Demand analysis of recreation visits to Chitral Valley: a Natural Resource Management perspective.
Rafiq, Muhammad ; Shafiqullah
The study is about the valuation of tourism's benefits in
Chitral Valley, which offers composite tourism attractions ranging from
nature based to religion and cultural products. Accessibility to such
natural exotic locations is often free which results in environmental
hazards and divests the indigent government from revenue that such sites
offers. Natural resource management strategy, hence, necessitates
valuing the benefits associated with a natural resource for weighing the
cost and benefits of different policy options. For analysing the
problem. Chitral was selected as a case study. The analytical technique
employed for this study is Zonal Travel Cost Method (ZTCM) which is a
widely used technique and has been extensively used by researchers. The
double log functional form was selected for estimating the value of the
recreational visits because of the fact that it accounts for extreme
value [Ward and Beal (2000)]. The recreational value for the current
year has been estimated as Rs 5225190. These estimates can be used for
the cost benefit analysis of any preservation project undertaken by the
government and non-government agencies. The results obtained can help
the local government for imposition of an optimal entry fee.
Additionally, the results of the study will aid the government for
efficient resource allocation and to observe changes in the value of
natural resources over time. The study will facilitate researchers for
future studies on the subject matter.
JEL classification: C31, C21, D60, Q21, Q26, Q51
Recreational visits are primarily about human activity which
involves travel from an originating area to a destination for cultural,
economic, and social exchange processes. People travel to exotic
locations for sight seeing, picnicking, bird watching, and for cultural
and religious settings. However, accessibility to such areas is often
free, which not only results in environmental hazards but also deprives
the cash destitute government from revenue that such these sites offer.
Valuing the recreational benefits associated with a destination
based on tourists' preferences can help formulate an appropriate
policy for Natural Resource Management (NRM). Environmental and natural
resource management studies often try to measure the welfare change
associated with a policy change. Welfare is generally defined as area
under the demand curve; accordingly, by estimating the demand curve,
consumer surplus is obtained which shows the welfare changes associated
with an environmental policy change [Gunatilake (2003)]. The
recreational values thus obtained can be utilised for a cost benefit
analysis of a policy option, thereby, managing a park or a natural
resource on a sustainable basis.
Various valuation studies have been conducted in this regard e.g.
Lumpinee Park by Grandstaff and Dixon (1995) and Khao Yai National Park by Kaosa-ard, et al. (1995). These studies were conducted in Thailand
for estimating the parks values. Himayatullah (2004) had conducted a
similar study in order to estimate the demand for ecotourism of
Margallah Hills in Islamabad. Bhutan National Ecotourism Strategy (2002)
adopted a new strategy of "High Value, Low Impact" tourism
development strategy. Under the quantity vs. quality issue, the
Bhutanese government put a fee of $200 per person which raised the total
cost curve in an effort to achieve an equilibrium number of visitors.
Pakistan in general and NWFP in particular possess many exotic
locations, which attracts a large number of domestic and foreign
tourists. This study was designed for the valuation of tourism benefit
in Chitral Valley which offers composite tourism attractions ranging
from nature based to religious and cultural products. The output
includes the derivation of demand curve and estimation of consumer
surplus (which reveals the welfare of the tourists). The end results
obtained can facilitate the authorities concerned in framing appropriate
NRM policy.
The Chitral valley at an elevation of 1127.76 meters (3,700 feet)
is a picturesque resort, famous for it scenic beauty, and cultural
attraction. It is a paradise for mountaineers, anglers, hunters, hikers,
naturalists, and anthropologists. The Trichmir peak, which is the
highest Peak of the Hindu Kush Mountains with an elevation of 7787.64
meters (25,550 feet), dominates this 321.87 km (200 miles) long exotic
valley. Afghanistan is located to the north, south, and west of the
district. A narrow strip of Afghan territory, Wakhan separates it from
the ex-Soviet republic of Tajikistan. Tourists flock to Chitral from
June to September. The rest of the year, this land is inaccessible
because the traffic routes are blocked by snow. The area is accessible
thorough air and land. The district capital is Chitral Town itself. The
main attractions of Chitral Town are the bazaar, the Mahtar of
Chitral's fort, and the main Mosque by the river. The summer palace
of the ex-ruler of Chitral is on the hilltop above the town at
Garam Chashma is another attraction of the valley. Visitors have to
take a spectacular drive up the Latbo/Latkho River through deep and
narrow gorges to reach this place. This unspoiled enchanting valley of
orchards, verdant fields, and snow clad peaks is renowned for its
boiling Sulphur springs which are famous for their healing effect on
skin diseases, gout, rheumatism and chronic headaches.
