Labour supply and earning functions of educated married women: a case study of northern Punjab.
Ahmad, Eatzaz ; Hafeez, Amtul
This study analyses labour supply of educated married women in
Mahdi Bahauddin, a typical district of northern Punjab in Pakistan. The
study finds that the education level and economic compulsion are
important factors affecting women's labour force participation
decision. But, otherwise, they are independent in their decision-making,
e.g., the women living in joint families or those with less educated
husbands and/or parents are not socially constrained in terms of
participation. Human capital variables like education, experience, and
training, besides the nature of occupation and distance from the central
city, are the important factors affecting women's earning rates,
while the hours of work are mainly determined institutionally.
JEL Classification: J21, J22
Keywords: Labour Force and Employment, Size, and Structure, Time
Allocation and Labour Supply
Women constitute about half of the total population in Pakistan,
and the same is true for gender distribution in the rural areas. Thus
the pattern of labour force participation by women is of critical
importance in determining the dependency burden, living standards, and
saving rates among households. The present study is an attempt mainly to
analyse the patterns of labour force participation among married women.
In particular, the study explores the determinants of women's
labour force participation decision, their wage rates, and hours of
work. Our sample consists of currently married women with at least l0
years of schooling, (1) because normally they are likely to be
relatively freer in their labour supply decisions as compared to
unmarried and/or less educated women. The analysis is conducted in a
manner of a case study and thus it is confined to the women living in
the district Mahdi Bahauddin. This is a typical district of the Punjab
(the largest province of Pakistan), with a mixed rural and urban blend
and is mainly inhabited by lower to upper middle class families.
Factors determining the employment of women are extremely complex.
At the individual level women's decision to work is subject to such
factors as the availability of jobs, education level and skills. At the
aggregate level female labour force participation is largely determined
by the factors that are indicative of economic, social and demographic
circumstances of the locality under consideration. In the present study
we shall consider both on supply side and demand side factors but focus
mainly on households' structures reflecting their socio-economic
Women are induced to participate in the labour market by the push
and pull factors. The push factors mainly represent financial pressure.
Women from the poorest families are pushed into the labour market due to
severe economic necessity [Kazi and Raza (1986)]. Particularly, in a
society divided by income groups, women belonging to lower income
classes are more likely to participate in the labour market. A high
family income might greatly reduce the necessity of augmenting income by
involving women in the labour force. The pull factors are such
attributes that create demand for labour and include the level of
education, training and experience.
Neoclassical economists consider education to be one of the key
determinants of women's entering the labour market. The higher the
education level, the greater is women's participation in the labour
market [Becker (1965) and Mincer (1980)]. Furthermore, socio-economic
characteristics like education might make certain jobs more available to
them. Investment in human capital such as experience and on-the-job
training enhance productivity, which in turn leads to higher labour
earnings [Mincer and Polachek (1974); Killingsworth and Heckman (1986)].
Demographic factors like age and family size are also considered to
be important in affecting the labour force participation rates of the
women. It has been observed that large family size and dependency burden
might push mothers into the labour force. Other variables like family
structure and education level of husband and parents can also be
considered as potential determinants constraints on women's work
participation. Some of the other factors that could influence
women's participation in the labour force include availability of
jobs, occupation and the distance from the possible place of work.
To analyse the factors affecting women's earning rates we
estimate an earning (or wage) function. In this equation we use age,
human capital variables, occupations and distance from the district as
the independents variables. We also estimate the hours of work equation
using human capital variables, occupation and demographic variables
(number of children, numbers of dependents and age) as explanatory variables. To remove the selectivity bias, we use Heckman's
three-stage procedure for the estimation of participation, wage and
hours equation. This procedure is widely used in literature [Sultana, et
al. (1994), Khandker (1988) and Hyder (1999)].
The study is organised as follows. In Section 2 we discuss the
characteristics and descriptive analyses of data. Methodology and
estimation procedures are discussed in Section 3, while the results are
presented in Section 4. Finally, Section 6 consists of summary and
Data for this study are drawn from the field survey of the district
Mandi Bahauddin. Conducted in the year 2002. The respondents are married
women aged 15-60 years with at least secondary school education. The
sample consists of 210 respondents selected through stratified random
sampling, where strata are based on administrative division of the
district and rural/urban residence. In all, 112 respondents are selected
from the urban area of Mandi Bahauddin (the district headquarter) and
Malikwal (the other major city). Another 68 respondents are taken from
Gojra (a small town), while the remaining 30 respondents belong to the
villages Miana Gondal and Waryait. The relative sizes of the three
sub-samples are determined keeping in view the relative sizes of the
population in the three district zones.
Some of the key demographic features of the district available from
the 1998 Population Census are summarised in Table 1, which shows that
Mandi Bahauddin is a medium sized district with a population of more
than a million. The proportion of male population is slightly larger
than that of female population, while the proportion of working age
population is slightly higher among the female category. Labour force
participation among the working age population is moderate among the
male population but dismally low among the female population; 1.47 only.
The age distribution of the working age population indicates steady
decline in the proportion of that proportion of population and the age
bracket increases. This is explained by two reasons. First, in a growing
population, the number of births also grows over time, implying that the
proportion of young population remains higher than that of the older
population. Second, with increase in mortality rate with age the
proportion of older persons further declines.
The table also shows that the literacy rates in the district are at
slightly better than the ones at the level. (2) The table shows that the
disparity between literacy rates of male and female populations is also
at par with the country. However, females are significantly
discriminated against for higher than the primary education levels.
