Provincial finance commission: options for fiscal transfers.
Ahmed, Qazi Masood ; Lodhi, Akhtar
The Provincial Finance Commissions were constituted in all four
provinces of Pakistan in 2001. The Commissions were asked to formulate a
formula for the distribution of resources among the districts in their
respective province to ensure smooth functioning of the local
governments and to minimise the poverty and income inequalities among
the districts. This paper analyse to what extent the existing
development transfers are based on the existing level of deprivation in
the districts by looking at the Rank Correlation between them. This
paper also runs different simulations to suggest different options for
the provincial governments to improve the distribution formulas.
The Provincial Finance Commissions were constituted in all four
provinces of Pakistan in 2001. The Commissions were asked to formulate a
formula for the distribution of resources among the districts in their
respective province. The formula includes both transfers- the
development transfer and current transfers. The purposes of the current
transfers are to ensure the maintainability of existing services at the
districts level and of the development grants to minimise the
intra-district poverty and inter-districts income differential. In this
paper we compute the Rank Correlation between the existing development
grants transfer index and the deprivation index. This will help the
policy-makers understood whether the transfers are fiscal need based or
not? That is to highlight to what extent the existing development
transfers are based on the existing level of deprivation in the
districts. If not, then what can be done to make the transfers pro-poor.
To assist the policy maker in this regards this study carried out a
simulation when 50 percent transfers are based on population and 50
percent on deprivation. This simulation will provide sufficient range in
which the policy maker can exercise their discretion to minimise poverty
and at the same time provide resources to maintain existing
infrastructure. The distribution of funds among the districts which is
based only on expenditure needs of the districts cannot help address
poverty issue. The provinces therefore, have to use different indicators
in the formula of PFC Award to achieve both objectives.
The relationship among different indicators used in the formula for
intergovernmental fiscal transfers is of crucial importance. Two
indicators may or may not have correlation with each other; if the
correlation exists it may be positive or negative and may be high or
low. In each case inclusion of indicator in the formula will have
different implications. If two indicators are negatively related then
inclusion of either one or both will change the distribution
drastically. If the two indicators are highly positively correlated, it
means that they complement each other, and therefore, using both
indicators in one formula would not make any difference. In order to
simplify the formula for distribution of resources, one index from the
two can be selected with higher weight. For example, two indicators
population share and urbanisation has a very high correlation, say 0.95,
if both are included with different weight say 55 percent and 10 percent
respectively, will distribute resources almost in same fashion if only
one is used with 65 percent. These and other considerations are
important to keep in mind while designing formula for PFC Awards.
Each province has its own preferences according to its social,
economic and political needs and selects distribution criteria accordingly. In the following section we will first prepare a menu of
indicators for each province that can be used in the formula of PFC
Awards and also compute correlation and co-variance matrix among the
indicators to show their relative strength to change the distribution of
Table la has indicators indices their mean, median and standard
deviation which show their relative strength to change the composition
of fiscal transfers. Any of these indices could be included in the
formula of PFC Award for the Sindh Province.
Population Index
Population index in Table 1 is constructed by taking the shares of
total population (both urban and rural) of each district relative to
total population of the province. Population data is based on the census of 1998. The index depicts that Karachi is the most populous district,
having 32.4 percent of the population of Sindh, while Shikarpur is the
least populous district having only 2.9 percent of Sindh's
If the province selects only population as the single criterion of
fiscal transfers then Karachi will get 32.4 percent share in resources
followed by Hyderabad 9.5 per cent and Larkana will get 6.3 percent. The
average of resource transfer would be 6.3 percent, with a median value of 4.2 percent. The value of standard deviation has a value of 7.2
percent which indicates a very high variation in the resource
distribution due to high concentration of population in few districts.
Almost half of the population of Sindh lives in three districts namely
Karachi, Hyderabad and Larkana. Population index has been used in the
existing PFC criteria of Sindh with a weight of 60 percent.
Deprivation Index (MDI)
Deprivation index was constructed by SPDC, using Pakistan Standard
of Living Measurement survey 2005. This index estimates the percentage
of population in each district not having access to basic services such
as, education, health, housing (quality), housing services (basic
utilities), and employment. According to the index, Karachi is the least
deprived, while Thatta is the most deprived of the districts of Sindh.
The index ranges from maximum 7.4 percent to minimum 2.4 percent with a
low variation of 1.22 percent.
Index of Poverty
Index of Poverty given in Table la was also constructed by SPDC.
The original index shows poverty level of the districts, which is
estimated by the percentage of district population living below the
poverty line. Some adjustments have been made in the original index to
make it useful for inclusion in PFC formula. Adjustments were made by
dividing each district's poverty ratio with the summation of the
poverty ratio of all districts. The adjusted poverty index tells the
relative poverty of one district to other and adding all districts'
poverty level gives 100. The index shows that poverty is highest in
Shikarpur (9.8 percent) and lowest in Karachi (1.8 percent). The
standard deviation is 1.96 percent. If all the transfers are made on the
basis of this one index then the maximum 9.8 percent funds would go to
Shikarpur and Karachi would get only 1.8 percent of the total allocable fund.
Index of Economic Base
The index of Economic Base uses manufacturing and agriculture value
added of all the districts. The index shows that Karachi contributes
47.3 percent in the total value added of agriculture and manufacturing,
while Thar At Mathi contributes only 0.1 percent. The index virtually
shows the level of economic activity in the districts and the output
generating capacity of the districts. If the transfers are made on the
basis of economic base then the districts having greater capacity of
production would get more funds. This can be used to finance further
improvement in the industrial base of the districts. Standard deviation
i.e. variation of the index numbers from the average is fairly high
i.e., 11.2 percent shows very skewed endowment of resources among the
Inverse of Human Development Index
Human Development Index (HDI) comprises of education, health and
income of district population based on PLSM survey. Level of Human
development, according to the index, is lowest in Thar At Mathi and
highest in Karachi. This index has a variation of 4.64 percent.
Urbanisation Index
Urbanisation Index is based on the percentage of population,
estimated on the basis of the 1998 census, living in the urban areas of
the districts. Karachi is the most urbanised district with 20.6 percent
population living in the urban area. Thar At Mathi is the least
urbanised district, since only 1 percent population of the district
lives in its urban area. The variation of this index is 1.65.
