Foreign aid, external debt and economic growth nexus in low-income countries: the role of institutional quality.
Qayyum, Unbreen ; Haider, Adnan
Foreign capital and institutional quality simultaneously play an
important role in the development process of low-income countries. By
and large developing nations fell short of funds necessary to spur the
economic growth. Along with this constraint, they are facing the down
fall in the quality of governance. Low earned revenues and high
government expenditure increase the reliance upon the foreign capital
mostly in the form of foreign aid and external debt. Just the
availability of foreign funds is not sufficient to stimulate the
economic growth, there is a need of good governance along with better
quality of institutions that will act as a catalyst and improves the
efficiency of capital, [see for instance, Agnor and Montiel (2010)].
Good governance establishes impartial, predictable and consistently
enforced rules in the form of institutions and thus crucial for the
sustained growth [North (1990 and 1992)]. Those countries which have
good institutions show positive growth rates whenever the stock of
capital increases but the countries with bad institutions, increase in
capital investment may lead to negative growth rates due to rent seeking
and other unproductive activities, Hall, et al. (2010). In this context,
North (1992) argues that the institutions as well as the ideology shape
economic performance. While taking into account the technology used,
institutions affect economic performance by determining the cost of
transaction and production. Formal rules, informal constraints and
characteristics of enforcing those constraints together formulate the
institutions. Institutions affect economic performance and the
differential in performance of economies is basically influenced by the
way institutions evolve. The neoclassical economic theory is of little
help in investigating the sources beneath economic performance because
institutions are taken for granted in their models Agnor and Montiel
(2010). Factor and product markets perform efficiently in the presence
of good political and economic institutions that ensure low transaction
costs and credible commitment. However, empirical facts of developing
countries show a positive correlation between per capital economic
growth and quality of institutions in terms of good governance. Figure 1
strongly illustrates this fact, where average index of governance across
host of developing countries is positively correlated with average
growth per capita over the sample of 1984 to 2010.
While analysing economic growth and governance nexus, earlier
recent studies [for example, Acemoglu and Robinson (2008) and Hall, et
al. (2010)] are of the view that the difference in the economic
performance is primarily due to the differences in the economic
institutions. Countries with poor economic institutions have to focus on
the reformulation of these institutions. Unfortunately, it is not an
easy task as economic institutions are collective choices generated by
the political process. The economic institutions depend on the political
institutions as well as the distribution of political power in a
country. The knowledge regarding the key factors that direct a society
into a political equilibrium and hold up fine economic institutions is
preliminary. However, it is clear that institutional equilibrium depends
highly on the political environment so this political nature makes it
very hard to restructure economic institutions. There are countries that
go through political evolution, reformulate their institutional
framework and for better development outcomes.
Foreign aid and external debt has controversial impact on the
economic growth of developing nations as found in the empirical economic
literature. In the context of external debt and economic growth nexus,
there exists different hypothesis like, Liquidity Constraint Hypothesis
(LCH), Debt Overhang Hypothesis (DOH) and Direct Effect of Debt
Hypothesis (DEDH). According to the Debt Overhang Hypothesis (DOH) that
if the existing debt is high then it will make people to think of high
future taxes so they would not like to save and invest more. (1)
Economists test the DOH and conclude that high level of debt reduces the
investment in an economy and it will definitely dampen the economic
growth. (2) While according to Liquidity Constraint Hypothesis (LOH) the
debt service payments in case of highly indebted countries are very high
and it trim down the funds that can be used to augment investment,
Hoffman and Reisen (1991). Empirical findings also favour LOH as the
high debt service payments crowd out the investment and slowdowns the
process of economic growth. (3) Direct Effect of Debt Hypothesis (DEDH)
states that high level of debt may even reduce the productivity of the
existing capital that will decrease the level of output, Fosu (1996).
Motivating from these different hypothesis, we computed simple
correlation for host of sixty developing countries. The countries have
been classified into three sub-groups, low-income countries, low-middle
income countries and upper-middle income countries. The correlation
results are given in the form of scatter-plots, see Figure 2. These
scatter plots clearly show negative associations between external debt
and economic growth per capita across all sub-groups.
