Assessing poverty with non-income deprivation indicators: Pakistan, 2008-09.
Jamal, Haroon
The approach to measure poverty in terms of financial deprivation
has been widely criticised in the literature of welfare and wellbeing.
It is argued that to understand the complex phenomenon of poverty or to
evaluate household or individual wellbeing, a multidimensional exercise
is imperative. This research quantifies the level of multidimensional
poverty in Pakistan using household data of Pakistan Social and Living
Standard Measurement Survey.
Multidimensional poverty in terms of the popular FGT (headcount,
poverty gap, poverty severity) indices is estimated for the year 2009.
Indicators of human poverty, poor housing and deprivation in household
physical assets are included in estimating poverty in multi-dimensional
context. For assessing the inter-temporal consistency in the
methodology, poverty indices are also developed for the year 2005.
JEL classification: I32, I31
Keywords: Poverty, Multidimensional, Categorical Principal
Component Analysis, Poverty Indices, Pakistan
The multidimensional approach of assessing household or individual
welfare or wellbeing is derived from Amartya Sen's capability
theory. According to Sen, (1) economic and social arrangements should be
evaluated in terms of capabilities enjoyed by those who live in them. In
this way, Sen shifts the terms of the poverty debate away from a
reliance on income and consumption poverty measures alone, to the
consideration of multiple dimensions of people's lives. This
conceptual shift is worthy even in instances where the income or
consumption approaches prove most useful. For policy perspectives, it is
worth highlighting that uni-dimensional measures only advocate the case
for transfer policies that alleviate poverty in the short-term, whereas
multidimensional measures permit the recommendation of structural
socio-economic policies that could alleviate the intergenerational
poverty in the long-term.
The traditional uni-dimensional approach, which considers only one
variable such as income or consumption, is widely used due to its
practicality. The methodology of measuring uni-dimensional poverty has
developed considerably and according to Bourguignon (2003) "has
reached today a high level of sophistication and operationality".
There has also been progress in defining and measuring the
multidimensional nature of poverty and ample literature is now available
on the conceptual and measurement issues. However, "... challenges
remain quite serious if the objective is to reach a degree of
operationality (for multidimensional paradigm) comparable to that
enjoyed by the income poverty paradigm" [Bourguignon (2003)].
Despite difficulties and arbitrariness in the measurement and
aggregation of household multiple deprivations, a multidimensional
approach to define poverty has been adopted in many developed and
developing countries. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
has since 1990 challenged the primacy of GDP per capita as the measure
of progress by proposing the Human Development Index (HDI), which
combines income with life expectancy and educational achievement.
Similarly, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which now dominate
the development agenda of almost all developing countries, also
emphasise multidimensionality in measuring progress in alleviating
Recently a global exercise was carried out by Oxford Poverty and
Human Development Initiative (OPHI) to develop Multidimensional Poverty
Index (2) (MPI) for more than 100 countries with the help of 10
non-income deprivation indicators of education, health and standard of
living. The results in terms of countries ranking and magnitude of
poverty have been published in UNDP Human Development Report 2010. (3)
However, there are some concerns regarding the subjectivity in selecting
cut-off points for individual indicators as well as for overall index.
Moreover, weights to indicators and sectors are also arbitrarily
assigned for developing a composite index. (4)
In the context of Pakistan, first attempt to quantify the extent of
multidimensional poverty in terms of the popular poverty measures was
made by Jamal (2009). He developed poverty indices (headcount, poverty
gap, poverty severity) with the help of 15 deprivation indicators of
education, housing and household consumption. The author used household
data and employed Principal Component Analysis (PCA) technique to
develop a composite index of poverty. PCA is a multivariate statistical
technique which is used to reduce the number of relationships by
grouping or clustering together all those variables which are highly
correlated with each other into one factor or component. It is however
criticised that traditional PCA is not appropriate technique (5) of data
reduction for categorical or binary (have, have not) qualitative
variables due to not-normal and highly skewed distribution. The use of
household financial poverty level as a component in multidimensional
approach was also objected by other critics due to the rising debate on
the methodology as well as reliability of household consumption data for
estimating monetary poverty incidence.
