Self-reported symptoms of reproductive tract infections: the question of accuracy and meaning.
Verbal surveys are the most common way of gauging any
population's health status, but questions remain regarding the
accuracy of the responses they elicit. The present paper compares
women's self-reports regarding their experiences with reproductive
tract infections (RTIs) and the medical diagnosis that they went through
to ascertain the presence or otherwise of the infections. Weak
concordance was found between women's self-reports and the medical
diagnosis, with the former over-representing the presence of infections.
Some of the self-reported symptoms were pathogenic in nature, as
represented by the true positive reports, but the majority of the
self-reports were false positives when compared to medical diagnosis.
The conventional health surveys, relying solely on verbal responses,
thus, do not essentially represent the actual health situation of a
population studied, and any policy intervention formulated exclusively
on this information would be flawed. There is a need to understand the
non-medical context of illnesses to understand the disease fully.
JEL classification: 1000, 1190
Keywords: Health, Reproductive Health, Health Surveys'
Many developing countries are devising means to improve collection
of information regarding health by strengthening surveys, censuses and
registration systems. Such surveys are used to identify health problems,
estimate prevalence, determinants and distribution of health issues, and
study possible trends in the health status of the population. The aim is
to develop means to provide low-cost, valid, reliable and comparable
information regarding health, and to build the base to monitor health
systems. These surveys and censuses also provide policy-makers the
evidence to formulate and adjust their strategies as the situation
Ever since reproductive health, especially women's
reproductive health, was elevated in the agenda of governments
throughout the world after the International Conference on Population
and Development (ICPD) in Cairo, 1994, countless surveys on the topic
have taken place. Measuring morbidity in a community, including
reproductive morbidity, through interview questionnaire seems to be the
cheapest and most practical way, but there is a difference between
incurring a lower cost and being cost-effective. The latter quality
largely depends on how valid the responses are when compared to the most
thorough medical examination. The question of being cost-effective also
arises in using alternative medical techniques. Thus, validity and cost
are the two main concerns in evaluating the accuracy of women's
reports of their disease conditions obtained in verbal surveys to that
derived from medical examination.
Among all the issues confronting women's reproductive health,
reproductive tract infections (RTIs) have gained much attention after an
association was established between these infections and HIV/AIDS. The
key components of reproductive health, as envisaged by the ICPD 1994 and
later by the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing (1995), and the
+5 conferences held in 1999 and 2000, include maternal mortality and
morbidity, perinatal mortality and morbidity, abortion and post-abortion
care, and contraceptive use, infertility and female genital mutilation,
and all these factors are linked to RTIs in one way or another (1)
making them an area of much interest.
The interest of the present paper is not just to compare
information provided by women, expressed in reports of current
experiences regarding RTI related symptoms, with the medical examination
but to also compare two medical procedures, that is clinical and
aetiological diagnoses. This gives us the opportunity to assess the WHO
recommended syndromic approach to identify and manage reproductive tract
infections in resource poor environments, as prevalent in low and
middle-income countries, like Pakistan. Most studies have found rather
poor concordance between these three diagnostic approaches, including
those done by Walraven, et al. (2005), Desai, et al. (2003), Remez
(2003), Bhatia and Cleland (2000), Kaufman, et al. (1999), Hawkes, et
al. (1999), Filippi, et al. (1997), Zurayk, et al. (1995), Klitsch
(2000), Sloan, et al. (2000) and Garg, et al. (2001). The low level of
agreement found in these studies are attributed to lack of clarity in
the diagnostic criteria, asymptomatic nature of some infections leading
to no clinical signs, and cultural perceptions of women regarding
gynaecological health.
The present paper, thus:
(1) Critically assesses the validity of self-reports obtained in
verbal surveys with medical diagnoses, that is clinical examination
based on the WHO's syndromic approach, and aetiological diagnosis.
(2) Evaluates the consistency of clinical diagnosis against
aetiological diagnosis, with the first being cheaper and the latter
considered to be a more reliable and accurate way of diagnosing the
presence or otherwise of an infection. This is important for the sake of
policy formulation regarding health delivery.
(3) Explores the meaning of self reports, especially in instances
when they are not found to be in concordance with medical diagnoses.
The paper is part of a larger study, Rawalpindi Reproductive Tract
Study 2001-2002 [RRTIS (2001-2002)], conducted, as the name implies, in
the city of Rawalpindi, Pakistan. The acceptable size of the sample for
a survey to estimate the prevalence of any disease/infection depends
upon: the expected prevalence of the disease in the population from the
available evidence; the degree of precision wanted in the estimate; and
whether a time trend is to be monitored or not [WHO (2000); de Vaus
(1995)]. A large sample size is needed if: higher precision is required;
there is an intention to study the trend over time; and if the expected
prevalence is low. For an acceptable sample size for the present study,
calculations were based on the existing evidence of RTI prevalence rates
as found by laboratory diagnosis. Available evidence shows RTI
prevalence rates, for the laboratory based studies, to range from [+ or
-] percent to [+ or -] 15 percent [NACP (2002); Wasti, et al. (1997);
Karachi Reproductive Health Project (1997); Mohammad, et al. (1997)].
Following the WHO guidelines, a sample size of 385 is acceptable for a
similar prevalence rate, with 95 percent degree of confidence and a
precision of [+ or -] 3 percent. Using this as the base, a sample of 500
households was decided upon for the study, keeping in mind the probable
refusal rate for the medical part of the study and the budgetary
Based on the economic status of the households, a representative
sample of 500 households was drawn using 25 primary sampling units
(PSUs) of the Federal Bureau of Statistics (FBS), which is 20 households
from each PSU. Of these 500 households 508 women were found eligible for
the study, of which 311 women gave consent for medical part of the
study. (2) For eligibility, women were to: be aged between 15 to 49
years old; be currently married; and have their husbands living with
them. With the median age of marriage in urban Pakistan hovering around
19 years [PFFPS (1998)], inclusion of young females aged 15-19 years was
a logical choice. Being currently married was of significance because if
women were not in a union, they were unlikely to be sexually active or
using contraceptives, which were factors of interest to this study.
Similar reasons led to the decision to include only those women whose
husbands were living with them at the time of the study.
The sub-sample, comprising women who consented for the medical
component of the study, was compared with the total sample to gauge any
biases that might have crept in the selection. In many instances, no
difference existed, while for others the difference generally remained
in the range of 1-5 percent. Differences, however, were found in the
proportions of the economic groups and the number of symptoms reported
by women. The sub-sample has a 10 percent under-representation of women
from the upper economic group. Similarly, women who did not report any
symptoms were underrepresented by 10 percent over women reporting more
symptoms. Details of differences in background characteristics between
women in the total sample and the sub-sample consenting for medical
examination can be seen in Annex II.
For a holistic approach to the issues under study three tools were
used for the collection of data. These were: administering a
questionnaire; having a clinical examination based on the algorithms
defined by the WHO in the Syndromic Approach; and finally to have an
aetiological diagnosis to ascertain the presence or otherwise of any
infection. An open-ended questionnaire was developed for the study
inquiring about women's: social and economic characteristics;
obstetric and gynaecological history; contraceptive history; hygiene
practices, including menstrual hygiene; health status; knowledge
regarding RTIs; experience of RTI symptoms including their frequency,
duration and severity; health seeking behaviour; inter-spousal
communication; and autonomy status. (3)
The clinical examination, based on the WHO recommended Syndromic
Approach was the first step of the medical investigation regarding RTIs.
This approach is based on identification of syndromes, which are a
combination of symptoms, reported by the client, and signs, observed
during clinical diagnosis, following the algorithms given by the WHO.