Alongside these linkages of external debt and economic growth,
empirical literature also provides mix evidences of positive and
negative relationship between foreign aid on economic growth. We can
observe both kinds of relationships among these variables with the help
of the following simple correlation scatter plots (as given in Figure
We argue the positive channel works only in the presence of good
macroeconomic policies and sound state institutions. Many empirical
studies also highlight this point. (4) In the presence of good economic
policies, foreign aid encourages the development process that will
definitely improves the investment climate and generate more tax
revenues in the long run. Now there is a question of its effective
utilisation in promoting growth process. It is also argue that foreign
aid can also help to improve the governance quality by removing the
constraints regarding the low tax revenues and makes possible for
government to invest on those activities that improve the quality of
bureaucracy, reduce corruption and enforce rule of law. (5)
Despite the positive linkages of foreign aid, it may affect the
economic growth negatively. In rent seeking societies, governments are
not accountable toward the general public and can use the foreign aid in
wasteful activities and increase the level of corruption. It will not
invest in those activities that improve the institutional quality and
economic policies; this leads to the down fall of economic activity as
now people would not like to invest [Rodrik (1996)]. Oechslin (2006) on
the other hand analyses the effectiveness of foreign aid in promote
economic growth in economies that may grow faster by the adoption of
productive technologies. If the government invests more in judiciary it
will translate into better enforcement of contracts between the foreign
technology supplier and the domestic firms that will lead to rapid
growth. But if the government is self-interested then the additional
resources to overcome the financing gap may not be able to establish
better institutions. Higher inflows may worsen the political instability
that may harm the economy whose performance is comparatively sound. But
countries with low institutional quality may perform well whenever such
inflows increase.
It becomes apparent as to why the literature does not provide a
robust empirical association among foreign aid effectiveness, external
debt and economic growth while taking into consideration the
institutional quality. This point motivates us to analyse empirically
the effect of external debt and foreign aid on the economic growth in a
panel of developing countries, which mainly suffered from low level of
governance. The rest of the paper is organised as follows: Section 2
discusses relevant literature review. Section 3 describes model
specification, the choice of variables, data sources and selection
criterion for countries under analysis. Estimation results are discussed
in Section 4. Last section concludes the study.
Substantial work has been done that links individually external
debt, foreign aid and governance with economic growth. In some papers
foreign aid as well as external debt have been related to economic
growth taking into account the quality of governance. But little attempt
is made to consider the simultaneous impact of these three variables on
economic growth. This is the sole reason due to which this section has
been divided into different parts. The first section describes the
literature linking foreign aid to economic growth. The second and the
third sections present the literature review of the impact of external
debt and institutions on the economic growth respectively.
2.1. Governance and Economic Growth
Decker and Lim (2008) examine various elementary drivers of
economic growth focusing in particle on political as well as the
economic institutions. Whereas controlling for geographic endowments and
economic integration, the distinction between the two types of
institution makes it possible to determine the inferior or superior
performance of an economy based on either or both of these two types of
institutions. The core empirical model is that of Rodrik, et al. (2004)
with some variations to accommodate the dynamic aspects. The results
show that political-economic institutions play a significant positive
role in determining the level of income while the political institutions
(democracy) are insignificant may be due to the non-linearity of the
development of democratic rights. Developing countries should pay more
attention to political-economic institutions like the rule of law [La
Porta, et al. (1998)] and the enforcement of property rights [Djankov,
et al. (2002)] to stimulate economic growth rather than concentrating on
political institutions.
Dawson (1998) analyses the alternative channels through which
institutions impact economic growth. This paper formalises the
alternative channels i.e., whether institutions directly affect the
long-run growth by enhancing total factor productivity or indirectly
through investment channel. In this context, basic theoretical framework
used by Dawson is an extension of Mankiw, Romer, and Weil's (1992)
human capital augmented version of the Solow (1956) model. Empirical
evidence indicates that institutions have a significant positive impact
on economic growth in case of large sample size. The results are robust
for alternative specifications that ensure the absence of reverse
causation and there exists no significant difference among results of
both pure panel and cross-sectional data analysis. The study concludes
that institutions stimulate economic growth directly by raising the
total factor productivity as well as indirectly by enhancing the
investment. Recent studies indicate that even increase in capital does
not ensure the high levels of output so there is a need to examine the
role of institutions. Hall, et al. (2010) follows Dawson (1998) in
augmenting the growth model of Mankiw, Romer, and Weil (1992) to
incorporate the quality of country's institutions. They try to
investigate the role of institutions in determining economic growth by
considering investment in physical and human capital. Results show that
institutions are positively linked with the output growth.
Feld and Kirchgassner (2008) conduct a survey of recent empirical
studies on institutions and economic growth and conclude that from the
experience of Germany and Korea after World War II, we can hardly deny
the vital role played by institutions in promoting the economic growth
but the literature that has been reviewed in this paper is mostly
inconclusive. Nearly every paper argues that its results are more
efficient and significant but their statistical significance, selection
of variables as well as the measures used for institutional quality are
questionable. Actually, the question regarding the effectiveness of
institutions is debatable. Not only the institutions matter for growth,
but also the governance and human capital matter a lot. Today mostly
economists are of the view that the economic institutions matter more
for economic development rather than the political institutions. But we
should not ignore the political institutions as well because the
political instability is negatively related to growth of output. So
economic development needs economically as well as politically stable
environment for proper functioning of the market mechanism.
