Assessing the impact of regulation on bank cost efficiency.
Evanoff, Douglas D.
Introduction and summary
The purpose of financial regulation is to improve upon the
performance of financial markets relative to how they would perform
driven solely by the forces of the private marketplace. For example, in
the 1930s it was decided that, left unchecked, competition in the
pricing of U.S. banking services could become so intense that it would
actually be harmful to the functioning of the markets. This resulted in
the introduction of interest rate and price restrictions to provide
banks with an inexpensive source of funds. In addition, to insure that
local market participants were not forced from the market as a result of
"excessive" competition, entry barriers and branching
restrictions were introduced.
Such regulation, however, frequently results in unintended behavior
and market inefficiencies. The price restrictions aimed at providing an
inexpensive source of bank funding resulted in disintermediation and
significant bank expenditures to circumvent the restrictions. The entry
barriers resulted in inferior service levels and the generation of local
market power by incumbent institutions as competing service providers
were unable to use an efficient entry mechanism. These unintended
effects often prompt re-regulation to realize the original intent of the
regulation, but without the resulting inefficiencies. However,
re-regulation typically results in additional responses by bankers aimed
at avoiding the effect of the regulation.
In responding to regulation, banks are altering the production
process. The theoretical foundation for most bank cost studies is based
on the maintained assumption of cost minimization with respect to market
input prices in competitive markets.(1) However, extensive evidence
suggests that this is not the behavior practiced by regulated firms.
Regulated firms frequently alter the production process from what it
would be absent the regulation. Banking firms are subject to extensive
regulation in nearly all facets of operations, raising the possibility
that the assumption of cost-minimizing behavior in response to market
input prices may be particularly inappropriate for this industry.
Our objective is to evaluate whether industry regulations distort
firm behavior and, as a result, generate productive inefficiency in the
mix of inputs used by banks (for example, physical capital to labor
ratios). We estimate this allocative inefficiency using a generalized cost function that allows for cost-minimization behavior, taking into
account the above-mentioned distortions resulting from regulation. From
a theoretical viewpoint, the generalized model is superior to the
standard model. We test to see if there is also a statistical
difference. We evaluate the impact of accounting for the regulatory
distortions on various cost characteristics.(2) In addition to
generating a measure of inefficiency resulting from banks using a
suboptimal mix of inputs, we obtain a measure of the level of
inefficiency resulting from the underutilization or mismanagement of
inputs, that is, technical inefficiency. Finally, we analyze the effect
of relaxing the regulatory constraints.
For a sample of large U.S. banks, we find statistically significant
input price distortions, and resulting allocative inefficiency, which we
attribute to regulation. We reject the standard cost model in favor of a
more general one, which allows for cost minimization subject to
effective input prices that can differ from market prices as a result of
regulation. Findings from our analysis of the 1972-87 period suggest
that for our sample of banks, scope economies and minor scale economies
existed. Scope economies exist if the cost of joint production is less
than the cost resulting from independent production processes; scale
economies exist if, over a given range of output, per unit costs decline
as output increases. In addition, technology played a significant role
in reducing costs, and regulatory induced allocative inefficiency
existed. Although statistically significant, the allocative efficiency distortions appear to be relatively minor. The advantages of the
generalized cost model become apparent, however, when we compare the
1972-79 period, one of significant regulation, with the 1984-87 period,
which is considered the deregulated environment. Our findings suggest
that the banking environment changed significantly between these two
periods. Allocative inefficiency was a factor in 1972-79, but was nearly
nonexistent in the later period. Banks apparently responded to the
deregulated environment by altering their production process to fully
exploit scale economies, and reaped significant returns from
technological change. We conclude that the heavy regulation of the
earlier period had a significant adverse effect on bank efficiency.
Productive efficiency: The basics
Basic economic theory assumes that production occurs in an
environment in which an attempt is made to maximize profits by operating
in the most efficient manner possible. The competitive model suggests
that firms that fail to do so will be driven from the market by more
efficient ones. These competitive forces generate an industry of firms
producing efficiently with respect to the scale and scope of operation
and the mix and quantity of inputs used. However, when market
imperfections weaken competitive forces, inefficient firms may continue
to prosper. True firm behavior may vary from that implied by the
competitive model. Firms may find they are not required to operate as
efficiently as possible because they are protected from the discipline
of the market by either natural or regulatory forces. Inefficiencies can
then arise and the characteristics associated with the competitive model
(efficient scale, scope, and input utilization) no longer hold.