Respondents were examined in a private space, where the bed was further
shielded by a curtain. Except for the doctor, (4) and the nurse helping
her, no one else had access to that part of room while the examinations
were carried out. The examination included:
* Inspection of the genitals.
* Abdominal and bimanual exam.
* Pelvic exam.
* Collection of samples for aetiological diagnosis.
Samples for the aetiological diagnosis, taken from the respondents
during the clinical examination, were clearly marked by the
respondent's code number, her age, and the date the sample was
taken. Her name was not written on the sample containers for
confidentiality purposes. Samples were transported immediately to the
laboratory as the clinical examinations were conducted in the same
premises. It reduced the time and expenditure involved to transport the
samples in a bio-safe manner and an appropriate environment.
Effort was made to use the method with better sensitivity and
specificity for diagnosing each infection in the aetiological, while
respecting the constraints of time and budget available for the study.
The selected laboratory/hospital had sufficient equipment and trained
pathologists to guarantee quality results. Table 1 gives an abridged
account of the aetiological methods used for screening each infection,
and the type of sample taken for it. (For a detailed description of the
assays used in the study refer to Annex I.)
As stated earlier, it was one of the objectives of the study to
investigate consistency of women's self-reports with the clinical
and aetiological diagnoses. With the data available. accuracy of
clinical diagnoses could also be measured, comparing them with the more
reliable aetiological results. These measures would be calculated
following the procedure given in Box 1. The measures given in the box
will also tell us the rate of women responses for:
* True positives: women reporting symptom(s) and having an
* True negatives: women not reporting symptom(s) and not having an
* False positives: women reporting symptom(s) but not having an
* False negative: women not reporting symptom(s) but having an
Box 1: Comparison of Women's Report of Symptoms with Medical
Diagnosis of Presence of Disease
Medical Diagnosis of Presence
Woman Reports of Infection
Yes No Total
Yes A B A+B
No C D C+D
Total A+C B+D N
Sensitivity: Ability of a symptom to lead to detection of a disease
if present = A / A + C
Specificity: Ability of a symptom to cause the ruling out of a
disease if not present = D / B + D
Positive Predictive Value: Percent of those who report a symptom
and for whom the disease is present = A / A + B
Negative Predictive Value: Percent of those who did not report a
symptom and for whom the disease is not present = D / C + D
Percentage of Agreement: Percent of those whose reporting of a
symptom is consistent with the presence of disease = A + D / N
Kappa Statistics: Comparing agreement against that which might be
expected by chance = ([P.sub.o] - [P.sub.e]) / (1 - [P.sub.e]),
where [P.sub.o] = observed agreement and [P.sub.e] = expected
agreement. [P.sub.o] is same as Percentage of agreement [P.sub.e]
is {(A+C/N)X(A+B/N)}+{(B+D/N)X(C+D/N)}
Sources: Detmer and Nicoll (1994), Bhatia and Cleland (2000),
Zurayk, et al. (1995). WHO (2000).
The scale used to judge the strength of agreement, represented by
the aforementioned indicators of specificity, sensitivity, positive and
negative predictive values, percentage of agreement and Kappa value, is
as follows.
* Zero percent--No agreement
* 10-20 percent--Poor agreement
* 21-40 percent--Fair agreement
* 41-60 percent--Moderate agreement
* 61-80 percent--Substantial agreement
* 81-100 percent--Strong agreement.
For the measurement of self-reported prevalence of RTIs, women were
asked questions about their experiences regarding symptoms, associated
with different reproductive tract infections, at the time of the
interview. Some of these symptoms could represent problems other than
RTIs but since they are associated with one of more RTIs they were part
of the questionnaire. The symptoms, their description and their
association with different RTIs are presented in Table 2.
RTIs mentioned in Table 2 are mainly of two types, having different
agents of infection, modes of transmission and possible health problems
for mother and her child. The two types are:
* Endogenous Infections. These are the most common RTIs, resulting
from an overgrowth of organisms normally present in the vagina. These
include bacterial vaginosis and candidiasis.
* Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). These are transmitted
through sexual activity with an infected partner, and have more serious
repercussions. These include infections like, syphilis, herpes, human
papillomavirus, gonorrhoea, trichomoniasis, chancroid and chlamydia.
Self-reported symptoms were classified as endogenous infections if
the woman only complained about having abnormal vaginal discharge, with
or without lower backache, and as STIs if the woman complained of
experiencing one or more of the symptoms other than those categorising
endogenous infections, and also when one or more of these symptoms were
reported accompanying those categorising endogenous infections.
Ethical considerations are inseparable from a successful completion
of a research process. Cassell and Jacobs (1987) define research ethics as, "A code is concerned with aspirations as well as avoidances, it
represents our desire and attempt to respect the rights of others,
fulfil obligations, avoid harm and augment benefits to those we interact
with" [quoted in Glense and Peshkin (1992), p. 110]. Considering
the nature of the problem under study a special effort was made to avoid
any such situation. As a start, clearance was taken from the Ethics
Committee at the Australian National University, Canberra, as it had
funded the study, before leaving for the fieldwork, and then again from
the Holy Family hospital, Rawalpindi, before the actual work began.
The ethical issues in this study vis-a-vis the respondents were
mainly of three kinds:
(i) Informed consent.
(ii) Confidentiality.
(iii) Result notification, and partner notification in case of a
positive result.
(iv) Provision of treatment if tested positive for an infection.
Before conducting the interview women were explained the nature and
purpose of the study, the approximate length of the interview, the
issues to be covered in it and her right to leave the interview at any
stage she felt like. Interview was only conducted if she gave her
consent knowing all these things. Likewise, respondents' consent
was sought for the medical part of the study after explaining to them
the procedures involved in it and the available opportunity of having
free of cost treatment in case they tested positive for any infection.
It was made clear that no remuneration in cash or kind would be given
for their participation in the interview, other than free transport (for
the initial examination) and treatment (till the infection is cured).
Women also had the flexibility to change their mind and not go for the
medical examination, after giving consent for it the previous day at the
end of the interview.
Comparison of Clinical Examination with Aetiological Diagnosis
As stated earlier, diagnosis in the clinic was based on algorithms
defined in the WHO manuals for syndromic management, which recognises
several possible causes of frequently presented syndromes and recommends
treatment based on an assessment of the most likely causative organisms,
while aetiological diagnosis was based on the assays given in Table 1.
Results of the comparison between these two instruments for the 311
women taking the medical diagnosis in the present study show very high
sensitivity (95 percent) and substantially high specificity (77 percent)
for infections (Table 3). This means that clinical examination is
unlikely to miss the presence of an infection but is relatively more
likely to miss the absence of an infection. From the low positive
predictive value (56 percent), an over-diagnosis of infections in the
clinical diagnosis can be inferred. Likewise, the Kappa value of 58
percent presents just a moderate strength of agreement between the
clinical and aetiological diagnosis for the presence of any infection.
Sensitivity of the clinical diagnosis for STIs was much poorer (50
percent) than the sensitivity for endogenous infections ((91 percent),
implying missing of sexually transmitted infections in cases where they
are present. On the contrary, the specificity of clinical diagnosis for
STIs is better (99 percent) than its specificity for endogenous
infections (77 percent), referring to the comparative inability of the
procedure to rule out presence of an endogenous infection when it is not
present (Table 3). The over-diagnosis of endogenous infections in
clinical diagnosis is also reflected in the rather low positive
predictive value (50 percent). There is just a fifty-fifty chance of a
clinically diagnosed endogenous infection to be confirmed by
aetiological testing. High percentage of agreements, for both, STIs and
endogenous infections, are mainly due to the high negative predictive
values, as the positive predictive value, especially for endogenous
infection is a low 50 percent. After discounting the proportion of
agreement that is to be expected according to chance alone, shown by the
summary measure of Kappa value, the agreement between the clinical and
aetiological diagnoses drops down to 57 percent and 52 percent for STIs
and endogenous infections, respectively.
