Macroeconomic factors and equity prices: an empirical investigation by using ARDL approach.
Hasan, Arshad ; Nasir, Zafar Mueen
This study examines the relationship between equity prices and
macroeconomic variables such as inflation, industrial production, oil
prices, short term interest rate, exchange rates, foreign portfolio
investment, and money supply for the period 6/98 to 6/2008 by employing
bounds testing procedure proposed by Pesaran, et al. (2001).
Autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) approach has been applied as
yields consistent estimates of the long-run coefficients that are
asymptotically normal irrespective of whether the underlying regressors
are I(0) or I(1). Data has been tested for econometric problems like
serial correlation, functional form, normality, heteroscdisticity and
unit root by using LM test, Ramsey Reset test, skewness and kurtosis test, white test and ADF Test, and Phillip Parren Test respectively but
no problem has been observed. Results of the study reveal that
industrial production, oil prices and inflation are not statistically
significant in determining equity prices in long run while interest
rates, exchange rates and money supply have significant long run effect
on equity prices. The error correction model (ECM) based upon ARDL
approach confirms that changes in industrial production, oil prices and
inflation are not statistically significantly in short run while changes
in interest rates, exchange rates, and money supply have significant
short term effect. However, foreign portfolio investment has significant
short term effect but no long term effect. The tests suggest that
adjustment process is quite fast and model is structurally stable. This
study facilitates the investors in taking effective investment decisions
by estimating the future direction of equity prices using expected
trends in exchange rates, money supply and interest rate. Similarly,
study suggest to the architects of monetary policy to be careful in
revision of interest rates as capital market responds negatively to such
decisions. The study also suggest that macroeconomic policies should be
designed keeping in view the response of the capital market because
efficient market hypothesis indicates that capital markets respond to
new information.
JEL classification: E31,G12
Keywords: Macroeconomic Variables, Multifactor Model, Pakistan,
ARDL, Error Correction Model
The relationship between macroeconomic variables and the equity
prices has attracted the curiosity of academicians and practitioners
since the publication of seminal paper of Chen, et al. (1986). Many
empirical studies those tested the relationship reveal that asset
pricing theories do not properly identify macroeconomic factors that
influence equity prices [Roll and Ross (1980); Fama (1981); Chen, et al.
(1986); Hamao (1986); Faff (1988); Chen (1991); Maysami and Koh (2000)
and Paul and Mallik (2001)]. In most of these studies, variable
selection and empirical analyses is based on economic rationale,
financial theory and investors' intuition. These studies generally
apply Eagle and Granger (1987) procedure or Johanson and Jusilieus
(1990, 1991) approach in Vector Auto Regressor (VAR) Framework.
In Pakistan, Fazal (2006) and Nishat (2001) explored the
relationship between macroeconomic factors and equity prices by using
Johanson and Jusilieus (1990, 1991) procedure. The present study tests
the relationship between macroeconomic variables such as inflation,
industrial production, oil prices, short term interest rate, exchange
rates, foreign portfolio investment, money supply and equity prices by
using Auto Regressive Distributive Lag (ARDL) bounds testing procedure
proposed by Pesaran, Shin, and Smith (1996, 2001). The ARDL approach in
an error-correction setting has been widely applied to examine the
impact of macroeconomic factors on economic growth but it is strongly
underutilised in the capital market filament of literature. This
methodology has a number of advantages over the other models. First,
determining the order of integration of macroeconomic factors and equity
market returns is not an important issue here because the Pesaran ARDL
approach yields consistent estimates of the long-run coefficients that
are asymptotically normal irrespective of whether the underlying
regressors are I(0) or I(1) and of the extent of cointegration.
Secondly, the ARDL approach allows exploring correct dynamic structure
while many econometric procedures do not allow to clearly distinguish
between long run and short run relationships.
In Pakistan, only Akmal (2007) investigated the relationship
between stock returns and inflation for the Pakistani equity market by
employing ARDL approach. The study covered the period from 1960-2006.