Variations from productive efficiency can be broken down into input-
and output-induced inefficiencies. Assuming a given level of output,
input inefficiency implies the firm is not optimally using the factors
of production. That is, the given level of output is not produced at the
lowest possible cost. Output efficiency requires the production of both
the optimal level and the optimal mix of outputs.
Overall input inefficiency resulting from the suboptimal use of
inputs can be divided into allocative and pure technical inefficiency.
Allocative inefficiency occurs when inputs are combined in suboptimal
proportions. Regulation is typically given as a major reason for this.
An extreme example would be if regulations mandated that regulated firms
use a particular process to produce a commodity. For example, no
machinery can be used. Even if the inputs other than capital were used
as effectively as possible, the ban on machinery would most likely
result in a production process that would be less efficient than the
unrestricted process.
Pure technical inefficiency occurs when more of each input is used
than should be required to produce a given level of output. This type of
inefficiency is more difficult to explain, but it is typically
attributed to weak competitive forces that allow inefficient firms to
remain in the market despite their inferior productivity. Pure technical
inefficiency implies that firms employ the proper mix of inputs, but
mismanage them. Combining allocative and pure technical inefficiency, we
get the overall inefficiency resulting from the improper use of inputs.
The distinction between the two types of inefficiency is important
because they may be caused by different forces and, therefore, be
correctable by different means. For example, the explicit repeal of
regulations may result in an increase in allocative efficiency, while a
general increase in the level of competition permitted (perhaps through
reductions in entry barriers) may increase pure technical efficiency.
Productive efficiency also requires optimizing behavior with respect
to outputs. Here, optimal behavior necessitates production of the level
and combination of outputs that correspond to the production process
with the lowest per unit cost. An optimal output level is possible if
economies and diseconomies of scale exist at different output levels.
Economies of scale exist if, over a given range of output, per unit
costs decline as output increases. Increases in per unit cost correspond
to decreasing returns to scale. A scale-efficient firm will produce
where there are constant returns to scale; that is, changes in output
result in proportional changes in costs. Many recent bank mergers have
been justified on the basis of potential scale economies realized by the
new combined entity.(3) Because it involves the choice of an inefficient
level, scale inefficiency is considered a form of technical
inefficiency. Thus, total technical inefficiency includes both pure
technical and scale inefficiency, or inefficient levels of both inputs
and outputs.
Additional cost advantages may result from producing more than one
product. For example, a firm may be able to jointly produce two or more
outputs more cheaply than producing them separately. If the cost of
joint production is less than the cost resulting from independent
production processes, economies of scope exist. Diseconomies of scope
exist if the joint production costs are actually higher than the cost of
specialized or stand-alone production of the individual products. In
banking, potential scope economies are typically precluded by regulatory
limitations on bank activities.
Finally, pure technical inefficiency is entirely under the control
of, and results directly from the behavior of, the producer, whereas
output inefficiency and allocative inefficiency may be unavoidable from
the firm's perspective. For example, a firm optimally using inputs
may find that per unit cost declines over the entire range of market
demand. While increasing production would generate cost savings or
efficiencies, the characteristics of market demand may not justify it.
Failure to exploit scope advantages may also result from factors outside
of the control of the firm. Clearly, in banking the array of allowable
activities is constrained by regulation. This may preclude potential
gains from the joint production of various financial services. Further,
as mentioned earlier, allocative inefficiency may occur as a direct
result of regulation. For example, during the 1970s, banks were
restricted with respect to the explicit interest rates they could pay
depositors. As market rates rose above allowable levels, banks
frequently substituted implicit interest payments in the form of
non-price payments or improved service levels - for example, a free
toaster with the opening of a new savings account, or more offices per
capita or per area.(4) This resulted in an overutilization of physical
capital relative to other inputs. In this case, regulation was the
driving force behind the resulting allocative inefficiency.
Generalized model of bank costs
To generate our cost and efficiency estimates, we use a methodology
developed by Lau and Yotopoulos (1971) and Atkinson and Halvorsen
(1980). This shadow price model has been employed in previous studies to
account for regulatory-induced market distortions, for example, Atkinson
and Halvorsen (1984), and Evanoff, Israilevich, and Merris (1989). In
this model, firms optimize with respect to the shadow price or effective
price of inputs, which includes any non-price aspects such as regulatory
burden. We apply the more general shadow price (SP) model with
additional variables specific to banking. (See the studies listed above
for a detailed discussion of the methodology and the technical appendix
for a summary of the formal derivation of the cost relationships.)