This research therefore addresses these shortcomings and attempts
to assess the magnitude of household multidimensional poverty by
combining 16 non-income deprivation indicators through categorical
principal component analysis (CATPCA). (6) Indicators of human poverty,
poor housing and deprivation in household physical assets are included
in estimating popular poverty measures. For assessing the inter-temporal
consistency in methodology, poverty measures are also developed for the
year 2005.
The next section discusses measurement and aggregation issues and
the methodology adopted for this study. Features of the datasets used in
this exercise are presented in Section 3. The multiple dimensions of
deprivation, considered in the estimation of multidimensional poverty
are briefed in Section 4. Section 5 presents the empirical estimates of
multidimensional poverty, while the last section is reserved for some
concluding remarks and policy implications.
The multidimensional nature of poverty refers to the situation when
an individual or household experiences a number of cumulative
deprivations. These multiple deprivations represent different dimensions
(economic well-being, education, health, social exclusion etc.) of human
There are two options available to decide when a household or
individual is said to be poor in term of multiple deprivations. In the
first option, each single indicator is assigned its own threshold value.
For instance, Bourguignon and Chakravarty (2003) take as their
fundamental and starting point in the development of multidimensional
poverty measures that poverty consists of a shortfall from a threshold
on each dimension of an individual's well-being. They argue that
"the issue of poverty arises because individuals, social observers
or policy makers want to define a poverty limit on each individual
attribute: income, health, education, etc....".
The concem here is whether a household should be considered poor if
it falls short of the thresholds for all attributes, or only falls short
of one. (7) In the two attribute case, if attribute 1 (x1) is less than
its threshold (z1) and attribute 2 (x2) is also less than its threshold
(z2), the status of the household is unambiguously 'poor'.
Alternatively, the shortfall might be only in one dimension, in which
case the determination would depend on the nature of the relationship
between the two attributes. If the attributes are substitutes and an
individual has a sufficiently high level of the first attribute above
the threshold to more than compensate in terms of welfare for the
shortfall in the second attribute, than the person cannot be classified
as poor. (8)
The second option refers to the case where to measure
multidimensional poverty, a composite indicator incorporating the
information from the selected deprivation dimensions or variables is
constructed. The studies adopting this methodology combine the
individual indicators into one index variable and assign a threshold. If
the value of index variable is below this threshold, the household or
individual is considered poor. The advantage of this approach is that it
is compensatory: a low score on a certain indicator may be neutralised
by a high score on another. (9)
Here, two important decisions have to be made. The first decision
concerns the weights of the indicators in the composite index, and the
second concerns defining the threshold value of the composite indicator
used to distinguish between poor and non-poor individuals or households.
The weighting problem can be approached in a number of different ways.
Besides equal weighting or subjective judgment of experts regarding the
importance of each component, the weight structure may be empirically
based on relative frequencies of components by using different
multivariate statistical techniques.
Use of Principal Components Analysis (PCA) for indexing
multidimensional phenomena has been well-established. Principal
component analysis is simply a variable reduction procedure that
(typically) results in a relatively small number of components that
account for most of the variance in a set of observed variables. This
technique reduces the number of relationships by grouping or clustering
together all those variables which are highly correlated with each other
into one factor or component. PCA produces components in descending
order of importance, that is, the first component explains the maximum
amount of variation in the data, and the last component the minimum.
Thus, the first few components (Principal Components) account for a
sizeable part of the variation in the data and subsequent components
contribute very little.
