Estimating total factor productivity and its components: evidence from major manufacturing industries of Pakistan.
Raheman, Abdul ; Afza, Talat ; Qayyum, Abdul 等
This paper estimates the trend in total factor productivity growth
for eleven major manufacturing sub-sectors/industries listed on Karachi
Stock Exchange. 1998 to 2007 Malmquist total factor productivity growth
indices have been calculated using nonparametric Data Envelopment
Analysis which also shows TFP growth sources including efficiency change
and technical change. The results of this study are showing a mixed
trend for all manufacturing sub-sectors/industries in terms of TFP,
technical efficiency change and technological change. Cement and Oil and
Gas marketing sectors depict a relatively stable position. Most of the
manufacturing industries have gained, in terms of technical efficiency
but the technical change is putting a negative affect on the
productivity growth except for a few industries.
JEL classification: L6, G1, G3
Keywords: Data Envelopment Analysis, Manufacturing Sector,
Malmquist Productivity Index, Total Factor Productivity, Technical
Efficiency Change, Technical or Technological Change, Pakistan.
Manufacturing sector of Pakistan accounts for 19.1 percent of GDP and is the second largest sector of the economy. It grew by 8.4 percent
during 2007 as against 10 percent last year. In the manufacturing
sector, large scale manufacturing (LSM), plays a vital role and accounts
for approximately 70 percent of overall manufacturing [Economic Survey
of Pakistan (2006-07)]. During 2006-07 relatively slower pace of
expansion exhibits signs of moderation on accounts of higher capacity
utilisation, difficulties in the textile sector and lower than expected
scale of operations of oil refineries. A number of other factors have
also contributed to the low pace of expansion in manufacturing including
zero percent growth in raw cotton production which is a critical input
for the textile industry, vegetable ghee and cooking oil which comprise
about 5.5 percent of the LSM sector, showed uninspiring performance due
to unparalleled rise in international palm and soybean oil prices. The
performance of the automobile sector has been far less impressive this
year as compared to previous five years due to a fall in domestic demand
for cars on account of increasing auto financing rates. The higher
imports of used cars in the beginning of fiscal year 2006-07 also
affected the performance of domestic auto mobile sector.
As an important sector in the overall economic growth,
manufacturing sector requires an in depth analysis at industry and
corporate level. The performance and financial position of the corporate
sector is a major determinant of financial stability. Manufacturing
sector is dominated by textile sector in terms of assets, size and
credit allocation.
This paper has performed a detailed analysis of different
industries in the manufacturing sector to sort out the efficient sector
in terms of total factor productivity, technical efficiency change and
technical change using aggregate firm level data and variables. There
are few studies on the manufacturing sector of Pakistan which used macro
level data, variables and different approaches to measure the total
factor productivity like Afzal (2006) and Mahmood, et al. (2007).
Different performance measures are used by different firms to
evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of their business processes
and strategic objectives [Wang (2006)]. These performance measurement
tools are used to evaluate resource allocation process to determine that
how these resources can be managed and distributed in a better way to
the appropriate level. The relationship between resources and their use
in producing output needs to be established for the organisations to
determine whether these resources have been properly allocated to get
the desired output. When the deficiencies are quantified in the
performance of organisation, it will help the organisation's
decision-makers and policy makers to monitor the performance over time
[Hannula, et al. (1999)]
Productivity growth studies at the country level are usually based
on the overall or aggregate data; therefore, results of those studies
are average of the overall economy which comprises of different sectors.
Hence contribution in each country's productivity has different
proportion of sectors. The growth in these sectors will have major
impact on the productivity growth. Like for America and Australia,
agriculture is the major sector which contributes to economic growth.
For Singapore, which is a small and open economy, has different
industrial structure and services as a major contributing sector. So it
is dire need that productivity should be estimated on sector level.
There are a number of studies which applied productivity and efficiency
analysis. Manufacturing studies include Diaz and Sanchez (2008), Idris
and Rahmah (2006), Mahadevan (2002), Fare, et al. (2001), Bjurek and
Durevall (2000), Rao and Shandre (1998a, 1998b), Baldwin and
Rafiquzzaman (1994), Wong (1993), Oulton and O Mahony (1994), Hazledine
(1985) and Todd (1984).
Comprehensive know how of productivity changes is important for the
policymakers because growth in productivity is an important source of
economic growth. There are two different factors which bring
productivity change; One is the adoption of technical innovation in the
product and processes and the other is capacity of firms to increase
production with given input and technology. A productivity comparison
between different sectors can also lead to the source of industrial
growth and will also help in resource allocation to different sectors
[Angeles and Sanchez (2008)].
There are some studies on manufacturing sector of Pakistan which
include Mahmood, et al. (2007) that has estimated the efficiency of
large scale manufacturing in Pakistan using production frontier
approach. Afzal (2006) has estimated the total factor productivity for
large scale manufacturing using three different approaches while Burki
and Khan (2005) analysed the implications of allocative efficiency on
resource allocation and energy substitutability for large scale
manufacturing. These studies have used aggregate data of the sectors and
economy. All these studies used data upto 2001. There are no reported
studies of total factor productivity growth at sector level using
aggregate of firms' level data in the form of input and output
variables in Pakistan.
The basic objective of this paper is to use the data envelopment
analysis as a tool for the measurement of total factor productivity
growth for important manufacturing industries. The objective is also to
decompose TFP growth into technical change, technical efficiency change
and scale efficiency change for understanding the source of productivity
for Pakistani manufacturing sectors/industries listed at Karachi Stock
Exchange. From individual sector's perspective, this study could
help decision makers to assess the sectors performance and can take
steps to increase their productivity and efficiency.