Another interesting observation is that the difference between the
labour force participation rates of male and female working-age
populations is much higher; 59.9 for male against 1.47 for female. Since
one of the reasons for obtaining education beyond primary level is to
increase earning potentials, one can infer that the educational
discrimination is not as high as one can interpret independent of the
labour force participation data. The proportion of with secondary
education in the female population does not seem to be too low when one
considers the female labour force participation rate.
Out of the total sample of 201 married women considered in this
study about 50 percent women are found to be participating in the labour
market both inside and outside the home for cash income production. (3)
The distribution of participating and nonparticipating women by age is
reported in Table 2. The pattern of female labour force participation
shown in the table reflects the influence of a variety of factors such
as those related to life-cycle phenomena (for example, family need for
income), job structure, hiring criteria, and cultural norms. The table
shows that married women in the youngest age group 15-25 years display
lower level of activity as compared to those in the higher age groups.
This is so because most probably the women in this age group prefer not
to work due to small family size and high child bearing period or
because they do not have enough experience and skills. Data show that,
as expected, the female labour force participation is highest in the
peak productive age 30-45 years.
The distributions of participating women with respect to weekly
hours allocated to the market work and their monthly wage income are
given in Table 3, while the distribution of working women by occupation,
average working hours and wage income are given in Table 4. In our
sample, majority of women is working in the medical and teaching
professions. Usually, they spend 6 to 8 hours per day in the labour
market, and the market time is more or less fixed by the employers. The
table depicts that about 81 percent of the workingwomen are supplying 30
to 40 hours to the labour market weekly and 16 percent of them are
allocating even higher than 40 hours per week. The statistics also show
that mostly the women are earning low monthly income. As discussed
above, the majority of them are teachers, health workers, health
visitors and mid wives. That is why their wage rates are not so high.
About 60 percent of them are earning even less than Rs 4000 per month.
Only a small proportion of women are highly educated, who are engaged in
professional type of occupations (doctors: homeopathic and allopathic),
and earn higher than Rs 10000 per month. It is also apparent that by far
the working hours are longer and wage incomes higher for doctors,
followed by health workers.
Our analytical framework involves the determination of decision to
work, hours of work, and the wage rate per hour. Labour force
participation decision involves choosing one of the two actions only,
that is, to work or not to work. The dependent variable can take only
two binary values: 1 if a women is in the labour market and 0 if she is
not. As is well known, in such a situation linear regression equation is
not suitable. Therefore we consider two non-linear models, namely
logistic probability (Logit) model and normal probability model (Probit)
model along with the linear probability model.
Labour force participation status and hours of work are jointly
determined by the process of maximisation of utility derived from
consumption and leisure. Furthermore since we do not observe
non-participants' wages and hours of work we face the problem of
sample selection bias if we use the truncated sample for participating
women only in the estimation of hours and wage equations. A partial
correction is obtained if we use Heckman's (1979) three-step
procedure for adjusting for such selection bias in predicting wage rate
and hours of work. In the first step a Probit model for labour force
participation decision is estimated. In second step, the inverse Mill's ratio is constructed from the Probit estimates. Then in the
third step the earning and hours of work functions are estimated using
the inverse Mill's ratio as an additional explanatory variable in
each of the two functions. This procedure produces consistent estimates
of regression parameters.
Formally, denote the binary dependent variable, that takes the
value of one for participating women and zero for the non-participating
women, by Y, the column vector of explanatory variables by X and the row
vector of the corresponding regression parameters by oz. Further denote
the density function of a normal standardised variable by f(z). Then
using the subscript i for the observation index, the three models for
the determination of labour force participation decision are specified
as follows.
Linear Probability Model: [Y.sub.i] = [alpha] [X.sub.i] +
[[epsilon].sub.i ... (1)
There may be a number of economic and social factors leading women
to decide whether to enter in the labour market or not. These
explanatory variables are woman's education level, years of
education of husband, mother and father, number of children, number of
other dependents, joint or nuclear family setup, woman's age,
distance from the district headquarter, husbands monthly wage income,
net assets of the family, and the number of other workers in the family.
The exact manner in which each variable is measured or constructed is
described in the results table in Section 4. While the reasons for
including most of these variables are obvious and well documented in
literature, the variable 'distance from district headquarter'
is included to indicate access to job opportunities. Since all the
sample women are educated, they are most likely to find jobs in city and
the chances of them pursuing job would be higher if they reside nearer
to district headquarter. To avoid repetition the economic justification
of each variable is discussed in more detail in the section on empirical
To evaluate the earning structure of women, the statistical earning
function of Mincer and Polachek (1974) is augmented by other factors
affecting earning rates of the women. It can be written as follows.
ln [W.sub.i] = [beta] [X.sub.i] + [u.sub.i] ... (4)
Here ln [W.sub.i] is the natural log of the hourly earning rate of
worker i, [X.sub.i] is the vector of the observations i on independent
variables affecting the wage rate and [beta] the vector of the
corresponding regression parameters. The factors affecting a
woman's earning rates that are included in the study are the
woman's education level, experience, years of training; occupation
and distance from the district headquarter.
Similarly we estimate the following hours of work equation using
women's education level, her occupation, hourly wage rate, age, the
number of dependents and the number of children in the family as the
explanatory variables.
[H.sub.i] = [phi] [X.sub.i] + [v.sub.i] ... (5)
[H.sub.i] denotes hours of work per month, while [X.sub.i] and
[phi] are the vectors of explanatory variables and the regression
parameters respectively.
