Special education referral, evaluation, and placement practices for preschool English language learners.
Hardin, Belinda J. ; Roach-Scott, Marisa ; Peisner-Feinberg, Ellen S. 等
Abstract. The number of English language learners (ELLs) in early
childhood regular and special education services has increased
dramatically in the past decade. A survey was conducted with 141 early
childhood administrators and teachers to examine their beliefs and
practices concerning the special education referral, evaluation, and
placement process for preschool ELLs and their families. Survey
questions were designed to gather information about: 1) how cultural and
language differences were addressed, 2) what strategies were used to
ensure parent participation of ELL children, and 3) what training was
available and being used by early childhood professionals. Data were
coded and percentages of similar responses calculated to understand
participants' beliefs, attitudes, and practices. Results indicate
that inconsistencies in methods are used to determine home language and
English proficiency, a lack of clarity regarding the purpose of
instruments used for screening and evaluating ELL children, a need for
reliable and valid screening and assessment tools in a variety of
languages, a need for interpreters who are trained in early childhood
terms and the special education referral, evaluation, and placement
process, and a need for more teacher training on meeting the needs of
culturally and linguistically diverse families.
Children of immigrant families are the fastest growing population
in the United States (United States Census Bureau, 2003). In 2003, an
estimated 33.5 million people, or nearly 12 percent of the U.S.
population, was foreign-born (Larsen, 2004). As a result of these
population changes, the number of children in U.S. schools who are
English language learners (ELLs) has increased by more than 15 million
students, making up almost 10 percent of the total school population in
prekindergarten through 12th grade (Mathews & Ewen, 2006; Meyer,
Madden, & McGrath, 2004). Spanish, Vietnamese, Hmong, Korean, and
Arabic are among the top five languages spoken in the homes of families
with ELLs (Hopstock & Stephenson, 2003).
Early childhood regular and special education services have been
particularly impacted by these population changes. Nineteen states
experienced a 100 percent or more increase in the number of immigrant
children under age 6 during the last decade, and approximately 44
percent of ELL students attending public schools are in prekindergarten
through 3rd grade (Mathews & Ewen, 2006). Similarly, in 2005,
twenty-five percent of the children attending Head Start spoke a
language (mostly Spanish) other than English in their homes (Hamm,
2006). In response to the large number of young ELL students
participating in preschool education and the need to appropriately
educate the increasing number of culturally and linguistically diverse
learners, 12 of the 38 states and the District of Columbia that have
state preschool services use ELL as an "at-risk" category or
as a factor to prioritize enrollment of eligible children (Mathews &
Ewen, 2006).
North Carolina's population reflects this national picture. It
is well-documented that North Carolina has the fastest growing Latino
population in the United States, nearly a 400 percent increase since
1990, and six to seven times faster than the national growth rate (North
Carolina State Data Center, 2001). In fact, 27.5 percent of the
state's population growth from 1990 to 2004 was made up of Latino
families. Fifty-seven percent of the total enrollment growth in North
Carolina public schools between the 2000-01 and 2004-05 school years can
be attributed to the Latino population (North Carolina Department of
Public Instruction, 2006).
Within North Carolina and nationwide, early childhood teachers and
administrators in both regular and special education are being
challenged in new ways by the cultural and linguistic differences of
ELLs. These circumstances are exacerbated by the speed at which these
changes have taken place, thus creating enormous challenges to service
providers responsible for assessing, determining eligibility, and
providing educational services to young ELLs (Bevan-Brown, 2001;
Burnette, 2000; Rolstad, Mahoney, & Glass, 2005). All too
frequently, children who are culturally and linguistically diverse fail
initial developmental screenings. Ultimately, many of these children are
placed in special education simply because of the difficulties in
distinguishing learning differences from cultural and linguistic
differences (De Valenzuela, Copeland, Qi, & Park, 2006; Lock &
Layton, 2002). The gravity of this situation was reflected in the recent
reauthorization of the Individuals With Disabilities Education
Improvement Act (IDEA 2004), which now requires states to develop
policies and procedures to prevent over-identification or
disproportionate representation of children by race/ethnicity in their
special education programs (United States Congress, 2004).
Research indicates that although children with limited English
proficiency may be able to orally communicate in English in social
situations with peers and adults in as little as one to two years, the skills required to be cognitively and academically proficient in English
may take as long as five to eight years to develop (Cummins, 1981, 2005;
Lake & Pappamihiel, 2003; Tabors, 1997). This fact alone brings into
question the efficacy of assessment results for children with limited
English proficiency when they are evaluated for special services. Even
after the initial adjustment period, children may continue to learn at a
slower pace, due to language differences or unfamiliar teaching styles
(Barrera, Corso, & MacPherson, 2003; Grossman, 1998; Lock &
Layton, 2002), sometimes resulting in referrals to special services.