From basic microeconomics, the condition required for optimization behavior in the standard cost model is for the firm to produce at the
level where the ratio of the marginal products of the inputs employed(5)
(that is, the ratio of the changes in output associated with marginal
changes in inputs) is equal to the ratio of the prices of the inputs.
1) [f.sub.i] / [f.sub.j] = [P.sub.i] / [P.sub.j] for i [not equal to]
j = 1, ..., m.
In equation 1, [f.sub.i] denotes the marginal product of input i, and
[P.sub.i] is the price of input i. Given that the firm takes input
prices and the level of output as given, it can then derive the optimal
combination of inputs to minimize costs.(6)
The standard model typically assumes that the optimal combination of
inputs is determined by prices observed in the marketplace. Therefore,
the observed and optimal costs are equivalent. However, if additional
constraints exist, such as those imposed by regulation, the true cost of
the input need not equal the observed price. There may be non-price
costs induced by regulations, and these will also be accounted for in
the firm's optimization process. As discussed earlier, when deposit
rate ceilings were imposed, banks were limited in their ability to
compete directly for funds. The banks then used non-price competition in
an attempt to elude the restriction.(7) One result of this in the 1970s
was the significant proliferation of bank offices in states allowing
broad branching as banks attempted to "compete with brick and
mortar." The decision to introduce more branch offices was not
driven entirely by the market price of physical capital. More physical
capital was used than would have been suggested by the market price
alone, because the perceived return on these capital expenditures
differed from that implied by the market prices. In other words, the
effective price of physical capital was less than the market price. In
determining the true effective price of inputs, these additional
regulatory constraints must be taken into account. This possibility is
captured by the more generalized cost model presented in the technical
The input combination generating cost minimization, therefore,
equates the ratio of marginal products to the ratio of the effective
prices of the inputs, including the non-price costs. It is these
effective or shadow prices that are influenced by regulation and drive
behavior. In the technical appendix, we show how one can derive the
bank's cost function using shadow prices rather than observed
prices. The resulting shadow cost function is a more comprehensive
representation of costs to be minimized and is the appropriate
representation of the production process. In the absence of binding
regulatory constraints, shadow and actual prices are equal and the
shadow model reduces to the standard cost model. However, if market and
shadow prices are not equivalent (likely to be the case in a heavily
regulated industry like banking), one needs to account for the
additional regulatory constraints.
The shadow prices of bank inputs are not directly observable.
Therefore, we assume that the shadow prices are proportional to market
2) [[P.sub.i].sup.*] = [k.sub.i][P.sub.i] for i = 1, ..., m,
where [P.sub.i] is the price for input i, [k.sub.i] is a measure of
the extent of the factor price distortion, and there are m inputs used
in the production process.(8) If regulation is nonbinding, all shadow
prices equal the respective market prices, [k.sub.i] = 1 for all i, and
the shadow cost function reduces to the standard formulation.
In applying the generalized model to large U.S. banks, we make
certain assumptions concerning the bank production process. We include
variables generally thought to affect costs in the banking industry,
including measures for the number of bank offices, the holding company
structure, and the role of technological change. We assume that banks
produce four outputs: the dollar value of commercial and industrial
loans, installment loans, real estate loans, and investment securities.
Banks produce these outputs using labor, physical capital, and financial
funding.(9) More details of the empirical specification are given in the
technical appendix.
We estimated the model for the years 1972-87 for the largest banks in
the U.S. that were members of a holding company over the entire period.
