Efficiency of large-scale manufacturing in Pakistan: a production frontier approach.
Mahmood, Tariq ; Ghani, Ejaz ; Din, Musleh-ud 等
The large scale manufacturing sector in Pakistan has gained
increasing prominence over the years with its share in output rising to
about 13 percent in 2005-06 from 5.67 percent in 1959-60. (1) The sector
has operated amid varying policy environments ranging from outright
import substitution in the early years to a more deregulated and liberal
environment in the recent years driven largely by concerns to improve
the efficiency of the industrial sector which is critical for attaining
greater competitiveness. While industrial and trade policy reforms in
recent years have exposed domestic enterprises to greater internal and
external competition, most of these enterprises continue to seek state
patronage and have yet to reposition themselves to compete effectively
in the global market place. Furthermore, the trade policy still has an
import substitution bias for certain critical sectors whose imports are
subject to tariff peaks and this raises concerns on their efficiency.
This study aims to assess the efficiency of large scale
manufacturing sector in Pakistan using the production frontier approach.
Section 2 reviews the literature while Section 3 sets out the
methodology and discusses data employed in the study. Section 4 analyses
empirical findings, and Section 5 concludes the discussion.
Since the seminal work of Aigner, Lovell and Schmidt (1977), who
first proposed the stochastic production frontier technique, a growing
body of literature has used the approach to estimate industrial
efficiency. Taymaz and Saatci (1997) analyse the extent and importance
of technical progress and efficiency in Turkish manufacturing
industries. The rate and direction of technical change in three
industries--textiles, cement, and motor vehicles--are estimated by using
panel data on plants for the period 1987-92, using cobb-douglas, and
translog stochastic frontier production functions. In addition to
traditional inputs like labour, raw materials, energy and capital inputs
etc, other factors like sub-contracting, advertising intensity,
ownership type are also included in the analysis. The results show that
there are significant inter-sectoral differences in the rates of
technical change and the factors influencing technical efficiency at the
plant level. Subcontracting is found to improve the efficiency of user
fin.ns in the textile, cement, and motor vehicles industries. The
ownership type and the source of technology are found to be important
determinants of plant-level efficiency. Other important factors in
efficiency are legal status of the firm, product characteristics, and
regional agglomeration. The study finds a positive relationship between
the plant size and technical efficiency in the cement and motor vehicles
Ikhsan-Modjo (2006) examines the patterns of total factor
productivity growth and technical efficiency changes in Indonesia's
manufacturing industries over the period 1988-2000. The study uses the
data incorporating both the liberalisation years and the crisis/ post
crisis years sourced from an annual panel survey of manufacturing
establishments. Following the approach of Battese and Coelli (1992), a
translog frontier production function is estimated. Gross output is
regressed on inputs like the cost of capital, wages, intermediate inputs
and energy, and the study finds that technical progress is the most
important factor in explaining TFP growth in the Indonesian
manufacturing sector.
Tripathy (2006) examines efficiency gap between foreign and
domestic firms in eleven manufacturing industries of India during
1990-2000. Two different techniques, i.e. stochastic frontier and data
envelopment analysis are used to measure efficiency of the firms. The
study assumes a Cobb-Douglas technology and estimates stochastic
production and cost frontier in each industry to measure technical
efficiency and cost efficiency of each finn as well as to obtain some
inference on allocative efficiency. The stochastic frontier estimations
show that generally foreign firms are technically efficient with
significant mean difference as compared with the domestic firms. The
data envelop technique comes at the same conclusions albeit with a few
exceptions. The average cost efficiency scores in terms of stochastic
frontier show mixed results: it indicates that there is a weak evidence
for foreign firms to be allocatively inefficient in drugs and
pharmaceuticals as compared with the domestic firms since the former are
on average technically efficient but cost inefficient. On the other hand
the data envelop results show that foreign firms are generally more
efficient than domestic firms in terms of allocative efficiency. The
evidence indicates that foreign firms tend to use more labour than
capital as compared with domestically owned firms and hence the study
concludes that the foreign firms are not using an inappropriate
Alvares and Crespi (2003) explore differences in technical
efficiency in Chilean manufacturing firms. The authors use plant survey
data and apply non-parametric frontier Data Envelopment Analysis. A
stratified randomn sample is employed and firms are classified according
to ISIC (3-digits) classification. It is found that the average
efficiency of the sample is 65 percent with a large heterogeneity among
sectors, and that the professional and scientific equipment sector
exhibits 91 percent efficiency, while agro-industries and textiles have
much lower efficiency levels at 49 percent and 34 percent respectively.
Efficiency estimates are further used in regression analysis to explore
the factors influencing efficiency levels, and the study finds no
relationship between firm size and level of efficiency. The key
attributes of the efficient firms are found to be access to credit,
labour skills, experience and education level of firm owner, and
orientation to international markets etc.
