Price integration in wholesale maize markets in Pakistan.
Mukhtar, Tahir ; Javed, Muhammad Tariq
Market integration is perceived as a precondition for effective
market reforms in developing countries. The high degree of market
integration means the markets are quite competitive and provide little
justification for extensive and costly government intervention designed
to improve competitiveness so as to enhance market efficiency. This
study tests long-run spatial market integration between price pairs of
maize in four regional markets of Pakistan using cointegration and
error-correction model (ECM) approaches. Hypotheses tests of market
integration and causality are conducted using monthly wholesale maize
prices in logarithmic form over the period January 1995 to December
2005. The results show that the regional markets of maize have strong
price linkages, and thus are spatially integrated. Lahore market
dominates with price formation in the other three regional markets.
Thus, maize markets across Pakistan are efficient and are functioning
well. Furthermore, the findings of the study suggest that by stabilising
maize price in Lahore market, the government can rely on arbitrage to
produce similar outcomes in the regional markets. Thus the cost of
stabilisation may be reduced considerably.
JEL classification: C22, Q13
Keywords: Market Integration, Maize, Cointegration, Granger
Continuing debate concerning the appropriate role of the government
in the marketplace and the necessity to some how estimate the effects of
agricultural policies on agricultural markets have forced researchers to
develop various methods, which would enable them to analyse market
efficiency. Government intervention in setting prices, incomes and
markets is always controversial. For economists, government intervention
may be justified if it does not enhance distortions into the market and,
moreover, remedies the existing market imperfections. But how can one
observe whether the policy proves to improve market functioning or
results in even more inefficiency? One way to throw some light on this
long-standing issue is to analyse market performance by studying market
Three types of market integration are identified in the literature,
which are intertemporal, vertical and spatial. Inter-temporal market
integration relates to the arbitrage process across periods. Vertical
market integration is concerned with stages in marketing and processing
channels. Spatial integration is concerned with the integration of
spatially distinct markets i.e. if price changes in one market are fully
reflected in alternative market then these markets are said to be
spatially integrated. The concept of market integration has normally
been applied in studies involving spatial market interrelatedness.
Market integration is a central issue in many contemporary debates
concerning the issues of market Liberalisation. Market integration is
perceived as a precondition for effective market reforms in developing
countries. The high degree of market integration means the markets are
quite competitive and provide little justification for extensive and
costly government intervention designed to improve competitiveness to
enhance market efficiency. Markets that are not integrated may convey
inaccurate picture about price information that might distort production
decisions and contribute to inefficiencies in markets, harm the ultimate
consumer and lead to low production and sluggish growth, specifically in
rural economy that is the lynchpin of the most of the developing
countries including Pakistan.
Market integration of agricultural products has retained importance
in developing countries due to its potential application to policy
making. Based on the information of the extent of market integration,
government can formulate policies for providing infrastructure and
information regulatory services to avoid market exploitation.
After wheat and rice, maize is the third most important cereal crop
in Pakistan. Maize occupies around 5 percent of the total cropped area
and 8 percent of the total area under food crops. Its production grew at
an annual rate of nearly 5 percent from 1990-91 to 2005-06. Maize is
grown in all over Pakistan but Punjab and North West Frontier Province
(NWFP) dominate in its Production. During 2000-01 to 2005-06, average
annual maize production in Pakistan was 2141.43 thousands tons with 54
percent and 45 percent share from Punjab and NWFP respectively [Economic
Survey (2005-06)]. In the past, maize was a subsistence crop and the
farmers held most of their production for their regular diet, seed,
livestock, etc. With increasing real national income, urbanisation,
shift in consumption patterns in favour of wheat, rice, meat, diary,
fruits and vegetables, and introduction of new maize products, maize
producers created a surplus for the industry. Presently, 30 to 35
percent of the national production of maize is market surplus to be used
in the industry. More than half of industry's share is used in the
wet- milling industry to produce starch, sweeteners, corn oil, glucose,
custard powder and gluten. The rest almost half share of the industry is
consumed by the poultry industry for manufacturing feed. As only a small
amount of maize is consumed in Punjab, therefore, there is a huge market
surplus in this province. Most of this market surplus is traded with
other provinces. Whereas, in NWFP much of maize is used for
farmers' home consumption and only a small amount is available to
sale in the market.
The objective of this paper is to analyse the degree of market
integration among four main regional maize markets of Pakistan.
