Labor market fluctuations in Japan and the U.S.--How similar are they?
Genay, Hesna ; Loungani, Prakash
Are business cycles across countries alike? Are there similarities
in the dynamics of labor markets across countries? How important are
different types of shocks in explaining these dynamics?
In this article, we try to answer these questions by examining the
sources of labor market fluctuations in Japan and the U.S. in the
post-1972 period. In particular, we focus on unemployment and job
vacancies in the two countries and examine how sectoral and aggregate
shocks affect the relationship between these variables.
Trying to assess the relative importance of various types of
shocks--real versus nominal or aggregate demand versus aggregate
supply--has been the focus of much recent work on business cycles.
Although most of these "business-cycle accounting" exercises
have been carried out within the context of a closed economy, with much
of the evidence coming from U.S. data, a number of recent studies have
carried out similar exercises for other economies.(1) As stated by West
(1992), "apart from the intrinsic interest in sources of
fluctuations in other countries, such work could, in principle, shed
light on theories of the business cycle that purport to explain
fluctuations in market economies in general."
The Japanese economy provides a particularly interesting
opportunity to assess whether similar forces shape economic fluctuations
in different countries. Some observers argue that there are intrinsic
and qualitative differences between the economic, financial, and legal
structures of Japan and those of the U.S. These differences may affect
the relative importance and propagation of various economic shocks. For
instance, while trade flows account for a small fraction of Japanese
gross national product (GNP), results in West (1992, 1993) and Kaneko
and Lee (1995) indicate that the fractions of movements in Japanese
output, inventories, and stock returns accounted for by external shocks
(such as changes in exchange rates, oil prices, and foreign output) are
much greater than in the U.S.
Another difference that is commonly pointed out is the behavior of
the Japanese unemployment rate. For a variety of reasons, reviewed
below, the Japanese unemployment rate historically has been lower and
more stable than the U.S. rate. Given this and other differences between
the two countries' labor markets, how similar are they in their
responses to various shocks?
We focus on one aspect of labor markets, the relationship between
job vacancies and unemployment. According to economic theory, the
different rates of job creation and job loss in the economy, the cost of
conducting a job search, and the mismatch between jobs and workers
result in a steady-state level of unemployment and vacancies.
Furthermore, aggregate and sectoral (that is, shifts in relative demand
for different types of labor) shocks to the economy result in different
movements in the relationship between vacancies and unemployment.
We examine the sources of fluctuations in Japanese and U.S.
unemployment rates and vacancies and focus on shocks that economic
theory and prior empirical evidence suggest are important: sectoral,
external, output, and monetary shocks. Throughout our analysis, which is
implemented by a six-variable recursive vector autoregression (VAR), we
pose two general questions: Do unemployment and vacancies in Japan and
the U.S. respond to shocks in a manner that is broadly consistent with
economic theory? Are the responses of Japanese and U.S. variables to
shocks similar?
Overall, our results suggest that despite the differences that may
exist between Japanese and U.S. labor markets, unemployment and
vacancies in the two countries respond similarly to aggregate
disturbances. Responses to sectoral and external shocks differ to some
extent across the two countries. In addition, there are some differences
in the relative importance of various shocks in explaining movements in
unemployment and vacancies. While monetary policy shocks in the U.S.
account for a significant fraction of the labor market fluctuations,
external and aggregate output shocks account for the greatest fraction
of fluctuations in Japan. These results suggest that theories of labor
market fluctuations are successful in explaining fluctuations in labor
markets with different structures and characteristics.
Below, we briefly discuss the implications of economic theory for
the effects of aggregate and sectoral shocks on vacancies and
unemployment. Then we describe the data and methodology we use and
present our empirical results.
