Human capital and economic growth: the role of governance.
Muhammad, Ali ; Egbetokun, Abiodun ; Memon, Manzoor Hussain 等
In this paper we endeavour to assess the role of governance as a
precondition to human capital-led growth. Specifically, we use rule of
law, control of corruption, regulatory quality and government
effectiveness as indicators of governance in addition to a variable
representing the average of the four governance indicators. We divided
our data sample into three parts; 'low', 'medium'
and 'high' based on the governance indicators. The empirical
models of Benhabib and Spiegel (1994) and Cohen and Soto (2007) formed
the basis of the core analysis. The study uses the data from 1996-2011
for 134 countries. The result provides strong evidence in support of the
hypothesis that the relationship between human capital and growth is
much less pronounced in countries with low quality of governance. We
also found that the magnitude of the coefficient of human capital was
much higher for countries with medium quality of governance vis-a-vis
countries with high quality of governance. This finding hints towards a
threshold level of governance after which diminishing returns might
prevail. Findings of this paper suggest that preconditions in the form
of good governance are necessary for an educated labour force to
contribute to the economic growth of a country.
JEL Classification: E24, E30, 040, J24, J60
Keywords: Human Capital, Growth, Unemployment, Inflation, Pakistan
Economists agree that human capital is an important determinant of
economic growth [Arrow (1962); Aghion and Howitt (1992)]. Human
capital-led growth generally concludes the positive impact of the two
with the help of existing developed theories and empirical evidences.
Nonetheless, the standard empirical result of a direct relationship
between human capital (however measured) and economic growth, has been
criticised on several fronts. First, the impact of other growth-related
factors like quality of education, health of the labour force,
inflation, corruption, unemployment, rule of law, etc. should not be
ignored. These endogenous characteristics of a country are included in
Becker's (1993) definition of human capital. In addition, as noted
by Abramovitz (1986), social capabilities are important in the adoption
and diffusion of technologies but countries differ in social
capabilities. Therefore, to the extent to which human capital
contributes to economic growth through innovation, its effect is
conditioned by the country's social capabilities which include
factors like quality of institutions and governance.
Thus, the effect of human capital on growth could be influenced by
the environment within which it is deployed. Particularly, the
relationship between human capital and growth might be different for
countries with different governance frameworks. Such conditionality is
largely ignored in the existing literature. In fact, the stylised fact
in the literature is that, all else being equal, higher levels of human
capital--particularly the proportion of the population that is
educated--leads to higher economic growth. We re-visit this stylised
fact, taking into account the contextual influence of governance. Our
premise is as follows: Long-term growth requires the creation of new
technologies, or at least an understanding of existing ones. Learning
and innovation takes place via human capital. Appropriate policies are
required to facilitate learning and innovation and hence human capital.
Such policies, as the governance literature suggests, rest upon
conducive governance conditions [Avellaneda (2006)]. As a result, the
effect of human capital on growth will vary depending on the prevailing
governance conditions.
This paper, therefore, aims to explore the potential role of
governance in the relationship between human capital and economic
growth. We divided our sample of 134 countries into 'low',
'medium' and 'high' quality of governance using
three similar but different methodologies. Using the Benhabib and
Spiegel (1994), and Cohen and Soto (2007) models, we found that human
capital has the highest impact on growth in countries with medium
quality of governance. Growth in countries with low quality of
governance is unaffected by human capital. Relative to the countries
with medium quality of governance, human capital has a weaker effect on
growth in the best governed countries.
The layout of the paper is led by a short review on previous
selected studies on relationship between human capital and growth, and
governance and growth. This followed by a conceptual framework of the
study i.e. the role of governance in the human capital and growth nexus.
Third section state the hypothesis, and the applied econometric model
along with a brief note on the data used. Fourth is the empirical setup
and estimated result, followed by a conclusion.
It is not possible to ignore the importance of human capital
despite the rise of automation. The role of human behind the inventions,
innovations and technological advancement is much pronounced in the
scientific literature. As far as role of human capital in socio-economic
and economic activities is concerned, the immense literature exists on
it. There has been much theoretical and empirical investigations found
in existing literature examining the human as a source and driver of
economic activities and growth. Literature on human capital emphasises
the role of human as a very important--if not the most important--source
of growth [Arrow (1962); Aghion and Howitt (1992)]. General
conceptualisation on the human role as a source of economic activities
and economic growth refers to many attributes. These include the
education, health, knowledge, skills and many other which are relevant
for the economic activities [OECD (1998)]. In the existing literature,
some these attributes were much more focused to identify the role of
human capital in economic activities and growth.
As far as education is concerned, it is considered as the main
ingredient in establishing human capital to ensure the economic growth
[Lucas (1988); Barro (1991); Owen's, et al. (2009)]. The quality of
the educational system has also been shown as a conditioning variable
for the effect of human capital on growth. Primary education is found as
the important in least developed countries (LDCs), while secondary
education and tertiary education for intermediate countries and OECD
countries, respectively [Gemmel (1996)].
Solow's (1956) growth model is considered as the pioneering in
theorising the growth phenomenon. The standard neoclassical growth model
follows Cobb-Douglas production function, characterised by returns to
scale of all inputs with constant positive elasticity of input
substitution. Subsequent to neo classical model, different economic
growth models extended the theory embodied with human capital as an
additional production factor and input for innovation.
