Energy use for economic growth: cointegration and causality analysis from the agriculture sector of Pakistan.
Mushtaq, Khalid ; Abbas, Faisal ; Abedullah 等
Economic growth is energy-intensive. Nonetheless, in developing
countries like Pakistan, the present energy use in agriculture is not
strictly commensurate with energy consumption trends in developed
countries. Sharp increases in energy prices have serious implications
for the agrarian economy of Pakistan. This study implies the
Johansen's co-integration approach and Granger causality to check
the degree of integration and the direction of causality among different
economic time series for the period 1972-2005. It is found that all the
series are first-differenced stationary and there exists a long-run
equilibrium relationship among concerned variables. The Granger
causality test result suggests that unidirectional causality is running
from GDP to oil consumption: electricity to GDP; while neutrality exists
for gas and GDP. The implications of this study are that any future
growth in the agriculture sector will increase the demand for oil, and
if government improves the infrastructure and subsidises rural and
agricultural electricity, it would significantly enhance agricultural
share of GDP.
JEL classification: O13, Q43
Keywords: Energy Consumption, Agricultural growth, Cointegration,
Causality, Pakistan
Productivity is closely associated with direct and indirect use of
energy as an input. The importance of energy can not be denied as one of
the basic inputs to economic growth process. The consumption of energy
has been among the critical indicators of the level of development of
any country. It is observed that usually the developed countries use
more energy per unit of economic output and far more energy per capita than developing countries. This reflects the adoption of increasingly
more efficient technologies for energy production and utilisation as
well as changes in the composition of economic activities. This,
largely, needs a shift in energy use [Cheng and Lai (1997)]. When this
shift in the composition of final energy use is taken into account
energy use and the level of economic activity are found to be tightly
The prospect of large reduction in the energy use intensity of
economic activity seems limited. So, the accelerated demand results in
the scarcity of energy and increasing cost have severe implications for
economic growth. This ever increasing role of energy in the present day
scenario underlines the need to increase the supply of energy and to
find some new alternative energy sources and energy conservation
In order to meet the expected growth momentum of the economy (more
than 6 percent over the past few years and projected to be more in the
coming years), Pakistan needs a comprehensive National Energy Plan to
meet her future needs [Pakistan (2005)]. It is also clear that energy is
one of the important inputs for production, conversion, processing and
commercialisation activities. Like other developing countries, Pakistan
is also an energy intensive economy and as in most other non-petroleum
producing countries its energy needs met by imports. The consumption of
petroleum products has been increasing by an average rate of 2.5 percent
per annum from 1990-91 to 2003-04. While the consumption of gas and
electricity has increased at an average rate of 4.9 and 5.1 percent per
annum respectively.
Even though, the present use of energy inputs in agriculture is not
strictly commensurate with energy consumption trends in developed
countries, our agricultural productivity heavily depends on proper
availability and prices of energy inputs. Most importantly, almost 67.5
percent of country's population living in rural areas is directly
or indirectly (1) depend on agriculture for their livelihood [Pakistan
The share of energy consumption in agriculture has continuously
decreased from 19 percent and 14 percent in 1972 to 11 percent and 1
percent in 2005 in the case of electricity and petroleum respectively.
The share of gas consumption in fertiliser production in the country has
also decreased from 19.9 percent in 1972 to 16.4 percent in 2005
[Pakistan (2005)]. Besides these trends in agricultural energy
consumption, the share of costly energy inputs in total farm expenses
also has severe implications for future energy policies for agriculture
In Pakistan, per capita energy consumption in the agriculture
sector is low and this is one of the basic reasons behind continued low
productivity and thus impaired economic growth. As economic growth
process is highly energy-intensive, therefore, energy supplies in the
country must avoid constraints, but Pakistan faces both energy
constraints from the supply side and demand management policies [Riaz
Sharp increases in energy prices in recent years have renewed
interests in the effects of energy on economic growth. Although, it is
well known that a strong correlation exist between energy consumption
and growth. The significance of any direction of causality, either
bi-directional or unidirectional, may provide an insight for the policy
makers. For example, if the causality running from energy consumption to
income, then this denotes an energy-dependent economy such that energy
is an impetus for income increase, implying that a shortage of energy
may negatively affect income [Masih and Masih (1998)]. On the other
hand, if causality is running from income to energy, this denotes a less
energy-dependent economy such that energy conservation policies may be
implemented with little adverse or no effects on income [Jumbe (2004)].