Comparison of Self-reports with Medical Diagnoses
Table 4 compares women's report of the RTI symptoms with the
diagnosis of reproductive tract infections from the clinical
examination. Along with comparing the responses for the presence of any
RTI, analysis is also done for STIs and endogenous infections
separately. Self-reported symptoms have high sensitivity (90 percent)
when compared with clinical diagnosis for presence of any infection but
the specificity is a low 26 percent. The positive predictive value and
percentage of agreement are also a moderate 45 percent and 52 percent,
respectively. These low values could be attributed to over-reporting of
symptoms by women, in absence of clinically diagnosed infections. The
Kappa value of 14 percent further shows poor concordance between
self-reported symptoms and presence of infection clinically.
Comparing self-reports with clinical examination for the nature of
existing infection, we see the indicators to be slightly better for
endogenous infections. For STIs, sensitivity is 90 percent but the
specificity is a low 28 percent. On the contrary, the trend is reversed
for the endogenous infections, with sensitivity being a poor 10 percent
and specificity at a high 90 percent. The positive predictive value of
self-reported symptoms is a poor 4 percent, with the total percentage of
agreement at a fair 30 percent. The corresponding indicators for
endogenous infections are comparatively higher but after discounting for
agreement according to chance alone, comparison for both kinds of
infections show a poor Kappa value (Table 4).
Comparison of self-reports with the aetiological diagnosis for any
infection shows a further decrease in the percentage of agreement (Table
5). The positive predictive value of self-reports is only 28 percent,
implying an over-reporting of symptoms by a big proportion of women, and
the total percentage of agreement is just a fair 40 percent. Since over
eighty percent women report having symptoms the chance of missing an
infection is not much, reflected in the high sensitivity rate, but the
actual infection rate diagnosed through aetiological testing being at 24
percent, the comparison shows a much lower rate of specificity and
positive predictive value for the self-reports (Table 5). The poor
agreement between self-reports and the aetiological diagnosis is also
evident from the poor Kappa value for the comparison (10 percent).
Comparison for the nature of infections as expressed in
self-reports with aetiological diagnosis again shows weak concordance
(Table 5). If the self-reports have strong sensitivity value, the
specificity value is low and vice versa, for STIs and endogenous
infections, respectively. Both comparisons, that is for STIs and
endogenous infections, have poor positive predictive values, reflecting
the wide gap between the reporting of symptoms and actual prevalence of
infection. The overall agreement in the two comparisons is better for
the endogenous infections, having a 74 percent agreement between
self-reports and aetiological screening, while for the STIs the rate
goes down to 32 percent (Table 5). However, if we discount the
proportion of agreement that is to be expected by chance, represented by
the Kappa values, the trend is reversed, with the self-reports for STIs,
despite having very poor agreement (3 percent), being somewhat better
than the value for endogenous infections (-4 percent). Irrespective of the differences in patterns shown by different indicators, the overall
agreement between self-reports and aetiological diagnosis remains weak.
Classification and Meaning of Self-reports
The discordant responses given by women and the aetiological
screening for RTIs need further analysis for explanation. The comparison
between women's self-reports and aetiological testing helps us
identify the magnitude of positive and negative responses, including
both true and false reports. Table 6 presents these results achieved by
comparing women's self-report for experiencing any symptom and an
aetiological presence of any infection. Majority of the self-reports (58
percent) fall in the false positive category, followed by true positive
(22.5 percent) and true negatives (18 percent). Women who did not report
any symptom but tested positive for at least one infection comprised 1.3
percent of the sample (the false negatives in Table 6). The 58 percent
false positive responses support the notion of over-reporting of
symptoms by women.
Table 6 also shows differences between these classifications of
responses across women with different characteristics. Age does not show
significant relation with the four measures, however, level of education
does (Table 6). Women with more years of education have the lowest true
positive rate (9 percent), and the highest true negative (23 percent),
false positive (64 percent) and false negative (3.6 percent) rates.
Likewise, women living in joint/extended households, with a false
positive rate of 65 percent, tend to over-report their symptoms.
Differentials between economic groups also show a significant relation,
with women in the upper economic group having the lowest true positive
responses (12 percent), and the highest true negative (21 percent),
false positive (64 percent) and false negative (2.4 percent) responses.
Women with more years of schooling and those belonging to the upper
economic group had the lowest rate of reporting symptoms but they had an
even lower rate of aetiologically diagnosed infections, giving them
higher false positive response rates. Women on the other end of these
two categories, that is those with no education and those belonging to
the lower economic group, had the highest rate of self-reported symptoms
but they actually had more infections too, so despite some
over-reporting by them they still have a lower false positive response
The inter-spousal age difference is highly significant for the four
response classification (Table 6). Women with husbands more than ten
years older to them have the highest false positive rate (68 percent),
while women who are older than their husbands have the highest true
positive responses (36 percent). The latter also have the highest false
negative response rate (14 percent). The number of pregnancies and
children women have show significant relation with the response
categories, as can be seen from Table 6. The true positive responses
generally increase with the increasing number of pregnancies and
children, accompanied by a gradual decrease in true negative responses.
The false positive rate remains almost similar across women with
different numbers of pregnancies and children, remaining within the
56-62 percent range (Table 6). Not much difference is found between
women who are using contraceptives and those who are not, however women
using traditional methods of contraception have the lowest true positive
rate (7 percent), and the highest true negative (22 percent), false
positive (67 percent) and false negative (4 percent) responses. Another
significant association for this response classification exists for
women who reported to be experiencing infertility, primary or secondary.
Contrary to what is expected, reporting infertility has a lower true
positive rate (12 percent), compared to those who did not complain of
infertility (24 percent). There is not much difference between their
false positive responses (Table 6). As would be expected, the number of
symptoms reported by women is strongly related to this classification.
The more the number of symptoms a woman report the more likely she is to
have a true positive response, and the reverse being true for the false
positive responses (Table 6). This relation do look tautological as to
actually have an infection some or a combination of symptoms need to be
present but the strong relation found between the two shows that in
situations where laboratory testing is not possible, the number of
reported symptoms can help in ascertaining the presence or otherwise of
Association of women's autonomy status with this response
classification shows an interesting pattern. Women with lower autonomy
level not only have higher true positive responses but also higher false
positive responses, the relation being significantly strong for the
freedom from threat and control over household income indicators (Table
6). Battered women have a false positive rate of 73 percent compared to
53 percent for the contented women, despite the former having a true
positive rate of 23 percent in comparison to 19 percent for the latter.
Likewise, women having no say at all in household decision-making have a
false positive rate of 68 percent with 32 percent of their responses
classified as true positives, both rates being higher than the ones for
women in other categories of this indicator (Table 6). This pattern is
generally shared by all the four autonomy indicators used in this study.
A notable aspect of this classification is the comparatively higher
rate of false negative responses among women with better socio-economic
and autonomy status. Despite a low overall rate of false positive
responses, this trend could be inferred from Table 6. Women with more
years of education, those in the upper economic group, having
substantial say in household matters, have freedom from threat and have
at least some control over household income are examples of women with
better socio-economic and autonomy status having higher false negative
responses. Women with 1-2 pregnancies and children have a comparatively
low true positive rate compared to those with more pregnancies and
children but have a higher false negative rate (2.4 and 2.7,
respectively). A similar trend is also found for traditional
contraceptive users, who have a low true positive rate (7 percent) but a
comparatively high false negative rate (4 percent). Women who are older
than their husbands present a peculiar situation that is not common in
the socio-cultural environment of Pakistan. The rate of false negatives
among them is higher (14 percent) than women having husbands older to
them, irrespective of the age difference, along with having the highest
true positive rate (36 percent).