Njikam (2003) assesses the effects of trade reform on firm-specific
technical efficiencies in Cameroon manufacturing using firm-level
balanced panel data for the period from 1988-89 to 1997-98. This period
is further sub-divided into two sub-periods: the pre trade reform period
covering the years 1988-89 to 1991-92, and the post trade reform period
covering the years 1994-95-1997-98. A Cobb-Douglas stochastic production
frontier is estimated for each industrial sector. Results indicate that
relative to the pre-reform scores, the post-reform average technical
efficiency increased in six of eight industries and in total
manufacturing. The pre-reform firm-specific technical efficiencies
decreased on average at the annual rate of 0.76 percent, while the
post-reform firm-specific technical efficiencies increased on average at
an annual rate of 1.4 percent. The study concludes that the trade reform
provided an enabling environment for improving firm-level technical
In the context of Pakistan's economy, Burki and Khan (2005)
analyse the implications of allocative efficiency on resource allocation and energy substitutability. The study covers the period 1969-70 to
1990-91 and utilises pooled time series data from Pakistan's large
scale manufacturing sector to estimate a generalised translog cost
function. The study also computes factor demand elasticities and
elasticities of substitution by using the parameters of the estimated
generalised cost function. The results indicate strong evidence of
allocative inefficiency leading to over- or underutilisation of
resources and higher cost of production. Input-mix inefficiency takes
the form of over-utilisation of raw material and capital vis-a-vis
labour and energy. The study finds that allocative inefficiency of firms
has on average decreased the demand for labour by 0.19 percent and
increased the demand for energy by 0.12 percent. Own price elasticities of factors of production imply that the demand for capital is much more
sensitive to its own price than the demand for labour. However, the
elasticity of substitution between all factors is found out to be
positive, which implies that they are substitutes. This is attributed to
installation of new but snore energy-efficient capital. The new
machinery and plants, although more energy-intensive and raw material
saving, leave the share of capital and labour unchanged.
This study utilises the Stochastic Frontier (SF) technique,
originally proposed by Aigner, Lovell, and Schmidt (1977), to estimate a
production frontier which will serve as bench mark to estimate the
technical efficiencies of various industries. The study covers 101
industries for the years 1995-96 and 2000-01. So, it is a comparative
study of two cross-sections.
The Stochastic Production Frontier is assumed to be of
Cobb-Douglass form with a composite error term:
Where: [Y.sub.i] is output of the ith industry, [K.sub.i] is the
amount of capital used in the ith industry, [L.sub.i] is the average
number of persons engaged in the ith industry, [IC.sub.i] is the
industrial cost in the ith industry, N1[C.sub.i] is the non-industrial
cost in ith industry, [v.sub.i] is a component of the error term with
normal distribution i.e. [v.sub.i] ~ N(0, [[sigma].sub.v]) [u.sub.i] is
a component of error term with half-nomaal distribution (2) i.e.
[u.sub.i] ~ [N.sup.+] (0,[sigma].sub.11]) N is the total number of
The symmetric error term [v.sub.i] is the usual noise component to
allow for random factors like measurement errors, weather, strikes etc.
The non-negative error term IIi is the technical inefficiency component.
The Ordinary Least Square estimation of the above model provides
consistent estimates of [[beta].sub.i], but not of [[beta].sub.0]. More
importantly, we cannot obtain efficiency estimates through OLS [Kunabhakar and Lovell (2000)]. This issue is resolved by applying
Maximum Likelihood estimation technique to obtain consistent parameter estimates as well as efficiency scores. (3)
The estimated model forms the basis for computing a predictor of
technical efficiencies. Battese and Coelli (1988) suggest the following
predictor of technical efficiencies:
[TE.sub.i] = E[exp(-[u.sub.i]) [[e.sub.i]]
Where [e.sub.i = [v.sub.i] = [u.sub.i] and E is the expectation
operator. The above expression measures how far a finn lies below the
frontier after allowing for random errors.
The next step is to check the significance of inefficiencies
estimated by the model, i.e. to test the null hypothesis of no
inefficiencies against the alternative hypothesis that inefficiencies
are present. As suggested by Coelli (1995), a one-sided likelihood ratio
test with a mixed chi-square distribution (1/2 [[chi square].sub.0] +
1/2 [[chi square].sub.1]) is appropriate here. Therefore, the null hypotheses is rejected if LR > [[chi square].sub.1](2a).
The data for the year 1995-96 are obtained from the Census of
Manufacturing Industries (1995-96), (4) whereas data for 2000-01 are
obtained from the summary tables prepared by the Federal Bureau of
Statistics. (5) In all, 101 large-scale manufacturing industries are
selected. The excluded industries are those which either do not have
common industry codes or fall in some "other" category. Two
industries, viz. Matches and Plastic Footwear, are excluded due to their
negative value added in the year 1995-96.
The following is a brief description of the variables:
CMI reports value added as well as contribution to GDP. Value added
reported in CMI does not allow for non-industrial costs. So we have used
contribution to GDP as output which equals value of production minus
industrial cost minus net non-industrial cost.
