Corruption, trade openness, and environmental quality: a panel data analysis of selected South Asian countries.
Faiz-Ur-Rehman ; Ali, Amanat ; Nasir, Mohammad 等
Globalisation has increased the importance of trade manifold, and
the idea of sustainable development has gained greater momentum.
However, these developments also depend on the quality of institutions
in the economy. Thus, sustainable development can not be achieved unless
a country has sound and independent institutions. This paper discusses
the idea of environmental sustainability to demonstrate the impact of
trade, corruption, and income level on environmental policy formation.
Applying the fixed effects model, the study concludes that trade affects
the environmental quality positively, but the level of corruption in the
economy can distort this relationship. The demand for environmental
quality increases as the output level starts rising, but it is also
offset by the corruption level. Therefore, policy-makers must consider
the importance of institutions in the economy before formulating a
welfare-directed policy in such a dynamic and complicated system.
JEL classification: F18, Q56
Keywords: Environment, Trade Openness, Corruption, Sustainable
The second half of the twentieth century emerged with two important
concepts of the economic world. In the start of the second half,
economists, developmentalists, etc., introduced the idea of
"development", while; latter it was replaced by a more
meaningful and attractive term "sustainable development".
Sustainable development is defined as "balancing the fulfillment of
human needs with the protection of the natural environment so that these
needs can be met not only in the present, but also in the indefinite future" [Wikipedia (2007)]. Or "Sustainable development means
that pattern of development that permits future generations to live at
least as well as the current generation" [Todaro and Smith (2005)],
eighth edition]. The field of sustainable development can be
conceptually broken into four constituent parts: environmental
sustainability, economic sustainability, social sustainability and
political sustainability. Although, the word sustainable development is
very vast and deep, but the main emphasis of our study will be on
environmental sustainability.
Environmental sustainability means "the ability of the
environment to continue to function properly indefinitely"
[Wikipedia (2007)]. It means to fulfill the needs of present generation
without endangering the demands and desires of the future generations.
That is, we should satisfy our means as efficiently as possible but not
at the cost of our coming generations. "Unsustainable
situation" occurs when the natural capital (total sum of natural
resources) is used at a pace faster than it can be reproduced. Thus
sustainability requires that natural resources should be used at a rate
at which they can be replenished naturally. Difference between
sustainable and unsustainable situations can be cleared from the given
Table 1.
However, most of the countries generally and the third world
specifically have unsustainable mode of production. If these developing
countries have grow at this pace of un-sustainability, they will face a
very dark future for their coming generations. These hot debates
motivated us to conduct a study for LDCs and particularly for selected
South Asian countries including Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, and
Bangladesh. Because these countries have seen a lot of climatic changes
in the form of floods, heavy rainfalls, and rising temperature in the
last decade or two. In addition, weak institutions and high level of
corruption in these countries possess a great problem for economic
development and environmental improvement [Transparency International (2006)].
The objective of this study is to address the above-mentioned issue
of sustainability. That is, to explore the main economic, social, and
political factors that are responsible for environmental degradation in
the selected sample. Nevertheless, due to high level of integration and
globalisation, the importance of trade is increased manifold. In
today's globalise world, no one can live separately. One has to
compete with the world and enter the world market to survive. Most of
the traders support free trade for environmental improvement, while
environmentalists are highly critical to their viewpoint. To compare
different views about environmental protection is also one of the goals
of our analysis.
The paper proceeds as follow. Section 2 outlines a review of
important theoretical and empirical findings in previous studies on
corruption, trade, income, and environmental standards. In Section 3, we
discuss the data sets and construction of variables used in the
analysis. Section 4 presents the theoretical framework of the study. In
Section 5, we show our results in the context of the literature, while
Section 6 concludes.
