Intellectual property rights and economic growth: the case of middle income developing countries.
Janjua, Pervez Zamurrad ; Samad, Ghulam
Neoclassical growth theory emphasises the role of intellectual
property rights (IPRs) in the economic growth process through different
channels like international trade, foreign direct investment (FDI),
licencing, and research and development (R&D). We estimated the
impact of IPRs protection on economic growth for a panel of ten
middle-income developing countries, using pooled least square estimation
techniques by applying both fixed and random effect models, and both
unbalanced data from 1960-2005 and balanced data from 1970--2005. Both
fixed and random effect models do not support the positive link between
IPRs and economic growth. This suggests that although IPRs protection
stimulates economic growth, yet these developing countries are at the
transitional stage of their economic development and the cost of
innovation is higher than the cost of imitation. This means that these
middle-income developing economies are not well-prepared to accept this
challenge at the present stage of economic and infrastructural
JEL classification: 034, F23,040, R59, C23
Keywords: Intellectual Property Rights, FDI, Economic Growth Income
Countries, Panel Data Estimation
Intellectual property (IP) refers to the creation of mind:
inventions, literary and artistic works, and symbols, name, and images
used in commerce. Intellectual property rights (IPRs) have been widely
recognised as a growth enhancing factor for the global economies as a
whole. IPRs regime can influence the growth process through domestic and
external sector of an economy. This study is primarily concerned with
the effects of IPRs regime through external sector. Through different
channels IPRs can promote economic growth in the recipient countries.
The most important is technology transfer and its positive spillovers.
Therefore, IPRs exert economic growth, which requires increase in
productivity, increase in productivity requires increase in
technological innovation and it requires the efficient protection of
IPRs Rapp and Rozek (1990). The IPRs can influence the average growth
more effectively in the open economies as compare to the close one Gould
and Gruben (1996). Latter on Thompson and Rushing (1999) extended the
model and included total factor productivity (TFP) in their growth
model, which shows that IPRs have an insignificant impact on TFP for
developed and developing countries but a positive and significant impact
for the developed countries. To sustain economic growth it requires
secured property rights system.
Due to lack of secured property rights system and awareness about
it, assets in the developing countries cannot be turned into productive
capital, traded outside, used as collateral for a loan, or share against
investment. Therefore it result in lower technology growth, remains at
high risk with no collateral, higher costs of borrowing, and face
greater costs of financial intermediation De Soto (1999, 2000). The most
important aspect of IPRs is that it brings technical know how,
competitiveness to the local firms in the recipient countries, which can
be used to expand their business opportunities.
World Bank (2002, 2003, 2005) as well as World Intellectual
Property Organisation and UNCTD in many publications asserts that
protection of IPRs can help in revenues generation, improve balance of
payment (BOP), provide access to international markets, create
confidence to investors, increase employment opportunities, and
productivity as well as provide technical know how to the world
developing countries. Moreover, the importance of IPRs especially
Geographical Indication (GI) and Traditional Knowledge can help in
poverty alleviation.
This study makes two important contributions to the empirical
literature. First, it examines the relationship between IPRs and
economic growth. Second, it considers the effect of IPRs on middle
income developing countries by using large, time series, and both
balanced as well as unbalanced data.
Section 2 of our study deals with the linkages of IPRs to economic
growth. Section 3 discusses data description and econometric techniques.
Section 4 covers results analysis. Section 5 concludes the study with
Classical economist Adam Smith and writers of neoclassical
tradition like Solow and Swan (1956) recognised that productivity depend
on saving rate, population growth, and technological progress. Solow
added technology to the production function equation. However, in his
model technology works exogenously. The major weakness of Solow's
model is keeping technology outside, of the growth equation [Zipfel
The important implication of Solow's model is convergence
property. Barro (2001) drives the neoclassical model from the concept of
diminishing returns to the role of capital (technology). Economies that
have less capital per worker relative to their long run capital per
worker tend to have higher rates of return and higher growth rates. The
convergence is conditional because the steady-state levels of capital
and output per worker depend in the neoclassical model on the propensity
to save, the growth rate of population, and the position of the
production function characteristics that may vary across the countries.
Further cross country factors are for example government policies with
respect to levels of consumption spending, protection of property
rights, and distortions of domestic and international markets.