Psychogenic (6) factors seem to underlie the trends and the
disparity that exist between the reported and actual infection levels.
Women with better status are less likely to report any symptom,
including those having an infection aetiologically, mirrored in their
higher false negative responses. On the contrary, women with lower
socioeconomic and autonomy status do have high infection rates but their
rate of self-reported symptoms is even higher, represented by their high
false positive responses.
Before further discussing this suggested relationship, it is
worthwhile looking into the factors that determine a woman's
reporting of symptoms and her actually having an infection. Table 7
presents the results of the most robust models created through logistic
regression to determine factors influencing the report of symptoms and
aetiological presence of an infection. The models include only those
factors that came out to be significant after running stepwise forward
conditional method logistic regression. The method allows specifying how
independent variables are entered into the analysis. The entry criterion
set to include a variable in the model was .05 and the removal criterion
was set at 0.1, with a maximum of 20 iterations. A variable's entry
in such a model relies not only on how well it fits the entry criterion
but it is also omitted if it causes the tolerance of another variable
already in the model to drop below the entry criterion. The final models
generated for both reporting a symptom and having an infection are shown
in Table 7. It is evident that factors determining the reporting of
symptoms are quite different from those influencing the aetiological
presence of an infection. Autonomy indicators of freedom from threat and
control over household income are significantly related to the reporting
of symptoms while they are not among the factors significantly affecting
the aetiological presence of an infection. A similar trend exists for
inter-spousal age-difference, which is significant for reporting of
symptoms but not for actually having an infection. On the contrary,
woman's economic status is significant for having an infection but
not for reporting a symptom, with the women belonging to the lower
economic group five times more likely to have an infection than their
richer counterparts (Table 7). This is understandable in the light of
other factors that are significant for the aetiological presence of an
infection. Among these is the means of protection used during
menstruation, with the women from the lower economic group mainly using
old cloth, which is a sub-group that is more than three times likely to
have an infection compared to women who are not menstruating.
Women's contraceptive use is highly significant for having an
infection, but it is not so for reporting of a symptom (Table 7). The
likelihood of having an infection increases by over three times when the
woman is using IUD, hinting towards iatrogenic sources of transmission
of infection. Interestingly, it is the number of pregnancies that is
significant for the reporting of symptoms but for actually having an
infection, it is the gap between the last two pregnancies that is
significant. Women who had a gap of less than 12 months between the last
two pregnancies were 12 times more likely to have an infection than
those how had only one or no pregnancy at all (Table 7).
Reviewing the differences in factors significant for the reporting
of symptoms and having an infection it is understandable to find a
disparity between the two. While mainly socio-psychological factors
influence the reporting of symptoms, the demographic and physiological
factors affect the actual presence of an infection. Being a battered
woman is more likely to affect her psychological well being, than using
any particular contraceptive method or menstrual protection, prompting
her to report symptoms. Thus the reported symptoms, especially those
classified as the false positives, are greatly influenced by
woman's psychological and emotional state, and could be referred to
as what Nichter (1981) calls the "idioms of distress".
"Idioms of distress" are "adaptive responses to
circumstances where other modes of expression fail to communicate
distress adequately or provide appropriate coping strategies"
[Nichter (1981), p. 379]. The term distress here refers to a broad range
of feelings, including those of vulnerability, dissent, apprehension,
resentment, inadequacy, dissatisfaction, suppressed anger and other
anxiety states that if expressed overtly could lead to conflict and
disharmony. Women thus speak through their bodies what they cannot
express in words. They, consciously or unconsciously, convert a
psychological conflict into a physical manifestation, which helps them
to divert their focus away from a troublesome emotional or psychological
issue to what may be a more acceptable physical problem, something they
also find comparatively easier to express than the actual cause of the
problem. Since women's health is socially and culturally
constructed around woman's reproductive health, it is usually
symptoms related, directly or indirectly, to the womb that become a
means of expression. In the words of Zola, this is "what
constitutes the necessary part of being a woman" (1966, p. 619).
This conversion of psychosocial stress is reflected in the large false
positive response rate in the present study, expressing woman's
perceived balance, or imbalance, in different domains of her life,
including, body, marriage, family and household.
With knowledge about their bodies in general and reproductive
system in specific being scant there are misconceptions among women
regarding their bodily experiences. During the course of the present
study when women were inquired about what they thought caused the
symptom(s) they reported to be experiencing, 38 percent said it was due
to "Kamzori'" (weakness). (7) Likewise when they were
asked about the possible consequences of experiencing RTI related
symptoms 43 percent again considered weakness as a possible result.
These responses were most common with regard to experiencing abnormal
discharge. Thus, reported symptoms are associated to the cultural and
personal meanings women attribute to their experiences. Assigning
weakness as a cause and consequence of abnormal discharge can in fact be
expressions of powerlessness, vulnerability, lack of control and
psychosexual problems. As also pointed out by Patel and Oomman in India,
the reporting of abnormal discharge is more a "somatic idiom"
of depression and psychosocial distress than evidence of disease (1999,
p. 30). Similarly, dyspareunia can be an expression of marital
dissatisfaction, instead of a disease symptom. The high rate of
reporting backache can in fact be a somatisation of stress and anxiety
resulting from excessive and arduous housework that is not gratifying in
itself. Dr John D. Stoeckel very aptly refers to it as the "trapped
housewife syndrome" (cited in Zola 1966). The fatigue and pain is
more related to depression than to actual physical exertion. There is a
substantial body of literature linking chronic pelvic pain and backache
to psychological factors [Savidge and Slade (1997); Fry, e t al. (1997);
May, et al. (2000); Wood, et al. (1990)]. The battered women being ten
times more likely than the contented ones to report a symptom (Table 7)
and having a false positive rate of 73 percent (Table 6) provide a clue
to the psychogenic nature of self-reported symptoms.
The disparity between the self-reports and aetiological diagnosis
arises because of interpreting reports having deep personal
socio-psychological and cultural meanings attached to them, in a totally
biomedical framework. Self-perceived morbidity is a function of both,
the actual burden of pathology and the individual's social,
psychological and cultural context, while the biomedical framework
naturally takes only pathological factors into account, leading to the
gap between the two. There is potential for mistranslation while
interpreting one in the other's framework, but both biomedical and
individual meanings of the symptoms are important. As findings of this
study show, not all women reporting symptoms have infections and not all
those not reporting any symptom are without an infection. Not always are
these symptoms used as an "idiom of distress" and may
represent an actual presence of infection. Generalising self-reports
either way can result in excessive or inappropriate treatment in one
case or missing of infection in the other.
Poor agreement exists between women's self-reports and
aetiological diagnoses, with the former over-representing the presence
of infection. Some of the self-reported symptoms are pathogenic in
nature, as represented by the true positive reports, but majority of the
self-reports are false positives when compared to aetiological
diagnosis. Self-reports can thus also have psychogenic origins, and are
actually being used by women to express a state of psychological or
emotional distress. Women in socially, culturally or emotionally weaker
situations find their bodies to be the medium for their expression of
distress. This could be especially true in situations where alternative
means of expression or even stating the actual reasons of distress are
judged to be more difficult and/or threatening than presenting them as
physical conditions. This idea of psychogenic factors playing role in
women's self-reported symptoms is further strengthened by the
finding that for reporting of symptoms, socio-cultural and autonomy
factors are significant while for actually having an infection it is
mainly the demographic and physiological factors that play a significant
Clinical examination, based on the syndromic approach to manage
RTIs, generally shows a moderate level of concordance with the
aetiological diagnosis in this study. It not only over-diagnoses
infections but in cases also misses infections. Validity of the reports
is weaker for sexually transmitted infections than for endogenous
infections. Although the cost of clinical examination would be less than
aetiological diagnosis for the screening of reproductive tract
infections, but findings of this study prove it an unreliable way of
assessing the presence or absence of these infections.