This is a period during which regulation of the industry was evolving as
certain restrictions became quite binding and industry participants were
arguing for regulatory relief. The final data set consists of 164 banks
and 2,624 observations. Our expectation was that these institutions were
probably in the best position to avoid adverse effects from regulation,
thus making our findings conservative. Inefficiency could be less for
these institutions than for smaller banks, because they may have more
astute management; be more cost conscious; and be more involved in
wholesale banking, whereas most regulations concentrate on the retail
side of banking.(10)
The Bank Call Report was the major data source. Costs, defined as the
sum of expenditures on labor, funds, and physical capital, the number of
banking offices, and the type of bank holding company organization (that
is, single or multibank) were obtained from Call Report data. We used a
time trend to account for technical progress. We assigned state level
wage trends for each year to each bank according to the location of its
home office. We approximated the price of physical capital, [P.sub.K],
from Call Report data as the ratio of physical capital expenditures,
measured as additions to plant and equipment, furniture, and physical
premises, to the book value of net bank premises, furniture, and
physical equipment. We also calculated the price of funds from Call
Report data as an average cost of funds. We obtained the input price for
labor, [P.sub.L], from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Empirical results
We used the standard market price (MP) model and the more general SP
model to estimate costs for the sample of U.S. banks.(11) We find that
the standard model can be statistically rejected in favor of the more
general SP model. Our cost estimates suggest that observed input prices
differ from effective prices. As expected, we find that the price of
physical capital was distorted downward relative to that of both labor
and financial funding, suggesting that the regulatory-induced production
constraints are binding. In particular, the cost of capital relative to
labor is only 58.8 percent of what it would be in the absence of
regulatory distortions. We also find that the cost of funds is biased
downward slightly relative to that of labor.(12) The cost of funds
relative to labor is 97.6 percent of what it would be absent
Table 1 shows a number of production characteristics and additional
comparisons between the standard and generalized models. The calculated
scale elasticity measure suggests the existence of economies of scale
that are significant in a statistical sense. In particular, according to
the first row in table 1, a 1 percent increase in the scale of output
increases costs by only 0.981 percent. The results suggest a
"U" shaped average cost relationship (the scale elasticity
measure equaling a value of 1.0 at the minimum value of the average cost
relationship), with 58 percent of the observations falling in the range
in which statistically significant scale economies exist and 35 percent
falling in the range of significant diseconomies. We also find
significant scope economies for the two broad categories of outputs
analyzed - loans and investment securities. Specifically, the second row
of table 1 indicates that when loans and securities are produced
jointly, costs are 28 percent lower than when they are produced
separately. That is, there are cost benefits from jointly producing the
two categories of output.(13)
Shadow and market price models, statistical results
Shadow price Market price
Cost characteristic model model
Scale elasticity 0.981 .983
(.0033) (.0033)
Scope economies .280 .282
Technical change -0.076 -0.069
(.0033) (.0034)
Allocative efficiency 0.01 -
Technical notes: The scale elasticity measure is
[Delta]lnC/[Delta]ln[Q.sub.i], where C and [C.sub.i]
Q denote costs and output, respectively, with values less than 1.0
indicating potential per unit cost savings from increased output.
These scale elasticities are computed by evaluating the model at the
mean of the sample.
The scope economies measure is [[Sigma].sub.i]C([Q.sub.j]) - C (Q) /
C (Q), where C and [C.sub.i] denote the cost of joint production of
the outputs and the cost of producing i on a stand-alone basis,
respectively. Scope economies show the extent to which costs are
lower (for example, 28 percent) as a result of jointly producing the
outputs. For this measure, two output categories were considered -
loans and investment securities.
The technical change measure, [Delta]C/[Delta]T captures how much
cost changed (for example, 7 percent) per year over the period
analyzed as a result of technical change.
The allocative efficiency measure captures how much costs could be
decreased if the inefficiency were eliminated.
Standard errors of the estimates are presented in parentheses. A
translog function was used to model the cost structure. Therefore,
when generating the scope measure, zero output values were replaced
with small values to avoid arithmetic errors.
Source: Evanoff and Israilevich (1990).
We find the role of technological change to be significant,
suggesting that technical advances over the period, proxied with a time
trend, significantly aided the production process.(14) In particular,
the general model implies that the cost of a given level of output
decreased at a rate of 7.6 percent per year. The technological advances
also resulted in changes in the production process by altering the mix
of inputs used. Banking firms began economizing on labor relative to the
other inputs (physical capital and financial funding). Additionally,
technical advances tended to flatten the average cost curve, that is, to
decrease the advantages or disadvantages resulting from the scale of
operation. Finally, the more restricted standard cost model (which
ignores regulatory distortions) understates the rate of technical
progress. That model implies the cost advantages resulting from
technical progress were approximately 10 percent less than those found
with the more general cost model.(15) Thus, in addition to finding
differences in market and effective input prices that will tend to alter
banks' input use decisions, the generalized model finds differences
in other characteristics of the bank production process.
Bank efficiency
We evaluate the extent of allocative inefficiency resulting from
regulatory restrictions by deriving the difference between shadow costs
assuming no regulatory distortions ([k.sub.i] = 1.0) and shadow costs
assuming the estimated factor price distortions, that is,
3) [Mathematical Expression Omitted],
where [I.sub.A] is allocative inefficiency and Cs is the shadow cost
relationship. (The statistic [I.sub.A] is displayed in the final row of
table 1.)