[Y.sub.t] = [A.sub.t] x f ([K.sub.t] x [L.sub.t])
K is physical capital; L is labour (sometimes interpreted as
t is time
A is a technology or efficiency index
Khan (2005) provides evidence to the fact that an increase in human
capital investment leads to higher future growth and incomes. The
empirical analysis is based on Cobb-Douglas production function
augmented with education and health indicators as a quality of human
capital. The measure used in the model includes literacy rates, average
years of secondary school enrolment and life expectancy. The model also
used rate of inflation as a proxy for sound economic policies and the
overall quality of institutions. A strong relationship was found between
economic policies, quality of institutions such as law and order,
absence of corruption and protection of property rights on growth.
Examining the impact of corruption on human capital productivity
and growth in Lebanon, Farida and Ahmadi (2006) showed that corruption
leads to inefficiency in the economy, reflected in a reduction in the
magnitude of coefficients which affect positively on growth. Thus,
corruption lowers investment, while the human capital productivity and
expenditure effectiveness of the government also reduced.
The discussion so far highlights the fact that, as we claimed at
the beginning, human capital is not necessarily directly related to
growth. Certain contextual factors play conditioning roles in the
relationship. These factors include the quality of the education system,
the degree of law and order and a country's current level of
development. Our analysis in this paper seeks to extend the existing
literature by explicitly examining the role that quality of governance
plays in the human capital-growth relationship. To the best of our
knowledge, ours is the first study to specifically analyse this
contextual role of governance.
Aspects of governance that enable learning and innovation are
especially important and considered as critical factor that explain the
difference in performance amongst different economies. Governance,
reflected in state policies and programmes, and the extent of state
intervention in the economy, influences social and economic outputs of a
country. The countries that wish to attract international capital and
technology are encouraged to improve governance framework of their
economy, to disallow rent seeking and corruption [IMF (2002)]. Politics
and institutions, according to Avellaneda (2006), are significant to the
process of economic growth by affecting the incentives to accumulate,
innovate and accommodate change. Evidence on governance roles suggests
that countries that has achieved advancement have had implemented sound
policies that led to rapid growth, learning and development.
Khan (2007) made a grouping of governance capabilities into what he
termed 'market-enhancing' and 'growth-enhancing'
governance. The structural limitations of markets in developing
economies call for critical governance capacities to enhance growth and
development. Also, with effective institutions, technologically backward
economies have the potential to 'catch-up' with the
technologically advanced nations. Market-enhancing governance
capabilities include capability to maintain stable property rights,
capability to ensure efficient and low-cost contracting and dispute
resolution, and capability to efficiently deliver public goods and
services. Efficient markets then in turn ensure the attraction and
maximisation of investments for technological advancements. In essence,
countries with good and adequate governance are more likely to progress
economically. China and India provide proof of the impact of governance
on economic growth. Growth in both countries has been accompanied by
average governance levels better than in most other poor countries
[Keefer (2006)]. Political checks and balances play a significant role
in improving the countries' governance outcomes.
If policy attempts to attract technology and capital through
increasing efficiency of the market then it is less likely to be
successful because capital and technology will be attracted to countries
with adequate human capital to understand, use and sometimes develop the
technology. Moreover, there is no universal strategy for technology
acquisition as high growth countries have used very different strategies
to achieve high growth rates.
As exhibited in Figure 1, adequate governance attempts to attract
technology and innovation, augmented by the quality of human capital for
the absorption and improvement of these technologies. This eventually
improves economic development of the country.
Figure 2 reveals the slow economic growth resulting from weak
governance, indicated by deteriorated law and order conditions,
corruption, ineffective governance, resulting in inefficient utilisation
of human resources. The weak governance in turn reflected from lack of
incentives and investment in the economy further weakens and slows down
economic growth both in short run and in the long run.
The relationship between human capital and economic growth, as
discussed before, has been studied in various settings by many authors
especially since the 1990s. Some of them were case studies while others
were cross country comparisons under different settings. A caveat of
these studies, especially in panel data studies, is the universal
treatment of countries with respect to quality of governance. We propose
that positive and significant relationship between human capital and
economic growth might not be universal and that it might depend on the
quality of governance in the country. We expect that countries with low
quality governance might not be able to utilise its human capital to its
potential. In language of econometrics, we expect the relationship
between human capital and economic growth to be insignificant for
countries with low level of governance.
Hypothesis 1: Relationship between human capital and economic
growth is insignificant for countries with low level of governance.
Human capital-led growth literature provides various different
model specifications for empirical estimations. In this paper we used
models proposed by Benhabib and Spiegel (1994) (Equation 1) and Cohen
and Soto (2007) (Equation 2).
[DELTA]ln[] = [[beta].sub.0] +
[[beta].sub.1]ln[] + [[beta].sub.2][DELTA]ln[] +
[[beta].sub.3]ln[] + [[beta].sub.4][[DELTA]ln [] +
[[epsilon]] (1)
Y = GDP at current PPP; HC = human capital index
K = capital stock at current PPP; n = population
[DELTA]ln[] = [[beta].sub.0] +
[[beta].sub.1]ln[]+ [[beta].sub.2][DELTA]ln[] +
[[beta].sub.3] ln []] + [[epsilon]] (2)
y = GDP per capita at current PPP
HC = human capital index; K = capital stock at current PPP
Equation 1 models growth in absolute GDP while Equation 2 uses
growth in GDP per capita as dependent variable. Both studies used
different variants of their main model for estimations i.e. included as
an independent variable and as a lagged variable. Since qualification
and experience reflect in output after some time lag, the latter
attempted to analyse the lagged impact. This study also uses the second
variant as shown in the equations above.