One of the major attractions of Chitral are the Kalash valleys--the
home of the Kafir-Kalash or 'Infidel Wearers of the Black
Robe', a primitive pagan tribe. These are a non Muslim and
culturally distinct tribe whose ancestry is shrouded in mystery. A
legend has it that some soldiers of the legions of Alexander of
Macedonia settled down in Chitral and their off-springs are the present
The most exciting polo tournament of the entire Northern Areas is
played on top of the Shandur Pass, almost 4000 meters above sea level; a
place unique and exotic in itself surrounded by some of the most
spectacular mountain scenery in the world. The event marks the annual
rivalry between the polo teams of Gilgit and Chitral. (1)
The valley is famous for its flora and fauna and is habitation for
different species of birds and animals, for example the
'Markhor' or Ibex is found in these terrains. This place has
rich history, cultural milieu and scenic beauty and therefore it offers
different use and non-use values to the current and the future
The theoretical idea behind the valuation studies, using revealed
preference or stated preference methods, is the determination of a
demand curve for visits and calculation of consumer surplus which is the
area under the demand curve. But unlike private goods, environmental
goods have non-use values as well as well as indirect benifits,
therefore if measured in direct cost such as entrance fee etc, may give
inaccurate pricing results by showing underestimation of the importance
of good. Economists have provided solution to this problem in terms of
travel cost method (TCM) and contingent valuation (CV) method.
Mc Connell (1992) has expounded the concept, which is expressed as:
U = u (X, r, q)
U = utility
X = the bundle of other goods (assumed to be a numeraire in the
r = the number of visits to the site or visitation rate
q = quality of site
The consumer faces the following budget constraint:
M + Pw. tw = X + c.r (1)
M = exogenous income
Pw = wage rate
tw = hours of work
c = monetary cost of trip
The Equation (1) implies that the total income of the visitor is
spent on purchasing a bundle of other goods and recreation on the site,
while income has two portions viz., exogenous and income earned by
allocating all the available time for work. Exogenous income is any
income other than wage income.
But in addition to the budget constraint, the visitor also faces
the following time constraint:
[t.sup.*] = tw + (t1+ t2) r (2)
[t.sup.*] = total discretionary time
tw = hours of work
t1 = round trip time
t2 = time spent on site
The price of recreation Pr, then includes the round trip monetary
cost of travel to the site, the time cost of travel and the cost of time
spent on the site, i.e. Pr = c + Pw (tl + t2). The monetary cost of
travel has two components; the entry fee (if any) and the cost of
traveling. Entry fee if denoted by f and remaining travel cost by Pd. d,
where Pd is the per kilometer travel cost and d is the distance covered.
The maximisation problem can be symbolised by putting Equation (2) in
(1) and using the information is the above mentioned Para, as:
Max: u (X, r, q)
St: M + Pw.[t.sup.*] = X + r [f +Pd.d + Pw (t1 + t2)] (3)
Using the Lagrangian function of the maximisation problem and
solving it by taking the derivative w.r.t X states that the visitor
purchases other commodities up to a point where his marginal utility is
equal to the marginal utility of money income time the price of other
commodities (unity). [lambda] in the function would be marginal utility
of income. While taking the derivative w.r.t r would state that a
visitor decides about number of visits to a site when the marginal
utility of the visits would be equal to the full price of recreation
time the marginal utility of the money income. Moreover, Equation (1)
would become as:
M + Pw.[t.sup.*] = X + r [f + Pd. d + Pw (t1 = t2)] (4)
The equation equates visitor's income with expenditure.
