Can sectoral reallocation explain the jobless recovery?
Aaronson, Daniel ; Rissman, Ellen R. ; Sullivan, Daniel G. 等
Introduction and summary
Recent employment trends are puzzling. (1) Historically, the number
of nonfarm jobs has grown rapidly following the end of a recession. For
instance, during each of the five recessions of the 1960s, 1970s, and
1980s, it took less than four months for employment to exceed its level
at the end of the recession ("the trough"). On average, 26
months into those recoveries, employment was 5.4 percent higher than at
the end of the recession and 3.6 percent higher than at the previous
expansion's peak.
Employment growth was much weaker after the recession of the early
1990s, when it took 14 months for the number of jobs to return to the
level reached at the trough and an additional nine months before it
exceeded the previous expansion's peak. Even 26 months into that
recovery, employment was only 1.8 percent above the trough. Moreover,
job growth has been even more disappointing since the most recent
recession. As of January 2004, 26 months into this recovery, nonfarm
payrolls are actually 0.5 percent below those of November 2001, the date
the National Bureau of Economic Research says the recession ended.
Many analysts have attributed this surprisingly weak employment
performance to an increased need for sectoral reallocation. According to this theory, an accelerating pace of structural change has greatly
increased the number of workers forced by job loss to make major career
transitions. Because securing a new job in a different economic sector
often takes a significant amount of time, the theorized increase in the
need for sectoral reallocation is thought to have temporarily raised
unemployment and restrained employment growth.
It is important to note that sectoral reallocation is not new, nor
in the long run is it a bad thing. In a well-functioning economy, the
growth in international trade, shifts in product demand, and
productivity growth that varies across sectors all imply that resources
constantly need to be reallocated from one part of the economy to
another. Recent research shows that such reallocation is an important
contributor to overall productivity growth and, thus, to rising living
standards. (2) Consequently, in the long run, reallocating workers to
their most productive use greatly benefits the economy.
However, in the short run, reallocation is costly. (3) Workers
displaced from contracting sectors of the economy need to spend time
searching for new jobs. This can take substantial time and resources,
especially if workers' old skills do not match those demanded by
firms in expanding sectors. Thus, an increased need for sectoral
reallocation may temporarily increase the economy's natural rate of
unemployment and lower its rate of employment growth.
The notion that the U.S. is currently experiencing an increased
need for sectoral reallocation is at least superficially consistent with
a number of recent developments. In particular, certain segments of the
economy, most notably manufacturing, have seen particularly large
declines in employment. (4) In addition, there has also been much
discussion of possible increases in "outsourcing,"
"offshoring," and other employment practices that could
increase worker displacement. Especially prominent have been claims,
largely undocumented to date, that, because of the development of the
Internet, workers in many service and technical occupations that were
formerly relatively isolated from international competition are now
being replaced by workers in countries such as India or China.
It is not clear, however, that the need for sectoral labor
reallocation is especially great right now. As we have noted,
reallocation is always occurring in a dynamic economy, and while it is
true that manufacturing has been hit hard recently, this sector is
always severely impacted by recession. (5) Moreover, the loss of jobs to
foreign competition is hardly new. There has been a long history of
concern over job losses to Japan, Korea, Mexico, and a host of other
countries, even while employment has continued to expand.
In this article, we reconsider the case for sectoral
reallocation's role in the "jobless recovery." We begin
by reviewing previous work on measures of sectoral reallocation. This
includes evidence on the extent of worker displacement, reasons for
unemployment, and job creation and job destruction, as well as
statistical models of reallocation based on readily available
industry-level employment data. We offer a critique of these measures,
with a particular emphasis on the recent contribution of Erica Groshen
and Simon Potter (2003), the study most often cited by those who
identify sectoral reallocation as the cause of the recent "jobless
recovery." Finally, we offer new evidence of the extent of sectoral
reallocation based on the methodology of Rissman (1997).
Our conclusion is that there is little evidence of an increase in
sectoral reallocation. Groshen and Potter have unearthed some
interesting clues about what factors may be leading to jobless recoveries, but we do not believe that the statistic that they
identify--the correlation between employment growth rates during and
after recessions--is a particularly close proxy for sectoral
reallocation. In addition, we find that other, more traditional measures
of sectoral reallocation based on changes in industry employment shares
actually rose less during the most recent two recessions than in
previous recessions. Moreover, those measures declined to normal levels
relatively promptly once the recent recessions ended. These results hold
even after appropriate adjustments for business cyclical effects and are
not particularly sensitive to the treatment of such factors as long-run
trends in industry employment shares.
This negative result for reallocation across industries does not
necessarily imply that other forms of reallocation have not been more
significant recently. It is possible, for example, that there has been
an increase in the number of workers forced to make major career
transitions, but that those transitions have involved changing
occupations or geographic regions, rather than industries. However, it
would be somewhat surprising if there were a major increase in labor
reallocation that did not result in a marked increase in industrial
reallocation, and there is some limited evidence that the level of
overall reallocation of workers across firms is currently relatively
low. Thus, economists should continue to look for other explanations for
the disappointing employment growth of the last two years.