The criticism on the neoclassical model is that it leaves
technology growth as exogenous factor. It did not have adequate
explanatory power to account for output and to predict growth. Therefore
economists are in search of more refined ways to account for economic
output and growth over time.
The development of endogenous growth models focused on improvement
in the productivity that can be linked to faster pace of innovation and
extra investment in human capital. Endogenous growth theorists stress
the need for government and private sector institutions and markets
which nurture innovation, and provide incentives for individuals to be
According to the concept of Romer (1986) positive, long run growth
rates can be achieved without assuming exogenous technical change
through technology growth as the outcome of competitive firms that
invests in knowledge generation. Many authors have tested Romer's
findings. Important modifications and re-interpretations have included
the role of human capital and imperfect competition and misuse of
intellectual property. Imperfect competition implies that welfare may be
suboptimal. Would a social planner prefer more or less resources devoted
to innovation? In general, the social benefit of an innovation cannot be
fully captured by a monopolist implying too little private investment in
Lucas (1988), Rebelo (1991), and Barro (1995) were of the views
that neoclassical model can be broadened from physical capital to
include human capital in the forms of education, experience, and health.
Gary Becket (1990) defines human capital as, "embodied knowledge
and skills ..." According to him "economic development depends
on advances in technological and scientific knowledge, therefore
development presumably depends on the accumulation of human
capital". Human capital affects economic growth in two ways. Rogers
(2003) First, if human capital (H) is a factor of production, e.g. Y=f
(A, K, H, L); changes in H will be correlated with changes in Y
(growth). Workers with higher levels of education or skills are more
productive than simple labourers. Second, the level of human capital may
affect the rate of accumulation of other factors. Human capital
measurement is a difficult task. A number of studies used average years
of schooling to measure human capital [Barro and Lee (1996, 2000).
Benhabib and Spiegel (1994) find that changes in schooling capital are
uncorrelated to growth. However, they find that changes in schooling
capital are related to technological growth.
Falvey, et al. (2006) discussed varieties of channels through which
technology can be acquired. The effect of IPR protection on growth
depends upon the level of development. Other factors, which stimulate
economic growth, are stimulation of invention and innovation, market
deepening, quality assurance, domestic and international diffusion of
knowledge, composition of global research and development Maskus, et al.
(2005). To what extent the host country's policy environment matter
for stronger effective IPRs protections? According to Nair-Reichert and
Duncan (2003) it is important to know the welfare implications. The
welfare impact of stronger protection depends on the structure of the
economies. In a small country with limited production and innovation
capabilities higher protection may improve welfare as long as it permits
access to products that would otherwise not be available. In a country
with a greater production capabilities along with the possibilities for
imitation, but with limited innovative capacity measured by its R&D,
higher standards of protection will likely displace local producers,
raise prices as well as transfer rent from local consumers and producers
to foreign titleholders resulting in a negative welfare impact Braga and
Fink (2005).
The linkage between IPRs and economic growth is illustrated in the
following figure.
The proposed model defines the process of economic growth. It
emphasises the role of IPRs in endogenous growth theory. It highlights
the growth process based on IPRs through the channels of international
trade, foreign direct investment (FDI), licensing, R&D (innovation).
The combined effects of IPRs through these channels will stimulate
economic growth.
Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) affect international trade
flows when knowledge intensive goods move across national boundaries.
(1) Patent system promotes technological and business competition,
because patent holders and their competitors compete each others to
improve inventions and to create new ideas. (2) According to
Raffiquzzaman (2002) the effect of stronger patent rights on trade is
indeterminate, because the trade volumes simultaneously rise and fall
through the market expansion and market power effect. The net trade
result depends on which effect dominates; if the market power effect is
more substantial than the market expansion effect, trade flows may
decrease. If the opposite occurs, strengthened IPR protection will lead
to trade expansion.
Soete (1981) argued that R&D expenditure undertaken by
countries is used to explain foreign patenting activity in the country.
A large literature finds that social rates of return to R&D be
substantially higher than private rates of return. These rates of return
both inform us that how important R&D is for growth and provide us
one of the main justification for government subsidies to R&D Rachel
Griffith (2000). Economic theory emphasises that increased level of
R&D has very strong positive effects on total factor productivity
growth Coe and Helpman (1993). Output through R&D is equal to the
rate of return to R&D multiplied by the share of the R&D stock
in output. (3) R&D subsidy rate depends on the elasticity of demand for innovative products. If the demand is more elastic, a tightening of
Southern IPRs protection is found to induce the North to increase the
optimal subsidy rate. Conversely, if the demand is less elastic, a
tightening of Southern IPRs is found to invite the North to decrease the
optimal subsidy rate Lin (2002).