2.2. Debt and Economic Growth
Chowdhury (2000), Sachs (1990), Kenen (1990) and Bulow and Rogoff
(1990) examines the key analytical issue of whether external debt burden
is a symptom or a cause of economic slowdown. Sachs (1990) and Kenen
(1990) are of the view that the external debt overhang is a main root
cause of economic slowdown. Bulow and Rogoff (1990) argue that the
external debt is a symptom of bad economic management and performance
and it's not a primary cause of economic growth. Chowdhury (2000)
does not find any evidence that supports the propositions of
Bulow-Rogoff and Kenen-Sachs.
Were (2001) states that external debt stock has a negative impact
on private investment and economic growth; this verifies the presence of
debt overhang problem in Kenya. In addition the current debt inflows
stimulate the private investment, debt service payments do not appear to
effect growth negatively but has some crowding out affect on private
investment. Fosu (1996) argues that even if the debt has little impact
on the rate of investment it is possible that external debt adversely
impacts on economic growth through declining the productivity of
capital. Hameed, et al. (2008) argue that the debt servicing burden has
a negative impact on the productivity of capital and labour, which in
turn adversely affect economic growth. Debt service ratio affects the
GDP negatively and thereby the long run economic growth which weakens
the debt servicing ability of a country. Malik, et al. (2010) findings
are also on the same lines as that of Hameed, et al. (2008).
Xiaoyong and Gong (2007) work out the inter-linkages between
foreign aid, domestic capital accumulation and external debt. They argue
that in the long run domestic capital accumulates, consumption increases
and the external debt decrease whenever there is a permanent increase in
foreign aid. In the short run the comparative static analysis shows that
a representative agent becomes more patient and initially the investment
increases and external debt declines if the foreign aid level increases.
This study also provides basic support regarding a significant impact of
foreign aid on the economic growth and development in the case of
developing countries. Many empirical studies on external finance and its
impact on domestic savings, investment and economic growth have been
supported by theoretical findings of Cui Xiaoyong and Liutang Gong, such
as those of Bumaside and Dollar (2000, 2004), Svensson (2003), Collier
and Dollar (2001,2002) and Collier and Dehn (2001).
2.3. Foreign Aid and Economic Growth
Dalgaard, et al. (2004) theoretically as well as empirically
analyse the effectiveness of foreign aid using Overlapping Generation
Model (OLG). The study shows that in general foreign aid affects long
run productivity but the magnitude and path of impact may depend on
policies, size of foreign aid inflows and organisational
characteristics. In the existing empirical literature there is no
consensus on the role of policy and foreign aid on economic performance.
Conflicting and contradicting results prevails that create a lot of
confusion among economists. Boone (1995) is of the view that the foreign
aid just increases the size of government while it fails to enhance
investment and economic growth significantly. Oechslin (2006) finds that
during 1980s and 1990s foreign aid makes the political system to be more
unstable. The results lay emphasis on the ineffectiveness of foreign aid
in the current institutional scenario and there exists decreasing
returns to scale in higher foreign aid inflows. Lensink and Morrissey
(2000) argue that uncertainty on the magnitude and timings of foreign
aid implies negative impact on the investment that in turn may dampen
the economic performance of a country.
Alvi, et al. (2008) assess the role of policy and foreign aid in
promoting economic growth when the inter-linkage among them is
nonlinear. The parametric and semi-parametric estimations show that the
policy plays an important role in the economic growth of a country.
Foreign aid successfully boosts up the growth activity in the presence
of good policy environment. Burnside and Dollar (2000) investigate the
relationship between foreign aid, policy and growth of per capita GDP.
They find that in case of developing countries that have good fiscal,
monetary and trade policies, foreign aid has a positive impact on the
economic growth as the coefficient of interaction term between foreign
aid and policy is significant. In the presence of bad economic policies
foreign aid does not affect growth positively, and these results are
robust for various specifications that either include or exclude middle
income countries, outliers and consider policy variables as exogenous
and endogenous. Easterly, et al. (2004) reassess linkage between foreign
aid and economic growth given good policies using the methodology of
Burnside and Dollar (2000). The study reconstructs the data base from
original sources and makes extension by considering both the
cross-section and the time series dimensions; enlarging the sample size
from 275 observations to 356 by adding six more countries ranging from
1970-1997. The study does not test the robustness of the results
provided by Burnside and Dollar to a substantial number of variations;
they just include those observations that were not available to Burnside
and Dollar. The results if confined to the original limited data, show
same outcomes as presented by Burnside and Dollar but when the extended
sample is used the interaction term of aid and policy becomes
insignificant and its coefficient changes its sign from positive to
negative. Easterly, et al. conclude that the interaction term is not
robust to the extended sample size so it's not necessary that
foreign aid enhance growth just in the presence of good policy
environment. Murphy and Tresp (2006) update and modify data set
originally used by Burnside and Dollar (2000) by taking into account the
critique presented by Easterly, et al. (2004). The results show that the
relationship among foreign aid policy and growth is quite fragile and
depends significantly on the set of countries being included in the
analysis. When the sample size that has been used by Burnside and Dollar
is considered, policy plays an important role in determining the
effectiveness of foreign aid in generating economic growth, but this
relationship vanishes in case of expanded sample size of countries. The
results prove that the critique proposed by Easterly, et al. (2004) is
correct and little evidence is there which supports the view that good
policy enhances the probability of foreign aid to contribute positively
to economic growth. Islam (2005) states that on average foreign aid has
no significant impact on the growth irrespective of the policies whether
good or bad but the political stability is a determining factor that
makes the foreign aid flows effective in promoting economic growth.