Index of Area
Index of area shows district area as a percentage of total area of
the province. It shows that Thar At Mathi is the largest district of
Sindh, and covers 14 percent area of the province. On the other side
Shikarpur is the smallest of the districts of Sindh and it occupies only
1.8 percent of the area of the province. The variation of this index is
Tables 1b and 1c presents the correlation and covariance matrices
of the indices of Sindh. The Tables 1b and 1c shows that population
index is highly correlated with urbanisation index and the index of
economic base. It also has positive correlation with HDI. On the other
side population index has high negative correlation with the indices of
deprivation and poverty. The index has very low correlation with the
index of area.
Recalling the argument mentioned in the beginning paragraphs, data
presented in Table 1b and 1c implies that using population index along
with tax collection index, economics base index and/ or urbanisation
index in the PFC formula cannot be very useful due to high positive
correlation among the indices. However, using population index with the
indices of poverty and deprivation might result in more equitable distribution of income.
Deprivation index is negatively correlated with urbanisation and
the index of economic base. The index, however, has high positive
correlation with the poverty index therefore it will again not be very
useful to have together in the distribution formula.
Similarly economic base, urbanisation and HDI indices have very
high positive correlation among themselves and therefore any one index
with a greater weight can serve the same purpose as three indices used
simultaneously with smaller weights.
Table 1d shows the rank correlation between the index of fiscal
transfers and deprivation index is only 0.0382. This shows the current
system of fiscal transfer is not pro-poor. It implies if this criterian
is continued it will not facilitate reduction in poverty among the
districts. Therefore, there is a need for the change in this formula. To
assist the policy makers we have conducted two simulations to assist the
government of Sindh to make necessary changes in the formula to make it
more pro-poor. The first simulation show the rank correlation of the
suggested fiscal transfer, which is based 100 percent on population,
shows the rank correlation increases to 0.223. This correlation shows
even a single criterion of population is more pro-poor than the existing
formula. The second simulation shows the rank correlation between the
fiscal transfers, which is based on 50 percent on population and 50
percent on deprivation, and the rank correlation increases to 0.273.
This show that these two indicators, population and deprivation,
increases the poverty reduction capacity of the formula and therefore,
if the poverty reduction is an objective, then both indicators must be
use with higher weights.
Table 2a shows the menu of the indicators for the province of
Punjab. This Table shows how and to what extent the distribution of
fiscal transfers will be different if we use different indicators in the
PFC formula. The complete description of each indicator is given below.
Population Index
Table 2a which shows the relative population of each district in
Punjab depicts that Lahore is the most populous district, having 8.58
percent of the population of Punjab, while Hafizabad is the least
populous district having only 1.13 percent of Punjab's population.
If the province selects only population as the single criterion of
fiscal transfers then Lahore will get most (8.58 percent) and Hafizabad
gets lowest (1.13 percent) share in total resources. This Table 2a also
shows the average of transfer is 2.94 percent, the median is 2.79
percent and standard deviation of transfer distribution would be 1.69
Deprivation Index (MDI)
The SPDC Multiple Deprivation Index (MDI) shows the Lodhran district is the most deprived district and has index value of 3.63
percent. Lahore is the least backward and least deprived district and
has a value 1.64 percent. The mean and median value of distribution is
2.94 and 3.0 respectively and the standard deviation of transfer is .44.
If only this index is used then Lodhran will get maximum share in
Poverty Index
The SPDC Poverty index gives different picture. The highest poverty
registered in Muzaffargarh with an index value 3.6 percent while it is
lowest in Rawalpindi has an index value 1.17 percent. The median of this
distribution is 2.68 percent and standard deviation is 1.34 percent.
This index if used exclusively for distribution purposes, will benefit
Muzaffargarh most and Rawalpindi least.
Economic Base Index
The index of Economic Base shows the index is highest for
Sheikhupura district 7.90 percent while the Chakwal district has lowest
value of .88 percent.
Urbanisation Index
Urbanisation Index shows highest 9.67 percent of urban population
lives in Lahore and only 1.44 percent lives in Chakwal.
Human Development Index
The Human Development Index shows the index is 2.55 lowest in
Jhelum and highest 3.20 in Lodhran. This index has a low variation of
1.65 percent.
Area Index
The Bahawalpur district is the largest area-wise district of Punjab
and cover almost 12.09 per cent area where as Lahore is the smallest
district in Punjab in terms of area covers only 0.86. The standard
deviation is 2.13.
Correlation matrix of the above indices, presented in Table 2b and
c show that there is a relatively high positive correlation between
population, economic base and urbanisation. On the other side there is
relatively high negative correlation between population and backwardness and deprivation index.
Table 2d shows the distribution of resources based on existing
formula and simulations based on alternative formulas. The existing PFC
formula of Punjab distributes the resources among the districts on the
basis of population 50 percent and backwardness 50 percent. It is
interesting to note the rank correlation between the index of transfer
based on existing formula and the backward index is 0.41 which is
relatively high. This show the variation in the transfer is minimised in
the existing formula and therefore it is more pro-poor.
We ran two alternative simulations. First simulation assumes
distribution of transfers is solely on the basis of population. Second
simulation assumes the distribution of transfers is 50 percent on
population base and 50 percent on multiple development index.
Results of the first simulation given are given in Table 2d. By
assigning 100 percent weights to population share index, the standard
deviation of the distribution increased to 1.69 percent. Lahore gets the
highest share 8.58 per cent on account of highest population. Minimum
share goes to Jehlum only 1.27 percent, which has small population. The
median of this distribution is 2.79 percent. This simulation shows if
only population is used in the distribution criteria it will increase
income inequality because no consideration is given to poverty and
deprivation indices. The rank correlation between the index of transfer
from this simulation and MDI is (-.297) which clearly indicate if in
Punjab only population is used for distribution, it will be more
dis-equiliser in character.
The Rank Correlation of second simulation is 0.482. This shows if
the distribution of transfer is based on 50 percent on population and 50
percent on SPDC MDI index then such transfer will be more pro-poor. It
is important to note that in Punjab the existing formula is 50 percent
population and 50 percent backwardness. Whereas this proposed formula is
50 percent population and 50 percent on SPDC MDI index. The results show
the Rank correlation of the existing formula simulation and the proposed
simulation which uses deprivation and backwardness are more pro-poor
than the simulation which consider only the population for the
distribution of resources.