Theoretical and empirical literature related to the field of
corruption, output, trade, and environmental stringency is already well
developed and comprehensive. Here, the reader is referred to some
important theoretical and empirical backgrounds of this issue. Some of
these studies are presented to show the impact of corruption, trade
liberalisation, and output level on the quality of environmental
Considers six indicators of ambient air and water pollution for 106
countries to find the impact of corruption on environmental degradation,
Welsch (2002) showed that even if corruption reduces pollution via its
effect on income, the direct effects of corruption invariably dominate
this indirect effect. While testing three predictions to explain the
relationship between trade liberalisation, corruption, and environmental
protection for a mix of 48 developed and developing countries, Damania,
et al. (2003) establish that firstly, corruption reduces the pollution
tax. Secondly, pollution tax in a protected sector is high if the level
of corruption is high; and pollution tax in an anti-protected sector is
high if the corruption level is low. Thirdly, high level of awareness
among consumers raises the pollution tax; while increase in corruption
distorts this behaviour. The study supports the first two predictions,
while the first part of third prediction rejected but accepts the second
An empirical analysis performs by Pellegrini (2003) to test the
relationship between corruption, economic development, and environmental
policy. The results confirm that institutions are relevant determinants
of the income level of countries. It also highlights that, if
environmental quality demand is increasing with income and sound
institutions foster economic development, institutional quality will
produce stricter environmental policies. Similar study conducted by
Pellegrini and Gerlagh (2006) for the enlarged EU to analyse a
statistically significant relationship between Corruption-Perception
Index and Environmental Regulatory Regime Index. It also observed that
corruption level is a more important determinant of environmental
deterioration than income level per capita. In a related literature,
Pellegrini and Gerlagh (2006) study the impact of democracy and
corruption on environmental quality. The results of the study show that
the corruption variable has sizeable statistically significant negative
effects on environmental policy. However, democracy when used with
corruption declines its size and significant, but its impact is still
The relationship between corruption and environment is also
examined by Cole (2007). Both the direct and indirect effects of
corruption on environmental regulations were investigated. The direct
effects of corruption on environment are positive, while the indirect
effects are highly significant and negative. However, the net impact of
corruption on air pollution is negative.
Grossman and Krueger (1991) were the first to develop the idea of
Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC); that there exists some relationship
between output level and environmental quality. This relationship was
called an inverted U-shaped EKC. Related to this issue, Zarzoso and
Morancho (2004) present an empirical estimate for a panel of 22 OECD countries. Their results point to the existence of an N-shaped EKC for
the majority of the countries under analysis. Khana and Plassmann (2004)
perform a research that favours EKC for USA for the period 1990. The
study suggests that even high-income households in the USA have not yet
reached the income level at which their demand for better environmental
quality is high enough to cause the income-pollution relationship to
turn downwards for all the pollutants that have analysed. However,
Deacon and Norman (2004) get the proofs for EKC within individual
countries. Actually its objective is to discover whether this hypothesis
is valid for individual countries of different level of income and
development. The study shows that most of the observed patterns could
easily have occurred by chance.
Works on the possible theoretical explanation for the EKC in the
framework of endogenous growth model, Dinda (2005) suggests that each
country should allocate one part of their capital for abatement
activity. The model also explains that environmental degradation
continues at early stage because of insufficient investment for
abatement activity, but in later stage, sufficient investment prevents
further degradation of environmental quality. The dynamic relationship
between EKC and degree of corruption is investigated by Leitao (2006).
The study confirms the existence of an inverted U-shaped relationship
between per capita sulfur emissions and income.
In the present world, every economy has an access to the
international market. It can integrate to import various inputs from
around the globe to produce more efficiently. The reality of this
globalisation is an increasingly inter-reliant world. So, as the
economic world grows, free trade has become an essential for it.
However, researchers concerns have been directed towards sustainable
development rather than development.
Beghin, et al. (1999) investigates the linkages between trade
integration, environmental degradation and public health. It explains
that opening to world markets bring on a sizeable aggravation of
pollution emissions. Similar results were also derived by Abler, et al.
(1999) who examine the environmental impacts of trade liberalisation in
Costa Rica in a CGE model. It investigate out that the impacts of trade
liberalisation on the environmental indicators are generally negative in
sign but small or moderate in magnitude, both when technology is
constant and when technology is allowed to vary.
Grether, et al. (2007) investigate the decomposition of worldwide
S[O.sub.2] emissions from period 1990 to 2000. Adding up the effects of
technology, scale, and decomposition leaves with a total decrease in
S[O.sub.2] emissions of 10 percent from 1990 to 2000. Its conclusion is
that, the opening up to trade leads to an increase of roughly 10 percent
in emissions in 1990 while the corresponding increase is much smaller in
2000 (3.5 percent). This idea was also supported by Birdsall and Wheeler
(1992) that investigates that with trade liberalisation, higher
environmental standards of industrialised countries are
"imported" to developing countries: more open-economy
experienced faster growth in clean industries. However, Antweiler, et
al. (1998) performs the most comprehensive study in this literature. It
also builds up the theoretical linkages of trade with environment and
constructs a reduced form equation that relates the three effects of
trade to pollution emissions. It also suggests the positive effect of
trade on environment.
The key independent variables of our study (trade openness,
corruption, and income level) will be used to tests the interactions
among institutions, economic growth and public policies. The
institutional variable, i.e., corruption is constructed by International
Country Risk Guide's (ICRG), a popular index for corruption in
government affairs. The score of this index ranges from 0 to 6; lower
scores indicate greater likelihood for government officials to demand
special payments and/or bribes connected with import and export
licenses, exchange controls, tax assessments, policy protection and
loans. The data for corruption level is available from 1983-2006 for mix
of both developed and developing countries.
