Urbanisation and crime: a case study of Pakistan.
Jalil, Hafiz Hanzla ; Iqbal, Muhammad Mazhar
From the economic point of view, urbanisation is good as it
facilitates achievement of economies of scale and thus promotes growth
of industries and development in the economy. However, from the social
point of view, urbanisation encourages crime as the rate of crime is
higher in large cities and in urbanised areas. Several explanations of
the phenomenon have been provided in the literature but none of these
provide a sound analysis of the linkage between urbanisation and crime.
The objective of this paper is to explore this linkage. We use the
Johansen Cointegration method, and the period of analysis is 1964-2008.
Besides urbanisation, four other socio-economic determinants, which may
influence crime, are also analysed. These are unemployment, inflation,
income inequality, and education. The results show a long-run positive
and unique relationship between urbanisation and crime in Pakistan.
Since migration to urban areas is mostly caused by a search for jobs,
the policy-makers should plan for more industrial centres in the rural
areas. These industrial centres will provide employment and,
consequently, urbanisation and crime would be better controlled.
Crime is an activity which is against the law and the fact
'that the linkage between criminal activities and the
socio-economic development of the society is undeniable. Moreover, the
relationship between crime and evolution of mankind may also be
considered a historical one as Cain (first son of Adam and Eve)
committed first crime when he murdered his brother Able because of
jealousy. Due to the complex nature of the subject of crime, for
example, regarding its causes and consequences, various academic
disciplines such as criminology, sociology, geography, psychology and
demography study it from their own perspective. A relatively new
emerging field, however, is the economics of crime which tries to
identify the socio-economic causes and consequences of criminal
activities in a society.
Marshall and Clark (1952) wrote: "A crime is any act or
omission prohibited by public law for the protection of the public and
punishable by state in a judicial proceeding in its own name".
Similarly Tappan (1960) defined that "A crime is an instrumental
act or omission in violation of criminal law, committed without
justification and sanctioned by the state as felony or
misdemeanour". Though in case of criminal activity the net social
benefits are negative but there are some advantages also like new jobs
for crime prevention. Using cost and benefit analysis many theories have
explained the trends in criminal activities. For the criminal person the
cost is punishment plus time which he has to spend in custody. On the
other hand, the cost for the victims may include security expenses and
the loss of money etc. In a strictly economic sense, a criminal is taken
as a rational person as he compares the costs and benefits of committing
a crime [Becker (1968)].
As urbanisation is the process of growth in urban areas.
Industrialisation, specialisation, and economic development are related
to the theories of urbanisation. A basic feature of urbanisation is the
shifting in employment from rural to urban or industrial sector. In
other words, urbanisation is an indicator of industrial development in
the economy. Labour market pooling, trade of goods and services,
knowledge spillover, high level of income and economic relations are the
basic pillars of urbanisation. This type of development is helpful for
employment creation, poverty reduction and planned local business
development in the urban regions. Theories suggest that urbanisation is
good for promoting growth of industries and development in the economy.
The other' face of this urbanisation may be the encouragement of
crimes as well, since, crimes normally occur in large cities and in
urbanised areas [Krivo and Peterson (1996)]. In rural areas, due to
lower population density, criminal persons have less chance of hiding
themselves because people know each other. The opposite is true for
urban areas. The main facts of crimes in urban areas are the fewer
chances of arrest and recognition [Glaeser and Sacerdote (1996)].
Therefore, it is argued that as urbanisation increases so does crime
[Galvin (2002); Gaviria (2002)]. Hence, one may argue that more
urbanisation is an indicator of higher crimes. This is a common
observation for many countries in the world. Through out the world the
rate of expansion of urban population is on the rise because of
substantial industrial development. As Gumus (2004) argued that in 1950,
30 percent of world population was living in urban areas where as, in
2000, this value reached 47 percent. It is estimated that this figure
will reach to 60 percent in 2030. In Pakistan there is rapid increase in
crimes like the other countries of the world. It may be the effect of
urbanisation, and some other economic and socio economic factors.