Following Ravallion (1986), we assume a radial market structure where
there is a group of local, regional markets and a central market in
Lahore, that is not only the capital city of Punjab province but also is
a major centre for business and trade. The regional markets chosen are
those in Hyderabad, Peshawar, and Quetta. These regional markets are
located in Sindh, NWFP and Balochistan provinces respectively. Trade
between regional markets may exist but trade with the central market
dominates price formation and accordingly we assume the three pair-wise
price relationships i.e. between the price in Lahore and those in the
regional markets.
The rest of the paper is organised as follows. Section 2 provides
literature review. Analytical framework is presented in Section 3. Data
description and empirical findings are given in Section 4. The final
section concludes the study.
The issue of market integration in many agricultural commodities
has figured prominently in empirical research mainly because of its
significance for market liberalisation and price policy. For example,
the study of the relationship between prices of food grains makes its
possible to identify groups of integrated markets so that unnecessary
government intervention in the food markets may be avoided. The
integration of food markets enhances regional food security by ensuring
regional balance among food-deficit, food-surplus and non-food cash
crop-producing regions. When, however, food markets are not integrated,
local food scarcity will persist, as localised deficient markets fail to
send the right signals to the surplus markets to attract supplies of
food grains. Moreover, the study of market integration offers a clear
picture of the process of transmission of incentives across marketing
chains. Market integration is, therefore, a precondition for the success
of price policy and market liberalisation programmes [Ghosh (2003)].
Since testing for market integration is central to the design of an
agricultural price policy in large developing countries and has been an
area of abiding research interest. Baulch (1997) identifies four
econometric approaches for measuring spatial market integration, namely,
law of one price (LOP), the Ravallion model, Granger-causality and
cointegration tests. Dawson and Dey (2002) propose an integrated
empirical framework which tests for long-run spatial market integration
between price pairs using a dynamic vector autoregressive (VAR) model
and cointegration technique. Hypotheses tests of market integration,
perfect market integration and causality are conducted sequentially. The
approach is illustrated using monthly prices from rice markets in
Bangladesh since trade liberalisation of 1992. Results show that rice
markets are perfectly integrated and that Dhaka dominates near markets
but is dominated by more distant markets. Jha, et al. (2005) examine
market integration in 55 wholesale rice markets in India using monthly
data over the period January 1970 to December 1999. The technique of
Gonzalez-Rivera and Helfand (2001) has been used to identify common
factors across various markets. It is discovered that market integration
is far from complete in India and a major reason for this is the
excessive interference in rice markets by government agencies. As a
result, it is hard for scarcity conditions in isolated markets to be
picked up by markets with abundance in supply. A number of policy
implications are also considered. Bakhshoodeh and Sahraeiyan (2006)
study integration of major Iranian agricultural product markets using
the Engle-Granger cointegration technique and Ravallion test applied to
1984-2002 price data. The typical results show that although long-run
market integration exists among local markets of products such as rice
and wheat, Iran's major agricultural product markets are not
integrated with world markets in the long-run. Government interventions
were recognised as the major impediments to domestic and world market
However, in Pakistan, the literature on agricultural market
integration is acutely scarce. The only studies that we have come across
are Lohano and Mari (2006) and Mushtaq, et al. (2006). The former study
analyses spatial market integration using monthly wholesale real price
of onion in four regional markets located in each of the four provinces
of Pakistan. The results obtained from the error-correction model show
that the regional markets of onion have strong price linkages and thus
are spatially integrated. While Mushtaq, et al. (2006) have used monthly
wholesale price data from January 1995 to December 2003 of Basmati Rice and empirically estimated the degree of integration in rice (Basmati)
markets of Punjab using the law of one price (LOP) framework and
cointegration analysis. The findings of the study indicate that rice
markets are highly integrated in the long run. The significance of the
present study is to test the market integration of domestic maize
markets since it is the third most important cereal crop in Pakistan.
For price integration, simple bivariate correlation coefficients
measure the price movements of a commodity in different markets. This is
the simplest way to measure the spatial price relationships between two
markets. Early inquiries on spatial market integration, for example Lele
(1967) and Jones (1968) have used this method. However, this method
clearly has some limitations, as it cannot measure the direction of
price integration between two markets. The cointegration procedure
measures the degree of price integration and takes into account the
direction of price integration. This econometric technique provides more
information than the correlation procedure, as it allows for the
identification of both the integration process and its direction between
two markets.