Regarding the welfare implications, the Southern welfare declines
but Northern welfare rises at the steady state, as long as the Southern
IP protection is strengthened. The overall picture shows, the welfare
maximisation requires a regime of Southern IP protection that is neither
as stringent as the North favours, nor as lax as the South prefers.
Foreign direct investment (FDI) and licensing have been given
importance in economic growth process by economists. These FDI and
licensing flows provide access to the technological and managerial
assets of foreign multinational enterprises. Empirical findings of the
relationship between IPRs and FDI are of diverse nature in developing
countries. Mansfield and Lee (1996) and Seyoum (1996) conclude that
country system of IPR protection and development level influences the
volume and composition of investment. According to Yang and Maskus
(1998) FDI and licensing are important forms of technological transfer.
Helpman (1993), Kondo (1995), as well as You and Katayama (2005) found
that there is no clear link between stronger patent rights and FDI.
However, Javorcik (2005) in his empirical evidence indicated that the
extent of IPR protection in a host country affects the composition of
FDI, e.g. weak IPR regime divert FDI projects from manufacturing to
distribution, because setting up a production plant is more costly that
setting up distribution chain.
Maskus (2005) found that FDI depends on the level of technology
(lower, medium and high level technology) based in the recipient
countries. Investment in lower technology goods and services, such as
textiles and apparel, electronic assembly, distribution and hotels
depends relatively little on the strength of IPRs and relatively much on
input costs and market opportunities. The study concludes that IPRs can
be an effective tool for inward FDI, but other factors like market
liberalisation and deregulation, technology development policies, and
competition regimes are also important.
3.1. Data Description
This study includes 10 middle income developing countries and nine
sub-periods: i.e. 1960-64, 1965-69, 1970-74, 1975-79, 1980-1984,
1985-89, 1990-1994, 1995-1999, and 2000-2005 for unbalanced data and
seven sub periods: i.e. 1970-74, 1975-79, 1980-1984, 1985-89, 1990-1994,
1995-1999 and 2000-2005 for balanced data. The data on growth rates,
population growth, investment, trade, and inflation was taken from World
Bank's World Development Indicators (2006), for secondary school
education from Barro and Lee (2000), for IPR index from Ginarte and Park
(1997), for Economic Freedom of the World (EFW) from Gwartney and
Lawson's and for Political and Civil Liberty Rights index from
Freedom House, a non-profit NGO.
3.2. Methodology
To examine the long-run relationship between growth rate of real
GDP and explanatory variables mentioned below, this study apply Pooled
Least Square estimation technique (fixed and random) using a cross
sectional unbalanced design for the period 1960 to 2005 and balanced
design for 1970-2005. The reason for this time period is that it
contains a sizeable amount of data available for a large cross section
of countries. A reasonably long time period reduces the effects of
business cycles and the effects they would play on the applicability of
our analyses.
For the sample, we selected Asian ten middle income developing
countries (4) including Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, China, Turkey,
Malaysia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Iran, and Nepal. This particular sample
of countries was chosen due to the availability of data for each of the
variables used in our study and looking in view the importance of these
countries for this study.
The general equation for our study is
Where GROW is the average growth rate of GDP per capita for country
i in period t, INITGDP is the (logged) level of per capita GDP at the
beginning of each five year period, GDI is the average (logged) level of
gross domestic investment, POPGROW Is the average growth rate of
population, SYR15 is the average years of secondary education for people
over 15 years of age, TRADEGDP is the average ratio of imports plus
exports to GDP, (5) INFLATION is the average rate of inflation, (6) IPR
index is our measure of IPR protection. To measure the institutional
effects, Economic Freedom of the World (EFW), World Freedom (Political
Rights and Civil Liberty Rights) are included. [U.sub.i] and [V.sub.t]
are the country- and time-specific fixed effects.
The Pooled Least Square (Unbalanced and Balanced), Fixed Effect and
Random Effect Models are used to estimate Equation (A) and the results
are presented in Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. The results of
balanced data by using the above mentioned models are primarily
considered, because they are more significant than the results of
unbalanced data. The results show that coefficients of most of the
standard explanatory variables caries the expected sign and are
statistically significant.