In addition, early childhood professionals are faced with the task
of ensuring active family participation of ELLs in a culturally
responsive manner, regardless of potential language barriers. In
accordance with legal mandates under IDEA 2004, particularly the
provision of nondiscriminatory evaluation and procedural safeguards for
family participation, early childhood professionals must ensure that
appropriate measures are taken to facilitate open and effective
communication between service providers and families of ELL children
(National Association for the Education of Young Children [NAEYC],
2005). According to Barrera, Corso, and MacPherson (2003), common
problems related to parent involvement in the referral, evaluation, and
placement process include insufficient methods for: 1) determining
cultural and linguistic differences that contribute to or inhibit communication between parents and professionals, 2) gathering
information from families using culturally sensitive processes, 3)
communicating assessment results and placement options with families
within a culturally responsive framework, and 4) developing and
maintaining culturally appropriate methods of communication with
families after a child begins receiving special services.
Understanding successful strategies as well as gaps in support for
children who are ELLs and their families will help ensure greater
success for them as they navigate through the public school system. To
better understand the dynamics surrounding the referral, evaluation, and
placement process, as well as methods for encouraging family
participation for preschool children who are ELLs, the authors conducted
a statewide survey with administrators and teachers in North Carolina
who provide regular and special education services to young children.
The study was designed to address the following three questions:
1. How are cultural and language differences being addressed during
the special education referral, evaluation, and placement process for
preschool ELLs?
2. What accommodations are being made to ensure parent
participation during the special education referral, evaluation, and
placement process?
3. Have classroom teachers and special education professionals been
trained on cultural and linguistic practices relevant to the referral,
evaluation, and placement process?
Program Characteristics
All of the participating programs (n = 31) were located in North
Carolina. As shown in Table 1, the programs included child care centers,
public schools, and Head Start centers. Approximately two-thirds of the
programs were located in the Piedmont or central region of the state.
Another seven programs were in the mountains of the western region, and
five programs were from the eastern coastal region. Most programs were
located in urban/suburban service areas. All of the programs provided
services to children with disabilities and ELLs.
Total Sample. A total of 141 participants returned surveys.
However, one survey was excluded from analyses because of incomplete
data. Thus, data from 140 surveys were included in all analyses. Of
these 140 respondents, 31 completed administrator surveys and 109
completed teacher surveys. Except for one administrator, all of the
participants were female. The race/ethnicity of the participants for the
total sample included: American Indian or Alaska Native (1.4 percent);
Asian (0.7 percent); black or African American (32.1 percent); Hispanic or Latino (2.1 percent); white (62.4 percent); and other (2.1 percent).
Administrators. Table 2 depicts the demographic data for the
administrator survey subsample (n = 31), consisting of mostly child care
center directors, preschool special education directors for public
school districts, and school principals. The race/ ethnicity distribution of the administrator survey subsample was proportionally similar to the total sample distribution. Responses concerning the
highest level of education completed indicated that all but one of the
administrators had some college training, including two-thirds with a
master's or doctoral degree. All but five administrators reported
being in their current job for 1-10 years, and most had worked as early
childhood education administrators for more than a decade.
Teachers. Table 3 shows the demographic data for the teacher survey
subsample (n = 109). By far, the majority of teacher survey respondents
were classroom teachers. In addition, six speech/language pathologists and four teacher assistants completed the teacher survey. While the
race/ethnicity of the teacher survey subsample reflected the total
sample distribution, it should be noted that the majority of the
participants (87 percent) were of European and African American decent.
More than half of the teacher survey respondents had college degrees.
Nearly two-thirds reported being in their current job for up to five
years and another 24 percent for 5-10 years. Approximately two-thirds of
the teachers reported working in the field of early childhood education
for 1-10 years.
Two types of measures--a program administrator survey and a teacher
survey--were developed to investigate current practices associated with
the referral, evaluation, and placement process for preschool ELLs. A
literature search was conducted to identify trends and issues related to
ELLs and the special education referral, evaluation, and placement
process for ELL students. Questions were drafted for each category of
services (referral, evaluation, placement) to obtain information related
to both ELL children and their families. A cover sheet was added that
explained the purpose of the survey, included instructions for
completing the survey, and asked participants for personal demographic
information (name and contact information). Other personal demographics were included at the end of the survey (position, gender,
race/ethnicity, number of years in early childhood, preservice and
inservice training). In addition, program directors were asked to
provide information, such as type of program (e.g., public school
kindergarten, private child care center), service area (rural, urban,
suburban), and teaching staff characteristics (e.g., number of bilingual staff). Each measure was piloted with early childhood professionals, and
questions were revised accordingly.
