Efficiency dynamics of sugar industry of Pakistan.
Raheman, Abdul ; Qayyum, Abdul ; Afza, Talat 等
Pakistan is the 15th largest producer of sugar in the world, 5th
largest in terms of area under sugar cultivation and 60th in yield. The
sugar industry is the 2nd largest agro based industry which comprises of
81 sugar mills. With this scenario, Pakistan has to import sugar which
exposes it to the effects of shortage and rising prices in the world.
The present sugar crisis has opened up new avenues for researcher to
analyse the performance and efficiency of the firms in this sector.
Total factor productivity plays a significant role in measuring the
performance of a firm which ultimately affects the shareholder's
value. This paper analyses the performance of sugar firms in Pakistan
and estimate/calculate the Malmquist total factor productivity growth
indices using non-parametric approach. TFP growth is further decomposed
into technical, scale and managerial efficiency change using balanced
panel data of 20 sugar firms listed on Karachi Stock Exchange for the
period 1998 to 2007.
The results reflect a tormenting picture for the sugar industry.
Overall sugar industry improved technological progress by 0.8 percent
while managerial efficiency change put a negative effect on the
productivity by a same percentage; as a result the overall total factor
productivity during 1998-2007 remained almost static with a decline of
0.1 percent. The analysis of TFP and its sources in individual year for
overall sugar industry also presents divergent trend.
The research suggests that sugar industry is facing serious
productivity growth problems where no increase is recorded in total
factor productivity during 1998 to 2007. The sugar industry is lacking
in terms of managerial efficiency which could be explained by a general
reduction in the quality of managerial decision-making among the best
practice firms. Regardless of the reason for this decline, it has
potentially serious implications for the longer-term financial viability
of these sugar firms. The pattern of TFP growth tends to be driven more
by technical change (or technical progress) rather than improvements in
technical efficiency.
Sugarcane is among the most valuable crops of Pakistan. It is a
source of raw material for entire sugar industry. At present, the sugar
industry is second largest agro- based industry in Pakistan. The future
of this industry in Pakistan is mainly attributed to the production
efficiency because of higher cost of production; increase in the imports
and due to declining competitiveness of the domestic sugar industry.
Productive efficiency can be improved by the adoption and development of
new production technologies but at present it is difficult due to
limited income and credit to the out growers. Therefore, this industry
can improve the efficiency of its operations using currently available
Measures of productivity, its growth and sources for the sugar
industry of Pakistan play a significant role for policy development.
Productivity growth can be decomposed into three components: technical
change, scale effects, and changes in the degree of technical efficiency
[Coelli, et al. (2005)]. Technical change means progress in technology
not only physically in the form of improved machinery but also
innovations in the knowledge base. Regarding scale effects, it relate to
economies in production. If there exists increasing economies of scale
it indicates that the production of additional outputs will require a
less than proportional increase in inputs. Improvements in the degree of
technical efficiency arise from situations where resources can be used
more efficiently by applying practices from the present stock of
The most comprehensive measure of aggregate or sectoral
productivity is Total Factor Productivity (TFP). However, given the
paucity of good data, this area of research has remained quite limited
in Pakistan [Ali (2004)]. There are some studies on manufacturing sector
of Pakistan which include Raheman, et al. (2008), where TFP and its
sources are estimated using Malmquist Productivity growth index for
major manufacturing industries of Pakistan using aggregate firm level
financial data but sugar industry is not among the industries analysed.
The results of the study highlighted the role of efficiency change in
the TFP growth while deficiencies in terms of technological progress.
Similarly, another study by Mahmood, et al. (2007) examined the
efficiency of the large scale manufacturing sector of Pakistan by using
the stochastic production frontier approach for periods 1995-96 and
2000-01. Afzal (2006) also analysed the TFP for the large scale
manufacturing sector from 1975 to 2001 using three different approaches.
There are no reported productivity efficiency studies for the sugar
industry in Pakistan.
This study attempts to fill this gap by estimating firm level
efficiency and total factor productivity growth and its components for a
sample of twenty sugar firms in the sugar industry and to assess the
variations in TFP growth between firms and over Time. The TFP growth is
estimated for the period 1998 to 2007. This study, therefore, would
provide a fresh perspective on the growth of TFP in sugar sector for use
in developing appropriate policy responses towards this sector of
Pakistan's economy.
There are several techniques available, parametric and
non-parametric, to estimate total factor productivity. The most widely
used example of a non-parametric technique is DEA [Coelli (1995);
Seiford (1996)]. Parametric techniques encompass stochastic frontier
techniques and Bayesian methods [Kalirajan and Shand (1999)]. In this
paper we employ DEA to estimate Malmquist TFP indices from panel data
set. The reason for the choice of DEA as the method of estimation is
that the methodology has been employed widely to conduct benchmarking
analysis [for example, see Jaforullah and Whiteman (1999)]. Most of the
existing studies that employs panel data for estimation of efficiency
and productivity change reports estimates for the entire data period,
while in the present study our focus is on the annual estimates because
we wish to examine how productivity changes through time at the firm
The basic objective of this paper is to use the Data Envelopment
Analysis (DEA) as a tool for the measurement of TFP growth for sugar
industry and sugar firms. The objective/purpose is also to decompose TFP
growth into technical change, efficiency change and scale efficiency
change in order to understand the source of productivity for Pakistani
sugar firms listed at Karachi Stock Exchange. This decomposition enables
policymakers to trace lagging productivity to particular factors. For
example, if slowing technical progress causes declining TFP growth, the
production frontier can be shifted upward through investment in research
and development (R&D); if slow productivity growth is traced
primarily to deteriorating technical efficiency (TE), learning- by-doing
processes and managerial practices can be targeted for this purpose; if
there will be benefits from SE, production scales should be adjusted
toward optimum values. The specific objective of the study is to provide
policy implications and strategies for improvement in the production
efficiency of sugar firms. Policymakers can recommend policies that
improve the productivity of firms only if they understand the sources of
variation in productivity growth.
Generally, studies at country level on productivity growth are
based on the overall or aggregate data; therefore, the results of those
studies are average of the overall economy which comprises of different
sectors. Hence contribution in each country's productivity has
different proportion of sectors. This study uses financial data of sugar
firms extracted from annual reports obtained from different sources.
This data allows examination of the TFP performance of individual firms,
which was not previously done.
The structure of this article is as follows. In the following
section, an overview of sugar industry of Pakistan is presented followed
by the third section which describes the data used in the analysis and
methodology opted for analysis including discussion of input and output
variables. Then the results of our Malmquist TFP estimates are
presented. In the final section we discuss the results presented and
provide conclusions.
Sugarcane is an important industrial and cash crop in Pakistan.
Pakistan is an important sugarcane producing country and is ranked fifth
in terms of area under sugar cultivation, 60th in yield and 15th in
sugar production. Sugarcane is grown on over a million hectares and
provides the raw material for Pakistan's 84 sugar mills which
comprise the country's second largest agro-industry after textiles
[Pakistan Annual Sugar Report (2009)]. The sugar sector constitutes 4.2
percent of manufacturing. In size, the sugar sector matches the cement
sector. Sugar industry has an indirect socio- economic impact in overall
terms which is significantly larger than its direct contribution to GDP
because of it's backward (sugarcane growers) and forward linkages
(food processors) in the economy.