The present study uses a two-step research procedure. In the first
step, market integration is tested to examine a stable relationship
between markets. If markets are found to be integrated then the analysis
moves to the second step in which a Granger-causality test is applied to
discover the direction of influences between the markets.
3.1. Market Integration Test
Market integration is tested using the cointegration method, which
requires that:
* Two variables, say [] and [P.sub.jt] are non-stationary
in levels but stationary in first differences i.e. [] ~ I(1) and
[P.sub.jt] ~ I(1).
* There exists a linear combination between these two series, which
is stationary i.e. [[upsilon]] (= [] - [??] -
[??][P.sub.jt]) ~ I(0).
So the first step is to test whether each of the univariate series
is stationary. If they are both I(i) then we may go to the second step
to test cointegration. The Engle and Granger (1987) procedure is the
common way to test cointegration.
Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) test [Dickey and Fuller (1981)] is
usually applied to test stationarity. It tests the null hypothesis that
a series ([P.sub.t]) is non-stationary by calculating a t-statistics for
[beta] = 0 in the following equation:
[DELTA][P.sub.t] = [alpha] + [beta][P.sub.t - 1] + [[gamma].sub.t]
+ [n.summation over (k = 2)][[delta].sub.k] [DELTA][P.sub.t-k] +
[[epsilon].sub.t] (1)
Where [DELTA][P.sub.t] = [P.sub.t] [P.sub.t - 1], [DELTA][P.sub.t -
k] = [P.sub.t - k], [P.sub.t - k - 1] and k = 2,3, ....., n and where
[P.sub.t], [P.sub.t-1], [P.sub.t - k] and [P.sub.t - k - 1] are the
prices at time t, t-1, t-k and t-k-1 respectively. While [alpha],
[beta], [gamma] and [delta] are the parameters to be estimated, t
captures time trend and et is white noise error term.
If the value of the ADF statistic is less than the critical value
at the conventional significance level (usually the five per cent
significant level) then the series ([P.sub.t]) is said to stationary and
vice versa. If Pt is found to be non-stationary then it should be
determined whether [P.sub.t] is stationary at first differences i.e.
[DELTA][P.sub.t](= [P.sub.t] - [P.sub.t - 1]) ~ I(0) by repeating the
above procedure. If the first difference of the series
([DELTA][P.sub.t]) is stationary then the series ([P.sub.t]) may be
concluded as integrated of order one that is [P.sub.t - 1] ~ I(1). Now
we can move to the second step to check cointegration.
In order to test cointegration, we will apply two-step residual
based test of Engle and Granger (1987). In the first step we apply OLS to the following regression equation in which all variables are found to
be integrated of same order (e.g. 1(1)).
[] = [[rho].sub.1] + [[rho].sub.2][P.sub.jt] +
[[upsilon]]. (2)
Where [] is the price in market i at time t, [] is
the price in market j at time t, [[rho].sub.1] and [[rho].sub.2] are
parameters to be estimated and [upsilon]it are the white noise error
The second step involves testing whether the residual terms
[[upsilon]] from the cointegrating regressions are non-stationary
using a modified ADF test
[DELTA][[upsilon].sub.t] = [??][[upsilon].sub.t - 1] + [n.summation
over (k = 2)[[theta].sub.k][DELTA][[upsilon].sub.t - k] + [[mu].sub.t].
Where [[upsilon].sub.t], [[upsilon].sub.t - 1], [[upsilon].sub.t -
k] and [[upsilon].sub.t - k - 1] are, respectively, residuals at time t,
t-1, t-k and t-k-1. And where [??] and [theta] are parameters to be
estimated while [u.sub.t] is the residual term.
The constant and time trend are omitted from the ADF test because
the residual from the cointegrating regression will have a zero mean and
be de-trended. The null hypothesis of [??] = 0 is tested to check the
stationarity of the residual. If the value of t-statistic of the [??]
coefficient is less than the critical value then the null hypothesis of
non-stationarity is rejected and the residual is found to be stationary
at levels. This, in turn, leads to the conclusion that long-run
cointegration holds between two time-series.