There has not been undertaken a systematic comprehensive study for
Pakistan on the above mentioned issue. Several explanations have been
provided on crime in the literature but none of these provide a sound
analysis of linkage between urbanisation and crime. Therefore, there is
dire need to fill this gap in the literature by conducting an empirical
investigation on the relationship between crime and urbanisation. This
provides the motivation for the underlying study. More specifically, the
objective of this study is to find the relationship between crimes and
urbanisation and some other macroeconomic factors such as unemployment,
and inflation. The question is what will be the impact on crimes when
large numbers of people settle down in a single city? Using time series
data for Pakistan the study covers the period of 1963-2008.
Using Johansen cointegration analysis, the results indicate that
there is a positive association between urbanisation and crime in
Pakistan. Moreover, unemployment, inflation, and income inequality are
also important determinants of crimes. Education, on the other hand, is
found to have a negative effect on criminal activities. For the purpose
of robustness of results, three models are estimated using various
variables. This also takes care off for the multicolinearity problem.
Rest of the study proceeds as follows; Section II briefly reviews
the related literature on crimes and their determinants. Section III
discusses the theoretical model and the econometric methodology used in
the study. Detail of variables, results and interpretations are
presented in Section IV. Section V concludes the study.
The economic foundations of criminal justice was developed by
Beccaria (1767) and another source of interest in economics of crimes is
emerged from the famous novel "Crime and Punishment" by
Dostoevsky (1866).
The role of income on the criminal activities is observed by
Fleisher (1966). The author argued that income has two possible effects
on criminal behaviour. An expected demand side effect is positive and
expected supply side effect is negative. Demand side effect is that when
people have higher incomes then there is decrease in criminal behaviour.
The supply side effect is that when there is more income in the economy
and people want to get that money through criminal behaviour. He
estimated that demand side effect is more than the supply side effect
that is if there is 1 percent increase in income then the delinquency
decreases by 2.5 percent.
Recent theoretical foundations of crime link back to the work of
Becker (1968) and Ehrlich (1973). The main contribution on economics of
crime is normally related to the work of Becker (1968). He presented a
model and argued that a person will commit crime if the expected utility
of crime is more than the utility he could get from consuming his time
in some other legal activities. Every criminal faces physical and
psychological benefits from crime and also costs in terms of
law-enforcement. There are two main determinants of costs. One is
probability of being caught and the other is the punishment faced if
caught. He worked mostly on shaping policies related to the cost of
illegal behaviour. Similarly there are also some other macroeconomic
factors which affects crimes. Out of those factors unemployment is at
number one. The positive association between crimes and unemployment is
observed by Ehrlich (1973). He mentioned that unemployment is an
indicator of income opportunities from legal sector. So if there is an
increase in unemployment rate then the involvement of persons in legal
sector also decreases.
The main difference between above two studies was that Becker
considers opportunity costs as well as explicit costs and benefits in a
society while Ehrlich investigates employment as an indicator of
availability of income in a society. Crime rate is high at younger age.
In the age of eighteen almost 35 percent people were arrested in
Philadelphia, Wolfgang (1972). Similarly Tillman (1987) reported that
one third of all men were arrested in California at least once between
the age of 18 and 30. The hypothesis of deterrent measures on criminal
activities was tested by Mathur (1978) and Witte (1980). Mathur
considered two time periods, 1960 and 1970 and found inverse
relationship between the certainty and the severity of punishment with
all types of crimes because of rationality of the people. Similarly
Witte also found negative relationship but he investigated that the
effect of certainty of punishment is more as compare to severity. Myers
(1983) took random sample of offenders released by federal prisons in
1972. He studied that punishment is not more effective tool for
preventing crime. It is better to create opportunities for employment
and this will work for reduction in crime.
Further the empirical investigation between crimes and its
determinants in urban areas is done by Gumus (2004). He used two types
of crime in large US cities. First he took total numbers of property
crimes and second he used serious crimes like murder, forcible rape and
robbery as a dependent variable. Using cross sectional data of large US
cities he found that urbanisation and income inequality are important
factors of urban crime. The main facts of crimes in urban areas are the
less possibility of arrest and the less probability of recognition and
families are less intact in urban areas [Glaeser and Sacerdote (1996)].