Following Heckman's (1979) three-step estimation procedure,
the inverse Mills ratio computed from the Probit model given in Equation
(2) will be included as an additional explanatory variable in both the
Equations (4) and (5).
We divide the presentation and discussion of results in three
sub-sections, one each pertaining to the determination of labour force
participation decision, wage rate and hours of work.
4.1. Estimates of the Labour Force Participation Equation
Table 5 shows that with only few exceptions there is not much
difference in the qualitative nature of results across the three
probability models of labour force participation. It appears that the
most important factors affecting the female labour force participation
decision are the level of education, distance from the district
headquarter, the number of other workers in the family, family set up
and the women's age. Wage income of husbands is also found to be a
significant factor in determining female labour force participation
decision in the Probit and Logit models, while the effect of net wealth
of the family is significant only in case of linear model.
Before interpreting the meanings of various regression parameters,
we first notice that the education levels of husbands, mothers and
fathers, the number of children and the number of other dependents are
all insignificant in influencing the female labour force participation
decision. On theoretical ground the effect of husbands' education
on the probability of female labour force participation was expected to
be positive, similarly, one could expect that the daughters of educated
mothers and fathers are more likely to participate in the labour force.
Our results, however, do not confirm to this theoretical expectation and
there could be several explanations for this result. First, since our
sample consists of educated women, they are likely to be independent in
decision-making. Second, the effect of the education level of mothers
and fathers is basically seen on the level of a woman's education.
The daughters of educated parents are more likely to participate in
the labour market mainly because they would also be educated. This
channel has already been taken into account because the education level
of women has been included as a separate explanatory variable in the
model. The insignificant regression coefficients of mothers and
fathers' years of schooling therefore mean that there is no
additional effect of parents education on their daughters' labour
force participation decision over and above what has already been
captured through the effect of daughters education. In any case it
appears that the women's own education level is much more important
in influencing their labour force participation decision than the
education level of their closed relatives.
Coming to the role of number of children and the number of other
dependents, we find that both these variables have insignificant
influence in female labour force participation decision and this result
has straightforward interpretation. There are two competing effects of
increase in number of children and other dependents on the female labour
force participation decision. On one hand married women living in
families with large number of children and other dependents have greater
economic pressure that can push them into the labour market. On the
other hand increase in the number of children or other dependents
results in higher level of activity at home and women may be inclined to
stay home in order to fulfill the increased commitments at home. Our
results suggest that although economic pressure to participate in the
labour force is somewhat dominant over the pressure of increased
activity at home, the net effect of the two is quite insignificant. As a
result the number of children or the number of other dependents do not
have any significant effect on labour force participation decision of
Since the presence of highly insignificant parameters in regression
equation is expected to erode the quality of results, we drop the highly
insignificant variables from regression equation before interpreting the
parameters. We follow the stepwise general to specific procedure to drop
insignificant variables in the light of Theil's benchmark
criterion. According to this criterion a variable is dropped from the
equation if the t value of its regression coefficient is less then 1 in
absolute terms. The variable with the smallest t-value, provided it is
also less than 1 in absolute terms, is dropped first and the equation is
re-estimated. The same rule is applied on the re-estimated equation and
the process is continued till all the t-values are greater than 1 in
absolute terms.
The final estimates obtained with this procedure are presented in
Table 6. Here we find that only two parameters remain insignificant at 5
percent or 10 percent level, but absolute values of their t-statistics
are greater than 1. We also observe that the estimated regression
parameters remain highly stable after the insignificant variables have
been dropped from the equation. This shows that the parameters estimates
obtained under any of the three models are robust.
Also notice that apart from the parameter estimates in the OLS model the interpretation of regression coefficients in the probability
models is not very straightforward. Therefore we postpone this task for
the time being and rather concentrate on signs and significance of
various parameters estimates. The first obvious observation is that the
estimated values of intercept in all the models are highly significant,
suggesting that there are many other factors not included in the
analysis that could have significantly effect the labour force
participation decision of women. This observation is further confirmed
with low values of [R.sup.2] in OLS regression and low values of
McFadden [R.sup.2] in Probit and Logit regression. However, this
observation should not be taken as a poor reflection on the quality of
our results. Low value of [R.sup.2] is a typical phenomenon in
cross-section studies specially when the number of observations is in
hundreds. There are inevitably many unknown factors affecting the
variables under consideration, no matter how careful one tries to be in
selecting the potential explanatory variables.
We find that woman's education level is very important in
determining their labour force participation decisions. All the
regression coefficients of woman's education dummies are positive
and they monotonically increase with the education level. Thus there is
a clear evidence to conclude that the women with higher level of
education are more likely to participate in the labour force. The
results comply with the conventional economic interpretation of
Becker's (1965) theory of household production and time allocation.
The higher the educational level of women, the higher is the opportunity
cost for them producing the non-market output and higher the probability
of participating in the income producing activities outside the home.
The distance from the district is another factor that has
significant influence on the labour force participation decision of
women. The results indicate that the women who live at a great distance
from the district headquarter are more likely to participate in the
labour market. At first sight this result appears difficult to
interpret. Data show that about 30 percent of women live in villages and
their participation rate is higher than the one in the remaining subset.
One of the reasons for this unexpected result is that the participation
rates are higher in the city and villages than in the towns and the
majority of sampled women in city and villages live further far away
from the district headquarter than those living in the towns.