Table 3a shows indices of different indicators that could be
included in the formula of PFC Award of NWFP.
Area Index
Area index in Table 3a depicts that Chitral is the largest district
of NWFP in terms of area and if NWFP government distributes all
resources on the basis of area, maximum share of 19.93 percent would go
to Chitral. Malakand is the smallest district and on the basis of area
it would get only 1.3 percent of the total allocable resources.
Index of Population
Index of population shares shows that Peshawar, which is again one
of the smallest districts in terms of area, is the largest district in
terms of population and 11.4 percent of the population of NWFP lives in
Peshawar. Tank is the smallest district in terms of population. It has
1.3 percent of NWFP's population.
Index of Poverty
Index of Poverty show that poverty is highest in Upper Dir (6.3
percent) and lowest in Mansehra (2.4 percent). The standard deviation is
0.99 percent. If all the transfers are made on the basis of this one
index then the maximum funds would go to Upper Dir and only 2.4 percent
of the fiscal transfers would go to Mansehra.
Index of Economic Base
The index of Economic Base shows that Mardan and Peshawar are the
biggest contributors, 11.97 and 11.83 percent, respectively, in the
total value added of agriculture and manufacturing in NWFP, while
Battagram contributes only 0.4 percent in the province's value
added of agriculture and manufacturing. Variation of the index numbers
from the average is 3.83 percent.
Relative Inverse of Human Development Index
Relative Inverse of Human Development Index (HDI) shows that human
development conditions are best in Haripur, while it is worst in
Urbanisation Index
The Urbanisation Index, which is based on the percentage of
population living in the urban areas of the district, shows that
Peshawar is the most urbanised district with 15.7 percent population
living in the urban area. Kohistan is the least urbanised district,
since its urbanisation rate is zero percent.
Data presented in Table 28 shows that population share is highly
correlated with urbanisation index and the index of economic base. Human
Development Index and deprivation both have maximum positive correlation
of 0.74 and index of HDI with poverty is 0.34. Area has high correlation
with deprivation index 0.38.
Table 3b and c shows that existing PFC formula distributes the
resources among the districts, 50 percent on the basis of population, 25
percent on the basis of backwardness, and 25 percent on the basis of
infrastructure. Table 3d shows that based on the existing formula the
Rank Correlation between the index of transfer and index of deprivation
is 0.428, which show relative high correlation and indicate the
transfers are pro-poor and helpful in poverty and deprivation reduction.
In search of better alternative formulae for the fiscal transfers
two simulations were made. In the first simulation we tried to find how
funds would be distributed among different districts if the single
criterion of population is used and consequently what will be Rank
Correlation between the transfer index and deprivation index.
Menu Tables for the Province of N.W.F.P
Results of the first simulation given in Table 3d shows the Rank
Correlation between the transfer based on population only and
deprivation index became (-.675) which indicate in N.W.F.P. such
arrangement would be very anti pro-poor. The second simulation assumes
the transfers are 50 percent based on population and 50 percent on SPDC
MDI index. The resulting Rank Correlation between the proposed transfer
and SPDC MDI become 0.733 which show proposed transfers are very fiscal
equaliser. This proposed transfer system if implemented would reduce
inter district variation in the deprivation in N.W.F.P.
Table 4a shows indices of different indicators that could be
included in the formula of PFC Award of Balochistan.
Area Index
This depicts that Chaghi is the largest district, of Balochistan
and if Balochistan government distributes all resources on the basis of
area, maximum share of 14.6 percent would go to Chaghi. Ziarat is the
smallest district and on the basis of area it would get only 0.4 percent
of the total allocable resources. Quetta the most developed district of
Balochistan cover only 0.76 area and therefore will get less than one
per cent of resources if distributed on the basis of area only. There is
big variation in the size of districts of Balochistan reflected by the
high standard deviation 3.97 percent. This implies that if in
Balochistan resources are distributed only on the basis of area index it
will lead to regional inequality in the province.
Index of Population
Index of population shows that Quetta, which is one of the smallest
districts in terms of area, is the largest district in terms of
population and 11.6 percent of the population of Balochistan lives in
Quetta. Ziarat the smallest district in terms of area is also smallest
in terms of population. The standard deviation is 2.27 percent which is
high and therefore any distribution only on this criteria will not be
fiscal equaliser.
Menu Tables for the Province of Balochistan.
Deprivation Index
Deprivation index shows that Musa Khail is the most deprived, while
Quetta is the least deprived of the districts of Balochistan. The index
ranges from maximum 4.6 percent to minimum 2.6 percent with a low
standard deviation 0.42 percent. This low standard deviation value shows
less variation among the districts in terms of deprivation index and
therefore, any distribution on this basis would be more equitable.
Index of Poverty
This index shows that poverty is highest in Chaghi (5.5 percent)
and lowest in Quetta (2.5 percent). The standard deviation is 0.66
percent. This implies if all the transfers are made on the basis of this
index then the maximum funds would go to Chaghi and Quetta would get
only 2.5 percent of the total allocable fund. The low standard deviation
also indicate more equitable distribution of income if this index is
used for distribution.
Index of Economic Base
The index of Economic Base shows that Ziarat contributes 10.7
percent in the total value added of agriculture and manufacturing in
Balochistan, while Dera Bugti contribute only 0.03 percent in the
province's value added of agriculture and manufacturing.
Variation of the index is 2.83 percent.
Urbanisation Index
Urbanisation Index shows that Quetta is the most urbanised district
with 15.9 percent population living in the urban area. Awaran is the
least urbanised district, since its urbanisation rate is zero percent.
Human Development Index (HDI)
Human Development Index (HDI) (in Table 4a the inverse of HDI is
given) shows that human development conditions are best in Ziarat, while
it is worst in Dera Bugti. So if the inverse of this index is used for
distribution the Dera Bugti district will get maximum share.