The next section presents the literature review. Data, variable
issues and methodology are discussed in Section 3. Section 4 presents
the empirical results, while Section 5 concludes the finding of this
Productivity growth and technical efficiency has been estimated in
number of studies at sectoral level for different types of industries
using both parametric and nonparametric methodology. In parametric
methodology, Stochastic Frontier analysis is performed while in the
non-parametric methodology, Data Envelopment analysis is used.
Diaz and Sanchez (2008) analysed the performance of the small and
medium Spanish manufacturing firms during 1995-2001. The focus of the
study was on the technical inefficiency and its determinants for these
firms using stochastic frontier production function. The findings of the
results suggested that small and medium firms are more efficient than
large firms and these small firms can easily exit the market under
economic difficulties. Further if the market share, foreign
shareholders, proportion of temporary over fixed workers, the intensity
of capital and firm legal status are controlled, small and medium sized
firms tend to be more efficient.
Basti and Akin (2008) compared the productivity of domestic owned
and foreign owned firms operating in Turkey. They selected non financial
firms listed on Istanbul Stock Exchange for the period 2003-2007.
Nonparametric technique called DEA was used to calculate Malmquist Index as measurement of productivity. This Malmquist productivity was further
decomposed into efficiency change and technical change. The results of
the study indicated that there were no differences in terms of
productivity of domestic owned and foreign owned firms. The average
productivity of both times of firms decreased throughout the period
under analysis except 2006.
The efficiency of the large scale manufacturing sector of Pakistan
was examined by Mahmood, et al. (2007) using the stochastic production
frontier approach. This frontier was estimated for two periods 1995-96
and 2000-01, for 101 industries at the 5-digit PSIC. The results of this
study showed that there was some improvement in the efficiency of the
large scale manufacturing sector, although the magnitude was small. The
results were mixed at the disaggregated level, whereas a majority of
industries had gained in terms of technical efficiency and some
industries were also weaker in terms of their efficiency level.
Afzal (2006) estimated total factor productivity for the large
scale manufacturing sector from 1975 to 2001 using three different
approaches. In the first approach classical models were used and
comparison of four models was made. Simultaneous equation approach was
used at second step to measure the contribution of factors affecting
productivity of large scale manufacturing. At third step, autoregressive
models were used to forecast productivity. Overall results showed that
productivity was affected by many factors like labor, capital, Gross
National Product and per capita income. Further, different economic
models were applicable and predictable to the data of large scale
manufacturing sector of Pakistan and macroeconomic policies might help
in improving productivity of large scale manufacturing sector.
Kong and Tongzon (2006) examined the total factor productivity for
ten major sectors of Singapore during 1985-2000. They used the
non-parametric, frontier methodology known as Data Envelopment Analysis
(DEA) to calculate the Malmquist Productivity Index at sectoral level.
The analysis of the results identified the best practiced sectors and
straggler in terms of efficiency change, technical change and total
factor productivity change. These three productivity estimates were also
adjusted for the effect of inflation and business cycles so these became
more reliable for policy making.
Wang (2006) used the DEA and Balanced Scorecard (BSC) technique to
measure the corporate performance efficiency of Acer Incorporation
(computer manufacturer) based in Taiwan. Annual report data was used
from 2001 to 2003 to evaluate performance using DEA and BSC approach.
The findings produced by DEA offered a confirmation of Acer's
strategy in 2003. Acer had been able to create value added products
without increasing its cost. Further it had engaged in effort to low
inventory, therefore allowed to reduce overhead cost and increase
efficiency. Balance Scorecard highlighted the importance of research and
development expenditures in the performance of all key aspects.
The concept of productivity measurement and change has been applied
to the non financial sector. Angelidis and Lyroudi (2006) examined the
productivity for Italian banks for period 2001-2002. They used the
nominal values and natural logarithm of these values as input and
output. Productivity change was calculated using Malmquist Productivity
Index. The relationship between size of bank and its performance was
measured using correlation and ranking correlation. The results
suggested that bank size and performance has inverse relationship but it
was not significant.
One of the studies by Fu (2005) for panel of Chinese manufacturing
industry was carried out to estimate Total Factor Productivity (TFP).
TFP growth was estimated for period 1990-1997 using Malmquist
Productivity Index. This Index was decomposed into technical progress
and efficiency change. The analysis of the results showed that there was
no evidence of significant productivity gains at industry level as a
result of exports in a transition economy. It was suggested that a
developed domestic market and a neutral outward oriented policy is
necessary for exports to generate positive effect on TFP growth.
In Pakistan's economy context, Burki and Khan (2005) analysed
the implications of allocative efficiency on resource allocation and
energy substitutability. The study covered the period 1969-70 to 1990-91
and utilises pooled time series data from Pakistan's large scale
manufacturing sector to estimate a generalised translog cost function.
The results pointed out strong evidence of allocative inefficiency
leading to over or under-utilisation of resources and higher cost of
The effect of food shortage on technical efficiency and
profitability was analysed in Spanish live stock sector by Iraizoz, et
al. (2005). They estimated the parametric stochastic production frontier
production functions with inefficiency effects. The results of this
analysis suggested ineffectiveness of agricultural policy regulations in
promoting efficiency for this sector. While the profitability analysis
revealed the importance of direct subsidies. These subsidies were having
two counter effects. On one side, they allowed farmers to meet their
input cost and on the other side, they had a negative impact on
technical efficiency.