However traditional PCA is best for continuous and normally
distributed data as the technique assumes linear relationship between
numeric variables. For category indicator variables, a team of Leiden
University has developed Categorical Principal Components Analysis
(CATPCA). (10) The technique is now available in SPSS and may be applied
for data reduction when variables are categorical (e.g. ordinal) and the
researcher is concerned with identifying the underlying components of a
set of variables (or items) while maximising the amount of variance
accounted by the principal components. The primary benefit of using
CATPCA rather than traditional PCA is the lack of assumptions associated
with CATPCA. CATPCA does not assume linear relationships among numeric
data nor does it require assuming multivariate normal data. Furthermore,
optimal scaling is used in SPSS during the CATPCA analysis and allows
the researcher to specify which level of measurement (nominal, ordinal,
interval/ratio, spline-nominal, and spline-ordinal etc.) in the
optimally scaled variables is required.
After having a representation of the data in the component form,
every household is ascribed a 'score' on each derived
principal components/object using factor loading (variance in the
individual attribute) as a weight and then multiplying this score with
the standardised value of variables. To obtain an overall score (OS) for
household, scores of all principal components are summed up after
applying statistical weights (shares in eignvalues). (11)
Once the composite indicator in terms of 'overall score'
is obtained for each household, one still has to define a procedure to
identify the poor. To determine threshold or poverty cut-off point,
another multivariate statistical technique is used. Cluster Analysis
allows the classification of similar objects into groups, or more
precisely, the partitioning of an original population into subsets
(clusters) according to some defined distance measure. On this basis, an
overall score of two clusters representing household status (poor and
non-poor) is developed. It is found that households are grouped around
positive and negative values of an overall score. Therefore, mean value
(zero in this case) of the distribution of the composite index is chosen
as the cut-off point or as a poverty threshold. In other words,
household i for which the composite index OS is smaller or equal than
zero will be identified as poor.
After having a poverty threshold and the household status in terms
of overall score with respect to multiple deprivations, the task then is
how to aggregate this information into a single index to proxy the
status of a group of individuals. Various poverty aggregates (indices)
are used to proxy the status of a group of individuals. A class of
functional forms, which has been suggested by Foster, Greer, and
Thorbeke (1984), i.e. poverty incidence, poverty gap and poverty
severity are widely used in the literature of poverty. (12) Thus, these
three aggregate indices are estimated to give a picture of the extent
and severity of multidimensional poverty in Pakistan.
Federal Bureau of Statistics (FBS), Government of Pakistan (GoP)
conducts nationwide household surveys--Pakistan Social and Living
Standard Measurement (PSLM)--to collect information on socio-economic
indicators at district level. These surveys are conducted under the PSLM
project which is designed to provide social and economic indicators in
the alternate years at provincial and district levels. The project was
initiated in July 2004 and will continue up to June 2015. The design of
PSLM surveys is based on the Core Welfare Indicator Questionnaire (CWIQ)
survey instrument, which essentially collects simple welfare indicators
and indicators of access as well as use of and satisfaction with public
This study uses unit record data of PSLM survey conducted during
the year 200809 which covers 77500 households across all provinces of
Pakistan. Multidimensional poverty is also estimated from household unit
record data of PSLM 2004-05 with the sample size of 76500 for the
purpose of comparison.
The technique presented in the above section is applied to PSLM
survey data enumerated during 2008-09 and 2004-05. Therefore, the
selection of dimensions or components to derive multidimensional poverty
is purely based on the appropriate data available in these household
surveys. The selected dimensions and components in constructing indices
of multidimensional poverty are briefly described below, while a
schematic view of component variables (13) is furnished in Table 1.
The extent of human poverty in the household is represented by
current and future levels of education deprivations. Two measures,
illiteracy (head of household and spouse) and children out of school are
included in this dimension. (14) Children between the ages of 5 to 9,
who are not attending school, are taken to compute out-of-school
children at the primary level. Moreover, following UNDP-MPI, another
indicator of education deprivation is included. Households in which no
household member has completed five years of schooling are considered
No information regarding infant or child mortality and
malnourishment is available in PSLM surveys. The dimension of health
deprivation is therefore missing from the multidimensional poverty
analysis due to absence of required information.
