Bandelow, Nils C. ; Sager, Fritz ; Schubert, Klaus 等
With this current issue of GPS, we are pleased to present a
continuation of our successful publication series. It is the first time
in which an issue contains not only contributions on a core theme, but
also an independent contribution. With his analysis of the second German
Grand Coalition (2005-2009), Christian Schweiger takes up an important
debate. To the foreign observer in particular, the German Consensus
Democracy appears to be blocked in a certain way. A perspective in view
of recent developments is likely to stimulate the debate, not only from
an academic-theoretical viewpoint, but also regarding political
opportunities and restrictions.
The editorial team hopes to publish further interesting individual
contributions in GPS in the future. Such contributions are also subject
to the double blind review procedure. Further information can be found
under www.politikfeldanalyse.de.
The current volume on the theme of the Welfare State follows on
from Vol. 4, No. 2. Some of the contributions produced for this volume
were not published in 2008, but connected with further essays. We thank
the authors of the first contributions Werner Eichhorst/Maria
Grienberger-Zingerle/Regina Konle-Seidl, Thomas Gerlinger and Ilona
Ostner for their patience and their agreement to deviate from the usual
prompt publication date, which GPS aims to achieve. We are convinced
that the interesting contributions will adequate compensate for the
The editors (Nils C. Bandelow, Fritz Sager, Klaus Schubert)