Capital consists of land and building, plant and machinery and
other fixed assets which are expected to have a productive life of more
than one year and are in use by the establishment for the manufacturing
Labour includes employees, working proprietors, unpaid family
workers and home workers.
Industrial Cost
Industrial cost consists of cost of raw materials, fuels and
electricity consumed, payments for work done, payments for repairs and
maintenance and cost of goods purchased for resale.
Non-industrial Cost
Non-lndustrial Cost consists of cost of payments for transport,
insurance payments, copy rights and royalties, postage, telegraph and
telephone charges, printing and stationery costs, legal and professional
expenses, advertising and selling expenses, traveling expenses and other
such expenses incurred by the establishment.
The model is estimated by maximum likelihood method for both the
periods and the results are reported in Tables 1 and 2. All variables
are statistically significant for both years except that of labour,
which is insignificant for the year 2000-01. A possible explanation may
be that the presence of rigidities in terms of worker lay off (6) may
prevent firms from an optimal utilisation of the labour input which may
become redundant owing to the adoption of more efficient technologies.
That such technological developments have indeed taken place is
corroborated by Burki and Khan (2005) who note that "traditional
labour intensive technologies have gradually been replaced with more
state of the art efficient technologies". The magnitude of the
parameter gamma is 0.72 in 1995-96 and 0.64 in 2000-01; an indication
that inefficiencies are the major component of the composite error terms
in both the periods.
The likelihood ratio test of one-sided error gives a value of 4.3
lbr the year 1995-96 (significant at 95 percent) and 1.3 for the year
2000-01 (significant at 88.5 percent); implying that the use of
stochastic frontier is justified.
Overall, the mean efficiency score increased from 0.58 in 1995-96
to 0.65 in 2000-01, indicating an improvement in efficiency of the large
scale manufacturing sector (7) (see appendix for detailed efficiency
scores). The results are, however, mixed at the disaggregated level.
Table 3 reports the mean efficiency scores of various industries at the
3-digit level. In 1995-96, the top five industries in terms of their
efficiency levels included tobacco manufacturing, petroleum refining,
other nonmetallic mineral products, other manufacturing, electrical
machinery and supplies. Among this group, while the level of efficiency
of petroleum refining and electrical machinery and supplies improved
marginally in 2000-01, the efficiency levels of tobacco manufacturing,
other non-metallic mineral products, and other manufacturing declined.
The five least efficient industries turned out to be sports and athletic
goods, surgical instruments, leather and leather products, manufacturing
of textiles, and wearing apparel. It is important to note that all of
these industries are export-oriented industries. Their low level of
efficiency probably explains why the government has all along provided a
host of incentives to such export-oriented industries i.e. to offset
their inherent inefficiencies.
The situation is somewhat different in 2000-01, when sports and
athletic goods, non-ferrous metals, and iron and steel made into the top
five efficient industries. Most remarkable is the turnaround shown by
the sports and athletic goods which earlier ranked among the least five
efficient industries. Among the five least efficient industries are
transport equipment, wearing apparel, glass and glass products, surgical
instruments, and food manufacturing. It is noteworthy that the textiles
and manufacturing is only marginally better off as compared with 1995-96
lying a notch above the 5 least efficient industries.
The efficiency scores of a diverse range of industries including
textiles manufactures, food manufacturing, industrial chemicals, iron
and steel, drugs and pharmaceutical products, electrical machinery and
supplies, and non-electrical machinery etc indicate improvement in
efficiency over time. (8) It is important to note that while efficiency
levels have improved, big gaps remain in terms of the location of finns
from the frontier: for example, in 2000-01, the mean efficiency score
ranged from 0.53 (transport equipment) to 0.87 (tobacco manufacturing).
This implies that there is considerable room for improvement in the
efficiency levels of these industries.
There has been a decline in efficiency of other non-metallic
mineral products, tobacco manufacturing, transport equipment, other
chemical products, pottery, china and earthenware, and glass and glass
products. The highest decline is recorded by glass and glass products
(15.10 percent) followed by transport equipment (6.79 percent), other
nonmetallic products (6.39 percent), other chemical products (4.25
percent), pottery, china and earthenware (2.4 percent) and tobacco
manufacturing (0.84 percent).
This paper has examined the efficiency of the large scale
manufacturing sector of Pakistan using the stochastic production
frontier approach. A stochastic production frontier is estimated for two
periods--1995/96 and 2000/01--for 101 industries at the ISIC 5-digit
level. The results show that there has been some improvement in the
efficiency of the large scale manufacturing sector, though the magnitude
of improvement remains small. The results are mixed at the disaggregated
level: whereas a majority of industrial groups have gained in terms of
technical efficiency, some industries have shown deterioration in their
efficiency levels including, for example, transport equipment, glass and
glass products, other non-metallic mineral products, and other
manufacturing. There may be several factors that may have caused a
decline in the technical efficiency of such firms, not least the trade
policy environment that may have shielded such industries from external
competition. Further research may locus on the specific determinants of
technical efficiency including the macroeconomic and trade policy
Afriat, S. N. (1972) Efficiency Estimation of Production Functions.