This study finds that for the middle income developing countries
with the strengthening of IPR regime, the real GDP per capita growth
declines. The coefficient associated with IPR with balanced data
indicates that with a one unit increase (more strengthening) in the IPR
index, the real GDP per capita growth declines by 0.73 percent (Random
Effect Model, Table 4) and 0.76 percent (Fixed Effect Model, Table 3).
It means that the empirical results do not support theoretical
positive relationship between IPR and economic development for middle
income developing countries. One reason may be that these developing
countries are at the transitional stage of their economic development
and the cost of innovation is higher than the cost of imitation. Thus,
the result of study supports the findings of Falvey, et al. (2005).
Human capital which is defined as average years of education
carries the expected sign and it is significant. The findings show that
with one unit increase in the average years of education index, the real
GDP per capita growth will increase by 0.52 percent (Random Effect
Model, Table 4) and 0.62 percent (Fixed Effect Model, Table 3).
Educational attainment indicates more skilled and more productive
Economic Freedom of the World (EFW) which covers security of
private property rights, rule of law, legal structure, monetary policy,
and fiscal policy has a significant impact on the economic growth of the
developing countries. The results are highly significant. If there is
one unit increase in the EFW index the real GDP per capita growth rate
will increase by 0.87 percent (Random Effect Model, Table 4). The
empirical analysis favours the positive role of institutions in the
economic growth process by judicial efficiency, low level of corruption,
effective bureaucracy and protected property rights.
World freedom that includes political and civil liberty rights
affects significantly and positively the process of economic growth in
these developing economies. The coefficient of the world freedom
indicates that as a result of 1 unit increase in the world freedom
index, the real GDP per capita growth increase by 0.28 percent (Table
Population growth affects economic development in a complex way. In
case of developed economies its impact appears to be positive as
determined by their absorption capacity. However, in developing
countries, population growth leads to less capital per worker decreasing
per worker output and consumption. This study has also found that
increase in the population growth lower the economic growth of the
developing countries. The coefficient of the population indicates that
as a result of 1 percent increase in the population growth, the real GDP
per capita growth decrease by 0.31 percent (Table 4).
Inflation rate is also included in the model to measure the
economic instability. The result indicates that it carries the expected
negative sign. If the inflation increases by one percentage point, it
will decrease real GDP per capita by 0.001 percent, which is
Gross capital formation or formerly gross domestic investment (GDI)
typically increases productivity and GDP growth. When businesses are
investing in land improvements (fences, ditches, drains, and so on);
plant, machinery, and equipment purchases; and the construction of
roads, railways, and the like, including schools, offices, hospitals,
private residential dwellings, and commercial and industrial buildings,
it typically reflects optimism for future growth. The empirical results
show that when there is one percentage point increase in the GDI, the
real GDP per capita growth rate would increase by 0.13 percent (Table
Earlier studies have suggested that countries that are more open to
the rest of the world are better positioned to absorb the rapid
technological advances of leading nations. If the costs of technological
imitation are lower than the costs of internally developed innovations,
then a poorer country will grow faster than a more developed one. This
faster rate of growth will continue so long as that country remains open
for capturing new ideas until, at some point, equilibrium is reached and
the rate of growth slows. Various theoretical models predict that
openness to international trade accelerates productivity and promotes
economic growth. However, the empirical results of this study do not
support this positive relationship. Increasing trade (exports plus
imports) as a fraction of GDP by 1 percentage points will decrease the
real growth rate of GDP per capita by 0.002 percent (Table 4).
Finally, the values of initial GDP at the beginning of each five
years were taken to measure the convergence factor. The economic theory
says, if the value of initial GDP coefficient is negative, developing
countries are converging towards the developed countries. The
convergence is supported in this study.
4.1. Econometric Tests
Durbin-Watson d test has been used to check for autocorrelation in
time series and cross sectional data. Two out of six important
assumptions e.g. First, there are no missing observations and second the
regression model includes the intercept term. Due to the presence of
missing values in unbalanced panel from 1960-2005, the D.W d statistic
value is not efficient. Similarly, the second assumption violates the
applicability of Constant Coefficient Method. However, D.W d statistic
value is interpretable for balanced panel (Fixed and Random effects)
data. The value of D.W for unbalanced data (1960-2005) and balanced data
(1970-2005) are 1.87 and 2.11 respectively. The acceptable (balanced
data) value is 2.11, so it is near to standard value of 2, which means
no positive and negative autocorrelation.