Wage income of husbands is another important factor influencing the
labour force participation decision of wives though the relevant
regression coefficient is not found to be significant in linear
probability model. In any case the evidence suggests that increase in
wage income of husbands reduce the probability of their wives
participation in the labour force. Similar results are found with
respect to net wealth of the family and the number of other workers
(other than husband and wife) in the family. Thus the women living in
economically better-off families are less likely to participate in the
labour force. These results suggest that the economic need and hardship
is an important factor to push women to the labour market. Thus the
women, whose husbands do not earn much or those who do not have enough
wealth to live own or those who live in the family where there are not
many other earners, have to participate in the labour market in order to
supplement their families' income.
The family set-up in which the women live has a significant
relationship with their labour force participation pattern. The results
show that women living in joint families participate more than those
living in the nucleus families. The most plausible explanation for this
result is that the pressure of many persons in the joint family reduce
the pressure of households chores and the educated women can offered to
come out of the home and work for cash reward. The result also implies
that there is no significant adverse pressure of relatives in the joint
families against women participation. Another interpretation could be
that since the joint families are expected to be larger than the nuclear
families, they can more effectively exploit the economies of scale
through the division of labour. Thus the educated women living in joint
families are more likely to work for cash reward, while the uneducated
ones are assigned the job of household activities.
Finally, we find that the probability of female labour force
participation increases with the increase in age of women. A simple
interpretation of this result is that younger women would hardly command
decent wages due to low level of education and lack of experience and
training. They would rather prefer to improve their educational
qualification and/or acquire some training before stepping into the
labour market.
For the interpretation of regression parameters, we have computed
the probability derivatives for all the variables. These derivatives
measure the effect of one unit change in an explanatory variable on the
probability of labour force participation. For a dummy variable the
probability derivative measures the change in the probability of labour
force participation when the dummy variable takes the value of 1 rather
than zero. It should also be obvious that the probability derivatives in
the linear probability model are directly given by the corresponding
regression coefficients. Since the Probit and Logit models are
non-linear, their probability derivatives are not constant. Therefore we
estimate these derivatives at the mean of the sample. The estimates
presented in Table 7 are found to be quite consistent across the three
models. (4) For example according to the linear estimates the
probability of labour force participation for a woman with senior
secondary level education is higher than that for a woman with secondary
level education by 0.16 (or 16 percentage points). The corresponding
figure both in the Probit and Logit models is 0.15 (or 15 percentage
points). Similarly according to the linear model the probability that a
woman with a bachelor degree participates in the labour force is 17.4
percentage points higher than that with matriculation. The corresponding
figure for Probit and Logit models are 18.2 and 17.4 respectively. The
probability derivative for the master level and professional level
education can be interpreted likewise. As expected, the probability of
labour force participation increases monotonically with the level of
education. Thus, for example, senior secondary level education increases
the probability of labour force participation by 15 to 16 percentage
points as compared to the secondary level education. On the other
extreme compared to the secondary level education, professional
education increases the probability of labour force participation by at
least 35.7 percent and at most 48.2 percent depending upon the model
under consideration.
The results indicate that increase in the distance from the
district headquarter by one kilometer results in increase in the
probability of labour force participation by about 0.4 percentage
points. Thus, for example, a woman living at 20 kilometer distance from
the district headquarter is 4 percentage points more likely to
participate in the labour force than the woman with otherwise similar
characteristics but living at 10 kilometer distance.
The probability derivative for the wage income of husband is quite
different between the linear model and the non-linear models. The
difference would be most likely due to the presence of a few extreme
values for husbands' income. Since the estimates based on
non-linear models are preferable to the corresponding estimates based on
the linear model, we do not give much credential to the latter. Thus
considering the Probit and Logit estimates we find that an increase in
wage income of husband by say 10000 rupees per month reduces the
probability of their wives' labour force participate by about 6
percentage points.
Although the effect of net wealth of the family on women's
labour force participate decision is statistically significant, but the
magnitude of this effect is rather small. For example, if the net wealth
of the family increases by l million rupees the probability of labour
force participate of women decreases by about one percentage point only.
On the other hand the effect of increase in number of other workers
(other than husband and wife) in the family on women's labour force
participate decision is quite prominent. For example, the addition of
just one other worker in the family reduces the probability of
women's labour force participate by at least 14 percentage points.
We find that the nature of family set up has very strong bearing on
the female labour force participation decision. The women living in
joint families are at least 32 percentage points more likely to
participate in the labour market than those living in nuclear families.
Finally the women's age also has quite a sizeable impact on
their labour force participate decision. An increase in the woman's
age by one year is expected to increase the likelihood of her
participation in the labour force by about 2 percentage points.
4.2. Estimates of the Wage Equation
Table 8 presents two sets of results for the wage Equation (4), one
without correction for selectivity bias and the other with the
correction. The regression coefficient of inverse Mills ratio is
statistically insignificant and the regression coefficients of various
variables are quite similar across the two equations. This implies that
no systematic selectivity bias is introduced due to censoring of
non-working women from the sample and any one of the two equations can
be used for analysis. It thus follows that the non-working women in our
sample with characteristics similar to those of the working women in the
sample would have fetched the same earning rates as the working women,
had they chosen to work. In any case the overall explanatory power of
the two regression equations is quite impressive both in terms of
overall explanatory power and the statistical significance of the
individual regression coefficients.
