Priming effects upon memory for double entendre words.
Geer, James H. ; Gordon, Janice A. ; Sharkey, Alyssa 等
This paper reports a study that examines the effect of priming upon
memory for double entendre (DE) words. There is significant literature
demonstrating that emotional stimuli are better remembered than are
nonemotional stimuli (Kensinger & Corkin, 2003). It has been argued
that this effect serves an adaptive function. That is, the ability to
more clearly remember emotional stimuli helps to prepare the individual
for similar and likely important future experiences (Nielson &
Powless, 2007). As an alternative explanation Talmi & Moscovitch
(2004) suggest that organizational processes such as found in categories
of words (for example, emotional) facilitate memory enhancement.
The finding that sexually explicit words are experienced as
emotional may explain why they are remembered better than neutral words
(Bush & Geer, 2001; Hadley & MacKay, 2006). Similar findings
have been reported at a less detailed level in the study of memory for
sexually explicit versus nonexplicit stories. In that research, explicit
details are better remembered than nonexplicit details (McCall, Rellini,
Seal, & Meston, 2007). Similarly, the concept of source memory in
relation to emotional and nonemotional words has been studied. Doerksen
and Shimamura (2001) in their study of source memory found that
participants more accurately remembered surrounding contexts of
emotional words than nonemotional words. Kensinger and Corkin (2003)
found similar results. In one of their experiments they incorporated the
use of arousal words instead of just emotional words. They defined
arousal words as either sexual or swear words that were ranked higher on
arousal than emotional words. They found that arousing words had greater
recognition, recall, and source memory than emotional or neutral words.
Gender differences in lexical decisions concerning sexual words
have been reported. In Geer & Bellard (1996) it was found that
women's identification of letter strings as words (lexical
decisions) were delayed when presented with sexual words as compared
with romantic words. This finding reveals an effect of meaning category
on a basic level of information processing. In a similar finding McCall
et al. (2007) reported that men recalled more erotic or explicit details
of a story while women were more likely to remember love and emotional
bonding details. Because of these findings of gender differences in the
processing of sexual material, in the present research gender
differences are examined.
In English many words have more than one meaning. Of interest to
this work is the well-known fact that there are English words that have
both sexual and nonsexual meanings. These words, typically referred to
as DE, provide us with the possibility that the same word may vary in
its memorability depending upon which of the meanings is activated by
primes. By using the same word following different primes, it is
possible to control for variables related to the target word's
characteristics, such as familiarity, length, pleasantness, emotionality
and acceptability. By altering only the types of words that precede the
DE words, two different contexts can be created while avoiding confounds
that are associated with using different target words when studying two
or more contexts. It was predicted that DE words, when primed by
sexually explicit associates would be remembered more accurately than
the same DE words that were primed by associates of the nonsexual
meaning of the DE words.
Participants were 31 male and 33 female undergraduates who received
course credit for participation in research. Participants were randomly
assigned to the conditions of either the sexual priming list or the
nonsexual priming list. Participants who were scheduled to receive
sexually explicit words were so informed and told that declining to
participate would not have any negative consequences. All participants
agreed to participate upon being informed of the presence of explicit
sexual words in the experiment. Prior to participation all participants
signed an informed consent form that detailed the study. The fact that
participants who were exposed to explicit sexual words were warned that
such words were present presents a potential additional priming
condition. It was our judgment that the likelihood of such a warning
being an effective prime was limited.
The two word lists of 52 words each were constructed and were
tested for differences in word length and frequency. Using t Tests to
compare list types, it was found that the lists did not reliably differ
(p > .05) on those variables. This should not be surprising as only
10 of the 52 words differed between the lists. Both lists began and
ended with two neutral words in the attempt to reduce primacy and
recency effects. Each word list contained the same five sets of related
neutral words (ex. song, melody, music) as well as the five sets of
words containing DE words and their primes. In addition to these 10 sets
of words there were 22 neutral filler words that were dispersed evenly
between the word sets.
As noted, identical neutral word sets and filler neutral words
appeared in both lists. The two lists differ only in the words that
preceded the DE words. In the sexual context list two sexual associates
preceded each DE word. In the nonsexual list two nonsexual associates
preceded each DE word. The word lists are found in the Appendix. We
constructed three different random orders of each list to be sure that
any identified effects were not due to the order of presentation.
Participants were randomly assigned to one of the three variants of
their list type.
After being briefed on the details of their participation and
signing an informed consent form, participants sat in front of a
computer monitor. Instructions included describing that participants
would be asked to recall the word list. The experimenter also explained
that words would be presented on the computer screen. Each word was
presented for 1500 ms with 500 ms between each word. All participants
were told that some words would appear in clusters. As noted,
participants who were assigned to see the list with sexual words were
advised that such words would be present. After the experimenter started
the program, she left the room and shut the door. Following the last
word the message "Please knock on the door for the
experimenter." appeared. When summoned, the experimenter reentered
the room. A five-minute letter search task that served to give the
participants an activity that interfered with rehearsing the word list
was initiated. The task was to look at random letters that were typed
onto pages and to cross out all vowels. The experimenter left the room
while the participant worked on the letter search. The experimenter
signaled when five minutes had passed.