Feeny (2005) also investigates foreign aid effectiveness and economic
growth conditioned upon the level of economic policy and governance. The
study concludes that foreign aid has little impact on economic growth of
Papua New Ghana (PNG) but in case of World Bank Structural Adjustment
Programme financed through foreign aid some evidence emerges that
supports the hypothesis of foreign aid's positive impact on
economic growth. The governance level has no impact on economic growth
of PNG but the structural adjustment policies seem to be more effective
in enhancing the growth being financed by the foreign aid.
In order to present empirical model, we have extended the
neo-classical growth model of Solow-Swan. Consider the economy
production function depends on Capital (K), Labour (L) and exogenous
technological parameter (A) as:
Y(t) = A(t)F(K,L(t)) (1)
Where K(t) = Capital Stock at time t.
L(t) = Labour (Aggregate Labour) at time t.
A(t) = Total Factor Productivity or Solow Residual at time t.
Consider, economy wide production function (1) is represented by
standard Cobb-Douglas form, then:
Y(t) = A(t)K[(t).sup.[theta]] L[(t).sup.1 - [theta]] (2)
Where, 0<[theta]<1, is capital share and (1 - [theta]) is
labour share. Intensive form of the equation (2) is as:
y(t) = A(t)k[(t).sup.[theta]] (3)
f'(k(t)) = A{t)[theta]k[(t).sup.[theta] - 1] >0, and
f"(k(t)) = -A(t)[theta](1 - [theta])k[[(t).sup.[theta]-2] < 0,
With standard Inadda-Conditions:
This implies that Cobb-Douglas form satisfies the properties of
neo-classical production function. Equation of motion of Capital stock
is given as:
k[(t).sup.*] = s.f(k(t)) - (n + [delta]).k(0) (4)
Substitute y(t) = f(k(t)) = Ak[(t)[theta]] in Equation (4), we get:
k[(t).sup.*] = s.A(t).k[(t).sup.[theta]] - (n + [delta]).k(t) (5)
The term (n + [delta]) on the right hand side of equation can be
thought as the effective depreciation rate for Capital-Labour ratio, k =
K(t)l L(t). Rearranging Equation (5) will resdlt in:
K[(t).sup.*]/k(t) = sA(t)k([t).sup.[theta] - 1] (n + [delta])
Since we know that y(t) = A(t)k[(t).sup.[theta]] or y[(t).sup.*] =
A(t)[theta]k[(t).sup.[theta]-1] Rearranging again and get the following
Where f'(k(t)) = A[theta]k(t).sup.[theta].sup.-1]
The above model generality mimics the following form of growth rate
of output per capita which depends on the parameters of the model as:
y[(t).sup.*] / y(t) = g(s, [theta], [delta], A(t),n) (7)
In addition following standard literature on worker remittances, it
is assumed that aggregate productivity (A(t)) depends positively on
governance, G, foreign aid, FA and negatively related with external debt
ED. Therefore, we will assume the following:
A(t) = g(G(t), FA(t), ED(t)) (8)
y[(t).sup.*] / y (t) = g(s, [theta], [delta], G{t),FA(t), ED(t))
This reduced form version of behavioural relationship between
economic growth, foreign aid and external debt with a role of governance
help us to write empirical version of model given as:
[] = [alpha] + [beta] F [] + [gamma] E [] +
[theta][] [[summation].sub.j][[psi].sub.j]
[X.sub.jit][KAPPA][] + [[epsilon]] (10)
Where, X is a vector of control variables.
3.1. Data Description and Sources
The data sample consists of sixty developing countries that utilise
foreign aid and external debt to fulfil the requirements for additional
capital. Although data for economic growth are available for almost all
the developing countries but the data for other variables like foreign
aid, debt, governance and other control variables are not available for
all the developing countries, this is the sole reason for the selection
of sample of sixty countries. All the data in annual frequency have been
taken from the World Development Indicators (WDI) and International
Country Risk Guide (ICRG) published by the PRS Group. Due to the lack of
earlier data for the quality of Governances, this analysis covers the
period 1984 to 2010. The detailed description of variables with data
sources and list of developing countries has been shown in Table 1 and
Table 2 respectively.