Measures of sectoral reallocation
Although the concept of sectoral reallocation is easily stated,
measuring its extent is very difficult in practice. Ideally, one would
like to identify those workers or categories of workers who have lost
their jobs because of structural change and to know to what extent those
workers' skills differ from those necessary to fill available
openings. Unfortunately, such ideal data do not exist and economists
have been forced to rely on proxy measures that they hope are
proportional to the amount of unemployment caused by sectoral
reallocation. These have most often been based on transformations of
industry-level employment totals. Such is the case with the measure
proposed by Groshen and Potter (2003), as well as those of Lilien (1982)
and Rissman (1997). Before turning to such measures, however, we briefly
discuss some other data that might shed light on how the extent of
necessary structural reallocation has varied over time.
Displacement rates
Perhaps the best source of data on the number of workers negatively
impacted by structural change in recent years is the Displaced Worker
Survey (DWS), a biennial supplement to the Bureau of Labor
Statistics' (BLS) Current Population Survey that asks respondents
if they have lost a job in the past three years. (6) Job losses are
assigned to six possible reasons. In most cases, job loss is
attributable to one of the three standard reasons--plant or company
closing down or moving, position or shift being abolished, and
insufficient work--and therefore may be the consequence of structural
Aaronson and Sullivan's (1998 and 2003) analysis of the DWS
shows that the fraction of high-tenured workers suffering job loss was
relatively high in the late 1990s, especially given what were otherwise
very favorable labor market conditions. This finding is suggestive of a
relatively high degree of sectoral reallocation during that period.
Unfortunately, the DWS data are only available through 2001. Moreover,
available tabulations only provide displacement rates for the combined
1999 2001 time period and, thus, do not permit an analysis at the
shorter time horizons that would be necessary to evaluate the role of
displacement in contributing to weak employment growth following the
recession. (7)
Reasons for unemployment
Figure 1 shows the percentage of the labor force reported
unemployed due to temporary and permanent layoffs. As Groshen and Potter
(2003) note, the last two recessions did not see the kind of significant
increase in temporary layoffs that was typical of previous recessions.
They interpret this finding as being consistent with structural change
having played a more prominent role in the last two recessions.
The declining usage of temporary layoffs, from which workers can be
quickly recalled, may have played some part in reducing the speed with
which employment declines are reversed after recessions. But, even in
earlier recessions, only a minority of unemployed workers were on
temporary layoff and the fall in the proportion of the unemployed on
temporary layoff isn't large enough to explain a major portion of
the decline in post-recession employment growth. For instance, the
number of workers on temporary layoff fell by the equivalent of 1.3
percent of total household employment in the two years after the 1982
trough, compared with drops of only 0.3 percent and 0.1 percent,
respectively, following the 1991 and 2001 recessions. While that is a
substantial change, it is not large compared with the difference in
overall employment growth following the 1982 and subsequent recessions,
which was roughly 8 percent in the two years after the 1982 trough but
only 1.3 percent after the 1991 trough and only -0.6 percent after the
2001 trough.
Moreover, it seems more reasonable to identify sectoral
reallocation not with a low level of temporary layoffs, but rather with
a high level of permanent lay-offs. And, as figure 1 shows, during the
last two recessions, the fraction of the labor force unemployed due to
permanent layoffs did not rise to historically high levels. In fact, the
peak in permanent layoffs during the early 1990s recession was far below
that of the 1981-82 recession, and the peak of permanent layoffs during
the most recent recession was also below that of the 1975 recession.
Thus, we do not view the data on reasons for unemployment as offering
support for the theory that sectoral reallocation is the cause of the
jobless recoveries
Job reallocation data
The Bureau of Labor Statistics' new Business Employment
Dynamics data offer another perspective on sectoral reallocation. These
data build on previous work by Davis and Haltiwanger (1990) and Davis,
Haltiwanger, and Schuh (1996) quantifying the extent of "Job
creation" and "job destruction" in the manufacturing
sector using data from the Longitudinal Research Database of the Center
for Economic Studies of the Census Bureau. In this work, job creation
refers to the total increase in quarterly employment at manufacturing
establishments that increase their employment or are newly opened, and
job destruction refers to the total decline in quarterly employment at
establishments that decrease employment or close. The net increase in
employment is the difference between job creation and job destruction,
while the sum of job creation and job destruction is referred to as
total job reallocation.
Davis and Haltiwanger (1990) and Davis, Haltiwanger, and Schuh
(1996) examine job creation and job destruction over the business cycle.
They find that manufacturing job destruction is strongly countercyclical
but that manufacturing job creation is only mildly procyclical.
Unfortunately, their data do not seem to have been updated past 1993.
Moreover, the data's narrow focus on manufacturing does not allow
an assessment of reallocation across all industrial sectors. (8)
Recently, however, the Bureau of Labor Statistics began releasing
quarterly statistics on job creation and job destruction for the entire
economy. A weakness of this important new data source is that it only
begins in 1992, so it covers only the most recent recession. While this
means we cannot use it to determine whether the behavior of job creation
or destruction during the current cycle is unusual, the new Business
Economic Dynamics data offers some important clues about the nature of
the current period of weak employment growth.