Table 4b and 4c presents the correlation and covariance matrices of
the indices of Balochistan. The Table 4 b and c shows area, deprivation
and poverty has positive correlation mean poverty and deprivation exist
in those districts where area is large. Population and urbanisation has
high positive correlation but has negative correlation with poverty and
deprivation. However, due to high standard deviation if only area,
population, urbanisation and economic base are used it will lead to more
un-equitable distribution of income in the province. Therefore, for more
equitable distribution of income deprivation and poverty indicies must
be used with high weightage.
Table 4d shows three Rank Correlations- one is based on the index
of transfers based on existing formula and deprivation index and two
based on alternative transfers arrangements. The existing PFC formula of
Balochistan distributes the resources among the districts on the basis
of population 50 percent and area 50 percent. Table 4d shows the Rank
correlation between the fiscal transfers on the basis of existing
formula and the deprivation index is -0.41. This value clearly shows the
existing fiscal transfer are not fiscal equaliser, in fact, the negative
value indicate this arrangement will further increase the deprivation
disparity among the districts of Balochistan. There is a need to change
this formula in order to reduce disparity among the provinces. To assist
the government of Balochistan we have conducted two simulations.
In the first simulation we tried to find how funds would be
distributed among different districts if the single criterion of
population is used. The Rank correlation of this proposed transfers and
deprivation index is -0.13. The distribution of resources based on only
population index is still negative but has lower value than the existing
formula. This implies if only population is used for distribution the
inequality will increase but at a slower rate as compared to the
existing fiscal arrangements.
The other simulation shows the rank correlation between the fiscal
transfers and the deprivation index is 0.274. In this simulation the
fiscal transfers to the districts are based on 50 percent on population
and 50 percent on deprivation. This simulation shows this arrangement
will make fiscal transfer fiscal equaliser and will reduce deprivation
and disparity among the districts.
This paper computes Rank Correlation between the index of fiscal
transfer and the existing deprivation index. This rank correlation
indicates to what extent the existing transfer system is depended upon
the existing deprivation level of each district. This paper shows in two
out of four provinces, Punjab and N.W.F.P., the computed rank
correlation are 0.413 and 0.428 respectively, in one province, Sindh, it
is 0.038 and in one province, Balochistan, it is -0.41. The wide range
of rank correlation among the provinces shows varying degree of reliance
of existing development transfers system on the existing deprivation
level. Two provinces, Punjab and N.W.F.P. allocate reasonably their
resources based on the prevailing deprivation index, however, other two
provinces, Sindh and Balochistan, do not consider much the existing
deprivation indices for the allocation of resources among the district.
The inter-temporal rank correlations shows except in Balochistan other
three provinces had improved distributional formula.
The paper carried out a simulation for each province to assist the
policy makers to make the fiscal transfer more pro-poor. The simulation
is assumed 50 percent transfers are on population and 50 percent on
poverty bases and therefore considers both expenditure need and the
poverty level of the district. The study shows in each province
especially in the two provinces Sindh and Balochistan the transfers may
also be pro-poor if it is according to the suggested simulation and are
much improved over the existing system of transfer. Opting this
suggested system district governments would be able to expand resources
on poverty alleviation programs and enhance access to provision of