As with the participation equations, the intercept in the wage
equation is quite significant. Since the intercept measures the mean of
the natural log of hourly earning rate when all the explanatory
variables are set equal to zero, it follows that a woman with secondary
education, no experience, no training, working as a teacher and living
within the district headquarter would earns Rs 11.32 per hour according
to the first equation and Rs 11.46 per hour according to the second
equation. If such a woman works 40 hours per week she would earn about
Rs 1800 or about US$31 per month.
The effect of education on hourly earning is positive and highly
significant for the women with bachelor or higher degrees. Although the
women with senior secondary education earn more than those with the
secondary education, the difference is statistically insignificant. We
also find that hourly earnings increase monotonically with the level of
education. According to our estimates in the first equation for example,
a woman with senior secondary education earns on average about 13.4
percent more than a woman with secondary education. Likewise compared to
the women with secondary education, those with bachelors, masters and
professional degrees earn on average 37.8 percent, 78.8 percent and
136.8 percent more respectively.
As in most of the studies the wage rate is found to increase at
diminishing rate with years of experience. According to the first
equation for example, for the women with no experience the instantaneous rate of return per year of experience is 10.5 percent. The rate of
return declines to 10.4 percent, 9.1 percent and 8.4 percent for the
women with one year, two years and three years experience respectively.
The effect of training on earnings is also positive, but the
associated regression coefficient is not very significant. In any case
the women with one additional year of training are rewarded with 9
percent increase in their earning rates. The earning rates of women also
depend on their profession. The doctors are found to earn about 60
percent more than the teachers and the difference is statistically
significant. On the other hand the woman classified in lower medical
staff (midwives, health workers and health visitors) earn on average
about 1 percent less than the teachers and the difference is highly
insignificant. This means that the teachers and the lower medical staff
make more or less the same earnings, while the doctors earn much more.
Finally our results show that with each kilometer increase in the
distance from the district headquarter the earning rate decrease by
about one half percent. Thus, although an increase in distance from the
district headquarter increases the probability of LFP, it reduces the
earning rate at the same time. In other words the women living in
far-flung areas have no less probability of LFP, but their earning
potential is inversely affected in a significant way. The women living
far away from the district headquarter have limited job options to
choose from, which adversely affect their earnings. Although they can
travel to main city for a job but the traveling and time cost still
constrain their choices.
4.3. Estimates of the Hours Equation
This brings us to the final stage of analysis that is the
determination of work hours. The estimates of the hours-equation with
and without selectivity bias correction are presented in Table 9. As
with the wage equation, the selectivity bias is not found to be present
in our estimates. Judged by the t statistics, inverse Mills ratio again
appears a redundant variable and its inclusion in the regression
equation does not have much effect on the parameters estimates.
The overall explanatory power of regression equation is not very
impressive. Although the value of [R.sup.2] is reasonably high, most of
the regression coefficients are statistically insignificant. Only a few
variables account for most of the variation in the hours of work
equation. The main reason for this result is that in most cases the
workers do not have free choice on work hours; they have to work more or
less fixed number of hours per day and fix number of days per week. This
also explains as to why the estimated intercept is extraordinarily large
and significant.
The education level of the workers does not have much effect on
their hours of work. The preliminary results show that hours of work are
not much different across secondary, senior secondary and bachelor
levels of education. The results presented in the table show that the
women with masters degree on average work about twelve hours per month
less than the women with secondary education, but the difference is
statistically insignificant. On the other hand the women with
professional degree work much longer hours than those with secondary
education and the difference is marginally significant. The reason is
that women with professional degrees have more options to work extra
hours. On average a woman with professional degree works about 40 hours
more during a month than the one with the secondary level education.
The effect of women's occupation on hours of work is most
prominent among all the variables. Doctors are found to work about 41
hours more in a month than the teachers, while those employed as lower
medical staff work about 29 hours more than the teachers. In both cases
the difference is statistically significant.
Contrary to expectations, the effect of wage rate on hours of work
is not very significant. In a static leisure-income choice model, these
results could have been explained by arguing that the income effect of
an increase in wage rate can mostly offset the substitution effect. In
the intertemporal leisure-income choice model, on the other hand, the
theoretical effect of wage rate on the work hours is unambiguously
positive. The following argument can plausibly explain our results. Not
all the women participate in the labour force as a result of their
long-term planning. Many of them are casual workers who enter or exit
the labour force in response to changes in circumstances like changes in
financial position of the family, marriage, birth of a child, etc. The
behaviour of those who work on long-term basis is closer to the life
cycle theory. Thus, an increase in wage rate is expected to induce longer hours of work. On the other hand, casual workers' behaviour
is closer to the one in the static model. For them the effect of wage
rate on work hours is ambiguous. For some of them, labour supply curve
could well be backward bending. Since we have a mixed sample consisting
of both the 'serious' and casual workers, the effect of wage
rate on work hours is somewhat weak. In any case, one rupee increase in
hourly wage rate results in about 0.18 additional hours of work per
month. To translate this response into a more understandable figure,
consider a woman who works 40 hours per week or 160 hours per month. For
this woman if the wage rate increases by Rs 1000 per month, she will be
inclined to work for the extra 1.125 hours per month. The magnitude of
response to changes in wage rate is therefore quite weak.
We also find that the hours of work increase with the woman's
age and the relationship is statistically significant. For example,
increase in age by 10 years results in 13 hours increase in work hours
per month. A large number of women in the sample (about 98.5 percent)
are no more than 45 years old and the majority (84.6 percent) is even
younger (up to 35 years of age). Thus, young women who have not yet
reached the peak age of work, dominate our sample. This explains why
hours of work keep on increasing with age. (5)
Finally our results show that an increase in the number of children
or other dependents results in reduced hours of work, but the two
effects are statistically insignificant. If we compare this result with
the results on labour force participation, we are lead conclude that
although the increase in number of children and the other dependents do
not affect the women's labour force participation decision, they do
constrain their choices on the hours of work.