The unique aspect of the present study is that it first time explores
the relationship among equity prices and a broader portfolio of
macroeconomic variables by using a powerful ARDL Approach and offers
greater insight from a new dimension. The set of macroeconomic variables
includes industrial production index, consumer price index, money
supply, exchange rate, foreign portfolio investment, treasury bill rates
and oil prices. Karachi stock exchange index has been used as proxy for
equity market prices covering the period from June 1998 to June 2008.
The paper is organised as follows. Section II summarises some
recent literature on the subject. The data and mathematical model are
discussed in Section III. Empirical results and discussion is provided
in Section IV while main finding and policy implications are discussed
in Section V.
The relationship between equity market returns and economic
fundamentals has been extensively investigated in developed markets e.g.
Chen, et al. (1986), Fama (1990), Chen (1991), Cheung and Ng (1998),
Choi, et al. (1999), Dickinson (2000), Nasseh and Strauss (2000). Chen,
Roll, and Ross (1986) investigate the existence of long run relationship
among equity prices and industrial production, inflation, risk premium,
market return, oil prices, term structure and consumption for US.
Industrial production, risk premium, yield curve, and unanticipated
inflation were found to be explaining expected returns during periods of
high volatility while oil prices, market index, and consumption had no
significant role in explaining the equity priced. Other studies
exploring the relationship between industrial production and equity
market returns found mixed results [Chan, Chen, and Hsieh (1985); Chen,
Roll, and Ross (1986); Burnmeister and Wall (1986); Beenstock and Chan
(1988); Chang and Pinegar (1990); Kryzanowski and Zhang (1992); Chen and
Jordan (1993); Sauer (1994); Rahman, Coggin, and Lee (1998)].
Using quarterly data for the period 1980-98, Paul and Mallik (2001)
explored the long run relationship among macroeconomic factors and
equity prices in Australian banking and finance sector. They used ARDL
model to investigate the causal and dynamic relationship between ASX Banking and Finance Index and macroeconomic variables i.e. consumer
price index, interest rates, and seasonally adjusted GDP. The results
reveal that interest rate has a significant negative effect while GDP
growth has a significant positive effect on the equity prices of banking
and finance sector. No significant effect of inflation is observed on
equity prices. Maysami, et al. (2004) examines the long run relationship
among macroeconomic variables and STI and sectoral indices like the
property index, finance index and the hotel index. The results confirm
the long term relationship of STI and property index with industrial
production, inflation, exchange rate, changes in the short and long-term
interest rates and money supply.
A number of studies explore the relationship between inflation and
equity market returns and found mixed results [Chan, Chen, and Hsieh
(1985); Chen, Roll, and Ross (1986); Burnmeister and Wall (1986);
Burmeister and MacElroy (1988); Chang and Pinegar (1990); Defina (1991);
Kryzanowski and Zhang (1992); Chen and Jordan (1993); Sauer(1994);
Rahman, Coggin, and Lee (1998) and Mark (2001)]. A study by Kessal
(1956) concludes that unexpected inflation increases the firm's
equity value if the firm is net debtor. A few other studies also find
positive relationship between inflation and equity prices [Firth (1979);
Gultekin (1983); Boudhouch and Richarson (1993)]. More recently, a study
by Ioannidis, et al. (2004) using Greece data for the period 1985-2003,
finds the evidence of positive relationship between inflation and equity
market returns. In contrast, a study by Fama (1981) finds a negative
association between equity market returns and inflation. The results
were supported by Spyrou (2001) and Amidhud (1996). Similarly, Beenstock
and Chan (1988), Sauer (1994) explore the relationship among money
supply and equity market returns.
In case of developing countries few studies were found exploring
the relationship between equity prices and macroeconomic variables.
Shahid (2008) explores causal relationships among equity prices and
industrial production, money supply, exports, exchange rate, foreign
direct investment and interest rates on Indian data for the period 3/95
to 3/2007 by employing co-integration analysis and Toda and Yamamoto
Granger causality test on quarterly data. Short run relationships among
variables have also been investigated by using Bivariate Vector
Autoregressive Model for variance decomposition and impulse response functions. The study concludes that equity prices lead to economic
activity in India in general. However, interest rate is found to lead
the equity prices.