public services to inhabitant of the district. Therefore, district
governments may also contribute along with provincial and federal
governments to achieve Millennium Development Goals.
Qazi Masood Ahmed <
[email protected]> is Director Research,
Institute of Business Administration, Karachi. Akhtar Lodhi <
[email protected]> is Research Economist, Applied
Economics Research Centre, Karachi.
Table 1a
Districts Population MDI-index Poverty Base
Badin 3.7% 6.95% 6.70% 2.85%
Dadu 5.5% 7.11% 7.01% 6.36%
Ghotki 3.2% 6.32% 7.85% 5.10%
Hyderabad 9.5% 5.37% 4.45% 9.73%
Jacobabad 4.7% 6.84% 6.57% 1.53%
Karachi city 32.4% 2.38% 1.76% 47.28%
Khairpur 5.1% 6.53% 5.27% 4.94%
Larkana 6.3% 6.96% 8.33% 2.27%
Mirpurkhas 5.2% 6.40% 5.49% 3.78%
Nausheroferoze 3.6% 6.08% 6.37% 2.69%
Nawabshah 3.5% 6.51% 6.28% 3.23%
San-hat 4.8% 6.79% 4.74% 3.90%
Shikarpur 2.9% 5.99% 9.81% 1.16%
Sukkur 3.0% 5.06% 4.80% 2.33%
Thar at Mithi 3.0% 7.28% 5.56% 0.06%
Thatta 3.7% 7.43% 9.01% 2.79%
TOTAL 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Mean 6.3% 6.3% 6.3% 6.3%
Median 4.2% 6.5% 6.3% 3.0%
Max 32.4% 7.4% 9.8% 47.3%
Min 2.9% 2.4% 1.8% 0.1%
Std. Dev. 7.17% 1.22% 1.96% 11.17%
HDI- Area Share
Districts Urbanisation SPDC District
Badin 3.57% 6.00% 4.77%
Dadu 4.64% 5.64% 13.53%
Ghotki 3.55% 5.32% 4.32%
Hyderabad 11.04% 5.54% 3.92%
Jacobabad 5.30% 7.21% 3.75%
Karachi city 20.59% 4.78% 2.50%
Khairpur 5.13% 5.71% 11.29%
Larkana 6.28% 6.88% 5.27%
Mirpurkhas 5.70% 5.62% 6.06%
Nausheroferoze 3.84% 5.98% 2.09%
Nawabshah 5.73% 5.45% 3.19%
San-hat 4.96% 5.91% 7.61%
Shikarpur 5.23% 6.13% 1.78%
Sukkur 11.06% 5.46% 3.67%
Thar at Mithi 0.95% 12.02% 13.94%
Thatta 2.44% 6.34% 12.32%
TOTAL 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Mean 6.3% 6.3% 6.3%
Median 5.8% 5.2% 4.5%
Max 12.0% 20.6% 13.9%
Min 4.8% 0.9% 1.8%
Std. Dev. 1.65% 4.64% 4.18%
Table 1b
Correlation Matrix Sindh
MDI Economic
Population Index Poverty Base
Population 1
MDI-index -0.8446 1
Poverty -0.6554 0.66469532 1
Economic base 0.98792 -0.8641881 -0.653 1
Urbanisation 0.87127 -0.9433805 -0.69 0.86161
HDI-SPDC -0.2793 0.43027465 0.1211 -0.3395
Area Share -0.2282 0.53390522 0.0961 -0.227
HDI Area Share
Urbanisation SPDC District
Economic base
Urbanisation 1
HDI-SPDC -0.4652 1
Area Share -0.4557 0.482232 1
Table 1c
Covariance Matrix Sindlt
MDI Economic
Population Index Poverty Base
Population 0.00482
MDI-index -0.0007 0.00013905
Poverty -0.0009 0.00014912 0.0004
Economic base 0.00742 -0.0011026 -0.001 0.01171
Urbanisation 0.00272 -0.0004996 -6.00E-04 0.00419
HDI-SPDC -0.0003 8.0969E-05 4.00E-05 -0.0006
Area Share -0.0006 0.00025484 7.00E-05 -0.001
HDI Area Share
Urbanisation SPDC District
Economic base
Urbanisation 0.00202
HDI-SPDC -0.0003 0.000255
Area Share -0.0008 0.000311 0.001638
Table 1d
Rank Correlation for Sindh Province with Alternative Simulations
Fiscal Year 2003
MDI- Development
RANK Transfers
Badin 3 9
Dadu 9 8
Ghotki 5 13
Hyderabad 15 10
Jacobabad 4 15
Karachi City 16 16
Khairpur 10 4
Larkana 13 12
Mirpurkhas 6 11
Nausheroferoze 12 6
Nawabshah 11 7
Sanghar 7 5
Shikarpur 8 2
Sukkur 14 1
Thar at Mithi 1 14
Thatta 2 3
Rank Correlation -0.08824
Fiscal Year 2007
MDI- Development Proposed
RANK Transfers Transfers
Badin 5 12 3
Dadu 3 7 4
Ghotki 11 14 5
Hyderabad 14 4 15
Jacobabad 6 1 11
Karachi City 16 16 16
Khairpur 8 10 13
Larkana 4 11 14
Mirpurkhas 10 15 6
Nausheroferoze 12 3 8
Nawabshah 9 13 7
Sanghar 7 9 10
Shikarpur 13 6 2
Sukkur 15 2 9
Thar at Mithi 2 5 12
Thatta 1 8 1
Rank Correlation 0.038235 0.273529
Table 2a
Menu Tables for the Province of Punjab
Districts Population MDI-index Poverty
Attock 1.73% 2.69% 1.46%
Bahawalnagar 2.80% 3.15% 3.36%
Bahwalpur 3.30% 3.27% 4.08%
Bhakkar 1.43% 3.16% 1.88%
Chakwal 1.47% 2.64% 1.87%
D.G. Khan 2.23% 3.34% 5.28%
Faisalabad 7.37% 2.47% 2.05%
Gujranwala 4.62% 2.15% 1.97%
Gujrat 2.78% 2.39% 1.32%
Hafizabad 1.13% 2.96% 2.49%
Jhang 3.85% 3.26% 3.33%
Jhelum 1.27% 2.67% 1.27%
Kasur 3.23% 2.90% 2.91%
Khanewal 2.81% 3.25% 4.02%
Khushab 1.23% 3.20% 2.52%
Lahore 8.58% 1.64% 1.20%
Layyah 1.52% 3.37% 4.23%
