Economic growth and income inequality relationship: role of credit market imperfection.
Tabassum, Amina ; Majeed, M. Tariq
This paper examines the empirical relationship between economic
growth and income inequality both at aggregate and regional level using
more comparable data set for 69 developing countries over the period
1965-2003. The study identifies credit market imperfection in low-income
developing countries as the likely reason for a strong negative
relationship between income inequality and economic growth. While in
short run the relationship between growth and income inequality might be
positive but over time more income inequalities reduces economic growth.
Moreover, this paper finds evidence that more physical and human capital
investment, openness to trade and higher government spending have
statistically significant impact on enhancing economic growth and
reducing inequality.
Keywords: Economic Growth, Income Inequality, Poverty, Credit
Market Imperfection, Trade Openness
The 20th century has witnessed unequalled success in improving the
living standard of people in most part of the world. According to World
Bank annual Statistical reports, poverty has declined significantly in
developing countries over the past twenty years but the progress has
been uneven. The number of people living in poverty fell from 1.5
billion in 1981 to 1.1 billion in 2001. However, many low-income
developing countries are still trapped in vicious circle of poverty. In
Sub-Saharan Africa, the number of poor rose from 41 percent to 46
percent between 1981 to 2001. While in Eastern Europe and Central Asia,
the numbers of poor people have risen to around 20 percent in 2001. (1)
Therefore; reduction of widely scattered poverty is the most challenging
goal for low income developing countries.
Economic growth is considered to be a powerful force for reducing
poverty. High and sustained economic growth increases the labor demand
and wages which in return will reduce poverty. Similarly, better
earnings as a result of reduction in poverty lead to increase
productivity and growth. But the extent of poverty reduction as a result
of economic growth depends on how the distribution of income changes
with economic growth and on initial Inequalities in income. If income
inequality increases, then economic growth does not lead to a
significant poverty reduction. Many developing countries achieved high
growth rates in different periods but poverty does not reduce
significantly in these periods due to increase in income inequalities.
Most South and East Asian economies grew at higher per capita rates
since early 1970 along with rise in income inequality over time. In
contrast, Latin American countries grew by less than the half of average
growth rates in South and East Asia while maintaining high income
inequality. (2) The differences in income inequality at a given rate of
growth require that efforts to reduce poverty by stimulating growth are
not sufficient and need to be complemented by efforts to reduce income
A large number of empirical studies have attempted to explore the
relationship between income inequality and economic growth. (3) But
there are only few studies that discuss the role of credit market
imperfections in growth inequality relationship. Most of earlier studies
that highlight the role of credit market imperfections in growth
inequality relationship used Ordinary Least Squares to estimate the
cross-country growth regression, which has a problem of omitted variable
bias. Secondly, due to limited availability of comparable inequality
statistics, sample selection remained a problem in most of earlier
studies. The resulting estimates of most of these studies found a
negative coefficient on inequality suggested that countries with a more
equal income distribution (that is a lower Gini index) tend to have
higher levels of income. (4) We attempt to address these problems by
using the fixed effect estimation technique and relatively more
comparable statistics on growth and inequality. In this paper, an effort
has been made to ensure that statistics are comparable across countries
and over time using the similar definitions of variables for each
country and year. In this paper, an effort has been made to explore the
growth inequality relationship not only on aggregate level but also on
regional level. This study includes data set for 69 developing countries
that have become available from 1965 to 2003.
No country has achieved rapid economic growth by closing themselves
off to international trade. Trade openness is defined as the degree to
which foreigners and domestic citizen can transact without government
imposed costs that are levied on a transaction between them. For
example, tariff, non tariff barriers, local content requirements,
inspection delays raise the cost of buying from abroad. Despite of
having consistent emphasis on how trade promotes growth, the theory also
suggested in the presence of distortions like Credit market
imperfection, political instability, less improved infra structure etc.,
free trade might not be best for growth. For instance, a high real
return to capital in unskilled labour abundant countries exploit their
comparative advantage. Even if trade openness leads to more rapid
growth, it does not necessarily imply that it is an effective instrument
for reducing poverty. If a growth strategy based on trade openness leads
to a significant worsening of income inequality of households, it does
not lead to significant reduction in poverty. How trade affects income
distribution of a country is purely an empirical question. This paper
also considers the role of trade openness, physical and human capital
investment and government spending in enhancing economic growth and
reducing inequalities.
2.1. Economic Growth and Income Inequality
Empirical research on economic growth-income inequality
relationship started in 1955 when Simon Kuznet published his study.
Kuznet composed data from three developed countries (USA, Germany and
Britain). The results of his study suggested that income inequality
increases in the initial phase of development and then decreases in the
course of development. However, this study was based on simple OLS estimation technique that did create the problem of omitted variable
bias. If region, country or some group specific factors affected growth
rates, explanatory variables would capture the effects of these factors
and estimates would not represent the true effect of explanatory
variables. The data on growth and inequality used in that study was
highly questionable.