Data used in this study was taken from two sources; Penn World
Tables v.8 and World Governance Indicators of World Bank. Short data
descriptions and sources can be found in Appendix Table A1.
Governance Indicators
World Governance Indicators (WG1) provides six broad types of
governance indicators which are generated using various secondary data
sources. WGI aims to quantify the aspects of traditions and institutions
being exercised in a country which includes the process of government
selection, its monitoring and replacement; the ability of government of
design and effectively implement sound policies as well as respect of
state and citizens. These indicators are rescaled to follow normal
distribution within the range of -2.5 and +2.5 (except for political
stability which exceeds +2.5 bound). An important note should be made
here that higher numbers indicate better 'control' of
government not vice versa. For example, value of 1.5 or higher for rule
of law as compared to index of 1.0 or lower suggests better control of
law. The six governance indicators voice and accountability; political
stability and absence of violence / terrorism; government effectiveness;
regulatory quality; rule of law; and control of corruption are defined
in much detail in WGI documentation. (1)
'Voice and accountability' and 'political stability
and absence of violence' are least likely to have any influence on
the effect of human capital on growth. This is mainly because they have
had no relation to technical efficiency. (2) Therefore these indicators
are excluded from the analysis. An additional overall governance
indicator was also generated by taking average of government
effectiveness, regulatory quality, rule of law and control of corruption
to give the broader picture of governance.
Since this study attempts to connect human capital-led growth with
governance, it is useful to visually asses the data to compare where
countries stand with respect to their human capital as compared to their
level of governance. In the following figures, human capital is plotted
against all governance indicators used in this study for the year 2011.
A first look at all these comparisons clearly shows a similar pattern in
all figures. This pattern suggests that a country with high level of
governance has high level of human capital. However, same is not true
for countries with relatively low level of governance. The distribution
at lower level of governance is quite widely spread which suggests that
in presence of medium and low level of governance, countries can still
have high or low levels of human capital. The impact of the level of
human capital on growth in presence of different levels of governance
still remains an open question which is the objective of this study.
Scatter plots of rest of the governance indicators are available in the
Since the objective of this study is to ascertain whether human
capital affects economic growth differently in countries with better or
worse level of governance, we split the sample in three groups for each
variable i.e. 'low', 'medium' and 'high'
level of control. Since WGI warns against over interpretation of minor
differences in countries [Kaufmann, et al. (2010)], we used three
slightly different schemes to split the sample. If borders of the
sections are defined strictly with a number, then two countries on left
and right of that border will be assigned to different sections but in
reality they might not be very different (as warned by WGI). In order to
account for this, we used three different schemes;
'Overlapping' (Figure 4), 'Separated' (Figure 5) and
'Strictly Separated' (Figure 6).
Our sample includes a panel data for 134 countries from 1996 to
2011. A large panel data set of countries requires understanding of
country-specific effects in a serious manner because of huge significant
differences amongst them. Standard empirical methods are used for the
analysis. Thus the stationary variables are pooled in the models of OLS,
fixed effects and random effects. The latter two also attempts to
account for country-specific effects under different assumptions. The
determination of fixed or random effects to be used for estimation, we
have used the Hausman specification test. Accordingly, fixed effects
model was found efficient and consistent. Thus the fixed effects model
is used to estimate the parameters of the models in this study.
Sensitivity of the results is checked using two different model
specifications provided by the literature as well as using different
schemes to distribute the data in three sections. Expectedly, there were
minor differences in the estimated coefficients and standard errors when
different procedures were used; however results as a whole did not
change. Therefore, results of scheme 2, "Separated Sections"
for Benhabib and Spiegel (1994) model will be reported and interpreted
in the text. The other models are available with authors on request.
The unrestricted base models of Benhabib and Spiegel (BS) and Cohen
and Soto (CS) models are replicated before turning to the restricted
models specific to our hypothesis. The results of fixed effects, random
effects and pooled OLS estimations are presented in Table 1. The signs
of the coefficients were in accordance with the economic theory. One
striking feature of the results is very low coefficient of determination
as compared to the original studies of these models. However, R-squared
improves when sub-samples are analysed in later models. Although signs
and significance did not change with different estimation methods, the
coefficients of human capital and some other variables increased
significantly when fixed effects were used, i.e. for human capital from
0.020 to 0.622, from pooled OLS and fixed effect, respectively in BS
model. It suggests that controlling for country-specific effects is
necessary which is also suggested by Hausman test. The null hypothesis
of Hausman test states that fixed effects method is consistent and
random effects is efficient while alternate hypothesis states that fixed
effects is consistent but random effects is inconsistent. The result of
the test suggests that it is better to use fixed effects compared to
random effects model as results from random effects model will be
Effect of Human Capital on Economic Growth under Different Levels
of Governance
In order to test our hypothesis, as explained earlier, we divided
our dataset into three categories (schemes) based on different levels of
governance. These schemes serve as the tool for sensitivity analysis of
our results. The scheming is also necessary because small changes in
values of governance should not be over-interpreted therefore hard
division of the distribution would result in two countries being in
different groups even when their differences are quite low. We used
three schemes to account for this potential caveat; scheme 1:
"overlapping sections" where boundaries of the sections
overlap with each other, scheme 2: "separated sections" where
sections are created with hard division and scheme 3: "strictly
separated sections" where there is a gap between the sections to
exclude countries with very small differences. While estimations are
carried out for all three schemes, we use scheme 2 as our base scheme
and the other two schemes as extensions of this scheme for sensitivity
analysis. Since results were not sensitive to the schemes, we will
interpret the results of both BS and CS models estimated under the base
scheme (scheme 2).
