -0.141 -0.002
Sample Mean -0.168 -0.143 -0.019
St. deviation 0.512 0.449 0.021
(t) TME Efficiency
A. Labour Demand
1985 -0.000 -- --
1936 -0.004 -- --
1987 -0.005 -- --
1938 -0.054 -- --
1989 -0.044 -- --
1990 -0.002 -- --
1991 -0.041 -- --
1992 -0.004 -- --
1993 -0.026 -- --
1994 -0.005 -- --
1995 -0.027 -- --
1996 -0.007 -- --
1997 -0.016 -- --
1998 -0.030 -- --
1999 -0.020 -- --
2000 -0.058 -- --
2001 -0.045 -- --
2002 -0.011 -- --
2003 -0.011 -- --
Very Small -0.007 -- --
Small -0.007 -- --
Medium -0.005 -- --
Large -0.006 -- --
Very Large -0.007 -- --
Public -0.006 -- --
Private -0.007 -- --
Foreign -0.007 -- --
India -0.007 -- --
Pakistan -0.007 -- --
Sample Mean -0.007 -- --
St. deviation -0.023 -- --
B. Marginal Variance
(Risk) Effects
1985 -0.109 -1.406 0.400
1986 -0.070 -1.170 0.488
1987 -0.075 -1.722 0.436
1988 -0.145 -3.631 0.619
1989 -0.058 -0.442 0.642
1990 -0.063 0.104 0.617
1991 -0.017 0.031 0.377
1992 -0.019 0.190 0.751
1993 0.008 0.197 0.780
1994 -0.012 0.952 0.752
1995 -0.012 0.039 0.321
1996 -0.008 1.526 0.794
1997 -0.006 -0.019 0.678
1998 -0.005 0.055 0.780
1999 0.006 0.085 0.623
2000 0.009 0.451 0.707
2001 -0.006 0.011 0.748
2002 -0.007 0.065 0.691
2003 -0.011 0.082 0.650
Very Small 0.000 0.007 0.741
Small -0.001 -0.107 0.631
Medium 0.002 -0.030 0.608
Large 0.011 -0.446 0.593
Very Large -0.196 1.329 0.564
Public -0.092 -0.807 0.580
Private 0.000 0.011 0.665
Foreign 0.000 -0.053 0.739
India -0.043 -0.384 0.633
Pakistan -0.005 0.168 0.721
Sample Mean -0.034 -0.346 0.653
St. deviation 0.041 1.079 0.132
Note: TME is the total marginal effects computed as
summing up input and output marginal effects.
Table 4 Frequency Distribution of Technical Efficiency
Interval Frequency Percentage
10-50 273 16.24
50-60 243 14.46
60-70 428 25.46
70-80 459 27.31
80-90 206 12.25
90-100 72 4.28
Table 5
Pearson Correlation Coefficients (Figures in Brackets
are Significance Levels)
Time Size TME
Time 1.000
Size -0.075 1.000
(0.002) (0.017)
THE 0.028 -0.058 1.000
(0.255) (0.017) 0.000
Output 0.019 -0.057 0.991
(0.444) (0.019) 0.000
Input 0.148 -0.129 0.142
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
Efficiency 0.475 -0.447 0.023
(0.000) (0.000) (0.351)
Marginal Variance (Risk Effects)
Output Input Efficiency
Output 1.000
Input 0.007 1.000
0.774 (0.000)
Efficiency 0.017 0.146 1.000
(0.499) (0.000) (0.000)