Both surveys comprised multiple choice and short answer open-ended
questions. The administrator survey consisted of 45 questions and the
teacher survey contained 36 questions. Questions concerning the referral
process focused on language proficiency in the home language (two
questions), English language proficiency (three questions), and the
preschool screening process (four questions). The surveys included a
total of four diagnostic evaluation process questions on each of the
following topics: the instruments used, the language in which they were
administered, the evaluation administration process, and strategies used
to meet the needs of ELL children during diagnostic evaluations. Two
questions were asked about administrators' and teachers'
perceptions of how language and cultural diversity needs were taken into
account during the IEP process. The surveys contained five questions to
learn about accommodations for parents of ELLs throughout the referral,
evaluation, and placement process. Additionally, administrators were
asked six questions about the skills and training of their teaching
staff. The surveys took 20-30 minutes to complete.
Initially, a doctoral student recruited programs through telephone
or face-to-face interviews with the program/school administrator. The
doctoral student was trained on confidentiality procedures; interviewing
techniques; methods for identifying possible programs/schools from each
program type (e.g., Head Start, public schools, community child care
centers) and according to state regions; and guidelines for documenting
and organizing recruitment activities and data entry. During the
recruitment interviews, program administrators were asked if: 1) they
enrolled children ages 3-4 years old, 2) they enrolled children who were
English language learners, and 3) they enrolled children with
disabilities. Forty-nine programs that met these criteria were asked to
participate in the study.
Once it was determined that a program was eligible to participate
in the study, packets of consent letters and surveys were mailed or
delivered in person to program administrators, who disseminated and
collected them. Completed surveys were placed in an envelope to ensure
confidentiality. Follow-up phone calls and e-mails were made as needed during the data collection process. During the implementation of the
project, a concern arose regarding the disproportional responses by
geographic region. Therefore, in order to ensure a statewide perspective
on the topic, such agencies as the North Carolina Department of Public
Instruction's Division of Exceptional Children and Head Start
regional consultants were contacted to disseminate additional surveys
during program meetings.
The responses for each survey were entered into an Excel spreadsheet. Two individuals verified the results for each item against
the original protocol to ensure accuracy. Two individuals independently
read and coded responses to open-ended questions to look for similar
patterns and themes for each question on the two surveys. Differences in
coding categories were discussed and reconciled for each question. Two
sets of data analyses were conducted to examine the beliefs and
practices of early childhood regular and special education
professionals. First, descriptive data were examined by administrators,
teachers, and for the overall sample. Second, data were examined to
understand patterns of similarities and differences for each research
question and area of service (referral, evaluation, placement).
Percentages were calculated by using SPSS 14.0 for each multiple-choice question and coded response for each survey. It should be noted that
percentages for some questions exceeded 100 percent, since multiple
answers were allowed.
Referral Process
Questions about language proficiency in the home language, English
proficiency, and the preschool screening process were included to better
understand beliefs and practices concerning the referral process. The
results pertaining to these aspects of the referral process are as
Language Proficiency. Five questions about language proficiency
were included in the surveys--two pertaining to home language
proficiency and three concerning English language proficiency.
Administrators and teachers reported the same top three methods for both
identifying the child's home language and determining the amount of
proficiency for the home language (shown in Table 4), including:
meetings with parents at school, written forms completed by parents, and
home visits.
Results for the third question, which pertained to how English
language proficiency was determined, suggest that observations at
school, language proficiency tests, and home observations are the most
frequent methods used. When asked to identity the language proficiency
tests used for this purpose, administrators most frequently cited two
instruments: the IDEA Oral Language Proficiency Test (IPT II) and the
Miami-Dade Oral Language Proficiency Test. It is interesting to note
that the third most prevalent instrument reported was the DIAL-3, a
developmental screen. In fact, teachers reported the DIAL-3 as the most
prevalent instrument for assessing English language proficiency,
followed by nonspecific speech/language tests, and the Miami-Dade Oral
Language Proficiency Test.
The last question asked how English language proficiency
information was used. Administrators reported using this information for
individualized planning, and to determine how well ELL children
communicate and the language spoken by their family, or whether a
referral was needed. The teachers' responses indicated the same
reasons, but in a slightly different order of frequency with determining
how well children can communicate and the language of the family the
most frequent way the information was used, followed by whether further
referral was needed and for individualized planning purposes.
Screening Process. To better understand teachers' beliefs and
practices concerning developmental screening for preschool ELLs, four
questions were included in the survey, as shown in Table 5. The first
question simply asked respondents to identify the developmental
screening instrument(s) they use. Both administrators and teachers
reported the DIAL-3 as being the most prevalent screening instrument
used (46.2 percent and 53.8 percent, respectively). Administrators
reported using the Head Start National Reporting System and the Brigance
as the next most frequently used screening instruments, while teachers
reported using the Learning Accomplishment Profile-Diagnostic (LAP-D)
and the Brigance.