We use four different measures of trade policy (i.e., for openness)
to test the robustness of our results, because this approach is adopted
by many researchers in their studies [for example, Damania, et al.
(2003), and Bandyopadhyay and Roy (2006)]. These measures are: (i) Total
amount of trade as a ratio of GDP, (ii) Taxes on international trade
collected as proportion of total revenue, (iii) Import duties as a
percentage of tax revenue, and (iv) Export duties as percent of tax
revenue. The other important control variables are GDP, [GDP.sup.2], and
the two interaction terms of corruption with openness and GDP. Other
than the corruption variables, the rest of the data have been obtained
from the World Development Indicators (2007) of the World Bank for
various years. Due to the unavailability of corruption data, we arrive
at balanced panel of 4 selected South Asian countries (Pakistan, India,
Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka) over the time period 1984-2003.
There are different indexes available to measure environmental
protection, stringency, and quality. Indexes like environmental
protection stringency index, environmental regulatory regime index,
environmental sustainability index, etc., [Pellegrini and Gerlagh (2006)
and Pellegrini and Gerlagh (2006)) are very common in this respect. But
most of these indexes were constructed for European Union. However, we
consider emission of C[O.sub.2] and S[O.sub.2] as proxies for
environmental protection, stringency, deterioration, quality, and
standard. Due to their increasing effects on global warming in the
second half of the twentieth century, most of the researchers are going
to use these emissions as their indicators for environmental standard
[Welsch (2002); Zarzoso and Morancho (2004); Cole (2007) and Grether, et
al. (2007)]. World Development Indicators (WDI) is our main source of
data for the emission of C[O.sub.2]; however data on S[O.sub.2] is
collected from Frontier Research Center for Global Change (FRCGC).
We follow the model developed by [Damania, et al. (2003)] for our
analysis. Their work mainly focuses on the interaction effect between
corruption and trade openness on environmental policy stringency for a
mix of 48 developed and developing countries. However, our study is an
extension in the sense that we analyse this interaction effect for
selected South Asian countries for the period 1984-2003.
4.1. The Model
We consider a small open economy with two perfectly competitive
(1) The numeraire sector produces good z, and
(2) The polluting sector produces good x.
There are four types of agents in the economy: consumers with and
without environmental concerns, producers, and the government. There are
N consumers, out of which a share 0<[gamma]<1 suffer disutility from pollution. The fraction y is assumed to reflect the demand for
environmental quality amongst consumers. The utility of consumers with
environmental concerns is given by
U = z + u (x) - [theta]X (1.1)
Whereas consumers with out environmental concerns have utility
given by
U = z + u (x) (1.2)
Where z and x are consumption of the numeraire good and good x,
respectively. [theta]X is the total damage from pollution where [theta]
is the per-unit damage function, X is the total domestic output of good
x, and u(x) is a utility function.
Trade policies may be of two types, either "protective"
or "anti-protective". Our analysis applies to the case where
the protected or anti-protected sector is polluting in production. Trade
policy is assumed to be determined by multilateral negotiations over
which this small country has negligible influence. Let [p.sup.*] be the
world market price of good x; consumers' domestic price is given by
P = (l+[tau])[p.sup.*] if the sector is import competing, and p =
(1+s)[p.sup.*] if it is exporting. But here, we focus primarily on the
former one.
Since production of good x results in local pollution, the
government attempts to control emissions by levying an emissions tax, t
[[??]TcR.sub.+], per unit of pollution. Rewards to the sector-specific
factor are denoted as [pi]([P.sup.N]). By Hotelling's Lemma, total
output of the polluting good is given by X ([P.sup.N])= [partial
derivative][pi] ([P.sup.N]) / [partial derivative][P.sup.N].
FOC with respect to abatement is
[partial derivative][pi]([P.sup.N]) / [partial derivative]A = -X(t
[partial derivative][theta] / [partial derivative]A + 1) = 0, (2)
Import volume of good x equal to
M([P.sup.N]) = Nd(P)-X([P.sup.N]) (3)
The net revenue accruing to the government from the emission tax
and tariffs is thus equal to r(t,[tau]) = [tau][p.sup.*] M([P.sup.N]) +
t[theta]x([P.sup.N]). Since rewards to the owners of the sector-specific
factor depend on the trade policy and the pollution tax, they have an
incentive to lobby the government for more favourable policies. But,
since the trade policy is assumed exogenously determined in multilateral
negotiations, lobbying is focused only on the pollution tax rate.