Benhabib and Spiegel (BS) Model with Scheme 2
Estimation results of BS model under scheme 2 are reported in Table
2 where for each governance indicator, results are reported for three
sub-samples based on 'low', 'medium' and
'high' levels of governance. An important clarification is due
at this point. All governance variables are constructed in a way that
high numbers represent better governance. For example, high number for
corruption means high level of control for corruption instead of high of
level of corruption. Results for the average governance support our
hypothesis. The insignificance of human capital in low governance
countries clearly states that in countries with low level of governance,
human capital does not affect economic growth. Another observation is
that magnitude of coefficient of human capital for medium level of
governance is more than twice as large as its coefficient for high level
of governance. Additionally, significance level was also much higher for
countries with medium level of governance. These observations hint
towards a threshold level of governance after which higher levels are
not beneficial anymore. This also indicates the diminishing returns of
human capital investment from a particular threshold level which to some
extent can be observed in countries with high level of governance.
Similar results were found for regulatory quality and government
effectiveness with the exception that coefficient of human capital for
countries with medium level of regulatory quality was higher but less
than twice the magnitude for countries with high level of regulatory
We did not find support for our hypothesis for control of
corruption and rule of law. We found that, contrary to our expectations,
human capital had positive and significant coefficient for countries
with low level of rule of law and control of corruption. This result
suggests that level of corruption and rule of law does not matter for
human capital-led growth. Similar to the findings discussed in the last
paragraph, we found much higher magnitude of the coefficient of human
capital for countries with medium level of rule of law and control of
corruption vis-a-vis countries with high level governance.
Cohen and Soto (CS) Model with Scheme 2
Similar to the previous exercise, the estimations were carried out
for CS model under scheme 2; the results are presented in Table 3.
Contrary to the results of BS model, we found support of our hypothesis
for all governance indicators in CS model. We found that the
relationship between human capital and growth is insignificant for
countries with low level of 'governance (average)', 'rule
of law', 'control of corruption', 'regulatory
quality' and 'government effectiveness'. This finding
suggests that human capital in countries with low level of governance
will not increase economic growth unless it is combined with the policy
of improving governance. While coefficients of countries with medium
level governance reveals similar results as in BS model and are highly
significant in all governance indicators vis-a-vis countries with high
level of governance.
Empirical literature on relationship between human capital and
economic growth provides contradictory results. This has been studied by
number of authors by using different models, settings, data set and time
specifications. The cross country comparisons implicitly assume
homogenous governance systems/quality in all countries which, in our
opinion, is a strong assumption. In this study we used data for 134
countries and divided the sample based on the level of governance in the
countries. Using fixed effects model for estimation, in most of the
cases we found that the relationship between human capital and economic
growth is insignificant (or weaker) for countries with low level of
governance. We also found that coefficient of human capital was larger
for countries with medium level of governance vis-a-vis countries with
high level of governance. This finding hint towards the threshold level
of governance after which there might be diminishing returns. The
results were robust to the method of data division.
There is a potentially important role of human capital in
supporting countries' economic growth. However, the findings in
this paper suggest that increase in human capital might not reflect in
the economic growth if the country has bad governance. In the absence of
proper regulatory framework and control of corruption, the system will
not be able to utilise and optimise its human capital potential.
This study extends the literature that suggests the need to
strengthen the link between human capital and economic growth. The
novelty of the paper lies in the fact that it uncovers the role of
governance as a conditioning factor in this link. In general,
better-governed states make better use of their human capital and thus
tend to accumulate more wealth. However, comparing averagely well
governed states with the best-governed ones reveals that there might be
a threshold beyond which the role of governance in human capital-led
growth. The research implication of this finding is two-fold: one, the
widely reported impact of human capital on economic growth, while
positive, might haven been exaggerated; two, future research on the link
between human capital and economic growth needs to take the conditioning
effect of governance into account.