The sugar cane yield for some important countries of the world is
given in the following Table 1.
According to the Table l, Egypt is the highest in terms of
sugarcane yield per hector which is 110.8 tons per hector while the
Pakistan is the lowest in terms of this yield. As far as the sugar
recovery is concerned, Brazil has the highest percentage and again
Pakistan is at the lowest. If we analyse the sugar yield from sugarcane,
Australia has the highest sugar yield in these countries and again
Pakistan is at the lowest with 3.54 tons per hector. It indicates that
in Pakistan, improvements can be made in terms of sugarcane yield, sugar
recovery and sugar yield.
The area under cultivation has increased more rapidly than any
other major crops. The Table 2 presents the area production and yield
during period 1997-98 to 2007-08.
During the year 2007-08 production of sugar was estimated at
61.5Million Metric Ton (MMT), an increase of 12 percent over previous
year due to increase in area under cultivation and yield. While during
2008-09 sugar production is estimated at 55MMT a decline of 10 percent
over the previous year. According to press reports [Jang Weekly News,
August (2009)], Pakistan's 2009-10 sugar production is expected
around 3 millions tons as against 3.2 million tons in the last year. The
annual consumption of sugar varies in between 3.6 to 4.2 million tons,
but according to the industry's officials, it has gone down since
October due to economic slowdown and higher prices that resulted in
lower demand from industries like drink producers. With this scenario,
Pakistan has to import sugar which exposes it to the effects of shortage
and rising prices in the world.
The consumption of sugar is showing an increasing trend for the
last 15 years. In 1995-96, it was 2.89 million tons, which increased to
3.95 million tons in 2005- 06. This is mainly due to increase in the
population growth of the country, which is now almost 170 million.
According to a rough estimate, the country will need approximately 5.5
million tons of sugar to meet the local demand by year 2020. It will
require about 1.5 million hectares of area under cultivation which is at
present about 1 hector. The per capita sugar consumption is around 25kg
per year which is highest in the developing countries. The demand of
sugar will increase in the coming years at the rate of about 2.3 percent
because of growth in the population which is about 2.3 percent.
The sugarcane production in terms of sugarcane crushed, sugar made
and recovery percentage is presented in the Table 3 for period 1997-98
to 2006-07.
This table is showing an increasing trend in terms of sugarcane
crushed and sugar made except for years 2004-05 and 2005-06. During
these two years Pakistan sugar industry faced the crisis due to decline
in area under cultivation which causes decline in production and yield.
Otherwise number of mills increased during this period.
After getting an overview of the sugar industry, we develop the
methodology for estimating productivity growth of sugar industry in
Pakistan by examining this issue at firm level.
Total factor productivity growth and its sources are estimated
using Data Envelopment Analysis approach. Malmquist productivity growth
indices are calculated for twenty sugar firms and also for sugar
industry. The Malmquist Productivity Index also includes the sources of
productivity growth for these firms.
3.1. Mahnquist TFP Index
The Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) methodology was initiated by
Charnes, et al. (1978) who built on the frontier concept started by
Farell (1957). The methodology used in this paper is based on the work
of Fare, et al. (1994) and Coelli, et al. (1998) and Raheman, et al.
(2008). The DEA-Malmquist Index has been used to calculate the total
factor productivity growth of sugar firms listed at Karachi stock
exchange where each firm in the sugar industry is a Decision Making Unit
This Malmquist productivity index can be decomposed into efficiency
change, technical change and total factor productivity growth. TFPG is
geometric mean of efficiency change and technical change. We have used
the DEAP software developed by Coelli (1996) to compute these indices.
Following Fare, et al. (1994), the Malmquist output-orientated TFP
change index between periods s(the base period) and period t (the
subsequent period) is calculated as follows:
In the above equation, [d.sup.5.sub.0] ([y.sub.t],
[x.sub.t])represents the distance from the period t observation to the
period s technology, y represents output and x represents input. Like
the DEA specification, each of the distance functions is calculated as a
linear program. While interpreting the Malmquist index, when [m.sub.o]
is greater than 1 this indicates that the TFP index has grown between
periods t and s while [m.sub.o] less than 1 indicates that TFP has
declined. This productivity index can also be written in the following
By re-expressing the Malmquist index in this way we have derived
the following components. The ratio outside the bracket measures the
change in the output- oriented measure of technical efficiency between
period s and t. The other part of Equation 2 measures the technical
change which is measured as a geometric mean in the shift in the
production technology between two periods evaluated at [x.sub.t] and
In the above model efficiency change (catching up effect) and a
technical change (frontier effect) as measured by shift in a frontier
over the same period. In this methodology, we will use the output
oriented analysis because most of the firms and sectors have their
objectives to maximise output in the form of revenue or profit.
3.2. Variables
We have applied the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approach to the
revenue producing firms by converting the financial performance measures
to the firm's technical efficiency equivalents. Ee have followed
the methodology of Raheman, et al. (2008) which is also based on Feroz,
et al. (2003) and Wang (2006), who have converted the financial
performance measures to the firm's technical efficiency equivalent
using DuPont Model. (1) The DuPont model is a technique for analysing a
firm's profitability using traditional performance management
tools. For enabling this, DuPont model integrates income statement
elements with balance sheet.
This process of measuring financial performance indicators can be
converted into output and input variables. Where, sales revenue can be
used as output variable while cost of goods sold, operating expenses,
total assets and shareholder's equity as input variables. In this
way long term resources total assets and equity and short term resources
cost of goods sold and operating expenses are used to produce output in
the form of sales revenue.
(1) The Dupont formula and discussion regarding conversion of
financial performance measures to firm's technical efficiency
equivalents can be seen in Raheman, et al. (2008) 3.3. Data
There are 38 sugar firms listed in the sugar and allied sector on
Karachi stock exchange. We have used the data only for those sugar firms
which have performed the operations and are among the listed firms on
the Karachi Stock Exchange during the study period 1998 to 2007.
Furthermore, only those firms are included in the analysis which have
their shareholder's equity positive because of the consideration of
the imitates of Data Envelopment Analysis Programme (DEAP) and their
annual reports (financial statements) are available for all the ten
years. Hence, finally 20 firms are selected for the analysis. Malmquist
productivity Index has been used to calculate the Total Factor
Productivity Growth and its sources for these twenty sugar firms.
The data of twenty sugar firms is used to construct a grand
frontier using TFP Index technique where each firm is compared to the
frontier. We have calculated Malmquist total factor productivity Index
which shows TFP growth, efficiency change, technical change, pure
technical efficiency and scale change component for all the sugar firms
in the sample.
4.1. Total Factor Productivity Growth in Sugar Sector
Malmquist Index of firm means for efficiency change, technical
change, pure efficiency change, scale efficiency change and TFP growth
are presented in Table 4. Sugar industry experienced an overall negative
TFP growth of -0.1 percent during 1998-2007 which is insignificant. It
means that during the study period there is no substantial increase or
decrease in the total factor productivity growth. The analysis of sugar
mills revealed that TFP growth increased for seven out of twenty mills.