Vacancies, unemployment, and economic shocks--The Beveridge curve
What are the sources of fluctuations in unemployment and why are
people looking for work at the same time that there are unfilled jobs? A
mismatch between jobs and workers and sectoral shocks may partly explain
the coexistence of vacancies and unemployment. According to mismatch
theories, the characteristics of workers (such as their skill levels and
geographic and industry locations) do not exactly match the requirements
of unfilled jobs. Moreover, if a sectoral shock alters the relative
demand for different types of labor and it is costly to shift resources
across sectors, skill levels, or locations, then the relationship
between unemployment and vacancies may change even in the absence of an
aggregate shock.(2)
Consider the dynamic effects of aggregate and sectoral shocks
starting from equilibrium levels of unemployment and vacancies. In the
case of an aggregate shock that lowers profitability across all sectors,
jobs would become unprofitable and firms in all sectors would reduce
employment and vacancies. Thus, in the short run, unemployment would
rise and vacancies would decline. Conversely, a favorable aggregate
shock that increases profitability (hence, labor demand) in all sectors
would lead to a decrease in unemployment and an increase in vacancies.
The responses of unemployment and vacancies to aggregate shocks are
illustrated by the Beveridge curve (Beveridge, 1955) in figure 1.
Starting from an equilibrium point A on curve I, adverse aggregate
shocks move the economy along the curve to a point, B, where
unemployment is higher and vacancies are lower. A favorable aggregate
shock, on the other hand, moves the economy to a point, C, where
unemployment is lower and vacancies are higher.
Now, consider the effects of a sectoral shock in an economy in
which productive inputs are quasi-specific to their current place of
employment (that is, specific to their geographical location, skill
requirements, or sectors). Assume that as a result of a shock, some
sectors become more profitable while others become less profitable, and
relative demands for labor across sectors change. After the shock, the
desired and actual levels of productive inputs are not as closely
matched and inputs need to be reallocated from unprofitable to
profitable sectors. Because this reallocation is costly, unemployment
increases in the short run. In other words, sectoral shocks shift out
the Beveridge curve to the fight, represented by the movement of curve I
to curve II in figure 1.
The response of vacancies to a sectoral shock depends on a number
of factors: the rate of job destruction in adversely affected sectors,
the rate of job creation in newly profitable sectors, how fast resources
can move across sectors, and the process through which workers search
for and are matched to jobs. If, for example, productive inputs that are
complementary to labor in the newly profitable sectors, such as capital,
are fairly mobile, then labor demand in these sectors would increase
soon after the shock, leading to an increase in vacancies. In other
words, both aggregate unemployment and vacancies would increase in
response to a sectoral shock, represented by a move from point A on
curve I to point D on curve II.
If, on the other hand, reallocation of sector-specific resources to
the newly profitable industries takes time or is costly, then vacancies
in these sectors would increase gradually. In the short run, aggregate
vacancies would decline in line with fewer vacancies in the adversely
affected sectors. In such cases, a sectoral shock would shift the
economy from point A on curve I in figure 1 to point E on curve II,
where unemployment is higher, but vacancies are lower.
Hence, whether unemployment and vacancies move in the same
direction or in opposite directions depends on the structure of the
economy; however, most studies that examine the sources of fluctuations
in unemployment identify aggregate shocks with negative co-movements in
unemployment and vacancies, and sectoral shocks with increases in both
of these variables.(3)
Figures 2 and 3 plot the Beveridge curves for Japan and the U.S.
from 1972 to third-quarter 1996. These Beveridge curves have shifted
over time, suggesting that sectoral shocks may be important in
explaining fluctuations in these markets.
Moreover, empirical evidence in Blanchard and Diamond (1989) and
Brainard and Cutler (1993) indicates that aggregate shocks move the U.S.
economy along the Beveridge curve, whereas sectoral shocks shift out the
curve, consistent with the predictions of theory. Brunello (1991) and
Sakurai and Tachibanaki (1992) examine how the relationship between
Japanese unemployment and vacancies relate to a mismatch between jobs
and workers. The results of these studies suggest that the Japanese
Beveridge curve has shifted out over the years, as has the U.S. curve.
Brunello reports that regional and age mismatches between jobs and
workers do not explain the shift in the Beveridge curve, but an age
mismatch helps explain the dynamic paths of unemployment and vacancies
from one long-run equilibrium to another.(4) Sakurai and Tachibanaki
find that about 20 percent of Japanese unemployment is due to mismatches
by region or age. However, these studies do not analyze the sources of
fluctuations in unemployment and vacancies over the business cycle.
An interesting question is whether aggregate and sectoral shocks
have similar effects in Japan and the U.S. where labor markets have
different features. One of the well-known features of the Japanese labor
market is the peculiar behavior of its unemployment rate. The Japanese
unemployment rate is very low and, for a variety of reasons, it
fluctuates within a fairly narrow range over the course of a business
cycle (figure 4).(5) Similarly, the time path of Japanese vacancies is
more stable than that of vacancies in the U.S. (figure 5).
Numerous writers have pointed out that this stability is achieved
largely by shifting the burden of adjustment to other labor market
variables. Compared with other economies, the Japanese labor market
accommodates adverse labor demand shocks by a smaller increase in the
measured unemployment rate, but a greater decline in wages,
participation rates, and average hours (Weiner, 1987). Because nominal
and real wages fluctuate a lot more in Japan over the course of a
business cycle than they do in the U.S., labor inputs in Japan need not
change as much to accommodate shocks. For instance, Brunello (1990a) and
Taylor (1989) suggest that the sensitivity of real wages to shocks is
much higher in Japan than in other countries and that this translates
into smaller employment fluctuations.(6)
The statistics in table 1 illustrate these characteristics of the
Japanese labor market over the post-1972 period. Compared with the U.S.,
the unemployment rate and vacancies in Japan have lower means and lower
standard deviations. Conversely, real wages in Japan are more variable
than real wages in the U.S.
TABLE 1 Descriptive statistics for the U.S and Japanese labor
markets, 1972Q4-96Q3
Mean Standard deviation
Unemployment rate (%) 6.764 1.309
Vacancies (%) 0.076 0.015
Real wages 0.080 0.004
GNP growth rate (%) 0.647 0.940
Mean Standard deviation
Unemployment rate (%) 2.318 0.495
Vacancies (%) 0.022 0.005
Real wages 0.816 0.077
GNP growth rate (%) 0.851 0.864
Notes: In the U.S., the unemployment rate is the rate for the
civilian labor force; vacancies are the ratio of the help-wanted index
to total employment; real wages are the ratio of average hourly earnings
for private nonagricultural workers to urban consumer price index for
all items (CPIU); and the real GNP growth rate is based on the
chain-weighted GNP in 1992 dollars. In Japan, the unemployment rate is
the totally unemployed ratio; vacancies are the ratio of job offers
(unfilled vacancies registered with public employment offices) to total
employment; real wages are the ratio of an index (1995=100) of wages,
salaries, and bonuses to the general consumer price index (1990=100);
and the real GNP growth rate is based on GNP in 1990 dollars. GNP
numbers are reported quarterly; all other series are quarterly averages
of monthly data.
Sources: See figures 2 and 3.
Next, we examine the responses of unemployment and vacancies to
various shocks to see if sources and patterns of fluctuations in
Japanese and U.S. labor markets are similar and consistent with the
theory outlined above.
Methodology and data
VARs have become a commonly used way of summarizing the
interactions among a set of variables. In this article, we follow
Sims' (1992) approach and estimate a six-variable VAR that is based
on a recursive ordering of the variables.(7) Specifically, we estimate a
baseline VAR with two lags, ordered as (INT, VAC, UNEMP, DISP, GNP,
TOT), where INT is a measure of monetary policy shocks, VAC is
vacancies, UNEMP is the unemployment rate, GNP is the growth rate of
real GNP, DISP is a measure of sectoral shocks, and TOT is a measure of
external shocks.(8) We define and measure the variables (all in logs)
over the 1972Q4-96Q3 period as follows.(9)
For the U.S., we measure vacancies by the ratio of help-wanted
index to total employment (VAC-US). Similarly, Japanese vacancies
(VAC-JP) are measured by the ratio of job offers, which are unfilled
vacancies registered with the public employment offices, to total
Japanese employment.
Unemployment in the U.S. is the unemployment ratio for the civilian
labor force reported by the U.S. Department of Labor. Japanese
unemployment is measured by the totally unemployed ratio as reported by
the Ministry of Labor.
Industry-specific shocks
If the movement of labor and capital across industries is costly,
industry-specific shocks that alter the pattern of demand across sectors
can lead to a temporary increase in unemployment. Since
industry-specific shocks can arise from a variety of sources,
identifying such shocks represents an empirical challenge.(10)
In this article, we use dispersion of returns on industry stocks to
identify industry-specific disturbances, as in Loungani, Rush, and Tave
(1990) and Loungani and Trehan (1997 forthcoming). According to the
efficient markets hypothesis, new information on the current and future
profitability of firms and their sectors is immediately incorporated
into stock prices. Thus, our dispersion index is likely to move closely
with the arrival of information on industry profitability.