Solution to the above mentioned equations requires derivation of the
demand curve. The demand function can be represented as:
r = r (Pr, M, q) (5)
Travel Cost Method (TCM) is a means of determining the values the
value of r (or sometime it is denoted as VR). The idea was originally
developed by Harold Hotelling in 1947. The basic premise is that
although the actual values of the recreational experience does have a
price tag, the costs incurred by individuals in travelling to the site
makes it possible to estimate a demand curve for the site. There are two
approaches to the travel cost method; the Individual Travel Cost Method
(ITCM) and Zonal Travel Cost Method (ZTCM). The first method uses
individual observation but entails frequent visits by the tourists and
is very data sensitive.
Zonal Methods, on the other hand, utilises the averages of the
variable by grouping the data into zonal data, for example, average
zonal travel cost TCz, average income to the zone, and visits per
thousand of the population of the zone per year Vz. Therefore,
Vz = f (TCz, X1, X2) (6)
The user fee, if any, is added to the travel cost. Zonal Method
divides the area around the site into 'zones of origin' which
primarily depends upon the distance travel or average distance from the
site, or it can be administrative zones, or statistical zones etc. The
method implicitly assumes that individuals coming from the same zone
have same probability of travelling to the site and taste and other
factors are assumed to be same for the zonal population [Lansdell and
Gangadharan (2003)].
There is no theoretical agreement as to which method should be
preferred; however, since the visitors travel to Chitral just once a
year because of the distance, time and cost involved in traveling to the
site, therefore, Zonal Travel Cost Method has been employed for the
present study. The estimation of the Equation (6) provides only one data
point, yet using the survey data and by varying the hypothetical entry
fee, the remaining points on the demand curve are obtained.
Q = f((TCz + P), X1,....., Xn) (7)
Where Q = [SIGMA] Popz Vz (population in thousand in each zone
multiplied by the visitation rate per thousand for each zone per year
and is defined as the aggregate demand for the area [Lansdell and
Gangadharan (2003)].
This is the standard process of estimating the Marshallian demand
curve [Gillespie (1997)]. The estimated equation can be used for
predicting the change in the total visitation as a response to changes
in the price of visitation. Moreover, the consumer surplus is obtained
from the equation which is the fundamental principle of valuation
provided by the TCM.
Several issues ensue with the application of zonal methods, for
example, the appropriate cost to be included in the travel cost,
treatment of time, multiple visits, substitute site, the choice of
functional form, the choice of zones, and the demographic
characteristics of the population.
Beal (1995) reported that most of the respondents considered the
fuel, food, and accommodation cost as relevant to their trip cost.
Walsh, Senders and McKean (1990) pointed out that including the round
trip cost that is, the cost to and from the cost may be useful. For the
present study, the round trip petrol costs and on site monetary costs
reported by the respondents have been considered.
The inclusion of time cost is a subtle issue. McConnell (1992)
argued that the time spent on the site is an important cost and should
be included. Cesario (1978) supported the idea of including the time
cost of traveling to a site. Smith et al. (1983) advocated that some
proportion of the individual's wage should be included as a time
cost. Cesario (1978) noted that in 1960s and 1970s the TCM studies used
1/4 and 1/2 proportion of wage as time cost. This study took the average
of the opportunity cost question as reported by the respondent which
gave a value of fifty percent of their incomes.
Multipurpose trips cause a problem of estimating the true cost of
visiting a place.
However, Chitral is an exquisite place and it was observed that the
visitors exclusively travel to this valley for recreation purpose.
Prices of the substitute site is a important determinant of the
recreational demand; however, visitors were unable to identify common
substitute site, while many visitors reported that they don't
consider any other resort to be the substitute of Chitral, hence this
variable has not been incorporated.