International Economic Review 13, 568-598.
Aigner, Dennis, C.A. Knox Lovell, and Peter Schimidt (1977)
Formulation and Estimation of Stochastic Frontier Production Function
Models. Journal of Econometrics 6, 21-37.
Alvares, Roberts and Gustave Crespi (2003) Determinant of Technical
Efficiency in Small Firms. Small Business Economics 20, 233-244.
Battese, G. E., and T. J. Coelli (1988) Prediction of Firm-Level
Technical Efficiencies With a Generalised Frontier Production Function
and Panel Data. Journal of Econometrics 38, 387-399.
Battese, George E., Rao, and O'Donnell (2004) A Metafrontier
Production for Estimation of Technical Efficiencies and Technology Gaps
for Firms Operating under Different Technologies. Journal of
Productivity Analysis 21:1, 91-103.
Burki, Abid A. and Mahmood-ul-Hasan Khan (2005) Effects of
Allocative Inefficiency on Resource Allocation and Energy Substitution
in Pakistan's Manufacturing. Lahore University of Management
Sciences. (CMER Working Paper No. 04-30.)
Coelli, T. J. (1995) Estimators and Hypothesis Tests for a
Stochastic Frontier Function: A Monte Carlo Analysis. Journal of
Productivity Analysis 6:4, 247-68.
Greene, W. H. (1990) A Gamnaa-distributed Stochastic Frontier
Model. Journal of Econometrics 46, 141-164.
Ikhsan-Modjo, Mohamad (2006) Total factor Productivity in
Indonesian Manufacturing: A Stochastic Frontier Approach. Monash
University. (ABERU Discussion Paper 28.)
Kumbhakar, Subal C., and C. A. Knox Lovell (2000) Stochastic
Frontier Analysis. Cambridge University Press.
Njikam, Ousmanou (2003) Trade Refoma and Efficiency in
Cameroon's Manufacturing Industries. African Economic Research
Consortium, Nairobi. (AERC Research Paper 133.)
Pakistan, Government of (various issues) Pakistan Economic Survey.
Islamabad, Ministry of Finance.
Stevenson, R. E. (1980) Likelihood Functions for Generalised
Stochastic Frontier Estimation. Journal of Econometrics 13, 57-66.
Taymaz, Erol, and Gulin Saatci (1997) Technical Change and
Efficiency in Turkish Manufacturing Industries. Journal of Productivity
Analysis 8, 461-475.
Tripathy, Sabita (2006) Are Foreign Firms Allocatively
Inefficient?: A study of selected manufacturing industries in India.
Paper presented at the Fifth Annual GEP Postgraduate Conference
(Leverhulme Centre for Research on Globalisation and Economic Policy
(GEP), Nottingham. <http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/economics/
Tariq Mahmood <
[email protected]> is Research Economist,
Ejaz Ghani <ghani.ejaz@ gmail.com> is Senior Research Economist,
and Muslch-ud Din <
[email protected]> is Chief of Research at
the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad.
(1) Pakistan (various issues).
(2) Some writers have used different assumptions about distribution
of [u.sub.i]. A friat (1972) assumes [u.sub.i] to have a gamma
distribution; Stevenson (1980) uses truncated normal distribution; and
Green (1990) uses two-parameter gamma distribution.
(3) The computer program FRONTIER version 4.1, written by Tim
Coelli, is used to obtain parameter estimates as well as the efficiency
(4) This is the latest available published CMI.
(5) http://www.statpak.gov.pk/depts/fbs/statistics/
(6) Due, perhaps, to trade unions, strict labour laws, etc.
(7) It is important to note that the efficiency scores in each
period measure technical efficiency in relation to the respective
frontier in each period.
(8) A comparison of efficiency scores across two different
production frontiers is akin to Battese, Rao and O'Donnell (2004)
who compare efficiency levels of different groups in terms of their own
frontier as well as a metafrontier.