Let [], denote the stock return in industry i in period t
and [R.sub.t] denote the stock return for the market as a whole. We then
define the stock market dispersion index as:
where N is the total number of industries and [w.sub.i] is a weight
based on the industry's share in total employment.(11)
For Japan, the index (DISP-JP) is constructed using stock return
data for 36 industrial sectors ([]'s); the market return,
[R.sub.t], is constructed using the Nikkei 500 index; and the employment
shares are calculated based on 1986 data. For the U.S., the index
(DISP-US) is calculated based on S&P 500 returns and industry
employment shares in 1978.
Output shocks
Our primary measure of aggregate shocks is the growth rate of GNP.
For the U.S., we use chain-weighted GNP in 1992 prices (GNP-US) and for
Japan, we use GNP in 1990 prices (GNP-JP).
Monetary policy shocks
Views about how to identify monetary policy shocks have undergone
significant revision in the last few years. The work of Bernanke and
Blinder (1992), Christiano and Eichenbaum (1992), and Strongin (1995)
has established that innovations in either the federal funds rate or in
nonborrowed reserves are better measures of shocks to U.S. monetary
policy than the innovations in monetary aggregates that were widely used
in earlier work. Evidence on the importance of monetary policy shocks in
explaining U.S. business cycle fluctuations is mixed. For instance,
Christiano, Eichenbaum, and Evans (1996) find that policy shocks in the
federal funds rate and nonborrowed reserves account for 30 percent and
11 percent of the variations in gross domestic product (GDP),
respectively. On the other hand, Leeper, Sims, and Zha (1996) find that
the effects of monetary policy shocks vary depending on how they are
modeled and that in most of the model specifications, monetary policy
shocks account for a small fraction of the variations in macroeconomic aggregates. Empirical evidence on the impact of Japanese monetary policy
also varies. While Moreno (1992), Moreno and Kim (1993), and Shioji
(1993) find that innovations in money supply and interest rates explain
a significant fraction of the movements in Japanese output and prices,
West (1992) finds that money supply shocks play a small role in output
and price fluctuations.(12)
We identify monetary policy shocks as innovations in an instrument
of monetary policy. Our approach mimics the strategy outlined by
Eichenbaum and Evans (1995) in their investigation of the impact of U.S.
monetary policy shocks on bilateral exchange rates. Following Eichenbaum
and Evans, we view the monetary authority as choosing the value of a
monetary instrument at time t, [V.sub.t], as a linear function of its
information set, [[Omega].sub.t] The monetary policy shock ([[element
of].sub.vt]) is the disturbance term in this "decision rule,"
that is,
2) [V.sub.t] = F ([[Omega].sub.t]) + [[element of].sub.vt].
To make this procedure operational, we have to choose an empirical
analog for the policy instrument, [V.sub.t], and decide on variables to
include in the information set. Based on the conclusions of other
studies in this area, we use the federal funds rate for the U.S. (FFR)
and the Bank of Japan's call money rate (CALL) as the policy
instruments. In our baseline specification, we assume that the
information set consists of lagged values of the other variables
included in the VAR; however, we did some robustness checks to ensure
that the inclusion of contemporaneous values of a subset of those
variables does not alter the main results (see note 8).
External shocks
As noted in the introduction, previous studies (Kaneko and Lee,
1995; West, 1992, 1993) have found that external shocks account for a
greater fraction of the variations in Japanese output, inventories, and
stock returns than they do in the U.S. On the other hand, Brunello
(1990b) finds that the influence of real exchange rate movements on
Japanese employment was much smaller than their influence on U.S.
employment during the 1973-86 period. We measure external shocks with
the ratio of export prices to import prices--the terms of trade (TOT-JP
and TOT-US for Japan and the U.S., respectively). Import prices are a
weighted average of fuel and nonfuel import prices, with the weights
being equal to the respective shares of these two commodity groups in
the total imports of each country.