Finally, the finding of no causality in either direction, the so-called
'neutrality hypothesis' means that energy conservation
policies do not affect income [Yu and Choi (1985)].
Following the importance of energy in the agrarian economy like
Pakistan, the present study aims empirically estimating the long-run
relationship of agricultural energy consumption, agricultural GDP and
energy prices. Further, the direction of causality is checked between
agricultural energy consumption and economic growth. The paper is
organised as follows: Section 2 presents brief literature review,
Section 3 discusses the empirical approach, Section 4 discusses the data
and results, while Section 5 concludes.
The association between energy consumption and economic growth has
been extensively investigated since the late 1970s. The pioneering study
of Kraft and Kraft (1978) found that there is a unidirectional causality
running from energy consumption to GNP for the United States for the
period of 1947-1974. On the other hand, Akarca and Long (1979) showed no
evidence of causality between energy consumption and GDP when the
investigated period is shortened. Errol and Yu (1987) employed Sims
(1980) and Granger (1988) causality tests and found unidirectional
causality running from energy consumption to income for West Germany while bi-directional causality for Italy and Japan, and no evidence of
causality for UK, Canada and France.
Hwang and Gum (1992) examined the causality between energy
consumption and GNP for Taiwan Province of China. A bi-directional
causality was observed in Taiwan for the period of 1955-1993. On the
other hand, Cheng and Lai (1997) applied Hsiao's version of Granger
causality methodology to investigate the causality between energy
consumption and GDP for Taiwan for the period of 1955-1993. The study
showed that causality runs from GDP to energy consumption without
feedback in Taiwan. Yang (2000) re-examined the causality between energy
consumption and GDP for Taiwan using updated data for the 1954-1997
period. The finding of this paper does not confirm the findings of Cheng
and Lai (1997) of unidirectional causality from GDP to total energy
consumption. They found evidences of bi-directional causality between
total energy consumption and GDP.
Aqeel and Butt (2001) investigated the causal relationship between
energy consumption, economic growth and employment in Pakistan and
resulted that economic growth causes total energy consumption. Soytas
and Sari (2003) pointed out that there is bi-directional causality in
Argentina and they found that causality runs from energy consumption to
GDP in Turkey, France, Germany and Japan. Based on these mixed results,
it is improper to make any type of generalisations of the potential
relationship between GDP and energy consumption. Thus, in designing a
recovery policy aimed at facilitating the energy consumption and
promoting economic growth, it is necessary to consider the case of each
country separately by keeping its pace and stage of development.
3.1. Model Specification
The demand for per capita agricultural oil consumption was assumed
to be a function of per capita real agricultural GDP and oil prices. In
the same manner per capita electricity and gas consumption in
agriculture was assumed as a function of per capita real agricultural
GDP and their respective prices. Thus the general form of consumption
demand function was specified in log form as follows;
ln[OC.sub.t] = [[alpha].sub.0] + [[beta].sub.1]ln[Y.sub.t] +
[[beta].sub.2] ln[OP.sub.t] + [[mu].sub.0t] (1)
In[EC.sub.t] = [[alpha].sub.e] + [[beta].sub.1] ln[Y.sub.t] +
[[beta].sub.2] ln[EP.sub.t] + [[mu]] (2)
ln[GC.sub.t] = [[alpha].sub.g] + [[beta].sub.1] ln[Y.sub.t] +
[[beta].sub.2] ln[GP.sub.t] + [[mu]] (3)
Where In [OC.sub.t], ln[EC.sub.t], and ln[GC.sub.t] are the natural
logarithms of per capita oil, electricity and gas consumption
respectively, ln[Y.sub.t] is the natural logarithm of per capita real
GDP in the agriculture sector, ln[OP.sub.t], In[EP.sub.t], and
ln[GP.sub.t] are the natural logarithm of oil, electricity and gas
prices, and [[mu]] = Stochastic error term assumed to be
identically independently and normally distributed (IID) with zero mean
and constant variance.