Efficiencies Scores at Industry Level
Group 1 Manufacturing of Textiles
32011 Cotton spinning 0.39
32012 Cotton weaving 0.43
32020 Woolen textiles 0.59
32030 Jute textiles 0.52
32040 Silk and art silk textiles 0.49
32050 Narrow fabrics 0.27
32070 Finishing of textiles 0.38
32120 Made up textile goods 0.44
32130 Knitting mills 0.33
32150 Cordage, rope and twine 0.61
32160 Spooling and thread ball making 0.57
Average (Group 1) 0.46
Group 2 Food Manufacturing
31121 Dairy products 0.56
31122 Ice cream 0.60
31130 Canning of fruits and vegetables 0.63
31140 Canning of fish and sea food 0.48
31151 Vegetable Ghee 0.54
31153 and 59 Cotton seed and inedible animal oils 0.59
31161 Rice milling 0.41
31162 Wheat and grain milling 0.19
31163 and 69 Grain milled products and other 0.75
grain milling
31171 Bread and bakery products 0.50
31172 Biscuits 0.52
31181 Refined sugar 0.64
31191 Confectionery, not sweetmeats 0.64
31192 and 99 "Desi" sweetmeats and confectionery 0.72
31212 Blending of tea 0.71
31221 Feeds for animals 0.51
31222 Feeds for fowls 0.23
31291 Starch 0.71
31292 Edible salt 0.80
31293 Ice 0.45
Average (Group 2) 0.56
Group 3 Industrial Chemicals
35111 Alkalies 0.60
35112 Acids, salts and intermediates 0.63
35113 Sulphuric acid 0.68
35120 Dyes, colours and pigments 0.70
35130 Compressed gases, etc. 0.61
35140 Fertilisers 0.69
35150 Pesticides, insecticides, etc. 0.67
35160 Synthetic resins, etc. 0.74
Average (Group 3) 0.66
Group 4
36910 Bricks and tiles 0.63
36920 Cement 0.73
36930 Cement products 0.79
Average (Group 4) 0.72
Group 5 Tobacco Manufacturing
31410 Cigarettes 0.88
Group 6 Iron and Steel
37110 Iron and steel mills 0.60
Group 7 Drugs and pharmaceutical products
35010 Medicines and basic drugs(allopathic) 0.54
35020 "Unani" medicines 0.68
35040 and 90 Homeopathic and other medicinal 0.67
Average (Group 7) 0.63
Group 8 Electrical Machinery and Supplies
38310 Electrical industrial machinery 0.70
38320 Radio and television commu 0.77
38330 Electrical appliances 0.76
38340 Insulated wires and cables 0.75
38350 Electrical bulbs and tubes 0.50
38360 Batteries 0.69
Average (Group 8) 0.69
Group 9 Transport Equipment
38440 Motor vehicles 0.60
38450 Motor cycles, auto rickshaws 0.47
384G0 Cycles and pedicabs 0.62
Average (Group 9) 0.56
Group 10 Other Chemical Products
35210 Paints, varnishes and lacquers 0.74
35220 Perfumes and cosmetics 0.67
35230 Soap and detergents 0.76
35240 Polishes and waxes 0.72
35260 Ink (all kinds) 0.40
Average (Group 10) 0.66
Group 11 Non-electrical Machinery
38210 Engines and turbines 0.37
38220 Agricultural machinery 0.51
38230 Metal and wood working machinery 0.45
38240 Textile machinery 0.62
Average (Group 11) 0.49
Group 12 Printing and Publishing
34210 Newspapers 0.76
34220 Books, periodicals, maps, etc. 0.35
34230 Job printing 0.83
34240 Printed cards and stationery 0.68
Average (Group 12) 0.66
Group 13 Petroleum Refining
Petroleum refining and products
353 and 354 of petroleum and coal 0.74
Group 14 Paper and Paper Products
34110 Pulp and paper 0.64
34120 Paperboard 0.59
34130 Pulp, paper and board articles 0.70
Average (Group 14) 0.65
Group 15 Wearing Apparel
32210 Ready-made garments 0.47
Group 16 Leather and Leather products
32310 Tanning and leather finishing 0.41
32330 Leather products excepts footwear 0.31
32410 Leather foot-wear 0.50
Average (Group 14) 0.41
Group 17 Ginning and Baling of Fibre
32510 and 90 Ginning (Cotton and others) 0.48
Group 18 Rubber Products
35510 Tyres and tubes 0.70
35520 Retreading tyres and tubes 0.53
35591 Rubber foot-wear 0.57
35592 Vulcanised rubber products 0.59
35593 Rubber belting 0.45
Average (Group 18) 0.57
Group 19 Pottery, China and Earthware
36120 China and ceramics 0.60
36110 and 90 Earthenware and other pottery 0.76
Average (Group 19) 0.68
Group 20 Glass and Glass Products
36210 Glass O.fi9
36220 Glass products 0.64
Average (Group 20) 0.66
Group 21 Non-ferrous Metal Industries
37210 Aluminium and aluminium alloys 0.49
37220 Copper and copper alloys 0.59
Average (Group 21) 0.54
Group 22 Fabricated Metal Products