Lodhran 1.59% 3.63% 5.00%
M.B.Din 1.58% 2.85% 1.79%
Mianwali 1.44% 3.07% 3.66%
Multan 4.23% 2.91% 3.97%
Muzaffargarh 3.58% 3.60% 5.82%
Narowal 1.72% 2.90% 2.00%
Okara 3.03% 3.22% 3.10%
Pakpattan 1.75% 3.33% 3.80%
R.Y. Khan 4.27% 3.27% 4.74%
Rajanpur 1.50% 3.46% 5.60%
Rawalpindi 4.57% 2.32% 1.17%
Sahiwal 2.50% 3.00% 2.24%
Sargodha 3.62% 3.00% 2.65%
Sheikhpura 4.51% 2.61% 2.71%
Sialkot 3.70% 2.29% 1.44%
T.T. Singh 2.20% 2.80% 1.96%
Vehari 2.84% 3.26% 3.11%
Total 100% 100% 100%
Mean 2.94% 2.94% 2.94%
Median 2.79% 3.00% 2.68%
Max 8.58% 3.63% 5.82%
Min 1.13% 1.64% 1.17%
Std. Dev. 1.69% 0.44% 1.34%
Economic HDI-
Districts Base Urbanisation SPDC
Attock 0.92% 2.52% 3.01%
Bahawalnagar 2.93% 2.26% 3.04%
Bahwalpur 3.12% 3.24% 3.18%
Bhakkar 2.50% 1.90% 2.79%
Chakwal 0.88% 1.44% 2.83%
D.G. Khan 2.09% 1.65% 3.12%
Faisalabad 6.22% 5.06% 2.92%
Gujranwala 3.25% 5.99% 2.83%
Gujrat 1.05% 3.29% 3.09%
Hafizabad 1.42% 3.23% 2.89%
Jhang 4.75% 2.77% 2.98%
Jhelum 1.93% 3.28% 2.55%
Kasur 6.19% 2.70% 2.76%
Khanewal 3.17% 2.09% 2.95%
Khushab 1.50% 2.99% 2.87%
Lahore 5.22% 9.76% 2.86%
Layyah 1.79% 1.52% 2.88%
Lodhran 1.70% 1.72% 3.20%
M.B.Din 1.57% 1.80% 2.87%
Mianwali 1.59% 2.47% 2.88%
Multan 3.82% 5.00% 3.05%
Muzaffargarh 3.80% 1.53% 3.17%
Narowal 1.03% 1.45% 3.00%
Okara 4.52% 2.73% 2.94%
Pakpattan 2.59% 1.69% 2.92%
R.Y. Khan 5.82% 2.32% 3.01%
Rajanpur 1.45% 1.72% 3.10%
Rawalpindi 1.25% 6.30% 3.08%
Sahiwal 3.37% 1.94% 2.83%
Sargodha 3.09% 3.33% 2.97%
Sheikhpura 7.90% 3.11% 2.69%
Sialkot 2.55% 3.10% 2.86%
T.T. Singh 2.15% 2.23% 2.84%
Vehari 2.90% 1.90% 3.06%
Total 100% 100% 100%
Mean 2.94% 2.94% 2.94%
Median 2.57% 2.49% 2.93%
Max 7.90% 9.76% 3.20%
Min 0.88% 1.44% 2.55%
Std. Dev. 1.75% 1.72% 0.14%
Area Share
Districts District
Attock 3.34%
Bahawalnagar 4.32%
Bahwalpur 12.09%
Bhakkar 3.97%
Chakwal 3.18%
D.G. Khan 5.81%
Faisalabad 2.85%
Gujranwala 1.76%
Gujrat 1.55%
Hafizabad 1.15%
Jhang 4.29%
Jhelum 1.75%
Kasur 1.95%
Khanewal 2.12%
Khushab 3.17%
Lahore 0.86%
Layyah 3.06%
Lodhran 1.35%
M.B.Din 1.30%
Mianwali 2.84%
Multan 1.81%
Muzaffargarh 4.02%
Narowal 1.14%
Okara 2.13%
Pakpattan 1.33%
R.Y. Khan 5.79%
Rajanpur 6.00%
Rawalpindi 2.57%
Sahiwal 1.56%
Sargodha 2.85%
Sheikhpura 2.90%
Sialkot 1.47%
T.T. Singh 1.58%
Vehari 2.13%
Total 100%
Mean 2.94%
Median 2.35%
Max 12.09%
Min 0.86%
Std. Dev. 2.13%
Table 2b
Correlation Matrix Punjab
MDI Economic
Population Index Poverty Base
Population 1
MDI-index -0.570459 1
Poverty -0.170226 0.80201 1
Economic Base 0.6887311 -0.11978 0.121953 1
Urbanisation 0.790739 -0.7669 -0.43333 0.3049474
HDI-SPDC 0.0336585 0.416994 0.555388 -0.21696
Area Share -0.020383 0.390375 0.471593 0.0755536
HDI Area Share
Urbanisation SPDC District
Economic Base
Urbanisation 1
HDI-SPDC -0.11915 1
Area Share -0.17516 0.423333 1
Table 2c
Covariance Matrix Punjab
MDI Economic
Population Index Poverty Base
Population 0.000278
MDI-index -4.15E-05 1.9E-05
Poverty -3.75E-05 4.62E-05 0.000174
Economic Base 0.0001984 -9.00E-06 2.78E-05 0.0002985
Urbanisation 0.000224 -5.7E-05 -9.7E-05 8.953E-05
HDI-SPDC 7.93E-07 2.57E-06 1.04E-05 -5.3E-06
Area Share -7.12E-06 3.57E-05 0.000131 2.735E-05
HDI Area Share
Urbanisation SPDC District
Economic Base
Urbanisation 0.000289
HDI-SPDC -2.9E-06 2.00E-06
Area Share -6.2E-05 1.25E-05 0.000439
Table 2d
Rank Correlation for Punjab Province with Alternative Simulations
Fiscal Year 2003
MDl- Development
RANK Transfers
Attock 26 12
Bahawalnagar 11 5
Bahwalpur 9 25
Bhakkar 6 3
Chakwal 21 1
D.G. Khan 3 14
Faisalabad 30 33
Gujranwala 31 26
Gujrat 29 20
Hafizabad 20 2
Jhang 10 18
Jhelum 28 6
Kasur 19 28
Khanewal 12 22
Khushab 16 4
Lahore 34 34
Layyah 4 9
Lodhran 5 32
M.B.Din 23 21
Mianwali 13 11
Multan 22 31
Muzaffargarh 2 30
Narowal 24 8
Okara 15 24
Pakpattan 7 29
R.Y. Khan 8 10
Rajanpur 1 13
Rawalpindi 32 23
Sahiwal 17 15
Sargodha 18 16
Sheikhpura 25 27
Sialkot 33 19
T.T. Singh 27 17
Vehari 14 7
Rank-Correlation 0.180443
Fiscal Year 2007
MDI- Development Proposed
RANK Transfers Transfers
Attock 25 7 13
Bahawalnagar 15 10 19
Bahwalpur 8 23 22
Bhakkar 14 2 5
Chakwal 27 3 11
D.G. Khan 5 9 14
Faisalabad 29 29 33