Another effect on crimes is observed by Krivo and Peterson (1996).
Considering 177 regions, authors estimated the separate models of
property and violent crimes and argued that when the neighbours of urban
areas are poors then there is more chance of crimes in urban areas. In
Pakistan urbanisation is a serious matter because in 2030 urban
population will rise by 140 percent almost [Haider (2006)]. The author
argued that this type of fast growth in urbanisation will create
unemployment in youth and change the mind of people towards crimes.
Urbanisation is not bad in itself because people have the right to
improve their living standard and find suitable jobs which is more in
urban areas.
In economic geography, it is argued that if there are economies of
scale then those economic regions with more production become more
profitable and attract more production. Concentration of production
should be focused in some regions or cities instead of spreading it.
This will create high income opportunities in those regions or cities
and make them more densely populated. More than hundred years ago
Marshall (1920) argued that there are three reasons why a firm, situated
in a cluster, is more efficient than a firm situated at a secluded place. These reasons are basically the sources of external economies.
First reason is that cluster supports the specialised suppliers. For
example, when there is need for specialised equipment in the case of new
production, this type of clusters can be very beneficial. Second is that
cluster of firms can create pooled market for highly skilled labours.
The third one is the knowledge spillover effect. With this effect,
knowledge is available for other industries also and those industries
can get benefit in production. Some studies identified theoretical
models which described the conditions of a person when he will commit
crime as his objective is the maximisation of utility). Keeping in mind
the aforementioned debate and considering Coomer (2003), Gumus (2004),
and Gillani, et al. (2009) we build a model in which the following
determinants of crimes are taken.
Crime = f (Urbanisation, Unemployment, Inflation, inequality,
In the above model both pure economic and socioeconomic
determinants of crimes are considered. More importantly, this model also
considers a demographic variable (urbanisation) which has not been
considered for Pakistan in the earlier studies. These variables are
justified on basis of theory as well as their extensive use in empirical
research in the literature on crimes. Most empirical studies concluded
that these variables are important determinants of criminal activities
in the respective regions of studies. The first variable is
urbanisation. Unplanned urbanisation may contribute to crime, and since
urbanisation in Pakistan is unplanned [Arif (2003)]. The second
explanatory variable is unemployment and it is observed that if the
person is unemployed then he must adopt some other ways to get money.
Moreover, for an unemployed person, the opportunity cost of committing a
crime is also low, which may force him to be involved in illegal
activities. Thus, unemployment may have positive effect on crimes
[Ehrlich (1973); Hagan's (1993); Thornberry (1984); and Wong
(1995)]. The second economic variable is inflation and it is obtain by
taking the growth of CPI. Increase in prices normally decreases the real
income of individuals. In the light above justification it may be easily
be concluded that inflation is important determinant of crimes and its
possible effect is also positive [Coomer (2003); Gillani, et al. (2009),
and Omotor (2009)]. The next two variables are socio economic. First one
is the income inequality and the other one is education. The income
inequality is also an important factor which may affects crimes. Gumus
(2004) argued that if inequality is more, then people with low income
want to adopt the living standard of high income people. It is
impossible for low income group to follow the higher living standard
with legal work. The last variable is education. Education can reduce
the crimes through wages. Basically education is the source for raising
wage of a person. Lochner (2007) argued that education has two possible
ways to reduce crimes. First way is that good education increases the
opportunity cost of crimes because criminal needs time for committing
crime and that time cannot be used in other productive purposes like
legal work because high education confirms the better job opportunities
in legal sector. Second is the time wastage of criminal for being in
custody or in jail. This cost is very high for criminal because he can
raise his income by spending his time in other ways.
3.1. Econometric Methodology
The underlying section discusses the econometric methodology used
in the study. It is the Johansen Cointegration technique that started by
Engel and Granger (1987). It was further advanced by Stock and Watson
(1988), Johansen (1988) and Johansen and Juselius (1990). The purpose of
using this technique is to find cointegration among stationary time
series. All variables are non stationary at level but stationary at
first difference. It means that variables can be cointegrated. The
stationary linear combination is called the cointegrating equation and
interpreted as a long run relationship among the variables. For
investigating long run relationship among the variables we apply the
most reliable Johansen Maximum Likelihood (ML) approach for the
following equation.