38010 Cutlery 0.52
38050 Structural metal products 0.57
38060 Metal stamping, coating, etc. 0.60
38070 Heating and cooking equipment 0.69
38080 Wire product 0.47
38090 Utensils-aluminium 0.70
38140 Tin cans and tinware 0.71
38150 and 60 Metal trunks and bolts, nuts, rivets, 0.48
Average (Group 22) 0.59
Group 23 Surgical Instruments
38510 Surgical instruments 0.30
Group 24 Sports and Athletic Goods
392 Sports and athletic goods 0.30
Group 25 Lime, Plaster and Manufacture of Refractories
36940 and 50 Lime, plaster and manufacture of 0.06
Group 26 Other Manufacturing
39420 Bone crushing 0.71
Average (All Industries) 0.58
Group 1 Manufacturing of Textiles
32011 Cotton spinning 0.57
32012 Cotton weaving 0.48
32020 Woolen textiles 0.66
32030 Jute textiles 0.56
32040 Silk and art silk textiles 0.62
32050 Narrow fabrics 0.84
32070 Finishing of textiles 0.50
32120 Made up textile goods 0.48
32130 Knitting mills 0.54
32150 Cordage, rope and twine 0.61
32160 Spooling and thread ball making 0.63
Average (Group 1) 0.59
Group 2 Food Manufacturing
31121 Dairy products 0.51
31122 Ice cream 0.78
31130 Canning of fruits and vegetables 0.80
31140 Canning of fish and sea food 0.42
31151 Vegetable Ghee 0.78
31153 and 59 Cotton seed and inedible animal oils 0.56
31161 Rice milling 0.53
31162 Wheat and grain milling 0.58
31163 and 69 Grain milled products and other 0.69
grain milling
31171 Bread and bakery products 0.67
31172 Biscuits 0.60
31181 Refined sugar 0.65
31191 Confectionery, not sweetmeats 0.44
31192 and 99 "Desi" sweetmeats and confectionery 0.37
31212 Blending of tea 0.49
31221 Feeds for animals 0.77
31222 Feeds for fowls 0.45
31291 Starch 0.69
31292 Edible salt 0.72
31293 Ice 0.18
Average (Group 2) 0.58
Group 3 Industrial Chemicals
35111 Alkalies 0.72
35112 Acids, salts and intermediates 0.76
35113 Sulphuric acid 0.57
35120 Dyes, colours and pigments 0.76
35130 Compressed gases, etc. 0.70
35140 Fertilisers 0.73
35150 Pesticides, insecticides, etc. 0.79
35160 Synthetic resins, etc. 0.70
Average (Group 3) 72.00
Group 4
36910 Bricks and tiles 0.64
36920 Cement 0.72
36930 Cement products 0.64
Average (Group 4) 0.67
Group 5 Tobacco Manufacturing
31410 Cigarettes 0.87
Group 6 Iron and Steel
37110 Iron and steel mills 0.75
Group 7 Drugs and pharmaceutical products
35010 Medicines and basic drugs(allopathic) 0.74
35020 "Unani" medicines 0.77
35040 and 90 Homeopathic and other medicinal 0.52
Average (Group 7) 0.67
Group 8 Electrical Machinery and Supplies
38310 Electrical industrial machinery 0.67
38320 Radio and television commu 0.73
38330 Electrical appliances 0.81
38340 Insulated wires and cables 0.71
38350 Electrical bulbs and tubes 0.48
38360 Batteries 0.77
Average (Group 8) 0.70
Group 9 Transport Equipment
38440 Motor vehicles 0.63
38450 Motor cycles, auto rickshaws 0.35
384G0 Cycles and pedicabs 0.62
Average (Group 9) 0.53
Group 10 Other Chemical Products
35210 Paints, varnishes and lacquers 0.67
35220 Perfumes and cosmetics 0.66
35230 Soap and detergents 0.71
35240 Polishes and waxes 0.78
35260 Ink (all kinds) 0.35
Average (Group 10) 0.64
Group 11 Non-electrical Machinery
38210 Engines and turbines 0.56
38220 Agricultural machinery 0.63
38230 Metal and wood working machinery 0.66
38240 Textile machinery 0.62
Average (Group 11) 0.62
Group 12 Printing and Publishing
34210 Newspapers 0.76
34220 Books, periodicals, maps, etc. 0.73
34230 Job printing 0.75
34240 Printed cards and stationery 0.66
Average (Group 12) 0.73
Group 13 Petroleum Refining
Petroleum refining and products
353 and 354 of petroleum and coal 0.76
Group 14 Paper and Paper Products
34110 Pulp and paper 0.70
34120 Paperboard 0.69
34130 Pulp, paper and board articles 0.57
Average (Group 14) 0.66
Group 15 Wearing Apparel
32210 Ready-made garments 0.56
Group 16 Leather and Leather products
32310 Tanning and leather finishing 0.70
32330 Leather products excepts footwear 0.68
32410 Leather foot-wear 0.77
Average (Group 14) 0.72
Group 17 Ginning and Baling of Fibre
32510 and 90 Ginning (Cotton and others) 0.73
Group 18 Rubber Products