4.2. The Political Equilibrium
This section examines how bribery by the lobby affects the
political equilibrium pollution tax. This process is proceeding as
follows. In the first period, the producer lobby group offers the
government a bribe schedule, S(t), which is contingent on the
environmental policy stance of the government. In the subsequent period,
the government determines its optimal environmental policy, and collects
the associated bribe. Finally, firms determine production and abatement
levels taking the tariff and environmental policy as given. Since the
organised producer lobby contains few individuals, and thus has a
utility function given by
v(t,[tau]) = [pi]([P.sup.N]) (4)
The government is assumed to maximise a weighted sum of the bribe
received and social welfare equal to
G(t,[tau]) = S(t) + [alpha]W(t,[tau]) (5)
Where W(t,[tau]) is aggregate social welfare and [alpha] >0 is
the weight given by the government to" social welfare relative to
the bribe, et represents the government's willingness to set
policies that deviates from the welfare maximising level in return for
bribes, and therefore is a useful measure of the level of corruption.
Aggregate social welfare is given by the sum of factor rewards, labour
income, consumer surplus, tariff and pollution tax revenues, minus the
damage from pollution:
W(t,[tau]) = [pi]([P.sup.N]) + L + NC(P) + r(t,[tau]) -
[gamma]N[theta]X([P.sup.N]), (6)
From the first order condition for (6), the welfare maximising
pollution tax is given by
Where the second term is positive. Note that with [tau] > 0, the
second-best tax rate [t.sup.w] is set above the marginal disutility from
pollution, given by [gamma]N. We assume that [[partial
derivative].sup.2] W(t,[tau])/ [partial derivative][t.sup.2]<0.
The Nash equilibrium pollution tax, [t.sup.*], can be found using
the following two necessary conditions:
[t.sup.*] = arg [max.sub.t], [S.sup.*](t) + [alpha] W(t,[tau]) on
T, (C1)
[t.sup.*] = arg [max.sub.t] [V(t,[tau]) - [S.sup.*](t)] +
[[S.sup.*](t) + [alpha] W(t,[tau])] on T. (C2)
Condition (C1) requires that the equilibrium policy, [t.sup.*],
maximises the government's utility function, while by (C2) the tax
also maximises the joint utility of the lobby and the government. The
equilibrium characterisation is found by taking the first-order
conditions of (C1) and (C2),
[partial derivative][S.sup.*](t.sup.*) / [partial derivative]t +
[partial derivative] [partial derivative]W ([t.sup.*],[tau]) / [partial
derivative]t = 0, and (8)
[partial derivative]V([t.sup.*],[tau]) / [partial derivative]t -
[partial derivative][S.sup.*] / [partial derivative]t + [partial
derivative][S.sup.*] / [partial derivative]t + [alpha] [partial
derivative][S.sup.*] / [partial derivative]W([t.sup.*],[tau]) / [partial
derivative]t = 0. (9)
Substituting (8) into (9) yields
[partial derivative]V([t.sup.*],[tau]) / [partial derivative]t =
[partial derivative][S.sup.*](t.sup.*) / [partial derivative]t, (10)
The characterisation of the equilibrium pollution tax is found by
substituting condition (10) into (8), which yields
[partial derivative]G / [partial derivative]t = [partial
derivative]V([t.sup.*],[tau]) / [partial derivative]t + [alpha] [partial
derivative]W([t.sup.*],[tau]) / [partial derivative]t = 0. (11)
In equilibrium, the government trades off bribe and social welfare
at a rate of [alpha]. Expanding terms in (11) (using (4) and (6)) yields
Note from (12) that the political equilibrium tax must be lower
than under welfare maximisation. To see this, observe that term A is
negative, hence term B must be positive which from (7) requires t <
[t.sup.w] Note also that for sufficiently small[tau], t < [gamma]N.
We make the following assumption regarding the tax rate.
Assumption. The political equilibrium pollution tax rate is
sufficiently small such that t < [gamma] N.
4.3. Model Specification
In this section, we study the effects of corruption, environmental
concerns, and trade liberalisation on the politically determined
pollution taxes and in particular their interaction effects.
Prediction 1. In the political equilibrium, corruption reduces the
pollution tax. Proof. Totally differentiate (12) and rearrange:
The sign follows from (a) the assumption that [[partial
derivative].sup.2]G/[partial derivative][t.sup.2]<0, and (b) from
(12) we know that the numerator is positive (t<[t.sup.w]).