Fare, Grosskopf and Margaritis (2001) analysed the relative trend
in the total factor productivity in Australia and New Zealand for the
manufacturing sector during 1986-1996. Their objective was to see
whether reforms in the two countries have impact on the productivity
performance because both countries had a major structural change with
different pace and intensity. Malmquist Productivity Index was used to
calculate the total factor productivity. Further it was decomposed into
technical efficiency and technical change which helped in analysis to
check the source of TFP in the relative performance for two countries.
In general, the results suggested that New Zealand performed better than
Australia in terns of total factor productivity for manufacturing
sector. This lower TFP in Australia was due to low capital intensity in
the production process. Further the major source of TFP growth in New
Zealand was technical change rather efficiency change.
The productivity growth in the sixteen manufacturing sectors was
analysed by Fare, Grosskopf and Lee (1995) for period 1978-1992. Data
Envelopment Analysis was used to calculate the Malmquist Productivity
Index. Further decomposition of TFP into efficiency change and technical
change was also made for in depth analysis of source of productivity.
Technical change was also decomposed into input bias, output bias and
magnitude part. The results suggested that the manufacturing
sector's productivity increase by 2.89 percent per annum while
there were large differences among sub sectors. It was also found that
productivity slightly increased due to scale change. While high
technical progress was due to industry up gradation policies and
increased research and development activities.
Bjurek and Durevall (2000) analysed the increase in total factor
productivity for Zimbabwe's manufacturing sub sectors against the
structural adjustment program implemented from 1991 to 1995. Malmquist
productivity Index was used to evaluate productivity for thirty one
manufacturing sub sectors for the period 1980 to 1995. Further
econometric methods were used to test the effect of trade reforms and
market liberalisation to the structural adjustment program. In general
the results suggested a great variation in growth rates across sectors
and over time period. There was no growth in the total factor
productivity during structural adjustment program except for the last
two years where most of the sub sectors showed a growth in total factor
productivity. The results of econometric analysis showed only import
growth as influencing variable and all other variables measuring trade
liberalisation had no influence on productivity growth.
Fare, Grosskopf, and Lee (1995) made an analysis of productivity in
four Taiwanese manufacturing industries during 1978-1989 by decomposing
the Malmquist productivity change index into technical change and
technical efficiency change. Further this method was also compared to
traditional and parametric approaches. The results of this study
suggested that TFP growth in the long run was totally because of the
technical change. On average the liberalisation period's TFP is
higher than the pre liberalisation period. Further results suggested
that technical efficiency and technical progress may not move together
and technical change was positively related with R&D.
3.1. Malmquist TFP Index
Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) in a linear-programming methodology
where we use input and output data for Decision Making Units (DMU). In
our study, each sector is a Decision Making Unit (DMU). The DEA
methodology was initiated by Charnes, et al. (1978) who built on the
frontier concept started by Farell (1957). The methodology used in this
paper is based on the work of Fare, et al. (1994) and Coelli, et al.
(1998). We have used the DEA-Malmquist Index to calculate the total
factor productivity growth in different sectors listed at Karachi stock
exchange. The Malmquist TFP Index measures changes in total output
relative to input. This idea was developed by a Swedish statistician
Malmquist (1953). It is a suitable methodology because of following
reasons [Mahadevan (2002)].
First, the data envelopment analysis approach is an improvement
over translog index approach. In translog approach, technical
inefficiency is ignored and it calculates only technical change which is
wrongly interpreted as TFP growth. While in the literature of
productivity, TFPG is composed of technical change and technical
efficiency. Second, DEA also identify the sources of TFP growth which
will help the policy makers to indentify the specific source of low TFP
growth. Another advantage of nonparametric nature of DEA is that it
reveal best practice frontier rather a central tendency properties of
frontier. In DEA there is also no need to estimate any production
function. This Malmquist productivity index can be decomposed into
efficiency change, Technical change and total factor productivity
growth. TFPG is geometric mean of efficiency change and technical
change. We have used the DEAP software developed by Coelli (1996) to
compute these indices. A simple framework of Malmquist productivity
index can be found in Mahedevan (2004). Fare, et al. (1994) suggests
that if suitable panel data are available, the required distance
measures of Malmquist Total Factor Productivity Index can be calculated
using DEA. They have defined the output based MTFPI as a geometric mean
of two indices.
Following Fare, et al. (1994), the output oriented Malmquist TFP
index between two periods s and period t is given by
In the above equation, [d.sub.0.sup.s] ([ysub.t], [x.sub.t],)
represents the distance from the period t observation to the period s
technology, y represents output and x represents input. A value of mo
greater than one indicates positive growth in TFP from period s to
period t and value less than one shows a decline in TFP. This
productivity index can also be written in the following way.
Where the ratio outside the bracket measures technical efficiency
change between period s and t. The other part of Equation 2 measures the
technical change which is geometric mean of the shift in technology
between two periods evaluated at [x.sub.t] and [x.sub.s].
We can decompose the total factor productivity growth in following
way as well.