To check and correct for Heteroscedasticity, White General
Hetroscedasticity and White Heteroscedasticity Variances and Standard
Error methods are used respectively. The significance of the White
Heteroscedasticity Variances and Standard Error on Weighted Least Square
(WLS) is that it cannot assume variance ([[sigma].sub.i.sup.2]) is
known. This problem is more common in cross sectional than in time
series data, because it deals with members of population or geographical
subdivisions at a give point of time. On the other hand time series data
can be collected for the same variable over a period of time.
Now if we look at the results obtained after correction for
Hetroscedasticity, differences are viable. One of the important
variables of the study e.g. average years of education becomes
significant and in accordance to the hypothesis, average years of
education positively affect the real GDP per capita. If average years of
education index increases by one percentage point, the real GDP per
capita will increase by 0.11 percent.
The results of empirical estimation are given in the following
Table 1
Pooled Least Square Regression Analysis (1960-2005): Annual
Data Unbalanced Panel Data (Corrected for Hetroscedasticity)
Fixed Effect Model
(Dependent Variable: Real GDP per Capita)
Variable Coefficient Error t-statistic Prob.
C 0.002221 0.017839 -0.124484 0.9010
IPR_? -0.483843 0.141438 -3.420877 0.0007
SYR15_? 0.110662 0.107564 1.028797 0.3042
EFW_? 0.864858 0.171459 5.044109 0.0000
WF_? 0.117094 0.075099 1.559195 0.1198
POP_? -0.701890 0.186444 -3.764624 0.0002
INFLATION_? -0.017523 0.005052 -3.468746 0.0006
GDI_? 0.111662 0.030308 3.684228 0.0003
TRADEGDP_? 0.000394 0.003586 0.109764 0.9127
INITGDP_? -0.159878 0.186054 -0.859308 0.3907
R-squared 0.80
D.W. Stat. 1.85
F-statistic 90.75
Prob. (F-statistic) 0.000
Table 2
Pooled Least Square Regression Analysis (1960-2005): Annual Data
Unbalanced Panel Data (Corrected for Hetroscedasticity)
Random Effect Model
Variable Coefficient Error t-statistic Prob.
C -0.001240 0.016433 -0.075457 0.9399
IPR_? -0.486592 0.136709 -3.559319 0.0004
SYR15_? 0.109707 0.102047 1.075063 0.2830
EFW_? 0.840482 0.162655 5.167257 0.0000
WF_? 0.125136 0.070647 1.771287 0.0773
POP_? -0.747010 0.178720 -4.179777 0.0000
INFLATION_? -0.017751 0.004994 -3.554086 0.0004
GDI_? 0.104112 0.028217 3.689731 0.0003
TRADEGDP_? 0.000570 0.003374 0.168906 0.8660
INITGDP_? -0.119756 0.180988 -0.661681 0.5086
R-squared 0.80
D.W Stat. 1.83
F-statistic 183.77
Prob. (F-Statistic) 0.0000
Table 3
Pooled Least Square Regression Analysis (1970-2005): Annual Data
Balanced Panel Data (Corrected for Hetroscedasticity)
Fixed Effect Model
Variable Coefficient Error t-statistic Prob.
C 0.001838 0.003457 0.531748 0.5949
IPR_? -0.758796 0.041031 -18.49336 0.0000
SYR15_? 0.620434 0.031393 19.7633 0.0000
EFW_? 0.695334 0.029450 23.6104 0.0000
WF_? 0.163286 0.017763 9.192325 0.0000
POP_? 0.067184 0.059426 1.130545 0.2583
INFLATION_? -0.001242 0.000863 -1.439474 0.1501
GDI_? 0.057960 0.009850 5.884082 0.0000
TRADEGDP_? -0.001418 0.000699 -2.029513 0.0425
INITGDP_? -0.487639 0.035160 -13.86915 0.0000
R-squared 0.81
D.W Stat. 2.11
F-statistic 856.93
Prob. F-statistic) 0.000
Table 4
Pooled Least Square Regression Analysis (1970-2005): Annual Data
Balanced Panel Data (Corrected for Hetroscedasticity)
Random Effect Model
Variable Coefficient Error t. Statistic Prob.