Prediction 2. In the political equilibrium, trade liberalisation:
(i) Increases (decreases) the pollution tax in a protected sector
if the level of corruption is high (low);
(ii) Increases (decreases) the pollution tax in an anti-protected
sector if the level of corruption is low (high).
Proof. Totally differentiate (12) and yields
Where the denominator is negative by assumption. The sign of the
numerator depends on the relative size of terms A and B, which are
positive under assumption 1: (a) it follows that as corruption increases
(14) becomes negative since term A dominates and vice-versa. Hence, for
sufficiently low (high) [alpha] trade liberalisation in a protected
sector always increases (decreases) the pollution tax. That is,
an anti-protected sector the trade policy instrument has a negative sign
([tau]<0, s<0), trade liberalisation implies an increase in the
parameter value, and the sign of (14) is reversed in this case.
Trade openness affects the pollution tax through two channels. On
one hand, trade openness reduces output in the polluting sector. Due to
low production, the marginal benefits from corruption fall, which induce
the bribe offer to declines. Hence, the pollution tax rises through this
channel (term A). On the other hand, if the existing level of corruption
is low and an open policy is implemented, the result will be reversed
(term B).
Prediction 3. In the political equilibrium,
(i) An increase in the share of the consumers with environmental
concerns raises the pollution tax, and
(ii) The effect disappears as corruption increases.
Proof. Totally differentiate (12) and rearrange:
The denominator and the numerator are unambiguously negative. The
greater the share of the population suffering disutility from pollution,
the greater the equilibrium pollution taxes. However, this effect on
disutility from pollution only translates into policy changes to the
extent that welfare matters to the government.
Thus our main equation for regression is as follow:
Emissions of C[O.sub.2] and S[O.sub.2] = [[alpha].sub.0] +
[[alpha].sub.1]Openness + [[alpha].sub.2]Corruption + [[alpha].sub.0]GDP
+ [[alpha].sub.0][GDP.sup.2] + [[alpha].sub.5][Corruption.sup.*]Openness
+ [[alpha].sub.6][Corruption.sup.*]GDP + e
Here, we present the results of our estimation in detail. FIXED
EFFECTS MODEL is used to estimate the impact of trade liberalisation,
corruption and GDP on the stringency of environmental policies. We
consider C[O.sub.2] as a dependent variable and perform some essential
tests. The increased level of emissions of these gases (C[O.sub.2] and
S[O.sub.2]) (1) in the last decade or two, leads economists and
environmentalists to increase their focus of research on these two
chemicals [Grether, et al. (2007); Cole (2007); Zarzoso and Morancho
5.1. C[O.sub.2] as a Measure of Environmental Protection
Table 2 summarises the findings of regressions when C[O.sub.2] is
used as a proxy for environmental quality. To study the impact of
openness on CO,_ emissions, the given table shows four different
variables that were used as indicators of free economy; namely, trade,
taxes on international trade, import and export tariffs. Eight separate
regressions were run to test the robustness of the different openness
proxies as well as of interaction terms.
5.1.1. Trade as a Measure of Openness
The first and second columns of Table 2 show the estimates from the
regression model when trade is considered as a measure of openness. The
empirical results in these two columns provide co-efficient estimates
that are consistent with the theory and statistically significant at the
p<0.05 level, which is associated with decrease in C[O.sub.2]
emissions, signalling an increase in environmental protection. This
finding suggests that as an economy becomes more open, it tends to have
stringent environmental standards, which are also consistent with the
results of Grether, et al. (2007). There are two ways through which
openness affect the environmental quality. Firstly, its direct impact on
C[O.sub.2] emissions and the second one is through as an interaction
term with corruption ([corruption.sup.*] openness). The total impact of
trade on environmental quality at the sample mean of corruption =
[partial derivative] C[O.sub.2]/[partial derivative] Trade=
-0.008+0.001(2.26) = -0.00574 (first column). This estimate suggests
that as the volume of trade increases by one standard deviation (about
0.10), the level of C[O.sub.2] emission decreases by 0.00574 metric tons
per capita. Result like this was also studied by Ferrantino (1997). It
means that openness have a significant positive impact on environmental
The effects of corruption on pollution level (C[O.sub.2] emissions)
indicates that as the corruption index increases (corruption level
falls) by one standard deviation point, C[O.sub.2] emissions decreased
by 0.035 metric tons per capita as indicated by the significance of the
corruption co-efficient at p<0.05 level. The results suggest that
corruption level has a greater absolute impact on environmental
protection as compared to openness, which is also analysed by Damania,
et al. (2003), Pellegrini and Gerlagh (2006). Nevertheless, its total
impact depends on its direct effects and its interaction effects with
openness, C[O.sub.2]/[partial derivative]Corruption= -0.035+0.001(38.22)
=0.0032 (first column), a one unit increase of corruption index is
associated with decrease of 0.0032 per capita metric tons of C[O.sub.2].