MTFPI = Technical Efficiency Change X Technical change
(Catching up effect) (Frontier Effect)
MTFPI is the product of measure of efficiency change (catching up
effect) at current period t and previous period s (average
geometrically) and a technical change (frontier effect) as measured by
shift in a frontier over the same period. The catching up effect
measures that a firm is how much close to the frontier by capturing
extent of diffusion of technology or knowledge of technology use. On the
other side, frontier effect measures the movement of frontier between
two periods with regard to rate of technology adoption. In DEA-Malmquist
TFP Index does not assume all the firms or sectors are efficient
therefore, any firm or sector can be performing less than the efficient
frontier. In this methodology, we will use the output oriented analysis
because most of the firms and sectors have their objectives to maximise
output in the form of revenue or profit. It is also assumed that there
is a constant return to scale (CRS) technology to estimate distance
functions for calculating Malmquist TFP index. Otherwise, the results
may not reflect the TFP gains or losses resulting from scale effects.
3.2. Input and Output Variables
Data Envelopment Analysis approach can be applied to those firms,
who produce revenue. This can be done by converting the financial
performance measures to the firm's technical efficiency
equivalents. While using input and output variables, we have followed
the methodology of Feroz, et al. (2003) and Wang (2006). One of the
methods is to disaggregate Return on Equity (ROE) using the DuPont
model. Therefore, return on equity which measures the relation between
net income and common equity can be divided into profit margin, total
assets turnover and equity multiplier. This process of measuring
financial performance indicators can be converted into output and input
The general return on equity formula using DuPont ratio can be
written as
Return Equity = Net Income/Sales X Sales/Total Assets X Total
Assets/SH Equity (3)
In the above equation profit margin is net income/Sales; assets
turnover or utilisation is sales / total assets; equity multiplier is
total assets/equity. This breakdown helps us to examine return on equity
in terms of a measure of profitability (profit margin), assets turnover
or assets required to generate sales and for financing of assets (equity
multiplier). These above components; sales, net profit, total assets and
equity are important aspects of technical efficiency for the revenue
producing firms. Accordingly sales, total assets and shareholder's
equity can be used as input and net profit as output which needs to be
maximised. Data envelopment analysis program does not support negative
values while net profit can be negative in terms of loss, hence using
profit as output is not appropriate. This problem can be solved by
redefining the input variables as total assets, Shareholder's
equity, cost of goods sold and operating expenses while sales revenue of
the firm as output.
The above methodology helps us to logically convert performance
ratios into efficiency. In this way long term resources total assets and
equity and short term resources cost of goods sold and operating
expenses are used to produce output in the form of sales revenue.
3.3. Data
This study covers eleven major manufacturing sectors listed at
Karachi Stock Exchange including automobile assembler, automobile parts
and accessories, chemical, cement, pharmaceutical, oil and gas
exploration and refinery, oil and gas marketing, engineering, textile
composite, textile spinning and textile weaving. There are 228 firms
listed in these sectors on Karachi stock exchange. The data is collected
for those firms which not only remained listed on the KSE during 1998 to
2007, but also performed operations during this time period. Considering
the imitates of Data Envelopment Analysis Program (DEAP) only those
firms are included in analysis which have their equity in positive their
annual reports were available for all the ten years from 1998 to 2007.
Therefore, finally 125 firms are included in the sectoral analysis. We
have calculated the Total Factor Productivity Growth and its components
using Malmquist productivity Index for these eleven sectors.
Industries growth in terms of output during period 1998 to 2007 is
presented in Table 1. The average nominal growth is also adjusted for
effect of inflation resulting in average real growth rate.
Overall manufacturing sector grew by 10.61 percent during
1998-2007. Oil and gas and automobile sectors are on the top in terms of
average real growth. During year 2001-02, average real growth is in
negative and is very low during years 1998-99 and 2006-07. Average real
growth rate is highest during 2005-06. The textile sectors are the
lowest growing sectors in terms of nominal and real growth rate.
The TFP Index technique is used to construct a grand frontier based
on the data from all sectors. Each sector is compared to the frontier.
Technical efficiency is how much closer a sector gets to the grand
frontier and how much this grand frontier shift at each sector observed
input mix is called technical change.
We have calculated Malmquist total factor productivity and
efficiency change, technical change, pure technical efficiency and scale
change component for all the industries in the sample. A summary
description of the average performance of industries over the entire
period is presented in Table 2.
4.1. Total Factor Productivity Growth in Industrial Sector
In Table 2, the bottom line shows that manufacturing industries
experienced an overall positive TFP growth of 0.9 percent during
1998-2007. The analysis of industries revealed that eight out of eleven
industries enjoyed positive TFP growth. The overall TFP growth is
positive due to improvement in technical efficiency of 1.2 percent and
all industries have their technical efficiency ranges from 1.000 to
1.027. This result reveals that improvement in these industries is due
to their productivity based catching up capability. On the other side
where the technical change is less than unity, has a negative effect on
the overall TFP growth. The overall technical change in 7 out of 11
industries is less than 1 which is a main cause in dampening the total
factor productivity for industries. Technical efficiency change is the
result of pure technical efficiency change and scale efficiency change.
With regards to pure efficiency change, it is one or more than one in
most of the industries. In case of Scale efficiency change, value close
to unity shows that most of the industries are operating at optimum
scale. Therefore, both Scale efficiency and pure technical efficiency
have contributed to the improvement in Technical efficiency.
As can be seen from the Table, the comparison of total factor
productivity change in different industries shows that oil and gas
marketing sector on average has the highest growth in TFP (3.8 percent)
during 1998 to 2007, followed by the cement sector that has (2.3
percent) total factor productivity growth. The worst performer in terms
of total factor productivity growth is the textile sector which includes
spinning, composite and weaving. Total factor productivity of the
textile sector decreased on average by -0.80 percent, -0.20 percent and
-1.2 percent in the composite, spinning and weaving sectors
4.2. Total Factor Productivity Growth
The comparative results of individual industries in terms of
productivity for each year during 1998-2007 are presented in Table 3,
which explains the total factor productivity change for all sectors on
yearly basis and provides a comprehensive understanding about the
performance of different sectors.