For policy implications, clinical diagnosis, based on the syndromic
management approach, was also assessed against laboratory diagnosis,
that is considered to be a more reliable and accurate way of diagnosing
the presence or otherwise of an infection. Based on the Kappa values,
moderate agreement was found between the two. However, the worrying
aspect of the comparison is the low sensitivity value for STIs and an
equally low positive predictive value for endogenous infections in
clinical diagnosis, representing missing of infections and
over-diagnoses, respectively. Devising low-cost, easy to conduct,
laboratory tests is imperative in the given scenario. Some of the tests,
especially those needed for the more common endogenous infections, are
actually not that expensive to conduct but since they are rarely
conducted commercial laboratories charge exorbitant rates for them.
Discordant responses while comparing self-reports with laboratory
diagnosis, and the analysis to decipher what they actually meant lead us
to conclude that women's self-reports and pathological presence of
disease two different aspects of health, and this difference us
reflected in the gap between the perceived and the actual disease level.
As the multivariate analysis show, for actually having an infection it
were mainly physical/tangible reasons that were responsible while for
reporting of symptoms it were the perceived/intangible factors that were
more dominant. What women could not say in words, they converted into
bodily expressions, and with reproductive functions considered the
primary focus of women's lives in the society, symptoms associated
with this function were frequently used as the language to express their
distress. Patel (2003) also found that in developing countries the
strongest association of complaints regarding abnormal discharge is with
depression not RTIs. Reported physical symptoms present psychosocial
disorders through somatisation. There is evidence that anxiety and
depression can have effect on autonomic nervous system, leading to
muscle-tension related pains, and a distressed person is more likely to
interpret normal physical experience as pathological [Patel and Oomman
(1999); Hunter (1990) and Van Vliet, et al. (1994)].
In this scenario, it would be realistic to infer that the
conventional health surveys, relying solely on verbal responses, do not
necessarily represent the real health situation of a study population,
and thus any policy intervention formulated exclusively on this
information would be flawed and not achieve its desired results. If the
health of the population, specifically that of women, is to be
alleviated, there is a need for a fresher approach to understand the
non-medical context of illnesses. It could be referred to as an
ethno-sensitive approach to epidemiology. The relation between
physiological and nonphysiological factors is not that straight forward.
Even if symptoms are not found to be associated with pathology, the
finding of pathology does not necessarily imply that it was the cause of
the symptom. Example in this regard can be chronic pelvic pain, caused
by PID, which in turn may cause marital problems leading to depression,
which in turn could aggravate the pain experience and delay
recuperation. Self-reports, therefore, are important for their
socio-cultural and metaphorical connotations, and could be used to
address issues, like social and emotional stress and excessive workload,
that concern women's health in the broader context. Thus, there is
a need for, as put forward by Patel and Oomman (1999, p. 34), "An
interactive model of aetiology which incorporates physiological and
psychosocial factors" to understand this complex relation.
Details of Laboratory Assays Used to Detect RTIs
Within the constraints of time and budget, attempt was made to
select laboratory assays that had better diagnostic efficiency.
Exception in this regard however was detection of HPV infection. For
HPV, cellular morphology, having lower diagnostic efficiency, was
selected to screen women for the infection because the more efficient
alternative through DNA detection was neither affordable nor available.
Since samples were collected within the premises of the laboratory,
there was no transportation time involved and the probability of samples
being contaminated were thus minimised. The details of these assays are
as follows:
Infection Nature of Sample Method of Detection
Candidiasis Vaginal smear A swab of the vaginal
secretions was
inoculated into
Sabouraud's agar within
an hour of collection
and incubated for up to
two days at
37[degrees]C. Colonies
were identified as
yeast by performing a
Gram stain. The
quantity of yeast was
determined, with more
than 103 colony-
forming units/ml of
vaginal secretions
usually being
associated with
Trichomoniasis Posterior A swab of secretions
vaginal smear taken from the
posterior vaginal
fornix was used within
an hour of sample
collection to inoculate
a tube of Diamond's
modified medium. The
culture was incubated
at 35[degrees]C for up
to four days with daily
examination by wet prep
for motile trichomonas.
Bacterial Vaginal smear A swab of vaginal
Vaginosis secretions was rolled
onto a glass slide and
air-dried. The slide
was gram stained and a
standardised 0-10 point
scoring method was used
to evaluate the smears.
Points were given by
estimating the number
of three different
bacterial morphotypes
from 0 to 4+, including
large Gram-negative
rods, small
rods, and curved Gram-
negative/variable rods
under the microscope.
Chlamydia Endogenous-cervical In direct
vaginal smear immunofluorescence
assay (DFA), cells
collected on swabs were
rolled onto glass
slides, fixed and
stained with
monoclonal antibodies
specific for the major
outer membrane protein
of C. trachomatis. DFA
allows for the
visualisation of the
distinctive morphology
and staining
characteristics of
chlamydial inclusions
and elementary bodies.
It also permits
simultaneous assessment
of the specimen
adequacy. The presence
of ten or more
elementary bodies is
generally accepted for
the test to be
Gonorrhoea Endogenous-cervical The endo-cervical swab
vaginal smears was used immediately
after collection to
inoculate a plate of
modified Thayer-Martin.
The selective medium
contains anti-microbial
agents that allow the
growth of N. gonorrhoea
and inhibit the growth
of other bacteria. The
plate was incubated at
35 degrees C for up to
three days. Typical
colonies were tested
with Gram-stain,
oxidase and catalase
and superoxal tests for
identification of N.
gonorrhoea. To confirm
a presumptive culture,
the isolated organism
was tested for sugar
fermentation by growth
in standard
fermentation tubes.
Syphilis Serum Nontreponemal antibody
tests for syphilis,
which are used for
screening patient
serum, are based on
detection of antibodies
to a cardiolipid-
antigen. Undiluted
serum was added to the
antigen on a slide. The
reagents were then
mixed and rocked and
observed for
flocculation. The rapid
plasma reagin (RPR)
test, in which the
antigen is mixed with
charcoal so the
complexes can be seen
without a microscope,
was used to screen
women for syphilis.
Genital Herpes Cells from lesions Lesions were rubbed at
their base with a
cotton swab after
breaking any intact
vesticles. The sample
was then used to
inoculate a fibroblast
cell-line. The
diagnosis was made by
observation of a
cytopathic effect on
the cells after
incubation for up to
one week (although most
positives occur within
48 hours of cell
inoculation) and
confirmation of the
virus by staining the
infected cells with
monoclonal antibodies
specific for HSV.
Chancroid Smear from the Before obtaining
base of the ulcer material for culture,
the ulcer base was
exposed and made free
of pus. Culture
material was obtained
from the base of the
ulcer with a cotton
swab and immediately
inoculated directly
onto culture plates. H.
ducreyi is a fastidious
organism and requires
special media for
growth. An effective
medium for H. ducreyi
isolation contains
Columbia agar base,
foetal bovine serum,
IoVitalex, activated
charcoal and
vancomycin. Plates were
incubated for up to
three days at 33-35
degrees C in 5% CO2
atmosphere. A Gram
stain was performed on
suspected colonies.