As figure 2 displays, the rate of job destruction (as a share of
employment) surged during the recession, but the most recent data, for
the second quarter of 2003, show that job destruction has fallen to the
lowest level since 1994. What has prevented net employment growth from
being more robust is a continuing low level of job creation. (9) This
finding seems at odds with the hypothesis that the current period is one
of extensive job reallocation. Indeed, total job reallocation, as
measured by the sum of job creation and job destruction is at its lowest
level in the ten-year history of the series. To square the results in
figure 2 with an important role for sectoral reallocation in the
post-recession period, one could argue that the job destruction that
occurred during the recession created an unusual degree of mismatch between the skills of those out of work and those required in expanding
firms and that, consequently, the economy is still heavily affected by
those job losses. This is possible, but there is little evidence to
support it. (10)
Dispersion in industry growth rates
As we have noted, most previous research over the last twenty years has utilized readily available industry-level employment data to attempt
to identify the extent of sectoral reallocation. The seminal paper is
Lilien (1982). Lilien reasons that in the absence of sectoral
reallocation, all industries' employment will grow at the same
rate. By contrast, when labor is being reallocated across industries,
expanding industries will grow faster than average and contracting
industries will grow more slowly.
This reasoning leads Lilien to propose a measure of sectoral
reallocation based on the standard deviation across industries in
employment growth rates:
[[sigma].sup.L.sub.t] = [[[I.summation over (i=1)][]
[([] - [g.sub.t]).sup.2]].sup.1/2],
where [] is employment growth in industry i at time t,
[g.sub.t] is aggregate employment growth, and [], is the share
of total employment in industry i at time t. (11) If all sectors grew at
the same rate, Lilien's measure would be zero. The measure is
always positive and larger when individual industry employment growth
rates diverge more from the average. The idea is that changing shares of
workers in industries should closely parallel the need for reallocation.
Figure 3 shows the Lilien measure of sectoral reallocation from the
first quarter of 1960 through the third quarter of 2003. (12) Clearly,
Lilien's measure of sectoral reallocation is countercyclical; there
is more movement of employment across industries during recessions than
expansions. This is consistent with the notion that the need to
reallocate workers implies an increase in costly search that reduces
output and raises unemployment.
The figure also shows that Lilien's measure of sectoral
reallocation rose during the most recent recession, as well as the
previous one that occurred in the early 1990s. However, the increase in
his measure of reallocation was not nearly as great as in the previous
five recessions. Moreover, the reallocation measure declined relatively
quickly after the last recession and has been at quite a low level over
much of the most recent jobless recovery. (13) These results clearly run
counter to the idea that the jobless recovery is the result of extensive
sectoral reallocation.
Abraham and Katz (1986) criticize the Lilien measure of sectoral
reallocation as confounding cyclical with sectoral changes. They note
that business cycles exert a predictable pattern of effects on the
distribution of employment across industries. In particular, employment
growth in goods-producing industries typically declines more during
economic downturns than employment growth in service-producing sectors.
This pattern implies increased dispersion in industry employment growth
during contractions and reduced dispersion during expansions, even if
there is no actual impact of reallocation on total employment.
Consequently, sectoral reallocation as measured by Lilien captures both
the process of sectoral reallocation and the normal employment flows of
the business cycle. Hence, we cannot be certain that a high measured
value of dispersion in employment growth is a signal of anything other
than low economic activity.
Some authors, including Loungani, Rush, and Tave (1990) and Rissman
(1993), have attempted to control for the cyclicality of industry
employment growth in order to create a measure that reflects only
sectoral reallocation. The essential notion is that cyclical effects are
temporary, whereas structural change is permanent. (14) Loungani et al.
focus on dispersion in stock prices with the belief that stock prices
are forward looking and are good predictors of industries that are
waning or waxing. Furthermore, stock prices are assumed to be unaffected
by short-term factors. Rissman instead decomposes changes in employment
shares into temporary or short-term movements versus permanent or
long-term movements. Even after controlling for cyclical variation in
this way, Rissman notes that sectoral reallocation seems to increase
around the time of business cycle contractions.
Groshen and Potter's measure of industrial reallocation
The study most often cited by those who identify sectoral
reallocation as the cause of this jobless recovery is that of Groshen
and Potter (2003), henceforward GP. (15) Their measure uses data similar
to that employed by Lilien, but it differs from previous measures in
several respects. One distinction is in its utilization of data at the
higher, two-digit, degree of disaggregation, for which there are 70
industries. (16) However, the bigger difference is in how the industry
data are used. Rather than measuring dispersion in industry growth
rates, GP measures the correlation across industries in growth rates
over two periods of time--during a recession and during the year
following a recession.