In the first year of analysis, pharmaceutical sector is the best
performer among all the sectors with TFP growth 4 percent followed by
cement sector where the productivity increased by 3.6 percent. Oil and
gas exploration and refinery is the worst performer (11.3 percent) with
textile (composite, weaving) sector. During year 1999-00, the total
factor productivity of all the sectors, except textile weaving and
engineering, increased with oil and gas exploration and refinery, cement
and chemical top in ranking with productivity change of 22.9 percent,
16.8 percent and 11.6 percent respectively. This year was also the most
favorable for overall manufacturing sector where the total factor
productivity increased by 6.5 percent, i.e., highest for the overall
manufacturing sector during 1998-2007. In the next year 2000-01, again
the TFP changed for all sectors except automobile assembler sector; both
oil sectors and engineering are in negative. In this year, automobile
assembler sector has highest TFP growth 8.6 percent and also has the
highest growth in a year during 1998 to 2007. In the year 2001-02, again
a tangle up trend similar to year 2000-01 can be seen where only four
sectors (cement, engineering, pharmaceutical and weaving) has their TFP
more than 1 and cement is top in ranking with 12 percent growth. Oil and
Gas sectors with Automobile, chemical and pharmaceutical sectors perform
during 2002-03 where the TFP for the both oil and gas marketing and oil
and gas exploration topped in ranking with growth of 10.1 percent and
9.9 percent respectively. Cement sector played a leading role in total
factor productivity growth of industrial sector with highest (best
performance) 24 percent during 2003-04. Year 2004-05 was suitable only
for the oil and gas marketing sector and engineering sector in terms of
total factor productivity, while all other sectors have their
productivity growth in negative. In this year oil and gas marketing
sector's productivity increased by 8.1 percent and engineering
sector's by 1.3 percent while the cement sector has no increase or
decrease in productivity growth. Overall manufacturing sector also
performed better during year 2005-06 where 7 out of 11 sectors have
their TFP growth above than 1 and manufacturing sector grew by 4.5
percent. Oil and gas exploration and refinery has the highest total
factor productivity change 29.7 percent and cement next in ranking with
9.6 percent change. Oil and gas marketing sector has 8.1 percent TFP
change in this year. Year 2006-07 was a crucial year for the overall
manufacturing sector where the productivity change for all the sectors
declined except for oil and gas marketing sector where it increased by
3.7 percent.
In terms of total factor productivity change, oil and gas sector
and cement sector has relatively more stable results. In both sectors
TFP change in six out of nine years is greater than unity. Due to this
reason, these sectors topped in ranking in terms of total factor
productivity. As discussed earlier year 2006-07 was the most crucial
year for all the sectors where TFP declined for all sectors. If we
exclude this year from our analysis, the overall TFP growth for the
manufacturing sector would increase to 1.25 percent which is now 0.7
percent including year 2007. The exclusion of this year from analysis
will also replace the ranking for both sectors and cement sector will be
the most stable one and best performer in all sectors while the oil and
gas marketing sector will be the next in the ranking. Textile sector
(Composite, spinning and weaving) is the worst performer throughout
study period in terms of TFP except in few years where it is positive.
If we see textile composite sector, it has negative productivity change
in all years except in the year 2000. Similar type of result is for the
spinning sector where the TFP is negative in seven out of nine years.
Textile weaving sector has highest overall negative growth (-1.2
percent) among all the sectors. This analysis will induce us to
highlight that stability in terms of bad performance (negative TFP
change) is reflected in the textile sector throughout the years from
The indices of total factor productivity have been decomposed into
technical efficiency change also called managerial efficiency and
technical (technological adoption) change. These two sources of
productivity are presented in the next section.
4.3. Managerial Efficiency Growth
Technical efficiency change can make use of existing input to
produce more of same product. As one gets more experience in producing
some product, it becomes more and more efficient in it. Labour finds new
ways to produce by making minor modifications in the process of
manufacturing which contribute to higher productivity. Therefore, to
understand the contribution made by technical efficiency in the
productivity growth, a sector-wise technical efficiency movement is
presented in Table 4.
In general, these results suggest that technical efficiency is an
important contributor in the total factor productivity. The average
efficiency change for each sector is equal or greater than one. During
1998-99, being the first year of analysis, the technical efficiency
change for all sectors is positive and overall manufacturing sector
efficiency increased by 9.7 percent, being the highest efficiency growth
in entire period. Cement, textile spinning and oil and gas marketing
sectors are at the top with 19.6 percent, 17.6 percent and 14.3 percent
efficiency change respectively. Cement sector continued its top position
in terms of efficiency change in the following year 1999-2000 where it
increases by 6.6 percent. Chemical sector also continued to improve
efficiency with 4.7 percent. The results in the above table also explain
that four sectors including both oil and gas, pharmaceutical and
automobile assembler sectors did not show any change in terms of
efficiency during 1998-2007. The cement sector performed relatively
better than all other sectors in terms of efficiency change as it topped
in raking during years 1998-99, 199900, 2001-02, 2003-04. Other good
performing sectors in terms of efficiency change are chemical,
engineering and automobile parts. These sectors have their efficiency
change in positive for seven and six years out of nine years.