3.2. Error Correction Model (ECM)
If price series are I (1), then one could run regressions in their
first differences. However, taking first differences results in loss of
the long-run relationship that is stored in the data. This implies that
one needs to use variables in levels as well. Advantage of the Error
Correction Model (ECM) is that it incorporates variables both in their
levels and first differences. By doing this, ECM captures the short-run
disequilibrium situations as well as the long-run equilibrium
adjustments between prices. Even if one demonstrates market integration
through cointegration, there could be disequilibrium in the short-run
i.e. price adjustment across markets may not happen instantaneously. It
may take some time for the spatial price adjustments. ECM can
incorporate such short-run and long-run changes in the price movements.
An ECM formulation, which describes both the short-run and the
long-run behaviours of prices, can be formulated as:
[DELTA][] = [[gamma].sub.1] +
[[gamma].sub.2][DELTA][P.sub.jt] - [PI][[??] - 1] + [].
In this model, [[gamma].sub.2] is the impact multiplier (the
short-run effect) that measures the immediate impact that a change in
[P.sub.jt] will have on a change in []. On the other hand, [pi]
is the feedback effect or the adjustment effect that shows how much of
the disequilibrium is being corrected, that is the extent to which any
disequilibrium in the previous period effects any adjustment in the
[] period. Of course [[??].sub.t-1] = [ - 1] -
[[??].sub.1] - [[??].sub.2][P.sub.jt - 1] and therefore from this
equation we also have [[rho].sub.2] being the long-run response.
3.3. Granger Causality Test
If a pair of series is cointegrated then there must be
Granger-causality in at least one direction, which reflects the
direction of influence between series (in our case prices).
Theoretically, if the current or lagged terms of a time-series variable,
say [P.sub.jt], determine another time-series variable, say [],
then there exists a Granger-causality relationship between [P.sub.jt],
and [], in which [] is Granger caused by [].
Bessler and Brandt (1982) firstly introduced this test into research on
market integration to determine the leading market. From the above
analysis, the model is specified as follows:
[DELTA][] = [[theta].sub.11][DELTA][ - 1] + ... +
[[theta].sub.1n][DELTA][ - n] + [[theta].sub.21][DELTA][P.sub.jt
- 1] + ... [[theta].sub.2n][DELTA][P.sub.jt - n]
-[[gamma].sub.1]([ - 1] - [alpha][P.sub.jt - 1] - [delta]) +
[[epsilon].sub.1t], (5)
[DELTA][P.sub.jt] = [[theta].sub.31][DELTA][P.sub.jt - 1] + ... +
[[theta].sub.3n][DELTA][P.sub.jt - n] + [[theta].sub.41][DELTA][
- 1] + ... [[theta].sub.4n][DELTA][ - n].
-[[gamma].sub.2]([ - 1] - [alpha][P.sub.jt - 1] - [delta]) +
[[epsilon].sub.2t] (6)
The following two assumptions are tested using the above two models
to determine the Granger causality relationship between prices.
[[theta].sub.21] = ... = [[theta].sub.2n] = ... = [[gamma].sub.1] =
0 (no causality from [P.sub.jt] to [])
[[theta].sub.41] = ... = [[theta].sub.4n] = ... = [[gamma].sub.2] =
0 (no causality from [] to [P.sub.jt])
The price data of this study consist of monthly wholesale prices of
maize (Rs/ton) for Lahore (LHR) and three regional markets; namely,
Hyderabad (HYD), Peshawar (PESH), and Quetta (QTA) for the period
January 1995 to December 2005. Crude data have been obtained from
various issues of Agricultural Statistics of Pakistan, Government of
Pakistan. The selection of these four regional markets has been made
primarily to represent all the four provinces of Pakistan. Furthermore,
reliable monthly maize price data are not available for any other
regional market.
Our empirical analysis begins by investigating the stochastic properties of four price series of maize that is we determine their
order of integration. For cointegration to hold all prices need to be
integrated of the same order. Usually prices are found to be 1(1) or
their first difference is I(0). If prices are integrated of different
order, no cointegration exists because at least one of the series
contains explosive components. To check for the order of integration we
apply Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test on three wholesale price series
of maize. Table 1 reports the results. All the series are found to be
non-stationary at levels and stationary at first difference. Thus, all
price series are shown to be integrated of order one i.e. I(1). Now we
can proceed for congregation analysis between wholesale prices of maize
at Lahore and in each regional market. For this purpose we run
regression Equation (2) using OLS. Table 2 provides the estimated
results. If the two markets are perfectly spatially integrated, the
parameter [[rho].sub.2] in Equation (2) is one or close to one. In the
regression of price in Hyderabad on price in Lahore the estimated value
of [[rho].sub.2] is 0.83. This indicates that a change of rupee one in
maize price in Lahore market brings a change of rupee 0.83 in maize
price in Hyderabad. Thus high spatial market integration holds between
Lahore and Hyderabad markets. While the values of [[rho].sub.2] are 0.68
in the regression for Peshawar on Lahore and 0.77 for Quetta on Lahore
respectively. These regression results also show moderate to high
spatial market integration.
In order to verify the long-run cointegration the order of
integration of the residuals has been checked. If the estimated
regression's residuals are integrated of order zero i.e. I (0),
then there exists a long-run relationship between the wholesale prices
of maize in Lahore and in each regional market. The estimated results
show that the linear combination of the three price series gives the
residuals, which are stationary at level that is they are integrated of
order zero (Table 3). This validates our proposition that prices in
Lahore market and in each regional market are indeed cointegrated.
For checking stability between Lahore maize market price and each
regional maize market price we estimate Error-Correction Model. The
results are presented in Table 4. The results indicate that maize price
in Lahore has an effect on the prices in the three regional maize
markets. In all cases the adjustment parameter ([pi]) appears with
negative value and lies between 0.47 and 1. For Hyderabad, the
adjustment of prices in this market due to changes in price in Lahore is
quite high. In this market, the instantaneous adjustment in the same
month is about 77 percent. For Quetta and Peshawar, the adjustment of
prices due to changes in price in Lahore is only partial each month. It
takes almost 2 months for prices to get adjusted due to a particular
change in price in Lahore. Thus, there is a stable long-run relationship
between Lahore maize market price and each regional maize market price.
Finally, to examine the causal relationship between the variables
we have applied the Granger-causality test using lag length up to three
periods. The results are listed in Table 5. The results show that the
price in Lahore market Granger-causes the price in Hyderabad, Peshawar
and Quetta. This uni-directional causality implies that Lahore dominates
price formation with these regional markets. These results are in
accordance with our expectations. Since Hyderabad and Quetta markets are
in Sindh and Balochistan provinces and the production of maize is almost
nil in these provinces. Therefore, they are net importer of maize from
Punjab. Lahore is the main maize market in Punjab and price change in
Lahore market affects price formation in Hyderabad and Quetta markets.
Peshawar is the main market in North West Frontier Province (NWFP) of
Pakistan. Although the contribution of this province in total maize
production of the country is quite significant (45 percent) yet maize is
cultivated basically for human consumption because it is also a big
maize consuming region. While leaving only a small quantity to sale in
the market for industry. In such circumstances, Lahore market is a big
source of maize supply for non-consumption purposes to this market.
Therefore, Lahore maize price influences the price patterns even in
Peshawar market.
After wheat and rice, maize is the third most important cereal crop
in Pakistan. Maize occupies around 5 percent of the total cropped area
and 8 percent of the total area under food crops. Maize is mainly
cultivated in Punjab and NWFP. As presently most of the market surplus
is generated in Punjab, therefore, it is mostly traded from Punjab to
the other three provinces.
Following Ravallion (1986), we assume a radial market structure
where there is a group of local, regional markets and a central market
in Lahore, that is not only the capital city of Punjab but also is a
major centre for business and trade. The regional markets chosen are
those in Hyderabad, Quetta and Peshawar. These regional markets are
located in maize deficit provinces like Sindh and Balochistan and big
maize producing and consuming North West Frontier Province respectively.
Trade between regional markets may exist but trade with the central
market dominates price formation and accordingly we assume three
pair-wise price relationships i.e. between the price in Lahore and those
in the regional markets.
First of all, we have tested price integration to check the
relationship between wholesale price of maize at Lahore and each of
three regional markets. Price integration analysis shows a stable
long-run relationship between the Lahore price and each of regional
price. Thus, maize markets across Pakistan are efficient and are
functioning well. The high degree of market integration observed in this
case is consistent with the view that Pakistan's maize markets are
quite competitive and provide little justification for extensive and
costly government intervention designed to improve competitiveness to
enhance market efficiency. Further, in its relationship with Hyderabad,
Peshawar and Quetta, Lahore is dominant and leader in price formation.
