Tim Harford. The Logic of Life: Uncovering the new Economics of Everything.
Zakaria, Muhammad
Tim Harford. The Logic of Life: Uncovering the new Economics
of" Everything. London: Little, Brown, 2008.272 pages, Price 12.99
The Logic of Life, Tim Harford looks at everyday experiences of
people from economic perspective. The book talks about the rational
foundations of human behaviour. The central theme of the book is that
human behaviour is based on rational concepts and that rational
behaviour is much wider than one can expect. However, a rational choice
does not always mean a feasible outcome rather the outcome may be
random. The author argues that if one cannot understand the rational
behaviour, s/he cannot understand the world. To explain the logic behind
human behaviour, the book covers a wide range of situations such as the
causes of the higher divorce rates, marriages, smoking, drug-dealing,
high pays to corporate officers, industrial revolution, role and
importance of cities, sugar subsidies, sex, splitting the bill at meal,
institutional racism, to explain the theory of rational behaviour. The
author convincingly argues, without employing the rigour of mathematics
and statistics, that human behaviour in aforementioned situation is
almost always rational.
For instance, the author explains how racism can become a vicious
circle for the society. If a Black person, with sound education, fails
to find decent jobs he is not likely to pay enough attention towards
education of his children. This in turn, will strengthen employer
discrimination towards blacks. Similarly, while explaining why corporate
officers are overpaid and many talented employees are underpaid, the
author describes that this problem occurs due to the lack of information
about talent, honesty, hard work, and difficulty in measuring the
contribution of the employees accurately, particularly when there is
subjective performance evaluation system in the company. The book shows
that making rational decisions in our routine life causes economic
The book is an outstanding summary of the latest research in the,
as yet, developing field of behavioural economics. It highlights that
despite making irrational decisions in laboratory experiments, in real
world we are more likely to act rationally. The author argues that we
may act irrationally when confronted with a new or abnormal situation
but then the experience crafts us into making rational decisions. The
book shows that standard economics explains the novelties of life. It
recommended to all those with an interest in understanding the economic
rationale of human behaviour.