Let [g.sup.r.sub.i] be employment growth in industry i during a
particular recession and let [g.sup.e.sub.i] be the industry's
employment growth rate in the year following the recession. (17) Also
let [g.sup.r] and [g.sup.e] be the corresponding aggregate employment
growth rates. GP's measure of sectoral reallocation is the
proportion of employment accounted for by industries with either
[g.sup.r.sub.i] > [g.sup.r] and [g.sup.e.sub.i] > [g.sup.e] or
[g.sup.r.sub.i] < [g.sup.r] and [g.sup.e.sub.i] < [g.sup.e]. That
is, they measure the proportion of employment that is accounted for by
industries that are either growing faster than average in both periods
or growing more slowly than average in both periods. (19) As shown in
table l, GP identify sectoral reallocation with an industry's
presence in quadrant 1 (greater than average job growth during both the
recession and early recovery) or quadrant 4 (less than average job
growth during both the recession and early recovery). If, across
industries, the correlation between growth in the two periods is higher,
then their measure will tend to be higher. Indeed, their measure is
sometimes called the "quadrant correlation," because it is
based on the proportion of observations in the various quadrants in
table 1.
GP motivate the quadrant correlation as a measure of structural
change by noting that structural changes tend to be long-lived phenomena
that are not quickly reversed. Thus, in industries in which structural
adjustments are especially significant, [g.sup.r.sub.i] - [g.sup.r] and
[g.sup.e.sub.i] - [g.sup.e] will tend to have the same sign. That is, if
structural change is positively impacting an industry, it will tend to
experience above-average employment growth in both periods. Conversely,
if structural change is negatively impacting an industry, it will tend
to experience below-average employment growth in both periods. Thus,
intuitively, if the proportion of industries in which [g.sup.r.sub.i] -
[g.sup.r] and [g.sup.e.sub.i] - [g.sup.e] have the same sign is high
(quadrants 1 and 4), then employment fluctuations may be dominated by
structural influences.
The first row of table 2 shows the values of the GP measure for the
last four recessions, where the "double dip" recessions of
1980 and 1981-82 are combined into one long recession. (20) Clearly,
during the last two cycles, a higher fraction of workers were in
industries in which employment growth was either above average in both
the recession and recovery or below average in both periods. For the
1975 and 1980-82 recessions, the proportions were 42 percent and 44
percent, respectively, while for the 1990-91 and 2001 recessions, the
figures were 67 percent and 70 percent, respectively.
Are differences of the above magnitude statistically meaningful or
could they be the result of random fluctuations? (21) One very rough way
to gain an appreciation of the uncertainty in the GP measure is to
compute the statistic for slightly different periods. Thus, row 2 of the
table shows the same statistic computed using the business cycle peak
for the start of the recession and the business cycle trough for the
start of the expansion, rather than the month after these two dates as
in GP. (22) Making this small change to the definition of the statistic
changes the values for the various recessions by between two and ten
percentage points. Clearly, the GP statistics are subject to substantial
variability. However, the difference in the GP statistic between the
recessions of the 1970s and the 1980s and those of the 1990s and 2000s
is of a somewhat larger magnitude. Thus, the increase in table 2 does
likely represent an actual change rather than a purely random
While the GP statistic has some intuitive appeal, there are reasons
why it is not likely to be a close proxy for sectoral reallocation. In
particular, it is not sensitive to the magnitude of the across-industry
variability of employment growth. That is, the value of the statistic
does not depend on how far above or below average the various industry
growth rates are. This is a major weakness because the need for sectoral
adjustments is likely to be greater when individual industries are
growing at rates that differ more from average.
To see the significance of the GP statistic's insensitivity to
scale, consider two scenarios for an economy with three industries,
called A, B, and C. In the first scenario, industry A's employment
growth during the recession is -2.1 percent, while its growth during the
following year is 1.9 percent. For industry B, the figures are -2.0
percent and 2.0 percent, respectively, and for industry C, they are -1.9
percent and 2.1 percent, respectively. If the industries each start with
one-third of the employment, then the total growth rates would be -2.0
percent and 2.0 percent (approximately) and the GP statistic would be
equal to two-thirds. (23) In the second scenario, the three industries
again start with employment shares of one-third, but the growth rates
are -12 percent and -8 percent for industry A, -2 percent and 2 percent
for industry B, and 8 percent and 12 percent for industry C. In the
second scenario, average growth rates are still -2.0 percent and 2.0
percent (approximately) and the GP statistic is again two-thirds.
However, the amount of sectoral reallocation is likely to be much
greater in the second scenario, in which more than 6 percent of total
employment has shifted from industry A to industry C, than in the first
scenario in which the shift in employment is only about one-tenth of a
percent. Thus, the GP statistic misses an aspect of industry growth
rates that can be important for assessing sectoral reallocation.