3.2. Summary Statistics
Table 3 describes the summary statistics i.e. mean, median,
standard deviation, skewness etc. for all the variables. Table 4 and
Table 5 explain the correlation matrix and covariance matrix. From
correlation matrix it is depicted that governance, investment, labour
force, M2, inflation and trade openness is positively correlated with
the per capita income. This indicates the fact that whenever there is an
increase in these variables it will enhance the per capita income of an
economy. It becomes more evident from Table 4 that the foreign aid and
external debt affect the per capita income adversely; it looks like a
burden on the economy. The covariance matrix also explains the results
in a similar manner, foreign aid and external debt covariate with per
capita income negatively while all the other variables covariate
This section explains in detail the empirical model's
interpretation and its robustness in a subsequent manner.
4.1. Results of Hausman Test
The basic empirical model has been estimated using fixed effect
method as well as Random effect method, results are shown in Table 6. To
check out which method is more appropriate Hausman test that is among
the widely used class of tests in the subject of econometrics, has been
applied. The underlying rationale behind the Hausman test is to contrast
the two different set of estimates. It compares both the estimation
methods in a way so that, one set of estimate is consistent under the
null as well as the alternative hypothesis while the other one is
consistent just under the null hypothesis. Larger is the distance
between the two sets of estimates the evidence will go in favour of
alternative hypothesis. Table 7 describes the outcome of Hausman test
and provides evidence against the null hypothesis i.e. random effects
are consistent and efficient.
4.2. Model Estimation and Interpretation of Results
As the Hausman test is in favour of fixed effect method, so the
empirical model has been estimated using this technique, in order to
tackle the issue of endogeneity GMM has been applied. Per capita income
has been taken as the dependent variable; governance, foreign aid and
external debt are the main variables of concern while investment, labour
force and M2 are taken as control variables. Results are described in
Table 6. The R-square value shows the regression fit and its value is
0.23 and 0.21 in Model (I) and Model (II) respectively. Although the
value of R-square is low but the probability of F-statistics is zero,
this ensures the effectiveness of empirical estimates.
The first and the most important variable of interest is
governance, the coefficient of governance is positive and also highly
significant that shows good governance enhances the output. Whenever
governance of an economy improves it will definitely promote economic
growth and the positive sign of coefficient is in accordance with the
expectations. Improvement in governance means low corruption, high
quality of bureaucracy and sound rule of law; all of these factors will
reduce the economic cost of transaction and create a favourable
environment for investment.
The second variable of main concern is aid/GNI; lagged variable of
aid/GNI has been used that is significant at the level of 1 percent. The
current inflows of foreign aid in an economy will not affect economic
activities and output immediately, time is required for the management
and the utilisation of funds that are coming in the form of foreign aid.
In order to inject these funds in an economy a properly planned projects
are required, unfortunately in case of developing countries the issue of
lack of funding is always there and they usually depend on foreign aid
for the implementation of new projects, but the availability of
resources in the form of foreign aid is not guaranteed most of the time.
All these factors hinder economic growth and provide main reasons due to
which the lagged values for foreign aid variable has been taken.
Whenever there is 1 percent increase in aid/GNI, it will spur per capita
growth rate by 0.064 percent and 0.0804 percent according to the results
estimated through OLS and GMM respectively (See, model I and IV).
The third variable that is especially relevant to this study is the
external debt, debt service payment/GNI has been taken as proxy for the
debt burden and it is affecting the economic growth negatively. If debt
burden increases by 1 percent it will adversely affect economic growth
by 0.0644 percent and it is significant at 1 percent using fixed effect
model. The coefficient estimated through GMM also indicates that the
external debt has an adverse effect on economic growth and it is also
highly significant. The outflow of debt service payments actually
reduces the funds that can be alternatively used for investment purpose,
more indebted an economy is the more will be the debt service payment
and less will be economic growth. Investment/GNI and labour
force/population are taken here as control variables that are
significant at the level of 1 percent, both have positive coefficients,
implying any increase in investment activity or labour force will boost
up economic growth. The results point out that if investment/GNI and
labour force increase by 1 percent it will amplify economic growth by
0.17 percent and 0.29 percent respectively using fixed effect model. The
results shown by the GMM are also in line with OLS and are highly
significant. In the next step, we carried out further estimations while
augmenting possible interactive terms of governance along with key
candidate variables, foreign aid and external debt. Results are reported
in Table 8 (Model A and Model B). These results signify our key belief
that if we control governance level, then foreign aid appear to be
positively correlated with economic growth, whereas, external debt
relationship remains negative for the longer term horizon.
4.3. Sensitivity Analysis and Robustness
The results can be challenged potentially, as subject to omitted
variable bias. There is a possibility of exclusion of those variables
that are closely related to the variables under study. To check out the
robustness of the main variables of interest, sensitivity analysis has
been conducted by adding and dropping different control variables in the
basic model. For this purpose ten different regressions using fixed
effect method have been estimated and the results are shown in Table 9.
In model (1) key variables have been included in the regression equation
and the results do not change in this case. Governance and foreign aid
have positive while debt has negative impact on economic growth, all the
relevant coefficients are also highly significant. In model (2)
investment has been included but again the results remain consistent and
significant. Similarly in the subsequent models different variables have
been included in alternative ways and despite of various different
specifications the sign and significance of coefficients of governance,
foreign aid and debt remain consistent. This sensitivity analysis
confirms the robustness of the results.
This study investigates empirically the impact of foreign aid,
external debt and governance on economic growth. Empirical model has
been estimated using the fixed effect method for the data set of 60
developing countries (1984-2010), all the results are significant and
according to expectations. Governance stimulates the output positively,
foreign aid also behaves in a similar manner but the external debt has
adverse impact on the output growth. Variety of different specification
has been applied for the sensitivity analysis and it proves the
robustness of the regression results. Developing countries are not only
suffering from the poor quality governance, the scarcity of resources is
another curse that is pushing the economy back into the pool of
intricacy and obscurity. In order to finance the different development
projects as well as the budget deficit, government of developing nations
has to look for foreign aid and external debt. The results point out the
hidden actualities of foreign aid and external debt very magnificently
and it might not be wrong to say that external debt is a burden what put
an economy into trouble. Foreign aid is playing a constructive job in
spurring the economic activity of an economy. It is recommended to
finance the development projects through earned revenues but if there is
a need of more funding then government should go for foreign aid
financing and must try to reduce the debt burden that is spoiling the
whole economic activity. Developing countries should try to pay more
attention to the issue of poor quality of governance and side by side
they must indulge in those activities that augment the earned revenues.
Authors' Note: We are grateful to Musleh-ud Din, Ejaz Ghani,
Ali Kemal, Muhammad Nawaz, Nasir Iqbal, Sajawal Khan and Farooq Pasha
for providing their useful comments on the earlier draft of this paper.
Finally, views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and not
necessarily of the PIDE, Islamabad or IBA, Karachi, Pakistan. The other
usual disclaimer also applies.
As I mentioned in the comments of previous study that these two
studies are the two important studies of the session since both are
dealing with the association between external debt and growth with a
different angle. This study checks the impact of external debt as well
as the foreign aid taking governance into consideration. Since, if the
external debt and foreign aid is used effectively it may have positive
impact on growth. Similar to previous study of the session external debt
is negatively associated with growth. The study is a good contribution
in the field of macroeconomics; however, following are few comments if
authors may like to incorporate in the study.
(1) Importance of Human Capital is inevitable in growth modelling,
especially after Mankiw, Romer, and Weil (1992) paper. Thus it is
strongly suggested to use human capital variable in the model.
(2) Similar to the last paper of the session it is suggested to sue
both external debt and external debt servicing in the model.
(3) Another suggestion is to add dummy or run two different models
(1) for all those countries whose debt-GDP ratio is too high and for
those where it is too low. (2) Similarly, it would be good to see
whether countries use tools of rescheduling and have higher growth which
may have positive impact on growth even with high external debt.
(4) Since authors are doing a cross country analysis, thus it would
be good to see the threshold of external debt for growth.
M. Ali Kemal
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(1) See for example, Krugman (1988), Corden (1988), Sachs (1989)
and Froot (1989).
(2) Notable studies are: DeMelo (1990), Fainy and Fry (1989) and
IMF (1989).
(3) See for instance, Presbitero (2005), Hansen (2004), Clements,
et at. (2003), Cohen (1993) and Hoffman and Reisen (1991).
(4) See for instance, Alvi, et el. (2008), Oechslin (2006), Islam
(2005), Feeny (2005), Easterly, et al. (2004), Dalgaard, et al. (2004)
and Burnside and Dollar (2000).
(5) Notable studies which argue it are: Easterly (2003); Islam
(2003); Svensson, (2000a) and Dollar and Pritchett (1998).
Unbreen Qayyum <
[email protected]> is Staff Economist
at Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Adnan Haider <
[email protected]> is Assistant Professor at
Institute of Business Administration, Karachi, Pakistan.
Table 1
Description of Variables
No. Variable Description/ Source
1. Economic GDP per capita growth (% annual)./WDI
2. Foreign Aid Net Official development assistance as a
percentage of GNI./WDI
3. External Debt Total debt service as a percentage of GNI./WDI
4. Governance ICRG Composite index of bureaucracy quality,
Quality Rule of law and corruption, annual data (0/18
point scale)/PRS Group.
5. Financial Money and quasi money (M2) as % of GNI./ WDI
6. Investment Gross fixed capital formation as percentage of
7. Labour Force Total labour force/Total Population./WDI
8. Inflation GDP deflator./WDI
9. Trade Sum of Imports and Exports as a ratio of GDP./
Openness WDI
Table 2
List of Developing Countries
Burkina Faso
Congo, DR
Costa Rica
Cote d'Ivoire
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Papua New Guinea
Sierra Leone
Sri Lanka
Table 3
Summary Statistics
Mean Median Maximum Minimum Std. Dev.
Y 1.47 1.95 21.76 -29.48 4.42
GOV 7.88 8.00 14.50 0.00 2.63
ODA 7.20 3.16 98.75 -0.73 10.44
ED 6.08 4.95 107.47 0.03 5.70
LF 39.63 40.14 57.30 20.11 6.20
M2 39.72 32.44 158.26 -1.08 26.31
INV 19.92 20.04 52.47 -12.32 7.23
INF 120.77 8.68 66212.30 -9.81 2316.93
TO 68.08 60.24 241.21 -1.08 38.77
Table 4
Correlation Matrix
Y 1.00
GOV 0.17 1.00
ODA -0.07 -0.24 1.00
ED -0.08 0.08 0.15 1.00
INV 0.24 0.26 -0.19 0.13 1.00
LF 0.09 0.00 0.03 -0.05 0.03 1.00
M2 0.10 0.33 -0.30 0.18 0.37 -0.08 1.00
INF -0.11 -0.04 0.02 -0.03 -0.08 0.07 0.05 1.00
TO 0.07 0.10 -0.04 0.27 0.40 0.13 0.46 0.02 1.00
Table 5
Covariance Matrix
Y 19.3
GOV 1.9 6.7
ODA -3.1 -6.6 111.0
ED -2.0 1.2 9.0 32.8
INV 7.5 4.9 -14.4 5.4 52.4
LF 2.4 -0.1 2.2 -1.9 1.3
M2 11.9 22.4 -84.7 27.8 70.0
INF -1122.2 -236.1 499.6 -410.4 -1289.7
TO 12.6 10.3 -15.3 61.3 114.1
LF 38.2
M2 -12.9 699.1
INF 989.2 3197.0 5364739.0
TO 30.7 470.6 2222.7 1519.3
Table 6
Empirical Findings Dependent Variable (Y)
Fixed Effect
Variable I II
GOV 0.1396 0.1647
(2.1139) * (2.903) *
ODA(-l) 0.0640 0.0612
(3.6180) * (3.6709) *
ED -0.0644 -0.0656
(-2.7321) * (-2.9116) *
INV 0.1729 0.1778
(7.2136) * (8.0980) *
LF 0.2886 0.2631
(5.3878) * (5.7704) *
M2 -0.0546 -0.0505
(-5.2490) * (-5.4175) *
C -12.3470 -11.8083
(-5.4708) * (-6.1849) *
AR(1) 0.1310
(5.0221) *
R-squared 0.2304 0.2105
Adjusted R-squared 0.1950 0.1762
Durbin-Watson stat 2.0177 1.7345
F-statistic 6.5003 6.1314
Prob(F-statistic) 0.0000 0.0000
No. of Observations 1560 1560
Random Effect System GMM
Variable III IV
GOV 0.1888 0.6580
(3.8008) * (2.0866) *
ODA(-l) 0.0356 0.0804
(2.7284) * (2.4624) *
ED -0.0786 -0.0870
(-3.8863) * (-1.9243) **
INV 0.1591 0.4309
(8.6121) * (6.4593) *
LF 0.0786 0.3252
(3.2310) * (4.2038) *
M2 -0.0073 -0.0823
(-1.2215) (-5.3295) *
C -5.7582 -21.9748
(-5.1727) * (-4.6133) *
R-squared 0.0774 0.1750
Adjusted R-squared 0.0738 0.1376
Durbin-Watson stat 1.6318 1.5425
F-statistic 21.7224
Prob(F-statistic) 0.0000
J-statistic 2.079
No. of Observations 1560 1500
Note: All the values in the parenthesis denote
the student t-statistics. The *, ** and ***
indicates the significance level at 1 percent, 5
percent and 10 percent respectively.
Table 7
Hausman Test
Test Cross-section Random Effects
Test Summary Chi-Sq. Statistic Chi-Sq. d.f. Prob.