Although our estimates suggest the perceived price of capital is
distorted downward, we find the resulting inefficiency from regulatory
distortions to be relatively small. According to the final row of table
1, the cost of distortions is less than 1 percent of total costs.(16)
That is, on average, allocative distortions resulted in costs being
approximately 1 percent higher than they otherwise would have been. This
finding of limited allocative inefficiency is somewhat similar to the
findings of previous studies, for example, Berger and Humphrey (1990)
and Aly et al. (1990). Only Ferrier and Lovell (1990) found significant
allocative effects. Their analysis, however, combines different types of
financial institutions (credit unions, savings and loans, and commercial
banks) and may be influenced by data measurement problems. They also
find labor to be overused relative to capital, which is precisely the
opposite of what we have argued should occur as a result of regulation.
We also analyze the extent of pure technical inefficiency for the
sample of banks, investigating whether banks overutilize all inputs once
the optimal combination of inputs is determined. We do this by comparing
the estimated cost structure to the best practice cost structure, or the
cost frontier. To find the cost frontier, or the level at which firms
would be operating if there was no pure technical inefficiency, we use
an approach developed by Berger and Humphrey (1990), which compares the
efficiency levels of high- and low-cost banking firms. We arrange the
data in quartiles according to total cost per dollar of output and
separately estimate SP models for the high- and low-cost banks. We then
compare the costs of the average bank in the two groups, holding factor
prices and market characteristics constant.(17) We find that technical
inefficiency accounts for approximately 21 percent of costs. That is,
elimination of this inefficiency could decrease costs by 21 percent.
This effect is slightly smaller than that found in previous studies, but
the difference may be due to sample structure - as stated earlier, one
would expect the large banks in this sample to operate more efficiently.
Although we reject the more restrictive model relative to the more
general one, our findings suggest that the biases induced by the
misspecification are relatively minor for most cost characteristics. The
exception is the measure of technical progress, which is understated by
approximately 10 percent in the standard model.
Comparison of regulatory periods
Given the relatively low level of allocative inefficiency, one is
tempted to say that regulatory distortions were minor over the period
studied. This would make arguments for industry deregulation less
persuasive, since the constraints are not shown to distort behavior
appreciably. Additionally, in spite of the statistical significance of
the differences found using the two models, one may question the net
benefits of the SP specification because biases from the MP model appear
relatively minor. While our results can be interpreted as representing
the average distortion over the 17-year period, regulatory stringency
was not constant over this period. For example, the 1980 Depository
Institution Deregulation and Monetary Control Act and the 1982 Garn-St
Germain Act relaxed constraints on industry prices, products, and
geographic expansion - each considered a significant industry
restriction, for example, see Evanoff(1985). Other studies have found
that deregulation in the early 1980s did affect firm behavior, for
example, LeCompe and Smith (1990). Below, we account for the changing
regulatory environment and evaluate whether industry productive behavior
varied over the period.
To account for the influence of industry deregulation, we divide the
17 years into the following three periods: 1972-79, characterized by
significant regulation; 1984-87, considered the deregulated environment;
and 1980-83, thought to be a period of adjustment in response to the
newly relaxed restrictions. During the adjustment period, banks
presumably adjusted their input mix. They may have closed offices
previously opened as a substitute for explicit interest payments or
altered their use of funds relative to the earlier period. We compare
the productive behavior of large banks during the 1972-79 (restrictive)
and 1984-87 (less restrictive) regulatory environments by separately
estimating the SP model for the two periods. Table 2 presents a
comparison of the resulting cost function characteristics.(18) We find
substantial differences for the two periods. As expected, the price
distortions and resulting inefficiency are significantly greater for the
more restricted 1972-79 period than for the later period.(19)
We find that for the average bank in the sample, scale economies
existed in the early period. According to the first row of table 2, the
scale elasticity measure is significantly below one. However, the scale
economies were fully exhausted after deregulation. One interpretation of
this would be that the banks, faced with fewer production constraints
and increased competition in the deregulated period, were able to alter
their operations to capture the benefits from scale. That is, they could
more effectively "grow their business" to exploit scale
advantages, or they could take advantage of scale economies via mergers
and acquisitions.
The findings concerning the role of technology are particularly
interesting. Although technical change over the entire period was
estimated to be approximately 7 percent (table 1), it appears that most
of the cost savings were realized after deregulation. During the
eight-year regulated period, technology decreased costs by only 5
percent, while over the significantly shorter deregulated period, it
lowered costs by nearly 26 percent (see the third row of table 2).(20)
What caused the change? There is reason to believe it was a result of
the deregulation.
