Energy smart buildings: potential for conservation and efficiency of energy.
Ahmed, Ajaz
Globally demand for energy is escalating with the passage of time
due to increased population and consumption. In order to meet the
increased energy demand and ensure its sustainable supply, different
options are being considered. Pakistan is also facing the severe energy
crisis from last couple of years. This energy crisis has seriously
hampered the economic growth and development progress. In this situation
intensive efforts are being invested by concerned departments and
agencies to enhance the production and supply to reduce the current
shortfall. However, there are certain demand side issues which can be
worked out to achieve the energy conservation and efficiency. Keeping
energy conservation and efficiency in view, present study focuses the
energy smart buildings. These buildings have relatively reduced energy
demand and better efficiency that can significantly contribute to the
conservation of energy. Study is a quantitative analysis that is based
on secondary data sources collected from concerned departments (e.g.
ENERCON). Research also examines the government's proposed
conservation strategies and buildings code of Pakistan. The findings of
the present research reveal that energy smart buildings have significant
potential for conservation and efficiency of energy. Moreover, we can
save lot of money by adopting energy conservation technologies in
Keywords: Energy Smart Buildings, ENERCON, UN-HABITAT, Thermal
Energy is the basic ingredient for economic growth and development
[Lorde, et al. (2010)]. Presently demand for energy has significantly
increased due to the overall expansion of economic and industrial
activity in all important economic sectors e.g. industry, agriculture,
and services. In addition to the expansion of economic activity and
subsequent increase in energy demand at industrial level, population
growth and increased consumption are also adding to the demand for
energy [OECD (2011)]. In other words, modern economy has become highly
dependent on energy resources. In order to meet the increased energy
demand and ensure its sustainable supply, there is a need to have strong
and robust plans with all options to consider at various levels.
Pakistan is going through the severe energy crisis [Javaid, et al.
(2011); Masood, et al. (2012)] which has seriously hampered the economic
growth and development progress of the country. Aziz, et al. (2010)
estimated that, due to power shortages in the industrial sector alone,
the loss was over $3.8 billion in 2009 that was approximately 2.5
percent of the gross domestic product (GDP). Therefore, it is crucial to
resolve the present energy crisis to avoid the further economic problems
and social unrest in the country. In order to manage the present energy
crisis, concerned departments and agencies are trying to reduce the
current shortfall. There are two sets of strategies, which are being
used by the authorities; demand management and production expansion.
In this context, potential of energy conservation cannot be
neglected as it can yield significant results in demand management. One
important avenue of energy conservation is buildings, where large amount
of energy can be conserved to achieve the energy conservation and
efficiency. Buildings consume a lot of energy especially in heating and
cooling systems. This consumption can be reduced by modifying the
building structures and making them energy smart. Because energy smart
buildings have relatively reduced energy demand and more energy
efficiency, which can play a vital role in achieving the goal of energy
Around the world countries have adopted energy conservation
policies in buildings, for instance Dutch government aims at reducing
the energy use by 50 percent in the existing housing stock by 2020
[Hoppe, et al. (2011)]. Similarly European Union has the goal to reduce
20 percent of the total building energy consumption by 2020 [European
Commission (2011)]. The European Commission also estimated that the
energy saving potential for residential and commercial buildings is up
to 30 percent [European Commission (2006)].
It has also been estimated that the energy smart buildings can save
30 percent or even more in energy costs over a conventional building
designed [Zainordin, et al. (2012)]. Present research aims to
investigate the energy conservation and efficiency potential of energy
smart buildings, their monetary benefits, and likely impact of improved
thermal performance to increase the energy in the light of
government's proposed conservation strategies and building energy
code of Pakistan.
2.1. Data
Data for the present research was collected from two sources. One
source is National Energy Conservation Centre (ENERCON), which is an
organisation that deals with energy conservation at domestic as well as
commercial level in Pakistan. Second source is UN-HABITAT guidelines on
energy efficient housing, which was formulated by UN-HABITAT along with
the Ministry of the Environment Pakistan, ENERCON, and the Capital
Development Authority Islamabad Pakistan. These guidelines are
specifically about the improved rooftop thermal performance and its
potential for conservation of energy. This data was generated from an
experiment, which was conducted on few houses of Islamabad.
2.2. Methodology
Present research is a policy paper which highlights the importance,
scope, and potential of energy smart buildings in terms of energy saving
and associated gains. Study followed the descriptive analysis method to
highlight the energy efficiency and conservation potential of energy
smart buildings. Descriptive analysis is an approach that provides the
simple summaries of the variables and their features in the form of
Tables and graphs, which present data and information in such a way that
any phenomena can easily be observed and analysed. With descriptive
statistics we can simply describe what the data shows.