The sign and significance of the GDP and [GDP.sup.2] (p<0.05)
confirms the inverted U-shaped Environmental Kuntz Curve (EKC), that was
also tested by Deacon and Norman (2004), and Khana and Plassman (2004)
in their studies. This EKC relationship is not workable if an economy
faces high level of corruption, that was also highlight by Leitao (2006)
and Welsh (2002) in their researches. The statistically significant
coefficient of the interaction variable [corruption.sup.*]GDP (p <
0.05 level) in the second column confirms the theory that people demand
for environmental quality increases as their income level rises, but
this income effect is offset by high level of corruption in the economy.
The estimates of another interaction term
[corruption.sup.*]openness is also highly significant at the p<0.05
level support the results of the theoretical model. The sign of this
interaction effect is positive shows that as the level of corruption
raises, the impact of trade on the stringency of the environmental
regulations increases. The interaction coefficient also provides a sense
of the effects of governmental corruption level under different trade
regimes that was also deliberate by Damania, et al. (2003). The impact
of corruption level on pollution is high relatively in closed economies,
which is consistent with theory that corruption and protection are
complements in the creation of environmental policy distortions.
5.1.2. Taxes as a Measure of Openness
The third and fourth columns in Table 2 represent regression
results for a model when tax on international trade considered as an
indicator for openness. In these regression estimates, the co-efficient
of corruption, GDP, and of the both interaction terms are statistically
significant, which support the theoretical arguments of the model.
However, the coefficient of openness variable is small and statistically
insignificant; indicate that tax measure should be using with caution
while performing such study. Because in all LDCs including our sample,
data on taxes have more biased-ness in reporting and collection as
compared to trade.
5.1.3. Import Duties as a Measure of Openness
The sign and statistical significance of the interaction variables
as well as the idea of EKC are supported by the result of the
regressions present in columns 5 and 6 of Table 2, when import duties
are used as a liberalisation measure. The corruption coefficient is
significant in one of the two regressions, signalling that highly
corrupt countries have less stringent pollution policies. The
coefficient of [corruption.sup.*]openness is negative, implying the
effect of import duties on C[O.sub.2] emissions decreases as the value
of the corruption index increases (i.e., corruption falls). The sign of
the interaction effect is consistent across regression models and
implies that distorted trade policies increase the influence of
corruption on environmental policy.
5.1.4. Export Duties as a Measure of Openness
As the value of export duties is diminishing in such a globalise
world, but we consider it here to check the robustness of our results.
Most of the estimators in columns 7 and 8 of Table 2 are significant
except a few one. These results further support the theory of the model.
Export duties on trade confirm the sign of all parameters including
interaction estimators.
To transform theory and empirical statistics into policy
implications, policy makers should consider the dynamic, complex, and
technical relationships that exist in an open economy. Our objective is
to analyse these technical relationships for selected South Asian
6.1. Conclusions
As the impacts of trade and corruption on environmental standards
are dynamic and technical in an open economy, most of the literature on
trade and environment did not give much importance in the past as they
are doing in the present. Due to increased importance of corruption in
most of the LDC's economies in the recent past, current researchers
have diverted their attention to study this side of the environmental
Our findings show that there are positive effects of trade on
environmental quality. It suggests that countries with more open trade
regimes have stringent environmental policies and low level of
emissions. Open economies may lead to import cleaner technologies and
divert production from dirty to clean sectors and industries. However,
the estimates suggest that these impacts are conditional upon on the
level of governmental corruption. The interaction variable
[corruption.sup.*]openness indicates that in a protected sector, the
impact of trade liberalisation on environmental standards increases if
the level of corruption is high while in anti-protected economy these
effects become reversed. It means that corruption and close economies
act like a complements for environmental policy distortions (high
emissions of chemicals).
Institutional variable like corruption have negative impact on
environmental protection. Its absolute value is higher than that of the
estimator of openness in all-alternative specifications. Therefore,
authorities should give more emphasis on institutions to correct the
distortions. Moreover, the reduction in corruption has a greater effect
on environmental policy in relatively closed economies.
The results of our analysis also reveal that environmental quality
is a normal good, i.e., its demand increases with increase in income.
Our study supports this view of environmental quality demand. But like
trade, this outcome of income on environmental protection also depends
on the level of corruption in the economy. The interaction effect
[corruption.sup.*]GDP outlines that corruption distorts people's
preferences to optimal policy formation. All this shows that the idea of
EKC depends on the level of corruption in the economy or it is not
necessary that every country should follow the path of Kuznets curve in
their emissions.