The choice of functional form is arbitrary. Economic theory does
not suggest any particular functional form. The commonly used forms are
linear, quadratic, log linear, quadratic and double log form, however
double log and linear form are the frequently used techniques (Ward
& Beal 2000). Many studied employed the double log method as it
caters for the extreme value.
The selection of zone is a crucial stride and many studies have
suggested that the zone should be selected by taking into account its
implications on the travel cost. Yet, the considerations for the zone
selection include the distance of an originating place from the site,
the availability of data on income, education and the demographic
The zones should not be too large, otherwise, this may result in
the loss of information and also these should not be too small which may
result in zero visitation problems.
Keeping in view the above mentioned requirements, our study has
divided the data into five zones; these include the four provinces of
the country as zones and the all the foreign visitors as fifth zones.
Since the proportion of the foreign visitors to the total numbers of the
tourists was 15 percent, therefore, we decided to retain them as fifth
The methods employed here can be traced back to 'gravity'
models, which were used in general to model commuting decisions by
regional economists. The rudiments of these models were apparent in
Hotelling's (1949) Travel Cost Models (TCMs) which used the number
of visitors from an origin zone as a dependent variable and travel costs
from the zone as a key explanatory variable [Hanley, et al. (2001)].
TCMs subsequently evolved into trip generation functions (TGFs) which
predicted an individual's demand for a recreational trip by
including visitor and, later, site characteristics as explanatory
variables. The approach adopted for this study is the Zonal Travel Cost.
The zones have been selected based on travel time and distance from the
site. These include four zones which are four provinces of Pakistan and
fifth zone is the Rest of the World (Row) zones. Foreigners have been
retained because according to the information acquired, foreigners
constitute 14 percent of the total visitors. The zones used and the
average distance travelled is shown in the Table 1.
The data was collected through a survey using a questionnaire by
the enumerators from May 2007 until august this year. The data was
collected randomly from 56 foreign and 275 Pakistani tourists (a total
sample of 331). The information about their demographic characteristics,
their current expenses, and their willingness to pay for environment was
obtained. The survey was administered at three locations inside Chitral,
i.e. Kalash Valley, Grram Chasma and Shandoor. Approximately, 10,000
tourists visited the area this year. This information was obtained from
different hotels. Our sample size is about 3.3 percent of the total
tourist's population. However, many researcher have used 1 percent
of the population as the sample size. (2)
Economic theory does not designate any particular functional form.
Different functional forms were tried and based upon the t-statistics
and F-statistics of different models, the double log form was selected
which is a widely used technique. It also accounts for the extreme
values [Ward and Beal (2000)]. Moreover, the scatter plot of the VR and
TC was used to decide about the functional form.
The model initially included the visitation rate per thousand of
the population VRz as the dependent variable, the travel cost, education
level, average age, and average income of the population as explanatory
variables. However the average income of the population and education
levels proved to be highly collinear and therefore they were dropped.
The final model specified here is as follows:
Ln VRz = Ln [beta]1+ [beta]2 Ln TC + [beta]3 Ln Age (8)
Where, VRz was calculated, following the Lansdell and Gangadharan
(2003) method for calculating the visitation rate. The total number of
visitors from a zone in the sample(n) were divided the sample size (Vt).
This gave the proportion of visitors from each zone. This proportion was
multiplied with the total number of visitors (T) this year which were
9223, which gave the estimated visits for each zone. The figure was
divided by the zonal population (POPz) and was multiplied by 1000 to
obtain visitation rate from each zone.VRz = [nz/Vt] T x 1000/POPz.
For foreign visitors, instead of taking world population, the total
numbers of foreign arrivals in Pakistan was considered as the foreign
visitors population, because dividing it by world population might have
given a value close to zero, and it is unfair to consider the
probability of every foreigner to be the same for visiting Pakistan.
Gosh and Kumar (2007) have used the same technique for calculating the
foreign tourist visitation rate.
The average monetary cost (mc) considered for this study includes,
the round trip per km petrol cost (as reported by the visitors)
multiplied by the average distance travelled by the visitors from a
zone, the monetary cost including food and accommodation.