In response to the next question (about the number of times per
year children are screened), administrators and teachers alike reported
that the majority of children were screened one time per year (47.8
percent and 40.5 percent, respectively). Approximately 40 percent of
respondents reported screening children twice a year, and a small number
of respondents stated that children were screened three times a year. A
few teachers indicated a combination of times, depending on the
instrument used.
Almost all of the respondents reported that most developmental
screens were administered in English. Spanish was the second most
frequently spoken language, and a few teachers reported other languages
spoken, including Hmong, French, Vietnamese, and Arabic.
In the fourth question related to screening, participants were
asked to identify the process they used to screen ELLs more precisely.
Administrators and teachers were in agreement about the most frequently
used strategies, including: administering the screening in
children's home language; having an interpreter assist with the
screening; administering missed items in the opposite language; and
administering the screen in English only. Sixty percent of
administrators and 49 percent of teachers indicated that interpreters
received training related to the screening process.
Diagnostic Evaluation Process. Four questions about the diagnostic
evaluation process were included in the survey, as shown in Table 6.
First, participants were asked to identify the language(s) in which the
diagnostic evaluations were administered. The responses were similar to
those about the screening responses, with participants indicating that
most diagnostic evaluations are administered in English, followed by
Spanish, and then other languages (Arabic, French, Hmong, Icelandic, and
Second, participants were asked to identify the diagnostic
assessment instruments used during the evaluation process. Approximately
one-fifth of both administrators and teachers reported the Preschool
Language Scale-4 as being the most prevalent instrument used during the
diagnostic evaluation process. Administrators reported the DIAL3 and
Bayley Scales of Infant Development-Third Edition as the next most
frequently used instruments. Teachers reported the DIAL-3, even though
it is a screening tool, as the most frequently used instrument used for
diagnostic evaluations, followed by the Learning Accomplishment
Profile-Revised (LAP-R)/Learning Accomplishment Profile-Third Edition
Next, participants were asked to indicate other strategies used to
gather information during the diagnostic evaluation process. By far,
both administrators and teachers (74.2 percent and 88.4 percent,
respectively) reported classroom observations as the most prevalent
method for obtaining information relevant to the diagnostic evaluation
process. To a lesser extent, screening tools and parent reports, work
samples, and home visits were other methods used to gather evaluation
Lastly, respondents were asked to describe the process used for
diagnostic evaluation of ELLs. Administrators and teachers reported
three main strategies used to facilitate this process: administering
assessments in children's home language, having an interpreter
assist with the screening, and administering missed items in the
opposite language. Forty-two percent of administrators and 27 percent of
teachers stated that interpreters received training related to assisting
with the diagnostic evaluation process.
Placement-IEP Process. As depicted in Table 7, participants were
asked how IEP goals reflected the culture of ELL children. Forty percent
of the teachers reported they did not know the answer to this question.
Of the remaining 60 percent, approximately 40 percent of both
administrators and teachers reported that cultural and language
differences were taken into account in the children's IEPs. Almost
30 percent of administrators and 20 percent of teachers reported that
parent participation helped ensure this aspect in the IEP goals.
Unfortunately, nearly a quarter of the administrators and 18 percent of
teachers said no effort was made to reflect cultural and linguistic
differences in IEPs.
The second question about the IEP process asked respondents to
indicate the ways that language needs are addressed in IEPs. Two-thirds
of the administrators and almost half of the teachers reported that a
bilingual assessor helped with the IEP and/or the home language was
included in IEP goals. Administrators also stated that they had meetings
with parents and solicited therapist input to help address language
needs in IEPs. A third of the teachers answered "yes" to this
question but did not have specific examples because the IEP was
developed by someone else (e.g., therapist, testing center). A small
percentage of both types of respondents indicated that the IEP was in
English only and no effort was made to address language needs in the
Parent Participation
Administrators and teachers were asked five questions about
accommodations to help ensure the participation of parents from
culturally and linguistically diverse populations whose children are
ELLs. Results indicate that little information was gathered about
specific issues related to language or culture during the screening
process. However, increased efforts were made to gather information
about language and cultural differences and to include parents of ELLs
once a referral was made and during the diagnostic evaluation and IEP
processes, as shown in Table 8.
Both administrators and teachers reported demographics, medical
information, parent concerns, and background information as the most
prevalent forms of information gathered. Administrators reported that
parents sometimes completed screening tools and information about
language and cultural differences as additional aspects of the screening
process. Teachers reported information about language and cultural
differences as a more prevalent type of information gathered during the
screening process than completed screening tools from parents. A small
percentage of respondents in both groups indicated that no information
was gathered from parents during the screening process.