A building is classified in a number of energy systems presented in
the following (Table 1). Each of these energy systems has the potential
for energy efficiency and conservation that can be achieved by various
ways such as; altering the designs and structures of the systems,
introducing the new technologies, which are more energy efficient, and
reducing the consumption of energy. In Pakistan, to date, no significant
work has been done to adopt any of the aforementioned techniques to
achieve the energy efficiency and conservation.
Construction industry in Pakistan is still following the old
traditional designs and structures, which are highly energy inefficient.
This energy inefficiency is found in almost all systems ranging from
building envelope, lighting, mechanical, to electrical systems. It
increases the consumer demand for energy and subsequently puts burden on
the energy supply sources. It is worthwhile to mention that government
has the energy building code of Pakistan prepared in 2010 by a number of
government departments, which deals with the energy and buildings. A
significant amount of energy can be conserved by following the energy
building code of Pakistan for new buildings. Moreover, UN-HABITAT
guidelines can also be instrumental to improve the thermal performance
of rooftops of traditional buildings.
A number of areas of energy efficiency and conservation are
presented in (Table 2) along with their efficiency and conservation
potential. This possible energy conservation potential has been
estimated by the ENERCON after identification of a number of potential
areas. In this regard first prospective area in buildings is building
envelope, which consists of building type, geometry, location, walls and
roof specifications, and windows. Building envelope has 40 percent
energy conservation potential, which means that almost 40 percent energy
can be conserved or saved if standard building energy code is followed
in buildings envelope.
Next potential area of energy conservation and efficiency in
buildings is lighting. Overall energy conservation potential of lighting
is about 29 percent that means there is still lot of room for
improvement and technological advancement in the area of lighting.
Majority of the people still use the energy inefficient lights at
domestic as well commercial level, which puts burden on energy demand as
well as electricity bills.
Next area of energy saving potential is Air Conditioner (AC) usage
which has increased with improved incomes and changed lifestyles. AC has
18 percent energy conservation potential, which means that use of
inefficient AC is also putting burden on household energy demand that
can be reduced by adopting the recommended technologies for energy
efficient buildings. Heaters are a big source of energy inefficiency and
losses, which can also be improved by adopting better technologies to
reduce the demand of energy. Potential for energy conservation of
heaters is approximately 17 percent that can be unleashed by choosing
appropriate technologies. In the same way fans' energy conservation
potential is 5 percent and computers' energy conservation potential
is 2 percent.
Above presented Table of potential areas of energy conservation
shows that these areas can contribute significantly to the energy demand
management. In this regard energy smart buildings have great importance
as their structure and design can yield lots of energy saving at
domestic and commercial level.
The energy conservation potential presented in preceding section
(Table: 2) gives an idea of overall energy saving potential of energy
smart buildings in terms of reduced consumption and demand. In order to
translate the energy efficiency and conservation potential into monetary
incentives, some extrapolations have been done by using few hypothetical
values of electricity bills. The purpose of the exercise is to highlight
the monetary savings, which can be generated from energy smart
Following (Table 3) presents the sensitivity analysis approach,
which has been used to assess the monetary savings from energy
conservation. Overall savings of aforementioned three potential energy
conservation areas is 29 percent that means roughly 29 percent of the
energy consumption can be reduced and saved. Therefore, same percentage
of the energy cost can be saved in terms of electricity bills.
First column of Table 3 presents different hypothetical amounts of
electricity bills of various dwelling units, which are traditional
buildings. Second column illustrates the monetary savings in terms of
reduction in electricity bills due to energy conservation potential of
the energy smart buildings. And last column of the Table demonstrates
the electricity bills of energy smart buildings and the amounts of bills
in energy smart buildings are significantly less than those in the first
column. Hence, this sensitivity analysis shows that energy smart
buildings can yield the monetary savings, in addition to the energy
conservation and efficiency.
Improvement of rooftops thermal performance means maintaining the
temperature inside the buildings by modifying the rooftops of the
buildings. In building envelope, it is a useful method to conserve the
energy. There are various techniques, which are used to improve the
thermal performance of rooftops. The techniques are based on the
application of different solutions on roofs. These techniques are
divided into following categories; insulative techniques, reflective
surface techniques, and radiant barrier techniques.