Gram- negative bacilli
from colonies
compatible with H.
ducreyi were identified
based on their
requirements for X but
not V factor for
HPV Endo/ecto- Epithelial cells were
cervix cells collected from the
endo-cervix and ecto-
cervix using a wooden
spatula. Cells were
rolled onto a glass
slide, and stained with
the Papanicolaou stain
and read by the
patholost. Particular
abnormal cellular
morphology is
indicative of an HPV
Source: RRTIS 2001-2002. (Provided by the Pathology Department,
Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi.)
Differences in Background Characteristics between Women in the
Total Sample and the Sub-sample Consenting for Medical Examination,
and the Refusal Rate for Medical Examination
Total Sample
characteristics Percent Cases
Total 100.0 508
Age of Woman
<25 18.9 96
25-34 42.1 214
34< 39.0 198
Level of Education
11 years or more 24.2 123
1-10 years 42.1 214
No education 33.7 171
Background Area
Urban 76.8 390
Rural 23.2 118
Family Type
Nuclear 71.5 363
Joint/extended 28.5 145
Economic Group
Upper 22.8 116
Middle 46.3 235
Lower 30.9 157
Inter-spousal Age Difference
Wife older 3.0 15
Same age 5.9 30
Husband 1-10 yrs older 78.9 401
Husband >10 yrs older 12.2 62
Duration of Marriage
[greater than or equal to] 1 year 5.7 29
2-5 years 20.7 105
6-15 years 38.4 195
16 years or more 35.2 179
Number of Pregnancies
None 4.5 23
1-2 28.7 146
3-4 29.1 148
5 or more 37.6 191
Number of Children
None 8.1 41
1-2 36.4 185
3-4 32.2 164
5 or more 23.2 118
Currently Pregnant
Yes 9.4 48
No 90.6 460
Ever Wanted to Get Pregnant
and could not
Yes 11.4 58
No 88.6 450
Gap between the Last Two
<12 months 15.6 79
13-36 months 45.7 232
>36 months 22.1 112
None or only one 16.8 85
Current Contraceptive Use
Not using 51.2 260
Pills 4.1 21
IUD 7.5 38
Injections 3.0 15
Condom 14.4 73
Tubectomy 9.8 50
Rhythm 2.2 11
Withdrawal 7.9 40
Ever Wanted to Get Pregnant
and could not
Yes 11.4 58
No 88.6 450
Decision-making Authority
No sat at all 7.1 36
Moderate say 18.5 94
Substantial say 47.6 242
Major say 26.8 136
Freedom from Threat
Afraid and beaten (Battered)
Afraid but not beaten (Anxious) 17.1 87
Not afraid but beaten (Defiant) 29.5 150
Neither afraid nor beaten 11.2 57
(Contended) 42.1 214
Freedom of Mobility
Needs permission:
Always 61.8 314
Never 27.6 140
Depends 10.6 54
Control over Household Income
Has control 71.7 364
Does not have control 28.3 144
Medical Sub-sample
Background Refusal
characteristics Percent Cases Rate (%)
Total 100.0 311 38.8
Age of Woman
<25 19.9 62 35.4
25-34 42.1 131 38.8
34< 37.9 118 40.4
Level of Education
11 years or more 18.0 56 55.5
1-10 years 47.6 148 30.8
No education 34.4 107 37.4
Background Area
Urban 75.6 235 39.7
Rural 24.4 76 35.6
Family Type
Nuclear 71.7 223 38.6
Joint/extended 28.3 88 39.3
Economic Group
Upper 13.5 42 63.8
Middle 50.5 157 33.2
Lower 36.0 112 28.7
Inter-spousal Age Difference
Wife older 4.5 14 6.7
Same age 5.8 18 40.0
Husband 1-10 yrs older 76.8 239 40.4
Husband >10 yrs older 12.9 40 35.5
Duration of Marriage
[greater than or equal to] 1 year 5.8 18 37.9
2-5 years 20.3 63 40.0
6-15 years 39.2 122 37.4
16 years or more 34.7 108 39.7
Number of Pregnancies
None 5.1 16 30.4
1-2 26.7 83 43.2
3-4 28.3 88 40.5
5 or more 39.9 124 35.1
Number of Children
None 7.4 23 43.9
1-2 35.4 110 40.5
3-4 32.8 102 37.8
5 or more 24.4 76 35.6
Currently Pregnant
Yes 10.9 34 29.2
No 89.1 277 39.8
Ever Wanted to Get Pregnant
and could not
Yes 10.9 34 41.4
No 89.1 277 38.4
Gap between the Last Two
<12 months 14.5 45 43.0
13-36 months 52.7 164 29.3
>36 months 16.7 52 53.6
None or only one 16.1 50 41.2
Current Contraceptive Use
Not using 50.8 158 39.2
Pills 4.2 13 38.1
IUD 7.7 24 36.8
Injections 2.9 9 40.0
Condom 14.1 44 39.7
Tubectomy 11.6 36 28.0
Rhythm 1.9 6 45.5
Withdrawal 6.8 21 47.5
Ever Wanted to Get Pregnant
and could not
Yes 10.9 34 41.4
No 89.1 277 38.4
Decision-making Authority
No sat at all 7.1 22 38.9
Moderate say 20.6 64 31.9
Substantial say 40.8 127 47.5
Major say 31.5 98 27.9
Freedom from Threat
Afraid and beaten (Battered)
Afraid but not beaten (Anxious) 19.3 60 31.0
Not afraid but beaten (Defiant) 29.9 93 38.0
Neither afraid nor beaten 12.5 39 31.6
(Contended) 38.3 119 44.4
Freedom of Mobility
Needs permission:
Always 65.3 203 35.3
Never 26.7 83 40.7
Depends 8.0 25 53.7
Control over Household Income
Has control 71.7 223 38.7
Does not have control 28.3 88 38.9
Source: RRTIS 2001-2002. Adapted from Nayab (2006a).
Author's Note: I am indebted to the Demography Programme at
the Australian National University (ANU), Canberra, Australia, and its
Director, Prof. Peter McDonald, for funding this rather ambitious study.
Many thanks to Prof. Terence Hull for his continued support during the
course of this study. This study would not have been possible without
the cooperation of Dr Abbas Hayat, Head Department of Pathology,
Rawalpindi Medical College and the Holy Family Hospital Rawalpindi, and
his teams of young doctors, including Dr Adeela Parvez and Dr Amam
Zafar. I am also thankful to Azra Jabeen and Ismat Mehboob for skilfully conducting the interviews. Usual disclaimer applies.
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(1) For details on the nature of RTIs, and linkages between these
infections and materno-feotal health see Nayab (2005a).
(2) Refusal rate for undertaking medical part of this study by
women having different characteristics can be seen in Annex II.
(3) Despite hiring experienced enumerators, who had worked on many
surveys by the Population Council. a month long training was given to
them to fully understand the questionnaire, its aims. and the
sensitivity with which it was to be conducted.
(4) A single doctor, an experienced gynaecologist, conducted all
the clinical examinations so that there were no issues of
standardisation or consistency.
(5) Expressed here as a percentage, Kappa value can range from 1 to
-1 passing through zero. with I signifying total agreement, 0 no
agreement and -1 total disagreement. (6) psychogenic responses refer to
those that are produced by psychological and mental factors, rather than
organic factors.
(7) Bhatti and Fikree (2002), Ramasubban, et al. (2001), Mazhar
(2001), Singh, et al. (2001), also show weakness as an illness in itself
along with being the cause and consequence of other problems, especially
the ones sexual in nature, including RTIs.
Durr-e-Nayab <
[email protected]> is Acting Chief of Research
and Head, Department of Population Sciences, Pakistan Institute of
Development Economics, Islamabad.