Empirical results
Figures 6 and 7 show the impulse responses of labor market
indicators in Japan and the U.S., respectively, to monetary policy,
output, sectoral, and external shocks. The colored lines in the figures
are the one standard error bands around the point estimates.(13) Recall
that mismatch theories imply that aggregate shocks are associated with
negative comovements in unemployment and vacancies, and under most
common parameterizations of the economy, sectoral shocks are associated
with increases in both unemployment and vacancies.
How do unemployment and vacancies respond when the Federal Reserve
and the Bank of Japan pursue tighter monetary policies (innovations in
FFR and CALL)? Both in the U.S. and Japan, unemployment increases and
vacancies decline. In the U.S., unemployment starts to rise two quarters
out, continues to increase for about a year, then starts to decline.
Vacancies in the U.S. respond to monetary policy shocks with similar
lagged responses; VAC-US starts to decline about two quarters after an
innovation in FFR, continues to do so for almost two years, then
gradually begins to increase. The responses of Japanese labor market
indicators to a monetary policy shock are similar to those in the U.S.,
except their initial responses are more immediate and the estimates are
less precise than those in the U.S.
Next, what are the effects of positive innovations in aggregate
outputs? In both countries, unemployment decreases and vacancies
increase. In Japan, the unemployment rate begins to decline three
quarters after the innovation, and vacancies increase about two quarters
after the shock. Moreover, the effects of an innovation in GNP-JP last
for more than a year. In contrast, labor market indicators in the U.S.
respond much sooner to an innovation in GNP-US (about two quarters after
the shock), the effects of the shock dissipate more quickly (within a
year), and the estimates are less precise.
The negative comovements of vacancies and unemployment in response
to monetary policy and aggregate output shocks are consistent with the
implications of the Beveridge curve and models of labor markets based on
reallocation costs: Adverse aggregate shocks, such as tighter monetary
policy, move the economy down the Beveridge curve to a higher level of
unemployment and a lower level of vacancies. Conversely, a favorable
aggregate shock, such as an increase in GNP, moves the economy up the
Beveridge curve to a lower level of unemployment and a higher level of
The responses of Japanese unemployment and vacancies to sectoral
shocks are weakly consistent with the predictions of the theory outlined
in the previous section. Both unemployment and vacancies increase soon
after an innovation in DISP-JP (figure 7); however, the impact of the
shock on vacancies lasts longer than its impact on unemployment and the
responses of both variables are estimated imprecisely. The responses of
unemployment and vacancies in the U.S. to sectoral shocks are somewhat
less consistent with the predictions of the theory. After an innovation
in DISP-US, vacancies increase immediately, continue to increase for
about a year, then decline (figure 6). On the other hand, the increase
in UNEMP-US in response to a sectoral shock occurs after a year. Hence,
even though there are shifts in the Beveridge curves in both countries,
the stock market dispersion index--our measure of sectoral
shocks--appears to have limited success in accounting for such shifts.
It would be interesting to know if alternative measures of sectoral
shocks, such as the one proposed by Rissman (1997) that filters out
cyclical fluctuations, would do a better job of explaining shifts in the
Beveridge curve.
Finally, consider the effects of innovations in TOT-US and TOT-JP
(an improvement in the terms of trade). In the U.S., vacancies increase
and unemployment decreases. The impact of an innovation in TOT-US on
labor markets occurs immediately and lasts for more than a year.
Similarly, the unemployment rate in Japan declines and vacancies
increase one year after an improvement in Japanese terms of trade.
Furthermore, responses of Japanese labor market indicators to an
innovation in the terms of trade appear to be greater than the responses
of U.S. variables.
Table 2, which shows the variance decompositions of unemployment
rates and vacancies for different forecast horizons, provides further
evidence on the relative importance of various shocks in Japan and the
U.S. Overall, innovations in aggregate output and the terms of trade are
more important in explaining long-run labor market fluctuations in Japan
than they are in the U.S. Specifically, external shocks account for 18
percent and 24 percent of the fluctuations in Japanese unemployment and
vacancies, respectively, in 20-quarter horizons. In contrast, external
shocks explain 12 percent of the variations in the U.S. unemployment
rate and only 5 percent of the variations in U.S. vacancies over the
same forecast horizon.