Empirically, differences over time in the variability of employment
growth rates are likely a very significant concern. Indeed, the Lilien
measure, shown in figure 3, showed that the across-industry standard
deviation in employment growth rates was much higher during the early
recessions than the later ones. Thus, the GP statistic, which is
insensitive to this kind of variation, does not accurately reflect the
relative degree of sectoral reallocation in the earlier and later
Neither can one point to a historical track record in which the GP
statistic is highly correlated with employment growth. Of course,
employment growth in the expansions following the last two recessions
was much lower than employment growth in the previous recessions. So,
the fact that the GP statistic was higher in the latter two recessions
is suggestive of a negative relationship between it and employment
growth in the early part of expansions. However, four data points do not
seem adequate to judge the relationship between the GP statistic and
employment growth.
In order to get a clearer picture of the relationship between the
GP statistic and employment growth, we computed a version of the GP
statistic for each date, regardless of whether it corresponded to a
recession trough. Specifically, for each month t, let [g.sup.b.sub.i] be
employment growth in industry i between t and t - 12 and let
[g.sup.f.sub.i] be the industry's employment growth from t to t +
12. Also let [g.sup.b] and [g.sup.f]be the corresponding aggregate
growth rates. Then, we computed GP[12.sub.t], the percentage of
employment in industries in which either [g.sup.b.sub.i] >
[g.sup.f.sub.i] and [g.sup.f.sub.i] > [g.sup.f] or [g.sup.b.sub.i]
< [g.sub.b] and [g.sup.f.sub.i] < [g.sup.f]. Values of
GP[12.sub.t] for the months corresponding to the recession troughs are
shown in the third row of table 1. Because recessions typically last
about 12 months, these values are similar to those in the other rows.
Figure 4 shows the value of the GP12 statistic since 1968. In
addition, the versions of the GP statistic shown in table 1 are marked
with squares at the dates of recession troughs. Several points are clear
from figure 4. First, 70 percent is a fairly typical value for GP12.
Thus the values recorded for the trough of the last two recessions are
not unusual when judged relative to the full history of data. Second,
high values of the GP12 statistic often occur during periods of rapid
employment growth such as the late 1990s. Thus a high value of GP12 in
recent months would not necessarily have led one to expect poor
employment growth. Third, the GP12 statistic typically increases fairly
sharply during the first several months of an expansion. The current
expansion does not seem to an exception to that rule. Finally, in
addition to dropping around the time of a recessionary trough, the
statistic tends to drop some time near the peak of the business cycle,
often a few months before. The drop that occurred before the most recent
recession is reasonably comparable to previous pre-recession drops.
Thus, if we were to use the GP12 statistic to judge sectoral
reallocation near the peak, we would find no difference in this
To conclude, our analysis of the GP statistic suggests that, while
it may have identified some intriguing differences between the two most
recent recessions and those that preceded them, there are several
reasons why it is unlikely to provide an accurate assessment of the
extent of sectoral adjustment in the economy.
A better measure of sectoral reallocation
Rissman (1997) develops an alternative methodology for assessing
the extent of sectoral reallocation that is similar to the Lilien
measure, but with an allowance for cyclical fluctuations that addresses
the criticism of Abraham and Katz. Her measure is based on a
decomposition of the time series of industry employment share growth
rates into three components. Figure 5 illustrates this decomposition for
a particular industry, durable manufacturing. This chart shows
employment growth in durable manufacturing less aggregate nonfarm
employment growth for 1961 to the present. (25) Negative numbers
indicate that the industry's employment share is falling, while
positive numbers indicate that its employment share is rising.
The first factor in the decomposition reflects the long-term trend
of employment into growing sectors and out of declining sectors. In
durable manufacturing, there is a clear long-run decline in employment
share. This is shown by the black line, which indicates that on average
over the last 43 years employment growth in durable manufacturing was 2
percent per year lower than aggregate employment growth. Both
technological progress and increased imports have contributed to this
trend. The movement of employment out of durable manufacturing is
structural in the sense that reallocation is occurring. However, given
its predictability and relatively slow pace, the trend loss of jobs is
perhaps not as disruptive to employment or output growth as are
unpredictable, idiosyncratic changes in employment share.
Second, as noted by Abraham and Katz (1986), there are predictable
movements of employment into and out of certain industries over the
business cycle. For example, in durable manufacturing, there is a clear
procyclical pattern to growth in the industry's share of
employment. Due to a lull in demand for durable goods, employment falls
sharply during recessions and, once demand picks up, increases during
recoveries. A similar procyclical pattern occurs in the other
goods-producing sectors of the economy. In the service-producing
sectors, the opposite occurs.
Again, arguably, fluctuations in employment shares due to the
business cycle may not be overly disruptive because they are reversed
fairly quickly as the economy recovers. While job matches are destroyed,
similar ones are recreated within a fairly short period. During the
interim, the unemployment rate rises because workers are laid off.
However, as the economy improves and conditions return to
"normal," the unemployed are able to locate new work
relatively quickly without having to invest in the acquisition of new
skills or to move in search of work.
The third general basis for sectoral reallocation, and likely the
most disruptive for labor markets, is unanticipated movement of workers
across industries. That is, reallocation across sectors that occurs for
reasons unrelated to the business cycle or long-term secular reasons.