This study has analysed the married women's labour supply
decision both in terms of labour force participation decision and the
hours allocated to earning activities. The study also analyses the
earning function of the women who decide to participate in earning
activities. The analyses is conducted as a case study confined to the
women living in the district Mandi Bahauddin, a typical district of the
Punjab (Pakistan), which has a mixed rural and urban blend and is
inhabited mainly by lower-to-upper middle class families. The sample
consisted of currently married women with at least secondary school (10
years of schooling) education. The study also takes into account the
possibility of sample selection bias by employing Heckman's
three-stage estimation procedure.
The empirical results suggest that there are strong and systematic
factors that explain the labour force participation decision of women in
the district. The main findings of the study are as follows. The
woman's education level appears to be the most important factor in
influencing their LFP decision as well as their earning potential. The
women who are better educated are more likely to work for cash rewards
and their hourly earnings are also higher. However, education level does
not have much effect on the hours that women allocate to paid work. Only
the women with professional qualification, who have enough options
available, work longer hours than those with any other educational
The financial position of the family, in which a woman live,
significantly influences her labour force participation decision but it
does not have any bearing on her hours of work. The women whose husbands
earn low incomes and who live in families with low assets or fewer other
workers are more likely to participate in the labour force. Therefore,
one of the main factors that bring women to the labour force is economic
pressure and hardship.
The women living in joint families are not socially constrained
from participation in the labour market; they are rather more likely to
participate in the labour force due to availability of other family
members to work at home. Thus joint families seem to exploit the
economies of scale through division of labour, whereby educated women
specialise in paid work while uneducated women are expected to perform
home activities. The study also finds that the older women are not only
more likely to participate in labour force than the younger ones, those
who do participate also work longer hours.
Another important finding is that the education level of husbands,
mothers or fathers does not influence the labour force participation
decision of married women. Thus, apart from economic pressure, women
appear to be independent in decisionmaking while choosing between work
for cash rewards and home activities.
Besides the level of education, other factors that affect a
woman's earning rate are the other human capital variables like
experience and training, the nature of occupation and the distance from
the central city. The return to experience and training is positive as
expected. Furthermore the return to experience is also diminishing as is
well founded in the literature. The hourly wage rate for teachers is
more or less the same as for lower medical staff while the doctors earn
much more, as expected. Women who live in far-flung areas have to choose
a job from a limited set of options; therefore they have to be content
with relatively lower wage rates.
When it comes to hours of work, women do not have much choice; most
of them are engaged in such profession where the hours of work are
institutionally fixed. The only major factors that influence hours of
work are the nature of occupation and the woman's age. The women
employed as lower medical staff work much longer hours than the teachers
and the doctors work even more. The older women are on average found to
work longer hours than the younger ones.
On the whole the study finds that economic factors are most
important in influencing the labour force participating decision of
women and in shaping their wage and work profiles. Some of the social
factors considered in the study do not appear to have adverse effect in
this regard. For example women living in joint families are not socially
constrained from participating in labour force. Their labour force
participation rate is also not adversely affected just because they are
married to uneducated husband or born to uneducated parents. Finally,
apart from the age of women themselves, demographic characteristics of
families do not have any major impact either on the labour force
participation decision of the women or their choice of work hours.
Becker, G. S. (1965) A Theory of the Allocation of Time. The
Economic Journal 75,299.
Heckman, J. (1979) Sample Selection Bias as Specification Error.
Econometrica 47:1.
Hyder, A. (1999) Public and Private Wage Differentials in Pakistan.
M.Phil Thesis, Department of Economics, Quaid-i- Azam University,
Ibraz, Tassawar Saeed (1993) The Cultural Context of Women's
Productive Invisibility: A Case Study of a Pakistani Village. The
Pakistan Development Review 32:1, 101-125.
Kazi, S. and B. Raza (1986) Household Headed by Women: Income
Employment and Household Organisation. The Pakistan Development Review
27:4, 781-790.
Khandker, S. R. (1988) Determinants of Women's Time Allocation
in Rural Bangladesh. Economic Development and Cultural Change 37.
Killingsworth, M. R. and J. J. Heckman (1986) Female Labour
Supply." A Survey. Handbook of Labour Economics. New York: Elsevier
Science Publishers.
Mincer, J. (1980) Labour Force Participation of Married Women. In
Aliech Amsdon (ed.) Economics of Women and Work. Colombia: Penguim
Mincer, J. and S. Polachek (1974) Family Investment in Human
Capital. Earnings of Women. The Journal of Political Economy 82:2.
Sultana, Nargis, Hina Nazli, and S. J. Malik (1994) Determinants of
Female Time Allocation in Selected Districts of Rural Pakistan. The
Pakistan Development Review 33:4. 1141-1153.
Eatzaz Ahmad <
[email protected]> is Professor and Amtul Hafeez
[email protected]> is a PhD student at the Department of
Economics, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad.
(1) In Pakistan's education system, the first main educational
diploma, namely, the Secondary School Certificate, is normally completed
in 10 years.
(2) The literacy rates at the country level for both sexes, male
and female, were 43.9 percent, 54.8 percent, and 32.0 percent
(3) For the purposes of this study, female labour force
participation (hereafter FLFP) is defined as the act of working inside
or outside the home for cash income production. Likewise,
non-participation means that the person under consideration had never
worked or worked in the past and then left due to some reason.