The housing quality dimension identifies people living in
unsatisfactory and inadequate housing structures. It is represented by a
series of variables. The housing structure is treated as inadequate if
un-baked bricks, earth bound materials, wood or bamboo are used in the
construction of a wall or the roof. Housing congestion is represented by
households with only one room and number of person per room is greater
than 2. Access to basic utilities is an important aspect of everyday
lives of people. Deprivation in this respect includes households with no
electricity, households using wood or kerosene oil as cooking fuel,
households with no safe drinking water availability and households with
no landline or mobile telephone facility. Households which are lacking
essential facilities such as kitchens, bathrooms and toilets are also
seen as an important poverty dimension. Due to data constraints, only
households lacking a toilet facility are included in the 'poor
housing' dimension of multidimensional poverty.
To capture the poverty in endowments, non-ownership of house and
non-ownership of essential household assets (15) are added to the list
of variables used to assess the household multidimensional poverty.
Further, category of households with unemployed head is also treated as
poor and included in this dimension.
Table 2 presents the national estimates of multidimensional
poverty. In the year 2008-09, about 57 percent of the people of Pakistan
were in the state of multiple deprivations. (16) This is indicative of
more than 97 million people living in desperate condition and eventually
being socially excluded. The magnitudes of multidimensional poverty
incidence, poverty gap and poverty severity are substantially high in
rural areas. According to the table, rural incidence is about 53 percent
against the urban incidence of 26 percent. Similarly, the magnitudes of
equity-sensitive poverty indices (poverty gap and poverty severity) for
rural areas are almost five times higher when compared to their urban
counterparts. Rural multidimensional poverty gap and poverty severity
are estimated as eleven and four percent respectively, while comparative
figures for urban areas are 3 and 1 percent respectively.
Provincial multidimensional poverty estimates for the year 2008-09
are presented in Table 3, while district-wise poverty estimates are
tabulated in the Appendix (Appendix C, Table A. 1 to A.4). As expected,
the lowest and highest incidence of multidimensional poverty is
estimated for Punjab and Balochistan provinces respectively. About 79
percent of the population of Balochistan is categorised as poor in terms
of multiple deprivations. It is also noted that incidence of rural
poverty in Sindh province is higher than rural poverty estimates of
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.
Table 4 and Figure 1 show inter-temporal (2008-09 vs. 2004-05)
changes in the multidimensional poverty indices. The estimates show a
rise (17) of about two percentage point (3.62 percent) in
multidimensional poverty. Measures of poverty depth/gap and severity are
also showing upward trends. The phenomenon indicates rising inequality
among poor. Figure 1 also indicates a significant (about 38 percent)
rise in urban multidimensional poverty incidence as compared with 4
percent in rural area during 2005 and 2009.
The provincial picture of changes in multidimensional poverty
during 2005 and 2009 is portrayed in Table 5. Few important observations
emerge from the table. First despite relatively low incidence of
poverty, a significant increase in the magnitude is evident in case of
Punjab province. Incidence of multidimensional poverty has increased
from 32 to 37 which reflect rising inequality or relative poverty in the
province. Province of Sindh is also depicting a rise in the poverty,
while a decline in relative poverty incidence is observed in case of
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan provinces.
The operational emphasis of poverty is understood in terms of
deprivation of food and other 'basic' commodities, and
therefore, on private income or private consumption shortfalls, mainly
due to the advancement and the level of sophistication in measuring and
assessing financial poverty. However, vast literature is now available
on conceptual and measurement issues of multidimensionality of poverty.
Due to this advancement and technical development, non-income indicators
of well-being and the multidimensionality of poverty have recently
received much attention, especially in developing countries.
This research quantifies the extent of multidimensional poverty in
Pakistan in terms of the popular FGT indices (headcount, poverty gap and
poverty severity) and using latest available rich household data.
Indicators of human poverty, poor housing and lack of physical assets
are combined to get a composite index of poverty across multiple
deprivations. These non-income indicators are developed using PSLM
Surveys for the years 2008-09 and 2004-05. Multivariate statistical
tools (Categorical Principal Component Analysis and Cluster Analysis)
are used to construct the composite index and to ascertain
multidimensional poverty threshold.