By using Pakistani data, Fazal and Mahmood (2001) explore the
causal relationship between equity prices and macroeconomic variables
i.e. economic activity, investment spending, and consumption
expenditure. They apply co-integration analysis and VECM on the data for
the period 7/1959 to 6/1999. The study finds the existence of long run
relationship between equity prices and macroeconomic variables of the
study. Unidirectional causality has been found flowing from macro
variables to equity prices. The study, however could not find the
influence of equity prices on aggregate demand. In another study, Fazal
(2006) again examined the relationship by considering the shifts as a
result of economic liberalisation. He finds a unidirectional causality
between the real sector and equity prices and could not observe
significant change in the patterns. The relationship between equity
prices and inflation has been investigated by Akmal (2007) by employing
ARDL approach on Pakistani data for the period 1971-2006. The results
indicate that stocks are hedge against inflationary pressures
(inflation) in the long run. (1)
The survey of the literature shows that although a number of
studies investigated the relationship between equity prices and
different macroeconomic variables but there is no study that has
included broader set of variables in the model for Pakistan. The present
study thus fills the gap by including a broader set of macroeconomic
variables in the model to explore their relation with equity prices. The
other contribution of the study is the use of ARDL model on long term
monthly data covering the period from June 1998 to June 2008.
This study explores the long term causal relationship between
Pakistani capital market and macroeconomic variables using monthly data
for the period 6/1998 to 6/2008. Similar work is done earlier by Chan
and Faff (1998). The set of macroeconomic variables included in this
study are Industrial Production Index, Broad Money, Oil Prices,
Foreign Exchange Rate, Inflation and Interest Rate. The full
description of the variables is explained below.
Equity Market Returns
It is the dependent variable of the model and calculated by using
the following equation;
[R.sub.t] = ln ([I.sub.t] / [I.sub.t-1])
where: [R.sub.t] is Return for month 't'; and
[I.sub.t] and [I.sub.t-1] are closing values of KSE- 100 Index for
month 't' and 't-1' respectively.
Industrial Production Index (IPI)
This independent variable has been used as proxy to measure the
growth rate in real sector. Industrial production presents a measure of
overall economic activity in the economy and affects stock prices
through its influence on expected future cash flows. It is hypothesised
that an increase in industrial production is positively related to
equity prices.
Narrow Money (M1)
Narrow Money ([M.sub.1]) is used as a proxy of money supply.
Increase in money supply leads to increase in liquidity that ultimately
results in upward movement of nominal equity prices. It is therefore
hypothesised that an increase in money supply is positively related to
equity market returns.
Consumer Price Index (CPI)
Consumer Price Index is used as a proxy for inflation rate. It is
chosen because of its broad base measure to calculate average change in
prices of goods and services during a specific period. Inflation is
ultimately translated into nominal interest rate and an increase in
nominal interest rate increases discount rate which results in reduction
of present value of cash flows. An increase in inflation is expected to
negatively affect the equity prices.
Oil Prices
Brent oil prices have been used as proxy for oil prices. Increase
in oil prices increases the cost of production and decreases the earning
of the corporate sector due to decrease in profit margins or decrease in
demand of the product. Oil prices are therefore negatively related to
equity prices.
Foreign Exchange Rate
This study employs foreign exchange rate as end of month US$/Rs
exchange rate. It is hypothesised that depreciation in home currency is
negatively related to equity prices.
T Bill Rate
Treasury bill rates have been used as proxy of Interest rate.
Increase in interest rate leads to increase in discount rate and it
ultimately results in decrease in present value of future cash flows
which represent fair intrinsic value of shares. Therefore, it is
expected that an increase in interest rate will negatively affect the
equity market returns.
Foreign Portfolio Investment
Foreign portfolio Investment has been used as proxy of
Investor's confidence. Foreign portfolio investment increases
liquidity in market and higher demand leads to increase in market prices
of shares. It is therefore expected that an increase in foreign
portfolio investment will positively affect the equity market returns.
Data on monetary variables like Treasury Bill Rates and Exchange
Rates, Foreign Portfolio Investment and Money Supply have been collected
from various statistical bulletin issued by State Bank of Pakistan. Data
on Industrial Production and Consumer Price Index has been collected
from statistical bulletins issued by the Federal Bureau of Statistics FBS). The data on stock market (KSE-100 indexes) is obtained from daily
Business Recorder newspaper which is reliable source of stock market
data. The data on Oil prices are taken from EIA website.
There are several methods available to test for the existence of
long-run equilibrium relationship among time-series variables. The most
widely used methods include Engle and Granger (1987) test, fully
modified OLS procedure of Phillips and Hansen's (1990), maximum
likelihood based Johansen (1988, 1991) and Johansen-Juselius (1990)
tests. These methods require that the variables in the system are
integrated of order one i.e. I(1). In addition, these methods suffer
from low power and do not have good small sample properties. Due to
these problems, a newly developed autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL)
approach to cointegration has become popular in recent years.
This study employs ARDL approach to co-integration following the
methodology proposed by Pesaran and Shin (1999). This methodology is
chosen as it has certain advantages on other co-integration procedures.
For example, it can be applied regardless of the stationary properties
of the variables in the sample. Secondly, it allows for inferences on
long-run estimates which are not possible under alternative
co-integration procedures. Finally, ARDL Model can accommodate greater
number of variables in comparison to other Vector Autoregressive (VAR)
First of all data has been tested for unit root. This testing is
necessary to avoid the possibility of spurious regression as Ouattara
(2004) reports that bounds test is based on the assumption that the
variables are I(0) or I(1) so in the presence of I(2) variables the
computed F-statistics provided by Pesaran, et al. (2001) becomes
invalid. Similarly other diagonistic tests are applied to detect serial
correlation, heteroscadasticity, conflict to normality.
If data is found I(0) or I(1), the ARDL approach to cointegration
is applied which consists of three stages. In the first step, the
existence of a long-run relationship between the variables is
established by testing for the significance of lagged variables in an
error correction mechanism regression. Then the first lag of the levels
of each variable are added to the equation to create the error
correction mechanism equation and a variable addition test is performed
by computing an F-test on the significance of all the lagged variables.
The second stage is to estimate the ARDL form of equation where the
optimal lag length is chosen according to one of the standard criteria
such as the Akaike Information or Schwartz Bayesian. Then the restricted
version of the equation is solved for the long-run solution.
The following model is used to examine the relationship between
equity market returns and macroeconomic factors;
I = KSE - 100 Index
Oil = Oil prices in $
XRate = Foreign Exchange Rates $/Rs.
TBill = Six Month Treasury Bill Rate
CPI = Consumer Price Index
FPI = Foreign Portfolio Investment
M1 = Narrow Money.
An ARDL representation of above equation is as below:
Where i ranges from 1 to p
The third stage entails the estimation of the error correction
equation using the differences of the variables and the lagged long-run
solution, and determines the speed of adjustment of returns to
equilibrium. A general error correction representation of equation is
given below:
It is expected that interest rates, inflation and oil prices have
negative impact on returns. The coefficients [gamma], [phi] and [eta]
are therefore expected to have negative sign i.e.
[gamma] < 0, [phi] < 0 and [eta] < 0.
As industrial production, foreign portfolio investment and money
supply are expected to have a positive effect on equity returns,
therefore the coefficients [beta], [gamma], and [zeta] are expected to
be positive, i.e.
[beta] > 0, [gamma] > 0, [zeta] > 0.
Finally, stability of short-run and long-run coefficients is
examined by employing cumulative sum (CUSUM) and cumulative sum of
squares (CUSUMSQ) tests. The CUSUM and CUSUMSQ statistics are updated
recursively and plotted against the break points. If the plots of CUSUM
and CUSUMSQ statistics stay within the critical bonds of 5 percent level
of significance, the null hypothesis of all coefficients in the given
regression are stable and cannot be rejected.