The decline in technical efficiency by 0.8 percent is offset by a same
percentage increase in the technical change which resulted in
insignificant overall TFP growth. The technical change in 11 out of 20
firms is more than 1. Pure efficiency change and scale efficiency change
results in technical efficiency change. In case of pure efficiency
change, it is one of more than one in most of the firms but overall the
pure efficiency of sugar industry declined by 0.7 percent while for
scale efficiency change, value close to unity shows that most of the
firms are operating at optimum scale but again the scale efficiency of
sugar industry declined by 0.5 percent. Therefore, both scale efficiency
and pure technical efficiency have contributed to the decline in
efficiency change.
In the above table, the comparison of total factor productivity
change in different firms shows that Shakarganj Mills Limited on average
has the highest growth in TFP (11.4 percent) during 1998 to 2007,
followed by the Mirpurkhas Sugar Mills Limited that has (5.6 percent)
total factor productivity growth. The worst performer in terms of total
factor productivity growth is the Frontier Sugar Mills and Distillery
Limited and the Thal Industries Corporation Limited. Total factor
productivity of these two mills decreased on average by -9.2 percent and
-4.9 percent respectively.
The results presented in Table 5 show that TFP growth has been
volatile with little apparent trend. The changes in TFP growth closely
follow changes in technical progress with changes in technical
efficiency. The years 2002 and 1999 appear to be the years where the
total factor productivity growth was the highest at 5.3 percent and 5.2
percent respectively. During years 2001 and 2007, the TFP growth is
lowest at 4.7 percent and 4.4 percent respectively. If we analyse the
efficiency change over period, it indicates that during year 2003 the
efficiency increased by 3.9 percent while it decreased by - 5.9 percent
during 2006. On the other hand the technological change increased by 8.7
percent during year 2002 where the TFP growth is also maximum. Similarly
technical change is negative in the similar years where TFP growth was
negative i.e. year 2001 and 2007.
These above results show an overall picture of TFP growth,
efficiency change and technical change for the sugar industry. For firm
level analysis, these measures of productivity need to be analysed at
firm level during period 1998 to 2007.
4.2. Total Factor Productivity Growth
Yearly comparative results of TFP growth for individual firms
during 1998-2007 are presented in Table 6 which provides a complete
understanding about the performance of these sugar firms.
During first year of analysis, The Thal Industries Corporation
Limited performed best among all the firms with TFP growth 24.2 percent
followed by The Frontier Sugar and Distillery Limited where the
productivity increased by 19.9 percent. Habib sugar mill is the worst
performer with decline in TFP growth by -6.6 percent. This year was also
the most favourable for sugar industry where the TFP of 15 out of 20
firms increased and TFP for sugar industry increased by 5.2 percent.
During year 2000, the total factor productivity of 10 out of 20 firms
increased with the Husein sugar mills limited has the highest TFP growth
of 9.6 percent. In the next year 2001, the TFP declined for thirteen
sugar mills and the Chashma sugar mill was the worst performer in terms
of TFP growth which declined by 25.2 percent and the TFP declined by 4.7
percent for the overall sugar industry which is the worst performance
for the overall sugar industry during the study period. The next three
years 2002, 2003 and 2004 were relatively better years for the sugar
firms where the TFP increased for 12 out of 20 firms in all the three
years. Mirpurkhas sugar mill was the best performer during year 2002
while Faran sugar mill was the best performer during year 2003 and
Chashma sugar mill during 2004. TFP growth for the sugar industry
increased during 2002 and 2003 while declined during 2004. Shakarganj
sugar mill played a leading role in total factor productivity growth
with highest (best performance) 76.6 percent during year 2005. Year 2006
was suitable for nine sugar mills in terms of total factor productivity
with highest TFP growth for Dewan sugar mill at 35.9 percent. In this
year the TFP for the sugar industry declined by 3.8 percent. Year
2006-07 was a crucial year for the sugar industry where the productivity
change for fourteen out of twenty firms declined and the TFP for the
sugar industry declined by 4.4 percent. In this year the best performer
was the Chashma sugar mill with a growth of 23 percent in total factor
productivity. These results serve to show that firm-level results can
display a great deal of variations.
In terms of total factor productivity change, Shakarganj sugar mill
has relatively more stable results. In this firm TFP change in seven out
of nine years is greater than unity. Due to this reason, this firm
topped in ranking in terms of total factor productivity. As discussed
earlier year 2006-07 was the most crucial year for most of the firms
where TFP declined for fourteen firms in the sample. Excluding this year
from the analysis, the overall TFP growth for the sugar industry would
increase to 0.53 percent which is now -0.1 percent including year 2007.
The Frontier sugar mill is the worst performer in terms of TFP growth
followed by the Thal industries corporation limited which has negative
TFP growth for six out of nine years.
Two sources of total factor productivity named technical efficiency
change and technical change are presented in the next section.
4.3. Technical Efficiency Growth
Firm-wise technical efficiency movement is presented in Table 7 for
understanding the contribution made by technical efficiency in the
productivity growth of sugar firms.
The results in general suggest that technical efficiency is an
important factor in dampening the total factor productivity growth of
the sugar industry. The average efficiency change for eight mills is
less than one while for nine firms it is equal to one which means there
is no change in the managerial efficiency during study period for these
firms. During year 1999, the technical efficiency change for eight firms
is less than one and Habib sugar mills the worst performer with a
decline in efficiency change by -8.7 percent. In this year six mills did
not show any change in their efficiency. Managerial efficiency further
declined in year 2000, where 14 mills have their efficiency change in
negative and three mills have no change in efficiency. During this year
AL Abass sugar mill was the worst performer with a decline in efficiency
change by 13.8 percent. Year 2001 was relatively better for the sugar
industry in terms of managerial efficiency where thirteen mills were
having their efficiency change equal to or more than one. The efficiency
change for sugar industry declined during years 2002, 2005 and 2006 by
-3.1 percent, -1.5 percent and -5.9 percent respectively. The maximum
decline in the managerial efficiency for the sugar industry was during
year 2006. On the other side efficiency change increased during years
2003, 2004 and 2007.
The firm level changes in managerial efficiency shows that many
mills remain static as their efficiency change remain equal to one in
most of the years. These firms include Faran sugar mills, JDW sugar
mills and Shahtaj sugar mills limited. Thal industries corporation
limited which is on top in ranking according to managerial efficiency
based on aggregate efficiency change is also more stable firm where
efficiency change is more than one in seven out of nine years.
4.4. Technology Adoption
The comparative technical change for twenty sugar firms during
period 1998 to 2007 is presented in Table 8. Generally, the technical
change can be seen in eleven firms where Shakarganj mills limited at the
top with 11.2 percent change followed by the Mirpurkhas sugar mills
limited with 5.8 percent. In year 1999, the comparative technical change
shows positive change where all mills have their technical change more
than one and Thal industries corporation top in ranking followed by the
Chashma sugar mills limited. In this year technical change increased by
5.4 percent for the overall sugar industry. Year 2000 was also better in
terms of technical change where it was positive for sixteen mills and
sugar industry overall recorded a 3.6 percent technical progress. In
this year Haseeb Waqas sugar mills limited was the best performer where
technical change increased by 13 percent while Shahtaj sugar mills
limited was the worst performer with decline in technical progress by
10.7 percent. Years 2001 and 2007 were the worst in terms of technical
progress where it declined by 5.2 percent and 5.3 percent respectively.