Table A1
Variable Description/Unit Source
Y Output-side real GDP at current PPPs Penn World
(in mil. 2005US$) Tables 8.0
n Population (in millions) Penn World
Tables 8.0
y Y/n Penn World
Tables 8.0
HC Index of human capital per person, based on Penn World
years of schooling (Barro/Lee, 2012) and Tables 8.0
returns to education (Psacharopoulos, 1994)
K Capital stock at current PPPs Penn World
(in mil. 2005USS) Tables 8.0
ROL Rule of Law index (range -2.5 to 2.5) World
COR Control of Corruption index World
(range -2.5 to 2.5) Governance
Govt.Eff Government Effectiveness index World
(range -2.5 to 2.5) Governance
REG Regulatory Environment index World
(range -2.5 to 2.5) Governance
Gov Average Governance (ROL+COR+Govt.Eff+REG)/4 World
Table A2
Correlation Matrix
[DELTA]lnY [DELTA]lny lnh(t-l) [DELTA]lnck
[DELTA]lnY 1
[DELTA]lny 0.9862 1
lnh(t-1) -0.0588 0.0249 1
Alnck 0.2937 0.2573 -0.1378 1
Alnn 0.1702 0.0044 -0.5027 0.2417
lnY(t-1) -0.0584 -0.0126 0.4433 -0.035
lny(t-1) -0.0497 -0.0031 0.779 -0.0327
[DELTA]lnn lnY(t-l) Iny(t-l)
Alnn 1
lnY(t-1) -0.2772 1
lny(t-1) -0.2811 0.5527 1
Table A3
Descriptive Statistics
Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
[DELTA]lnY 2010 0.041222 0.090408 -0.93698 1.12034
[DELTA]lny 2010 0.026929 0.089091 -0.94246 1.115328
lnh(t-l) 2010 0.869949 0.252762 0.127135 1.286128
[DELTA]lnck 2010 0.05291 0.067864 -0.4877 0.971869
[DELTA]lnn 2010 0.014293 0.014988 -0.01841 0.185883
lnY(t-l) 2010 10.99621 1.964236 5.704933 16.39151
iny(t-l) 2010 8.717786 1.334267 4.914746 11.60562
Avg.Governance 2010 0.116643 0.970479 -2.12292 2.201406
Rule of Law 2010 0.049999 1.002271 -2.22985 1.99964
Control of 2010 0.080258 1.042928 -2.05746 2.585616
Regulatory 2010 0.187996 0.935579 -2.41273 2.247345
Government 2010 0.14832 0.998738 -1.98201 2.429652
Table A4
Fixed Effects Estimation Results: Scheme 3- Strictly Separated
Sections (BS Model)
Dependent Variable: Annualised
Difference in Log GDP
Benhabib and Spiegel (1994)
Governance Average
Low Medium High
[InHQ.sub.(t-1)] 0.625 0.641 *** 0.323 *
(1.12) (8.80) (2.57)
[DELTA]lnK 0.379 0.355 *** 0.230 ***
(1.07) (9.14) (4.95)
[DELTA]lnn 7.417 *** 0.688 * 0.898
(4 19) (2.51) (L26)
[lnY.sub.(t-1)] -0.149 * -0.103 *** -0.195 ***
(-2.70) (-9.39) (-9.36)
Constant 0.910 * 0.587 *** 2.062 ***
(2.10) (6.57) (11.37)
N 153 1357 395
R-sq 0.224 0.133 0.273
adj. R-sq 0.099 0.059 0.202
Dependent Variable: Annualised
Difference in Log GDP
Benhabib and Spiegel (1994)
Rule of Law
Low Medium High
[InHQ.sub.(t-1)] 0.542+ 0.661 *** 0.363 *
(1.83) (8.64) (2.90)
[DELTA]lnK 0.536 *** 0.335 *** 0.222 ***
(4.32) (7.42) (5.13)
[DELTA]lnn 5.723 *** 0.768 * 2.124 *
(4.79) (2.66) (2.64)
[lnY.sub.(t-1)] -0.132 * -0.114 *** -0.217 ***
(-3.62) (-9.77) (-10.18)
Constant 0.851 * 0.688 *** 2.303 ***
(3.08) (7.11) (12.63)
N 259 1300 397
R-sq 0.234 0.124 0.320
adj. R-sq 0.121 0.045 0.254
Dependent Variable: Annualised
Difference in Log GDP
Benhabib and Spiegel (1994)
Control for Corruption
Low Medium High
[InHQ.sub.(t-1)] 1.392 * 0.711 *** 0.300 *
(2.22) (9.48) (2.32)
[DELTA]lnK 0.348 0.358 *** 0.214 ***
(0.85) (9.10) (4.45)
[DELTA]lnn 11.76 *** 0.919 * 0.0626
(5.20) (3.17) (0.10)
[lnY.sub.(t-1)] -0.124 * -0.123 *** -0.186 ***
(-2.08) (-10.62) (-8.70)
Constant 0.137 0.732 *** 2.009 ***
(0.26) (7.85) (10.75)
N 123 1418 382
R-sq 0.296 0.138 0.262
adj. R-sq 0.132 0.063 0.185
t statistics in parentheses
+ p<0.10 * p<0.05 ** p<0.01 *** p<.0001"
Table A5
Fixed Effects Estimation Results: Scheme 3- Strictly Separated
Sections (BS Model) (Continued)
Dependent Variable: Annualised
Difference in Log GDP
Benhabib and Spiegel (1994)
Regulatory Quality
Low Medium High
[lnHQ.sub.(t-1)] 0.756 (+) 0.657 *** 0.370 *
(1.73) (8.69) (2.79)
[DELTA]lnK 0.376 0.386 *** 0.190 ***
(1.24) (8.76) (4.12)