(a) Insulative Techniques
Insulative techniques are effective in maintaining heating and
cooling both in summer and winter. These technologies reduce the heat
transfer from the top by slowing down the conduction of heat. Following
are the some of the insulative techniques, which have been tested and
applied; stabilised mud (cement stabilisation), mud with high density
styrofoam (thermo pole), brick tiles with stabilised mud, polystyrene
(jumbolon) with plain concrete screed, concrete wizard insulating tiles,
cellular light weight concrete (CLC) tiles, smart concrete tiles
(aerated concrete with thermo pole used as sandwich between concrete
layers), terrazzo mixed white apoxy with thermo pole sheet, fired clay
extruded hollow tiles, and green netting.
(b) Reflective Techniques
These techniques are used to reflect the sun radiations and reduce
the absorption of heat into the rooftops. According to technical
guidelines [UN-HABITAT (2010)] reflection of the sun radiations depends
upon the color of the slab. The reflective techniques, which are applied
to reduce the heat of rooftops include; lime wash, white enamel paint,
weather shield white paint, OCEVA-MOL chemical, aerosol heat reflective
paint etc. It is advised that the surfaces must be cleaned frequently in
order to attain maximum efficiency of the technologies. The durability
of the reflective surfaces varies according to the conditions of weather
and material reliability.
(c) Radiant Barrier Techniques (False Ceiling)
Radiant barrier techniques reflect the direct sun radiations. When
the rooftops become hot, these technologies radiate the heat directly
into the room below and a radiant barrier stop this heat from coming
into the inside of the buildings. Radiant barrier is usually an
additional layer of false ceiling provided underneath the roof to stop
the heat from radiating into the building. The false ceiling may either
absorb the heat, or play the role of reflection of the heat. According
to the UN-HABITAT guidelines there should be an adequate and ventilated
air gap between the slab and the radiant barrier to be most effective.
Radiant barriers techniques consist of; gypsum board false ceiling,
gypsum board with aluminum foil on the back, paper board false ceiling,
and thermo pole false ceiling. These techniques can be used as a
decorative finish and solutions are more appropriate if the room height
is adequate.
UN-HABITAT conducted an experiment on improvement of the rooftops
thermal performance, in collaboration with Capital Development Authority
(CDA), and ENERCON. The experiment was conducted on few selected
households in Islamabad, where a number of thermal performance
techniques were applied to examine the results in from of reduced
Analysis of the data on temperature changes due to the use of the
technologies revealed that there is significant difference in
temperature after the application of these solutions. Following Table 4
present the temperatures in control and treated scenarios. Control is
the condition of temperature before the application of the solutions
(insulation technologies were not applied) and treated is after the
application of different solutions (insulation technologies were
applied). The top highlighted row is of control condition that presents
the normal temperature of the building inside before the use of any
technology to improve the thermal performance.
After the treatment of the rooftops with different insulation
techniques average temperature has significantly decreased. The
temperature of the houses where insulation techniques were applied has
decreased by 2 to 3 degrees, which is a significant change in
temperature due to improved thermal performance. It is worthwhile to
mention that this change in temperature has occurred only due to
arrangements made for rooftops insulation. And if we apply the same
techniques to the walls, the temperature may further reduce by enhancing
the energy conservation and efficiency of the buildings.
1. Cost Estimates
In order to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the
improvement of rooftops thermal performance, per unit cost of the
insulation material has been computed. Table 5 presents the initial
costs of the each insulation technique used in enhancing the energy
efficiency of the buildings. However, some of these techniques are
relatively more cost effective than others. Moreover, suitability of the
adoption of these technologies also depends on a number of factors such
as; average temperature, nature of material and its life, type of
rooftop, building type etc.
Apparently the most economical insulation technique is paper board
false ceiling (Rs 22 per square foot), and it is due to its material
being relatively less expensive. On the other hand, paints insulation is
the most expensive solution (Rs 80 per square foot) in above presented
options for insulation to enhance the thermal performance of the
rooftops. It is worth mentioning that the presented costs were estimated
in 2010 and one may expect the effect of inflation due to increased
material costs. However, because of lack of technical information the
relative effectiveness of each technology could not be ascertained.
2. Benefits
Energy efficiency and conservation is undeniably a crucial business
for domestic as well as commercial consumers. Following are some of the
direct and indirect benefits of energy efficiency and conservation in
energy smart buildings. The direct benefits of energy smart buildings
are as follows; the reduced energy consumption and demand due to
potential for conservation, monetary saving in terms of reduced
electricity bills, and demand management. In addition to this there are
a number of indirect benefits of energy smart buildings such as less
carbon footprint due to reduced energy consumption.
In this way these buildings can qualify for carbon credits, as they
are the source of reduction in carbon emissions and pollution. Moreover,
due to reduced carbon emissions and exposure to extreme weather
conditions energy smart buildings are environment and climate friendly
or climate compatible.
3. Missing Link in National Housing Policy
National Housing Policy 2001 is the main document of government on
housing sector in Pakistan. This housing policy provides detailed and
comprehensive course of action based on strategies and guidelines on
different aspects of housing. However, this document has not been
revised since its formulation in 2001. Due to which the present issues
and problems such as energy and climate change aspects are not reflected
or could not receive adequate attention of the policy makers.
Specifically, there are no policy guidelines in housing policy for newly
constructed housing schemes on energy conservation and efficiency.
Although ENERCON has produced some guiding material but Ministry of
Housing and Works Pakistan has no strategy for energy efficient housing.
However in present energy crisis situation in Pakistan, there should be
greater emphasis on energy efficient housing and it must be reflected in
the national housing policy of Pakistan. Present research presents the
policy recommendations in the following section, which can be
instrumental to produce the guidelines for energy efficient housing.
Present research concludes that a significant amount of energy can
be conserved and saved if building structures are modified according to
the standard policy guidelines for energy efficient or energy smart
buildings. In Pakistan UNHABITAT has developed the guidelines on
building envelope in collaboration with Capital Development Authority
and ENERCON to improve the thermal performance of already constructed
houses. There are a number of insulation technologies, which have the
potential to reduce inside temperature of the buildings by 2 to 4
[C.sup.0]. Findings of the present research have revealed that
insulation technologies are instrumental in improving the thermal
performance of buildings. These technologies have the potential to
maintain the temperature of the buildings. Use of such technologies
helps in energy conservation and yields monetary saving in terms of
reduced electricity bills. Lastly energy smart buildings play important
role in reducing the carbon emissions and problems associated with
Following are some of the policy implication emerging from present
analysis of energy smart buildings;
* There are standard guidelines on energy smart buildings
formulated by relevant departments; however, there is lack of
implementation due to a number of factors such as lack of information.
In this regard awareness can play very important role.
* Rewards for conservation and efficiency of energy should be given
in terms of reduced electricity bills to attract the people for energy
* Government should set the annual targets for energy conservation
in buildings and prepare the action plan to achieve them.
* Media should promote the idea of energy smart buildings as it can
play a crucial role in sensitising people about their responsibilities
on energy conservation in buildings.
* Energy conservation and efficiency aspects and their effective
implementation should be included into the construction bylaws.
* There should be strict criteria for monitoring of energy
consumption in the domestic as well as commercial buildings to implement
the guidelines on energy smart buildings.
* Energy efficient structures of the buildings should be encouraged
by introducing the incentives for energy conservation in buildings.
Moreover, violation of regulations and guidelines should be punished.
* Finally research should be encouraged on different energy systems
within the buildings to promote the energy conservation.
Ajaz Ahmed <
[email protected]> is Consultant. Climate
Change and Development, Institute for Social and Environmental
Transition, Islamabad.
Aziz, S., S. J. Burki, A. Ghaus-Pasha, S. Hamid, P. Hasan, A.
Hussain, H. A. Pasha, and A. Z. K. Sherdil (2010) Third Annual
Report--State of the Economy: Pulling Back from the Abyss (p. 66).
Lahore, Pakistan: Beaconhouse National University, Institute of Public
European Commission (2006) Action Plan for Energy Efficiency
2007-2012. / htms.
European Commission (2011) Energy Efficiency Plan 2011.
/ legislation_summaries/energy/energy_efficiency/en0029_en.htms.
Hoppe, T., A. Th. J. Bressers, and D. R. K. Lulofs (2011) Local
Government Influence on Energy Conservation Ambitions in Existing
Housing Sites--Plucking the Low-hanging Fruit? Energy Policy 39,
Javaid, A. M., S. Hussain, A. Maqsood, Z. Arshad, A. Arshad, and M.
Idrees (2011) Electrical Energy Crisis in Pakistan and Their Possible
Solutions. International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 11:05,
Lorde, T., K. Waithe, and B. Francis (2010) The Importance of
Electrical Energy for Economic Growth in Barbados. Energy Economics 32,
Masood, T. M., and F. Shah (2012) Dilemma of Third World
Countries--Problems Facing Pakistan Energy Crisis a Case-in-Point.
International Journal of Business and Management 7:5.
OECD (2011) OECD Green Growth Studies-Energy. OECD Green Growth
Studies. OECD Publishing.
UN-HABITAT (2010) Energy Efficient Housing: Improvement of Thermal
Performance of RC Slab Roofs. UN-HABITAT Pakistan.
Zainordina, B. N., B. M. S. Abdullah, and B. Z. Ahmad (2012) Light
and Space: Users Perception Towards Energy Efficient Buildings.
Procedia--Social and Behavioural Sciences 36, 51-60.
The idea is very interesting and if implemented then can help to
overcome Pakistan energy crises.
(1) The issue is not properly introduced in the introduction.
Further the argument is built without proper references support. After
the first two paragraphs the author suddenly comes to the issue without
giving the proper specific background.
(2) This is a policy paper and "Building Envelop" is
suggested by the author. But in a developing country like Pakistan,
where almost one third population is spending their lives on or below
the poverty line, building envelop is not a good suggestion. This is a
good suggestion but for a developed country.
(3) In a policy paper it is more important to know that how this
policy will be implemented. The author suggested a policy but the
implementation process is missing which is the only significance of a
policy paper.
(i) How the policy will be formulated and implemented?
(ii) Who are the main stakeholders and how to deal the obstacles
(if any) for the implementation?
(4) Annual shortage of energy (Difference of Demand and Supply of
Energy) is not given.
(5) The source of Table 3 is missing. Whether the author has made
his own calculations are this table is taken from sum source.
(6) The author claims that these buildings are environmental
friendly but did not estimate or explained that how much it will benefit
the environment in terms of C[O.sub.2] reduction etc.
(7) The author has not provided the cost benefit analysis of the
phenomenon and did not further analyse the feasibility of these building
in Pakistan.
(8) Very few references are available. More intensive review of
literature on the subject can improve the paper.
(9) The reader is lost to know about the data, the type of
buildings, the location of the buildings etc.
Muhammad Iftikhar-ul-Husnain
COMSATS Institute of Technology, Islamabad.
Table 1
Buildings Energy Systems
Building Envelope (Type, Geometry and Location)
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
Mechanical and Electrical Systems
Service Water Heating
Source: ENERCON (2013).
Table 2
Potential Energy Conservation Areas
Conservation Areas Saving Potential
Building Envelope 40%
Overall Lighting Potential 29%
High Efficiency Lighting (LEDs) 72%
Fluorescent Tube Ballasts 83%
Lamp Fixtures or Luminaries 50%
Air Conditioner 18%
Printer 19%
Heaters 17%
Copier 10%
Fan 5%
Computer 2%
Source: ENERCON (2013).
Table 3
Energy Conservation and Monetary Saving Sensitivity Analyses
Electricity Bills
in Traditional Monetary Value of 29% Electricity Bills in
Building Energy Conservation Energy Smart Building
1000 290 710
2000 580 1420
3000 870 2130
4000 1160 2840
5000 1450 3550
Table 4
Reduced Temperature and Improvement in Thermal Performance
Without Solution Temperature
Control Normal Temperature (Inside) 36. 2
Stabilised mud 35.3
Mud with thermo pole 33.6
Brick tiles with stabilised mud 33.1
Extruded Polystyrene (Jumbolon) 32.2
Concrete wizard tiles 34.7
Sachal CLC tiles 34.0
Smart concrete tiles 33.7
Treated Munawar AC tiles 33.0
Alnoor tile 34.1
Green netting 35.1
Lime wash 33.1
Weather shield paint (white) 33.7
White enamel paint 33.1
Aerosol heat reflecting paint 34.2
OCEVA-MOL chemical 34.7
Gypsum board false ceiling 34.6
Gypsum board with aluminum foil 34.9
Paper board false ceiling 32.2
Thermo pole false ceiling 34.4
Source: UN-HABITAT (2010).
Table 5
Cost Estimates of Different Solutions
Initial Cost Rate/
Solution Sft (PKR)
Stabilised mud 32
Mud with thermo pole 52
Brick tiles with stabilised mud 39
Extruded polystyrene (jumbolon) 76
Concrete wizard tiles 78
Sachal CLC tiles 80
Smart concrete tiles 70
Munawar AC tiles 80
Alnoor tile 81
Green netting 60
Lime wash 30
Weather shield paint (white) 80
White enamel paint 80
Aerosol heat reflecting paint 39
OCEVA-MOL chemical 35
Gypsum board false ceiling 44
Gypsum board with aluminum foil 45
Paper board false ceiling 22
Thermo pole false ceiling 30
Source: UN-HABITAT (2010).