35510 Tyres and tubes 0.79
35520 Retreading tyres and tubes 0.72
35591 Rubber foot-wear 0.71
35592 Vulcanised rubber products 0.71
35593 Rubber belting 0.70
Average (Group 18) 0.73
Group 19 Pottery, China and Earthware
36120 China and ceramics 0.68
36110 and 90 Earthenware and other pottery 0.62
Average (Group 19) 0.65
Group 20 Glass and Glass Products
36210 Glass 0.50
36220 Glass products 0.63
Average (Group 20) 0.56
Group 21 Non-ferrous Metal Industries
37210 Aluminium and aluminium alloys 0.84
37220 Copper and copper alloys 0.71
Average (Group 21) 0.78
Group 22 Fabricated Metal Products
38010 Cutlery 0.60
38050 Structural metal products 0.67
38060 Metal stamping, coating, etc. 0.85
38070 Heating and cooking equipment 0.84
38080 Wire product 0.46
38090 Utensils-aluminium 0.64
38140 Tin cans and tinware 0.61
38150 and 60 Metal trunks and bolts, nuts, rivets, 0.68
Average (Group 22) 0.67
Group 23 Surgical Instruments
38510 Surgical instruments 0.58
Group 24 Sports and Athletic Goods
392 Sports and athletic goods 0.77
Group 25 Lime, Plaster and Manufacture of Refractories
36940 and 50 Lime, plaster and manufacture of 0.33
Group 26 Other Manufacturing
39420 Bone crushing 0.61
Average (All Industries) 0.65
% Change
Group 1 Manufacturing of Textiles
32011 Cotton spinning 47.60
32012 Cotton weaving 11.50
32020 Woolen textiles 11.30
32030 Jute textiles 7.63
32040 Silk and art silk textiles 28.25
32050 Narrow fabrics 213.48
32070 Finishing of textiles 33.08
32120 Made up textile goods 8.60
32130 Knitting mills 62.39
32150 Cordage, rope and twine -0.86
32160 Spooling and thread ball making 11.16
Average (Group 1) 39.47
Group 2 Food Manufacturing
31121 Dairy products 8.82
31122 Ice cream 29.46
31130 Canning of fruits and vegetables 26.01
31140 Canning of fish and sea food -11.97
31151 Vegetable Ghee 45.64
31153 and 59 Cotton seed and inedible animal oils -4.75
31161 Rice milling 29.23
31162 Wheat and grain milling 209.63
31163 and 69 Grain milled products and other -8.23
grain milling
31171 Bread and bakery products 34.74
31172 Biscuits 14.91
31181 Refined sugar 0.73
31191 Confectionery, not sweetmeats -31.22
31192 and 99 "Desi" sweetmeats and confectionery -8.23
31212 Blending of tea -31.35
31221 Feeds for animals 52.13
31222 Feeds for fowls 97.86
31291 Starch -3.40
31292 Edible salt -9.52
31293 Ice -60.29
Average (Group 2) 16.11
Group 3 Industrial Chemicals
35111 Alkalies 20.12
35112 Acids, salts and intermediates 21.34
35113 Sulphuric acid -16.63
35120 Dyes, colours and pigments 8.77
35130 Compressed gases, etc. 15.48
35140 Fertilisers 5.69
35150 Pesticides, insecticides, etc. 18.08
35160 Synthetic resins, etc. 5.28
Average (Group 3) 8.45
Group 4
36910 Bricks and tiles 1.60
36920 Cement -1.35
36930 Cement products -19.43
Average (Group 4) -6.39
Group 5 Tobacco Manufacturing
31410 Cigarettes -0.84
Group 6 Iron and Steel
37110 Iron and steel mills 25.34
Group 7 Drugs and pharmaceutical products
35010 Medicines and basic drugs(allopathic) 36.17
35020 "Unani" medicines 12.60
35040 and 90 Homeopathic and other medicinal -22.50
Average (Group 7) 8.76
Group 8 Electrical Machinery and Supplies
38310 Electrical industrial machinery -4.43
38320 Radio and television commu 5.11
38330 Electrical appliances 7.18
38340 Insulated wires and cables -5.96
38350 Electrical bulbs and tubes -3.16
38360 Batteries 11.97
Average (Group 8) 0.08
Group 9 Transport Equipment
38440 Motor vehicles 5.20
38450 Motor cycles, auto rickshaws -25.62
384G0 Cycles and pedicabs 0.04
Average (Group 9) -6.79
Group 10 Other Chemical Products
35210 Paints, varnishes and lacquers 8.46
35220 Perfumes and cosmetics 0.91
35230 Soap and detergents -7.49
35240 Polishes and waxes 8.42
35260 Ink (all kinds) -12.84
Average (Group 10) -4.25
Group 11 Non-electrical Machinery
38210 Engines and turbines 49.62
38220 Agricultural machinery 24.10
38230 Metal and wood working machinery 47.33
38240 Textile machinery 1.38
Average (Group 11) 30.61
Group 12 Printing and Publishing
34210 Newspapers 0.53
34220 Books, periodicals, maps, etc. 109.95