TABLE 2 Variance decompositions in percent
U.S. unemployment
2 9.77 0.20 1.02 0.09
4 5.81 3.83 0.71 2.02
8 30.40 3.01 0.92 10.73
20 39.22 8.50 0.57 12.29
U.S. vacancies
2 3.81 0.58 0.44 0.11
4 12.64 3.31 1.31 1.46
8 47.88 2.79 1.51 5.06
20 42.98 8.55 0.84 5.02
Japan unemployment
2 3.47 2.12 2.90 2.27
4 8.16 1.21 2.35 2.68
8 11.50 0.93 5.93 2.76
20 13.78 1.86 6.31 18.49
Japan vacancies
2 0.08 0.42 0.92 0.64
4 0.55 1.48 10.59 0.45
8 0.36 3.57 20.40 6.20
20 0.48 5.18 17.28 24.50
Note: For definition of variables, see figures 6 and 7.
Source: U.S. Department of Labor; U.S. Department of Commerce; Bank
of Japan; Tokyo Stock Exchange; and industry employment shares from
Tankan surveys.
On the other hand, monetary policy shocks play a more important
role in the U.S. than they do in Japan. Innovations in the federal funds
rate explain at least 40 percent of the fluctuations in the U.S. more
than two years. In contrast, Japanese monetary policy shocks explain at
most 14 percent of the fluctuations in the Japanese unemployment rate
and less than 1 percent of the fluctuations in Japanese vacancies.(14)
Lastly, sectoral shocks account for up to 5 percent of variations
in Japanese labor market indicators and about 8.5 percent of the
variations in the U.S. labor market indicators.
With a few exceptions, the results reported here are consistent
with those reported in previous studies. For instance, Loungani and
Trehan (1997 forthcoming) examine the sources of fluctuations in the
U.S. unemployment (including long-duration unemployment), focusing on
the relative importance of aggregate and sectoral shocks. The impulse
response functions of U.S. unemployment to sectoral and aggregate shocks
reported in this article are similar to those reported in Loungani and
Trehan, although they attribute a greater fraction of fluctuations in
the labor markets to sectoral shocks than we do. Differences in the
sample periods and the variables used may account for this difference.
For instance, here we consider the dynamics of both unemployment and
vacancies, whereas Loungani and Trehan focus on the dynamics of
unemployment. Moreover, Brainard and Cutler (1993) find that aggregate
shocks play a more significant role in U.S. labor markets than sectoral
shocks, similar to our results. Our results with respect to the
importance of external shocks in explaining Japanese fluctuations are
consistent with those reported in Kaneko and Lee (1995), and West (1992,
1993), but in contrast to those of Brunello (1990b), who reports a
significantly smaller impact of real exchange rate changes on Japanese
employment compared to the U.S.
In this article, we examine the sources of fluctuations in Japanese
and U.S. unemployment rates and vacancies, focusing on sectoral,
aggregate output, external, and monetary shocks. Our results are similar
to those of previous studies on the U.S. Beveridge curve and provide new
evidence on Japanese labor markets.
Throughout our analysis, we sought to provide evidence on the
following questions: Despite the differences in the characteristics of
Japanese and U.S. labor markets, do unemployment and vacancies in Japan
and the U.S. respond to shocks in a similar manner? Are the responses of
these labor market indicators to shocks consistent with economic theory?
How important are different shocks in explaining the dynamics of the two
labor markets?
Our results suggest that despite the differences that may exist
between Japanese and U.S. labor markets, unemployment and vacancies in
the two countries respond similarly to aggregate disturbances, which
move the economies of both countries along their Beveridge curves. Their
responses to sectoral and external shocks differ, to some extent. While
sectoral shocks shift out the Japanese Beveridge curve, resulting in
higher levels of unemployment in the short run, the responses to
sectoral shocks from U.S. labor market indicators are less consistent
with the predictions of theory.
In addition, there are some differences in the relative importance
of various shocks in explaining the movements in the U.S. and Japanese
variables. While monetary policy shocks account for a significant
fraction of labor market fluctuations in the U.S., they are less
important in explaining fluctuations in Japanese labor markets. External
and aggregate output shocks account for the greatest fraction of
fluctuations in Japan. These results suggest that theories of labor
market fluctuations are successful in explaining fluctuations in labor
markets with different structures and characteristics.