In order to calculate the time cost of travelling to the site and
time spent on the site, Y2 proportion of the reported zonal incomes were
multiplied with the average time spent to the site and the average time
spent on the site for each zone. The reason for selecting Y2 proportion
of the zonal income is that about fifty percent of the respondent
reported the opportunity cost of travelling. The total monetary cost and
time cost were added to form travel cost for each zone (TCz).
Many studies suggest that age appears to be an important
explanatory variable and it should be considered for TCM studies
[Himayatullah (2004)]. In our case age was significantly related with
the visitation rate and the partial correlation coefficient was used as
an evidence to decide on this variable.
Equation (8) was used to obtain the results. By taking the anti-log
of the result the VRz was obtained and subsequently was multiplied with
the zonal population, hence the aggregate demand for the area was
obtained as following.
Q = [SIGMA] PoPz x Vz (9)
Where PoPz is the population in thousand of the zth zone and
Vz = f (TC, Age)
Nevertheless, it only denotes one point on the market demand
equation and explains the current visitation in relation to the travel
cost and other variable. Here a point worth mentioning is that the entry
fee is zero in our case. Therefore, estimation of the consumer surplus
requires that the entire demand curve should be estimated [Chotikapanich
and Griffiths (1998)]. It requires (TCz + P) must be replaced in the
equation, so at the present the Q is denoted by
Q = [SIGMA]((Popzf(TCz+P),age) (10)
Where, P is the hypothetical entry fee. By varying the entry fee
the entire Marshallian demand curve can be obtained. This equation shows
how the visitation will change if the Travel cost changes.
The estimation of travel cost model provides the value of consumer
surplus. Consumer surplus of an individual person is the difference
between the actual price which they pay less the price they are willing
to pay. The total surplus of an economic good such as a park or a resort
is the sum of the individual surpluses. It implies that the area under
the demand curve is the consumer surplus. In the absence of entry fee
the entire area under the demand curve denotes the economic benefits to
the consumers [Lansdell and Gangadharan (2003)]. Therefore the
expression for the consumer surplus is as follow:
CS = [integral] [SIGMA]((Popzf(TCz+P),age)dP (3) (11)
The consumer surplus (CS) so obtained shall be considered as
approximate value because of the two reasons. Firstly, the value is the
approximate area under the demand curve, and secondly, the true consumer
surplus is the area under the compensated demand curve, but typically
Marshallian demand curve is used to obtain the estimate of the CS.
5.1. Descriptive Statistics
Table 1 reports the selected zones and the trip information of the
zonal population. These zones have been selected based upon the distance
from the site. These distances were reported by the respondents and
these are the averages of the distance covered by a zonal population.
The maximum average age of the visitors was 50.67 years and they
were from Sindh province which is also one of the zones in this study.
The visitors from NWFP had the minimum age, i.e. 33.06.
Amongst the domestic tourist the respondents from Balochistan
revealed the highest average income which was Rs 75000 p.m. Conversely,
the average income of the visitors from NWFP was the lowest (Rs 25000
p.m). The average income of the foreign visitors was reported to be Rs
120,000 p.m.
On the average the foreign visitors covered a distance of 8200 km
in 30 hrs. 87 percent of them availed the road transport. The respondent
from the Frontier zone covered the minimum distance and spent the
minimum time to reach to the site. Maximum number of domestic tourist
also travelled via roads.
The maximum average length of stay was of the foreign tourist which
was five days, whereas visitors from Balochistan on the average spent
minimum time on the site i.e. 2 days.
The average travel cost for each zone comprise the round trip
monetary cost, other monetary cost such as food and accommodation, time
cost of travelling to the site and the time cost of the time spent on
the site. The foreign visitors had the highest average travel cost and
almost lowest visitation rate, whereas amongst the domestic tourist,
visitors from Sindh recorded the lowest visitation rate for the year.
Conversely, the zone of NWFP had the lowest average travel cost and had
the highest VR.