Table 1 reports the results of unit root test applied to determine
the order of integration among time series data. ADF Test and
Phillips-Perron Test have been used at level and first difference under
assumption of constant and trend.
Results clearly indicate that the index series are not stationary
at level but the first differences of the logarithmic transformations of
the series are stationary. Therefore, it can safely be said that series
are integrated of order one I (1). It is worth mentioning that results
are robust under assumption of constant trend and no trend. This testing
is necessary to avoid the possibility of spurious regression as Ouattara
(2004) reports that bounds test is based on the assumption that the
variables are I(0) or I(1) so in the presence of I(2) variables the
computed F-statistics provided by Pesaran, et al. (2001) becomes
Now causal relationship among the macroeconomic variables has been
studied by employing ARDL approach. Akaike Information Criterion,
Schwarz Bayesian Criterion and Hannan-Quinn, Log Likelihood equation are
most common measures to determine the number of lags. Duration of the
lag which provides the smallest critical value is identified as the
model's duration of lag if no autocorrelation is observed. In this
study, maximum duration of lag has been taken as 3. The number of lags
which minimise the Schwarz Bayesian Criterion is 2 and LM test confirms
that no autocorrelation problem exists at this duration of Lag. Criteria
and test values are given in Table 2 (a) and Table 2 (b).
Above results indicate that econometric problems like
autocorrelation, conflict to normal distribution has not been observed.
Similarly, no model specification error exists with reference to
functional form. Shrestha (2005) states that presence of
heteroscedasticity does not affect the estimates and as time series in
the equation are of mixed order of integration so it is natural to
detect heteroscadasticity.
Table 3 below exhibits results of ARDL Model based on Schwarz
Bayesian Criterion. Results reveal that industrial production, oil
prices, inflation are not statistically significantly while interest
rates, exchange rates, foreign portfolio investment and money supply
have significant impact on equity prices. The results of the bounds
testing approach for Co-integration show that the calculated
F-statistics is 1949 which is significant at 1 percent level of
significance implying that the null hypothesis of no cointegration
cannot be accepted and there exists cointegration relationship among the
variables in this model. An analysis presented in Table 3 indicates that
macroeconomic variables significantly explain equity prices. The value
of R-Bar-Squared is 0.99 which indicates a high degree of correlation
among variables. F-Statistics is also significant at 1 percent which
indicates overall goodness of fit.
Table 4 displays the long term coefficients under ARDL Approach.
Results reveal that industrial production, oil prices, inflation and
foreign portfolio investment are statistically insignificant while
interest rates, exchange rates and money supply have significant long
run effect on equity prices.
A statistically significant negative relationship is found between
interest rate and equity returns which is logical because increase in
interest rates leads to increase in discount rate and it ultimately
results in decrease in present value of future cash flows which
represents fair intrinsic value of shares. X rate is significantly
related to equity prices and as exchange rate is taken as $/PRs so Ln
XRate will always be negative so depreciation of home currency is
negatively related to equity market prices. Money growth rate is
positively related with equity prices that are in line with results
drawn by Maysami and Koh (2000). The possible reason is that increase in
money supply leads to increase in liquidity that ultimately results in
upward movement of nominal equity prices.
Error Correction Representation of above long run relationship is
reported in Table 5 which captures the short-run dynamics of
relationship among macroeconomic variables and equity prices. The error
correction model based upon ARDL approach establishes that changes in
industrial production, oil prices and inflation are statistically
insignificant while changes in interest rates, exchange rates, foreign
portfolio investment and money supply have significant short term
According to results, short term elasticities of interest rates,
exchange rates and money supply are -0.08, 0.47 and 0.48 respectively.
It is worth mentioning that these elasticities are much lower than long
run elasticities. It is also observed that foreign portfolio investment
is not significant in long term but it is statistically significant in
short term. ECM (-1) is one period lag value of error terms that are
obtained from the long-run relationship. The coefficient of ECM (-1)
indicates how much of the disequilibrium in the short-run will be fixed
(eliminated) in the long-run. As expected, the error correction variable
ECM (-1) has been found negative and also statistically significant. The
Coefficient of the ECM term suggests that adjustment process is quite
fast and 39 percent of the previous year's disequilibrium in equity
prices from its equilibrium path will be corrected in the current year.
Finally, CUSUM and CUSUMSQ plots are drawn to check the stability
of short run and long run coefficients in the ARDL error correction
model. Figure 1 shows the cumulative sum of recursive residuals whereas
Figure 2 displays the cumulative sum of squares of recursive residuals.
This study examine the relationship among the inflation, industrial
production, oil prices, short term interest rate, exchange rates,
foreign portfolio investment, money supply and equity prices for the
period 6/98 to 6/2008 by using ARDL approach based on bounds testing
procedure proposed by Pesaran and Shin (2001). The ARDL approach has
been applied as it more powerful procedure to explore the long run
relationship as well short term dynamics of relationship and yields
consistent estimates of the long-run coefficients that are
asymptotically normal, irrespective of whether the underlying regressors
are I(0) or I(1). Data has been tested to examine econometric problems
like serial correlation, functional form, normality, heteroscdasticity
and unit root by using LM test, Ramsey Reset test, skewness and kurtosis
test, white test and ADF Test and Phillip Parren Test respectively.
Results indicate that econometric problems like autocorrelation,
conflict to normal distribution has not been observed. Similarly, no
model specification error exists with reference to Functional form. Unit
root test clearly indicate that the index series are not stationary at
level but the first differences of the logarithmic transformations of
the series are stationary. However, white test indicates the presence of
heteroscadasticity. Shrestha (2005) states that presence of
heteroscedisticity does not affect estimates. In ARDL, we deal with data
series which may not be integrated at same level so detection of
heteroscedisticity is quite natural.
Results of ARDL long run coefficients reveal that industrial
production, oil prices and inflation are statistically insignificant in
determining equity prices in long run while interest rates, exchange
rates and money supply have significant long run effect on equity
prices. The error correction model based upon ARDL approach captures the
short term dynamics of prices and it also confirms that changes in
industrial production, oil prices and inflation are not statistically
significant in short run while changes in interest rates, exchange
rates, and money supply have significant short term effect. However,
foreign portfolio investment has significant short term effect in short
term and no long term effect in long term. The error correction variable
ECM (-1) has been found negative and statistically significant. The
Coefficient of the ECM term suggests that adjustment process is quite
fast and 39 percent of the previous year's disequilibrium in equity
prices from its equilibrium path will be corrected in the current year.
The plots of CUSUM and CUSUMSQ are drawn to check the stability of short
run and long run coefficients in the ARDL error correction model. These
plots show both CUSUM and CUSUMSQ as within the critical bounds of 5
percent which is an indication of the fact that the model is
structurally stable.
This study facilitates the investors in taking effective investment
decisions as by estimating the expected trends in exchange rates, money
supply and interest rates, they can estimate the future direction of
equity prices and can allocate their resources more efficiently.
Efficient market hypothesis provides that capital markets respond to
arrival of new information so macroeconomic policies should be designed
keeping in view the response of the capital market. Therefore,
architects of monetary policy should be careful in revision of interest
rates as capital market responds negatively to such decisions.
Similarly, State Bank of Pakistan should also consider the impact of
money supply on capital markets which has significant relationship with
equity returns.
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Spyrou (2001) Inflation and Sock Rturns. Applied Economic Letters
(1) The relationship was statistically significant at [alpha]=0.10
Arshad Hasan <
[email protected]> is affiliated with the
Muhammad Ali Jinnah University, Islamabad. Zafar Mueen Nasir
[email protected]> is Dean, Management Sciences, Pakistan
Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad.
