Introduction: Frontiers of methodological progress in qualitative research.
Blatter, Joachim ; Sager, Fritz
The recent decade has witnessed an unprecedented flurry of
methodological reflection on qualitative approaches in Political Science
and related disciplines. In the Anglo-Saxon world, much of this
methodological reflection has been (framed, at least, as) a reaction to
the attempt to establish the epistemology and methodology that underpins
quantitative research as the only legitimate one in the Social Sciences
(King, Keohane, and Verba 1994). The book Rethinking Social Enquiry:
Diverse Tools, Shared Standards, edited by Henry E. Brady and David
Collier (2004), contains a broad spectrum of arguments in favor of
distinct tools for generating causal inference in small-N studies. At
the same time, Alexander George and Andrew Bennett (2005) pointed to the
fundamental importance of "causal-process tracing" as a
distinct form of inferring causality in case studies. Furthermore,
Charles Ragin proposed a configurational/set-theortical alternative to
the co-variational/statistical template proposed by King, Keohane and
Verba since the end of the 1980s (Ragin 1987), recently summed up in
Redesigning Social Inquiry: Fuzzy Sets and beyond (Ragin 2008). As a
result, we have now two distinct ways of thinking about causal analysis
and the corresponding methodological advice in the Social Sciences.
Mahoney and Goertz (2006, forthcoming) argue that these methodological
developments reveal that there are two distinct cultures in the Social
Sciences - a quantitative and a qualitative culture - with separate
approaches to explanation, different conceptions of causation and
corresponding different methodologies and research practices, e.g. in
respect to case selection and generalization.
Nevertheless, many scholars who perceive their work as
"qualitative research" will certainly reject Mahoney and
Goertz' implication that an approach to causal analysis that is
based on settheory and "configurational thinking" (Ragin 2008:
109-123) represents qualitative research. In the German speaking
countries, and probably in continental Europe in general,
"qualitative research" is much more associated with
hermeneutics and interpretative methods based on a constructivist or
conventionalist epistemology. Furthermore, recent text books on
qualitative analysis and case study research (Blatter, Janning and
Wagemann 2007, Blatter and Haverland forthcoming) emphasize the
plurality of epistemological foundations, methodological approaches and
specific techniques that are useful and legitimate in the Social
Sciences. But emphasizing the plurality of legitimate research
approaches is only the first step towards a productive combination of
research methods. A further, necessary second step is to strive for an
"epistemological middle ground" that rejects any
fundamentalist epistemological positions and the corresponding claims of
incommensurability (Blatter and Haverland forthcoming).
The articles in this issue of GPS represent the diversity of
methodological developments within "qualitative research" and
show how it is possible to move towards the "middle ground"
between positivist, constructivist and realist epistemologies.
The first two contributions show how far we got in respect to
applying the new methodological tools in causal analysis. They address
the two major methodological innovations in causal analysis -
configurational thinking and causal process tracing - but they do this
quite differently. Rihoux, Rezsohazy and Bol (2011) present an extensive
review of the existing studies which apply Qualitative Comparative
Analysis (QCA) as technique for revealing causal configurations. Julian
Junk (2011) presents a paper on the combinations of methods in the form
of both triangulation and parallelization.
From a methodological point of view the most interesting (and
somehow puzzling) result is the fact that most scholars who apply QCA do
this in a way that Rihoux, Rezshohazy and Bol call "inductive"
or "soft theoretical." Within their theoretical framework,
many scholars actually do not deduce causal configurations from theories
but delineate a set of potential causal conditions like a set of
"independent" (in both senses: explanatory and autonomous)
variables in statistical analysis. Only inductively they end up with
revealing causal configurations of individually necessary and jointly
sufficient conditions that correspond to a specific result. Quite
frankly, we are not sure whether we should interpret the fact that many
QCA applications are not really based on configurational thinking as a
positive sign which shows how specific methods can escape the confines
of epistemological perspectives or as a negative sign for a
methodologically unreflective and incoherent state of the art. It is
certainly a topic that is worth wile for further methodological
For QCA the same statement holds as for statistical analysis:
Configuration/correlation (alone) is not (proof of) causation! Causal
configurations and correlations have to be complemented by theoretically
deduced arguments on how and why a causal factor should have a specific
effect - or they have to be complemented by causal- process tracing in
order to reveal empirically the specific links and connections which
lead from cause to effect. Metaphorically speaking: QCA is able to
identify one or a few lists of ingredients for producing a specific
meal, but it needs theory and/or causal process tracing in order to
create a full-fledged recipe! Therefore, it seems no surprise that
methodological concept of causal-process tracing has generated the most
excitement among those qualitative scholars who strive for explanations.