4.4. Technology Adoption
The second important source of total factor productivity growth is
the change in the technology. As Squires and Reid (2004) articulated
that technological change is the development of new technologies or new
products to improve and shift production frontier upward Table 5
presents the comparative technical change for all sectors during period
1998 to 2007. In general, the technical change can be seen in two oil
sectors, automobile and pharmaceutical sector where it is 2.4 percent,
2.0 percent, 1.13 percent and 0.5 percent respectively. In year 1998-99,
the comparative technical change shows declining trend for all sectors
except Pharmaceutical and automobile sectors where it increased by 4
percent and 2.1 percent. During this year efficiency of manufacturing
sector decline by 9 percent and it is the highest decline rate during
period 1998-2007. Year 1999-00 was a better year in terms of technical
change where it was positive for all the manufacturing sub sectors and
manufacturing sector overall recorded a highest 6.7 percent technical
progress. In this year both oil and gas and cement sectors were on the
top in raking in terms of technological change. In year 2000-01,
automobile assembler and both oil and gas sectors have a positive
technical change while all other sectors experienced negative technical
change. Cement sector was also on top in ranking during the years
2001-02 and 2003-04 where the technical change increased by 6.2 percent
and 18.4 percent. This sector also performed better during 2005-06 but
worst in year 2006-07 where its technical change drop by 25 percent. If
year 2006-07 would be excluded from analysis, this sector has a
relatively stable and overall positive technical change. Year 2006-07
was a dreadful year for manufacturing sector where the technical change
dropped for all the sub sectors except for oil and gas marketing sector
which increased by 3.7 percent. Oil and gas marketing sector is the most
stable sector in terms of technological change as having its change more
than unity for six out of nine years. This sector also topped in ranking
based upon the technical progress during the years 2002-03, 2004-05 and
2006-07. Automobile assembler and pharmaceutical sectors are also better
in terms of technical progress over 1998-2007.
Table 6 presents the ranking of all the sectors in terms of total
factor productivity growth, technical efficiency change and technical
change. This table also presents the ranking in terms of pure efficiency
change and scale efficiency change being the components of technical
efficiency change.
This paper applied a DEA approach to estimate the total factor
productivity growth, technical efficiency change and technological
progress in Pakistan's manufacturing sub sectors using panel data
for eleven selected industries from 1998 to 2007. Malmquist productivity
index was used to measure the productivity growth. Following Fare, et
al. (1994), this paper decomposed the Malmquist productivity index into
technical efficiency and technical change component. This decomposition
helped us to identify improvement in efficiency and contribution of
technological progress and innovation to productivity growth in
manufacturing industries.
The empirical estimates on the manufacturing sub sectors
productivity performance yielded several striking results. Overall
manufacturing sector improved technical efficiency by 1.2 percent while
technical (technological) change put a negative effect on the
productivity; as a result the overall total factor productivity during
1998-2007 only increased by 0.9 percent. If we see the TFP and its
components in individual year for overall manufacturing sector, it
presents divergent trend.
The results from individual industries show that TFP growth is
mainly contributed by technical efficiency while the technical change is
only positive for four out of eleven industries. It suggests that
manufacturing sub sectors are lacking in terms of technological
adoption. It is thought that technical progress is closely related to
research and development(R & D) activities and industry upgrading
policies. Therefore firms in the manufacturing sub sectors need greater
investment in (R & D) activities and adoption of new technologies.
Increase in skilled worker through human resource development reduces
skills shortage which hampers technological adoption.
Further, year wise analysis highlights that there is divergence in
all the sectors over 1998-2007 in temps of total factor productivity,
technical efficiency and change. Except few industries which have
relatively stable include Cement and oil and gas marketing sectors, all
industries have a mix trend over 1998-2007 which affects the
productivity and ranking of industries.
Oil and gas marketing sector is at the top in ranking in terms of
TFP due to highest technical change and technical efficiency. This
sector has relatively performed better over the period 1998 to 2007.
Cement sector comes next in ranking where the major source is technical
efficiency and technical change which remain positive for the entire
period except for the year 2006-07 where it decline by 25 percent. Oil
and gas exploration, chemical and automobile assembler are also
relatively better performer where the technical change is the main
source for oil and gas exploration and refinery and automobile sector
while the efficiency change is for the chemical sector. The textile
sector is among the worst performers in terms of productivity over 1998
to 2007 including composite, spinning and weaving. The main reason for
this worst performance is non adoption of new technology.
The research suggests that the Pakistani manufacturing sector must
increase total factor productivity in most of the industries under study
and efforts must be made to provide a stable pattern to the productivity
growth. In manufacturing sector, there is a need to improve both
technical efficiency and technological progress. Improvement in
technical efficiency requires improvement in quality of input like
capital and labor. The management aspect is also very important in terms
of capital. These strategies will improve the technical change as well
which also relies on managing technology and adoption capability of
firms. The research and development (R&D) activities can play a
vital role to bring technological progress. Therefore, efforts could be
made to increase the research and development (R & D) activities in
the manufacturing industries. So that the manufacturing industries can
play their significant role in Pakistan's growing industrialisation
Authors' Note: This paper is a part of research conducted for
PhD Dissertation title "Analysing the Working Capital Management
and Productivity Growth of Manufacturing Sector of Pakistan" by
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Abdul Raheman <
[email protected]> is PhD Scholar,
Department of Management Sciences, COMSATS Institute of Information
Technology lslamabad and Assistant Professor, University Institute of
Management Sciences, PMAS-Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi. Talat
Afza <
[email protected]> is Professor, Department of
Management Sciences, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology,
Lahore, Pakistan. Abdul Qayyum <
[email protected]> is
Professor, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad.