Table 2 exhibits the descriptive statistics of the sample
respondents. The average age of all the visitors was 35.06, whereas the
average household size of the visitors was 5.26. About 89.4 percent of
the respondents were male and as many as 61 percent were married. Almost
70 percent had a bachelor degree. Concerning the quality of the site,
approximately 86 percent describe the quality of the sites to be good.
Responding to a willingness to pay question, almost 80 percent agreed to
visit even if entry fee is imposed.
About 37 approved the fee to be Rs 20 per person, 26 percent of the
respondent favoured a fee of Rs 50 per person, whereas just 20 percent
of them preferred a fee of Rs 100.
5.2. Empirical Results
The selection of variables for the estimated model is in accordance
with the economic theory. The results of the correlation matrix show a
value of 0.1284 between age and travel cost. Therefore, the result
confirmed the absence of multicollinearity between the two variables.
However, the correlation between the dependent variable (visitation
rate), the travel cost and the age was found to be -0.491 and -0.55
respectively. Table 3 reports the pair wise correlation between the
variables. The absence of multicollinearity among the explanatory
variables, and significantly strong correlation of both the regressors
with the dependent variable were the compelling reason for the
specification of the model.
The theory does not suggest any particular functional form.
Therefore we tried the linear and the double log form to analyse the
problem. The results of both the models are reported in Table 4 and
Table 5 respectively. The double log model was selected based upon the
t-statistics and the F-statistics for both the models. Moreover, the
scatter plot of Visitation Rate and Travel Cost was also used for the
selection of the functional form.
Hetroskedasticity was checked using White Test. The insignificant
p-value substantiated the absence of the Hetroskedasticity in the data.
Moreover, to check the model specification, the predicted values (ZPRED)
were plotted against the residual values (ZRESD) and no discernible
pattern was found, which proved that the model is correctly specified.
Though, it is an informal test, however, still it hints at correct
The results of the linear model are shown in Table 4 and it can be
readily seen that the t-statistics for all the explanatory variables is
insignificant. Table 5 report the regression results of the double log
form. The sign of travel cost of the visitors to the visitation rate is
negative. The coefficient sign validates the law of demand and it infers
that the more the travel cost, the less would be the visitation rate
originating from a zone. Hence, the demand of the recreation activities
would be low for those visitors who live further away from the resort as
compared to those who live nearby. The sign of the coefficient of the
variable age is also negative and is in accordance with the expected
sign. This implies that the visitation rate decreases as age increases.
All the test statistics are significant and shows the reliability of the
results. One measure of reliability of the results can be to compare the
results of the estimated visits with the actual visits to the site. The
estimated visits (Q) using Equation (I0) are 9167 from the five zones,
which is very close to the actual visits of 9223. The data on total
visits was collected from the major hotels located inside the valley.
5.3. Consumer Surplus
The consumer surplus estimates have been obtained using the
Chotikapanich and Griffiths method, the general procedure for which is
outlined in equation (11), however the precise estimation was done using
the following formula.
CS = [[e.sup.[beta]1]/[beta]-1] + [TC.sup.[beta]+1]
The consumer surplus or recreation value for the current year
(2007) for Chitral has been estimated to be Rs 5225190. It is the annual
recreational value generated by the Chitral valley every year. However,
the recreational value does not reveal the non-use value of the resort
and this should be considered as a lower bound.
The study reveals the superior use value of the visits to Chitral
Valley by domestic and foreign tourist, although this is a lower bound,
yet quantifying the benefits associated with the recreational visits is
an important step for lending a hand to the management for efficient
resource allocation and to observe changes in the value of natural
resources over time. The study is an important step in estimating the
recreational benefit which can be used for cost benefit analysis of
different policy options by government agencies, non government
organisations. Sustaining resources can benefit people of current and
future generation. In this sense, the study has wider applications. The
study provides useful information for managing a natural resource like
the present one.
The study has not recommended exact user fee for generating the
resource, yet the important information ascertained, can help the local
and provincial government for imposing the appropriate entry fee based
on the WTP estimates of the study. Our study suggests imposing an entry
fee for generating more resources.