C 0.000086 0.004321 0.019965 0.9841
IPR_? -0.728613 0.049414 -14.74495 0.0000
SYR15_? 0.522224 0.035898 14.54723 0.0000
EFW_? 0.873635 0.032772 26.65779 0.0000
WF_? 0.283482 0.016220 17.47769 0.0000
POP_? -0.318773 0.066949 -4.761436 0.0000
INFLATION_? -0.001722 0.000090 -1.90577 0.0568
GDI_? 0.128304 0.012750 10.06272 0.0000
TRADEGDP ? -0.002027 0.000808 -2.508464 0.0122
INITGDP_? -0.600617 0.045568 -13.18082 0.0000
R-squared 0.77
D.W Stat. 2.20
F-statistic 1372.402
Prob. (F-Statistic) 0.000
Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) is now perceived as an
important source of economic growth process in developing countries. The
developing countries are signatories of WTO, which means that these
countries are committed to comply with the Trade Related Intellectual
Property Rights (TRIPs) agreement. Therefore they cannot ignore this
agreement or otherwise they would be isolated from the world. But the
pace of implementation is now important that one should make necessary
arrangements to that end, otherwise the developing countries may face
repercussions in term of access to the international markets, withdrawal
of Generalize System of Preferences (GSP) and foreign investor
confidence. Similarly, the problem of counterfeit products, which cause
huge annual losses to industries and reduced tax to GDP ratio due to
lack of documentation, can be addressed through adequate IPR protection
The empirical result of this study provides that intellectual
property system does not necessarily contribute to economic growth
process in middle income developing countries including Pakistan. These
developing economies are not well prepared to accept this challenge at
present stage of economic and infrastructural development. Strong IPR
protection measure at this stage may cause inflationary pressure,
unemployment and balance of payment (BOP) problem.
Furthermore, the results indicate that other explanatory variables
like economic freedom of the world, world freedom (which includes
political and civil liberty rights), trade openness and average years of
education affect significantly and positively the process of economic
growth in these developing economies.
Policy Implications
A modern, effectively managed, intellectual property system is
required for the technology based economic development. National
intellectual property legislation should be updated and refined to keep
pace with international developments. Similarly, institutions should be
developed to strengthen intellectual property rights. These institutions
and their infrastructure should be proactively modernised and
computerised. Targeted awareness building campaign is necessary to
emphasise the role of intellectual property rights and economic
development in the developing countries.
Moreover, intellectual property rights should be included in the
syllabus of universities and institutions of higher learning.
Interactive links between university and industry can be established.
Research and development base should be strengthened, which will
encourage innovative efforts and international competitiveness.
Incentives may be given to encourage inventiveness amongst the
national youth. Like other associations, a national inventor's
association should be set up, which can help inventors in getting their
inventions registered, and in commercialising such inventions.
Authors' Note: We are thankful to Dr Ijaz Ghani, Senior
Research Economist, PIDE, Islamabad, for his valuable comments. We are
grateful to Dr Asad Zaman, Professor, IIIE, for providing support in the
empirical estimation. We are also thankful to Dr Kaukab Hasan Naqvi,
Chief, Planning Commission of Pakistan, and Dr Aqdas Ali Kazmi,
Consultant, Planning Commission of Pakistan, for their valuable comments
on technical matters. Thanks are also due to Director-General, IPO, Mr
Yasin Tahir, who assisted us towards concluding the policy implications
for this study.
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(1) See, Intellectual Property and Development, World Bank (2005),
page 19.
(2) To ascertain the role of patent system in international trade
Schiffel and Kitti (1978) and Bosworth (1980) considered US as
recipient6 and host country respectively. Whereas, Maskus and Penubarti
(1995) and Rafiquzzaman (2002) considered manufacturing industry in
developed countries.
(3) For detail see, Rachel Griffith, The Institute for Fiscal
Studies, Briefing Note No. 12.
(4) According to World Bank (2006) classification countries having
US$ $ 906-$11,115 as GNI per capita are included in the middle income
developing countries.
(5) Included to capture the potential benefits of trade openness.
(6) Typically included to measure the economic instability.
Pervez Zamurrad Janjua <
[email protected]> is Foreign
Professor, International Institute of Islamic Economics, International
Islamic University, Islamabad. Ghulam Samad <ghulamsamad@> is Research Associate at the Planning Commission of
Pakistan, Islamabad.