Deininger and Squire (1996) using the data for 108 countries over
the period 1960-1974 found no systematic relationship between growth and
changes in aggregate inequality. According to their analysis, periods of
aggregate growth were associated with increased inequality in
forty-three cases and with a decrease in inequality in forty-five cases.
Similarly, periods of economic decline were associated with increased
inequality in five cases and with a more equitable distribution of
income in two cases. The simple relationship between current as well as
lagged income growth and the change in the Gini coefficient is
insignificant for the whole sample as well as for sub samples defined in
terms of country characteristics like rich or poor, equal or unequal,
fast-growing or slow-growing economies, suggesting no strong
relationship between growth and changes in aggregate inequality. The
data set used in this study overcome many weaknesses of earlier data set
as it should be based on household surveys, rather than estimates drawn
from national accounts statistics. It had comprehensive coverage of all
sources of income or uses of expenditure rather than covering, say,
wages only; and be representative of the population at the national
level, rather than dealing with only the rural o1" urban
population, or with taxpayers. But countries in the Middle East and
North Africa, and especially Sub-Saharan Africa, are not well
represented in this data. The coverage of Sub-Saharan Africa and the
Middle East and North Africa is also thin with in countries, with less
than two observations or each country on average.
Forbes (2000) found positive relationship between inequality and
growth. The author argued that most likely reasons for the contradiction of results are country specific, omitted variable bias, data quality
issues and length of period under consideration. In order to overcome
such problems, the author used fixed effect model and the sample
contained 45 countries whose income inequality data was deemed to be of
high quality. The author also concluded that in the long run the
relationship is negative while it is positive in the short.
Deininger and Squire (1998) argued that inconsistency in results
was basically due to the fact that income inequality data might be poor
proxy for wealth inequality. They used the data on land inequality as a
proxy for wealth inequality. They argued that data on land holdings are
attractive for a number of reasons. First, possession of land could be a
major determinant of individuals' productive capacity and their
ability to invest, especially in agrarian economies where land is a
major asset. Second, in contrast to income, the measurement of which is
often associated with large errors, is relatively easily ascertained and
does not require assumptions regarding the mapping from income flows
into stocks of assets. The available data, however, refer to the
operational rather than the ownership distribution of land.
The results could be summarised in three points. First, initial
inequality in the distribution of land appears to be associated with
lower subsequent growth. Second, there is no support for a
redistributive median-voter based explanation of initial
inequality's effect on growth. Third, imperfections in financial
markets for credit appear to be more relevant for investment in human
capital rather than physical capital. However, data on land inequality
was very limited and it could not be used in the panel data model to
check if cross sectional results hold after controlling for omitted
variable bias.
2.2. Role of Credit Market Imperfection
Galor and Zeira (1993), Banerjee and Newman (1993) and Aghion and
Bolton (1997) found that inequality lead to lower economic growth
because of credit market imperfections. They argued that in the short
run the relationship might be positive but in the long run, more income
inequality hampered economic growth. In the situation of credit market
imperfections, the poor people do not borrow due to lack of enough
collateral. Thus, poor people do not have the same chances in life as
rich people so they cannot provide a good education to their children,
however talented they may be, or because they can't get loans to
start up a business. Countries with a high poverty or with unequal
distribution of wealth thus underutilise their productive and growth
potential to a greater degree than countries with fewer poor people or
with a more equitable distribution.
Barro (2000) using data of 84 countries from Deininger and Squire
(1996) data set, found that the empirical results are sensitive to the
specific choice of sample of countries. In the case of transition
economies, there is clear evidence that inequality has a negative and
significant effect on growth. The results are surprisingly strong to the
use of alternative inequality data sources, different specifications,
and estimation methods. The author used 3SLS, claiming that the use of
fixed effects eliminated the main (cross-sectional) source of variation
in the data. With random effects, no significant relationship between
inequality and growth is found for the whole sample. Yet, when the
sample is divided into subsamples of poor and rich countries, the growth
inequality relationship is negative in the sample of poor countries but
positive in the sample of rich countries. These results suggest that the
inequality-growth relationship is likely to vary across samples.
The author also discussed theoretical analyses of the macroeconomic relationship between income inequality and economic growth and argued
that credit market imperfection might be the possible reason of positive
relationship between inequality and economic growth in short time
period. The credit-market imperfections typically reflected asymmetric
information and limitations of legal institutions. For example,
creditors might have difficulty in collecting on defaulted loans because
law enforcement was imperfect. A bankruptcy law that protected the
assets of debtors might also hamper collection. With limited access to
credit, the exploitation of investment opportunities depended, to some
extent, on individuals' levels of assets and incomes. Specifically,
poor households tended to forego human-capital investments that offered
relatively high rates of return.
2.3. Openness to Trade, Economic Growth and Income Inequality
The idea that trade liberalisation has an impact on the
country's growth is not new and goes back at least to Adam Smith.