[DELTA]lnn 7.130 *** 0.794 * 0.468
(4.28) (2.77) (0.68)
[lnY.sub.(t-1)] -0.159 * -0.112 *** -0.168 ***
(-3.26) (-9.39) (-8.18)
Constant 0.977 * 0.671 *** 1.674 ***
(2.58) (6.85) (9.82)
N 161 1279 401
R-sq 0.241 0.134 0.218
adj. R-sq 0.139 0.057 0.133
Dependent Variable: Annualised
Difference in Log GDP
Benhabib and Spiegel (1994)
Government Effectiveness
Low Medium High
[lnHQ.sub.(t-1)] 0.702 0.587 *** 0.270 *
(1.45) (8.26) (2.16)
[DELTA]lnK 0.434 0.308 *** 0.173 *
(1.18) (7.99) (3.74)
[DELTA]lnn 6.651 * 0.621 * 0.885
(3.66) (2.48) (1.31)
[lnY.sub.(t-1)] -0.188 * -0.0947 *** -0.177 ***
(-3.11) (-8.93) (-8.60)
Constant 1.184 * 0.545 *** 1.912 ***
(2.64) (6.35) (10.81)
N 147 1364 392
R-sq 0.225 0.113 0.250
adj. R-sq 0.102 0.040 0.172
t statistics in parentheses
(+) p<0.10 * p<0.05 ** p<0.01 *** p<.0001"
Table A6
Fixed Effects Estimation Results: Scheme 3- Strictly Separated
Sections (CS Model)
Dependent Variable: Annualised
Difference in Log GDP per Capita
Cohen and Soto (2007)
Governance Average
Low Medium High
[lnHQ.sub.(t-1)] 0.477 0.534 *** 0.354 *
(0.93) (8.45) (3.00)
[DELTA]lnK 0.597 0.361 *** 0.247 ***
(1.65) (9.36) (5.45)
[lnY.sub.(t-1)] -0.231 * -0.124 *** -0.266 ***
(-3.59) (-10.80) (-10.95)
Constant 1.366 * 0.607 *** 2.367 ***
(3.11) (7.30) (12.%)
N 153 1357 395
R-sq 0.126 0.147 0.321
adj. R-sq -0.006 0.076 0.257
Dependent Variable: Annualised
Difference in Log GDP per Capita
Cohen and Soto (2007)
Rule of Law
Low Medium High
[lnHQ.sub.(t-1)] 0.389 0.547 *** 0.343 *
(1.47) (8.24) (2.95)
[DELTA]lnK 0.567 *** 0.346 *** 0.242 ***
(4.45) (7.74) (5.74)
[lnY.sub.(t-1)] -0.177 *** -0.142 *** -0.271 ***
(-4.29) (-11.43) (-11.33)
Constant 1.058 *** 0.755 *** 2.428 ***
(4.01) (8.20) (13.93)
N 259 1300 397
R-sq 0.159 0.145 0.358
adj. R-sq 0.040 0.069 0.297
Dependent Variable: Annualised
Difference in Log GDP per Capita
Cohen and Soto (2007)
Control for Corruption
Low Medium High
[lnHQ.sub.(t-1)] 0.521 0.561 *** 0.343 *
(0.84) (8.79) (2.84)
[DELTA]lnK 0.761 + 0.363 *** 0.236 ***
(1.72) (9.28) (5.02)
[lnY.sub.(t-1)] -0.183 * -0.141 *** -0.264 ***
(-2.39) (-11.84) (-10.61)
Constant 1.003+ 0.731 *** 2.356 ***
(1.91) (8.42) (12.68)
N 123 1418 382
R-sq 0.107 0.153 0.318
adj. R-sq -0.089 0.081 0.249
t statistics in parentheses
(+) p<0.10 * p<0.05 ** p<0.01 *** p<.0001"
Table A7
Fixed Effects Estimation Results: Scheme 3- Strictly Separated
Sections (CS Model) (Continued)
Dependent Variable: Annualised
Difference in Log GDP per Capita
Benhabib and Spiegel (1994)
Regulatory Quality
Low Medium High
[lnHQ.sub.(t-1)] 0.632 0.514 *** 0.386 *
(1.54) (7.92) (3.14)
[DELTA]lnK 0.493 0.392 *** 0.204 ***
(1.57) (8.93) (4.52)
[lnY.sub.(t-1)] -0.230 *** -0.132 *** -0.222 ***
(-4.09) (-10.55) (-9.71)
Constant 1.307 * 0.684 *** 1.870 ***
(3.73) (7.47) (11.32)
N 161 1279 401
R-sq 0.149 0.147 0.261
adi. R-sq 0.042 0.072 0.184
Dependent Variable: Annualised
Difference in Log GDP per Capita
Benhabib and Spiegel (1994)
Government Effectiveness
Low Medium High
[lnHQ.sub.(t-1)] 0.262 0.492 *** 0.296 *
(0.63) (7.97) (2.51)
[DELTA]lnK 0.574 0.318 *** 0.191 ***
(1.55) (8.28) (4.23)
[lnY.sub.(t-1)] -0.285 *** -0.116 *** -0.240 ***
(-4-23) (-10.26) (-9.96)
Constant 1.821 *** 0.574 *** 2.170 ***
(4.19) (7.07) (12.15)
N 147 1364 392
R-sq 0.160 0.128 0.293
adi. R-sq 0.034 0.057 0.222
t statistics in parentheses
(+) p<0.10 * p<0.05 ** p<0.01 *** p<.0001"
Muhammad Ali <
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Max Planck Institute of Economics, Bachstrasse, Germany. Abiodun
Egbetokun <
[email protected]> is DFG, Research
Training Programme, Friedrich Schiller University Jena and the Max
Planck Institute of Economics, Bachstrasse, Germany. Manzoor Hussain
Memon <
[email protected]> is Economist, Social Policy and
Development Centre (SPDC), Karachi.