The empirical findings reveal that about 57 percent of the people
of Pakistan were in the state of multiple deprivations in the year
2008-09. Rural incidence was about 53 percent, while 26 percent of urban
population faced extreme poverty in terms of indicators used in the
construction of multidimensional poverty. Inter-provincial comparisons
regarding the multidimensional poverty incidence reveals lowest poverty
incidence in the Punjab province. Balochistan has the highest
multidimensional poverty incidences in both urban and rural areas. About
79 percent of the population of Balochistan is categorised as poor in
terms of multiple deprivations. Inter-temporal exercise indicates a
slight rise in the multidimensional relative poverty.
The findings are useful in the formulation of policies and
implementation of strategies to reduce poverty, especially for targeting
multi-dimensionally poorest districts and regions. Moreover, the
magnitude of poverty indices may be used as a criterion in determining
the national and provincial Finance Commission Awards. Poverty estimates
will also facilitate provincial governments in future planning and
resource allocation.
Multidimensional Poverty Index: UNDP Human Development Report, 2010
Alkire and Santos (2010) developed Multidimensional Poverty Index
(MPI) for the 2010 Human Development Report [UNDP (2010)]. They
constructed MPI for more than 100 countries and choose 10 variables for
their MPI under the same three headings--health, education and living
standards similar to the dimension of UNDP's Human Development
Index (HDI).
Poverty is measured separately in each of these 10 components. The
equally-weighted aggregate poverty measures for each of these three main
headings are then weighted equally (one-third each) to form the
composite index, also echoing the HDI. A household is identified as
being poor if it is deprived across at least 30 percent of the weighted
indicators. While the HDI uses aggregate country-level data, the
Alkire-Santos MPI uses household-level data, which are then aggregated
to the country level.
For the convenience, the methodology as narrated in the Technical
note of HDR, 2010 is reproduced below:
"Each person is assigned a score according to his or her
household's deprivations in each of the l0 component indicators.
The maximum score is 10, with each dimension equally weighted (thus the
maximum score in each dimension is 3 1/3). The health and education
dimensions have two indicators each, so each component is worth 5/3 (or
1.67). The standard of living dimension has six indicators, so each
component is worth 5/9 (or 0.56). The health thresholds are having at
least one household member who is malnourished and having had one or
more children die. The education thresholds are having no household
member who has completed five years of schooling and having at least one
school-age child (up to grade 8) who is not attending school. The
standard of living thresholds relate to not having electricity, not
having access to clean drinking water, not having access to adequate
sanitation, using "dirty" cooking fuel (dung, wood or
charcoal), having a home with a dirt floor, and owning no car, truck or
similar motorised vehicle, and owning at most one of these assets:
bicycle, motorcycle, radio, refrigerator, telephone or television. To
identify the multi-dimensionally poor, the deprivation scores for each
household are summed to obtain the household deprivation(c). A cut-off
of 3, which is the equivalent of one-third of the indicators, is used to
distinguish between the poor and nonpoor. 4 If c is 3 or greater, that
household (and everyone in it) is multi-dimensionally poor. Households
with a deprivation count between 2 and 3 are vulnerable to or at risk of
becoming multi-dimensionally poor".
Poverty Measures
Various poverty aggregates (indices) are used to proxy the status
of a group of individuals. A class of functional forms, which has been
suggested by Foster, Greer, and Thorbeke (FGT), uses various powers of
the proportional gap between the observed and the required expenditure
as the weights to indicate the extent of and level of intensity of
poverty. The higher the power the greater the weight assigned to a
given level of poverty. Therefore, it combines both incidence and
The following formula is used for measuring various poverty
[P.sup.[alpha]] = (1 / N) [summation] [[(Z - Score) /
[P.sup.[alpha]] = Aggregation measure
N = Total number of households
Score = Observed household Score
Z = Poverty threshold or poverty line
[summation] = Summation for all individuals who are below the
poverty line.