Mahmood Ahmed Bodla <
[email protected]> is Professor and
Director, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Sahiwal.
Table 1
Growth of Manufacturing Industries during 1998-2007
1998- 1999- 2000-
Sector 1999 2000 2001
Automobile Assembler 24.98 -2.61 20.91
Automobile Parts 21.35 5.69 5.85
Cement 33.44 20.80 -8.94
Chemical 30.52 -18.73 21.60
Engineering -11.53 10.01 21.15
Oil and gas Expl. and Refinery -7.64 74.28 21.68
Oil and Gas marketing -15.08 72.72 31.58
Pharmaceutical -5.47 11.40 52.40
Textile Composite 10.62 7.82 16.26
Textile Spinning 5.76 13.10 12.48
Textile Weaving 2.73 3.23 4.77
Average Nominal 8.15 17.98 18.16
Average Real 2.45 14.38 13.76
2001- 2002- 2003-
Sector 2002 2003 2004
Automobile Assembler 13.26 42.05 40.26
Automobile Parts -3.32 20.61 31.75
Cement 2.81 -1.00 38.91
Chemical 11.69 23.34 15.60
Engineering 15.86 20.11 19.23
Oil and gas Expl. and Refinery -13.74 26.79 7.76
Oil and Gas marketing 0.52 21.97 6.78
Pharmaceutical 9.41 15.38 11.26
Textile Composite 7.15 10.14 18.59
Textile Spinning -4.87 10.53 23.90
Textile Weaving -3.01 5.81 35.36
Average Nominal 3.25 17.79 22.67
Average Real -0.25 14.49 18.07
2004- 2005- 2006-
Sector 2005 2006 2007
Automobile Assembler 35.76 30.60 -0.14
Automobile Parts 19.35 21.08 12.98
Cement 31.09 45.34 -6.45
Chemical 12.72 10.07 7.88
Engineering 69.29 -0.39 33.93
Oil and gas Expl. and Refinery 4.51 4.98 4.98
Oil and Gas marketing 27.83 9.98 9.98
Pharmaceutical 9.40 4.77 4.77
Textile Composite -15.11 15.97 15.97
Textile Spinning -22.70 14.32 14.32
Textile Weaving -23.05 2.02 2.02
Average Nominal 13.55 9.11 9.11
Average Real 4.25 1.31 1.31
Avg. Avg.
Sector Nominal Real
Automobile Assembler 22.79 17.22
Automobile Parts 15.04 9.47
Cement 17.33 11.76
Chemical 12.74 7.17
Engineering 19.74 14.17
Oil and gas Expl. and Refinery 24.18 18.61
Oil and Gas marketing 20.87 15.30
Pharmaceutical 13.28 7.71
Textile Composite 12.31 6.74
Textile Spinning 11.10 5.53
Textile Weaving 8.63 3.06
Average Nominal 16.18 10.61
Average Real 10.62
Table 2
Malmquist Index of Sector Means (1998-2007)
TFP TE Tech.
No. Industry Change Change Change
1 Automobile Assembler 1.013 1.000 1.013
2 Automobile Parts and Accessories 1.002 1.011 0.992
3 Cement 1.023 1.030 0.993
4 Chemical 1.016 1.026 0.991
5 Engineering 1.007 1.014 0.994
6 Oil & Gas Exploration and Refinery 1.020 1.000 1.020
7 Oil and Gas Marketing 1.038 1.016 1.024
8 Pharmaceutical 1.005 1.000 1.005
9 Textile Composite 0.993 1.012 0.984
10 Textile Spinning 0.998 1.017 0.984
11 Textile Weaving 0.988 1.007 0.982
Mean All Industries 1.009 1.012 0.998
No. Industry Change Change
1 Automobile Assembler 1.000 1.000
2 Automobile Parts and Accessories 1.000 1.011
3 Cement 1.027 1.002
4 Chemical 1.026 1.001
5 Engineering 1.006 1.008
6 Oil & Gas Exploration and Refinery 1.000 1.000
7 Oil and Gas Marketing 1.000 1.016
8 Pharmaceutical 1.000 1.000
9 Textile Composite 1.013 0.999
10 Textile Spinning 1.015 1.002
11 Textile Weaving 1.000 1.007
Mean All Industries 1.008 1.004
Table 3
Comparative Total Factor Productivity of All Sectors during
1998- 1999- 2000- 2001- 2002-
Sector 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Assembler 1.021 1.004 1.086 0.940 1.042
Automobile Parts 1.016 1.028 0.983 0.989 1.038
Cement 1.036 1.168 0.880 1.120 0.917
Chemical 1.007 1.116 0.989 0.983 1.017
Engineering 1.031 0.963 1.014 1.111 0.943
Oil and Gas Expl.
and Refinery 0.887 1.229 1.022 0.782 1.099
Oil and Gas
marketing 0.999 1.080 1.067 0.956 1.101
Pharmaceutical 1.040 1.033 0.995 1.003 1.037
Textile Composite 0.988 1.066 0.958 0.993 0.969
Textile Spinning 0.995 1.067 0.956 0.973 0.989
Textile Weaving 0.971 0.991 0.962 1.002 0.997
Mean 0.998 1.065 0.991 0.983 1.012
2003- 2004- 2005- 2006
Sector 2004 2005 2006 2007 Mean
Assembler 0.989 0.985 1.058 0.990 1.013
Automobile Parts 1.020 0.969 0.995 0.981 1.002
Cement 1.240 1.000 1.096 0.750 1.023
Chemical 1.049 0.985 1.009 0.990 1.016
Engineering 0.993 1.013 0.998 0.999 1.007
Oil and Gas Expl.