34230 Job printing -9.52
34240 Printed cards and stationery -3.62
Average (Group 12) 24.33
Group 13 Petroleum Refining
Petroleum refining and products
353 and 354 of petroleum and coal 3.70
Group 14 Paper and Paper Products
34110 Pulp and paper 8.76
34120 Paperboard 16.01
34130 Pulp, paper and board articles 18.19
Average (Group 14) 2.19
Group 15 Wearing Apparel
32210 Ready-made garments 18.28
Group 16 Leather and Leather products
32310 Tanning and leather finishing 70.51
32330 Leather products excepts footwear 120.32
32410 Leather foot-wear 52.42
Average (Group 14) 81.09
Group 17 Ginning and Baling of Fibre
32510 and 90 Ginning (Cotton and others) 51.30
Group 18 Rubber Products
35510 Tyres and tubes 13.36
35520 Retreading tyres and tubes 37.30
35591 Rubber foot-wear 25.63
35592 Vulcanised rubber products 19.84
35593 Rubber belting 55.13
Average (Group 18) 30.25
Group 19 Pottery, China and Earthware
36120 China and ceramics 13.22
36110 and 90 Earthenware and other pottery -18.01
Average (Group 19) -2.40
Group 20 Glass and Glass Products
36210 Glass -27.78
36220 Glass products -2.42
Average (Group 20) -15.10
Group 21 Non-ferrous Metal Industries
37210 Aluminium and aluminium alloys 72.84
37220 Copper and copper alloys 20.55
Average (Group 21) 46.69
Group 22 Fabricated Metal Products
38010 Cutlery 15.21
38050 Structural metal products 16.93
38060 Metal stamping, coating, etc. 40.94
38070 Heating and cooking equipment 21.06
38080 Wire product -1.06
38090 Utensils-aluminium 9.35
38140 Tin cans and tinware 13.20
38150 and 60 Metal trunks and bolts, nuts, rivets, 40.34
Average (Group 22) 13.86
Group 23 Surgical Instruments
38510 Surgical instruments 90.44
Group 24 Sports and Athletic Goods
392 Sports and athletic goods 154.58
Group 25 Lime, Plaster and Manufacture of Refractories
36940 and 50 Lime, plaster and manufacture of 413.75
Group 26 Other Manufacturing
39420 Bone crushing -14.14
Average (All Industries) 11.94
Table 1
Regression Results for the Year 1995-96
Variables Coefficients t-values
Constant 0.82 1.56 **
Capital 0.18 2.30 **
Labour 0.3 2.73 **
Industrial Costs 0.36 3.42 **
Non-industrial Costs 0.28 2.52 **
Sigma-squared ([s.sub.s.sup.2] 0.96 4.20 **
= [s.sub.u.sup.2] +
Gamma ([gamma] = 0.72 5.26 **
* Significant at 0.10 level of significance.
** Significant at 0.01 level of significance.
LR test of the one-sided error = 4.2997.
with number of restrictions = 1.
(6) Due, perhaps, to trade unions, strict labour laws, etc.
Table 2 Regression Resetlts fbr the Year 2000-01
Variables Coefficients t-values
Constant 0.26 0.53
Capital 0.36 5.19 *
Labour 0.08 0.72
Industrial Costs 0.5 5.73 **
Non-industrial Costs 0.1 1.54 *
sigma-squared ([s.sub.s.sup.2] = 0.62 3.34 **
[s.sub.u.sup.2] + [s.sub.v.sup.2])
Gamma ([gamma] = [s.sub.u.sup.2]/ 0.64 2.92 **
* Significant at 0.10 level of significance.
** Significant at 0.01 level of significance.
LR test of the one-sided error = 1.3446.
with number of restrictions = 1.
Table 3
Industry-wise Mean Efficiency Scores
Industry 1995-96 2000-01 % Change
Tobacco Manufacturing 0.88 0.87 -0.84
Petroleum Refining 0.74 0.76 3.70
Other Non-metallic Mineral Products 0.72 0.67 -6.39
Other Manufacturing 0.71 0.61 -14.14
Electrical Machinery and Supplies 0.69 0.70 0.08
Pottry, China and Earthware 0.68 0.65 -2.40
Industrial Chemicals 0.66 0.72 8.45
Other Chemical Products 0.66 0.64 -4.25
Printing and Publishing 0.66 0.73 24.33
Glass and Glass Products 0.66 0.56 -15.10
Paper and Paper Products 0.65 0.66 2.19
Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products 0.63 0.67 8.76
Iron and Steel 0.60 0.75 25.34
Fabricated Metal Product 0.59 0.67 13.86
Rubber Products 0.57 0.73 30.25
Food Manufacturing 0.56 0.58 16.11
Transport Equipment 0.56 0.53 -6.79
Non-ferrous Metal Industries 0.54 0.78 46.69
Non-electrical Machinery 0.49 0.62 30.61
Ginning and Baling of Fibre 0.48 0.73 51.30
Wearing Apparel 0.47 0.56 18.28
Manufacturing of Textiles 0.46 0.59 39.47
Leather and Leather Products 0.41 0.72 81.09
Surgical Instruments 0.30 0.58 90.44
Sports and Athletic Goods 0.30 0.77 154.58