(4) The only dissimilarity, between the linear and the non-linear
models, is found in the effect of wage income of husbands on the labour
force participation decision.
(5) In our preliminary analysis, we also included square of age as
an additional explanatory variable but it turned out to be a redundant
Table 1
Distribution of Respondents by Age and Labour Force Participation
Total Male Female
Population (Number of persons) 1160552 594127 566425
Percentage of Working Age 52.44 51.49 53.44
Population (15-60)
Percentage of Workers in the 30.85 59.90 1.47
Working Age Population
Percentage of Working Population
by Age Groups
15-20 19.71 19.82 19.59
21-30 30.04 29.18 30.92
31-40 21.45 21.34 21.55
41-50 16.65 16.88 16.42
51-60 12.15 12.78 11.52
Percentage of Population with 47.15 58.53 35.31
Primary Education
Percentage of Population with 11.81 16.61 6.87
Secondary Education
Table 2
Distribution of Respondents, by Age and Labour Force Participation
Working Non-working
Age Women Women Total
Up to 20 Years 2 7 9
(2.02%) (6.86) (4.48%)
[22.22%] [77.78%]
21-25 Years 9 43 52
(9.09%) (42.16%) (25.87%)
[17.31%] [82.69%]
26-30 Years 40 30 70
(40.40%) (29.41%) (34.83%)
[57.14%] [42.86%]
31-35 Years 26 13 39
(26.26%) (12.75%) (19.40%)
[66.66%] [33.33%]
36-40 Years 17 4 21
(17.17%) (3.92%) (10.45%)
[80.95%] [19.05%]
41-45 Years 5 2 7
(5.05%) (1.96%) (3.48%)
[71.43%] [28.57%]
46-60 Years 0 3 3
(2.96%) -1.49%
Total 99 102 201
[49.25%1 (50.75%1
Note: Values in round (square) brackets arc percentages from the
column (row) totals.
Table 3
Distribution of Working Women, by Hours of Work
Labour Supply Number of Monthly Wage Income
(Hours Per Week) Working Women (Thousand Rupees)
Up to 30 Hours 2 Up to 2000
30 to 40 Hours 81 2000 to 4000
40 to 50 Hours 8 4000 to 10000
50 Hours and above 8 10000 or above
Total 99 Total
Table 4
Distribution of Working Women, by Occupation
Average Weekly
Labour Supply Number Weekly Income
(Hours tier Week) of Women Hours (Rupees)
Teachers 75 36.7 3998
Doctors 7 57 34143
Health Workers 17 45 5019
Total 99 39.6 6305
Table 5
Estimated Probability Models for Female Labvarr Force Participation
Normal Logistic
Linear (Probity (Logit)
Explanatory Variable Model Model Model
Intercept -0.460 -3.09 -5.286
(-2.22 *) (-4.50 *) (-4.27 *)
Woman's Education Dummy 0.164 0.539 0.879
= 1 if Senior Secondary, (1.93 **) (2.01 *) (1.97 *)
0 Otherwise
Woman's Education Dummy 0.166 0.606 0.958
= 1 if Bachelors, 0 Otherwise (1.80 **) (2.08 *) (1.95 *)
Woman's Education Dummy 0.291 1.168 1.942
= 1 if Masters, 0 Otherwise (2.07 *) (2.18 *) (2.06 *)
Woman's Education Dummy 0.364 1.556 2.768
= 1 if Professional, 0 (1.65) (2.11 *) (1.86 **)
Education Years of Husband -0.010 -0.029 -0.0469
(-0.86) (-0.74) (-0.74)
Education Years of Mother 0.007 0.017 0.026
(0.76) (0.54) (0.49)
Education Years of Father 0.002 0.004 0.013
(0.34) (0.16) (0.34)
Distance from District 0.004 0.013 0.0121
Headquarter (2.23 *) (1.97 *) (1.91 **)
Monthly Wage Income of Husband -0.0001 -0.018 -0.035
(-1.24) (-2.10*) (-1.93**)
Net Wealth -0.00001 -0.00004 -0.00006
(-2.04 *) (1.47) (-1.34)
Number of Other Workers -0.164 -0.587 -0.952
(-2.75 *) (-3.04 *) (-2.89 *)
Number of Children 0.016 0.0458 0.059
(0.70) (0.62) (-2.89)
Number of Dependents 0.025 0.108 0.153
(Other than Children) (0.76) (1.07) (0.48)
Family Set Up 0.308 I.Ol8 1.678
= 1 if Joint, 0 Otherwise (3.79 *) (3.74 *) (3.62 *)
Woman's Age 0.0245 0.0852 0.149
(4.33*) (4.46*) (4.23*)
Sample Size 201 201 201
[R.sup.2] 0.264
McFadden [R.sup.2] 0.24 0.24
Note: The dependent variable is set equal to one for workers and zero
for non-workers. The statistics significant at 5 percent and 10
percent levels are indicated by * and ** respectively.