Putting [alpha] = 0, the formula shows the proportion of households
whose consumption falls below the poverty line. The poverty incidence
(headcount) is the most popular measure used. The formula assigns equal
weights to all of the poor regardless of the extent of poverty. Putting
[alpha] = 1, the Proportionate Gap Index or Poverty Gap (PG) is
calculated. The PG measures the average distance from the poverty line.
Although the PG shows the depth of poverty, it is insensitive to
distribution among the poor. Putting [alpha] = 2, FGT2 index is
calculated. This index takes into account inequality amongst the poor
and shows the poverty severity by assigning greater weights to those
households who are far below the poverty line. Thus, these three
aggregate indices (Headcount, Poverty Gap, and Poverty Severity) are
computed to give a picture of the extent and severity of
multidimensional poverty in Pakistan.
Table A.1
District-wise Non-Income Multi-Dimensional Poverty Incidence
(Percentage of Population, District of Punjab, 2008-09)
Attock 37.10
Bahawalnagar 55.23
Bahawalpur 55.68
Bhakhar 45.97
Chakwal 16.12
D.G.Khan 67.57
Faisalabad 31.97
Gujranwala 13.32
Gujrat 10.22
Hafizabad 32.84
Jehlum 12.31
Jhang 47.20
Kasur 29.68
Khanewal 46.44
Khushab 32.00
Lahore 22.58
Layyah 52.78
Lodhran 55.31
Mandi Bahuddin 16.77
Mianwali 32.17
Multan 46.49
Muzaffar Garh 62.65
Nankana Sahib 30.87
Narowal 26.32
Okara 40.08
Pakpattan 53.37
RahirnYar Khan 56.92
Rajanpur 81.13
Rawalpindi 24.71
Sahiwal 45.33
Sargodha 25.94
Sheikupura 28.15
Sialkot 16.22
T.T.Singh 23.27
Vehari 45.18
Table A.2
District-wise Non-Income Multi-Dimensional Poverty Incidence
(Percentage of Population, District of Sindh, 2008-09)
Badin 75.06
Dadu 51.28
Ghotki 57.47
Hyderabad 25.21
Jaccobabad 67.82
Jamshoro 64.60
Karachi 22.01
Kashmore 57.83
Khairpur 50.67
Larkana 53.37
Maitari 54.98
Mir Pur Khas 68.04
Nawabshah 52.63
Nowshero Feroze 34.90
Sanghar 51.81
Shahdadkot 65.66
Shikarpur 54.66
Sukkur 53.60
Tando Allah Yar 49.06
Tando Muda Khan 65.86
Tharparkar 93.95
Thatta 75.04
Table A.3
District-wise Non-Income Multi-Dimensional Poverty Incidence
(Percentage of Population, District of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 2008-09)
Abbottabad 33.73
Bannu 43.81
Batagram 48.02
Bonair 56.84
Charsada 58.17
Chitral 67.54
D.I.Khan 69.35
Hangu 47.81
Haripur 31.17
Karak 52.73
Kohat 49.65
Kohistan 95.53
Lakki Marwat 57.64
Lower Dir 64.78
Malakand 58.11
Manshera 55.80
Mardan 55.95
Nowshera 39.42
Peshawar 42.05
Shangla 76.50
Swabi 48.30
Swat 73.03
Tank 70.24
Upper Dir 75.I0
Table A.4
District-wise Non-Income Multi-Dimensional Poverty Incidence
(Percentage of Population, District of Balochistan, 2008-09)
Awaran 87.93
Barkhan 91.09
Bolan/Kacchi 95.28
Chagi 96.04
Dera Bugti 89.14
Gwadar 55.15
Jafarabad 80.19
Jhal Magsi 95.30
Kalat 88.77
Ketch/Turbat 76.89
Kharan 85.54
Khuzdar 80.60
Kohlu 96.06
Lasbilla 80.91
Lorali 82.68
Mastung 84.32
Musakhel 98.89
Nasirabad 87.06
Nushki 83.30
Panjgur 78.67
Pashin 73.14
Qillah Abdullah 86.49
Qillah Saifuallh 92.13
Quetta 46.40
Sibbi 75.76
Washuk 96.16
Zhob 78.02
Ziarat 93.48
Alkire, Sabina and James Foster (2007) Counting and
Multidimensional Poverty Measurement. Oxford Poverty and Human
Development Initiative. University of Oxford. (Working Paper No. 7).