Crimes = [[beta].sub.0] + [[beta].sub.1]Urbanization +
[[beta].sub.2]Unemployment + [[beta].sub.3]Education
3.2. Johansen Cointegration Technique
Basically two types of statistics (trace statistics and maximum
eigenvalue) are used for checking cointegration. The explanation of
these statistics is given below.
Johansen methodology starts from vector autoregression (VAR) and
can be writes as
[DELTA][Y.sub.t] = [A.sub.0] + [PI][Y.sub.t-p] + [p-1.summation over (j=1)] [A.sub.j] [DELTA][Y.sub.t-1] + [[epsilon].sub.t]
Let [Y.sub.t] be vector of variables with sample t where [Y.sub.t]
follow the I(1) procedure. In above equation [Y.sub.t] and [Y.sub.t-1]
are integrated at I(1). The long run stable association between
[Y.sub.t] is determine by the ranks of [PI] which is r and is zero. In
this situation above equation slice to VAR model of pth order. So
conclusion is that when variables are stationary at level then there is
no cointegrating relation between them. If this the case like 0 < r
< n then there are nYr matrices of [delta][omega] and now we can
[PI] = [delta][omega]'
Where [delta] and [omega] normally shows the power cointegration
relationship. Further [omega]']Y.sub.t] is I(0), and [Y.sub.t] is
I(I). In this case, (A0, A1, ..., Ap-1, [PI]) is estimated through ML
method and two steps approach is adopted for the estimation of the
parameters. Initially, the process starts to regress [DELTA][Y.sub.t],
on [DELTA][Y.sub.t-1], [DELTA][Y.sub.t-2], ... [DELTA][Y.sub.t-p+1] and
obtain the residuals [[??].sub.t]. Second step is to regress [Y.sub.t-1]
on [DELTA][Y.sub.t-1], [DELTA][Y.sub.t-2], ... [DELTA][Y.sub.t-p+1] for
the residuals [[??].sub.t]. With the help of these residuals variance-
covariance matrix is estimated.
Now the ML estimator '[omega]' can be obtained by
With the Eigen-values [[??].sub.1] > [[??].sub.2] >
[[??].sub.3] >
... > [[??].sub.n] the normalised cointegrating vectors are [??] =
([[??].sub.1], [[??].sub.2] ..., [[??].sub.n]), such that [??]'
[[summation].sup.[conjunction].sub.[epsilon][epsilon]] [??] = I. Further
one can estimate the null hypothesis that r = h, 0 [less than or equal
to] h < n adjacent to another one of r = n by obtaining the following
statistics as given below:
[lambda] trace = [L.sub.A] - [L.sub.0]
Where [[??].sub.t+l], ..., [[??].sub.p] are the calculated p-r
smallest Eigen-values. The null hypothesis can be inspected which is
that r is maximum cointegrating vector between variables, simply, it is
said that it is the number of vectors that is less than or equal to r,
where r is 0, 1, or 2, and onward. Similarly like the upper case the
null hypothesis will be examined against the alternative one. So the
[eta] max statistics is give below:
The r is null hypothesis while r + 1 is an alternative theory of
cointegrating vectors. Consequently, hypothesis of r = 0 is examined
against the alternative supposition of r = 1, r =1 against the
alternative r = 2, and onward. The next step is to decide the lag length
so for this objective AIC and SBC are two standard measures for suitable
lag length. It depends on minimum value of AIC and SBC for the decision
about suitable lag.
The dependent variable set in the study is total numbers of crimes
reported in Pakistan from 1964-2008 which is the combination of
different crime categories like murders, attempted murder, kidnapping,
child lifting, dacoities, robberies, burglaries, cattle theft, and other
The demographic variable, urbanisation rate (UBZ), is used as
independent variable and shows the proportion of total population living
in urban areas. Unemployment rate (U) is simply the number of unemployed
person out of total labour force. Data on unemployment rate is available
for many years in published form. Where ever required, the data gaps are
filled by using interpolation through the compound growth rate formula.