3.2. Testing for Unit Root
We begin by testing for the presence of unit roots in the
individual time series of each model using the augmented Dickey-Fuller
(ADF) test [Dickey and Fuller (1981); Said and Dickey (1984)], both with
and without a deterministic trend. The number of lags in the
ADF-equation is chosen to ensure that serial correlation is absent using
the Breusch-Godfrey statistic [Greene (2000), p. 541]. The ADF equation
is required to estimate the following by OLS.
[DELTA][Y.sub.t] = [[alpha].sub.3] [[beta].sub.3]t + ([[phi].sub.3]
- 1)[Y.sub.t -1] + [k.summation over (i =
1)][[theta].sub.i][DELTA][Y.sub.t - 1] + [u.sub.t] (4)
Where [Y.sub.t] is the series under investigation, [DELTA] is the
difference operator, t is a time trend and [u.sub.t] are white noise
residuals. The number of lags, k, are unknown and we use the LM-test and
a general-to-specific testing procedure with maximum k=4 and the 95
percent confidence level [Holden and Perman (1994), p. 62]. From above
equation, we can test the null hypothesis that the series has a unit
root, i.e., [H.sub.0] : ([[phi].sub.3] - 1) = 0, against the alternative
hypothesis of stationary i.e., [H.sub.A] : ([[phi].sub.3] - 1) < 0 by
using [[tau].sub.[tau]]-statistics with critical values from Fuller
(1976, Table 8.5.2, block 3, p.373). If the calculated [tau][tau]-value
(t-value of the coefficient [[phi].sub.3] - 1) is greater than the
critical [[tau].sub.[tau]]-value, then [Y.sub.t] is non-stationary. From
(1) we can also test the null hypothesis of no trend i.e.,
[[beta].sub.3] = 0 against the alternative hypothesis of a significant
trend i.e., [[beta].sub.3] [not equal to] 0 by using
[[tau].sub.[beta][tau]]-statistics with critical values from Dickey and
Fuller (1981), Table III, p.1062. If the calculated
[[tau].sub.[beta][tau]]-value (t-value of the coefficient [beta]3) is
less than the critical [tau][beta][tau]-value, the null hypothesis is
accepted and [Y.sub.t] has a insignificant trend. Similarly, from (1) we
can also test the joint hypothesis of unit root and no trend i.e.,
[H.sub.0] : ([[phi].sub.3] - 1) = [[beta].sub.3] = 0 against the
alternative hypothesis of trend stationary i.e., [H.sub.A] :
([[phi].sub.3] - 1) = [[beta].sub.3] [not equal to] 0 by using the
[[PHI].sub.3]-statistic with critical values from Dickey and Fuller
(1981, Table VI, p.1063). If the calculated [[PHI].sub.3]-value is less
than the critical value, the null is accepted and [Y.sub.t] is
non-stationary with insignificant trend; conversely, if the null is
rejected, [Y.sub.t] is stationary with a significant trend and is a
trend stationary series.