New classical model based on constant and decreasing returns to scale as
in Solow (1956) and Swan (1956) predicted that a country would have
static gains from lowering its trade barriers. Most of the recent
studies including Dollar (1992), Edwards (1993), Sachs and Warner (1995)
and Dollar and Kraay (2001a) have found a positive association between
trade liberalisation and growth. There are number of channels through
which trade promotes growth rates by allocating the resources more
efficiently. Trade promotes growth by encouraging economies to
specialise and produce in areas where they have relative cost advantage
over other economies. Overtime, this helps economies to employ more of
their human, physical and capital resources in sectors where they get
returns in open international markets, boosting productivity and returns
to workers. Trade also expands the markets that local producers can
access, allowing them to produce at most efficient scale to keep down
the costs. Trade disperses new technologies and ideas, increasing the
productivity of local workers and managers. Technology transfers through
trade are also more valuable for developing countries, which employ less
advance technologies and have little capacity to develop new
technologies themselves. Removing trade barriers e.g. tariff on imports
gives consumers access to cheaper products, increasing their Purchasing
power and living standard. It also provides producers an access to cheap
inputs, reducing costs and boosting their competitiveness.
Frankel and Romer (1999) in his study including 100 countries
during the period since 1960 found that openness in general does have a
statistically and economically significant effect on Growth. Hiranya and
Abdullah (2004) in his study Trade Liberalisation, Growth and inequality
in Bangladesh found some evidence of trade liberalisation accelerating
growth in Bangladesh and also found little evidence affecting income
distribution or of income distribution affecting growth or investment.
Data on income inequality used in study is of poor quality.
Dollar and Kraay (2001a) using data on trade liberalisation as a
share of GDP in constant prices for 101 countries including 73
developing countries between 1975-79 and 1995-97 found that trade
openness leads to declining inequality between countries, and declining
poverty within countries. The poor countries that have reduced trade
barriers and participated more in international trade over the past
twenty years have seen their growth rates accelerate. In the 1990s they
grew far more rapidly than the rich countries, and hence reduced the gap
between themselves and the developed world. At the same time the
developing countries that are not participating in globalisation are
falling further and further behind. Within the globalising developing
countries there has been no general trend in inequality. Thus, rapid
growth has translated into dramatic declines in absolute poverty in
countries such as China, India, Thailand, and Vietnam. OLS estimation
results showed that in the 1990s the globalising developing countries
grew at 5.0 percent per capita; rich countries at 2.2 percent per
capita; and no globalising developing countries at only 1.4 percent per
capita. While 100 percent increase in the trade share would have the
cumulative effect of raising incomes by 25 percent over a decade. The
data used on income inequality and poverty is highly questionable. Most
developing countries did not have good household surveys conducted each
year, so they had to work with the limited data that were available at
that time.
The Income inequality data may not be comparable across countries
due to differences in definitions and methodologies. We use Gini
coefficient to measure income inequality, which is one of the most
popular representations of income inequality. It is based on Lorenz
Curve, which plots the share of population against the share of income
received and has a minimum value of 0 (case of perfect equality) and
maximum value of 1 (perfect inequality). Missing values in Income
inequality data are the major problem in cross country analysis. Many of
developing countries have only one or two observations. Therefore, we
expanded the existing database by including the comparable data on
poverty and inequality from recent household surveys included in World
Bank, IMF Staff reports and Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers. However,
perfect comparability is not attainable. World Bank data on inequality
and poverty has still had many problems. The questionnaires used in
household surveys differ among countries and also with in countries over
time leading to significantly different estimates of average income and
consumption. Some surveys obtain information on income of household
while others obtain information on consumption. More than half of the
observations based on expenditure survey are considered to be more
accurate than observations based on income of household because they are
likely to have less errors of under-reporting. Data on expenditures also
yield lower estimates of inequality due to higher saving rates of upper
income class. There are also significant methodological differences
across surveys in different countries but there has been no solution to
solve these problems. There are also problems in converting nominal
To make the data more comparable, we take data on variables in the
form of averages between two survey years. Per capita real GDP growth
rates are annual averages between two survey years. To find per capita
real GDP growth rates, we subtract value in current year from the value
in the previous year and then divide it by the value in the previous
year. We use the same formula to find the previous year's growth
rate and then took the average of the growth rates of two consecutive
periods. The data on real GDP are derived from the IMF and the
International Financial Statistics database.
To measure credit market imperfection, we construct a dummy
variable HFI equals to one for countries having high level of financial
intermediation that is above median in the sample. Following King and
Levine (1993), the level of financial intermediation is represented by
the summation of the share of broad money (M2) in GDP, and the share of
credit to the economy in GDP. M2 as a percentage of GDP show broad money
and is taken from line 34 plus 35 of the IFS. Credit as percentage of
GDP is the claims on the non private sector and is taken from 32d line
of IFS. This study identifies credit market imperfection in low income
developing countries as the likely reason for a strong negative
relationship between inequality and economic growth. While in short run
the relationship between growth and income inequality might be positive
but overtime more inequality hampers economic growth.