Consumer Price Index (CPI) is used for constructing the inflation
([]) variable. The year 2000 is used as base year. Taking the growth
rate of CPI yields the inflation rate. Income inequality is also a socio
economic factor which shows the gap between the incomes of people.
Education enables individuals to increase their resources. If a person
is more educated, then he has more job opportunities. Hence, education
paves the way to earnings through legal activities [Coomer (2003)]. One
way to include this variable is to take portion of population who has
education of more than 16 years. However, for avoiding the problem of
multicolinearity with urbanisation rate the variable set in the study is
the ratio of secondary education to higher education enrolments. The
construction of this variable is base on the following formula. The
ratio of this variable shows the higher education in the economy.
For above mentioned variables published data is used from various
surveys, reports and articles. Data on all reported crimes from 1964 to
2008 is taken from various issues of Pakistan Statistical Year Book.
These crimes are registered crimes in the sense that the Pakistan
Statistical Year Book has obtained this data from Bureau of Police
Research and Development, Ministry of Interior. Data on total population
and urban population is obtained from various issues of Economic survey
of Pakistan. Data on unemployment and labour force is also taken from
various issues of Economic Survey of Pakistan for calculation of
unemployment rate. Data on consumer price index is also obtained from
International Financial Statistics (IFS) for calculating inflation. Data
on Gini coefficient-is taken from World Institute for Development
Economic Research (WIDER).
4.1. Results and Their Interpretation
Table 1 shows the quantitative descriptions of the data. Average
value of crimes per 100 persons (Cr) indicates that, in last 45 years,
0.20 crimes are committed per 100 persons. To make it more elaborative,
we can say that, on average, 20 crimes are committed in a population of
10,000 persons. Similarly unemployment rate on average is approximately
5 percent. Tend in unemployment rate is moderate but its average value
lies towards the upper end of the data. The mean value of unemployment
rate demonstrates that the unemployment rate in Pakistan has remained
around the natural rate of unemployment. Average values of remaining
variables lie almost in the middle of the data which shows that data is
almost equally spread to its mean values. The encouraging part of this
analysis is the values of standard deviation for these variables, where
except for education, the standard deviations in the data for all the
variables are less than 1, which is acceptable.
Before estimation it is essential to check for the multicolinearity
problem in the data by using correlation matrix. In our estimation we
drop some variables; namely per capita GDP and Poverty with the help of
above correlation matrix. It is evident from Table 2 that these
variables have linear relationship with urbanisation variable.
4.2. Unit Root Test
The use of time series data for analysis demands the investigation
of presence of unit root in the data. For this purpose, Augmented
Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test is applied for the inspection of
non-stationarity problem in the variables. ADF test is applied here by
considering the following two kinds.
(1) With intercept.
(2) With trend and intercept both. The general form of ADF test can
be written as follows:
[DELTA][x.sub.t] = [[alpha].sub.0] + [gamma] [x.sub.t-1] +
[k.summation over (i=1)][[beta].sub.i][DELTA] [x.sub.t-1] +
[[epsilon].sub.t] (When intercept term is included)
[DELTA][x.sub.t] = [[alpha].sub.0] + [[alpha].sub.1]t + [gamma]
[x.sub.t-1] + [k.summation over (i-1)][[beta].sub.i][DELTA][x.sub.t-1] +
[[epsilon].sub.t] (When intercept and trend included)
[DELTA][x.sub.t] = [x.sub.t] - [x.sub.t-1]
k = Number of lags in the variables and [[epsilon].sub.t] is the
stochastic term
ADF has the following hypothesis
Null Hypothesis Ho: [gamma] = 0; Variable [x.sub.t] is
Alternate Hypothesis H1: [gamma] < 0; Variable [x.sub.t] is
If the calculated value is less than the critical value we will
reject the null hypothesis of non-stationarity in data in favour of
alternate hypothesis of stationarity of data. However, the acceptance of
the null hypothesis would mean that the series is nonstationary at level
and required to be different to make it stationary. The results of the
ADF test are illustrated in Table 3.