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Although the paper laid its foundation on well-established Benhabib
and Spiegel, but how the reduced form equation 1 is derived from
Cobb-Douglas is not properly mentioned in paper. Thus it is difficult to
understand the channel between human capital and productivity through
Beside other results paper also hint towards the threshold level of
governance after which there might be diminishing return to scale. How
this parabolic relationship is formed is not explained. Also, authors do
not address the issue of non-linearity. Here I think more advanced
methods like semi parametric techniques, which control the parameter
heterogeneity problem can be considered.
Finally, to examine the effect of governance in growth regression
why governance variable is not included in the regression itself? Why
authors preferred to make sub samples?
Asma Hyder
National University of Science and Technology (NUST), Islamabad.
(1) Definitions are provided in the full dataset of WGI under
following link (accessed September 8th, 2014)
(2) Hurryvansh Aubeeluck, "Institutional Governance and
Economic Growth, with special reference to Sub-Saharan Africa",
African Studies Association of Australasia and the Pacific--AFSAAP,
Conference Proceedings, 36th Annual Conference, 2013.
Table 1
Base Models with Hausman Test for Method Selection
Dependent Cariable: Annualised Difference in Log GDP
Benhabib and Spiegel (1994)
Fixed Random
Pooled OLS Effects Effects
lnHC(t-l) 0.0209 * 0.622 *** 0.0215 *
(2.21) (9.44) (2.12)
[DELTA]lnK 0.360 *** 0.345 *** 0.362 ***
(12.37) (10.06) (12.16)
[DELTA]lnn 0.741 *** 1.222 *** 0.721 ***
(4.89) (4.88) (4.54)
InY(t-l) -0.00188 (+) -0.127 *** -0.00216 (+)
(-1.72) (-13.03) (-1.83)
Constant 0.0140 0.860 *** 0.0169
(1.09) (10.68) (1.21)
N 2010 2010 2010
R-sq 0.099 0.135 --
adj. R-sq 0.098 0.071 --
Hausman test Chi-Squared: 169.87, P-value: 0.000
Dependent Variable: Annualised Difference in Log GDP per
Cohen and Soto (2007)
Fixed Random
Pooled OLS Effects Effects
InHC(t-l) 0.0521 *** 0.470 *** 0.0573 ***
(4.25) (8.23) (4.32)
[DELTA]lnK 0.360 *** 0.355 *** 0.362 ***
(12.55) (10.41) (12.32)
lnY(t-l) -0.00730 * -0.148 *** -0.00853 *
(-3.17) (-14.12) (-3.42)
Constant 0.0262 (+) 0.887 *** 0.0323 *
(1.92) (11.37) (2.18)
N 2010 2010 2010
R-sq 0.075 0.144 --
adj. R-sq 0.073 0.082 --
Hausman test Chi-Squared: 188.69, P-value: 0.000
Hausman Test Ho: FE consistent, RE efficient; Ha: FE
consistent, RE inconsistent.
t statistics in parentheses
(+) p<0.10 * p<0.05 ** p<0.01 *** p<.0001
Table 2
Fixed Effects Estimation Results: Scheme 2- Separated Sections
(BS Model)
Dependent variable: Annualised Difference in log GDP
Benhabib and Spiegel (1994)
Governance Average
Low Medium High
[lnHC.sub.(t-1)] 0.566 0.641 *** 0.284 *
(1.62) (8.80) (2.38)
[DELTA]lnK 0.629 * 0.355 *** 0.244 ***
(2.80) (9.14) (5.68)
[DELTA]lnn 6.606 *** 0.688 * -0.0730
(4.44) (2.51) (-0.12)
[LnY.sub.(t-1)] -0.156 * -0.103 *** -0.187 ***
(-3.61) (-9.39) (-9.37)
Constant 1.021 * 0.587 *** 2.008 ***
(2.99) (6.57) (11.77)
N 221 1357 432
R-sq 0.233 0.133 0.279
adj. R-sq 0.112 0.059 0.213
Benhabib and Spiegel (1994)
Rule of Law
Low Medium High
[lnHC.sub.(t-1)] 0.542 * 0.661 *** 0.303 *
(2.18) (8.64) (2.53)
[DELTA]lnK 0.524 *** 0.335 *** 0.221 ***
(4.67) (7.42) (5.17)
[DELTA]lnn 5.755 *** 0.768 * 2.064 *
(5.18) (2.66) (2.60)
[LnY.sub.(t-1)] -0.130 * -0.114 *** -0.208 ***
(-394) (-9.77) (-9.99)
Constant 0.832 * 0.688 *** 2.248 ***
(3.27) (7.11) (12.59)
N 292 1300 418
R-sq 0.238 0.124 0.312
adj. R-sq 0.134 0.045 0.241
Benhabib and Spiegel (1994)
Control for Corruption
Low Medium High
[lnHC.sub.(t-1)] 0.735 * 0.711 *** 0.282 *