Gujranwala 33 30 32
Gujrat 30 28 24
Hafizabad 19 16 1
Jhang 10 20 25
Jhelum 26 11 8
Kasur 21 25 23
Khanewal 11 19 17
Khushab 13 4 2
Lahore 34 32 34
Layyah 4 6 6
Lodhran 1 14 4
M.B.Din 23 22 10
Mianwali 16 5 7
Multan 20 27 28
Muzaffargarh 2 24 21
Narowal 22 8 12
Okara 12 1 20
Pakpattan 6 17 9
R.Y. Khan 7 26 27
Rajanpur 3 13 3
Rawalpindi 31 33 31
Sahiwal 18 18 16
Sargodha 17 12 26
Sheikhpura 28 34 30
Sialkot 32 31 29
T.T. Singh 24 15 15
Vehari 9 21 18
Rank-Correlation 0.413293 0.48326967
Table 3a
Districts Population MDI-index Poverty Base
Abbottabad 4.96% 3.69% 2.43% 6.58%
Bannu 3.82% 3.77% 3.81% 2.42%
Battagram 1.73% 4.84% 3.35% 0.40%
Buner 2.85% 4.53% 5.20% 2.45%
Charsadda 5.76% 4.19% 4.68% 7.32%
Chitral 1.80% 4.62% 4.70% 0.86%
D.I. Khan 4.81% 4.05% 3.97% 4.02%
Hangu 1.77% 4.35% 4.95% 0.33%
Haripur 3.90% 3.68% 3.13% 7.73%
Karak 2.43% 4.50% 4.24% 1.42%
Kohat 3.17% 3.91% 3.27% 4.44%
Kohistan 2.66% 5.11% 4.08% 0.81%
Lakki Marwat 2.76% 4.07% 5.33% 1.66%
Lower Dir 4.05% 3.88% 3.97% 1.72%
Malakand 2.55% 4.15% 4.49% 2.39%
Mansehra 6.50% 4.29% 2.38% 4.22%
Mardan 8.23% 3.84% 4.87% 11.18%
Nowshera 4.93% 3.77% 3.21% 6.04%
Peshawar 11.38% 3.15% 4.19% 11.05%
Shangla 2.45% 4.60% 5.82% 1.21%
Swabi 5.79% 3.77% 3.13% 7.86%
Swat 7.09% 4.11% 4.55% 11.09%
Tank 1.34% 4.51% 4.00% 0.46%
Upper Dir 3.25% 4.61% 6.25% 2.34%
Total 100% 100% 100% 100%
Mean 4.2% 4.2% 4.2% 4.2%
Median 3.5% 4.1% 4.1% 2.4%
Max 11.4% 5.1% 6.3% 11.2%
Min 1.3% 3.2% 2.4% 0.3%
Std. Dev. 2.39% 0.45% 0.99% 3.59%
HDI- Area Share
Districts Urbanisation SPDC District
Abbottabad 5.79% 3.41% 2.64%
Bannu 2.27% 4.27% 1.65%
Battagram 0.00% 5.08% 1.75%
Buner 0.00% 4.31% 2.50%
Charsadda 6.09% 3.96% 1.34%
Chitral 3.10% 4.11% 19.93%
D.I. Khan 4.76% 4.19% 9.83%
Hangu 6.59% 5.04% 1.47%
Haripur 3.86% 3.39% 2.31%
Karak 2.09% 4.03% 4.52%
Kohat 8.72% 3.70% 3.42%
Kohistan 0.00% 5.29% 10.05%
Lakki Marwat 3.09% 4.24% 4.25%
Lower Dir 1.99% 4.27% 2.12%
Malakand 3.08% 3.78% 1.28%
Mansehra 1.72% 4.05% 6.14%
Mardan 6.53% 3.68% 2.19%
Nowshera 8.38% 3.80% 2.35%
Peshawar 15.71% 3.90% 1.69%
Shangla 0.00% 4.66% 2.13%
Swabi 5.63% 3.69% 2.07%
Swat 4.46% 3.74% 7.16%
Tank 4.84% 4.92% 2.25%
Upper Dir 1.28% 4.46% 4.96%
Total 100% 100% 100%
Mean 4.2% 4.2% 4.2%
Median 3.5% 4.1% 2.3%
Max 15.7% 5.3% 19.9%
Min 0.0% 3.4% 1.3%
Std. Dev. 3.57% 0.52% 4.19%
Table 3b
Correlation Matrix N.W.F.P.
MDI Economic
Population Index Poverty Base
Population 1
MDI-index -0.689706 1
Poverty -0.199112 0.364438543 1
Economic Base 0.884616 -0.70295206 -0.22524 1
Urbanisation 0.654618 -0.74127769 -0.21913 0.633212
HDI-SPDC -0.534189 0.742597973 0.348056 -0.71885
Area Share -0.159296 0.381276273 0.082009 -0.19116
HDI Area Share
Urbanisation SPDC District
Economic Base
Urbanisation 1
HDI-SPDC -0.44235 1
Area Share -0.20318 0.094711 1
Table 3c
Covariance Matrix N. W F. P.
MDI Economic
Population Index Poverty Base
Population 0.000547
MDI-index -7.06E-05 1.91655E-05
Poverty -4.5E-05 1.54337E-05 9.36E-05
Economic Base 0.000727 -0.00010811 -7.7E-05 0.001234
Urbanisation 0.000534 -0.0001133 -7.4E-05 0.000777
HDI-SPDC -6.39E-05 1.66264E-05 1.72E-05 -0.00013
Area Share -0.000153 6.84385E-05 3.25E-05 -0.00028
HDI Area Share
Urbanisation SPDC District
Economic Base
Urbanisation 0.001219
HDI-SPDC -7.9E-05 2.62E-05
Area Share -0.00029 1.99E-05 0.001681
Table 3d
Rank Correlation for N.W.F.P Province with alternative simulations
Fiscal Year 2003
MDI- Development
RANK Transfers
Abbottabad 22 6
Bannu 18 12
Battagram 3 10
Buner 5 19
Charsadda 14 23
Chitral 7 1
D.I. Khan 9 4
Hangu 6 15
Haripur 23 3
Karak 13 2
Kohat 19 5
Kohistan 1 16
Lakki Marwat 17 9
Lower Dir 10 11
Malakand 15 8
Mansehra 12 13
Mardan 20 22
Nowshera 21 14
Peshawar 24 24
Shangla 2 17
Swabi 16 20
Swat 11 18
Tank 8 7
Upper Dir 4 21
Rank-Correlation -0.06522
Fiscal Year 2007
MDI- Development Proposed
RANK Transfers transfers
Abbottabad 22 10 18
Bannu 20 12 13
Battagram 2 13 2
Buner 6 15 9
Charsadda 11 14 19
Chitral 3 5 3
D.I. Khan 15 1I 16
Hangu 9 3 4
Haripur 23 18 15
Karak 8 4 7
Kohat 16 21 12
Kohistan 1 8 5
Lakki Marwat 14 7 10
Lower Dir 17 22 14
Malakand 12 9 8
Mansehra 10 20 20