To measure trade openness, we add exports and imports and then
divide it by gross domestic product. Data on imports and exports are the
annual averages between two survey years. Data on exports and imports
are derived from IFS database. Population growth rates are taken from
the World Bank development reports. The secondary school enrolment is at
the beginning of the period and derived from World Bank database. Data
on the ratio of government expenditure and investment as shares of GDP
are averages for the period between two survey years and come from the
IFS. (5) The data set includes countries from all regions of developing
world, including 11 countries from south and East Asia, 24 countries
from Central and Eastern Europe, 16 countries from Latin America, 12
countries from Sub Saharan Africa and 6 countries from Middle East and
North Africa.
4.1. Framework of Analysis
There are different channels through which income inequality
affects growth rates. Kaldor (1957) suggests that marginal propensity to
save of the rich is higher than that of the poor, implying that that a
higher degree of inequality will yield higher aggregate savings, higher
capital accumulation and growth. In contrast, Persson and Tabellini
(1994) and Alsenia and Rodrick (1994) emphasise the four main channels
through which income inequality lowers growth rates. First, the impact
of inequality on encouraging rent-seeking activities that reduce the
security of property rights; second, unequal societies face more
difficulties in collective action--possibly reflected in political
instability, a propensity for populist redistributive policies, or
greater volatility in policies--all of which can lower growth; third,
the median voter in a more unequal society is relatively poorer and
favours a higher (and thus more inefficient) tax burden; fourth, to the
extent that inequality in income or assets coexists with imperfect
credit markets, poorer people may be unable to invest in their human and
physical capital, with adverse consequences for long-run growth.
Galor and Zeira (1993) and Fisherman and Simhon (2002) found that
under imperfect capital market, a higher inequality means more
individuals facing credit constraints. Consequently, they cannot carry
out productive investments in physical or human capital. These can take
place in the short run or long run. Second, a worsening inequality
generates a rise in the fertility rate among, and less investment in
human capital of the poor.
Galor's (2000) argues that the classical approach holds at
low-income levels but not at later stages of development. In the early
stage of development, inequality would promote growth because physical
capital is scarce at this stage and its accumulation requires saving.
Inequality in income would then result in higher savings and rapid
growth. In later stages of economic development, however, as the return
to human capital increases owing to capital-skill complementarily, human
capital becomes the main engine of growth. Credit constraints, however,
become less binding as wages increase, and the adverse effect of income
inequality on human capital accumulation subsides, and thus the effect
of inequality on the growth process becomes insignificant.
Galor and Weil (1999, 2000) who developed unified models that
encompasses the transition between three distinct regimes that have
characterised the process of economic development: the Malthusian
Regime, the Post-Malthusian Regime, and the Modern Growth Regime,
focusing on the historical evolution of the relationship between
population growth, technological change, and economic growth.
Galor and Moav (1999) argue that inequality has a positive effect
on capital accumulation but negative effect on human capital
accumulation in the presence of credit constraints. In the early stages
of development physical capital is scarce, the rate of return to human
capital is lower than the return on physical capital and the process of
further development is driven mainly by capital accumulation. In the
early stages of development, the positive effect of inequality on
aggregate saving more than offsets the negative effect on investment in
human capital and, since the marginal propensity to save is an
increasing function of the individual's wealth, inequality
increases aggregate savings and capital accumulation, enhancing the
process of development. In the later stages of development, however, the
positive effect of inequality on saving is offset by the negative effect
on investment in human capital.
Based on theoretical literature on economic inequalities and some
other potential factors that determine economic growth, we develop the
following model, which is also in lines with Garbis (2005).
GRit=[alpha]lt + [beta]1GINIit + [beta]2Yit-1 +
[beta]3INVit+[beta]4GINI * HFI + [beta]5SCHit + [beta]6TRADEit + [mu]i +
vt + [epsilon]it
GR = average growth rate of per capita GDP at 1993 prices and PPP adjusted;
GINI = gini index in the current period;
Yit-1 = natural logarithm at the beginning of the period of per
capita GDP in dollars at 1993 prices and PPP adjusted;
INVit = share of gross capital formation in GDP;
HFI = a dummy variable equal to one for countries with a high level
of financial Intermediation, that is, above the sample median (as
measured by the share of M2 and credit to the private sector in GDP);
SCH = secondary school enrolment rate (in percent of the total
secondary school aged population). This variable is used as a proxy to
human capital;
[micro]i = it is a country-specific unobservable effect;
vt = it is a time-specific factor; and
[epsilon]it = it is the disturbance term.