Administrators and teachers were in agreement about the priorities
of the types of information gathered from families once a child was
referred. The responses fell into three categories. First, respondents
asked families about their children's experience with English.
Second, the families' concerns were taken into account, such as
language preferences in the home and goals for their children. The third
most important information gathered during the referral process was the
children's interaction with their home language and the country of
origin for the parents and children.
The methods used to obtain information with the family during the
diagnostic evaluation process included: face-to-face meetings at school,
written documents, information about the parent/primary caregiver goals
for the child, and home visits. Once completed, results were shared with
parents using similar methods, such as face-to-face meetings at school
and written documents (evaluation results). Also, respondents indicated
that interpreters were used to help explain the results approximately 40
percent of the time.
Lastly, when asked about strategies used to help parents
participate in IEP meetings, almost all of the participants reported
using interpreters. Translating the written information into the home
language was the next most frequently used strategy. About 10 percent of
the respondents reported using family advocates to help families
participate in IEP meetings.
Staff Training
Administrators were asked a series of questions related to
preservice and inservice training for teachers and teacher assistants
concerning cultural and linguistics practices during the referral,
evaluation, and placement process (shown in Table 9). Slightly more than
half of the administrators, when asked if any teaching staff were
bilingual, reported the presence of teachers and teacher assistants in
their programs who spoke a language other than English. Not
surprisingly, Spanish was the second language for all but a few of the
bilingual teachers and teacher assistants.
When asked to describe the roles the bilingual teachers and teacher
assistants assumed to help ELLs, they reported assisting children during
classroom interactions; supporting parents during meetings, conferences,
and home visits; offering one-on-one tutoring; translating written
documents; and providing professional development for other staff.
Responses to the same question for parents included: interacting with
parents during meetings, conferences, and home visits; translating
written documents related to parent communication; and providing
professional development for other staff.
Administrators also were asked about methods used to prepare
teachers and teacher assistants for instructing ELLs. For both groups,
the majority of training is provided through local conferences and staff
development events. College coursework was the second most frequent
method of professional development for both groups. The remaining
methods of training differed for each group. For teachers, other methods
of training included district-wide staff development, state conferences,
and national conferences. For teacher assistants, the other methods of
training were on-site staff development, state conferences, and
district-wide staff development. No teacher assistants reported
receiving training at national conferences.
Discussion and Recommendations
As the population of ELLs has increased across the United States,
early childhood regular and special educators have struggled to
distinguish learning differences from language differences.
Well-intentioned professionals often are challenged by these
circumstances. On the one hand, they feel bound to follow the procedures
stated in federal, state, and local policies for providing appropriate
education services, while at the same time they search for new
strategies that will help them effectively serve ELLs and their
In this study, early childhood administrators and teachers were
asked about their beliefs and practices related to the referral,
diagnostic evaluation, and placement process for preschool ELLs and
their families. These professionals served English language learners in
community child care centers, Head Start, and pre-kindergarten public
school settings. Based on the information provided, it is evident that
the methods being used by professionals during these processes are still
Determining Language Proficiency
Several important findings emerged concerning language proficiency.
First, there was no consistent approach for determining language
proficiency in either the home language or English, and respondents
relied heavily on observational data. Differences in social language
usage and cognitive and academic language usage are well-documented, as
is the time required to acquire cognitive and academic language
proficiency (Cummins, 1981, 2005). Thus, understanding the home language
and English proficiency of children is a crucial step in distinguishing
language and learning differences. Also, it is likely that language
proficiency will look different according to the context of an
observation, so consistent methods of observation would be a better
predictor of language usage. Only a third of the participants reported
using published measures to examine language proficiency, and some
participants reported using assessments designed to screen or assess
development. Assessments of language proficiency should rely on
instruments designed for that purpose, not those designed to assess
cognition or other areas of development (NAEYC, 2005). A systematic
approach to determining language proficiency in both the home language
and English should include observations in multiple settings, specific
checklists or other guidance in addition to narrative observation data,
and criteria to determine when a child is ready to be screened or
assessed in English. Also, staff could be trained on language
proficiency measures as another method for gathering data. Lastly, a
process for explaining the purpose and procedures for determining
language proficiency could be jointly developed with families and shared
with professionals and families.
Screening and Evaluation Issues
A collective theme throughout the survey responses was the need for
professional training to understand the purpose and appropriate uses of
screening, assessment, and language proficiency instruments. Clearly,
confusion existed about how to use these different types of instruments.
This is a serious problem and should be viewed as a contributing factor
as to why children are inappropriately placed in special education.