Here, we cannot delve deep into the debate.
Instead, we have included a paper that shows how the debate on
causal-process tracing spurs new ways for taking temporality serious in
causal analysis and for clarifying the possible ways to "mix"
methods. Julian Junk starts his contribution by introducing some
distinctions that are necessary for systematizing the confusing debate
on "mixed methods": First, the distinction between methods of
data generation and methods of data analysis; second, the
differentiation between method triangulation and method parallelization.
In the main part of his contribution he presents a research project that
aims to identify the necessary and sufficient conditions for
humanitarian interventions. Briefly, he scrutinizes the theoretical
framework of the study, which consists of a detailed chain of logically
necessary steps for a humanitarian intervention. In other words, the
explanatory framework consists of a specification of causal chains (the
temporal succession of preconditions) and causal conjunctions (the
temporal co-existence of preconditions). He then shows how different
methods are applied for generating the data that is used to pin down the
temporal order and development of the proposed preconditions. He
concludes by discussing the challenges of both his two types of method
triangulation (data generation triangulation and data analysis
triangulation) and his three types of method parallelization
(multivariate designs, research programs, and causal processes).
The next two contributions illustrate the progress that has been
made towards the epistemological middle ground by qualitative
researchers who start with ontologies and theories that emphasize the
crucial importance of texts and contexts. The first article by Henning
Schmidtke and Frank Nullmeier (2011) illustrates that political analysis
which is not geared towards explanation plays an important and
indispensable role; but is makes also clear that research that tries to
reveal "meanings" or "ideational factors" is moving
towards the epistemological middle ground by developing methods that
straddle the cleavage between quantitative and qualitative research. The
second article indicates how qualitative research is able to overcome
the cleavage between structuralist and agency-centered research.
Henning Schmidtke and Frank Nullmeier's "political
valuation analysis" fills in a void in political analysis that
focusses on ideational or communicative factors since valuations - in
contrast to arguments, claims, frames or discourses - have not been
focused on within the interpretative research agenda. Furthermore, they
straddle the qualitative-quantitative dividing line. In line with
qualitative reasoning, they thoroughly ground their approach in
linguistics, acknowledge the need to reconstruct the manifest content of
statements, and reflect on how to translate the statements into the
variables of the valuation grammar - and they show how it is possible to
end up with quantitative results.
Roland Willner's (2011) contribution points to innovative ways
to address the call for "micro-foundations" that has become a
boost with the rise of Scientific Realism while at the same time to
acknowledge the complexities of the structural contexts in which
political decision-making is taking place. Willner presents a heuristic
framework for micro-analyses of political organizations focusing on the
individual room for maneuvre within organizational structures. He then
links his conceptual approach to three different qualitative research
designs that he considers fit for micro-political studies, namely
qualitative interviewing, ethnographic research, and the documentary
With Andreas Balthasar's (2011) paper on policy evaluation we
complement this issue on qualitative methods with a kind of research
that has become almost fully neglected in Political Science and in the
scrutinized methodological debate. Nevertheless, policy evaluation
represents certainly one of the major links between the science of
politics and the practice of politics. Furthermore, some protagonists of
the recent methodological debate have emphasized that their
methodological stance is driven by the goal to produce policy-relevant
knowledge (Frey and Ledermann 2010; George and Benett 2005: 263-285;
Pawson 2006; Sager and Andereggen 2011). Two things are striking when we
compare the "critical friend approach" to policy evaluation
that Balthasar is proposing with the debate on qualitative ways to draw
causal inferences: First, the critical friend approach and causal
process tracing emphasize the importance of temporal proximity - the
first by emphasizing that evaluations should create feedback during the
implementation process in order to allow learning and adaptation, the
second by emphasizing the role of temporal proximity as basis for
drawing causal inferences. Second, the evaluation designs that Balthasar
proposes represent rather classical research designs which try to
generate causal conclusions by cross-case comparisons whereas
causal-process tracing represents a technique of within-case analysis.