These movements could be thought of as transformational changes to a
firm or industry due to restructuring, reorganizations, or other factors
that might shift inputs to more valuable sources. Employment changes
like these are likely to be the most disruptive to the labor market
because they are not predicable (unlike long-term trends) but are
permanent features of the landscape (unlike cyclical trends).
The above discussion suggests a general model of industry
employment growth net of aggregate employment growth given by the
1) [DELTA] ln [] [equivalent to] [] - [g.sub.t] =
[a.sub.i] + [] + [],
where the share of employment in industry i at time t is given by S
and there are i = 1, ... , I industries in the economy. According to
this specification, net industry employment growth depends upon a
long-term trend captured by the term [a.sub.i]. (For durable
manufacturing, we would expect this term to be around -2.0, reflecting
the sector's long-term employment decline.) For expanding
industries, [a.sub.i] is positive. The cyclical component for the ith
industry is given by the term []. We more formally describe the
procedure used to generate estimates of [] below. Finally, the
idiosyncratic movement in employment growth in industry i relative to
aggregate employment growth is captured by the term [] These
idiosyncratic shocks reflect unanticipated permanent changes in the
industry's employment share that are unaccounted for by either the
industry's long-term trend or the business cycle. The idiosyncratic
shocks are assumed to be serially uncorrelated and uncorrelated with
each other, have mean 0, and constant variance of [[sigma].sup.2.sub.i].
By ignoring the cyclical component, as Lilien (1982) does, we would
overstate the importance of the idiosyncratic term. Put more simply, if
we disregard the effect of the business cycle on durable manufacturing,
for example, we interpret all variation in durable manufacturing's
employment share as sectoral reallocation--even if some of it is clearly
related to the business cycle and is temporary. By carefully modeling
the effect of the business cycle on industry employment growth, we are
able to address the Abraham and Katz (1986) critique and control for the
effect of the cycle on the industrial composition of employment. This
does not mean that sectoral reallocation will not be correlated with the
business cycle. In fact, sectoral reallocation may occur when the
opportunity cost is lowest, that is, during recessions. However, it is
important to first obtain a good measure of the cycle [] and its
effect upon the industry.
There are many possible ways to measure the business cycle,
[]. One possibility is to let the cyclical component be measured
by deviations of real gross domestic product (GDP) growth from trend.
This measure is easily calculated and would be appropriate if the
employment cycle were coincidental with this measure. However, as
documented earlier, employment growth has been slow to recover, unlike
other measures of cyclical activity. (26)
By using an output-based measure of economic activity such as
detrended real GDP growth to capture the cycle, we may mismeasure the
cycle and misinterpret the results. For example, suppose that the most
appropriate measure of the cycle for analyzing changes in industry
employment growth is an activity-based measure, but instead an
output-based measure is employed. Now suppose that the two measures
coincide for much of the period with the exception of the most recent
expansion, during which the two diverge. For an industry like durable
manufacturing that is counter-cyclical, the output-based measure would
attribute current low net employment growth to negative shocks
[]. In contrast, the activity-based measure would attribute the
same low net employment growth in durable manufacturing to low economic
activity. Which of these measures to use becomes a difficult and pivotal
Rissman notes that business cycles--however defined--are
characterized by comovements in economic activity across industries.
(27) Thus, during a recession goods-producing industries tend to shrink
and service-producing industries to grow in employment share. She uses
these comovements across industries to identify and calculate an
alternative measure of the cycle. This measure does not rely on
information about output, such as real GDP, nor does it depend upon
aggregate employment growth. Instead, it depends upon the distribution
of employment shares across industries and how these employment shares
shift relative to one another over time. The idea is to let the cycle be
described by certain consistent patterns of shifts in the distribution
of employment across industries.
As currently specified, equation 1 cannot be estimated without
further restrictions. Rissman (1997) suggests the following, which is
based upon work by Stock and Watson (1989):
2) [] = [b.sub.i](L)[C.sub.t]
3) [C.sub.t] = [[phi].sub.1][C.sub.t-1] + [[phi].sub.2][C.sub.t-2]
+ [u.sub.i].
There is a common cycle C that follows an AR(2) process. The cycle
is permitted to affect each industry differently through the parameters
of [b.sub.i](L), which is a polynomial in the lag operator. This
specification offers a great deal of flexibility in characterizing the
effect of the cycle on an industry's net employment growth. The
cycle is permitted to have a leading effect in some industries while it
lags in others. The magnitude of the effect of the cycle on an
industry's employment growth is also permitted to vary. The Kalman
filter is used to obtain estimates of the parameters of the model. (28)
Estimates of the cycle can be constructed easily from the parameter
estimates. Details of the estimation can be found in Rissman (1997).
Sectoral reallocation is the result of both long-term trends (the
[a.sub.i]'s) and unanticipated shocks (the
[[epsilon]]'s). Yet, these long-term trends have been
occurring for many, many years. For example, the share of employment in
goods-producing industries has been falling steadily since the 1950s. So
sectoral reallocation has been a feature of the economic landscape for
decades. For sectoral reallocation to explain the unusually low current
employment growth, it must be that currently the idiosyncratic shocks
are abnormally large.
Analogous to Lilien (1982), Rissman proposes a measure of sectoral
reallocation based on the estimates of []. Specifically,
4) [[sigma].sub.t.sup.*] = [([summation over i] [s.sup.*]
The term [s.sup.*] is industry i's acyclic employment
share at time t-1. These employment shares are hypothetically what the
industry's employment share would have been if the employment cycle
was held constant at a value of 0, implying neutral growth. These
acyclic employment shares would depend only on the industry's
long-term trend and idiosyncratic shocks. The [[epsilon]],
's are estimates of the idiosyncratic shocks for each of the i
industries obtained from the Kalman filter estimation exercise. The
dispersion measure includes services). (30) The calculation relies upon
unanticipated variation in the composition of industry employment
growth. Long-term structural change affects the measure only through its
effect on the acyclical employment shares. Because of its construction,
the measure directly addresses the Abraham and Katz critique of
Lilien's construct.
An alternative measure that is somewhat in between those proposed
by Lilien and Rissman is given by:
5) [[sigma].sup.+.sub.t] = [([summation over i] []
[([a.sub.i] + [[epsilon]]).sup.2]).sup.1/2].
This measure calculates variation in the composition of industry
employment growth that is unrelated to the normal shifts that occur as
the result of the cycle. It is a broader measure of sectoral
reallocation in that it includes long-term change in industry employment
shares as a sectoral shift. This is reflected both in the weight and in
the inclusion of [a.sub.i] separately. (31)
Figure 6 shows these two different summary measures of sectoral
reallocation. The first, the orange line in figure 6, is a four-quarter
moving average of the [[sigma].sup.*], where the weights are
smoothly declining and sum to one. (32) First, note that sectoral
reallocation coincides with the business cycle (even after netting out
typical cyclical movements across industries), suggesting that
restructuring and reorganization is more common during bad times when it
may be less costly or that worker reallocation actually contributes to
aggregate downturns. The last recession was not an exception. The
structural component of sectoral reallocation rose from an average of
1.38 in 2000 to 2.14 during the trough quarter. But the level of
sectoral reallocation fell back to pre-recession levels within two
quarters of the end of the recession. Furthermore, the peak was
significantly lower than it has been in previous recessions. (33) In
fact, this measure has been in decline since the mid-1980s. This is
consistent with other research suggesting a fall in economic volatility
starting from the mid-1980s. (34)
The black line in figure 6 plots a more comprehensive measure of
sectoral reallocation by including the long-term trend components along
with the idiosyncratic shocks. This measure is found in equation 5. The
line shown is again a four-quarter moving average. While this measure
peaks during the most recent recession, the level of sectoral
reallocation suggests no unusually large increase during either of the
two recent jobless recoveries, at least relative to the 1970s and 1980s.
Our findings do not support the theory that the need to reallocate
labor across industrial sectors has been particularly great during the
last two recessions or the jobless recoveries that followed. We base
this conclusion primarily on two pieces of evidence. First, we do not
believe that the widely cited statistic that Groshen and Potter identify
provides an accurate assessment of the extent of sectoral adjustment in
the economy. Conceptually, their proposed measure does not capture the
cyclical element of industry employment dynamics that is likely to be an
important component of sectoral reallocation. Moreover, empirically,
their measure is subject to substantial variability, depending on the
exact period over which it is computed. Small changes in the length of
the window, the dating of business cycle turning points, or the
weighting of the industries may lead to different results. The second
piece of evidence comes from expanding the work of Rissman (1997). After
controlling for cyclical variation in industry employment growth, we
find that reallocation of employment across industries has declined, not
increased, over the past two business cycles.
That, of course, does not necessarily imply that other forms of
sectoral reallocation have not been more significant. It is possible,
for example, that there has been an increase in the number of workers
forced to make major career transitions, but that those transitions have
involved changing occupations or geographic regions, rather than
industries. However, it would be somewhat surprising if there were a
major increase in a form of labor reallocation that did not result in a
marked increase in industrial reallocation. For example, suppose that
the occupational mix has shifted to favor more highly skilled workers.
By focusing on the industrial mix rather than the occupational mix, the
analysis may miss an important aspect of the reallocation picture.