In these years only three to four mills were having their technical
change in positive. The best year according to technical progress was
the year 2002 where the technical change increased by 8.7 percent for
the overall sugar industry and eighteen firms have their technical
change above one. In this year Mirpurkhas sugar mill was highest in
ranking with a progress of 69 percent followed by Husein sugar mills
limited with 36.5 percent. JDW sugar mill was the worst performer where
the technical change declined by 16.7 percent. Shakarganj sugar mill was
the leading one during year 2004 and 2005, where the technical progress
increased by 20.3 percent and 76.6 percent. Further, increase of 76.6
percent is the maximum increase in any mill in a year during period 1998
to 2007.
The ranking of all sugar firms in terms of total factor
productivity growth, technical efficiency change and technical change is
presented in Table 9. According to the ranking, Shakarganj mills limited
is top in ranking according to TFP growth and technical change while at
number three according to efficiency change. Mirpurkhas sugar mill is
although next in ranking according to TFP growth and technical change
but at nurnber thirteen according to managerial efficiency change.
Similar type of ranking is for the Sind Abadgar sugar mill which is at
third in ranking as per TFP growth and technical change but at number
eleven according to efficiency change. This indicates that technical
change is the major factor which affects the total factor productivity
growth for the sugar firms. The Frontier sugar mills and distillery
limited is the laggard firm according to efficiency change and technical
change. The other laggard firm is The Thal Industries Corporation
limited according to TFP growth and technical change but highest in
ranking according to efficiency change. This also indicates that for
sugar firms technical change is the major source of total factor
Research on productivity growth is very important because economic
growth cannot be sustainable without improvement in the Total Factor
Productivity. From a policy point of view, the assessment of TFP growth
is important as it serves as a guide for resource allocation and
investment decisions. In this paper we have applied Data Envelopment
Analysis approach for estimating TFP growth, efficiency change and
technological progress in Pakistan's sugar industry using data for
twenty sugar firms from 1998 to 2007. Productivity Growth is estimated
using Malmquist productivity index. The decomposition of TFP growth also
helped us to identify improvement in efficiency and contribution of
technological progress and innovation to productivity growth in sugar
industry. Most of the studies of productivity growth efficiency which
are based on panel data discuss the estimates of overall sample or
sector. However, we have presented the estimated TFP growth, efficiency
change and technical change at each firm level and for each year during
1998 to 2007 which shows that these estimates varies widely at firm
level during the data period.
The empirical estimates on the performance of sugar industry
yielded several striking results. The Malmquist TFP results reflect a
tormenting picture for the sugar industry. Overall sugar industry
improved technological progress by 0.8 percent while managerial
efficiency change declined by a same percentage. Due this reason the
overall TFP growth during 1998-2007 remained almost static with a
decline of 0.1 percent.
The results of TFP growth and its components also presents
divergent trend in the individual years for the overall sugar industry.
The efficiency change declined for nine sugar firms and remained equal
to one for nine sugar firms during period 1998 to 2007, while the
technical change is positive for eleven out of twenty sugar firms.
Therefore, the result shows static TFP Growth. It suggests that sugar
industry is lacking in terms of managerial efficiency which could be
explained by a general reduction in the quality of managerial
decision-making among the best practice firms. Regardless of the reason
for this decline, it has potentially serious implications for the
longer-term financial viability of these sugar firms. Except few firms
which are relatively stable include Shakarganj mills limited and Al
Abass sugar mills limited, all sugar firms have a mix trend over
1998-2007 which affects the productivity and ranking of firms.
The pattern of TFP growth tends to be driven more by technical
change (of technical progress) rather than improvements in technical
efficiency. Shakarganj mills limited has highest technical change and
also better performance in terms of managerial efficiency change which
lead it top in ranking in terms of TFP. This firm has also performed
better in terms of stability over the period 1998 to 2007, where the TFP
increased for seven out of nine years. The major source for Mirpurkhas
sugar mill is the technical change, which lead it to next in ranking.
The technical change is also a main source of relatively better
performance for Sind Abadgar sugar mill and Habib sugar mill while
Sanghar sugar mill is also among the top ranking firms where the main
sources is managerial efficiency. The Frontier sugar mill is among the
worst performers in terms of productivity over 1998 to 2007 where the
problem lies in managerial efficiency and also non adoption of new
technologies. Similarly, The Thal Industries is also one of the laggard
firms in terms of TFP where the major source is non adoption of new
technologies although top in ranking in terms of efficiency change.
The research suggests that the Pakistani sugar industry is facing
serious productivity growth problems where no increase is recorded in
total factor productivity during 1998 to 2007. Therefore, this industry
must increase total factor productivity in most of the firms and efforts
must be made to provide a stable pattern to the productivity growth. The
improvement is needed in both technical efficiency and technological
progress in the sugar industry. For increasing technical efficiency,
efforts are needed to improve the quality of inputs like capital and
labour. On the other side the management aspect cannot be ignored and it
is also very important in terms of capital. Furthermore, the research
and development (R & D) activities can also play a vital role in
bringing technological progress. Although there is very little increase
in the technical change but for further considerable increase in the
productivity, efforts could be made to increase the research and
development (R & D) activities in this industry. Therefore, firms in
the sugar industry need greater investment in (R & D) activities and
adoption of new technologies.
The paper titled 'Efficiency Dynamics of Sugar Industry of
Pakistan' is interesting and analytical technique used in this
paper is latest one. However, write up of this paper needs some editing.
For example, in abstract and introduction of this paper, it is stated
that total factor productivity (TFP) in sugar industry will be
decomposed in 3 categories; technical, scale and managerial. But in
Table 4, Malmquist indices have been worked out for technical efficiency
change, technical change, production efficiency change, scale efficiency
change and TFP. Furthermore, only 3 of these indices have been discussed
in Sections 5.3 and 5.4.
In abstract of the paper it is mentioned that there are 81 sugar
mills in Pakistan whereas on page 4, the number changes to 84. Also
subheading 5.1 is exactly same as 5.2 that should be avoided. Similarly,
in Table 1 in 'Overview of Sugar Industry', sugar yield in
Pakistan is reported as 3.54 while its correct figure comes out 4.51.
Column 4 in Tables 2 and 3 of this section are not commented anywhere in
the text. Furthermore, the first sentence in paragraph 2 at page 5
states that area under sugarcane cultivation has increased but data in
Table 2 and the last sentence in first paragraph at page 6 do not
support it. Calculation of Malmquest indices on pages 8 and 9 is not
properly explained. I am sure that careful editing of this paper will
improve its reading and worth.
M. Mazhar Iqbal
Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad.