The figures of the ADF test shows that all variables are
non-stationary at level, supporting the null hypothesis that unit root
problem exists in these variables. Consequently, all variables are I (1)
which indicates that the data is stationary at first difference. Next
step is to select the appropriate econometric technique. The application
of either cointegration or Vector Autoregression (VAR) depends on the
results of Johansen (1988) cointegration test. If the test shows that
there is a unique long run relationship among the variables of analysis,
the appropriate technique would be cointegration. On the other hand, the
absence of a unique long run relationship among the variables would ask
for the application of VAR. Keeping in view the above discussion, we
apply the Johansen cointegration test to detect a unique long run
relationship among the I (1) variables used in the analysis.
Tables 4 and 5 show the results of Johansen cointegration test.
Both the trace statistics and eigenvalue statistics in the two tables
show that there is a unique long run relationship among the variables
because in both cases the test shows one cointegrating equation at 5
percent level of significance. Thus, the Johansen cointegration test
confirms the existence of a unique long run relationship among the
variables; namely, crimes, urbanisation, unemployment and inflation. So
the hypothesis of zero cointegrating vector is rejected in favour of the
alternative hypothesis that there is one cointegrating vector. It
suggests that we should apply the cointegration technique and interpret
the long run parameters obtained from this estimation. We now turn to
the estimation of variables. The results of Johansen estimation are
demonstrated in Table 6.
Results of Table 6 confirm that all three variables are the
important determinants of crimes in Pakistan. Results suggest that all
the variables are significant at conventional levels of significance.
These results are logical because urbanisation in Pakistan is a serious
matter and motivating people towards crimes. The lack of planning
regarding the expansion of urban areas (urbanisation) results in
scarcity of resources, which in turn motivate people to involve in
criminal activities. People move from rural areas to the cities in
search of higher earnings. However, when they do not get jobs, or get
jobs with lower earnings, they may turn to criminal activities in order
to fulfil the desire of higher earnings. Unfortunately, the records of
all these people are not present with the concerned authorities, which
may help them to hide themselves easily in the populated urban areas.
The lack of record and high population density raises the probability of
not being caught after committing a crime. This means that the
opportunity cost of involving in criminal activities is low, which is a
motivational factor for involvement in crimes.
Second economic determinant is unemployment which has also positive
impact on crimes. Our result is consistent with the work of Becker
(1968), Ehrlich (1973) and Wong (1995). They concluded that unemployment
is an indicator of income opportunities from legal sector. Hence, the
increase in unemployment reduces income opportunities from legal sector
which thereby raises the possibility of committing crimes. The third
economic variable, inflation, also has positive impact on crimes in case
of Pakistan. Inflation has an adverse effect on the real income of an
individual. Consequently, if that individual desires to keep his utility
at the same level, he will have to raise his real income, which may
force him to be involved in criminal activities [see, for example, Allen
(1996), and Omotor (2009)].
Tables 7 and 8 show again the Johansen cointegration test but this
time the variables included along with urbanisation are income
inequality and education. In the previous case the two variables with
urbanisation were pure economic variables whereas in this case the
variables are socioeconomic. The trace statistics and eigenvalue in
these two tables show the unique long run relationship among the
variables. Thus again the Johansen test confirms the long run
relationship among the variables.
The cointegrating coefficients are presented in Table 9. Once again
the results confirm that urbanisation has significant positive effect on
crimes in Pakistan. The results also confirm the fact that income
inequality is an important determinant of crimes in this country.
Nonetheless, this result is contradictory to Fleisher (1966) and
indicates that demand side effect is weaker in Pakistan which implies
that if there is more income in the economy or people have more income
then they will not commit crimes. In other words, they will not adopt
the illegal way of earning money because they already have the money
from some other legal sources. However, in Pakistan, the supply side
effect is stronger which implies that when the gap between
"haves" and "have not" is widened, then the
"have not" will adopt illegal ways to earn money the rich
ones. Thus, we can conclude that income inequality has long term
positive relationship with crimes in Pakistan.