Table 6
Estimates of the Restricted Probability Models
Normal Logistic
Linear (Probity (Logit)
Explanatory Variable Model Model Model
Intercept -0.509 -3.199 -5.449
(-3.01*) (-5.41*) (-5.00*)
Woman's Education Dummy = 0.160 0.502 0.843
1 if Senior Secondary, (0.194 **) (1.96 **) (1.96 *)
0 Otherwise
Woman's Education Dummy = 0.174 0.602 0.972
1 if Bachelors, 0 Otherwise (2.06 *) (2.25 *) (2.16 *)
Woman's Education Dummy = 0.282 1.111 1.879
1 if Masters, 0 Otherwise (2.20 *) (2.30 *) (2.19 *)
Woman's Education Dummy = 0.357 1.460 2.704
1 ifProfessional,0 Otherwise (1.72 **) (2.09*) (1.87 **)
Distance from the District 0.004 0.012 0.0197
Headquarter (2.24 *) (1.98 *) (1.87 **)
Monthly Wage Income of -0.0002 -0.018 -0.036
Husband (-1.33) (-2.18 *) (-1.99 *)
Net Wealth -0.00001 -0.00003 -0.00005
(-1.82 **) (-1.21) (-1.10)
Number of Other Workers -0.141 -0.487 -0.820
(-2.57 *) (-2.82 *) (-2.72 *)
Family Set Up = 0.332 I .091 1.799
1 if Joint, 0 otherwise (4.33 *) (4.18 *) (4.06 *)
Woman's Age 0.024 0.083 0.145
(4.85 *) (4.93 *) (4.59 *)
Sample Size 201 201 201
[R.sup.2] 0.255
McFadden [R.sup.2] 0.23 0.23
F-statistic 6.507
Note: The dependent variable is set equal to one for workers and zero
for non-workers. The statistics significant at 5 percent and 10
percent levels are indicated by * and ** respectively.
Table 7 Probability Derivatives with Respect to Independent variables
Normal Logistic
Linear (Probity (Logit)
Explanatory Variable Model Model Model
Woman's Education Dummy =
1 if Senior Secondary, 0.1602 0.1517 0.1502
0 Otherwise
Woman's Education Dummy =
1 if Bachelors, 0 Otherwise 0.1740 0.1819 0.1735
Woman's Education Dummy =
1 if Masters, 0 Otherwise 0.2822 0.3359 0.3353
Woman's Education Dummy =
1 if Professional, 0 0.3573 0.4412 0.4822
Distance from the District 0.0041 0.0037 0.0035
Monthly Wage Income of -0.0002 -0.0054 -0.0064
Net Wealth -0.000016 -0.00001 -0.000009
Number of Other Workers -0.1443 -0.1473 -0.1463
Family Set Up =
1 if Joint, 0 otherwise 0.3324 0.3298 0.3207
Woman's Age 0.0244 0.0251 0.0259
Note: The dependent variable is set equal to one for workers and zero
for non-workers.
Table 8
The Estimated Earning Functions
Wage Equation
with no Wage Equation
Correction for Corrected for
Selectivity Selectivity
Explanatory Variables Bias Bias
Intercept 2.427 2.439
(13.92 *) (13.83 *)
Woman's Education Dummy 0.134 0.153
= 1 if Intermediate, 0 Otherwise (1.23) (1.33)
Woman's Education Dummy 0.378 0.406
= 1 if Bachelors, 0 Otherwise (3.62 *) (3.487 *)
Woman's Education Dummy 0.788 0.846
= 1 if Masters, 0 Otherwise (5.83 *) (4.94 *)
Woman's Education Dummy 1.368 1.388
= 1 if Professional, 0 Otherwise (5.35 *) (5.36 *)
Years of Experience 0.105 0.107
(3.59*) (3.62 *)
Experience Square -0.0035 -0.003
(-2.54 *) (-2.48 *)
Years of Training 0.091 0.084
(1.81 **) (1.63)
Woman's Occupation Dummy 0.594 0.607
= 1 if Doctors, 0 Otherwise (2.84 *) (2.88 *)
Woman's Occupation Dummy -0.012 -0.008
= 1 if Lower Medical Staff, (-0.10) (-0.07)
0 Otherwise
Distance from the District -0.006 -0.005
Headquarter (-2.24 *) (-1.91 **)
Inverse Mills Ratio -0.054
N 99 99
[R.sup.2] 0.685 0.685
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.649 0.647
F-statistic 19.2 17.3
Note: The statistics significant at 5 percent and 10 percent levels
arc indicated by * and ** respectively.
Table 9
The Estimated Hours of Work Equations
Hours Equation
with no Hours Equation
Correction for Corrected for
Explanatory Variables Selectivity Bias Selectivity Bias
Intercept 109.813 111.335
(6.02 *) (5.69 *)
Woman's Education Dummy -11.577 -12.652
= 1 if Masters, 0 Otherwise (-1.17) (-1.14)
Woman's Education Dummy 40.232 39.676
= 1 if Professional, 0 Otherwise (1.67 **) (1.63)
Woman's Occupation Dummy 41.145 41.296
= 1 if Doctors, 0 Otherwise (2.62 *) (2.61 *)
Woman's Occupation Dummy 29.226 29.555
= 1 if lower Medical Staff (3.50 *) (3.47 *)
0 Otherwise
Woman's Hourly Wage Rate 0.183 0.183
(1.42) (1.42)
Woman's Age 1.316 1.215
(2.26 *) (1.65)
Number of Children -3.037 -3.119
(-1.28) (-1.29)
Number of Dependents -2.504 -2.544
(Other than Children) (-1.20) (-1.20)
Inverse Mills Ratio 1.577
N 99 99
[R.sup.2] 0.478 0.478
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.432 0.426
F-statistic 10.3 9.07
Note: The statistics significant at 5 percent and 10 percent
levels are indicated by * and ** respectively.