Bandelow, Nils C. ; Sager, Fritz ; Schubert, Klaus 等
Continuing a practice loosely carried out over the years, this
issue of German Policy Studies (GPS) does not contain contributions on a
core theme, but rather presents a targeted selection of interesting
papers on a variety of subjects. The first contribution is by Sebastian
Streb and Markus Tepe, who examine the outsourcing of the formulation of
draft bills from German federal ministries to private law firms. They
conceptualize the outsourcing procedure as a special form of policy
advice in order to search for pivotal factors which can explain this
phenomenon. In the second article, Stefan Handke explains the policy
gridlock in German financial market regulation by focusing on the main
involved parties' utility maximizing strategies. The third paper by
Helga Ostendorf focuses on the role of the concept of
'knowledge' in current policy analysis. She extends the
'gender knowledge approach' by examining how agencies
reproduce gender relations. The final contribution in this issue is by
Celine Mavrot, who studies the theoretical and methodological
apprehension of public policy controversies and the role ideas play in
them. By modeling actors' beliefs as dependent variables, a deeper
understanding of the emergence and the development of the controversy
can be reached.
We wish you insightful reading.
Nils C. Bandelow, Fritz Sager, Klaus Schubert