(1.99) (9.48) (2.32)
[DELTA]lnK 0.609 * 0.358 *** 0.227 ***
(2.05) (9.10) (4.97)
[DELTA]lnn 8.004 *** 0.919 * -0.168
(4.70) (3.17) (-0.47)
[LnY.sub.(t-1)] -0.116 * -0.123 *** -0.184 ***
(-2.66) (-10.62) (-9.47)
Constant 0.560 0.732 *** 2.004 ***
(1.46) (7.85) (11.80)
N 193 1418 399
R-sq 0.213 0.138 0.283
adj. R-sq 0.049 0.063 0.207
Benhabib and Spiegel (1994)
Regulatory Quality
Low Medium High
[lnHC.sub.(t-1)] 0.474 0.657 *** 0.406 *
(1 53) (8.69) (3.37)
[DELTA]lnK 0.477 * 0.386 *** 0.215 ***
(3.06) (8.76) (516)
[DELTA]lnn 6.522 *** 0.794 * 0.695
(4.70) (2.77) (1.01)
[LnY.sub.(t-1)] -0.108 * -0.112 *** -0.192 ***
(-3.08) (-9.39) (-10.15)
Constant 0.650 * 0.671 *** 1.907 ***
(2.28) (6.85) (12.40)
N 215 1279 516
R-sq 0.228 0.134 0.256
adj. R-sq 0.126 0.057 0.185
Benhabib and Spiegel (1994)
Government Effectiveness
Low Medium High
[lnHC.sub.(t-1)] 0.459 0.587 *** 0.349 *
(1.17) (8.26) (2.89)
[DELTA]lnK 0.614 * 0.308 *** 0.213 ***
(2.73) (7.99) (4.79)
[DELTA]lnn 6.674 *** 0.621 * 0.511
(4.12) (2.48) (0.76)
[LnY.sub.(t-1)] -0.139 * -0.0947 *** -0.190 ***
(-291) (-8.93) (-9.48)
Constant 0.891 * 0.545 *** 1.976 ***
(2.40) (6.35) (11.68)
N 194 1364 452
R-sq 0.198 0.113 0.258
adj. R-sq 0.079 0.040 0.187
t statistics in parentheses
(+) p<0.10 * p<0.05 ** p<0.01 *** p<.0001"
Table 3
Fixed Effects Estimation Results: Scheme 2- Separated Sections
(CS Model)
Dependent Variable: Annualised
Difference in Log GDP per Capita
Cohen and Soto (2007)
Governance Average
Low Medium High
[lnHQ.sub.(t-1)] 0.345 0.534 *** 0,324 *
(1.10) (8.45) (2.91)
[DELTA]lnK 0.686 * 0.361 *** 0.253 ***
(2.98) (9.36) (6.05)
[lny.sub.(t-1)] -0.221 *** -0.124 *** -0.263 ***
(-4.45) (-10.80) (-1131)
Constant 1.384 *** 0.607 *** 2.360 ***
(4.10) (7.30) (13.59)
N 221 1357 432
R-sq 0.163 0.147 0.326
adj. R-sq 0.036 0.076 0.266
Dependent Variable: Annualised
Difference in Log GDP per Capita
Cohen and Soto (2007)
Rule of Law
Low Medium High
[lnHQ.sub.(t-1)] 0.352 0.547 *** 0.268 *
(1.59) (8.24) (2.41)
[DELTA]lnK 0,541 *** 0.346 *** 0.238 ***
(466) (7.74) (5.70)
[lny.sub.(t-1)] -0.165 *** -0.142 *** -0.256 ***
(-4.48) (-11.43) (-11.00)
Constant 1.002 *** 0.755 *** 2.349 ***
(4.16) (8.20) (13.71)
N 292 1300 418
R-sq 0.160 0.145 0.343
adj. R-sq 0.049 0069 0.277
Dependent Variable: Annualised
Difference in Log GDP per Capita
Cohen and Soto (2007)
Control for Corruption
Low Medium High
[lnHQ.sub.(t-1)] 0.441 0.561 *** 0.339 *
(1.25) (8.79) (2.92)
[DELTA]lnK 0.758 * 0.363 *** 0.244 ***
(2.46) (9.28) (5.48)
[lny.sub.(t-1)] -0.172 * -0.141 *** -0.266 ***
(-3.23) (-11.84) (-10.87)
Constant 0.983 * 0.731 *** 2.380 ***
(2.65) (8.42) (13.02)
N 193 1418 399
R-sq 0.109 0.153 0 322
adj. R-sq -0.070 0.081 0.253
Dependent Variable: Annualised
Difference in Log GDP per Capita
Benhabib and Spiegel (1994)
Regulatory Quality
Low Medium High
[lnHQ.sub.(t-1)] 0.289 0.514 *** 0.396 *
(1.00) (7.92) (3.53)
[DELTA]lnK 0.546 * 0.392 *** 0.231 ***
(3.41) (8.93) (5.69)
[lny.sub.(t-1)] -0.152 * -0.132 *** -0.239 ***
(-3.77) (-10.55) (-11.52)
Constant 0.944 * 0.684 *** 2.022 ***
(3.53) (7.47) (13.68)
N 215 1279 516
R-sq 0.142 0.147 0.289
adj. R-sq 0.034 0.072 0.222
Dependent Variable: Annualised
Difference in Log GDP per Capita
Benhabib and Spiegel (1994)
Government Effectiveness
Low Medium High
[lnHQ.sub.(t-1)] 0.174 0.492 *** 0.382 *
(0.50) (7.97) (3 39)
[DELTA]lnK 0.726 * 0.318 *** 0.228 ***
(3.22) (8.28) (5.29)
[lny.sub.(t-1)] -0.210 * -0.116 *** -0.263 ***
(-3.94) (-10.26) (-11.20)
Constant 1.380 * 0.574 *** 2.290 ***
(3.82) (7.07) (13.28)
N 194 1364 452
R-sq 0.128 0.128 0.303
adj. R-sq 0.004 0.057 0.239
t statistics in parentheses
(+) p<0.10 * p<0.05 ** p<0.01 *** p<0001"