The second socioeconomic variable, education, is also indicating
long run positive relationship with crimes. We are linking crimes here
with the higher education. The reason of positive relation is the
unavailability of jobs to those who hold higher degrees. After
completion of education, when these young degree holders do not find
jobs, may be due to corruption or limited number of vacancies. The
increase in unemployment variable is also showing the involvement of
educated persons in illegal activities. Table 9 is showing t-values
which are significant at 5 percent level of significance.
For determining the true sign of education we run the third model
on which explanatory variables are urbanisation, unemployment and
education. Still the long run and unique relationship exist and by
including unemployment with education results are significant and give
us the negative sign of education variable. So now we can conclude that
higher education has negative relation with crimes in Pakistan. (1)
4.3. Robustness of Results
One of the purposes of estimating three models was to check the
robustness of results. Table 10 is constructed to summarise the results
of the three models. This also make is effortless to check the
robustness of parameters values. It can easily be viewed from the table
that the coefficient of urbanisation is very robust both in terms of
value and sign. The significance of the variable is not affected either
in three models. Hence, we can easily conclude that urbanisation is a
robust determinant of crimes in Pakistan.
The first and the main conclusion is that there is positive
association of urbanisation with crimes in Pakistan. With the help of
three models we conclude that urbanisation is very important determinant
of crimes in case of Pakistan. Because in all models we include
different variables with urbanisation but there is no big change occur
in value of the coefficient of urbanisation. This robust analysis shows
the very strong positive relation of urbanisation with crimes in
The other outcome is that in Pakistan inflation, unemployment and
income inequality also the main determinants of crimes. Education also
shows positive relation with crimes but this is not the right sign
because we estimate model with urbanisation, unemployment and with
education then its sign become negative. It means that unemployment
captures the sign of education so its right sign is negative. If there
is more high education in Pakistan then this will reduce the crimes
The next important outcome is the cause of this relation which is
the lack of planning of urbanisation. As hundred years ago Marshall
(1920) identified the benefits of urbanisation like knowledge spillover
because of cluster of highly skilled workers. Similarly labour market
pooling and specialised suppliers. These are all the benefits of
urbanisation. But in case of Pakistan urbanisation causes more crimes.
So the reason behind is the unplanned urbanisation in Pakistan. Because
of this lack of planning resources become scarce, land shortage problem
and environmental degradation occur which motivate people towards
This study brings the important policy implications. The policy
makers should make some planned districts for adjusting the urbanisation
into those districts. These districts should have more chance of
employment and more capacity to absorb the rapid urbanisation. After
getting good education people do not have suitable job. Then those
persons can adopt illegal ways to earn more money. But the special focus
should be on infrastructure development because since 1964 urbanisation
Second important implication is that government should create job
opportunities in rural areas as well. This process will reduce the
burden of unemployed persons in urban areas and finally reduce crimes.
Moreover, the policy makers should try to keep inflation within
acceptable limits so that the real income of consumers does not lose its
purchasing power.
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Hafiz Hanzla Jalil <
[email protected]> is Staff
Economist at the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad.
Muhammad Mazhar Iqbal <
[email protected]> is Assistant Professor,
Department of Economics, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad.
(1) We have also run the regression using the interaction term of
education and unemployment and found the sign positive. This means that
the presence of educated unemployed persons has positive effect on
Table 1
Summary Statistics
Variables Mean S.D. Min. Max.