3.3. Testing for Cointegration
If the series were integrated of the same order, Johansen's
procedure [Johansen (1988)] can be used to test the presence of a
cointegrating vector between agricultural energy consumption,
agricultural GDP and energy prices. The procedure was based on maximum
likelihood estimation of the error correction model;
[DELTA][Z.sub.t] : = [delta] + [[GAMMA].sub.1][DELTA][Z.sub.t - 1]
+ [[GAMMA].sub.2][DELTA][Z.sub.t - 2] ..... + [[GAMMA].sub.p -
1][DELTA][Z.sub.t - p + 1] + [PI][Z.sub.t - p] + [[mu].sub.t] (5)
Where; [Z.sub.t] = [[C.sub.t], [Y.sub.t], [P.sub.t]], [C.sub.t] is
total energy consumption in the agriculture sector and all the other
variables are the same as specified previously. [DELTA][z.sub.t] =
[z.sub.t] - [z.sub.t - 1], and [PI] and [[GAMMA].sub.i] are (n x n)
matrices of parameters with [[GAMMA].sub.i] = -(1 - [A.sub.1] -
[A.sub.2] ... - [A.sub.i]), (i = 1, ..., k - 1), and [PI] = 1 -
[[PI].sub.1] - [[PI].sub.2] ... -[[PI].sub.k]. The term [PI][z.sub.t -
p] provides information about the long-term equilibrium relationship
between the variables in Z,. Information about the number of
cointegrating relationships among the variables in [Z.sub.t] is given by
the rank of the [PI]-matrix. Johansen (1988) uses the reduced rank
regression procedure to estimate [PI]-matrix and the trace test
statistic is used to test the null hypothesis of at most r cointegrating
vectors against the alternative that it is greater than r.
Harris (1995) notes that there are three realistic models (denoted
as Models 2-4) implicit in (5). Model 2 is where there are no linear
trends in the levels of the endogenous I(1) variables and the
first-differenced series have a zero mean; here the intercept is
restricted to the cointegration space. Model 3 is where there are linear
trends in the levels of the endogenous I(1) variables and there is an
intercept in the short-run model only. Model 4 is where any long-run
linear growth is not accounted for by the model and a linear trend is
present in the cointegration vectors. (2) We test between these models
following the Pantula principle [Harris (1995)], testing the joint
hypothesis of both rank and the deterministic components [Johansen
3.4. Granger Causality Test
If cointegration is established, then Engle and Granger (1987)
error correction specification can be used to test for Granger
causality. For example, if the series oil consumption ([OC.sub.t]) and
real GDP ([Y.sub.t]) are I (1) and cointegrated, then the ECM model is
represented by the following equations;
[DELTA]OC = [[alpha].sub.0] + [n.summation over (i =
1)][[beta].sub.i][DELTA][OC.sub.t - 1] + [n.summation over (i =
1)][[beta].sub.j][DELTA][Y.sub.t - 1] + [delta][ECT.sub.t - 1] +
[[mu].sub.t] (6)
[DELTA]Y = [[phi].sub.0] + [n.summation over (i =
1)][[sigma].sub.i][DELTA][Y.sub.t - 1] + [n.summation over (i =
1)][[sigma].sub.j][DELTA][OC.sub.t - 1] + [lambda][ECT.sub.t - 1] +
[[epsilon].sub.t] (7)
where A is difference operator, [[mu].sub.t] and [[epsilon].sub.t]
are the white noise error terms, [ECT.sub.t - 1] is the error correction
term derived from the long-run co integrating relationship, while n is
the optimal lag length orders of the variables which are determined by
using the general-to-specific modelling procedure [Hendry and Ericsson
(1991)]. The null hypotheses are: [Y.sub.t] will granger--cause
[OC.sub.t] if [[mu].sub.t] [not equal to] 0. Similarly, [OC.sub.t] will
granger cause [Y.sub.t] if [[epsilon].sub.t] [not equal to] 0. To
implement the Granger-causality test, F-statistics are calculated under
the null hypothesis that in above equations all the coefficients of
[[mu].sub.t] and [[epsilon].sub.t] = 0.
Annual time series data in logarithmic form for the period
1972-2005 relate to per capita oil (Kgs), electricity ([KWh.sup.-1]),
and gas (cft) consumption; per capita real agricultural GDP (million
Rs.) is the nominal GDP; real prices of diesel, electricity and gas are
used in estimation. GDP deflator (2001=100) is used to estimate the real
values. Pakistan Economic Survey, Pakistan Energy Yearbooks, Food and
Agriculture Organisation (FAO) statistical database and International
Monetary Fund (IMF) statistical database are the main sources of data.