Also, the selection of instruments needs to be appropriate to the
children's cultural and linguistic characteristics. Recent studies
have outlined some of the problems with screening and assessing ELLs,
including the disproportionate number of children being identified for
special education services (Artiles, Rueda, Salazar, & Higareda,
2005; Bevan-Brown, 2001; Espinosa, 2005; Keller-Allen, 2006;
Mardell-Czudnowski, Chen, Elliott, Goldenberg, & Wang, 2001).
Federal and state mandates support nondiscriminatory testing, and it is,
of course, the right thing to do. However, more federal and state
dollars need to be allocated toward translating/adapting instruments and
conducting studies to establish the reliability and validity of widely
used screening and assessment tools in the most prevalent languages (at
a minimum).
IEP Development
Close to half of the participants reported that children's
culture and language were not taken into account for IEP goals, a
practice that can have serious consequences. Three- and 4-year-old
children are forming important aspects of their cultural identity and
language that will impact them for a lifetime, and recent research
indicates that bicultural and bilingual education is the most effective
approach (Araujo, 2002; Espinosa, 2005; Keller-Allen, 2006; Tabors,
1997). Including meaningful aspects of their culture and language in IEP
goals could help support this process. For example, a child who is
learning to count could have an IEP goal that includes counting in the
home language and English.
Results related to the second research question suggest that
programs are making efforts to include families of ELLs. Many parents of
ELLs received oral and written communications in their home language and
participated in discussions of their child's performance with the
aid of an interpreter. One critical factor that emerged from the data
was a need for interpreter training on basic terms related to early
childhood education, special education, screening and assessment
instruments, and the referral/ evaluation/placement process. As a
result, family members could obtain more precise information, which
would likely increase their participation throughout the process. Also,
greater efforts need to be taken to include families in the IEP process.
This problem is not unique to ELL children and their families. However,
it is exacerbated by language and cultural differences.
Staff Training Needs
Clearly there is a need for more professional development to
prepare administrators, teachers, and teacher assistants for meeting the
needs of culturally and linguistically diverse children and families.
Through additional training, early childhood professionals could learn
strategies for developing referral, evaluation, and placement procedures
that would more effectively distinguish learning and language
differences, as well as instructional practices that support second
language acquisition and honor cultural practices. In addition, many
respondents indicated they were attempting to learn a second language
themselves. Training in Spanish and other prevalent languages could mean
more bilingual professionals, which would greatly enhance communication
for children in the classroom and families during the referral,
evaluation, and placement process. Finally, the method of providing
training to professionals needs to take into account the accessibility
to professional development for the different types of service
providers. It should be noted that the responses pertaining to staff
training were reported only by administrators. Similar questions could
be asked of both teachers and administrators in future studies, to gain
a more complete picture of staff development concerning their skills in
working with ELL children and their families.
The study reported on has limitations. The sampling of early
childhood professionals is modest in size. In addition, because some
teachers and administrators were from the same programs, additional
research should be completed with independent samples.
Population projections for the 21st century emphasize a continuing
trend toward greater diversity, linguistically and culturally. Early
childhood programs are often the first place that immigrant families
learn about educational expectations in the United States. Yet, because
of rapid population changes, early childhood educators often feel
unprepared to provide quality services to ELL children and their
families. This study identified challenges, practices, gaps in services,
and successes experienced by early childhood regular and special
education professionals during the referral, evaluation, and placement
process. The results can help inform policymakers and professionals as
they move toward developing new, more effective strategies and policies.
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Belinda J. Hardin
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Marisa Roach-Scott
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Ellen S. Peisner-Feinberg
Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Table 1
Program Characteristics by Geographic Region and Service
Area Type (n=31)
Geographic Region
Number of
Program Type Programs Coast Piedmont Mountains
Child care 14 45.2% 2 6.5% 10 32.3% 0 0.0%
Head Start 7 22.6% 1 3.2% 6 19.4% 1 3.2%
Public School 10 32.3% 2 6.5% 4 12.9% 6 19.4%
Total 31 100.0% 5 16.1% 20 64.5% 7 22.6%
Service Area Type
Urban/ Both
Program Type Rural Suburban
Child care 1 3.2% 12 38.7% 0 0.0%
Head Start 6 19.4% 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
Public School 1 3.2% 1 3.2% 10 32.3%
Total 8 25.8% 13 41.9% 10 32.3%
Table 2
Position, Race/Ethnicity, and Highest Level of Education for
Administrator Survey Participants (n=31)
Administrator Survey (n=31)
Position n %
Directors 19 61.3%
Directors/Teachers 2 6.5%
Assistant Directors 1 3.2%
Other (a) 9 29.0%
American Indian or Alaska Native 1 3.2%
Asian 0 0.0%
Black or African American 6 19.4%
Hispanic or Latino 2 6.5%
White 20 64.5%
Other (b) 2 6.5%
Highest Level of Education
High school diploma/GED 1 3.2%
Associate's degree 4 12.9%
Doctoral degree 6 19.4%
Bachelor's degree 1 3.2%
Master's degree 16 51.6%
High school diploma/some coursework 3 9.7%
Notes: (a) Other = 5 Preschool special education coordinators, 3
Principals, 1 Education specialis (b) Other = 1 Arabic/African
American, 1 Unknown
Table 3
Teacher Survey Participants: Demographic Data (n=109)
Teacher Survey (n=109)
N %
Teachers 95 87.2%
Speech/Language Pathologists 6 5.5%
Teacher Assistants 4 3.7%
Other (a) 4 3.7%
American Indian or Alaska Native 1 0.9%
Asian 1 0.9%
Black or African American 39 35.8%
Hispanic or Latino 1 0.9%
White 66 60.6%
Other (b) 1 0.9%
Highest Level of Education (c)
High school diploma/GED 6 5.5%
Associate's degree 15 13.8%
Doctoral degree 1 0.9%
Bachelor's degree 34 31.2%
Master's degree 25 22.9%
High school diploma/some coursework 25 22.9%
Notes: (a) Other = 1 Migrant program recruiter, 1 School psychologist,
1 Therapist, 1 Disability services worker
(b) Other = 1 Irish/German American
(c) Three participants did not respond to this item.
Table 4
Language Proficiency Questions for Administrators (n=31) and
Teachers (n=109)
Survey Question Administrator Survey
Home language de- 75.9% Meeting with parents at
termined through: school
44.8% Written form completed
by parents
34.5% Home visits
Home language pro- 82.1% Meeting with parents at
ficiency determined school
through: 35.7% Written form completed
by parents
28.6% Home visits
English language 72.4% Observations in school
proficiency deter- 34.5% Language proficiency test
mined through: 24.1% Observations in home
Language proficien- 33.3% IDEA Oral Language
cy tests used: Proficiency Test (IPT)
20.5% Miami-Dade Oral Lan-
guage Proficiency
16.7% DIAL-3
Language proficien- 50.0% Individualized planning
cy information 20.0% Determine how well
is used for/to: children communicate and
language of family
20.0% Determine further testing
20.0% Determine referral
Survey Question Teacher Survey
Home language de- 65.9% Meeting with parents at
termined through: school
56.0% Written form completed by
45.1% Home visits
Home language pro- 60.9% Meeting with parents at
ficiency determined school
through: 44.8% Written form completed by
37.9% Home visits
English language 80.2% Observations in school
proficiency deter- 30.8% Language proficiency test
mined through: 30.8% Observations in home
Language proficien- 40.0% DIAL-3
cy tests used: 23.3% Speech/Language tests
20.0% Miami-Dade Oral Language
Language proficien- 37.0% Determine how well children
cy information communicate/language of
is used for/to: family
28.3% Determine referral
26.1% Individualized planning
Table 5
Screening Process Questions for Administrators (n=31) and
Teachers (n=109)
Survey Question Administrator Survey
Developmental screening 46.2% DIAL-3
instrument used 19.2% Head Start National
Reporting System
15.4% Brigance
Times per year children 47.8% One time
are screened 47.8% Two times
21.7% Three times
Languages developmental 100.0% English
screening administered in 80.8% Spanish
Process used to screen ELL 70.8% Administered in home
children language
62.5% Interpreter assists
37.5% Missed items are ad-
ministered in opposite
25.0% Administered in English
Survey Question Teacher Survey
Developmental screening 53.8% DIAL-3
instrument used 16.3% LAP-D
11.3% Brigance
Times per year children 40.5% One time
are screened 41.8% Two times
11.4% Three times
5.1% Combination
depending on
Languages developmental 95.7% English
screening administered in 80.4% Spanish
7.6% Variety
(Hmong, Arabic,
Process used to screen ELL 73.8% Administered in
children home language
65.5% Interpreter assists
26.2% Administered in
English only
22.6% Missed items
are administered
in opposite language
Table 6
Diagnostic Evaluation Process Questions for Administrators (n=31)
and Teachers (n=109)
Survey Question Administrator Survey
Languages diagnostic 83.9% English
evaluation adminis- 54.8% Spanish
tered in 19.4% Other languages
Diagnostic assessments 19.2% Preschool Language
used Scale-4
15.4% FLAP
15.4% DIAL-3
15.4% Bayley Scales
Other strategies used 74.2% Classroom observations
during diagnostic 21.7% Screenings
evaluation process 19.4% Parent report
17.4% Work samples
Process used for 60.9% Administered in home
diagnostic evaluation language
of ELL children 52.2% Interpreter assists
13.0% Missed items are
administered in
opposite language
Survey Question Teacher Survey
Languages diagnostic 86.8% English
evaluation adminis- 79.1% Spanish
tered in 37.4% Other languages
Diagnostic assessments 21.5% Preschool Language Scale-4
used 20.0% DIAL-3
20.0% LAPR or LAP3
Other strategies used 88.4% Classroom observations
during diagnostic 21.7% Screenings
evaluation process 21.7% Parent report
15.9% Home visits
Process used for 70.6% Administered in home
diagnostic evaluation language
of ELL children 60.3% Interpreter assists
26.5% Missed items are
administered in opposite
Table 7
IEP Process Questions for Administrators (n=31) and Teachers (n=109)
Survey Question Administrator Survey
How IEP goals reflect 41.2% Takes into account home
culturally diverse language and culture
back- ground of ELL 29.4% Parent participation
children 23.5% None
Ways language needs 63.2% Bilingual assessor or
are addressed in IEP home language included