Crime Per 100 Persons 0.20 0.02 0.01 0.34
Unemployment Rate 5.26 0.37 0.32 8.27
Income Inequality 35.09 0.58 27.52 41.00
Inflation 8.28 0.76 0.17 26.66
Urbanisation Rate 29.46 0.54 22.24 35.84
Education 63.83 1.28 48.68 84.38
Table 2
Correlation Matrix
Variables Crimes U PCGDP Gini
Crimes 1.000
U 0.757 1.000
PCGDP 0.857 0.596 1.000
Gini 0.223 0.144 -0.082 1.000
Inf -0.008 -0.035 -0.045 0.309
Edu 0.527 0.374 0.750 -0.519
UBZ 0.910 0.749 0.971 0.004
Pov -0.875 -0.742 -0.725 -0.375
Variables Inf Edu UBZ Pov
Inf 1.000
Edu -0.057 1.000
UBZ -0.004 0.692 1.000
Pov -0.041 -0.390 -0.770 1.000
Table 3
Results of the Unit Root Test
Variables Intercept Trend and Conclusion
Level -1.3468 -2.6140 I(1)
(0.5993) (0.2760)
1st Difference -7.5804 -7.5091
(0.0000) (0.0(00)
Level -1.6725 -2.9728 I(1)
(0.4378) (0.1512)
1st Difference -5.2233 -5.2448
(0.0001) (0.0005)
Level -2.2492 -1.5598 I(1)
(0.1927) (0.7923)
1st Difference -4.8503 -5.1717
(0.0003) (0.0007)
Level -1.2651 -3.0231 I(1)
0.1864 (0.1377)
1st Difference -4.7782 -4.7326
(0.0004) (0.0026)
Income Inequality
Level -2.4629 -2.4326 I(1)
(0.1314) (0.3585)
1st Difference -4.7662 -4.8335
(0.0004) (0.0018)
Level -1.4869 -1.8000 I(1)
(0.5306) (0.6873)
1st Difference -5.6426 -5.7608
(0.0000) (0.0001)
Table 4
Unrestricted Cointegration Rank Test (Trace)
Hypothesised Eigenvalue Trace 0.05 Prob. **
No. of CE(s) Statistic Critical Value
None * 0.524653 55.45818 47.85613 0.0082
At most 1 0.255807 23.47868 29.79707 0.2234
At most 2 0.214283 10.77410 15.49471 0.2258
At most 3 0.009358 0.404294 3.841466 0.5249
Table 5
Unrestricted Cointegration Rank Test (Maximum Eigenvalue)
Hypothesised Max-Eigen 0.05
No. of CE(s) Eigenvalue Statistic Critical Value Prob. **
None * 0.524653 31.97950 27.58434 0.0127
At most 1 0.255807 12.70458 21.13162 0.4798
At most 2 0.214283 10.36981 14.26460 0.1888
At most 3 0.009358 0.404294 3.841466 0.5249
Table 6
Cointegrating Coefficients
Variables Coefficient Std. Error t- Statistics
Urbanisation 0.020590 (0.00414) 4.9734
Unemployment 0.012471 (0.00606) 2.0579
Inflation 0.010611 (0.00200) 5.3055
Table 7
Unrestricted Cointegration Rank Test (Trace)
Hypothesised Trace 0.05
No. of CE(s) Eigenvalue Statistic Critical Prob. **
None * 0.545250 33.88429 28.58808 0.0095
At most 1 0.342494 18.02995 22.29962 0.1777
At most 2 0.168445 7.931664 15.89210 0.5559
At most 3 0.108707 4.948524 9.164546 0.2891
Table 8
Unrestricted Cointegration Rank Test (Maxinuun Eigenvalue)
Hypothesised Max-Eigen 0.05
No. of CE(s) Eigenvalue Statistic Critical Prob. **
None * 0.545250 33.88429 28.58808 0.0095
At most 1 0.342494 18.02995 22.29962 0.1777
At most 2 0.168445 7.931664 15.89210 0.5559
At most 3 0.108707 4.948524 9.164546 0.2891
Table 9
Cointegrating Coefficients
Variables Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistics
Urbanisation 0.026001 (0.01124) 2.6684 *
I. Inequality 0.056076 (0.01159) 3.2311 *
Education 0.011953 (0.00581) 2.0573 *
Table 10
Cointegrating Coefficients
Variables Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
Urbanisation 0.020590 0.026001 0.012046
(4.9734 *) (2.6684 *) (3.1700 *)
Unemployment 0.012471 0.031316
(2.0579 *) (4.1922 *)
Inflation 0.010611
(5.3055 *)
I. Inequality 0.056076
(3.2311 *)
Education 0.011953 -0.004424
(2.0573*) (2.6975 *)