Cost characteristics for regulated and deregulated periods
Cost characteristic 1972-79 1984-87
Scale elasticity 0.981 1.01
(0.0045) (0.0067)
Scope economies .885 .891
Technical change -0.050 -0.258
(0.0045) (0.056)
Allocative efficiency 0.021 0.001
Observations 1,312 656
Note: See technical notes, table 1.
Source: Evanoff and Israilevich (1990).
Deregulation increased the banks' ability and incentives to take
advantage of more efficient production techniques. We know that the
technology was different in the two periods, because each period has a
unique cost relationship. To evaluate how banks would have behaved in
the later period with the old regulatory framework and technology (that
is, the technology from the first period) still in place, we imposed the
old technology on the data and recalculated technological change. We
find that technology would have decreased costs in 1984-87 by
approximately 9 percent, significantly less than the cost savings
actually realized. Inefficiency would also have been significantly
greater than that realized in the later period. In particular, the
fourth row of table 2 shows that allocative inefficiency was greater
than 2 percent in the earlier period, compared with 0.1 percent in the
later period. It appears, therefore, that banks responded to
deregulation by altering their production techniques to reap significant
benefits from technology that could not be realized in the regulated
environment. Finally, according to table 2, there was essentially no
difference in economies of scope between the two periods. This is
consistent with the results in table 1, where our estimates of scope
economies were not affected by regulatory distortions.
We have analyzed costs for a sample of large banks, which may be more
resilient than most banks to regulation. Nevertheless, we find
statistically significant input price distortions, which appear to be
due to regulatory constraints. We reject the standard market price model
in favor of a more general one that allows for cost minimization subject
to shadow factor prices, which can differ from market prices as a result
of regulation. Our analysis incorporates the multiproduct production
process and employs the intermediation approach to measuring bank output
and costs - that is, banks serve as an intermediator of financial
services. Findings from our analysis of the 1972-87 period suggest that
for this sample of banks, scope economies and minor scale economies
existed, technology played a significant role in reducing costs, and the
standard market price model should be rejected relative to the more
general shadow price model. However, for this time period, the
distortions created by using the market price model appear relatively
The advantages of the shadow price model relative to the market price
model are highlighted in a comparison of the pre- and post-deregulated
periods in banking. Our findings suggest that the banking environment
changed significantly. Allocative inefficiency was a factor in the early
time period, but was nearly nonexistent after deregulation. Banks
apparently responded to the deregulated environment by altering their
production process to fully exploit scale economies, and reaped
significant returns from technological change. Scope advantages existed
in each period.
We have evaluated the effect of regulation on the production process,
particularly efficiency, of large commercial banks. The effect may be
significantly different for alternative samples. Future studies of bank
costs should consider the role of inefficiencies induced by regulation
and determine whether the production process has changed over time. Our
analysis suggests the change has been significant.
The generalized cost model
In the neoclassical cost model, firms are assumed to minimize costs
in the Lagrangian-constrained cost function given by:
4) L = P[prime]X - [Mu][f(x,Z) - Q],
where P and X are (m x 1) vectors of input prices and quantities,
respectively; f (X, Z) is a well-behaved neoclassical production
function; Z is a vector of exogenous variables; Q is a vector of
outputs; and [Mu] is a Lagrangian multiplier. From the first-order
conditions for cost minimization, the marginal rate of technical
substitution between inputs i and j is equal to the ratio of prices of
the two inputs. That is,
5) [f.sub.i] / [f.sub.j] = [P.sub.i] / [P.sub.j] for i [not equal to]
j = 1, ..., m,
where [f.sub.i] [equivalent to] [Delta]f/[Delta][X.sub.i] is the
marginal product of input i, and [P.sub.i] is the price of input i.
Given input prices, and the predetermined level of output as the only
constraint, the optimal combination of inputs can be derived to minimize
Now assume that additional regulatory constraints exist. The
Lagrangian-constrained cost function to be minimized becomes:
6) L = P[prime]X - [Mu][f (X, Z) - Q] - [summation of]
[[Lambda].sub.h][R.sub.h] where h = 1 to n (P, X),
where [R.sub.h] for (h = 1, ..., n) are constraints arising from
regulation, and [[Lambda].sub.h] are Lagrangian multipliers. From the
first-order conditions for cost minimization, the marginal rate of
technical substitution between inputs i and j is equal to the ratio of
effective prices of the two inputs. That is,
[Mathematical Expression Omitted],
where [[P.sub.i].sup.*] is the effective or shadow price of input i.