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Abdul Raheman <
[email protected]> is PhD Scholar,
Department of Managemem Sciences, COMSATS Institute of Information
Technology, Islamabad and Assistant Professor, University Institute of
Management Sciences. PMAS-Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi. Abdul
Qayyum <
[email protected]> is Professor at the Pakistan
Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad. Talar Alza
[email protected]> is Professor, Department of
Management Sciences, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology,
Table 1
Sugarcane Yield of World
Country Cane Yield (T/ha) Sugar Recovery (%)
Australia 100.4 13.8
Egypt 110.8 11.5
Brazil 68.4 14.5
USA 80.2 11.7
Colombia 80.5 11.5
Mexico 79.5 11.6
India 66.9 9.9
Pakistan 49.0 9.2
World Avg. 64.4 10.6
Country Sugar Yield (t/ha)
Australia 13.85
Egypt 12.74
Brazil 9.91
USA 9.38
Colombia 9.26
Mexico 9.22
India 6.64
Pakistan 3.54
World Avg. 6.82
Source: www.pakboi.gov.pk/word/Sugar%20.doc
Table 2
Pakistan Sugarcane Area and Yield
Produced 000
Year Area (000 Ha) Tonnes Yield per Hectare
1997-98 1,056.2 53,104 50.28
1998-99 1,155.1 55,191 47.78
1999-00 1,009.8 42,000 41.59
2000-01 960.0 43,620 45.40
2001-02 999.7 48,041 48.10
2002-03 1,099.7 52,049 47.30
2003-04 1,074.8 53,800 50.10
2004-05 966.4 43,533 45.00
2005-06 907.0 44,292 48.80
2006-07 1,033.0 54,871 53.12
2007-08 1160.0 61,503 53.02
2008-09 1045.0 55,385 53.00
Utilisation % by
Year Sugar Mills
1997-98 77.32
1998-99 77.90
1999-00 69.00
2000-01 67.47
2001-02 76.33
2002-03 80.28
2003-04 81.15
2004-05 73.74
2005-06 67.94
2006-07 73.78
2007-08 --
2008-09 --
Source: Pakistan Sugar Mills Association Annual Report:
2007, 2008.
Table 3
Sugarcane Production and Recovery
No. of Cane Crushed Sugar Made
Year Mills Tonnes Tonnes Recovery
1997-98 71 41,062,268 3,548,953 8.64%
1998-99 71 42,994,911 3,530,931 8.21%
1999-2000 69 28,982,711 2,414,746 8.33%
2000-01 65 29,408,879 2,466,788 8.39%
2001-02 69 36,708,638 3,197,745 8.71%
2002-03 71 41,786,689 3,652,745 8.74%
2003-04 71 43,661,378 3,997,010 9.15%
2004-05 71 32,101,739 2,922,126 9.10%
2005-06 74 30,090,632 2,588,176 8.59%
2006-07 77 40,483,977 3,516,218 8.69%
Source: Pakistan Sugar Mills Association Annual Report: 2007.
Table 4
Malmquist Index of Firm Means (1998-2007)
TE Tech.
No. Firm Change Change
1 Adam Sugar Mills Limited 0.967 1.021
2 Al Abass Sugar Mills Limited 0.996 1.008
3 Al Noor Sugar Mills Limited 1.000 0.996
4 Chashma Sugar Mils Limited 1.000 0.993
5 Dewan Sugar Mills Limited 0.987 1.007
6 Faran Sugar Mills Limited 1.000 0.980
7 Habib Sugar Mills Limited 1.000 1.012
8 Haseeb Waqas Sugar Mills Limited 0.983 1.005
9 Husein Sugar Mills Limited 1.001 0.999
10 JDW Sugar Mills Limited 1.000 0.999
11 Kohinoor Sugar Mills Limited 0.979 1.001
12 Mirpurkhas Sugar Mills Limited 0.998 1.058
13 Noon Sugar Mills Limited 0.991 0.999
14 Sanghar Sugar Mills Limited 1.011 1.008
15 Shahtaj Sugar Mills Limited 1.000 0.999
16 Shakarganj Mills Limited 1.002 1.112
17 Sind Abadgar Sugar Mills Limited 1.000 1.022
18 Tandlianwala Sugar Mills Limited 1.000 1.008
19 The Frontier Sugar Mills and Distillery 0.910 0.998
20 The Thal Industries Corporation Limited 1.015 0.937
Mean Sugar Sector 0.992 1.008
No. Firm Change Change
1 Adam Sugar Mills Limited 0.978 0.988
2 Al Abass Sugar Mills Limited 0.999 0.997
3 Al Noor Sugar Mills Limited 1.000 1.000
4 Chashma Sugar Mils Limited 1.000 1.000
5 Dewan Sugar Mills Limited 1.000 0.987
6 Faran Sugar Mills Limited 1.000 1.000
7 Habib Sugar Mills Limited 1.000 1.000
8 Haseeb Waqas Sugar Mills Limited 0.987 0.996
9 Husein Sugar Mills Limited 0.998 1.003
10 JDW Sugar Mills Limited 1.000 1.000
11 Kohinoor Sugar Mills Limited 0.981 0.998
12 Mirpurkhas Sugar Mills Limited 0.995 1.002
13 Noon Sugar Mills Limited 0.989 1.002
14 Sanghar Sugar Mills Limited 1.007 1.004
15 Shahtaj Sugar Mills Limited 1.000 1.000
16 Shakarganj Mills Limited 1.000 1.002
17 Sind Abadgar Sugar Mills Limited 1.000 1.000
18 Tandlianwala Sugar Mills Limited 1.000 1.000
19 The Frontier Sugar Mills and Distillery 1.000 0.910
20 The Thal Industries Corporation Limited 1.000 1.015
Mean Sugar Sector 0.997 0.995
No. Firm Change
1 Adam Sugar Mills Limited 0.987
2 Al Abass Sugar Mills Limited 1.004
3 Al Noor Sugar Mills Limited 0.996
4 Chashma Sugar Mils Limited 0.993
5 Dewan Sugar Mills Limited 0.993
6 Faran Sugar Mills Limited 0.980
7 Habib Sugar Mills Limited 1.012
8 Haseeb Waqas Sugar Mills Limited 0.988
9 Husein Sugar Mills Limited 0.999
10 JDW Sugar Mills Limited 0.999
11 Kohinoor Sugar Mills Limited 0.980
12 Mirpurkhas Sugar Mills Limited 1.056
13 Noon Sugar Mills Limited 0.990
14 Sanghar Sugar Mills Limited 1.019
15 Shahtaj Sugar Mills Limited 0.999
16 Shakarganj Mills Limited 1.114
17 Sind Abadgar Sugar Mills Limited 1.022
18 Tandlianwala Sugar Mills Limited 1.008
19 The Frontier Sugar Mills and Distillery 0.908
20 The Thal Industries Corporation Limited 0.951
Mean Sugar Sector 0.999
Table 5