Summing up, we think that this symposium issue of GPS reflects the
many directions in which qualitative methods are currently making
progress. While the assembled contribution in this issue present exiting
highlights of this debate, it is clear that a special issue cannot
provide the full picture and that we cannot claim representativity over
the field. However, the following articles may contribute to a deeper
understanding of the heterogeneity of qualitative approaches and may
thus lead to conscience that there is no single qualitative method, but
a plethora of approaches that serve both as stand-alone analytical
techniques as well as complementary to and in combination with other
methods and research approaches.
Balthasar, Andreas (2011). Critical Friend Approach: Policy
Evaluation Between Methodological Soundness, Practical Relevance, and
Transparency of the Evaluation Process, German Policy Studies 7(3):
Blatter, J. and M. Haverland (forthcoming): Designing Case Studies.
Explanatory Approaches in Small-N Research. Basingstoke: Palgrave
Blatter, J., F. Janning, and C. Wagemann (2007): Qualitative
Politikanalyse. Eine Einfuhrung in Forschungsansatze und Methoden.
Wiesbaden: Verlag fur Sozialwissenschaften.
Brady, H. and D. Collier (eds.) (2004): Rethinking Social Inquiry.
Diverse Tools, Shared Standards. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
Frey, Kathrin, and Simone Ledermann (2010) (eds.). Evidence-Based
Policy. A Concept in Expansion. Symposium Issue of German Policy Studies
George, A. and A. Bennett (2005): Case Studies and Theory
Development in the Social Sciences. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Junk, Julian (2011). Method Parallelization and Method
Triangulation: Method Combinations in the Analysis of Humanitarian
Interventions, German Policy Studies 7(3):
King, G., R. O. Keohane, and S. Verba (1994): Designing Social
Inquiry. Scientific Inference in Qualitative Research. Princeton:
Princeton University Press.
Mahoney, J. and G. Goertz (2006): A Tale of Two Cultures.
Contrasting Quantitative and Qualitative Research. Political Analysis
14(3), 227-49.
Mahoney, J. and G. Goertz (forthcoming): A Tale of Two Cultures:
Contrasting Qualitative and Quantitative Paradigms. Princeton University
Pawson, Ray (2006). Evidence-Based Policy. A Realistic Perspective.
London: Sage.
Ragin, C. (1987): The Comparative Method. Moving beyond Qualitative
and Quantitative Strategies. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Ragin, C. (2008): Redesigning Social Inquiry. Fuzzy Sets and
Beyond. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Rihoux, Benoit, Ilona Rezsohazy and Damien Bol (2011). Qualitative
Comparative Analysis (QCA) in Public Policy Analysis: an Extensive
Review, German Policy Studies 7(3):
Sager, Fritz, and Celine Andereggen (2011). "Dealing with
Complex Causality in Realist Synthesis: The Promise of Qualitative
Comparative Analysis (QCA) ", American Journal of Evaluation. Early
Schmidtke, Henning, and Frank Nullmeier (2011). Political valuation
analysis and the legitimacy of international organizations. German
Policy Studies 7(3):
Willner, Roland (2011) Micro-politics: An Underestimated Field of
Qualitative Research in Political Science, German Policy Studies 7(3):
Joachim Blatter University of Lucerne (Switzerland) and Fritz Sager
University of Bern (Switzerland)
Blatter, Joachim, Prof. Dr., Email:
[email protected]
Sager, Fritz, Prof. Dr., Email:
[email protected] Homepage: