Small business finance in two Chicago minority neighborhoods.
Huck, Paul ; Rhine, Sherrie L.W. ; Bond, Philip 等
Introduction and summary
Chicago is enlivened by the presence of many ethnic neighborhoods,
which are reflected in the city's small business sector. This makes
Chicago an excellent location for studying small business finance in
ethnic communities. The topic is important because the availability of
capital may depend, in part, on ethnic differences in factors such as
the use of informal financing (loans or gifts from family, friends, or
business associates) as opposed to formal financing from banks and other
financial institutions. We still have much to learn about business
access to capital in an ethnic context. To shed some light on these
matters, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and researchers from the
University of Chicago conducted surveys in two Chicago neighborhoods,
Little Village, a predominantly Hispanic community, and Chatham, a
predominantly Black community. These communities were chosen because
they are distinct and well-recognized ethnic neighborhoods with viable
small business sectors. Although most of the business owners interviewed
are either Black or Hispanic, other ethnic groups are represented. One
of the important features of the surveys is that they shed light on
informal and formal sources of financing for both households and
Small business access to capital is an important policy issue
because business owners may face funding limits, known to economists as
liquidity constraints. Although many observers might take funding limits
as self evident, studies have shown that liquidity constraints affect
entrepreneurs both upon start-up and after the business is underway.(1)
These constraints deter entry into self-employment and force would-be
owners to save for longer periods before launching a business. The
effects of start-up constraints extend to ongoing businesses, because
starting with more capital increases an owner's prospects of
developing a viable, growing business.(2) Thus, entrepreneurs'
ultimate success depends, in part, on how successful they are in
obtaining adequate capital and credit.
Loan guarantees and other programs offered by the U.S. Small
Business Administration are examples of government policies aimed at
increasing access to credit for small businesses. Considering access to
capital and credit across neighborhoods and across ethnic and racial
groups raises other policy issues. Owning a successful business builds
personal wealth, and self-employment historically has been an important
means for raising the economic status of some ethnic groups. Promoting
the success of small business is an important part of community economic
development strategies, particularly for minority neighborhoods that
have suffered from a lack of investment in the past. The purpose of the
Community Reinvestment Act is to encourage depository institutions to
help meet the credit needs of the communities in which they operate,
consistent with sound banking practices. While racial discrimination in
residential mortgage markets has been the subject of a number of
empirical studies, the effect of racial discrimination on access to
capital for minority business owners and neighborhoods has received
little attention to date from researchers.(3)
In practice, owners meet the challenge of obtaining capital to
start and run their businesses by using informal sources, as well as
personal assets and loans from formal sources. Thus, informal financing
via networks can substitute for borrowing in the formal sector, either
because formal credit is not offered or because informal financing is
preferred. Credit offered by a supplier, or trade credit, is another
alternative to borrowing from financial institutions Businesses form
networks with their suppliers, and there may be an ethnic dimension to
these networks, in that the ethnicity of the supplier may matter for
some transactions.
The main contribution of this article is to provide information
about the use of formal and informal sources of financing. We confirm
the importance of personal savings and informal sources of credit in
meeting the entrepreneur's need for start-up funding. There are
pronounced ethnic differences in the amount of start-up funding used by
businesses in the sample. In particular, we find that Black owners start
their businesses with significantly less capital than Hispanic owners.
This difference persists after controlling for industry types and
various measures of human capital (such as the skills, abilities, and
training of business owners in the sample). The Black-Hispanic gap in
total start-up funding is due to different levels of nonpersonal sources
of funding rather than different amounts of personal savings put up by
the owner.
Turning to the use of trade credit, our most striking finding is
that Black owners are much less likely to owe their suppliers than
owners in other ethnic groups. This is partly because Black owners are
less likely to be offered credit by their suppliers, and because they
are less likely to use trade credit if it is offered. Trade credit can
be a relatively expensive source of ongoing credit, and it is not clear
whether using less trade credit indicates a constraint or a lack of
need. However, being offered credit by a supplier, whether or not it is
used, is clearly desirable. We find that comparing the ethnicity of
owners and their suppliers does not explain ethnic differences in the
use of trade credit.
If these results hold beyond the Little Village and Chatham
neighborhoods, the findings have important implications for
understanding ethnic differences in business survival and growth, the
decision to become self-employed, and income and wealth accumulation.
The importance of informal sources of funding suggests that this type of
funding has features that meet the needs of small businesses in these
communities. Informal funding may be more flexible and better suited to
providing relatively modest amounts of capital than the formal sector.
However, an important advantage of formal credit institutions is their
ability to efficiently mobilize large amounts of capital. Recognition of
the strengths of both informal and formal sources of financing should be
a part of programs and policies aimed at encouraging the flow of capital
to small businesses.
In the next section, we briefly discuss some of the theoretical
issues involved in understanding the use of formal and informal sources
of capital and credit. We hope that data from the Little Village and
Chatham studies may better inform the process of building more useful
theoretical models of financial intermediation. Measurement of the use
and nature of informal networks is particularly important because, as
discussed below, the theoretical treatment of informal financing is
still in its infancy.
Theoretical overview
Why do individuals borrow or save to go into business?
In a world with perfect information, completely specifiable and
enforceable contracts, and no transaction costs, borrowing, lending, and
insurance contracts essentially allow a separation of household
consumption and saving decisions from occupational choice and investment
decisions. That is, a potential business entrant would evaluate present
and future profitability, buy options against future contingencies, and
convert income streams into a single present value number. That number,
when compared with alternatives, will determine for the individual which
occupation, technology, or type of enterprise to take up, if any. That
number plus existing wealth will determine, in turn, household
consumption and saving decisions. These two types of decisions are
separate from one another. In practice, however, household
consumption/saving decisions and occupation and business investment
decisions appear to be related, very much so in the present study.
One branch of existing theory argues that credit contracts for
business start-ups and ongoing financing are very much limited. Some
researchers, for example, Bernhardt and Lloyd-Ellis (1993), assume that
there are no credit possibilities at all, in which case start-ups and
operations are limited to accumulated saving and past profitability and
to the entrepreneur's own educational investments and experience.
In other cases, such as Evans and Jovanovic (1989), Hart and Moore (1997), and Banarjee and Neumann (1993), acquisition of some credit is
possible, but it is limited, for example, to some multiple of
accumulated wealth or available collateral, as in the use of personal
collateral or trade credit backed by the goods supplied.
More recent studies describe in greater detail how credit markets
function and the impediments to exchange that limit the amount or type
of credit available. Some researchers emphasize moral hazard problems,
that repayment of principal and interest in times of stress leaves the
household with little or no liquidity. Essentially the lender, for
example, a bank, takes so much of project returns away from the
borrower/entrepreneur that it is not worthwhile for the
borrower/entrepreneur to work hard or exercise appropriate diligence.
Yet the rational lender can figure all this out and, with ultimate
profitability in doubt, will lend even less, if not nothing at all.
Those who do manage to borrow, or those relying exclusively on savings,
may choose technologies or businesses with lower variance but lower mean
returns. For example, see Stiglitz and Weiss (1981), Morduch (1990), and
Lehnert, Ligon, and Townsend (1999).
Other recent studies, for example, Kehoe and Levine (1996) and
Ligon, Thomas, and Worrall (1997), identify willingness to repay as the
potential problem. In this scenario, credit and insurance markets might
seem to operate well over the realizations of a broad range of economic
and social risk factors. But, ironically, the temptation to renege when
a business does well would limit credit overall.
These kinds of obstacles to the smooth operation of credit markets
clearly can make a difference in occupational choice. Yet the story
doesn't stop there. Limited entry can mean that successful entrants
accrue unusually large profits. Some will reinvest those profits in
their businesses. They were, after all, relatively underfinanced in the
first place. The economy-wide capital stock will grow. Others may be
stuck in low-wage labor markets, sometimes as employees of the
successful small business enterprises. This can be a nontrivial source
of economy-wide employment. Thus, we might see growth with increasing
inequality, even within ethnically homogenous communities. The level of
inequality, the overall rate of growth, and the level of employment are
all functions of the nature of the credit markets. In other words,
improvements in credit markets could have beneficial implications for
growth, employment, and the distribution of income. (See Lehnert, 1998.)
Why does intermediation arise, and how do we distinguish formal
intermediaries from informal networks?
It is by no means obvious why institutions arise that specialize in
lending and other insurance services. In a world of perfect information,
individuals would simply write contracts directly with each other.
Theories of intermediation typically depend on information being
available only at a cost: Intermediaries arise either because they
minimize the amount of information production (that is, not all
individuals need to do it) or because they have lower costs of
intermediation production than other agents. Key papers in this field
include Diamond (1984) and Krasa and Villamil (1991). However, these
studies force a formal structure on the intermediary by allowing at most
one central point of information collection. They do not distinguish
convincingly between a formal structure and an informal network linking
individuals (see Bond, 1999), although there are no established
theoretical reasons for supposing that when intermediation exists it
will take the form of a formal institution. Boyd and Prescott (1986) is
an important exception.
Recent work continues to try to remedy that deficiency. The idea is
to model networks as groups of households or business that have some
natural or acquired advantage relative to a formal financial
intermediary. Some of these models emphasize a priori selection, that
is, individual joint liability for loans would screen out bad apples, or
individuals choose to link to others from whom they can learn. See, for
example, Rai (1996), Becker and Murphy (1994), Ghatak (1998), and Varian
(1990). Other models emphasize better internal risk contingencies,
better information on project returns or underlying effort, better
internal enforcement of implicit or explicit agreements, or some
combination of the three. See Prescott and Townsend (1996), Holmstrom
and Milgrom (1990), and Itoh (1991).
We are only beginning to understand from theory how networks might
operate, but it seems clear that networks can be important for the
welfare of their members. Networks can be important alternatives to more
formal and more distant institutions. Another possibility is suggested
by theory: Institutions can lend in an evident, measurable way to a
handful of individuals, yet as network members, the intermediary and its
funds now make their way to the larger community. These theories do
suggest the importance of measurement, specifically measurement of the
use and nature of networks.
Neighborhood and survey description
Little Village, on the southwest side of Chicago, became a
predominantly Hispanic area in the 1970s, due to a substantial inflow of
immigrants, mostly of Mexican origin, during the 1960s. As of the 1990
Census, the community had a population of 81,155 and a median family
income of $23,259. Chatham, on the city's south side, became a
predominantly Black community during the 1950s (Chicago Fact Book
Consortium, 1995). In 1990, Chatham had a population of 36,779 and a
median family income of $29,258.
The household and business survey instruments were developed for a
multi-ethnic survey that was implemented for the Little Village study
and adapted, with very minor modifications, for the Chatham project.(4)
In both communities, the survey universe was constructed by canvassing
and enumerating all identifiable existing businesses. A stratified random sample was then drawn. In Little Village, relatively common
businesses (including eating and drinking places, auto repair shops, and
hair salons) were drawn at a rate of 35 percent; relatively uncommon
business (including bridal shops, bakeries, iron works, and factories)
were drawn at a rate of 100 percent; and all other businesses were drawn
at a rate of 50 percent. Relatively common businesses in Chatham
(including eating places and hair salons) were drawn at a rate of 22.5
percent; and all other businesses were drawn at a rate of 45 percent. In
both surveys, medical and legal professionals were excluded from the
sample, on the grounds that the educational requirements for these
fields result in entrance and financing decisions that have little in
common with those of other small businesses. Field staff, bilingual in
the case of Little Village, contacted the businesses in the selected
samples for an interview that required about one-and-a-half hours. The
response rates were 70 percent for Little Village and 57 percent for
Chatham. About [TABULAR DATA FOR TABLE 1 OMITTED] one-third of all
enumerated businesses were interviewed in Little Village and one-quarter
in Chatham.(5)
Business and owner characteristics
Table 1 shows the types of businesses by ethnic group. (Asian
owners are primarily Korean, and Other is made up of owners from the
Middle East, India, and Pakistan.)(6) For example, column 1 of table 1
indicates that 5.3 percent of all the businesses in the sample are in
the manufacturing and wholesale category. For all ethnic groups
combined, the bulk of the firms fall into some form of retail or service
sector. Black owners are relatively concentrated in the service sector.
Manufacturing firms are more common for White owners than for other
groups, and Asians have a marked concentration in other retail. Hispanic
firms are relatively balanced across industry types, with no single
category containing more than 25 percent of the total (although total
retail accounts for 68.9 percent of Hispanic businesses). Franchises are
relatively uncommon and make up 5.8 percent of the entire sample. The
average age of businesses for all groups is about nine years, and firms
owned by Blacks (13 years) and Whites (16 years) tend to be older than
the firms in the remaining groups. Most firms in these communities
employ relatively few workers; the average is 4.5 employees for
businesses in all groups. White-owned firms and, to a lesser extent,
Black-owned firms tend to employ more workers on average than firms in
the other groups.
Table 2 shows selected demographic and human capital variables. The
average firm owner for all groups is about 47 years old, with Black and
White owners tending to be a bit older than owners in the remaining
groups. About one-third of all owners are women; Hispanic and,
especially, Black owners are more likely to be women. The majority of
business owners are married, 72 percent overall; Black proprietors are
somewhat less likely to be married than those in the other groups.
Most business owners are at least high school graduates, and about
one-third have a college degree. However, educational attainment varies
across racial/ethnic groups. The proportion of Hispanics in the sample
who do not have a high school diploma (42.5 percent) is more than twice
as high as the proportion for Blacks (18.1 percent), the group with the
next highest figure. Hispanic owners are the least likely to have a
college degree (only 18.1 percent have a degree), followed by Black
owners (34.9 percent). Hispanic owners (71.2 percent) are less likely to
be moderately or extremely proficient in English than the Asian (89.7
percent) and Other groups (91.1 percent). Finally, an appreciable proportion of the entrepreneurs owned a business previously, ranging
from 25.7 percent for Blacks to 51.0 percent for Asians.
For comparison, table 3 provides selected figures from the 1992
Characteristics of Business Owners Survey (CBO), a national survey
produced by the Bureau of the Census. Of course, when comparing these
results, we must keep in mind important differences in survey design.
For example, the CBO survey, based on tax returns, includes home-based
businesses, which are not included in the Little Village and Chatham
neighborhood surveys. As mentioned earlier, our neighborhood surveys
also exclude legal and medical services. Finally, the CBO survey
categorizes the data differently. Thus, table 3 reports results for
Blacks, Hispanics, Asians and Native Americans, and White males.
A comparison of tables 1, 2, and 3 shows that retail businesses are
much more common in the Little Village and Chatham surveys than in the
CBO survey. This may well be due to the CBO's inclusion of
home-based businesses, which are unlikely to be retail. Franchise
businesses are somewhat more common in the neighborhood sample (5.8
percent) than in the CBO sample (3.1 percent). The proportion of owners
who are married is slightly higher in the CBO survey (77.7 percent) than
in the neighborhood surveys (72.0 percent). Hispanic owners in Little
Village have less education than Hispanics in the CBO survey. In Little
Village, 42.5 percent of business owners do not have at least a high
school diploma, compared with 27.2 percent for the CBO survey;
similarly, the proportions for high school and college graduates are
lower in the Little Village sample than in the CBO Hispanic sample. We
see the opposite pattern for Blacks, with Black owners in Chatham more
likely to have a college degree or beyond (34.9 percent) than Blacks in
the CBO sample (26.7 percent). Finally, owners in each of the ethnic
groups in Little Village and Chatham are substantially more likely to
have previously owned a business than owners in the CBO sample.
Ethnic differences in start-up financing
Levels of funding
An important result of our research is that Hispanic- and
especially Black-owned firms have lower levels of total start-up
financing than firms owned by individuals in the other racial/ethnic
groups.(7) Table 4 presents descriptive statistics for total start-up
funds. The mean amounts are much higher than the medians, indicating
that a few businesses with large amounts of start-up funding are pulling
the mean away from the median. Thus, a comparison of mean amounts would
put a great deal of weight on a few observations involving large dollar
amounts. We avoid this problem by recognizing that start-up funding
follows an approximately log-normal distribution. Accordingly, table 4
reports the means of the natural logarithm of start-up costs after
conversion to dollar amounts. Comparing the means of logged start-up
funds convened to dollars, we see that the average start-up funding for
our sample was fairly modest at $14,737. Further, the amount of start-up
funds varies widely by ethnic group. Hispanics ($13,164) and Blacks
($10,812) start their businesses with lower amounts of funds on average
than the remaining groups.(8)
Table 4 also shows that the distinction between firms started from
scratch by the current owner and those that were bought or acquired may
be important. The level of start-up funding for owners in all ethnic
groups that started their business from scratch is only $10,743,
compared with $27,340 for firms that were bought or acquired. This gap
holds for each of the ethnic groups. The ethnic differences noted above
also hold. That is, Hispanic- and Black-owned firms have lower levels of
funding than the other groups for businesses started from scratch and
for businesses bought or acquired. In both cases, Black owners start
their businesses with about 25 percent less funding than Hispanic
These results are incomplete, in that other factors beyond
ethnicity may affect the level of start-up funding. For example, a
grocery store with a requirement for an extensive stock of inventory on
the shelves will likely require more start-up funding than a firm that
provides a service largely based on the human capital embodied in the
owner and key employees. The next step is to control for some
differences in demographics, human capital, and industry type to see
what ethnic differences emerge.(10)
To account for systematic differences in the required levels of
start-up costs across industries, we use a number of industry indicator
variables, ranging from manufacturing and wholesaling to business and
personal services. The ease with which business assets acquired at
start-up may be used for collateral may also vary by industry type,
which might affect the amount of start-up capital that can be
obtained.(11) Human capital differences might also account for
differences in start-up funding. We would expect [TABULAR DATA FOR TABLE
4 OMITTED] that more qualified entrepreneurs, all else being equal,
would be able to attract more funding. The personal wealth available to
entrepreneurs to start a business would also depend, in part, on their
human capital. The variables we use to account for this human capital
include education, English proficiency, previous experience owning a
business, and age at start-up. We include a variable that measures how
long ago the owner started the business to account for the possibility
that there has been a shift over time in the level of start-up
costs.(12) Indicator variables for ethnicity and gender capture ethnic
and gender differences not due to the industry and human capital
Table 5 reports the ordinary least square (OLS) regression results
for logged total start-up costs for firms started from scratch. To
illustrate the economic effect of the regression coefficients, we
calculate estimated levels of start-up funding for each ethnic group
using the following baseline characteristics: eating/drinking place,
high school education, proficient in English, no previous experience as
an owner, aged 37 years, male, and business started 12 years ago. For
example, the estimated start-up cost for a Hispanic owner with these
baseline characteristics is $20,414.(13) For owners in the other groups,
the estimated costs are: $11,104 for Blacks, $54,564 for Whites, $26,921
for Asians, and $30,479 for Others.(14) Thus, a Black owner with the
baseline characteristics starts a business with an estimated 46 percent
smaller pool of funds than a comparable Hispanic. A White owner with the
baseline characteristics starts with 167 percent more funding than a
comparable Hispanic; an Asian owner starts with 32 percent more; and an
owner in the Other category starts with 49 percent more.(15) These
results show that the raw differences in start-up funding shown in table
4 are still present after accounting for industry type and several
measures of human capital. However, table 5 indicates the differences
between Hispanics and White, Asian, and Other owners are not
statistically significant at conventional significance levels.(16)
The regression results in table 5 also show that women, owners who
do not have a high school diploma, and owners who lack proficiency in
English have lower start-up funding, whereas those who previously owned
a business start the current business with more funds. With regard to
the economic importance of these differences, note that the coefficient estimates for all these effects (ranging from 0.57 to 0.70) are roughly
comparable to the difference between Hispanic and Black owners. Thus,
the differences in the estimated dollar amount of start-up costs due to
these factors would be roughly comparable to the Hispanic-Black
difference discussed above.
Regression results for total start-up funds: Businesses started
by owner
Coefficient error
Intercept 9.2622 0.6264(**)
Black owner -0.6089 0.2856(**)
White owner 0.9831 0.8929
Asian owner 0.2766 0.4592
Owner in remaining ethnic groups 0.4007 0.5544
All other retail -0.2070 0.3679
Manufacturing/wholesale -0.7959 0.5970
Grocery and other food store 0.5905 0.4356
Auto/gas sales or service -0.4338 0.4963
Business and personal services -0.2052 0.3826
Less than high school degree -0.6377 0.2779(**)
College degree or beyond -0.0067 0.2749
Proficient in English 0.5738 0.3141(*)
Previously owned a business 0.5707 0.2347(**)
Owner's age at start-up 0.0041 0.0117
Female owner -0.6951 0.2460(**)
Years since start-up -0.0055 0.0132
Number of observations 253
[R.sup.2] 0.1697
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.1134
** significant at the 5 percent level.
* significant at the 10 percent level.
Notes: This table reports ordinary least squares (OLS) regression
results for the logged level of total start-up costs. The omitted
ethnic category is Hispanic; the omitted industry category is
eating/drinking place; and the omitted education category is high
school diploma or some college. Thus, the coefficients for the other
ethnic groups measure differences in start-up funding relative to
Hispanics, the coefficients for the other industry types measure
differences relative to eating/drinking places, and the coefficients
for the other education levels measure differences relative to a
high school diploma or some college.
Source: Authors' calculations based on Federal Reserve Bank of
Chicago and University of Chicago, 1993-94, Little Village Survey
and Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and University of Chicago,
1997-98, Chatham Survey.
Table 6 reports the OLS regression results for logged total
start-up costs for businesses that were bought or acquired. Again, we
use the regression results to illustrate ethnic differences by
calculating estimated start-up costs. Here the start-up cost for a
Hispanic owner with the same baseline characteristics as above is
$23,119. The estimated start-up costs for other owners with the baseline
characteristics are as follows: $10,091 for Blacks, $43,792 for Whites,
$50,474 for Asians, and $34,168 for Others. Thus, a Black owner with the
baseline characteristics starts a business with an estimated 56 percent
lower level of funding than a comparable Hispanic owner. By comparison,
a White owner starts with 89 percent more funding than a comparable
Hispanic; an Asian owner starts with 118 percent more; and an owner in
the Other category starts with 48 percent more. As in the case of
businesses started from scratch, for acquired firms the raw differences
in start-up funding shown in table 4 remain after accounting for
industry type and several measures of human capital. Table 6 shows that
the differences between Hispanics and White, Asian, and Other owners are
not statistically significant at conventional significance levels.(17)
Table 6 also shows that owners with a college degree buy or acquire
their businesses with more start-up funding than the baseline owner,
which is not the case for businesses started from scratch. Owners who
lack proficiency in English begin with less funding.(18) Also unlike the
results for businesses started from scratch, the results for businesses
bought or acquired show no funding disadvantage for women.(19)
To explore the ethnic differences noted above, we look at the
sources of start-up funding used by owners in starting their businesses.
We group the funding sources listed in the surveys into four categories.
Personal savings represent entrepreneurs' personal resources;
informal funding includes loans, gifts, or equity from family, friends,
or business associates; loans from financial institutions make up the
formal financing category; and miscellaneous sources, including trade
credit, are included in the other sources category.
We analyze the amount of funding from personal savings in a similar
way to the total start-up costs discussed above. That is, we run a
regression analysis, including variables for ethnicity, industry types,
and various measures of human capital. The results of these regressions,
not reported here, show that the difference between personal funding
provided by Black and Hispanic owners is small and statistically
insignificant both for businesses started from scratch and businesses
bought or acquired.(20) In addition, the results provide no evidence
that Black and Hispanic owners use significantly less personal funding
than owners in the other ethnic groups.(21) The results of similar
regressions on the level of start-up funding provided by sources other
than personal savings show that Black owners begin their businesses with
less nonpersonal funding than Hispanic owners.(22)
Regression results for total start-up funds: Businesses
bought/acquired by owner
Coefficient error
Intercept 8.4491 0.8154(**)
Black owner -0.8290 0.4026(**)
White owner 0.6387 0.5750
Asian owner 0.7808 0.5605
Owner in remaining ethnic groups 0.3906 0.5963
All other retail -0.8675 0.4693(*)
Manufacturing/wholesale 1.0028 0.6152(*)
Grocery and other food store 0.5157 0.4872
Auto/gas sales or service 1.0639 0.6125(*)
Business and personal services 0.3859 0.4521
Less than high school diploma 0.4047 0.3554
College degree or beyond 1.0595 0.3447(**)
Proficient in English 0.8768 0.4927(*)
Previously owned a business 0.1239 0.3107
Owner's age at start-up 0.0088 0.0151
Female owner 0.3719 0.3243
Years since start-up 0.0329 0.0167(*)
Number of observations 130
[R.sup.2] 0.3555
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.2642
** significant at the 5 percent level.
* significant at the 10 percent level.
Notes: This table reports ordinary least squares (OLS) regression
results for the logged level of total start-up costs. The omitted
ethnic category is Hispanic; the omitted industry category is
eating/drinking place; and the omitted education category is high
school diploma or some college. Thus, the coefficients for the
other ethnic groups measure differences in start-up funding relative
to Hispanics, the coefficients for the other industry types measure
differences relative to eating/drinking places, and the coefficients
for the other education levels measure differences relative to a
high school diploma or some college.
Source: Authors' calculations based on Federal Reserve Bank of
Chicago and University of Chicago, 1993-94. Little Village Survey
and Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and University of Chicago,
1997-98, Chatham Survey.
Proportions of funding
To complement the view provided by our analysis of funding levels
from each source above, we examine the proportion of total funding from
each source. We calculated the proportion of funding from each source
for every owner in the sample, then averaged the results. For example,
the first entry in table 7 shows that personal savings, on average, are
the most important source of funding - 64 percent of total funding for
all enterprises. There are marked ethnic differences in the proportional use of personal savings, with Hispanic, Black, and Asian owners tending
to depend more on personal savings than White and Other owners.
Highlighting the importance of personal savings, 55 percent of Black
owners, 51 percent of Hispanic owners, and 45 percent of Asian owners in
the sample started their businesses using only personal savings. By
comparison, 36 percent of Other owners and 19 percent of White owners
depended solely on personal savings.
As reported in table 7, informal financing is the second most
important source of funding, at 18.9 percent for all firms. Black and
Hispanic owners depend less on informal financing than owners in the
other ethnic categories. Formal financing from banks and other formal
lenders, at 10.5 percent, is less important for all firms, on average,
than personal and informal funding, except for White owners. Formal
financing accounts for a relatively high proportion of funding for White
and Other owners. The last funding category, other sources, is the least
important for all firms at 6.5 percent. Hispanic and Asian owners, for
whom formal financing provides the smallest proportion of start-up
funding, use other sources more than White and Black owners.
Focusing on Black and Hispanic differences, table 7 shows that
Black owners begin their businesses with a somewhat higher proportion of
start-up funding from personal resources (69.6 percent) than Hispanic
owners (66.0 percent). Black-owned businesses begin with a lower
proportion of start-up funding from informal sources (14.9 percent) than
Hispanic-owned businesses (19.0 percent).(23) Black owners also start
their businesses with a lower proportion of funding from other sources
(3.5 percent) than Hispanic owners (7.4 percent). However, the average
proportion of formal funding for Black-owned businesses (12.1 percent)
is higher than that of Hispanic-owned businesses (7.2 percent).(24)
How does this evidence relate to the regression results that Black
owners begin their businesses with less funding than Hispanic owners,
both for businesses started from scratch and businesses that are bought
or acquired? Regression analysis of the funding from personal savings
shows that Black and Hispanic owners use similar amounts of personal
savings to start their businesses. This result suggests that we must
look elsewhere to explain the gap in start-up funding. Unfortunately,
the sample size and the relative infrequency with which the remaining
sources of funding (informal, formal, and other sources) are used do not
allow us to establish conclusively how each source contributes to the
Black-Hispanic funding gap. However, some patterns emerge from the
average proportions of start-up costs provided by each source of
funding, as reported in table 7.
Average proportion of start-up costs by source of funds, percent
All Hispanic Black White Asian Other
Personal 64.0 66.0 69.6 33.2 60.1 44.2
Informal 18.9 19.0 14.9 26.5 23.4 28.9
Formal 10.5 7.2 12.1 35.4 3.1 18.5
Other sources 6.5 7.4 3.5 4.8 13.4 8.4
Observations 386 176 136 18 33 22
Notes: These results are weighted to reflect sample stratification.
Numbers in columns may not total to 100 percent due to rounding.
Source: Authors' calculations based on Federal Reserve Bank of
Chicago and University of Chicago, 1993-94, Little Village Survey
and Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and University of Chicago,
1997-98, Chatham Survey.
For example, table 7 shows that, on average, Black owners use a
higher proportion of formal financing and lower proportions of informal
and other sources of funding than Hispanic owners. This evidence
suggests that less use of funding from informal and other sources plays
an important role in accounting for lower levels of start-up funding for
Black-owned businesses relative to Hispanic-owned businesses.
Despite the differences in funding between Black and Hispanic
businesses, these businesses share some characteristics that
differentiate them from other enterprises. For example, as shown in
table 4 and by the regression analysis, Black and Hispanic owners start
their businesses with less funding than owners in the other ethnic
groups. Black and Hispanic owners also depend on personal savings for a
higher proportion of their start-up funding (table 7) and are more
likely to use personal savings as their only source of start-up funding.
Interpreting the start-up results
Evidence from other studies indicates that the amount of financial
capital available at start-up is important, because more capital
increases an enterprise's chances of survival. To explore whether
start-up funding is important for the businesses in Little Village and
Chatham, we compare ongoing performance, measured by annual profit, to
the level of start-up capital. Since profit will likely depend on other
factors beside start-up capital, we also include variables for ethnic
group, industry type, education, and business age in the regression
analysis. We include business age as a control because we expect the
impact of start-up funding on future profit to vary with time. Our
analysis indicates that (depending on the functional form) the yearly
rate of return on another dollar of start-up capital ranges from 5
percent to 20 percent at the sample means.(25) This result suggests that
the quantity of start-up capital matters for the future performance of
the businesses in our sample.
There are a variety of reasons owners in different ethnic groups
might begin their businesses with different levels of funding. Possibly,
there are cultural differences in attitudes toward risk, or some groups
may lack experience or certain business skills and simply choose to
begin small and learn through doing. Nevertheless, the evidence suggests
that some owners are constrained in the amount of start-up funding that
they are able to obtain and are forced to begin their businesses with
less than the optimal amount of capital. Ethnic differences in the level
of start-up funding could be the result of differences in personal
wealth, or they could be due to some groups facing greater funding
constraints than others.
Many of the owners in our sample who began their businesses using
only personal resources did not feel constrained by a lack of access to
other sources of funding. Of those who started with only personal funds,
65.1 percent of Hispanic owners and 52.6 percent of Black owners cited
"lack of need" as the reason that they did not seek loans or
other financial assistance. Some owners wanted outside sources of
funding - 3.5 percent of Hispanics and 11.8 percent of Blacks actively
tried to get financial assistance. The remainder, 31.5 percent of
Hispanic owners and 35.6 percent of Black owners, were discouraged from
asking for assistance for some reason.
To the extent that funding constraints are important for some
owners in Little Village and Chatham, then start-up costs will depend on
an entrepreneur's personal wealth. More wealth allows more personal
funding of the business. More wealth also means more collateral for
borrowing, so it potentially increases the amount of borrowed funds
available at start-up.(26) Unfortunately, the survey results do not
provide direct evidence of the owners' personal wealth at start-up,
so we are not able to test directly for the effects of wealth on
start-up funding.(27) Thus, the observed ethnic differences in the level
of start-up funding may be the result of differences in wealth not
captured by the human capital variables included in our regressions.
Given that the literature shows that Whites tend to have more wealth
than Blacks with similar levels of human capital, it is not surprising
that our results indicate that White owners begin their businesses with
more start-up funding than Black owners. However, differences in wealth
between Blacks and other minority groups have not been as much studied.
In particular, there is little reason to believe that Hispanics have
more personal wealth than Blacks for a given level of human capital.(28)
Thus, it is doubtful that wealth differences explain our central finding
that Black owners begin their businesses with less start-up funding than
Hispanic owners for a given level of human capital.
Although not conclusive, the available evidence suggests that Black
owners use less financing from informal sources than Hispanic owners. An
interpretation of the funding shortfall that is consistent with the
evidence presented here is that Black owners, for some reason, have less
access to networks that provide informal financing.
Trade credit and other ongoing financing
Once in operation, a business may need ongoing financing to meet
working capital needs or to expand. Trade credit is an important source
of ongoing credit; according to a national survey, 60.8 percent of small
businesses in 1993 had outstanding trade credit and trade credit
accounted for 31.3 percent of total debt.(29) As shown in table 8, trade
credit is widely used by businesses in Little Village and Chatham, with
38.2 percent of the respondents owing money to one or more suppliers.
Whether or not a business uses trade credit depends on the supplier
as well as the business owner, because the supplier must be willing to
extend credit. Presumably, a supplier would weigh the costs and benefits
of extending trade credit to a particular business rather than demanding
cash. There are a number of reasons suppliers may have advantages
relative to other lenders in supplying credit to their customers. For
example, suppliers may extend credit to attract future orders,
especially from growing businesses. Suppliers may also have an advantage
in assessing credit risk, monitoring the borrower, or liquidating
collateral.(30) Table 8 shows that 56.7 percent of the businesses in the
sample have at least one supplier who offers credit, indicating that a
substantial number of them do not have access to trade credit. A
majority (66.6 percent) of the businesses that are offered trade credit
make use of it, and owed a supplier at the time of the survey. The
median amount owed was $3,176.
There are substantial ethnic differences in the use of trade
credit. As shown in table 8, the proportion of Black owners who owe a
supplier (20.1 percent) is much lower than that of the other ethnic
groups, whereas the proportion of Asian owners (66.7 percent) is
relatively high. Using the proportion of Hispanic owners owing suppliers
(44.4 percent) as a basis for comparison, the Hispanic-Black and
Hispanic-Asian differences in the use of trade credit are statistically
significant at conventional levels.(31)
These ethnic differences are due, in part, to differences in the
proportion of owners in the various groups that are offered credit by
suppliers. Hispanic (57.6 percent) and, especially, Black owners (44.8
percent) are less likely to be offered credit by a supplier than other
owners. Again, using the proportion of Hispanic owners who are offered
credit as a basis of comparison, the differences between Hispanic owners
and the remaining ethnic groups are statistically significant at the 10
percent level.(32) Thus, part of the reason Black and Hispanic owners
are less likely to owe a supplier than owners in other ethnic groups is
that they are less likely to be offered trade credit by a supplier.
Once trade credit is offered, business owners must decide whether
to take advantage of it. Table 8 shows that about two-thirds of all the
businesses that are offered credit owe a supplier, confirming that trade
credit is widely used when available. Among businesses that are offered
trade credit, Black-owned enterprises are less likely to owe a supplier
(44.9 percent) than the other groups. For the other ethnic groups, the
range is from 64.3 percent for White owners to 83.6 percent for Asian
owners.(33) Note that Hispanic owners tend to use trade credit when it
is available - at 75.3 percent, Hispanic owners lag only Asian owners.
These findings indicate that the relatively low proportion of Black
owners who owe a supplier (20.1 percent) reflects both that they are
less likely to be offered trade credit and that they are less likely to
take on trade credit when it is available. By contrast, Asian owners
have a high propensity to owe a supplier (66.7 percent), because they
are often offered credit and they tend to use it when it is offered.
Hispanic owners are an intermediate case in that, like Black owners,
they are less likely to be offered credit than owners in the other
ethnic groups, but they tend to use it when it is offered.
Compared with the widespread use of trade credit, a relatively
small proportion of businesses (17.6 percent) used other ongoing credit
at the time of the survey (see table 8). This proportion is relatively
low compared with the use of formal credit in a national sample of small
businesses in 1993. Even if we only consider businesses with fewer than
two employees from that national sample (to make it more comparable to
the neighborhood sample), the results indicate that formal credit is
used by 41.9 percent of small businesses.(34) Ethnic differences are not
that apparent in the prevalence of other ongoing credit, except that
Asian owners are more likely than other owners to have creditors other
than suppliers.(35) Most of the lenders that extend this ongoing credit
are part of the formal sector; 69.4 percent of all lenders listed by
respondents are financial institutions, primarily commercial banks.(36)
This finding holds in general for businesses in both Little Village and
Chatham. However, there are some ethnic differences in the sources of
ongoing credit. Credit cards, whether issued to an individual or a
business entity, can be used for business purposes. The use of credit
cards is more common among B lack owners - 35.4 percent of their lenders
are credit card issuers - whereas no credit card issuers are mentioned
by Hispanic owners. Loans from individuals, clearly an informal source
of funds, are found in Little Village; 16.7 percent of the lenders
listed by Hispanic owners are identified as individuals. By contrast, no
individual lenders are identified in Chatham. This finding echoes the
evidence that Black owners are less likely to obtain funds from informal
sources during start-up than owners in the other ethnic groups.
Interpreting the ongoing credit results
We observe some patterns in these results. Because trade credit can
be a relatively expensive source of ongoing credit, high levels of trade
credit have been used in the literature as an indicator that firms are
constrained from borrowing at the lower interest rates available from
financial institutions (Petersen and Rajan, 1994). Thus, it is not clear
whether using less trade credit indicates a constraint or a lack of
need. However, being offered credit by a supplier, whether or not it is
used, is clearly desirable as a potential source of funds. In addition,
an owner's attitude toward risk and desire to expand the business
may have a bearing on how much ongoing credit is demanded.
A possible explanation for these patterns is that ethnic groups may
differ in their access to ethnic networks formed by businesses and their
suppliers. To test this explanation, we look at the ethnic relationship
between businesses and their suppliers. Since a given business may have
up to three suppliers listed on the survey, we look at each combination
of business and supplier.(37) We find that Asian owners are more likely
to deal with suppliers of the same ethnicity; 46.8 percent of their
suppliers are also Asians. This proportion is lower for Hispanic (31.5
percent), Black (27.5 percent), and Other (20.5 percent) owners.
This finding might suggest that the relatively high proportion of
Asian owners who use trade credit is due to some unique features of an
ethnic supply network. For example, involvement in an ethnic network may
provide superior information on which to base credit decisions, give
more incentive for each side to carry out their contractual obligations,
or aid in monitoring the credit relationship.
However, looking beyond the ethnic identity of a given supplier
undermines this line of reasoning. In general, suppliers of the same
ethnicity as the business owner are not substantially more likely to
offer trade credit. In addition, minority business owners are not more
likely to take up trade credit from a supplier of the same ethnicity
than from a supplier of a different ethnicity. Thus, the differences
across ethnic groups in the use of trade credit shown in table 8 are not
explained by a simple ethnic relationship between the supplier and the
business owner. For example, a relatively high proportion of Asian
owners owe a supplier for two reasons: because they are likely to be
offered credit, regardless of the ethnicity of the supplier, and because
they are likely to use credit if it is offered, again regardless of the
ethnicity of the supplier.
We gain more information about financial constraints for small
businesses from two survey questions dealing with the owners'
willingness to bear risk to start another business and how they would
spend an unexpected windfall. Table 9 shows the aggregated responses to
the question, How willing would you be to risk your house and all your
possessions in borrowing money to start another business? Since we would
expect owners nearing retirement age [TABULAR DATA FOR TABLE 8 OMITTED]
to be less willing to undertake a new business, the figures apply to
owners under 55 years of age. (This will also mute the effect of
systematic differences in age across ethnic groups.) This measure of
willingness to bear risk ranges from 37.9 percent for Asian owners to
69.3 percent for White owners. The proportion of Black owners willing to
risk all (49.4 percent) is somewhat lower than that of Hispanic owners
(60.5 percent).
Table 9 also shows the aggregated responses to a question on how
owners (under age 55) would spend a windfall gift of $20,000. Economic
theory predicts that if an entrepreneur is financially unconstrained, an
increase in assets will have little effect on the amount of capital
invested in the business, because the business is already operating with
the optimal amount of capital.(38) A business owner who is financially
constrained, on the other hand, will use the windfall to increase the
capital employed in the business. The proportion of owners who say they
would invest the windfall assets in the business [TABULAR DATA FOR TABLE
9 OMITTED] ranges from 38.5 percent for White owners to 78.3 percent for
owners in the Other category. The relatively high proportion of owners
who make this response is consistent with the widespread perception of
financial constraints for established businesses.(39) Interestingly,
Hispanic owners (62.3 percent) are more likely to invest the windfall in
a business than Black owners (46.8 percent).
How does this evidence relate to the ethnic differences in the use
of trade credit presented in table 8? We would expect that owners who
are more willing to risk all on a new business would be more willing to
take on additional ongoing credit. If ongoing credit constraints are
indicated by investing a windfall in the business, then we would expect
more constrained firms to use more trade credit. However, the results
are not consistent across ethnic groups.
Relative to Hispanic owners, Black owners are less willing to risk
all in a new business and less willing to invest a windfall in a new or
existing business. These results are consistent with the finding that
Black owners use less trade credit. Asian owners, who are generally less
likely to be willing to risk all in a new business and to invest a
windfall than most of the other ethnic groups, are more likely to use
trade credit, which is the opposite of what we would expect. Thus, these
indicators of willingness to bear risk and invest a windfall are
consistent with the Black-Hispanic differences in the use of trade
credit, but not consistent with the relatively heavy use of trade credit
by Asian owners.
Our results confirm the importance of personal savings and informal
sources of credit in meeting the need for start-up funding for small
businesses. Credit from financial institutions is little used by small
enterprises in the start-up phase. There are pronounced ethnic
differences in the amount of start-up funding used by businesses in our
sample. In particular, we find that Black owners start their businesses
with significantly less capital than Hispanic owners. After adjusting
for industry type and some demographic and human capital variables, we
estimate that a Black owner uses about one-half of the start-up capital
obtained by a comparable Hispanic owner. When we look at the sources of
funding, we find that the Black-Hispanic gap in total start-up funding
is due more to differences in the use of informal sources of funding
than in the amount of personal savings put up by the owner. We also find
that Black owners are much less likely to owe their suppliers than
owners in the other ethnic groups. The evidence indicates that Black
owners are somewhat less likely to be offered credit by suppliers and
that they are much less likely to use trade credit if it is offered.
This result can not be explained by comparing the ethnicity of owners
and their suppliers.
The importance of informal sources of funding suggests that it is
worth exploring ways to combine the presumed flexibility and
informational advantages of informal networks with the formal
sector's ability to mobilize capital. Community development
financial institutions and micro-lending pools are examples of
institutions that, in some ways, combine the strengths of formal and
informal sources of capital.
The ethnic differences in the amount of capital used and the
sources of capital illustrate the importance of learning more about how
formal and informal capital and credit markets work with regard to
ethnic networks and ethnic neighborhoods. These results have important
implications for ethnic differences in business survival and growth, the
decision to become self-employed, and income and wealth
1 Empirical tests of the presence of liquidity constraints can be
found in Evans and Jovanovic (1989) and Holtz-Eakin, Joulfaian, and
Rosen (1994a, b). Note that liquidity constraints were found for White
males and higher-income individuals in these studies. Presumably,
constraints would be even more evident for minority groups.
2 Evidence for a positive relationship between start-up capital and
survival and growth can be found in Bruderl and Preisendorfer (1998) for
a sample of German businesses and Bates (1990, 1991) for a sample of
Black and White owners in 1982.
3 Cavalluzzo and Cavalluzzo (1998) examine a national sample of
small businesses and find that minorities fare worse than Whites in some
respects. See Munnell et al. (1996) for an influential study of
discrimination in mortgage markets.
4 See Bond and Townsend (1996), Raijman (1996), and Tienda and
Raijman (1996) for a description and some findings from the Little
Village Surveys for households and businesses.
5 The survey fieldwork was conducted during 1993-94 in Little
Village and 1997-98 in Chatham.
6 White, Asian, and Other owners are represented in both Little
Village and Chatham, but Black owners are almost exclusively located in
Chatham and Hispanic owners in Little Village.
7 It is important to note that all the results presented here are
conditioned on the survival of businesses to the survey date.
8 The average start-up costs for firms owned by Whites, Asians, and
Others are statistically different from Hispanic firms at the 10 percent
level of significance or less (based on a t-test).
9 The significance level for the t-test of the difference in means
between Hispanic- and Black-owned firms started from scratch is 26
percent; the corresponding figure for bought or acquired firms is 32
10 Preliminary regression analysis established that splitting the
sample according to how the business was started results in economically
and statistically significant differences in coefficient estimates.
Thus, we report regression results for the split sample. 11 This would
be the case if some industries require start-up costs that are lumpy in
the sense of not being completely adjustable. An example would be a
manufacturing process that requires a particular piece of equipment to
be economically viable.
12 Some sample selection issues are raised by the fact that the
sample includes firms that by definition have survived to the survey
date. Another reason to include a trend term is as a crude way of
accounting for the possibility that older firms survive because they
begin with more start-up financing. A variable capturing the state of
the business cycle at start-up was found to be without value in
preliminary regressions.
13 The logged value of the estimated start-up costs (9.92398) is
calculated as follows: Estimated costs = Intercept + Proficient in
English coefficient + Owner's age coefficient x 37 years + Years
since start-up coefficient x 12 years. The values for owner's age
and years since start-up are sample means.
14 For example, the logged value of start-up costs for a Black
owner (9.315061) is calculated by adding the Black coefficient
(-0.608927) to the baseline logged value (9.92398). This value converted
to dollars equals $11,104.
15 It is possible that the ethnic differences noted here partly
reflect location or neighborhood differences. We are not able to test
this directly for Black and Hispanic owners because they are not
represented in both neighborhoods. The results of a regression analysis
for White, Asian, and Other owners (who are represented in both
neighborhoods) indicate that the location effect is economically small
and statistically insignificant.
16 The differences between Blacks and all other ethnic groups are
statistically significant at the 10 percent level, or less.
17 The differences between Blacks and all other ethnic groups are
statistically significant at the 10 percent level, or less.
18 The differences in start-up funding implied by the coefficients
for college degree and proficiency in English are somewhat larger than
the difference between Black and Hispanic owners discussed above.
19 The coefficient for female is positive but not statistically
significant at the usual confidence levels.
20 We do not use an OLS regression because a number of businesses
report using no start-up funding from personal savings, thus piling up
observations on the lower bound of zero. We use a tobit estimation to
take this into account. See Greene (1997, pp. 962-974).
21 In fact, these regressions provide evidence that owners in the
White and Other categories use less start-up funding from personal
resources than Black and Hispanic owners.
22 Although the ethnic differences in nonpersonal funding tend to
be economically large, they generally are not statistically significant
because of high standard errors, probably due to the relatively small
number of observations. 23 Data from the 1982 Characteristics of
Business Owners Survey confirm that these general findings apply to a
national sample of businesses. Asian owners were more likely to have
obtained loans or equity from friends and family than Black and Hispanic
owners, and, in turn, Hispanics obtained more than Blacks. See Bates
(1989) and Fratoe (1988).
24 Comparison of the means of the logged amounts of start-up
funding for the various sources of funding provides the same picture as
the mean proportions discussed here. The means of logged funding from
informal and other sources are higher for Hispanic-owned businesses than
for Black-owned businesses, and the means of logged funding from
personal and formal sources are higher for Black owners. Splitting the
sample into businesses that were started from scratch and those that
were bought or acquired does not affect the general results presented
25 We use a tobit regression because profit is not reported for
businesses in Little Village that lost money the previous year,
resulting in censored observations. The coefficient for startup funding
is statistically significant for the specification in levels but not for
the semi-log and log-log versions. The results are only suggestive in
that we do not account for the selection effects of having only ongoing
firms in our sample.
26 The assumption that the borrowing constraint depends on personal
assets can be found in standard models of entrepreneurial choice, such
as Evans and Jovanovic (1989) and Holtz-Eakin, Joulfaian, and Rosen
(1994a). Avery, Bostic, and Samolyk (1998) find that personal collateral
and guarantees are widely used as backing for small business loans.
However, they find no consistent relationship between wealth and the use
of these personal commitments.
27 Education and other human capital variables plausibly capture
differences in permanent income. However, Blau and Graham (1990), Smith
(1995), and Menchik and Jianakoplos (1997) provide evidence indicating
that income and demographic variables do not fully explain Black-White
differences in wealth.
28 Smith (1995) reports that the coefficients for Black and
Hispanic indicator variables in mean and median wealth regressions are
quite similar, indicating that relative to White households, Black and
Hispanic households have similar levels of wealth conditioned on the
variables included in the regression. These results are based on the
Health and Retirement Study and so reflect the experience of older
29 The figures come from the 1993 National Survey of Small Business
Finance, which defines small businesses as those with fewer than 500
employees. See Cole and Wolken (1995, table A.2) and Berger and Udell
(1998, table 1) for the cited figures on the use of trade credit.
30 See Petersen and Rajan (1996) and Mian and Smith (1992) for
discussions of the theory and practice of managing trade credit.
31 The statistical significance is based on a logit regression
using the ethnic variables. The ethnic differences noted here remain
after controlling for a number of factors that might matter for the use
of trade credit. We test this using a logit regression, including the
ethnic variables, industry types, and human capital and demographic
variables used in the regressions on total start-up costs reported
above. In addition, we include the age of the business (logged) and the
number of employees (logged) to account for some of the differences
among the ongoing businesses. A tobit regression of the log of the
dollar amount of trade credit shows that Black owners owe significantly
less taking these variables into account.
32 After controlling for industry types, human capital and
demographic variables, and business characteristics in a logit
regression using Hispanic owners as the reference group, only the
Hispanic-Asian ethnic difference is statistically significant. If Black
owners are the reference group, Black owners are statistically
significantly less likely to be offered credit than Asian and Other
33 The ethnic differences between Black owners and owners in the
other ethnic categories reported here are statistically significant,
with the exception of the difference between Black and White owners.
This result also holds after controlling for industry types, human
capital variables, and business characteristics.
34 Figures from the 1993 National Survey of Small Business Finances
(Cole and Wolken, 1995). The cited figure does not include credit card
35 The difference in the proportion of Asian owners who use other
credit relative to Hispanic owners is statistically significant.
However, the difference is no longer significant after controlling for
the industry types, human capital and demographic variables, and
business characteristics in a logit regression.
36 Some businesses list more than one lender.
37 In the case of corporate suppliers for which there is no clear
ethnic identity, the ethnicity of the contact person is reported.
38 See Holtz-Eakin, Joulfaian, and Rosen (1994a) for an example of
a model that applies to an entrepreneur facing a liquidity constraint.
39 The obvious caveat is that this is a thought experiment, and we
do not actually observe what owners do with a windfall gain. An
owner's attitude toward risk may play a part in this decision, as
well as the existence of constraints.
40 For example, Fairlie and Meyer (1996) show that Black men and
women have relatively low self-employment rates. Our results may have
implications for this finding, since the decision to become
self-employed is clearly related to the amount of start-up capital
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Paul Huck and Sherrie L. W. Rhine are economists at the Federal
Reserve Bank of Chicago. Philip Bond is a visiting lecturer at the
London School of Economics. Robert Townsend is a professor of economics
at the University of Chicago and a consultant to the Federal Reserve
Bank of Chicago. This project was originally funded by the Center for
the Study of Urban Inequality of the University of Chicago, with Richard
Taub, Marta Tienda, and Robert Townsend as principal investigators, and
is cosponsored by the University of Chicago and the Federal Reserve Bank
of Chicago. Robert Townsend also receives financial support from the
National Science Foundation. The authors would like to thank Dan
Aaronson, David Marshall, and Alicia Williams for helpful comments on an
earlier draft.