Table 1
Aetiological Assays Used to Detect RTIs
Infection Detection Assay Nature of Sample
Candidiasis Culture-Gram Stain Vaginal smear
Bacterial Culture-Gram Stain Vaginal smear
Trichomoniasis Culture Posterior vaginal
Chlamydia Direct Fluorescent Endo-cervical vaginal
Antibody (DFA) smear
Endo-cervical vaginal
Gonorrhoea Culture
Syphilis Rapid Plasma Serum
Reagin (RPR)
Genital Herpes Culture Cells from lesions
Smear from the base
Chancroid Culture of the ulcer,
pus removed
HPV Cellular Endo/ecto-cervix
Morphology cells
Other (1) Culture Vaginal/cervical
Source: Nayab (2005a).
(1.) The other category includes infections like E-
coli, staphlococus aureaus, etc.
(2.) For a detailed account of the aetiological assays
employed in the study see Annex I.
Table 2
Symptoms, Their Description and RTIs they can be Linked to
Symptom Description Possible Link to RTIs
Abnormal Vaginal Discharge that is Bacterial vaginosis,
Discharge not usual to the candidiasis,
woman in colour, trichomoniasis,
texture, odour or chlamydia,
consistency, and if gonorrhoea
it caused an itch in
the genitals.
Lower Abdominal Nature, duration and Chlamydia,
Pain severity of pain in gonorrhoea
the lower abdomen
Menstrual Changes in duration, Chlamydia,
Irregularity quantity, gonorrhoea
cyclicality or
consistency of blood
during menstruation.
Dysmenorrhoea Pain during Chlamydia,
menstruation. gonorrhoea
Sores, Warts, Presence of sores/ Genital herpes,
Ulcers on warts/ulcers on any chancroid, syphilis
Genitals genital. (primary), HPV
Dyspareunia Painful urination or Chlamydia,
burning sensation gonorrhoea
during urination.
Dysuria Painful intercourse, Chlamydia,
bleeding or bad gonorrhoea,
odour after trichomoniasis
Lower back ache Only if it was Bacterial vaginosis,
reported candidiasis,
accompanying any of trichomoniasis
the above symptoms.
Source: RRTIS (2001-2002). Adapted from Nayab (2005b).
Table 3
Comparison of Clinical Diagnosis with Aetiological
Assessment of Infection
I. Having any Infection
Has an Infection Aetiologically
Has an Infection
Clinically Yes No Total
Yes 70 55 125
No 4 182 186
Total 74 237 311
Sensitivity = 95% Positive predictive value = 56%
Specificity = 77% Negative predictive value = 98%
Kappa value = 58% Percentage of agreement = 81%
II. Having a STI
Has any STI Clinically Has a STI Aetiologically
Yes No Total
Yes 7 3 10
No 7 294 301
Total 14 297 311
Sensitivity = 50% Positive predictive value = 70%
Specificity = 99% Negative predictive value = 98%
Kappa value= 57% Percentage of agreement = 97%
III Having an Endogenous Infection
Has an Endogenous Infection Aetiologically
Has an Endogenous
Infection Clinically Yes No Total
Yes 58 57 115
No 6 190 196
Total 64 247 311
Sensitivity = 91% Positive predictive value = 50%
Specificity = 77% Negative predictive value = 97%
Kappa value = 52% Percentage of agreement = 80%
Source: RRTIS (2001-2002).
Table 4
Comparison of Self-reports with Clinical Diagnosis
I. Having any Infection
Reports a Has an Infection Clinically
Symptom Yes No Total
Yes 113 138 251
No 12 48 60
Total 125 186 311
Sensitivity = 90% Positive predictive value = 45%
Specificity = 26% Negative predictive value = 80%
Kappa value = 14% Percentage of agreement = 52%
II. Having a Sexually Transmitted Infection
Reports STI Related Has a STI Clinically
Symptoms Yes No Total
Yes 9 216 225
No 1 85 86
Total 10 301 311
Sensitivity = 90% Positive predictive value = 4%
Specificity = 28% Negative predictive value = 99%
Kappa value = 2% Percentage of agreement = 30%
III. Having an Endogenous Infection
Reports Endogenous Has an Endogenous Infection Clinically
Infection Related Yes No Total
Yes 12 14 26
No 103 182 285
Total 115 296 311
Sensitivity = 10% Positive predictive value = 46%
Specificity = 93% Negative predictive value = 64%
Kappa value = 4% Percentage of agreement = 62%
Source: RRTIS (2001-2002).
Table 5
Comparison of Self-reports with Aetiological Diagnosis
I. Having any Infection
Reports a Has an infection Aetiologically
Symptom Yes No Total
Yes 70 181 251
No 4 56 60
Total 74 237 311
Sensitivity = 95% Positive predictive value = 28%
Specificity = 24% Negative predictive value = 93%
Kappa value = 10% Percentage of agreement = 40%
II. Having a Sexually Transmitted Infection
Reports STI Related Has a STI Aetiologically
Symptoms Yes No Total
Yes 13 212 225
No 1 85 86
Total 14 297 311
Sensitivity = 93% Positive predictive value = 6%
Specificity = 29% Negative predictive value = 99%
Kappa value = 3% Percentage of agreement = 32%
III. Having an Endogenous Infection
Reports Endogenous Has an Endogenous Infection Aetiologically
Infection Related Yes No Total
Yes 4 22 26
No 60 225 285
Total 64 247 311
Sensitivity = 6% Positive predictive value = 15%
Specificity = 91% Negative predictive value = 79%
Kappa value = -4% Percentage of agreement = 74%
Source: RRTIS (2001-2002).
Table 6
Classification of the Results of the Comparison between Self-reports
for Any Symptom and Aetiological Testing for Any Infection by Selected
Characteristics of Women
Background True True
Characteristics Positive Negative
Total 22.5 18.0
Age of Woman <25 17.7 25.8
25-33 26.0 13.5
34< 21.2 17.8
Ever been to School Yes 18.6 18.1
No 29.9 17.8
Level of Education 11 years or more 8.9 23.2
1-10 years 22.3 16.2
No education 29.9 17.8
Background Area Urban 21.7 18.3
Rural 25.0 17.1
Family Type Nuclear 25.1 17.9
Joint/extended 15.9 18.2
Economic Group Lower 34.8 16.9
Middle 16.6 17.8
Upper 11.9 21.4
Inter-spousal Age Difference Wife older 35.7 7.1
Same age 22.2 16.7
Husband 1-10 yrs older 21.3 20.5
Husband >10 yrs older 25.0 7.5
Duration of Marriage [less than or equal to] 1 year 5.6 27.8
2-5 years 19.1 23.8
6-15 years 24.6 13.1
16 years or more 25.0 18.5
Number of Pregnancies None 0.0 37.5
l-2 13.3 25.3
3-4 27.3 11.3
5 or more 28.2 15.3
Number of Children None 3.4 33.8
1-2 16.4 20.0
3-4 31.3 12.8
5 or more 25.0 17.1
Current Contraceptive Use Not Using 21.5 19.6
Users 23.5 16.3
Traditional method users 7.4 22.2
Modern method user 27.0 15.1
Ever Wanted to Get Pregnant and could not Yes 11.8 26.5
No 23.8 17.0
Number of Symptoms Reported No symptoms 0.0 93.3
1-2 symptoms 19.2 0.0
3-4 symptoms 26.6 0.0
5 or more symptoms 53.2 0.0
Decision-making Authority No sat at all 31.8 0.0
Moderate say 25.0 18.8
Substantial say 24.4 17.3
Major say 16.3 22.5
Freedom from Threat Afraid and beaten Battered) 23.3 3.3