Malmquist Index of Yearly Means of All Sugar Firm (1998-2007)
Year TE Change Tech. Change PE Change SE Change TFP Change
1999 0.998 1.054 0.994 1.005 1.052
2000 0.957 1.036 0.970 0.986 0.991
2001 1.005 0.948 1.016 0.989 0.953
2002 0.969 1.087 0.965 1.004 1.053
2003 1.039 0.999 1.023 1.016 1.038
2004 1.024 0.960 1.015 1.009 0.983
2005 0.985 1.026 0.990 0.995 1.011
2006 0.941 1.022 0.985 0.956 0.962
2007 1.010 0.947 1.014 0.996 0.956
Mean 0.992 1.008 0.997 0.995 0.999
Table 6
Comparative Total Factor Productivity Change in all Sugar Firms
During (1998-2007)
Sector 1999 2000
Adam Sugar Mills Limited 1.101 0.914
Al Abass Sugar Mills Limited 1.046 0.952
Al Noor Sugar Mills Limited 1.022 1.005
Chashma Sugar Mils Limited 1.118 0.984
Dewan Sugar Mills Limited 1.030 0.988
Faran Sugar Mills Limited 1.034 1.070
Habib Sugar Mills Limited 0.934 1.020
Haseeb Waqas Sugar Mills Limited 0.992 1.046
Husein Sugar Mills Limited 1.053 1.096
JDW Sugar Mills Limited 1.069 0.892
Kohinoor Sugar Mills Limited 1.079 1.023
Mirpurkhas Sugar Mills Limited 0.976 1.025
Noon Sugar Mills Limited 1.059 1.054
Sanghar Sugar Mills Limited 1.066 0.976
Shahtaj Sugar Mills Limited 1.062 0.893
Shakarganj Mills Limited 1.020 0.961
Sindh Abadgar Sugar Mills Limited 0.986 1.016
Tandlianwala Sugar Mills Limited 0.995 0.978
The Frontier Sugar Mills and Distillery Limited 1.199 1.005
The Thal Industries Corporation Limited 1.242 0.944
Mean 1.052 0.991
Sector 2001 2002
Adam Sugar Mills Limited 1.277 1.082
Al Abass Sugar Mills Limited 1.056 0.894
Al Noor Sugar Mills Limited 0.947 0.944
Chashma Sugar Mils Limited 0.748 1.199
Dewan Sugar Mills Limited 0.995 0.818
Faran Sugar Mills Limited 1.045 0.768
Habib Sugar Mills Limited 0.965 0.925
Haseeb Waqas Sugar Mills Limited 0.885 1.138
Husein Sugar Mills Limited 0.770 1.667
JDW Sugar Mills Limited 1.284 0.792
Kohinoor Sugar Mills Limited 0.832 1.154
Mirpurkhas Sugar Mills Limited 1.003 1.812
Noon Sugar Mills Limited 0.935 1.079
Sanghar Sugar Mills Limited 1.051 0.716
Shahtaj Sugar Mills Limited 0.966 1.164
Shakarganj Mills Limited 1.080 1.024
Sindh Abadgar Sugar Mills Limited 0.974 0.929
Tandlianwala Sugar Mills Limited 0.941 1.184
The Frontier Sugar Mills and Distillery Limited 0.762 1.146
The Thal Industries Corporation Limited 0.762 1.210
Mean 0.953 1.053
Sector 2003 2004
Adam Sugar Mills Limited 0.916 0.976
Al Abass Sugar Mills Limited 1.128 1.087
Al Noor Sugar Mills Limited 1.032 0.990
Chashma Sugar Mils Limited 0.769 1.222
Dewan Sugar Mills Limited 1.141 1.062
Faran Sugar Mills Limited 1.668 0.591
Habib Sugar Mills Limited 1.063 1.135
Haseeb Waqas Sugar Mills Limited 1.019 1.001
Husein Sugar Mills Limited 0.794 1.013
JDW Sugar Mills Limited 1.072 0.998
Kohinoor Sugar Mills Limited 0.888 1.082
Mirpurkhas Sugar Mills Limited 0.943 0.879
Noon Sugar Mills Limited 0.963 1.007
Sanghar Sugar Mills Limited 1.249 1.131
Shahtaj Sugar Mills Limited 0.921 0.985
Shakarganj Mills Limited 1.085 1.203
Sindh Abadgar Sugar Mills Limited 1.121 0.871
Tandlianwala Sugar Mills Limited 0.840 1.015
The Frontier Sugar Mills and Distillery Limited 1.124 1.202
The Thal Industries Corporation Limited 1.368 0.565
Mean 1.038 0.983
Sector 2005 2006
Adam Sugar Mills Limited 1.020 0.865
Al Abass Sugar Mills Limited 0.882 1.016
Al Noor Sugar Mills Limited 1.051 1.012
Chashma Sugar Mils Limited 0.966 0.852
Dewan Sugar Mills Limited 0.967 1.091
Faran Sugar Mills Limited 0.892 1.359
Habib Sugar Mills Limited 0.996 1.125
Haseeb Waqas Sugar Mills Limited 1.067 0.822
Husein Sugar Mills Limited 0.999 0.874
JDW Sugar Mills Limited 1.036 0.994
Kohinoor Sugar Mills Limited 1.040 0.979
Mirpurkhas Sugar Mills Limited 1.175 1.064
Noon Sugar Mills Limited 0.996 0.851
Sanghar Sugar Mills Limited 0.963 1.213
Shahtaj Sugar Mills Limited 0.964 0.979
Shakarganj Mills Limited 1.766 0.984
Sindh Abadgar Sugar Mills Limited 1.015 1.298
Tandlianwala Sugar Mills Limited 1.047 1.013
The Frontier Sugar Mills and Distillery Limited 0.855 0.387
The Thal Industries Corporation Limited 0.787 0.970
Mean 1.011 0.962
Sector 2007 Mean
Adam Sugar Mills Limited 0.811 0.987
Al Abass Sugar Mills Limited 1.000 1.004
Al Noor Sugar Mills Limited 0.967 0.996
Chashma Sugar Mils Limited 1.230 0.993
Dewan Sugar Mills Limited 0.888 0.993
Faran Sugar Mills Limited 0.789 0.980
Habib Sugar Mills Limited 0.971 1.012
Haseeb Waqas Sugar Mills Limited 0.964 0.988
Husein Sugar Mills Limited 0.956 0.999
JDW Sugar Mills Limited 0.923 0.999
Kohinoor Sugar Mills Limited 0.804 0.980
Mirpurkhas Sugar Mills Limited 0.864 1.056
Noon Sugar Mills Limited 0.984 0.990
Sanghar Sugar Mills Limited 0.919 1.019
Shahtaj Sugar Mills Limited 1.082 0.999
Shakarganj Mills Limited 1.070 1.114
Sindh Abadgar Sugar Mills Limited 1.039 1.022
Tandlianwala Sugar Mills Limited 1.089 1.008
The Frontier Sugar Mills and Distillery Limited 0.892 0.908
The Thal Industries Corporation Limited 0.999 0.951
Mean 0.956 0.999
Table 7
Comparative Efficiency (Managerial Efficiency) Change in all Sugar
Firms during (1995-2007)