Alkire, Sabina and Maria Emma Santos (2010) Acute Multidimensional
Poverty: A New Index for Developing Countries. Oxford Poverty and Human
Development Initiative. University of Oxford. (Working Paper 38).
Bourguignon, F. (2003) From Income to Endowments: The Difficult
Task of Expanding the Income Poverty Paradigm. Delta (Paris). (Delta
Working Papers Number 200303). Available at
Bourguignon, F. and S. Chakravarty (2003) The Measurement of
Multidimensional Poverty. Journal of Economic Inequality 1, 25-49.
Foster, J. E., J. Greer, and E. Thorbecke (1984) A Class of
Decomposable Poven"3, Measures. Econometrica 52, 761-66.
Jamal, H. (2009) Estimation of Multidimensional Poverty in
Pakistan. Social Policy and Development Centre, Karachi. (SPDC Research
Report No. 79).
Naveed, Arif and Tanweer-ul-Islam (2010) Estimating
Multidimensional Poverty and Identifying the Poor in Pakistan: An
Alternative Approach. Research Consortium on Educational Outcomes and
Poverty, University of Cambridge and DFID. (RECOUP Working Paper No.
Sen, A. (1997) On Economic Inequality. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
United Nations Development Programme (2010) Human Development
Report. New York: Palgrave Macmillan for the UNDP.
The author has attempted to measure poverty using an index of
non-income deprivation indicators constructed using the Categorical
Principle Component Analysis technique.
The author uses the categorical PCA on the grounds that the
traditional PCA technique has problems when applied to
binary/categorical data. It would be good if he also uses Item Response
Function to confirm the robustness of his results.
The literature review presented in the paper does not seem
adequate. The findings reported in Tables 2-5 need to be organized in a
more concise and readable format.
Another omission concerns the distribution of the sample size for
both the years 2004-05 and 2008-09 by the urban/rural and provincial
levels, for which no information has been given in the paper. Moreover,
no information on data cleaning protocols (if any) has been documented
in the paper.
No policy recommendations have been given by the author on the
basis of his findings.
I would like to request the author to further strengthen his paper
by perhaps extending his analysis to the district level, as data used in
the paper is also representative at the district level.
Lubna Shahnaz
Planning Commission, Islamabad.
(1) A summary of Amartya Sen's views and the development of
that literature over the last 20 years may be found in Sen (1997).
(2) Very brief description of the methodology used in the
estimation of Multidimensional Poverty is provided in Appendix-A. For
detail see Alkire and Santos (2010) and Alkire and Foster (2007).
(3) A country briefing for Pakistan's MPI is available at
(4) See Appendix-A of this study and Technical Note 4 of UNDP Human
Development Report, 2010, page 230.
(5) For example, Naveed and Islam (2010) discussed this issue in
their paper. They also developed multidimensional poverty for two
provinces of Pakistan using Alkire and Foster (2007) methodology.
(6) Standard Principal Components Analysis assumes linear
relationships between numeric variables. On the other hand, the
optimal-scaling which is used in CATPCA approach allows variables to be
scaled at different levels. Categorical variables are optimally
quantified in the specified dimensionality. As a result, nonlinear
relationships between variables can be modeled.
(7) For instance, Bourguignon and Chakravarty (2003) suggest that
an alternative way to take into account the multi-dimensionality of
poverty is to specify a poverty line for each dimension of poverty and
to consider that a person is poor if he/she fails below at least one of
these various lines.
(8) In the literature of multidimensional poverty, the distinction
between being poor in more than one and in only one dimension has been
referred to as the intersection and union definitions of poverty. For
instance, if well-being is measured in terms of x1 and x2 then a person
could be considered poor if x1 falls below z1 or if x2 falls below z2.