Afraid but not beaten (Anxious) 24.7 15.1
Not afraid but beaten (Defiant) 28.2 23.1
Neither afraid nor beaten (Contented) 18.5 26.1
Freedom of Mobility Needs permission:
Always 33.6 14.8
Never 21.7 25.3
Depends 16.0 20.0
Control over Household Income ** Has control 19.3 21.5
Does not have control 30.7 9.1
Background False False
Characteristics Positive Negative
Total 58.2 1.3
Age of Woman <25 56.5 0.0
25-33 58.0 1.5
34< 59.3 1.7
Ever been to School Yes 61.8 1.5
No 51.4 0.9
Level of Education 11 years or more 64.3 3.6
1-10 years 60.8 0.7
No education 51.4 0.9
Background Area Urban 58.7 1.3
Rural 56.6 1.3
Family Type Nuclear 55.6 1.3
Joint/extended 64.8 1.1
Economic Group Lower 47.3 0.9
Middle 64.3 1.3
Upper 64.3 2.4
Inter-spousal Age Difference Wife older 42.9 14.3
Same age 61.1 0.0
Husband 1-10 yrs older 57.3 0.8
Husband >10 yrs older 67.5 0.0
Duration of Marriage [less than or equal to] 1 year 66.7 0.0
2-5 years 55.6 1.6
6-15 years 61.5 0.8
16 years or more 54.6 1.9
Number of Pregnancies None 62.5 0.0
l-2 59.0 2.4
3-4 60.2 1.1
5 or more 55.7 0.8
Number of Children None 60.9 0.0
1-2 60.9 2.7
3-4 55.9 0.0
5 or more 56.6 1.3
Current Contraceptive Use Not Using 57.6 1.3
Users 58.8 1.3
Traditional method users 66.7 3.7
Modern method user 57.1 0.8
Ever Wanted to Get Pregnant and could not Yes 55.9 5.9
No 58.5 0.7
Number of Symptoms Reported No symptoms 0.0 6.7
1-2 symptoms 80.8 0.0
3-4 symptoms 73.4 0.0
5 or more symptoms 46.8 0.0
Decision-making Authority No sat at all 68.2 0.0
Moderate say 54.7 1.6
Substantial say 55.9 2.4
Major say 61.2 0.0
Freedom from Threat Afraid and beaten Battered) 73.3 0.0
Afraid but not beaten (Anxious) 59.1 1.1
Not afraid but beaten (Defiant) 48.7 0.0
Neither afraid nor beaten (Contented) 52.9 2.5
Freedom of Mobility Needs permission:
Always 60.1 1.5
Never 51.8 1.2
Depends 64.0 0.0
Control over Household Income ** Has control 57.4 1.8
Does not have control 60.2 0.0
Characteristics p-value
Age of Woman <25 0.485
Ever been to School Yes 0.134
Level of Education 11 years or more 0.051
1-10 years
No education
Background Area Urban 0.947
Family Type Nuclear 0.346
Economic Group Lower 0.011
Inter-spousal Age Difference Wife older 0.000
Same age
Hushand 1-10 yrs older
Husband >10 yrs older
Duration of Marriage [less than or equal to] 1 year 0.490
2-5 years
6-15 years
16 years or more
Number of Pregnancies None 0.022
5 or more
Number of Children None 0.034
5 or more
Current Contraceptive Use Not Using 0.101
Traditional method users
Modern method user
Ever Wanted to Get Pregnant and could not Yes 0.003
Number of Symptoms Reported No symptoms 0.000
1-2 symptoms
3-4 symptoms
5 or more symptoms
Decision-making Authority No sat at all 0.244
Moderate say
Substantial say
Major say
Freedom from Threat Afraid and beaten Battered) 0.011
Afraid but not beaten (Anxious)
Not afraid but beaten (Defiant)
Neither afraid nor beaten (Contented)
Freedom of Mobility Needs permission: 0.478
Control over Household Income** Has control 0.012
Does not have control
Source: RRTIS 2001-2002.
Table 7
Logistic Regression Analysis for Factors Significant for Reporting
of Symptoms by Women, and for Aetiological Presence of an Infection
Reporting a Symptom
Predictor Variable Odds Ratio (95% C1)
Age of Women <25
25-34 --
Level of Education
11 or more years --
Never been to school
1-10 years'
Family Structure
Nuclear --
Background Area
Urban --
Economic Group
Upper --
Inter-spousal Age Difference
Same age 1.00
Wife older 0.64 (0.49-1.80)
Husband 1-10 yrs older --.71 (0.54-2.34)
Husband >10 yrs older 6.49 (5.43-8.17)
Number of Pregnancies
1-2 1.00
None --0.51 (0.21-1.71)
3-4 3.07 (1.40-6.89)
5 or more 2.85 (1.36-4.63)
Gap between the Last Two Pregnancies
None or only one
[greater than or equal to] 12 months --
13-36 months
> 36 months
Menstrual Hygiene
Not menstruating
Commercial sanitary pads --
Cotton wool/new cloth
Old/used cloth
Current Contraceptive Use
Injections --
Decision-making Authority
Major say
No say at all --
Moderate say
Substantial say
Freedom from Threat
Neither afraid nor beaten 1.00
Afraid and beaten (Battered) 8.99 (5.67-11.40)
Afraid but not beaten (Anxious) 1.7 (0.86-3.52)
Not afraid but beaten (Defiant) 1.3 (0.47-2.84)
Freedom of Mobility
Needs permission:
Control over Household Income
Has control 1.00
Does not have control 3.90 (1.63-6.43)
Constant 0.055 *
Model Chi square 47.827 ***
Degrees of freedom 10
Reporting predictive correctly 84.6%
Hosmer-Lemeshow Test 0.740
Number of cases 311
Having an Infection
Predictor Variable Odds Ratio (95% CI)
Age of Women <25
25-34 --
Level of Education
11 or more years --
Never been to school
1-10 years'
Family Structure
Nuclear --
Background Area
Urban --
Economic Group
Upper 1.00
Middle --1.57 (0.69-4.11)
Lower 4.95 (2.42-7.98)
Inter-spousal Age Difference
Same age
Wife older --
Husband 1-10 yrs older
Husband >10 yrs older
Number of Pregnancies
None --
5 or more
Gap between the Last Two Pregnancies
None or only one 1.00
[greater than or equal to] 12 months 12.03 (11.16-15.21)
13-36 months 4.27 (2.87-5.79)
>36 months 6.50 (3.79-8.91)
Menstrual Hygiene
Not menstruating 1.00
Commercial sanitary pads 1.91 (0.61-4.63)
Cotton wool/new cloth 2.51 (1.02-5.74)
Old/used cloth 3.11 (1.44-5.71)
Current Contraceptive Use
Non-users 1.00
Pills --0.38 (0.96-1.48)
IUD 3.49 (1.80-6.28)
Injections --0.14 (0.02-1.31)
Condom --0.16 (0.05-0.55)
Tubectomy 1.22 (0.50-2.81)
Rhythm 0.00 (0.00-0.00)
Withdrawal --0.77 (0.24-2.76)
Decision-making Authority
Major say
No say at all --
Moderate say
Substantial say
Freedom from Threat
Neither afraid nor beaten
Afraid and beaten (Battered)
Afraid but not beaten (Anxious)
Not afraid but beaten (Defiant)
Freedom of Mobility
Needs permission:
Control over Household Income
Has control
Does not have control
Constant --4.176 ***
Model Chi square 72.535 ***
Degrees of freedom 15
Reporting predictive correctly 81.7%
Hosmer-Lemeshow Test 0.690
Number of cases 311
Source: RRTIS 2001-2002.
Note: *** p<.001, ** p<.01, and * p<.05, for having/not having any
(a.) Category marked a represents the reference category.
(b.) Dashes represent factors that were excluded from the model
as they were not found to be significantly associated with having/
reporting an infection at the criteria set in the regression model.
(c.) Number of cases in each category can be found in Annex II.