Cross-section Random 57.996 6.000 0.000
Table 8
Empirical Findings with Governance as Interactive Variables
Dependent Variable (Y)
Variable Model A Model B
C -13.2735 -11.2059
(-6.0678) * (-5.2666) *
GOV 0.1087 0.2382
(1.5972). (3.4807) *
GOV(-1)*ODA(-1) 0.0050
(1.9039) ***
GOV*DEBT -0.0106
(-3.0774) *
INV 0.1816 0.1847
(7.5753) * (7.7964) *
LF 0.3113 0.2502
(5.8750) * (4.8233) *
M2 -0.0563 -0.0562
(-5.3842) * (-5.5100) *
AR(1) 0.1331 0.1385
(5.0951) * (5.4369) *
R-squared 0.2224 0.2210
Adjusted R-squared 0.1872 0.1871
Durbin-Watson stat 2.0174 2.0161
F-statistic 6.3098 6.5204
Prob(F-statistic) 0.0000 0.0000
No. of Observations 1500 1560
Note: All the values in the parentheses show the t-statistics.
Values that are significant at 1 percent, 5 percent and 10
percent levels of significance are indicated by *, ** and ***
Table 9
Robustness Check and Sensitivity Analysis
Variable 1 2 3
C 0.2728 -2.7274 -10.6444
(0.4528). (-4.4936) * (-5.5585) *
GOV 0.1618 0.1236 0.1456
(2.3357) ** (2.1571) ** (2.5466) *
ODA(-1) 0.0808 0.0665 0.0715
(4.4030) * (3.9615) * (4.2767) *
ED -0.0862 -0.0882 -0.0673
(-3.5810) * (-3.9436) * (-2.9592) *
INV -- 0.1666 0.1643
(7.5223) * (7.4597) *
LF -- -- 0.1920
(4 3561) *
M2 -- -- --
TO -- -- --
INF -- -- --
AR(1) 0.1666 -- --
(6.4452) *
R-squared 0.1825 0.1849 0.1951
D-W stat 2.0206 1.6990 1.7208
F-statistic 5.0894 5.3853 5.6613
statistic) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
No. of Obs. 1500 1560 1560
Variable 4 5 6
C -12.3470 -10.9403 -2.2382
(-5.4708) * (-5.6695) * (-3.1969) *
GOV 0.1396 0.1676 0.1418
(2.1139) ** (2.9592) * (2.4971) **
ODA(-1) 0.0644 0.0559 0.0509
(3.6178) * (3.3353) * (3.0205) *
ED -0.0644 -0.0622 -0.0822
(-2.7321) ** (-3.3353) * (-3.6860) *
INV 0.1729 0.1539 0.1420
(7 2136) * (6,5445) * (6.0267) *
LF 0.2886 0.2280 -
(5.3878) * (4.8339) *
M2 -0.0546 -0.0562 -0.0462
(-5.2490) * (-5.8992) * (-4.9364) *
TO -- 0.0179 0.0260
(2.8104) * (4.2092) *
INF -- -- --
AR(1) 0.1310 -- --
(5.0221) *
R-squared 0.2304 0.2147 0.2025
D-W stat 2.0177 1.7438 1.7199
F-statistic 6.5003 6.1861 5.8344
statistic) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
No. of Obs. 1500 1560 1560
Variable 7 8 9
C -8.9625 -1.4400 -3.3434
(-3.9402) * (-2.1162) ** (-5.0884) *
GOV 0.2052 0.1233 0.1206
(3.0831) * (2.1635) ** (2.1155) **
ODA(-1) 0.0688 0.0600 0.0646
(3.8114) * (3.5660) * (3,8674) *
ED -0.0622 -0.0949 -0.0833
(-2.6065) * (-4.2644) * (-3.7193) *
INV - 0.1711 0.1329
(7.6982) * (5.5936) *
LF 0.2242 -- --
(4.0037) *
M2 -0.0587 -0.0319 --
(-5.4394) * (-3.5094) * --
TO 0.0326 -- 0.0192
(4.7912) * (3.2175) *
INF -- -0.0001 -0.0002
(-2.8260) * (3.5536) *
AR(1) 0.1390 - -
(5.3774) *
R-squared 0.2148 0.1973 0.1962
D-W stat 2.0180 1.7016 1.7154
F-statistic 5.9398 5.6489 5.6116
statistic) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
No. of Obs. 1500 1560 1560
Variable 10
C -2.2008
(-3.1518) *
GOV 0.1337
(2.3578) *
ODA(-1) 0.0527
(3.1349) *
ED -0.0845
(-3.7981) *
INV 0.1346
(5.7022) *
LF --
M2 -0.0432
(-4.6036) *
TO 0.0270
(4.3840) *
INF -0.0001
(3.0799) *
AR(1) -
R-squared 0.2075
D-W stat 1.7224
F-statistic 5.9224
statistic) 0.0000
No. of Obs. 1560
Note: All the values in the parentheses show the t-statistics.
Values that are significant at 1 percent, 5 percent and 10
percent levels of significance are indicated by *, ** and ***