Mardan 18 16 23
Nowshera 21 6 17
Peshawar 24 23 24
Shangla 5 2 6
Swabi 19 24 21
Swat 13 17 22
Tank 7 1 1
Upper Dir 4 19 11
Rank-Correlation 0.428696 0.733043
Table 4a
Districts Population MDI-index Poverty Base
Awaran 1.80% 4.45% 4.42% 2.07%
Barkhan 1.58% 3.87% 3.79% 5.20%
Bolan 4.39% 3.81% 3.27% 1.07%
Chagai 3.09% 3.91% 5.52% 8.40%
Dera Bugti 2.76% 3.58% 3.87% 0.03%
Gwadar 2.83% 3.65% 3.41% 0.66%
Jafarabad 6.59% 3.46% 3.17% 5.75%
Jhal Magsi 1.67% 4.17% 3.83% 1.38%
Kalat 3.62% 3.53% 3.01% 4.38%
Kech(Turbat) 6.29% 3.83% 3.90% 4.72%
Kharan 3.15% 4.33% 3.98% 4.26%
Khuzdar 6.36% 4.06% 3.66% 2.57%
Killa Abdullah 5.64% 4.13% 4.22% 1.31%
Killa Saifullah 2.95% 4.29% 4.35% 3.53%
Kohlu 1.52% 3.76% 3.87% 1.21%
Lasbela 4.76% 3.78% 4.76% 5.59%
Loralai 4.53% 3.69% 3.74% 5.13%
Mastung 2.51% 3.80% 3.04% 5.78%
Musa Khail 2.04% 4.62% 3.89% 0.74%
Nasirabad 3.75% 3.78% 4.11% 9.50%
Panjgur 3.56% 4.22% 3.57% 5.64%
Pishin 5.59% 3.38% 4.47% 3.89%
Quetta 11.57% 2.57% 2.45% 0.67%
Sibi 2.75% 3.55% 4.01% 1.51%
Zhob 4.19% 4.30% 4.74% 4.29%
Ziarat 0.51% 3.49% 2.96% 10.69%
Total 100% 100% 100% 100%
Mean 3.8% 3.8% 3.8% 3.8%
Median 3.4% 3.8% 3.9% 4.1%
Max 11.6% 4.6% 5.5% 10.7%
Min 0.5% 2.6% 2.5% 0.0%
Std. Dev. 2.27% 0.42% 0.66% 2.83%
HDI- Area Share
Districts Urbanisation SPDC District
Awaran 0.00% 3.97% 6.23%
Barkhan 1.59% 3.42% 1.01%
Bolan 2.94% 4.34% 2.31%
Chagai 3.80% 3.14% 14.56%
Dera Bugti 1.83% 6.96% 2.93%
Gwadar 11.58% 4.42% 4.87%
Jafarabad 4.24% 3.28% 0.70%
Jhal Magsi 1.58% 4.56% 0.89%
Kalat 3.05% 3.38% 1.91%
Kech(Turbat) 3.56% 3.05% 6.49%
Kharan 2.88% 3.54% 13.84%
Khuzdar 6.07% 3.78% 12.46%
Killa Abdullah 3.29% 4.24% 1.52%
Killa Saifullah 2.80% 3.83% 3.06%
Kohlu 2.08% 5.73% 2.19%
Lasbela 7.91% 3.33% 3.62%
Loralai 2.52% 3.37% 2.83%
Mastung 3.14% 3.10% 1.70%
Musa Khail 1.85% 4.70% 1.65%
Nasirabad 3.35% 3.32% 0.98%
Panjgur 1.95% 3.45% 4.38%
Pishin 1.34% 3.02% 1.68%
Quetta 15.95% 3.68% 0.76%
Sibi 6.87% 3.99% 2.25%
Zhob 3.42% 3.55% 4.76%
Ziarat 0.41% 2.84% 0.43%
Total 100% 100% 100%
Mean 3.8% 3.8% 3.8%
Median 3.0% 3.5% 2.3%
Max 15.9% 7.0% 14.6%
Min 0.0% 2.8% 0.4%
Std. Dev. 3.47% 0.91% 3.97%
Table 4b
Correlation Matrix Balochistan
MDI Economic
Population Index Poverty Base
Population 1
MDI-index -0.53093 1
Poverty -0.2382 0.505131 1
Economic Base -0.16324 -0.04732 0.130695 1
Urbanisation 0.64851 -0.56867 -0.2882 -0.27428
HDI-SPDC -0.2304 0.097396 -0.00819 -0.70353
Area Share 0.01901 0.357507 0.449549 0.098636
HDI Area Share
Urbanisation SPDC District
Economic Base
Urbanisation 1
HDI-SPDC -0.05153 1
Area Share 0.029281 -0.12716 1
Table 4c
Covariance Matrix Balochistan
MDI Economic
Population Index Poverty Base
Population 0.00049
MDI-index -4.9E-05 1.71E-05
Poverty -3.4E-05 1.35E-05 4.18E-05
Economic Base -0.0001 -5.4E-06 2.34E-05 0.000769
Urbanisation 0.00049 -8.00E-05 -6.3E-05 -0.00026
HDI-SPDC -4.6E-05 3.58E-06 -4.7E-07 -0.00017
Area Share 1.6E-05 5.75E-05 0.000113 0.000106
HDI Area Share
Urbanisation SPDC District
Economic Base
Urbanisation 0.001159
HDI-SPDC -1.6E-05 7.89E-05
Area Share 3.88E-05 -4.39E-05 0.0015124
Table 4d
Rank Correlation for Balochistan Province with Alternative Simulations
Fiscal Year 2003
MDI- Development
RANK Transfers
Awaran 4 11
Barkhan 10 6
Bolan 14 19
Chagai 16 26
Dera Bugti 9 9
Gwadar 22 18
Jafarabad 18 21
Jhal Magsi 6 7
Kalat 20 15
Kech(Turbat) 21 14
Kharan 2 8
Khuzdar 8 17
Killa Abdullah 13 25
Killa Saifullah 12 12
Kohlu 3 3
Lasbela 17 20
Loralai 19 10
Mastung 15 5
Musa Khail 1 22
Nasirabad 11 24
Panjgur 7 23
Pishin 24 4
Quetta 26 13
Sibi 23 2
Zhob 5 16
Ziarat 25 1
Rank-Correlation -0.13299
Fiscal Year 2007
MDI- Development Proposed
RANK Transfers transfers
Awaran 2 11 4
Barkhan 11 6 5
Bolan 13 20 18
Chagai 10 26 13
Dera Bugti 20 7 10
Gwadar 19 18 11
Jafarabad 24 22 25
Jhal Magsi 7 8 2
Kalat 22 13 16
Kech(Turbat) 12 14 24
Kharan 3 24 9
Khuzdar 9 16 23
Killa Abdullah 8 25 22
Killa Saifullah 5 12 8
Kohlu 17 3 3
Lasbela 16 17 20
Loralai 18 10 19
Mastung 14 5 7
Musa Khail 1 19 6
Nasirabad 15 23 15
Panjgur 6 21 21
Pishin 25 4 17
Quetta 26 9 26
Sibi 21 2 12
Zhob 4 15 14
Ziarat 23 1 1
Rank-Correlation -0.4188 0.27453