Our analysis could be extended in a number of ways. One possible
avenue is to construct a structural model and estimate VARs based on
short-run restrictions. Another avenue is to include additional
variables, such as wages and other labor market indicators, to obtain a
broader picture of the two labor markets and their dynamics.
(1) For instance, see Ahmed, Ickes, Wang and Yoo (1993), Hutchison
(1993), Krieger (1989), Moreno (1992), Moreno and Kim (1993), Sims
(1992), and West (1992, 1993).
(2) The sectoral shocks as a source of fluctuations in unemployment
have been considered by a number of studies, which build on
Lilien's (1982) idea that when the movement of resources across
industries is costly, an increase in the dispersion of industry-specific
shocks can lead to an increase in unemployment by increasing the amount
of resources that need to be reallocated across industries. For
instance, see Blanchard and Diamond (1989), Brainard and Cutler (1990,
1993), Campbell and Kuttner (1996), Davis and Haltiwanger (1996),
Loungani, Rush, and Tave (1990), Rissman (1993, 1997), Samson (1991),
Starr-McCluer (1993), and Toledo and Marquis (1993).
(3) For instance, see Blanchard and Diamond (1989) and Davis and
Haltiwanger (1996).
(4) To the extent that age is a measure of both a worker's
skill level and his/her willingness to invest in human capital to update
his/her skills, increased age mismatch would move the Beveridge curve
(5) The U.S. and Japanese unemployment rates are surveyed and
measured using different techniques; however, the differences in
measurement techniques do not account for their differences in behavior.
See Sorrentino (1984) and Weiner (1987).
(6) Moreover, many secondary and temporary workers, particularly
females, leave the labor force during a recession; this procyclical
movement of the labor force is often referred to by Japanese economists
as a "discouraged worker effect" or "disguised"
unemployment. Brunello (1990a) provides evidence for the greater
procyclicality of participation rates in Japan relative to those in
three European countries; however these sharp differences are not robust
to the inclusion of post-1983 data. Hamada and Kurosaka (1986) estimate
a similar regression for Japan only using annual data for 1953 to 1983;
while the authors do not test for subsample stability, they do present
some evidence that the "discouraged worker effect seems to be
declining (p. S286)." Sakurai and Tachibanaki (1991) estimate
separate equations for females and male participation rates for the
period 1963 to 1986. They find that there was a significant procyclical
response of the female participation rate but not of the male
participation rate. Tachibanaki (1987) provides a comprehensive
discussion of the behavior of labor force participation. Furthermore,
average hours per worker fluctuate a lot in Japan over the course of a
cycle (Hamada and Kurosaka, 1986; Tachibanki, 1987; and Weiner, 1987).
(7) Alternatively, we could have used a method suggested by
Blanchard and Quah (1989) that identifies shocks by imposing long-run
restrictions; however, this method has been criticized by Faust and
Leeper (1994) and others for aggregating the multiple shocks that drive
business cycles into "aggregate demand" and "aggregate
supply" categories that end up being highly correlated with each
other and for lacking robustness in finite samples. Another method,
advocated by Bernanke (1986), identifies shocks by using relevant
economic theory to place some restrictions on the contemporaneous
correlations among the variables in the VAR. We are sympathetic to this
approach, and hope to employ it in our future work in this area;
however, the restrictions implied by a model with external, aggregate
and sectoral shocks have not yet been fully worked out by researchers;
see Davis and Haltiwanger (1996) for some steps in this direction.
(8) To determine how sensitive our results are to the specification
of the baseline VAR, we also estimated VARs with alternative orderings
of the variables. In particular, we estimated systems where DISP and INT
are lower in the ordering than in the baseline specification. The
results we obtained, which are not reported here but are available upon
request, were qualitatively similar to those reported below. We also
estimated the baseline VAR with four lags. The impulse responses in that
specification are similar to those shown in figures 7 and 8; however,
the relative fractions of forecast error variance that are explained by
various shocks seem somewhat sensitive to lag specifications. When the
VAR is estimated with four lags, the relative importance of monetary
policy shocks in the U.S. declines slightly and the importance of
external and aggregate output shocks increases. In Japan, monetary
policy and external shocks explain relatively greater fractions of the
fluctuations in labor market indicators than they do in the
specification reported in this article. However, the general result we
report--that while monetary shocks account for greatest fraction of the
fluctuations in the U.S. labor markets, external and aggregate output
shocks are more important in Japanese labor markets--still holds true.