Participants were then given a blank sheet of paper and asked to
write down as many words as they could remember from the presented list.
There was no time limit. After the participants completed the recall
task they were thanked and asked to leave their email address if they
wanted the results of the study. Also, after the participant departed,
their assigned experimental number, gender, and type of list (sexual or
nonsexual) was recorded on their recall sheet. Note, to insure
confidentiality, the subjects' names were not placed on the data
The design of the study is straightforward. There are two principal
independent variables: list type (sexual primes vs. nonsexual primes)
and participant gender. The principal dependent variables examined were
the number of words correctly recalled for each of the various word
categories. In addition the number and type of intrusions or false
memories that occurred was recorded and analyzed.
The principal analysis is of the recall of DE words. These data
were examined by a 2 x 2 univariate ANOVA. The results of that analysis
fulfilled our expectation that DE words in the sexual list would be
recalled at a higher rate. The mean correctly recall DE words in the
sexual list was M = 2.52 which was significantly greater, F(1,60) =
6.864, p = .011, Partial Eta 2 = .103, than the mean M = 1.81 for
recalled DE words in the nonsexual list. Out of the 52 presented words,
only five were double entendre. Only 24% of the five were recalled when
preceded by neutral primes while 50% were recalled when preceded by
sexual primes. This finding supports our prediction that recall memory
with its preceding encoding for DE words differ depending upon priming
context within which they are placed.
Several analyses were conducted to examine other word types. There
were two word types used as primes that preceded each DE word. In the
sexual list those primes were sexual associates of the DE words. In the
nonsexual list, the primes were nonsexual associates of the DE words. We
predicted that the sexual primes in the sexual list would be recalled at
a higher frequency than the nonsexual primes in the sexual list. The
univariate ANOVA of primes found a significant effect of list type,
F(1,60) = 99.461, p < .001, Partial Eta 2 = .642. The mean number of
primes that preceded the DE words that were correctly recalled for the
sexual list was M = 6.21 and for the nonsexual list the mean was M
=2.19. Gender and the interaction terms were not statistical
significant. As these data show, sexual words in the prime position were
recalled at a much higher frequency than nonsexual words. This, of
course, is consistent with the previously reviewed literature showing
enhanced memory for emotional words.
Two word categories, filler and buffer, were used to enlarge the
list as pilot work demonstrated that a shorter (15 item list) suffered
from a ceiling effect. However, we did not expect these neutral words to
be influenced by either the list type or participant gender. There were
the 18 unrelated nonemotional filler words that were placed in five sets
of three that occurred before each of the five DE sets and one set of
three that occurred after the last DE set. There were two neutral buffer
words at the beginning and end of the list to reduce primacy and latency
effects. These buffer words were not included in our analysis of
nonemotional words. In a 2 x 2 univariate ANOVA of the filler words
there were no gender or list effects that were statistically
significant. The interaction term also failed to demonstrate
significance. These results indicate that the presence of sexual words
or the presence of warnings that sexual words would be presented did not
reliably influence the recall of unrelated neutral words present in the
Our final analysis is of intrusions. Intrusions were words that
participants listed during the recall task that had not appeared in
their list. We categorized intrusions into the categories sexual and
nonsexual. To analyze intrusions we intended to conduct a MANOVA with
nonsexual intrusions being one dependent variable and sexual intrusions
being the other. However, inspection of the data revealed that there
were no sexual intrusions for women and only four for men. The lack of
variance for sexual intrusions makes it unwise that a MANOVA be
While a MANOVA seems inappropriate, the intrusion data clearly
pointed out that there were more nonsexual intrusions than sexual
intrusions. The mean for sexual intrusions was M = .06 and for nonsexual
intrusions the mean was M = 2.11. This difference was significant, t(63)
= 7.544, p < 001. A possible explanation of this effect is that
participants were reluctant to report sexual words having been present
when there is some question of the report's accuracy. It is also
true that there were more nonsexual than sexual words in the lists.
Perhaps that facilitated the incorrect recall of nonsexual words.
Our study demonstrated that DE words are recalled at different
levels depending upon which of the word's meanings has been
activated. That is, recall memory for DE words preceded by sexual primes
is greater than recall of the same words preceded by nonsexual primes.
The finding that activating the sexual meaning of DE words by the
presence of sexual primes increases the memorability of DE words
illustrates how sexual meaning influences fundamental cognitive
processes. The findings show the relevance of experimental cognitive
research to the domain of sexuality. A perusal of the literature on sex
research reveals a scarcity of references to the burgeoning cognitive
literature. Closer ties between basic experimental research and
sexuality research would be a value to both domains.