4.2. Estimation Technique
The technique of Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) has a problem of
omitted variable bias. If region, country or some group specific factors
affected growth rates, explanatory variables would capture the effects
of these factors and estimates would not represent the true effect of
explanatory variables. Baltagi (2001) proposes fixed effect econometric techniques to estimate panel data, which could avoid the problem of
omitted variable bias. This chosen technique is necessary to control for
unobserved time- and country-specific effects because these may be
correlated with the right-hand side variables, and produce biased
coefficients if omitted. Using time-period dummies could control for the
unobserved time-specific effects; this entails the elimination of
information related to those variables that vary across time periods but
not across countries.
The fixed-effects estimator allows intercepts to differ across
countries by estimating different constants for each country. The fixed
effects model is equivalent to taking deviations from individual
(country) means and then estimating an ordinary OLS regression using the
transformed data. The deviation from the mean purges the data of the
fixed effects by removing means of these variables across countries.
The panel regression results regarding growth inequality
relationship given in second column of Table 1 confirms the over all
negative and highly significant relationship between growth and
inequality. The coefficient of interaction term GINI*HFI is positive and
highly significant showing that more inequality in those countries that
have relatively more developed financial structure lead to promote
economic growth. Due to credit market imperfections, the negative impact
of decline in investment in human capital on growth is very strong that
it dominates over the positive impact of investment in physical capital
on growth leading to overall decline in growth rates. The results also
show positive and highly significant relationship between growth and
initial income per capita expressed in U.S. dollars. It implies that
keeping other factors constant, a country with more initial income per
capita tends to grow faster that a country with low initial income per
In order to develop a deeper insight regarding the relationship
between growth and income inequality, we split the whole sample into
short and long time period. In short time period, we include
observations having a gap of 3 to 7 years between two survey years. For
long time period, we include observations having a gap of 8 to 15 years
between two survey years. The panel regression results in short time
period are given in third column of Table 1. We have found that some of
macro economic variables do not follow the same trend both in short as
well as in long time period e.g. in short time period the impact of
investment in physical and human capital on growth rate is not
significant as it is in long time period.
The results find a positive and significant relationship between
growth and income inequality in short time period. As the investment in
physical and human capital generate positive spillovers on growth in lag
time period because the effect of these variables appeared overtime. In
short time period the negative effect of decline in human capital
investment on growth performance is not significant and the positive
returns of investment in physical capital dominates over the negative
effects of decline in investment in human capital leading to over all
positive effect of income inequality on growth rates. The coefficient of
interaction term GINI*HFI is positive and significant showing that more
inequality in countries having developed financial sectors lowers
economic growth.
To understand the issue of market imperfection more clearly, we
split the sample taken in short time period by low and relatively high
financial intermediation level. The effects of inequality on growth
differ between low and high financial intermediation sub samples. The
positive effect of inequality on growth is weaker in countries having
relatively low financial market structure because in these countries
decline in investment in human capital is more. So that even in short
run, positive returns on investment in physical capital only offset the
effects of decline in investment in short run leading to put no
significant impact on growth rate. While the positive effect of
inequality on growth is strong in countries with high financial
intermediation level due to significant positive effects of investment
in physical capital on growth rates in short time period. However, the
long-term relationship between inequality and growth is different from
short-term effect of inequality on growth rate. In long time period, the
estimated inequality coefficient is negative and significant showing
that over time more inequality lowers economic growth. The coefficient
of interaction term is positive and significant showing that more
inequality in countries having developed financial sector promote
economic growth over time. The coefficients show that both physical and
human capital have highly significant effect on growth rate both in
short term as well as over time.
There are very few studies that analysed the relationship between
growth and inequality at regional level but these studies ignored the
issue of market imperfections in growth inequality relationship 'to
our knowledge'. Some earlier studies highlight this issue but these
studies are region specific. To confirm the stability of results that we
have derived at aggregate level and to race the regions and factors that
violet this relationship, our study conducts the same analysis at
regional level. The data set includes countries from all regions of
developing world, including 11 countries for South and East Asia, 24
countries from Central and Eastern Europe, 16 countries from Latin
America, 12 countries from Sub Saharan Africa and 6 countries from
Middle East and North Africa. The panel regression results for each
region are given in Table 2.
Regional Analysis
In Sub Saharan Africa, the negative effect of inequality on growth
rate is significant. The other variables including initial income per
capita and investment have positive and significant relationship with
growth rate. The coefficient of openness to trade is positive but
insignificant implying that these countries do not perform well in free
competition. Therefore it is better to tax trade rather than allowing
free competition.
In Latin America, the effect of inequality on growth is positive
but insignificant implying that keeping other factors constant; more
inequality put no significant effect on economic growth. The coefficient
of initial per capita income is positive but insignificant indicating
that per capita income expressed in US dollars has no significant
relationship with economic growth. Physical capital investment has
positive effect on economic growth. The results also suggest that
coefficients of openness to trade and human capital investment are
positive and robustly significant indicating that both factors have
strong impact on economic growth.