In short, the effects of trade and output-level on environmental
protection depend on the level of government honesty in the economy.
Therefore, care should be observed while performing such studies in much
complicated societies and economies.
6.2. Policy Implications
Several policy implications emerge from our analysis. Firstly,
trade liberalisation reduces environmental emissions of C[O.sub.2] and
S[O.sub.2] in all sectors of the economy by increasing the stringency of
environmental policy. Policy makers should try to open their borders as
quickly as possible to gain from double dividend of trade, i.e., high
level of consumer and producer goods and clean and healthy environment.
It is also a guide for environmentalists who believe that trade distorts
environmental standards. Environmentalists should also design policies
and pursue the authorities that trade liberalisation have more benefits
to the society as compared to its costs.
However, policy makers should also keep an eye on other important
variables, institutions and factors, (like corruption, democracy, etc.,)
which exploit and distorts this positive relationship. That is, they
should consider the effects of corruption in the economy while drawing
any conclusions and making any welfare policy regarded to environmental
protectionism, because the level of corruption in our sample area
negatively affects these impacts of openness on emissions. Another
important policy implication is that the level of governmental
corruption in the economy also violates environmental protection demand.
It shows that people's demand for environmental protection is not
converted to optimal policy making. Therefore the authority should
consider and keep an eye on their institutions while making any welfare
directed policy.
Appendix Table 1
Determinants of S[O.sub.2] Regression
Estimations for Pooled Data
Different Measures of Openness
Openness -8.64E-05 *** -4.74E-05 ***
(-4.9) (-3.6)
Corruption -0.000308 *** -0.000584 ***
(-2.9) (-3.95)
GDP 1.40E-05 *** 1.11E-05 ***
(5.4) (5.02)
[GDP.sup.2] -3.71E-09 * -5.27E-09 **
(-1.86) (-2.5)
Corruption * 1.56E-05 ***
Openness (3.78)
Corruption * 1.84E-06 ***
GDP (4.35)
F-statistic 600 *** 764 ***
[R.sup.2] 0.9 0.9
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.85 0.83
Country BGD -0.001 BGD -0.001
Specific IND 0.002 IND 0.002
Coefficients PAK 0.003 PAK 0.003
SLK -0.001 SLK -0.001
Different Measures of Openness
Openness 2.30E-05 2.52E-05 *
(1.47) (1.7)
Corruption -0.000752 *** -0.000809 ***
(-3.4) (1.7)
GDP 7.87E-06 *** 5.49E-06 ***
(4.59) (3.5)
[GDP.sup.2] -2.88E-09 -4.42E-09 **
(-l.5) (-2.4)
Corruption * -3.29E-05 ***
Openness (-4.02)
Corruption * 2.07E-06 ***
GDP (4.7)
F-statistic 1123 *** 1635 ***
[R.sup.2] 0.9 0.9
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.86 0.85
Country BGD -0.001 BGD 0.002
Specific IND 0.002 IND 0.004
Coefficients PAK 0.003 PAK 0.005
SLK -0.001 SLK -0.002
Different Measures of Openness
Import Duties
Openness 7.40E-06 -3.29E-06
(0.4) (-0.6)
Corruption 0.000928 -0.000326 **
(1.4) (-2.1)
GDP 5.61E-06 *** 3.37E-06 **
(3.2) (2.3)
[GDP.sup.2] -1.22E-09 -2.93E-09 *
(-0.8) (-1.7)
Corruption * -3.16E-05 ***
Openness (-3.8)
Corruption * 1.85E-06 ***
GDP (4.8)
F-statistic 654 *** 908 ***
[R.sup.2] 0.9 0.9
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.84 0.87
Country BGD -0.001 BGD 0.001
Specific IND 0.003 IND 0.005
Coefficients PAK 0.004 PAK 0.007
SLK -0.001 SLK 0.001
Different Measures of Openness
Export Duties
Openness 0.000663 7.05E-05 ***
(1.3) (3.8)
Corruption 6.58E-05 -0.000526 ***
(0.7) (-3.7)
GDP 6.80E-06 *** 5.08E-06 ***
(4.4) (3.9)
[GDP.sup.2] -2.25E-09 * -8.12E-11
(1.7) (-0.05)
Corruption * -0.000198
Openness (-1.23)
Corruption * 1.33E-06 ***
GDP (3.8)
F-statistic 1117 *** 1426 ***
[R.sup.2] 0.9 0.9
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.83 0.88
Country BGD -0.001 BGD -0.0008
Specific IND 0.002 IND 0.003
Coefficients PAK 0.002 PAK 0.004
SLK -0.003 SLK -0.002
Note: Absolute value of t-statistics in parenthesis beneath
coefficients estimates, ***, **, and * indicate that the coefficients
are significant at 1 percent, 5 percent, and 10 percent level of
significance respectively.
GLS, Fixed Effects Model (Dependent Variable = metric tons per
capita of [So.sub.2] emissions).
Model type is based on which openness measure is used in
the regression.
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(1) We have also considered S[O.sub.2] as an indicator of
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Faiz-Ur-Rehman <
[email protected]> and Mohammad Nasir
[email protected]> are both students and Amanat Ali <
[email protected]> is Lecturer at the Department of Economics,
Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad.
Table 1
Differences between Sustainable and Unsustainable Environment
Consumption of State of Environment Sustainability
Renewable Resources
More than nature's Environmental Not sustainable
ability to replenish degradation
Equal to nature's Environmental Steady-state
ability to replenish equilibrium sustainability
Less than nature's Environmental Sustainable
ability to replenish renewal development
Source: Wikipedia (2007).
Table 2
Determinants of C[O.sub.2] Regression
Estimations for Pooled Data
Different Measures of Openness
Openness -0.008 *** -0.005 ***
(-7.05) (-0.24)
Corruption -0.035 *** -0.05 ***
(-3.06) (-3.37)
GDP 0.003 *** 0.0033 ***
(15.84) (16.4)
[GDP.sup.2] -0.000001 *** -0.000001 ***
(-8.4) (-8.2)
Corruption * 0.001 ***
Openness (3.2)
Corruption * 0.0001 ***
GDP (3.34)
F-statistic 2958.859 *** 2692.826 ***
[R.sup.2] 0.9 0.9
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.85 0.84
Country BGD -0.53 BGD -0.53
Specific IND 0.061 IND 0.06
Coefficients PAK -0.31 PAK -0.31
SLK -0.80 SLK -0.78
Different Measures of Openness
Openness 0.001 -0.0001
(0.85) (-0.5)
Corruption 0.02 -0.05 ***
(1.45) (-4.47)
GDP 0.002 *** 0.002 ***
(11.3) (12.0)
[GDP.sup.2] -6.21E-07 ** -1.67E-06 ***
(-2.3) (-6.9)
Corruption * -0.001 **
Openness (-1.9)
Corruption * 0.0001 ***
GDP (3.7)
F-statistic 807.7950 *** 752.2259 ***
[R.sup.2] 0.9 0.9
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.84 0.81
Country BGD -0.30 BGD -0.3
Specific IND 0.40 IND 0.3
Coefficients PAK 0.003 PAK -0.09
SLK -0.57 SLK -0.65
Different Measures of Openness
Import Duties
Openness 0.0001 -0.0003
(0.1) (-0.36)
Corruption 0.01 -0.06 ***
(0.4) (-4.09)
GDP 0.001 *** 0.002 ***
(5.6) (12.4)
[GDP.sup.2] -5.03E-07 * -1.54E-06 ***
(-1.76) (-6.7)
Corruption * -0.002 ***
Openness (-2.7)
Corruption * 0.0001 ***
GDP (3.4)
F-statistic 758.726888 753.3427 ***
[R.sup.2] 0.9 0.9
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.86 0.8
Country BGD -0.2 BGD -0.34
Specific IND 0.4 IND -0.32
Coefficients PAK 0.01 PAK -0.O8
SLK -0.5 SLK -0.67
Different Measures of Openness
Export Duties
Openness -0.002 0.009 ***
(-0.05) (4.49)
Corruption -0.014 * -0.05 ***
(-1.67) (-3.28)
GDP 0.002 *** 0.002 ***
(11.2) (13.6)
[GDP.sup.2] -9.69E-07 *** -1.30E-06 ***
(-5.01) (-0.1)
Corruption * 0.003
Openness (0.32)
Corruption * 0.0001 ***
GDP (2.63)
F-statistic 1129.993 *** 1160.893 ***
[R.sup.2] 0.9 0.9
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.82 0.9
Country BGD -0.51 BGD -0.5
Specific IND 0.13 IND 0.1
Coefficients PAK -0.30 PAK -0.2
SLK -0.9 SLK -0.9
Note: Absolute value of t-statistics in parenthesis beneath
coefficients estimates, ***, **, and * indicate that the coefficients
are significant at 1 percent, 5 percent, and 10 percent level of
significance respectively.
GLS, Fixed Effects Model (Dependent Variable = metric tons per capita
of [So.sub.2] emissions).
Model type is based on which openness measure is used in the