Table 1
Unit Root Analysis
ADF-Level ADF-Ist Diff
Ln Kse100 -2.1686 -12.015
Ln IPI -3.1322 -8.9420
Ln Oil -2.3550 -8.3208
Ln X Rate -2.3659 -6.6074
Ln T Bill -1.6981 -3.6063
Ln CPI 2.9023 -8.6160
Ln FPI 0.4762 -3.6651
Ln M1 -1.8832 -10.245
1% Critic. Value -4.0363 -4.0370
5% Critic. Value -3.4477 -3.4480
10% Critic Value -3.1489 -3.1491
PP-Level PP-Ist Diff
Ln Kse100 -2.0872 -12.2821
Ln IPI -2.8182 -8.7609
Ln Oil -2.0543 -8.2033
Ln X Rate -3.1003 -6.4168
Ln T Bill -1.3595 -7.8162
Ln CPI 2.6215 -8.6190
Ln FPI -0.4640 -10.8700
Ln M1 -1.9545 -10.2284
1% Critic. Value -4.0363 -4.0370
5% Critic. Value -3.4477 -3.4480
10% Critic Value -3.1489 -3.1491
Table 2(a)
Statistics for Selecting the Lag Order
Lag 1 127.2179 114.6742 136.2179
Lag 2 125.6181 113.1121 * 134.6181
Lag 3 128.7087 113.4699 139.7087
Table 2(b)
Diagnostic Tests
Item Test Applied CHSQ Prob
([chi square])
Serial Correlation Lagrange Multiplier Test 18.74 0.095
Normality Test of Skewness and 2.88 0.236
Functional Form Ramsey's RESET Test 0.59 0.443
Heteroscedisticity White Test 4.68 0.03
Table 3
ARDL (1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) Selected based on SBC
Regressor Coefficient S. Error T Ratio Prob.
Ln INDEX(-1) 0.6068 0.0742 8.1819 0.000
Ln IPI -0.0225 0.0388 0.5783 0.564
Ln OIL 0.0481 0.0360 1.3345 0.185
Ln XRATE 0.4675 0.2239 2.0879 0.039
Ln TBILL -0.0797 0.0176 4.5251 0.000
Ln CPI 0.2757 0.3315 0.8316 0.407
Ln FP1 0.7712 0.3376 2.2841 0.024
Ln FPI(-1) -0.7401 0.3428 -2.1589 0.033
Ln M1 0.4790 0.1037 4.6178 0.000
[R.sup.2] 0.9929
Adj [R.sup.2] 0.9925
AIC 125.61
SBC 113.11
F-Statistics 1949
F-Significance 0.000
D.W. Statistics 2.1000
Table 4
Estimated Long Run Coefficients for Selected ARDL Model
Regressor Coefficient S. Error T Ratio Prob.
LNIPI -0.0572 0.0964 -0.5934 0.554
LNOIL 0.1222 0.0829 1.4743 0.143
LNXRATE 1.1891 0.5260 2.2604 0.026
LNTBILL -0.2027 0.0369 -5.4946 0.000
LNCPI 0.7012 0.8286 0.8463 0.399
LNFPI 0.0794 0.2713 0.2927 0.770
LNM1 1.2185 0.1704 7.1487 0.000
Table 5 (a)
Error Correction Representation for the Selected ARDL Model
Reyressor Coefficient S. Error T Ratio Prob.
[DELTA]LnIPI -0.2248 0.0389 -0.5783 0.564
[DELTA]LnOIL 0.0481 0.0360 1.3345 0.185
[DELTA]LnXRATE 0.4675 0.2239 2.0879 0.039
[DELTA]LnTBILL -0.0797 0.0176 -4.5251 0.000
[DELTA]LnCPI 0.2757 0.3315 0.8316 0.407
[DELTA]LnFPI 0.7713 0.3377 2.2841 0.024
[DELTA]LnM1 0.4790 0.1037 4.6178 0.000
ECM(-1) -0.3932 0.0742 -5.3007 0.000
[R.sup.2] 0.2670
Adj [R.sup.2] 0.2137
AIC 125.61
BIC 113.11
F-Statistics 1949
F-Significance 0.000
D.W. Statistics 2.1000