This case would be defined as a union definition of poverty. In
contrast, an intersection definition would consider an individual as
poor only if x1 and x2 both fall below their thresholds.
(9) A good example is the UNDP's Human Development Index
(HDI), constructed from indicators of life expectancy, education and
standard of living. HDI has received a great deal of attention in the
development context.
(10) Data Theory Scaling System Group (DTSS), Faculty of Social and
Behavioural Sciences, Leiden University, The Netherlands.
(11) It is a statistical term. The eigenvectors of a square matrix
are the non-zero vectors that, after being multiplied by the matrix,
remain parallel to the original vector. For each eigenvector, the
corresponding eigenvalue is the factor by which the eigenvector is
scaled when multiplied by the matrix.
(12) These measures are defined in Appendix-B.
(13) All these variables are binary. A value of 1 is assigned to
poor household and 2 to non-poor households.
(14) Literacy is defined as the "ability of a person to read
and write in any language with understanding".
(15) These assets are Iron, Fan, Sewing Machine, Radio, TV,
Chair/Table and Watch/Clock.
(16) These deprivations are listed in Table 1.
(17) Multidimensional poverty is estimated with the help of
component/object scores. These scores are derived after adjusting with
mean and standard deviation (standardising). Thus, the estimates are
reflecting relative poverty (or inequality) with reference to mean and
should not be interpreted as an absolute poverty.
Haroon Jamal <
[email protected]> is Technical Advisor,
Social Policy and Development Centre (SPDC), Karachi.
Table 1
Variables used to Assess Multi-Dimensional Poverty
Dimensions Variables
Human Poverty
Illiterate Head of Household
Illiterate Spouse
No child of primary age
(5-9 cohort) is in school
No household member has completed five
years of schooling
Poor Housing
Congested Household (Households
with only one room)
Congested Household (Person per room greater 2)
Household with Inadequate Roof Structure
Household with Inadequate Wall Structure
Households with no electricity
Households using unsafe (not covered) water
Households with no telephone connection
(landline or mobile)
Households using inadequate fuel for
cooking (wood, coal, etc.)
Households without latrine facility
Economic and
Household Assets
Households with no home ownership
Households with no physical
household assets
Unemployed Head of Household
Table 2
National Non-income Multi-Dimensional
Poverty Estimates, 2008-09
Head Count Poverty Gap FGT2
Index Index Index
[Incidence] [Depth] [Severity]
Pakistan 57.30 12.90 4.85
Urban 25.68 2.87 1.0
Rural 53.35 11.02 4.01
Source: Estimates are based on PSLM
(2008-09) unit record data.
Table 3
Provincial Non-Income Multi-Dimensional
Poverty Incidence, 2008-09
Overall Urban Rural
Punjab 36.93 22.42 43.58
Sindh 47.63 26.66 67.44
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 56.10 36.53 60.00
Balochistan 78.53 44.83 88.61
Source: tistunates are based on PSLM
(2008-09) unit record data.
Table 4
Inter-temporal Multi-Dimensional Poverty-Overall Pakistan
Poverty 2005 2009 Percent Percentage
Measures Change Point
Incidence 55.29 57.30 3.63 2.00
Depth 12.40 12.90 4.01 0.50
Severity 4.30 4.85 12.83 0.55
Source: Estimated from Household Surveys, PSLM
2004-05 and 2008-09.
Table 5
Provincial Trends in Multi-Dimensional Poverty
Province 2005 2009 Percent Percentage
Change Point
Punjab 31.73 36.93 16.38 5.20
Sindh 44.24 47.63 7.67 3.39
Khyber 58.27 56.10 -3.72 -2.17
Balochistan 79.24 78.53 -0.89 -0.71
Source: Estimated from Household Surveys,
PSLM 2004-05 and 2008-09.
Fig. 1. Inter-temporal Multi-dimensional
Poverty Incidence-Overall Pakistan
v Overall Urban Rural
2005 55.29 18.66 51.03
2009 57.30 25.68 53.35
% Change 3.63 37.65 4.54