(9) Previous studies have identified the period after the first oil
shock, post-1973, as one of significant structural change in the
Japanese economy. To check the sensitivity of results reported in the
following section, we also carried out our analysis over the 1975-96
period. The results for the shorter sample period are qualitatively
similar to those reported here. (These results are available from the
authors upon request.)
(10) For instance, Lilien (1982) uses a dispersion index of
sectoral employment-growth rates to identify sector-specific shocks;
however, as Abraham and Katz (1986) point out, if sensitivity of sectors
to aggregate shocks differs, then aggregate demand, as well as sectoral,
shocks would lead to movements in Lilien's dispersion index. For
instance, Loungani (1986) shows that a significant fraction of the
variation in Lilien's dispersion index is due to differential
impact of oil shocks across sectors and that once the movements in the
dispersion index due to oil shocks are accounted for, the residual
dispersion has no explanatory power for aggregate unemployment. In a
more recent study on U.S. unemployment, Loungani and Trehan (1997
forthcoming) show that the response of unemployment to Lilien's
dispersion indexes is not robust to the ordering of the index in the
VAR. The authors also show that output growth predicts employment
dispersion, which in turn is not significant in predicting unemployment
or output. In contrast, a dispersion index based on stock returns helps
predict output and unemployment, but is not predicted by either of these
(11) In an earlier work on Japanese labor market fluctuations in
the 1973-90 period (Genay and Loungani, 1995), we constructed a
dispersion index using excess stock returns (the residuals from a
regression of industry stock returns on a market index and four
unobserved common factors) as in Brainard and Cutler (1993). The results
reported in this article are similar to those we obtained earlier,
suggesting that using a dispersion index of excess returns would not
make a material change to the results reported here.
(12) It should be noted that the studies cited employ different
estimation methods and analyze different periods. Because the Japanese
economy and money markets have undergone major changes since the late
1970s, the different sample periods may partly explain conflicting
results. For instance, Moreno and Kim (1993) report that innovations in
both money supply and the call money rate are good predictors of
fluctuations in Japanese output over the 1960-80 period, but that only
innovations in money explain a significant fraction of the output in the
1981-92 period. The authors attribute the different results to changes
in the Japanese markets. Furthermore, Shioji (1993) argues that the call
money rate or money supply alone is not a good indicator of Bank of
Japan policy. By estimating a larger VAR system that takes into account
other policy instruments, he finds that the "liquidity" and
the "price" puzzles observed by Sims (1992) are no longer
evident or are less important in his results.
(13) The standard errors on the impulse response functions are
estimated using the Monte Carlo procedure described in the RATS Manual,
version 4.2.
(14) Monetary policy shocks also have a much smaller impact on
GNP-JP than they do on GNP-US. For 20-quarter forecast horizons,
monetary policy shocks explain only 5 percent of the fluctuations in
Japanese real GNP, whereas they explain about 21 percent of the forecast
error variance in U.S. real GNP. These results are consistent with those
reported in Moreno and Kim (1993) and Christiano, Eichenbaum, and Evans
(1996). Moreno and Kim report that the call money rate explains about 1
percent of the fluctuations in the two-year ahead forecast error
variance in Japanese industrial production and Christiano, Eichenbaum,
and Evans report that federal funds policy shocks account for 30 percent
of the fluctuations in U.S. real GDP.
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Hesna Genay is an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
and Prakash Loungani is an economist at the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System. The authors would like to thank Ken West, Mark
Bils, and Michael Gibson for very useful comments and Nihon Keisai
Shimbun America Inc. for providing the industry stock price data used in
this article. The authors would also like to thank Andrea Orlandi for
conducting a literature survey, summarizing relevant papers, and
obtaining several data series and Andrea Long, Glenn McAfee, and Gary
Sutkin for their excellent research assistance.