Sector 1999 2000 2001
Adam Sugar Mills Limited 1.000 0.981 1.019
Al Abass Sugar Mills Limited 0.992 0.862 1.169
Al Noor Sugar Mills Limited 1.000 0.985 0.995
Chashma Sugar Mils Limited 1.000 1.000 0.886
Dewan Sugar Mills Limited 0.984 0.948 1.071
Faran Sugar Mills limited 1.000 1.000 1.000
Habib Sugar Mills Limited 0.913 0.920 1.083
Haseeb Waqas Sugar Mills Limited 0.954 0.925 1.035
Husein Sugar Mills Limited 1.016 1.071 0.819
JDW Sugar Mills Limited 1.000 0.882 1.134
Kohinoor Sugar Mills Limited 1.038 0.947 0.930
Mirpurkhas Sugar Mills Limited 0.919 1.012 1.053
Noon Sugar Mills Limited 1.029 0.961 1.049
Sanghar Sugar Mills Limited 1.042 0.935 1.116
Shahtaj Sugar Mills Limited 1.000 1.000 0.977
Shakarganj Mills limited 0.965 0.912 1.155
Sind Abadcar Sugar Mills Limited 0.944 0.992 1.025
Tandlianwala Sugar Mills Limited 0.961 0.923 1.011
The Frontier Sugar Mills and 1.135 0.890 0.870
Distillery Limited
The Thal Industries Corporation Limited 1.097 1.013 0.810
Mean 0.998 0.957 1.005
Sector 2002 2003 2004
Adam Sugar Mills Limited 1.000 0.966 0.990
Al Abass Sugar Mills Limited 0.839 1.158 1.030
Al Noor Sugar Mills Limited 0.891 1.076 0.951
Chashma Sugar Mils Limited 1.128 0.814 1.227
Dewan Sugar Mills Limited 0.789 1.115 1.026
Faran Sugar Mills limited 0.825 1.212 1.000
Habib Sugar Mills Limited 0.862 1.094 1.115
Haseeb Waqas Sugar Mills Limited 1.063 0.987 1.005
Husein Sugar Mills Limited 1.221 0.956 1.038
JDW Sugar Mills Limited 0.951 1.052 1.000
Kohinoor Sugar Mills Limited 1.082 0.913 1.075
Mirpurkhas Sugar Mills Limited 1.072 0.952 0.843
Noon Sugar Mills Limited 1.000 1.000 1.000
Sanghar Sugar Mills Limited 0.664 1.292 1.127
Shahtaj Sugar Mills Limited 1.023 1.000 1.000
Shakarganj Mills limited 0.968 1.033 1.000
Sind Abadcar Sugar Mills Limited 0.878 1.143 0.924
Tandlianwala Sugar Mills Limited 1.115 0.870 0.987
The Frontier Sugar Mills and 1.074 1.156 1.213
Distillery Limited
The Thal Industries Corporation Limited 1.136 1.119 1.000
Mean 0.969 1.039 1.024
Sector 2005 2006 2007
Adam Sugar Mills Limited 0.996 0.884 0.877
AL Abass Sugar Mills Limited 0.857 1.057 1.061
Al Noor Sugar Mills Limited 1.025 1.052 1.034
Chashma Sugar Mils Limited 0.945 0.862 1.229
Dewan Sugar Mills Limited 0.936 1.085 0.968
Faran Sugar Mills limited 1.000 1.000 1.000
Habib Sugar Mills Limited 0.917 1.085 1.051
Haseeb Waqas Sugar Mills Limited 1.041 0.820 1.043
Husein Sugar Mills Limited 0.967 0.953 1.012
JDW Sugar Mills Limited 1.000 1.000 1.000
Kohinoor Sugar Mills Limited 0.984 1.011 0.857
Mirpurkhas Sugar Mills Limited 1.136 1.097 0.933
Noon Sugar Mills Limited 0.964 0.874 1.052
Sanghar Sugar Mills Limited 0.983 1.066 1.000
Shahtaj Sugar Mills Limited 1.000 1.000 1.000
Shakarganj Mills limited 1.000 1.000 1.000
Sind Abadcar Sugar Mills Limited 1.122 1.000 1.000
Tandlianwala Sugar Mills Limited 1.008 1.025 1.127
The Frontier Sugar Mills and 0.871 0.396 0.935
Distillery Limited
The Thal Industries Corporation Limited 1.000 0.914 1.092
Mean 0.985 0.941 1.01
Sector Mean
Adam Sugar Mills Limited 0.967
AL Abass Sugar Mills Limited 0.996
Al Noor Sugar Mills Limited 1.000
Chashma Sugar Mils Limited 1.000
Dewan Sugar Mills Limited 0.987
Faran Sugar Mills limited 1.000
Habib Sugar Mills Limited 1.000
Haseeb Waqas Sugar Mills Limited 0.983
Husein Sugar Mills Limited 1.001
JDW Sugar Mills Limited 1.000
Kohinoor Sugar Mills Limited 0.979
Mirpurkhas Sugar Mills Limited 0.998
Noon Sugar Mills Limited 0.991
Sanghar Sugar Mills Limited 1.011
Shahtaj Sugar Mills Limited 1.000
Shakarganj Mills limited 1.002
Sind Abadcar Sugar Mills Limited 1.000
Tandlianwala Sugar Mills Limited 1.000
The Frontier Sugar Mills and 0.910
Distillery Limited
The Thal Industries Corporation Limited 1.015
Mean 0.992
Table 8
Comparative Technical Change in all Sugar Firms during (1998-2007)
Sector 1999 2000 2001
Adam Sugar Mills Limited 1.101 0.932 1.252
Al Abass Sugar Mills Limited 1.054 1.104 0.903
Al Noor Sugar Mills Limited 1.022 1.021 0.952
Chashma Sugar Mils Limited 1.118 0.984 0.844
Dewan Sugar Mills Limited 1.047 1.042 0.929
Faran Sugar Mills Limited 1.034 1.070 1.045
Habib Sugar Mills Limited 1.024 1.109 0.891
Haseeb Waqas Sugar Mills Limited 1.039 1.130 0.855
Husein Sugar Mills Limited 1.036 1.023 0.941
JDW Sugar Mills Limited 1.069 1.012 1.132
Kohinoor Sugar Mills Limited 1.039 1.080 0.895
Mirpurkhas Sugar Mills Limited 1.062 1.013 0.953
Noon Sugar Mills Limited 1.030 1.097 0.892
Sanghar Sugar Mills Limited 1.024 1.043 0.941
Shahtaj Sugar Mills Limited 1.062 0.893 0.988
Shakarganj Mills limited 1.057 1.054 0.935
Sind Abadgar Sugar Mills Limited 1.044 1.024 0.950
Tandlianwala Sugar Mills Limited 1.036 1.059 0.931
The Frontier Sugar Mills and 1.056 1.129 0.876
Distillery Limited
The Thai Industries Corporation Limited 1.132 0.931 0.940
Mean 1.054 1.036 0.948
Sector 2002 2003 2004
Adam Sugar Mills Limited 1.082 0.948 0.986
Al Abass Sugar Mills Limited 1.066 0.974 1.056
Al Noor Sugar Mills Limited 1.059 0.959 1.041
Chashma Sugar Mils Limited 1.063 0.945 0.996
Dewan Sugar Mills Limited 1.038 1.023 1.035
Faran Sugar Mills Limited 0.931 1.376 0.591
Habib Sugar Mills Limited 1.073 0.972 1.018
Haseeb Waqas Sugar Mills Limited 1.071 1.032 0.996
Husein Sugar Mills Limited 1.365 0.831 0.976
JDW Sugar Mills Limited 0.833 1.019 0.998
Kohinoor Sugar Mills Limited 1.067 0.972 1.007
Mirpurkhas Sugar Mills Limited 1.691 0.990 1.043
Noon Sugar Mills Limited 1.079 0.963 1.007
Sanghar Sugar Mills Limited 1.079 0.966 1.004
Shahtaj Sugar Mills Limited 1.137 0.921 0.985
Shakarganj Mills limited 1.058 1.050 1.203
Sind Abadgar Sugar Mills Limited 1.058 0.981 0.942
Tandlianwala Sugar Mills Limited 1.063 0.965 1.028
The Frontier Sugar Mills and 1.067 0.972 0.991
Distillery Limited
The Thai Industries Corporation Limited 1.065 1.223 0.565
Mean 1.087 0.999 0.96
Sector 2005 2006 2007
Adam Sugar Mills Limited 1.024 0.979 0.925
Al Abass Sugar Mills Limited 1.030 0.961 0.943
Al Noor Sugar Mills Limited 1.026 0.962 0.935
Chashma Sugar Mils Limited 1.022 0.988 1.001
Dewan Sugar Mills Limited 1.033 1.005 0.917
Faran Sugar Mills Limited 0.892 1.359 0.789
Habib Sugar Mills Limited 1.086 1.037 0.924
Haseeb Waqas Sugar Mills Limited 1.025 1.003 0.925
Husein Sugar Mills Limited 1.033 0.917 0.945
JDW Sugar Mills Limited 1.036 0.994 0.923
Kohinoor Sugar Mills Limited 1.056 0.967 0.938
Mirpurkhas Sugar Mills Limited 1.035 0.970 0.926
Noon Sugar Mills Limited 1.033 0.974 0.936
Sanghar Sugar Mills Limited 0.980 1.138 0.919
Shahtaj Sugar Mills Limited 0.964 0.979 1.082
Shakarganj Mills limited 1.766 0.984 1.070
Sind Abadgar Sugar Mills Limited 0.904 1.298 1.039
Tandlianwala Sugar Mills Limited 1.040 0.989 0.966
The Frontier Sugar Mills and 0.982 0.976 0.954
Distillery Limited
The Thai Industries Corporation Limited 0.787 1.061 0.916
Mean 1.026 1.022 0.947
Sector Mean
Adam Sugar Mills Limited 1.021
Al Abass Sugar Mills Limited 1.008
Al Noor Sugar Mills Limited 0.996
Chashma Sugar Mils Limited 0.993
Dewan Sugar Mills Limited 1.007
Faran Sugar Mills Limited 0.980
Habib Sugar Mills Limited 1.012
Haseeb Waqas Sugar Mills Limited 1.005
Husein Sugar Mills Limited 0.999
JDW Sugar Mills Limited 0.999
Kohinoor Sugar Mills Limited 1.001
Mirpurkhas Sugar Mills Limited 1.058
Noon Sugar Mills Limited 0.999
Sanghar Sugar Mills Limited 1.008
Shahtaj Sugar Mills Limited 0.999
Shakarganj Mills limited 1.112
Sind Abadgar Sugar Mills Limited 1.022
Tandlianwala Sugar Mills Limited 1.008
The Frontier Sugar Mills and 0.998
Distillery Limited
The Thai Industries Corporation Limited 0.937
Mean 1.008
Table 9
Ranking of Sugar Firms Based on Malmquist TFP and its Components
Ranking Industry Change
1 Shakarganj Mills Limited 1.114
2 Mirpurkhas Sugar Mills Limited 1.056
3 Sind Abadgar Sugar Mills Limited 1.022
4 Sanghar Sugar Mills Limited 1.019
5 Habib Sugar Mills Limited 1.012
6 Tandlianwala Sugar Mills Limited 1.008
7 Al Abass Sugar Mills Limited 1.004
8 Husein Sugar Mills Limited 0.999
9 1DW Sugar Mills Limited 0.999
10 Shahtaj Sugar Mills Limited 0.999
11 Al Noor Sugar Mills Limited 0.996
12 Chashma Sugar Mils Limited 0.993
13 Dewan Sugar Mills Limited 0.993
14 Noon Sugar Mills Limited 0.990
15 Haseeb Waqas Sugar Mills Limited 0.988
16 Adam Sugar Mills Limited 0.987
17 Faran Sugar Mills Limited 0.980
18 Kohinoor Sugar Mills Limited 0.980
19 The Thal Industries Corporation Limited 0.951
20 The Frontier Sugar Mills & Distillery Limited 0.908
Ranking Industry Change
1 The Thal Industries Corporation Limited 1.015
2 Sanghar Sugar Mills Limited 1.011
3 Shakarganj Mills Limited 1.002
4 Husein Sugar Mills Limited 1.001
5 Al Noor Sugar Mills Limited 1.000
6 Chashma Sugar Mils Limited 1.000
7 Faran Sugar Mills Limited 1.000
8 Habib Sugar Mills Limited 1.000
9 1DW Sugar Mills Limited 1.000
10 Shahtaj Sugar Mills Limited 1.000
11 Sind Abadgar Sugar Mills Limited 1.000
12 Tandlianwala Sugar Mills limited 1.000
13 Mirpurkhas Sugar Mills Limited 0.998
14 Al Abass Sugar Mills Limited 0.996
15 Noon Sugar Mills Limited 0.991
16 Dewan Sugar Mills Limited 0.987
17 Haseeb Waqas Sugar Mills Limited 0.983
18 Kohinoor Sugar Mills Limited 0.979
19 Adam Sugar Mills Limited 0.967
20 The Frontier Sugar Mills & Distillery Limited 0.910
Ranking Industry Change
1 Shakarganj Mills Limited 1.112
2 Mirpurkhas Sugar Mills Limited 1.058
3 Sind Abadgar Sugar Mills Limited 1.022
4 Adam Sugar Mills Limited 1.021
5 Habib Sugar Mills Limited 1.012
6 Al Abass Sugar Mills Limited 1.008
7 Sanghar Sugar Mills Limited 1.008
8 Tandlianwala Sugar Mills Limited 1.008
9 Dewan Sugar Mills Limited 1.007
10 Haseeb Waqas Sugar Mills Limited 1.005
11 Kohinoor Sugar Mills Limited 1.001
12 Husein Sugar Mills Limited 0.999
13 JDW Sugar Mills Limited 0.999
14 Noon Sugar Mills Limited 0.999
15 Shahtaj Sugar Mills Limited 0.999
16 The Frontier Sugar Mills & Distillery Limited 0.998
17 Al Noor Sugar Mills Limited 0.996
18 Chashma Sugar Mils Limited 0.993
19 Faran Sugar Mills Limited 0.980
20 The Thal Industries Corporation Limited 0.937