In the absence of binding regulatory constraints, equation 7 reduces
to the neoclassical condition, whereby the marginal rate of technical
substitution equals the ratio of market prices of inputs:
8) [Mathematical Expression Omitted].
This special case is nested within the more general shadow price
relationship (equation 7).
Since the shadow prices of the inputs are not directly observable,
following Lau and Yotopolous (1971) and Atkinson and Halvorsen (1980,
1984), the shadow prices are approximated by
9) [[P.sub.i].sup.*] = [k.sub.i][P.sub.i] for i = 1, ..., m,
where [k.sub.i] is an input-specific factor of proportionality. As
noted by Atkinson and Halvorsen (1980, 1984), the shadow price
approximations can be interpreted as first-order Taylor's series
expansions of arbitrary shadow price functions. When regulation is
nonbinding, all shadow prices equal the respective market prices,
[k.sub.i] = 1 for all i, and the shadow cost function reduces to the
more restricted function.
Differing from the restrictive function only in the input-price
variables, the shadow cost function is given by
10) [C.sup.s] = [C.sup.s](kp, Q, Z),
where kP is a vector of shadow prices of inputs. Applying
Shephard's Lemma, the set of derived input demand functions is
11) [X.sub.i] = [Delta][C.sup.s] / [Delta].sub.i][P.sub.i]).
Using equation 11, the firm's total actual cost is
12) [C.sup.A] = P[prime]X = [summation of][P.sub.i] where i = 1 to m
[Delta][C.sup.s] / [Delta]([k.sub.i][P.sub.i])
The shadow factor cost shares are obtained by logarithmic differentiation of [C.sup.S]:
13) [Mathematical Expression Omitted].
Rearranging equation 13,
14) [Mathematical Expression Omitted],
and substituting equation 14 into equation 12 gives,
15) [Mathematical Expression Omitted].
Taking logarithms,
16) [Mathematical Expression Omitted].
Using equations 14 and 15, actual factor-cost shares can also be
17) [Mathematical Expression Omitted]
Equations 16 and 17 comprise our model.
For estimation purposes, we specify the shadow cost function in
translog form. Total shadow cost is specified to be linearly homogeneous in shadow prices. The level of k, cannot be estimated, given that the
equations for total actual cost and factor cost shares are homogeneous
of degree zero in [k.sub.i]. The shadow price factor for labor,
[k.sub.L], is set equal to unity and the shadow price factors for the
remaining inputs are estimated. Therefore, we test for relative price
efficiency only, not absolute efficiency.
The total shadow cost function measure in translog form is
18) [Mathematical Expression Omitted];
where [[Gamma].sub.ij] = [[Gamma]].sub.ji].
Linear homogeneity in shadow prices implies the following adding-up
restrictions on parameters:
19) [summation over i][[Beta].sub.i] = 1 and [summation of
i][[[Gamma].sub.i].sub.[Q.sub.j]] = [summation over i][[Gamma].sub.iB] =
[summation over i] [[Gamma].sub.iT] = [summation over i][[Gamma].sub.iH]
= 0
[summation over i][[Gamma].sub.ij] = 0;
[for every]i, j, and [Q.sub.j].
Shadow cost shares for the translog specification are derived by
logarithmic differentiation of [C.sup.s] in equation 18:
20) [Mathematical Expression Omitted].
From equations 16, 18, and 20, total actual (observed) costs are
21) [Mathematical Expression Omitted].
Using equations 17 and 20, the actual (observed) cost shares are
given by
22) [Mathematical Expression Omitted].
Equation 21 and two of the shoe equations 22, appended with classical
additive disturbance terms, constitute the set of equations to be
jointly estimated.(21) Cost estimates were derived using the iterated
seemingly unrelated regression technique.
1 For a technical discussion, see Diewert (1974).
2 We consider the impact on scale and scope economies and the role of
3 There is also significant disagreement on the existence of these
economies; see Evanoff and Israilevich (1990). There has also been a
common misinterpretation in the literature of precisely what constitutes
scale efficiency, see Evanoff and Israilevich (1995). For an alternative
analysis of the impact of regulation on bank efficiency, see DeYoung
(1998) and accompanying articles. Other recent analyses of bank
efficiency include Berger and Mester (1997) and Berger and Humphrey
4 See Evanoff (1985) for further discussion of non-price competition.
5 This ratio is the marginal rate of technical substitution between
the inputs.
6 That is, the predetermined level of output is the only constraint
imposed on the firm.