Table 2 presents the results of the series (in logarithms) for unit
root using ADF test both with and without linear trend. The
[[tau].sub.[tau]]-test implies that we cannot reject the null of a unit
root in all series except for per capita real GDP (LY) which appears to
be a stationary series. The [[tau].sub.[tau][beta]]-test implies that we
cannot reject the null of insignificant trend in all series except for
per capita real GDP (LY) where we accept the alternative. The
[[PHI].sub.3]-test tests the null of a unit root and no trend jointly
and results imply non-rejection of the null in all series. We remove the
deterministic trend and [[tau].sub.[mu]]-test is used to test the null
of a unit root and we cannot reject the null in all series. In short,
the only time series of per capita real GDP seems stationary in the
trended model and its trend is also significant as the results indicate.
However, relying on the more authenticated [[PHI].sub.3]-test showed
that the per capita real GDP series is non-stationary with no trend. We
finally conclude that all the series involved in the analysis are
Table 2 also indicates the first differenced results for both
trended and non-trended models. The first differenced absolute values of
test-statistics for all series are well above the 95 per cent critical
values. Therefore, the null hypothesis of unit root is rejected for
these series and they become stationary after first difference i.e., I
After testing for unit root, the next step is to test for
cointegration. Johansen's procedure is applied to test the
cointegration between the variables in all the three models. The first
step in Johansen's procedure is the selection of order of Vector
Auto Regressive (VAR). We use the LR-statistic, adjusted for small
samples [Sims (1980)], to test the null hypothesis that the order of the
VAR is k against the alternative that it is four where k=0,1,..., 4 and
for all cases, k=1. (3) The second step in the Johansen procedure is to
test the presence and number of cointegration vectors among the series
in each model. Table 3 presents Johansen's cointegration results.
We now use the Johansen procedure and trace statistics to test between
Models 2-4 and to test for the presence and number of cointegrating
vectors in all three models using the Pantula principle [Harris (1995)].
The results are presented in Table 3. For three models we conclude that
there is one cointegrating vector (i.e., a unique long-run equilibrium
relationship) and Model 2 (restricted intercepts and no trends) is the
appropriate model.
As we know if cointegration is established, then Engle and Granger
(1987) error correction specification can be used to test for Granger
causality. The results of causality between GDP and different components
of energy are presented in the Table 4. In the first row of the table we
see that per capita real GDP Granger cause oil consumption and
significant at 5 percent level. However, oil consumption does not
Granger cause per capita real GDP. This means that there is
uni-directional causality running from per capita real GDP to oil
consumption. Thus, it can safely be said that growth in agriculture
sector will increase the demand for oil. A different scenario is
observed in case of electricity consumption and GDP. Per capita real GDP
does not Granger cause electricity consumption. However, electricity
consumption Granger causes real per capita GDP.
This means that there is also uni-directional causality running
from electricity consumption to per capita real GDP. In contrast with
the above results, the nonsignificant values of F-statistics for Granger
causality, both from GDP to gas and from gas to GDP, seems to suggest
that there may not be any causal relationship between gas and
agricultural GDP.
In this study, Johansen's co-integration approach and Granger
causality is used to check the degree of integration and direction of
causality among different economic time series for the period 1972-2005.
It is found that all the series are first-differenced stationary and
there exists a long run equilibrium relationship among concerned
variables. Granger causality test result suggests that a uni-directional
causality relationship exists for GDP and oil consumption; electricity
and GDP, while neutrality hypothesis proved for gas and GDP.
As causality results implies that agricultural GDP and oil
consumption has a causal relationship. The implication of this result is
that any future growth in agriculture sector will increase the demand
for oil. Further, electricity consumption and agricultural GDP show a
causal relationship. Thus an important implication of this result is
that if government improves the infrastructure and subsidises rural and
agricultural electricity, it would significantly enhance agricultural
share of GDP.
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(1) Direct use of energy in agriculture can be seen as in
agricultural mechanisation e.g. tractor use in a number of land
preparation functions and harvesting/carriage of agricultural produce,
tube wells, bulldozers, combine harvesters; and plants/factories engaged
in processing of agricultural produce e.g. ginners, sugar mills etc.
Indirect consumption of energy in agriculture sector is primarily
described as gas consumption in fertiliser plants for the production of
nitrogen based chemical fertilisers. Petroleum and gas use in rural
transportation and household fuel can also be categorised under indirect
energy consumption in agriculture sector.