In South and East Asia, the panel regression results show that the
coefficient of income inequality is positive and highly significant
suggesting that more inequality in income distribution increases
economic growth. The other variables including initial income per capita
and openness to trade have negative and insignificant relationship with
growth rate showing that most of the countries do not perform well in
free competition due to low skill development, imperfect market structure, unavailability of better infrastructure for trade etc, so it
is better to tax trade rather than allowing free trade.
In Central and Eastern Europe, the positive relationship between
growth and income inequality is observed in both short run as well as
overtime. In this region, the coefficient of physical and human capital
investment is positive and significant. As most of the countries in this
region have relatively developed financial sector, so even in the
presence of more inequalities, economic growth increases. The results
also suggest that openness to trade have robust impact on growth rate.
In Middle East and North Africa, the relationship between growth
and inequality is positive but not significant. The other variables
including initial income per capita, human capital investment has
positive effect on overall growth rates. Openness to trade has a
negative and insignificant impact on economic growth.
From the above discussion, it is concluded that income distribution
matters as much as growth for poverty reduction. If income inequality
increases overtime along with increase in economic growth, then economic
growth does not lead to a significant reduction in poverty. Therefore,
it is important to consider growth and income distribution
simultaneously. This study attempts to examine the empirical
relationship between growth and income inequality and high lights the
issue of credit market imperfection in growth inequality relationship
both at aggregate and regional level for 69 developing countries over
the period 1965-2003.
The results of this paper clearly indicate that more inequality
hampers the growth rate. It might be possible that more inequality
facilitates economic growth for a short time period but overtime, it has
strong negative effect on economic growth due to credit market
imperfection. The results also show positive and highly significant
relationship between growth and initial income per capita expressed in
U.S. dollars. It implies that keeping other factors constant, a country
with more initial income per capita tends to grow faster that a country
with low initial income per capita. The coefficients show that both
physical and human capital have highly significant effect on growth rate
both in short term as well as over time.
From the regional analysis on growth inequality relationship, we
conclude that it is not necessary that in all developing countries, more
inequality promotes economic growth. Secondly, developing countries in
some regions do not perform well in free competition due to low skill
development, imperfect market structure, unavailability of better
infrastructure for trade etc. So it is better to restrict trade rather
than free competition. While both physical and human capital investment
has strong positive effect on economic growth in most of the regions.
Policy Implication
A pro-poor economic growth leading to a rapid and sustainable
poverty reduction depends upon the interaction of a wide range of policy
measures which are discussed as follows:
(a) A pro-poor growth strategy does not have to only focus on
economic growth, but could also be combined with an active policy of
income redistribution.
(b) Credit market imperfection is found to be most crucial factor
in growth inequality relationship. Due to limited access to credit, poor
households tend to forego human-capital investments that offer
relatively high rates of return. In this case, a distortion free
redistribution of incomes from rich to poor tends to raise the quantity
and average productivity of investment. As a result, a reduction in
inequality raises the rate of pro poor economic growth.
(c) The higher the level of both physical and human capital
investment, the higher is the level of output per capita. A
better-educated labour force can improve productivity and technological
level in the economy, which have a long-run positive effect on economic
growth. Therefore, government has to take the responsibility for
building up human capital. Policies must be based on a sound
understanding of the factors that govern household decisions about
schooling and of the means by which subsidised services can lead to
better outcomes for the poor.
(d) Governments must create an environment that is conducive to
growth. Macroeconomic policy should aim at stability, and openness
towards the rest of the world. For all these efforts to be effective,
the government must develop good institutions, and provide good
1. Inequality and Growth in Selected Countries
Household Inequality Gini Index
Survey based
Country on I /E 1970 1980 1990 2000
Argentina I -- 43 45 52
Brazil I 58 58 63 59
Chile I 51 53 56 57
Colombia I 52 48 51 58
Dominican Rep. I - 45 51 50
Mexico I 58 51 55 55
Venezuela I 49 48 44 48
Subtotal 53 49 52 54
Bangladesh E 26 27 28 32
India E 30 32 31 33
Korea Rep. I 35 39 34 32
Malaysia I 51 49 46 44
Thailand E 42 43 43 43
Subtotal 31 32 31 33
Egypt E -- 32 34 34
Mautrina E -- -- 40 39
Morroco E -- 39 39 40
Pakistan E 32 32 31 33
Tunisia E 48 46 40 40
Uganda E -- -- 38 41
Zambia E -- -- 48 53
Subtotal 39 40
Per Capita Annual Real
GDP Growth (in %)
Country 1970-79 1980-89 1990-2000
Argentina 0.8 -2.8 3
Brazil 6.2 0.9 1.5
Chile 0.9 1 5.2
Colombia 3.9 -0.7 1.1
Dominican Rep. -- 0.8 1
Mexico 4.1 0.4 2
Venezuela 3 -3.0 .1
Subtotal 3.2 -0.5 2
Bangladesh 1.8 2.3 3.8
India 1.6 3.6 4.1
Korea Rep. 6.9 6 5.4
Malaysia 4.9 3.4 4.6
Thailand 5.6 6.3 3.2
Subtotal 3.6 4.3 4.3
Egypt 4.4 3.1 2.2
Mautrina -- -0.4 2.1
Morroco 3.2 2.7 1.2
Pakistan 1.7 3.1 1.4
Tunisia 5.4 1.8 3
Uganda -- -0.2 4.3
Zambia -- -2.1 -2.3
Subtotal 1.1 1.7
Sources:--World Bank, IMF reports and databases.
I denote household survey based on per capita income and E denotes
household surveys based on consumption.
2. Description of Variables
Variable Name Definitions and Sources
Per Capita real GDP Per capita real GDP growth rates are annual
averages between two survey years and are
derived from the IMF, WDI and International
Financial Statistics (IFS) databases.
Gini Coefficient It is a measure of income inequality based on
Lorenz curve, which plots the share of
population against the share of income received
and has a minimum value of zero (reflecting
perfect equality) and a maximum value of one
(reflecting total inequality). The inequality
data (Gini coefficient) are derived from World
Bank data and the IMF staff reports and Poverty
Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs).
Secondary School The secondary school enrolment as percent of
Enrolment age group is at the beginning of the period. It
is used as a proxy of investment in human
capital and derived from World Bank database.
Investment Investments as shares of GDP are annual average
for the period between two survey years and are
derived from IFS.
Poverty The poverty is defined as the percentage of
population living on less than $1 a day at 1993
prices and adjusted for purchasing power
parity. The sources of the poverty data are the
World Bank and recent IMF country reports and
Credit as % of GDP Credit as % of GDP represents Claims on the non
financial private sector/GDP and is derived
from 32d line of the IFS.
M2 as % of GDP It represents Broad money/GDP, and is derived
from lines 34 plus 35 of the IFS.
Trade Liberalisation It is the summation of exports and imports as a
share of real GDP. Data on exports, imports and
real GDP are in the form of annual averages
between survey years.
HFI HFI is a dummy variable having a value of one
for countries with a high level of financial
intermediation that is above sample median and
0 otherwise. The level of Financial
Intermediation is determined by adding M2 as a
% of GDP and credit to private sector as % of
3. Channels through Which Inequality Can Affect Growth Classical
Aghion and P. Bolton (1997) Distribution and Economic Growth in
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Alesina, Alberto and D. Rodrick (1994) Distributive Politics and
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Banerjee, A. V. and A. F. Newman (1993) Occupational Choice and the
Process of Development. Journal of Political Economy 101: 2, 274-298.
Barro, R. (2000) Inequality and Growth in a Panel of Countries.
Journal of Economic Growth 5, 5-32.
Deininger, K. and L. Squire (1996) A New Data Set Measuring Income
Inequality. World Bank Economic Review 10, 565-92.
Deininger, K. and L. Squire (1998) New Ways of Looking at Old
Issues: Inequality and Growth. Journal of Development Economics 57,
Dollar and David (1992) Outward-Oriented Developing Economies
Really Do Grow More Rapidly: Evidence from 95 LDCs 1976-1985. Economic
Development and Cultural Change 40: 3, 523-44.
Dollar, D. and A. Kraay (2001a) Trade, Growth, and Poverty. Finance
and Development 38, 16-19.
Dollar, David and A. Kraay (2001) Growth is Good for the Poor.
Washington, DC: World Bank. (World Bank Policy Research Working Paper,
No. 2587).
Edwards, S. (1993) Openness, Trade Liberalisation, and Growth in
Developing Countries. Journal of Economic Literature 31, 1358-1393.
Fisherman, Arthur and Simhon (2002) The Division of Labour,
Inequality and Growth. Journal of Economic Growth 7, 117-36.
Forbes, K. (2000) A Reassessment of the Relationship between
Inequality and Growth. American Economic Review 90, 869-97.
Frankel, J. and D. Romer (1999) Does Trade Cause Growth? American
Economic Review 89, 379-99.
Galor (2000) Income Distribution and the Process of Development.
European Economic Review 44, 706-12.
Galor and Moav (1999) From Physical to Human Capital Accumulation:
Inequality in the Process of Development. (CEPR Discussion Paper, No.
Galor and Weil (1999) From Malthusian Stagnation to Modern Growth.
American Economic Review 89, 150-154.
Galor and Weil (2000) Population, Technology and Growth: From
Malthusian Stagnation to Growth and Beyond. American Economic Review 90,
Galor, Oded and J. Zeira (1993) Income Distribution and
Macroeconomics. Review of Economic Studies 60, 35-52.
Garbis, Iradian (2005) Inequality, Poverty and Growth: Cross
Country Evidence. (IMF Working Paper 5.)
Hiranya, K Nath, and Khawaja Abdullah (2004) Trade Liberalisation,
Growth and Inequality in Bangladesh: An Empirical Analysis. 1-12.
International Monetary Fund (2004) International Financial
Statistics Yearbook. Washington, DC: International Monetary Fund.
Kaldor, N. (1957) A Model of Economic Growth. Economic Journal 57,
King, Robert and Levine R. (1993) Finance and Growth: Schumpeter
Might be Right. Quarterly Journal of Economics 108.
Kuznet, S. (1955) Economic Growth and Income Inequality. America/2
Economic Review 45: 1, 1-28.
Persson, Torsten and Tabellini (1994) Is Inequality Harmful for
Growth? American Economic Review 84, 600-621.
Ravallion, M. (1997) Good and Bad Growth: The Human Development
Reports. World Development 25, 631-38.
Sachs, J.D. and A.M. Warner (1995) Economic Reform and the Process
of Global Integration. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 1-95.
Solow, R. (1956) A Contribution to the Theory of Economic Growth.
Quarterly Journal of Economics 70, 65-94.
Swan, T. (1956) Economic Growth and Capital Accumulation. 32,
Tullock, G. (1967) Welfare costs of Tariffs, Monopolies and Theft.
Western Economic Journal 5, 224-32.
World Bank (2004) World Development Indicators Database.
Washington, DC.
Amina Tabassum <
[email protected]> is MPhil Student,
Economics Department, Quaid-iAzam University, Islamabad. M. Tariq Majeed
[email protected]> is Assistant Professor, Economics Department,
Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad.
(1) Statistics that are discussed above are taken from World
Development Indicator (2004).
(2) The trends of Economic growth and Income Inequalities in
selected countries are shown in Appendix.
(3) Ravallion (1997), Dollar and Kraay (2001), Barro (2000),
Deininger and Squire (1996), Deininger and Squire (1998) etc.
(4) Galor and Zeira (1993), Banerjee and Newman (1993), Aghion and
Bolton (1997) and Persson and Tabellini (1994), King and Levine (1993),
Galor (2000) etc.
Table 1
Parameter Estimates of the Economic Growth and Inequality
Estimation Sample Full Sample Short Term
Per Capita GDP 0.26 0.187
(5.06) * (3.40) *
Investment 0.03 0.024
(5.18) * (2.253) ***
Secondary School 0.002 0.004
Enroll. (1.51) *** (0.870)
Inequality (Gini -0.01 0.034
Index) (4.56) * (3.256) *
Inequality * HFI 0.003 -0.003
(2.17) * (-2.730) **
Trade 0.01 0.002
(1.64) *** (16.747) *
R-squared 0.60 0.76
Financial Intermediation
Estimation Sample Low High Long Term
Per Capita GDP 0.612 0.483 0.011
(2.899) ** (11.417) * (0.113)
Investment 0.085 0.272 0.0267
(1.232) (3.494) * (15.321)
Secondary School 0.024 0.016 0.033
Enroll. (0.849) (2.040) ** (8.244) *
Inequality (Gini 0.0001 0.176 -0.018
Index) (0.002) (4.088) * (1.703) ***
Inequality * HFI -1 -0.164 0.004
(-0.349) (2.440) *** (3.001) *
Trade 0.030 0.017 0.0023
(0.478) (4.557) * (24.398) *
R-squared 0.75 0.93 0.93
Table 2
Relationship between Growth and Inequality
Dependant Variable: Log (Growth)
Explanatory Variables
Regions Estimation GDP Inv
Sub-Saharan Full Sample 3.964 0.115
Africa (1.750) *** (1.249)
Latin America Full Sample 0.01 0.02
(0.06) (0.61)
South and East Full Sample -0.05 0.06
Asia (-0.62) (3.57) *
Central and Full Sample 0.39 0.04
Eastern Europe (2.69) * (1.60) ***
Middle East and Full Sample 1.34 -0.13
North Africa (0.46) (-0.32)
Dependant Variable: Log (Growth)
Explanatory Variables
Regions Estimation SCH GINI GINI *
Sample HFI
Sub-Saharan Full Sample -0.138 -0.287 --
Africa (-1.563) *** (-1.98) **
Latin America Full Sample 0.03 0.03 -0.01
(3.12) * (1.19) (-0.98)
South and East Full Sample 0.002 0.10 -0.01
Asia (0.10) (4.98) * (1.71) ***
Central and Full Sample 0.01 0.05 0.001
Eastern Europe (0.87) (2.40) ** (-0.19)
Middle East and Full Sample 0.06 0.11 --
North Africa (0.45) (0.99)
Dependant Variable: Log (Growth)
Explanatory Variables
Regions Estimation TRADE R-squared
Sub-Saharan Full Sample 0.171 0.67
Africa (1.39)
Latin America Full Sample 0.002 0.34
(3.83) *
South and East Full Sample -0.04 0.74
Asia (-0.09)
Central and Full Sample 0.47 0.35
Eastern Europe (4.52) *
Middle East and Full Sample -1.94 0.26
North Africa (-0.46)