15.8% Other (parent meetings,
therapist input)
15.8% None
5.3% English only
Survey Question Teacher Survey
How IEP goals reflect 38.0% Takes into account home
culturally diverse language and culture
background of ELL 40.0% Unknown
children 20.0% Parent participation
18.0% None
Ways language needs 46.7% Bilingual assessor or
are addressed in IEP home language included
33.3% Yes, language unknown
15.6% English only
6.7% None
Table 8
Parent Participation in the Screening, Referral, Diagnostic Evaluation,
and IEP Process, as Reported by Administrators (n=31) and
Teachers (n=109)
Survey Question Administrator Survey
Type of information 47.6% Typical demographics,
gathered from medical, parent concerns,
parents during background
screening process 28.6% Screenings
23.8% Information about language/
9.5% None
Information 90.5% Amount of English spoken in
related to cultural/ child's home
language differences 85.7% Frequency of child's interactions
obtained from with English only
primary caregivers 81.0% Family's language preference
when child is for their child
referred for 81.0% Parents' goals for the child
diagnostic evaluation 76.2% Frequency of child's interactions
with home language
71.4% Child's country of origin
61.9% Parents' country of origin
Methods used to 90.5% Face-to-face meeting at school
obtain information 76.2% Written documents
from the family as 61.9% Parent/primary caregiver
part of the diagnostic goals for the child
evaluation process 42.9% Home visit
Methods used to 45.0% Face-to-face meeting
share results of 45.0% Written explanation of results
diagnostic evaluation 40.0% Interpreter assists with the
with parents explanation of results
Parent strategies 100.0% Interpreters
used during IEP 84.2% Written information in home
meetings language
10.5% Advocate
Survey Question Teacher Survey
Type of information 69.5% Typical demographics,
gathered from medical, parent concerns,
parents during background
screening process 20.3% Information about language/
18.6% Screenings
8.5% None
Information 87.8% Amount of English spoken
related to cultural/ in child's home
language differences 77.0% Frequency of child's
obtained from interactions with
primary caregivers English only
when child is 75.7% Frequency of child's
referred for interactions with home
diagnostic evaluation language
74.3% Parents' goals for the
73.0% Family's language preference
for their child
67.6% Parents' country of
60.8% Child's country of
Methods used to 88.8% Face-to-face meeting at
obtain information school
from the family as 65.0% Written documents
part of the diagnostic 56.3% Parents'/primary care-givers'
evaluation process goals for the
33.8% Home visit
Methods used to 49.3% Written explanation of
share results of results
diagnostic evaluation 44.8% Face-to-face meetings
with parents 35.8% Interpreter assists
with the explanation
of results
Parent strategies 85.5% Interpreters
used during IEP 58.1% Written information in
meetings home language
9.7% Advocate
Table 9
Content and Methods of Preservice and Inserviee Training, as Reported
by Administrators (n=31)
Survey Question Administrator Survey
Do any teachers/teacher 51.9% Yes
assistants speak a 48.1% No
language other than
If yes, what other 100.0% Spanish
languages? 3.7% Farsi
Role of bilingual 50.0% Interactions with child in classroom
teacher/teacher 35.0% Interactions with parents (meetings,
assistant with conferences, home visits)
children 10.0% Tutoring
5.0% Translates written documents
5.0% Professional development for other
Role of bilingual 86.7% Interactions with parents (meetings,
teacher/teacher IEP meetings, conferences, home
assistant with visits)
parents 33.3% Translates written documents
6.7% Professional development for other
Methods for preparing 60.9% Local conferences/staff development
teachers for 47.8% College coursework
instructing 26.1% District-wide staff development
ELL children 26.1% State conferences
8.7% National conferences
Methods for preparing 61.9% Local conferences/staff development
teacher assistants 52.4% College coursework
for instructing 47.6% On-site staff development
ELL children 33.3% State conferences
23.8% District-wide staff development
0.0% National conferences