The importance of studies using domains typically not involved in
cognitive psychology is noted by Sternberg (2006). In his text on
cognitive psychology Sternberg notes that one of the "Underlying
Themes in the Study of Cognitive Psychology" is "Domain
generality versus domain specificity" (p. 20). That is, "Are
the processes we observe limited to a single domain, or are they general
across a variety of domains" (p. 20). The current research fits
well under that rubric by demonstrating how priming and memory for
sexual words follows patterns familiar to the scholar of cognitive
psychology working with nonsexual stimuli.
Analyses revealed that participants recalled significantly more
sexual priming words than nonsexual priming words. These data are
consistent with previous work showing that sexual words are recalled at
a higher frequency than nonsexual control words. Those data are also
consistent with the general finding from cognitive psychology that
emotional words yield enhanced memory (Kensinger & Corkin, 2003.)
Apparently sexual words are more salient than nonemotional neutral
stimuli and thus are recalled at a greater level. Our study does not,
however, test alternative explanations for the saliency of sexual words.
These finding, once again, reveal that findings in the domain of
sexuality are consistent with findings from basic cognitive psychology.
This argues further for the incorporation of concepts and paradigms from
basic cognitive research into models and paradigms when studying
There were very few sexual intrusions, only a total of four. On the
other hand, there were over 120 nonsexual intrusions. Not counting the
DE words as sexual, there were approximately 5 times the numbers of
nonsexual to sexual words in each of the two lists. However, there were
more than 40 times more nonsexual than sexual intrusions. These data may
reflect the saliency of sexual words. That is, sexual words, being more
salient are more readily recalled and, as a result, incorrect
alternatives may be more readily identified. Or perhaps the difference
may simply due to the fact that participants were presented with fewer
sexual than nonsexual words. The data do suggest that sex researchers
need to be careful when examining false memory in sex research. Our
finding concerning the scarcity of sexual intrusions suggest the
possibility that research participants may be more reluctant to report
sexual memories for which they are uncertain than uncertain memories
from other domains. Or perhaps false memories are simply less common in
the domain of sexuality. The answer awaits further study.
In summary, our findings reinforce the relevance of cognitive
theory and findings to the study of sexuality. Our data show that the
basic phenomenon of priming in cognitive psychology is applicable to
sexuality. Priming was shown to affect the basic phenomenon of memory in
that DE words were remembered better when their sexual meaning was
primed. The finding of fewer sexual than nonsexual false memories
suggests that researchers studying false memory need to be cautious when
working with sexual stimuli. Our false memory findings suggest that it
is possible that the criteria employed by participants in reporting the
memory of a sexual stimulus is particularly stringent.
Words Used In The Study
Sets of DE words with their preceding sexual associates
Testicles Genitals Balls Intercourse Fuck Screw Penis Dick Prick
Vagina Clitoris Pussy Condom Trojan Rubber
Sets of DE words with preceding nonsexual associates
Bats Base Balls Hammer Wrench Screw Stab Thorn Prick Kitty Puppy
Pussy Plastic Vinyl Rubber
Sets of related neutral words
Pistol Rifle Gun Song Melody Music Skeleton Bone Rib Owl Robin Hawk
Pineapple Banana Orange
Neutral filler words
Broth Coleslaw Levees Igloo Airstrip Skyscraper Dune Monument
Mosques Coals Dusk Rainbow Fried Comedy Mule Podium Atom Clouds
Words used to reduce primacy
Swift Dock
Words used to reduce recency
Bread Magic
Bush, S.I., & Geer, J.H. (2001). Implicit and explicit memory
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Doerksen, S. & Shimamura, A.P. (2001). Source memory
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Hadley, C.B., & MacKay, D.G. (2006). Does emotion help or
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Kensinger, E.A. & Corkin, S. (2003). Memory enhancement for
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neutral words. Memory and Cognition, 31, 1169-1180.
McCall, K.M., Rellini, A.H., Seal, B.N., & Meston, C.M. (2007).
Sex differences in memory for sexually-relevant information. Archives of
Sexual Behavior, 36, 508-517.
Nielson, K.A., & Powless, M. (2007). Positive and negative
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Sternberg, R. J. (2006). Cognitive Psychology, Fourth Edition.
Belmont, CA. Thompson Higher Education.
Talmi, D. & Moscovitch (2004). Can semantic relatedness explain
the enhancement of memory for emotional words? Memory & Cognition.
32 (3), 742-751.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to James
H Geer, F & M, Department of Psychology. Box 3003, Lancaster, PA,
17504-3003. Phone 717-291-4373. Fax: 717-291-4387.
James H. Geer (1), Janice A. Gordon (2), Alyssa Sharkey (1), and
Laura Thomas (1)
(1) Department of Psychology, Franklin and Marshall College and (2)
Selective Mutism Research Institute