and Refinery 0.934 0.957 1.297 0.975 1.020
Oil and Gas
marketing 0.941 1.081 1.081 1.037 1.038
Pharmaceutical 1.007 0.980 0.977 0.977 1.005
Textile Composite 0.979 0.996 0.995 0.989 0.993
Textile Spinning 0.989 1.004 1.019 0.991 0.998
Textile Weaving 1.009 0.980 1.007 0.972 0.988
Mean 1.011 0.995 1.045 0.965 1.009
Table 4
Comparative Technical Efficiency Change in all industries during
1998- 1999- 2000- 2001- 2002-
Sector 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Assembler 1.000 0.997 1.003 1.000 1.000
Automobile Parts 1.106 0.988 1.013 0.992 1.001
Cement 1.196 1.066 0.949 1.054 0.955
Chemical 1.119 1.047 1.025 0.950 1.028
Engineering 1.102 0.912 1.063 1.049 0.973
Oil and Gas Exp.
and Refinery 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Oil and Gas
Marketing 1.143 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Pharmaceutical 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Textile Composite 1.127 0.995 1.006 0.965 0.979
Textile Spinning 1.176 1.007 1.000 0.969 0.958
Textile Weaving 1.119 0.981 0.989 0.985 0.986
Mean 1.097 0.999 1.004 0.996 0.989
2003- 2004- 2005- 2006
Sector 2004 2005 2006 2007 Mean
Assembler 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Automobile Parts 1.007 0.964 1.025 1.003 1.011
Cement 1.047 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.030
Chemical 1.042 0.977 1.040 1.009 1.026
Engineering 0.968 1.003 1.025 1.031 1.014
Oil and Gas Exp.
and Refinery 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Oil and Gas
Marketing 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.016
Pharmaceutical 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Textile Composite 0.959 0.990 1.001 1.085 1.012
Textile Spinning 0.998 0.986 1.045 1.016 1.017
Textile Weaving 1.024 0.975 1.017 0.991 1.007
Mean 1.004 0.991 1.014 1.012 1.012
Table 5
Comparative Technical Change in All Industries during (1998-2007)
1998- 1999- 2000- 2001- 2002-
Sector 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Assembler 1.021 1.008 1.083 0.940 1.042
Automobile Parts 0.919 1.041 0.971 0.997 1.037
Cement 0.866 1.096 0.927 1.062 0.960
Chemical 0.900 1.066 0.965 1.035 0.989
Engineering 0.935 1.056 0.954 1.059 0.968
Oil and Gas Exp.
and Refinery 0.887 1.229 1.022 0.782 1.099
Oil and Gas
Marketing 0.875 1.080 1.067 0.956 1.101
Pharmaceutical 1.040 1.033 0.995 1.003 1.037
Textile Composite 0.876 1.072 0.953 1.029 0.990
Textile Spinning 0.846 1.060 0.956 1.004 1.032
Textile Weaving 0.867 1.010 0.972 1.017 1.012
Mean 0.910 1.067 0.987 0.986 1.023
2003- 2004- 2005- 2006
Sector 2004 2005 2006 2007 Mean
Assembler 0.989 0.985 1.058 0.990 1.013
Automobile Parts 1.012 1.005 0.970 0.978 0.992
Cement 1.184 1.000 1.096 0.750 0.993
Chemical 1.006 1.008 0.969 0.981 0.991
Engineering 1.025 1.010 0.973 0.969 0.994
Oil and Gas Exp.
and Refinery 0.934 0.957 1.297 0.975 1.020
Oil and Gas
Marketing 0.941 1.081 1.081 1.037 1.024
Pharmaceutical 1.007 0.980 0.977 0.977 1.005
Textile Composite 1.020 1.006 0.994 0.912 0.984
Textile Spinning 0.991 1.018 0.975 0.975 0.984
Textile Weaving 0.986 1.004 0.990 0.981 0.982
Mean 1.007 1.005 1.031 0.954 0.998
Table 6
Ranking of Sectors based on Malniguist TFP and its Components
Ranking Industry Change
1 Oil and Gas 1.038
2 Cement 1.023
3 Oil & Gas Expl. 1.020
and Refinery
4 Chemical 1.016
5 Automobile 1.013
6 Engineering 1.007
7 Pharmaceutical 1.005
8 Automobile Parts 1.002
and Accessories
9 Textile Spinning 0.998
10 Textile Composite 0.993
11 Textile Weaving 0.988
Ranking Industry Change
1 Cement 1.030
2 Chemical 1.026
3 Textile Spinning 1.017
4 Oil and Gas 1.016
5 Engineering 1.014
6 Textile Composite 1.012
7 Automobile Parts 1.011
and Accessories
8 Textile Weaving 1.007
9 Automobile 1.000
10 Oil and Gas Expl. 1.000
and Refinery
11 Pharmaceutical 1.000
Ranking Industry Change
1 Oil and Gas 1.024
2 Oil & Gas Expl. 1.020
and Refinery
3 Automobile 1.013
4 Pharmaceutical 1.005
5 Engineering 0.994
6 Cement 0.993
7 Automobile Parts 0.992
and Accessories
8 Chemical 0.991
9 Textile Composite 0.984
10 Textile Spinning 0.984
11 Textile Weaving 0.982