7 See Brewer (1988), Chase (1981), Lloyd-Davies (1975), Pyle (1974),
and Startz (1979).
8 Technically, these shadow price approximations can be interpreted
as first-order Taylor's series expansions of arbitrary shadow price
functions. It should be emphasized that we are testing for relative
price efficiency (whether [k.sub.l] = [k.sub.k]) and not absolute
efficiency whether all ks actually equal one.
9 We are using an "intermediation approach" in defining
bank outputs, that is, we measure output as the dollar value of produced
assets and include the interest expense of funds in our measure of
costs. This accounts for the most fundamental role of banks: to
intermediate and transform liabilities into assets. This is in line with
much of the recent bank cost literature, although an alternative
"production approach" has been used by others when evaluating
small commercial banks. For a discussion of the alternative approaches
and their differences, see Berger, Hanweck, and Humphrey (1987).
10 Rangan et al. (1988), Berger and Humphrey (1990), and Elyasiani
and Mehdian (1990a) found large banks to be more efficient. Elyasiani
and Mehdian attribute most of the differential to scale advantages, and
Rangan et al. attribute it to pure technical efficiency differences.
Neither study, however, tested for allocative efficiency. Using a
nonparametric approach, Aly et al. (1990) did not find allocative
efficiency to be related to bank size.
11 Detailed estimates are available from the author upon request and
are summarized in Evanoff and Israilevich (1990). The sample includes
both unit and branch banks. This was done to preserve the attributes of
the panel sample, as some states changed their restrictions on
geographic expansion during the period studied. Analysis of a sample of
branch banks produced similar results, albeit distortions of a smaller
12 With [k.sub.L] = 1.0, the estimated factor price distortions were
[] = .588 and [k.sub.funds] = .976, with both estimates
being statistically different from a value of 1.0.
13 It is also most likely that this partially results from the
substantial "fixed" costs. We should emphasize that cost
complementarities and scope economies are not synonymous; scope is a
broader concept. Additionally, estimates of scope economies should be
interpreted cautiously, since these require evaluation of the cost
function at values significantly distant from the sample. Empirically
this has been shown to be a particular problem with the translog
functional forms we have used here.
14 Using similar data, an aggregate output measure, and production
expenses only (excluding funding cost), an earlier study found a more
significant influence from technology (Evanoff, Israilevich, and Merris,
1989). This suggests, as expected, that technical advances have aided
the physical production process significantly more than the funds
gathering process.
15 In our empirical analysis, we simultaneously estimate a cost
equation and input share equations. The finding of labor-saving
technology for banks is derived from the input share equations.
16 Again, contrasting these findings to those using an aggregate
output measure and production costs suggests, as expected, that
regulatory-induced inefficiencies affect the production process more
than the funds collection process.
17 See Berger and Humphrey (1990) for a complete description of the
procedure. Our methodology differs slightly because we do not have to
assume that the low-cost quartile firms are both technically and
allocatively efficient. We can account for allocative inefficiencies by
using the SP model. In theory, we believe this is preferred since even
well managed (technically) efficient institutions can be adversely
affected by regulation. However, quantitatively the difference may be
small, given our finding of limited allocative inefficiency. Also, by
using a panel data set, we do not encounter the problem of limited
observations for the subsample of large banks. Detailed results from the
estimates summarized here are available from the author on request.
18 Further details are available from the author.
19 Statistical tests indicated the two periods should be viewed
20 We also found that the effect of technology on input shares was
significantly different between the two periods. While technology was
funds-using in both periods, the effect was much larger in the
deregulated period. Similarly, technology was significantly more
capital-saving in the deregulated period, that is, when firms could
compete directly via prices instead of employing alternative
(capital-intensive) means to compete.
21 One share equation is dropped because of the singularity of the
variance-covariance matrix of the error terms for the three-equation
system resulting from the adding-up conditions on the share equations.
We arbitrarily drop the capital-share equation. The empirical results
are invariant to the choice of share equation deleted and to the shadow
price chosen for normalization.
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Douglas D. Evanoff is a vice president and senior financial economist
at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. The author acknowledges helpful
comments on earlier drafts from Herb Baer, Dave Humphrey, William C.
Hunter, David Marshall, Larry Mote, and Rasoul Rezvanian. The analysis
presented here resulted from earlier work coauthored with Philip
Israilevich. Excellent data and research assistance was provided by
Betsy Dale, Velma Davis, Scott Johnson, Peter Schneider, and Gary