Although eighty six percent of the visitors have expressed their
satisfaction with the quality of the site, yet the study recommends that
by improving the road, transport etc the flow of the tourist can be
increased. Based upon high recreational value of the site, the study
recommends more studies for achieving the Millennium Development Goal of
sustainable development.
First of all, much credit goes to the authors for selecting a very
unique as well as a useful area to explore with reference to Pakistan.
There are few observations: first of all sample size on which
estimations are based is very small, that is only 3.3 percent of total
visitors (which were 10,000 in the year the survey was conducted).
More elaboration is required on Equation 11, based on which authors
have derived the recreation value. In addition, there is need to employ
some statistical tests to assess the precision of these estimates. Very
small sample size may have resulted in an upward biased estimated.
While going through this paper it was evident that authors have
read many studies in this area. These studies have relied on a fairly
large sample e.g., Landsdell and Gangadhran (2003). Similarly, study by
Himayatulah (2004), only study done so far for Pakistan is a good study
in terms of methodology and expression, and has used relatively large
data set. This study also needs more clarity in mathematical expressions
and in their derivation.
Aria Malik
Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad.
Authors' Note: We are thankful to the Higher Education
Commission and the Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar, for
providing us financial support to carry out this study.
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(2) Himayatullah (2004) in his study on the valuation of the
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Muhammad Rafiq <
[email protected]> is Assistant Professor,
Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar. Shafiqullah
[email protected]> is Assistant Professor, University of
Peshawar, Peshawar.
Table 1
Zonal Statistics
Average Average
Average Average Distance Traveling
Zones Age Income (KM) Time
Balochistan 35.25 Rs.7 5000 1750 66 hrs
NWFP 33.06 Rs.25000 400 17 hrs
Punjab 34.13 Rs.30000 875 25 hrs
Sindh SO.67 Rs.47000 1525 38 hrs
Foreigners 39.47 Rs.120000 8200 30 hrs
Average Average
Time Spent Travel Visitation
Zones on the Site Cost Rate (VR)
Balochistan 2 days Rs.56505 .01475
NWFP 4 days Rs.23138 .16290
Punjab 4 days Rs.36113 .05067
Sindh 4 days Rs.47631 .00714
Foreigners 5 days Rs.245250 .00170
Source: Survey.
Table 2
Descriptive Statistics of Sample Respondents
Age (Years) Mean 35.04
Household Size 5.25
Male 89.4%
Female 10.6%
Marital Status
Married 60.7%
Unmarried 39.3%
None 2.7%
Primary 1.1%
Secondary 14.8%
High Secondary 12.3%
Bachelor 25.9%
Post Graduates 43.2%
How would you describe the
quality of the site?
Good 86.4%
Poor 9.6%
Any Other Source 4.0%
If there is no other way but
to raise the entry fee, would
you be still visit the area?
Yes 80%
No 20%
Entry Fee of Rs 20 36%
Rs 50 26%
Table 3
Correlation Matrix
Lnvr lnage lntc
Lnvr 1.0000
lnvr -5.5509 1.0000
Lnage -0.4906 0.1284 1.000
Table 4
Regression Results of a Linear Model
vz Coef. Std. Err.
ag -.0046277 0.004784 -0.97
tc -3.12e-07 -3.74e-07 -0.83
cons .2511247 0.1854043 1.35
[95% Conf.
vz T P>[t] Interval]
ag 0.435 -0.0252115 0.0159562
tc 0.493 -1.92e-06 -1.30e-06
cons 0.308 -0.5466057 1.048855
Table 5
Regression Analysis Results
Model Statistics Values Sig.
Ln B1 27.57 (6.36) .024
B2 -1.585 (-6.84) .021
B3 -3.935 (-3.31) .08
R 0.98 --
[R.sup.2] 0.97 --
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.95 --
F- statistics 38.68 .025
P-value for White Test for
Hetroskedasticity 0.26