It actually provides an opportunity to the government to stabilise
prices in Lahore market and rely on arbitrage to produce similar
outcomes in other markets. This reduces the cost of stabilisation
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Tahir Mukhtar and Muhammad Tariq Javed <
[email protected]> are,
respectively, Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics, Fatima
Jinnah Women's University, Rawalpindi, and Associate Professor at
the Department of Economics, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad.
Table 1
Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) Unit Root Tests
Mackinnon Critical
Values for Rejection
of Hypothesis of
a Unit Root
Variables Level Difference 1% 5% 10%
ln(HYD) 0.587 -12.182 -2.583 -1.94 -1.62
ln(LHR) 0.480 -9.761 -2.583 -1.94 -1.62
In(PESH) 0.609 -9.484 -2.583 -1.94 -1.62
In(QTA)) 1.368 -8.83 -2.583 -1.94 -1.62
Mackinnon Critical
Values for Rejection
of Hypothesis of
a Unit Root
Variables Level Difference 1% 5% 10%
ln(HYD) 0.587 -12.182 -2.583 -1.94 -1.62
ln(LHR) 0.480 -9.761 -2.583 -1.94 -1.62
In(PESH) 0.609 -9.484 -2.583 -1.94 -1.62
In(QTA)) 1.368 -8.83 -2.583 -1.94 -1.62
Note: In (HYD)= Natural log of wholesale price of maize
at Hyderabad market (Rs/ton).
In (LHR) = Natural log of wholesale price of maize
at Lahore market (Rs/ton).
In (PESH)) = Natural log of wholesale price of maize
at Peshawar market (Rs/ton).
In (QTA)) = Natural log of wholesale price of maize
at Quetta market (Rs/ton).
Table 2
Empirical Findings of the Model
Variables ln(HYD) ln(PESH) ln(QTA)
Constant 5.626 2.189 3.598
(18.572) * (5.650) * (6.071)
ln(LHR) 0.832 0.681 0.779
(4.760) * (4.330) * (11.431) *
AR(1) 0.908
(17.628) *
MA(1) 0.921
(20.618) *
[R.sup.2] 0.911 0.944 0.929
[bar.[R.sup.2]] 0.900 0.933 0.923
DW 2.046 1.991 1.999
F-Stat 403.677 714.291 412.434
Prob(F-Stat) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Note: Values in parentheses show t-statistics.
The statistics s significant at 5 percent level
of significance are indicated by *.
AR (1) = Autoregressive of order one model,
MA (1) = Moving Average model of order one.
We have used ARMA (1, 1) model for correcting our estimates
for autocorrelation.
Table 3
Augmented Dickey-Fuller Tests on the Level of Residuals
Mackinnon Critical
Values for
Rejection of Hypothesis
of a Unit Root
Residuals Level 1% 5% 10%
ln(HYD) -11.59 -2.583 -1.943 -1.62
ln(PESH) -7.81 -2.583 -1.943 -1.62
ln(QTA) -4.74 -2.583 -1.943 -1.62
Estimated Order of
Residuals Decision Integration
ln(HYD) Stationary at level I (0)
ln(PESH) Stationary at level I (0)
ln(QTA) Stationary at level I (0)
Table 4
Empirical Findings of the Error-Correction Model
Variables [DELTA]ln(HYD) [DELTA]ln(PESH) [DELTA]ln(QTA)
Constant 0.002 0.003 0.006
(0.374) (0.520) (1.069)
ln(LHR) 0.384 0.211 0.309
(4.014) * (1.372) (3.057) *
[pi] -0.777 -0.480 -0.578
(-5.978) * (-2.170) * (-3.145) *
AR(1) 0.327
(2.958) *
MA(1) 0.659 0.240
(4.982) * (2.683) *
[R.sup.2] 0.514 0.466 0.4161
[bar.[R.sup.2]] 0.507 0.454 0.4069
DW 2.001 1.989 2.0447
F-Stat 43.524 41.847 45.251
Prob (F-Stat) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Note: Values in parentheses show t-statistics. The statistics
significant at 5 percent level of significance are indicated by *.
Table 5
Price Causality Results
Periods Null Hypothesis Decision
1 No Causality from HYD to LHR Accepted
No Causality from LHR to HYD Rejected
2 No Causality from PESH to LHR Accepted
No Causality from LHR to PESH Rejected
3 No Causality from QTA to LHR Accepted
No Causality from LHR to QTA Rejected