(2) Model 1 accounts for no intercepts and no deterministic trends
in the cointegrating space, which is unrealistic; Model 5 is appropriate
if the data exhibit quadratic trends in level form, which is difficult
to justify when the variables are in log form since it implies an
unlikely ever increasing or decreasing growth rate.
(3) We also tried the Schwarz Bayesian Criterion (SBC) and Akaike
information Criterion (AIC). Both SBC and AIC selects lag length one and
two for oil model; and one and one for electricity and gas model
respectively. To avoid over-parameterisation, we choose one as the lag
length [Pesaran and Pesaran (1987)].
Khalid Mushtaq <
[email protected]> is Assistant
Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Agriculture,
Faisalabad. Faisal Abbas <
[email protected]> is Junior
Researcher, Department of Economic and Technological Change, Centre for
Development Research (ZEF), University of Bonn, Germany. Abedullah is
Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental and Resource Economics,
University of Agriculture, Faisalabad. Abdul Ghafoor
[email protected]> is Lecturer, Department of Marketing and
Agribusiness, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.
Table 2
Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) Unit Root Test Results
Trended Model Model
[[tau]. [[tau].sub. [[tau].
Variables sub.[tau]] [beta][tau]] [[PHI].sub.3] sub.[mu]]
LOC -1.17 -1.35 1.44 -0.76
LEC -1.87 0.82 1.84 -2.03
LGC -1.63 1.09 2.17 -2.36
LY -4.15 * 3.29 * 5.42 -0.41
LOP -1.58 1.40 1.91 -1.20
LEP -1.20 1.96 2.53 -1.63
LGP -2.01 1.78 1.70 -1.16
Critical Value -3.57 2.85 7.24 -2.97
First-differenced ADF Unit Root Test Results
Variables Trended Model Model
DLOC -4.67 -4.64
DLEC -4.05 -3.79
DLGC -5.18 -4.56
DLY -6.90 -5.93
DLOP -4.75 -4.78
DLEP -4.55 -4.58
DLGP -3.70 -3.77
Critical Value -3.57 -2.97
Notes: 1. Critical values (95 percent confidence level)
are taken from Fuller (1976), pp. 373.
2. * Denotes significant.
Table 3
Cointegration Test Based on Trace of Stochastic Matrix
Null Alternative Model 2 Model 3 Model 4
Oil Consumption Model
r = 0 r = 1 32.77 (31.93) 20.51 (31.54) * 31.23 (42.34)
r < = 1 r = 2 12.59 (20.18) 2.36 (17.86) 12.97 (25.77)
r < = 2 r = 3 2.01 (9.16) 0.15 (8.07) 2.01 (12.39)
Electricity Consumption Model
r = 0 r = 1 44.96 (34.87) 27.73 (31.54) * 41.95 (42.34)
r < = 1 r = 2 20.04 (20.18) 13.85 (17.86) 18.64 (25.77)
r < = 2 r = 3 7.68 (9.16) 1.27 (8.07) 4.86 (12.39)
Gas Consumption Model
r = 0 r = 1 38.68 (34.87) 25.10 (31.54) * 39.50 (42.34)
r < = 1 r = 2 12.70 (20.18) 6.78 (17.86) 19.11 (25.77)
r < = 2 r = 3 4.46 (9.16) 0.47 (8.07) 6.27 (12.39)
Notes: 1. Critical values (95 percent confidence level) in parentheses
[Pesaran, et al. (2000)].
2. * Indicates where the null is not rejected using
the Pantula principle.
Table 4
Granger Causality Results
Causality Lags F-statistics P-value Result
LY [right arrow] LOC 1 2.99 0.05 Uni-directional
LOC [right arrow] LY 1 0.59 0.62
LY [right arrow] LEC 1 0.36 0.78 Uni-directional
LEC [right arrow] LY 1 2.98 0.05
LY [right arrow] LGC 1 1.56 0.22 Neutral
LGC [right arrow] LY 1 1.58 0.22
Note: '[right arrow]' Shows direction of causality.