However, to the extent that industries differ in their occupational mix,
echoes of occupational reallocation would be found in the industrial
composition of employment as well. Finally, the fact that job
destruction and creation as measured in the Business Employment Dynamics
data are both at low levels seems inconsistent with a major role for any
form of labor reallocation. Whatever forces are depressing hiring at
this stage of the business cycle are felt across a broad spectrum of
industries, occupations, and geographic areas. Thus, the lack of more
significant employment growth since the end of the last recession
remains a puzzle, and economists should continue to look for other
explanations. (35)
Tables 1
Groshen and Potter sectoral reallocation
Job growth in year Job growth in
after recession recession
Greater than Less than average Greater than average
average ([g.sup.r.sub.i]< ([g.sup.r.sub.i]>
([g.sup.e.sub.i]> [g.sup.r]/ [g.sup.r])/Quadrant 1
[g.sup.e]) Quadrant 2 G&P sectoral
Less than average Quadrant 4 Quadrant 3
([g.sup.e.sub.i]< G&P sectoral
[g.sup.e]) reallocation
Table 2
Groshen_Potter and related statistics for recent reccessions
Mid-1970s Early 1980s
Groshen-Potter statistic 42% 44%
Standard recession and 52% 46%
expansion dating
GP12 statistic (quadrant 52% 36%
correlation for 12-month
forward and backward
growth rates) at
recession trough
Early 1990s 2001
Groshen-Potter statistic 67% 70%
Standard recession and 65% 75%
expansion dating
GP12 statistic (quadrant 36% 66%
correlation for 12-month
forward and backward
growth rates) at
recession trough
(1) See Aaronson, Rissman, and Sullivan (2004), also in this issue,
for a more extensive discussion of the jobless recovery.
(2) Bartelsman and Doms' (2000) extensive review of recent
productivity studies notes that a large part of aggregate productivity
growth is due to worker reallocation.
(3) For estimates of the effects of displacement on individual
workers' earnings, see, for example, Jacobson, LaLonde, and
Sullivan (1993a and 1993b).
(4) Employment in the manufacturing sector has fallen by
approximately 15.5 percent since the start of the recession, including a
9.5 percent fall since the recession ended. This compares with declines
of 1.8 percent and 0.6 percent, respectively, for the economy as a
(5) The recession of the early 1990s is sometimes referred to as
the service sector recession, but even in that downturn, manufacturing
was disproportionately affected. Manufacturing employment fell by 3.2
percent, while employment in the nonmanufacturing sectors fell by 0.7
percent. During the first two years of that jobless recovery, total
nonmanufacturing employment grew by 1.9 percent but manufacturing
employment fell by 2.0 percent. Manufacturing fared even worse in
earlier recessions.
(6) The 1984 to 1992 surveys ask about the prior five years.
(7) Aaronson and Sullivan construct annual measures of displacement
for the period 1984-99. This requires some additional assumptions about
the rate at which workers "forget" instances of displacement.
See Aaronson and Sullivan (2003) for more details.
(8) Foote (1998) constructs data on job creation and destruction
for the state of Michigan and finds that Davis and Haltiwanger's
conclusion may not generalize beyond the manufacturing sector. In
particular, he finds that for industries that are growing as a share of
employment job creation varies more than destruction over the business
(9) The finding that the weak employment growth of the recent
period is due more to weak hiring than high levels of layoffs is
supported by another new data source, the Job Openings and Labor
Turnover Survey, which began only in December 2000. These data show a
fall in hiring and layoffs since that date. On a positive note, hiring
rates have improved recently, with the year-over-year hiring rate
turning positive during fall 2003 for the first time since the beginning
of the survey.
(10) To some extent, unusually high unemployment duration over the
last two years is consistent with increased mismatch. The median spell
of unemployment was over ten weeks during much of 2003, its highest
level since 1983. One mitigating factor to the matching story is the
increased use of the Internet for job search, which likely has improved
matching efficiency. See Autor (2001) for a discussion. However, see
Kuhn and Skuterud (2004) for empirical evidence to the contrary.
(11) Industry employment growth is related to its share of
employment by the following mathematical relationship:
[DELTA]ln([]) = [DELTA]ln([]/[e.sub.t) = [] -
(12) This measure identifies sectors at the one-digit standard
industrial classification (SIC) level. There are ten such industries:
mining; construction; durables manufacturing; nondurables manufacturing;
transportation and public utilities; finance, insurance, and real
estate; retail trade; wholesale trade; services; and government.
(13) This description of the reduction in variability has been
noted by other researchers as well (for example, McConnell and
Perez-Quiros, 2000, and Stock and Watson, 2003). Stock and Watson (2003)
note that the standard deviation of the growth rate of GDP, averaged
over four quarters, was one-third less during 1984 to 2002 than it was
during 1960 to 1983. This decline in volatility is widespread across
sectors within the U.S. It is also found in the other Group of 7
economies, although the timing and details differ from one country to
the next.
(14) Figura (2002) surveys the research and proposes an alternative
way to measure reallocation, employing the same data that Davis and
Haltiwanger use to examine job creation and destruction. He uses a
low-pass filter to identify permanent employment movements and concludes
that permanent reallocation of jobs across plants accounts for about 30
percent of the cyclical fluctuations in aggregate employment.
(15) A Google search of "Groshen and Potter" show well
over a hundred references to their paper, including the Atlantic
Magazine, Christian Science Monitor, CNN, The Economist Magazine, The
Times of London, Miami Herald, San Francisco Chronicle, Seattle Times,
USA Today, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and the Weekly
(16) GP include 67 two-digit SIC private sector industries and
three government sectors. Private industries excluded from the analysis
are agricultural production (SIC codes 1 and 2), agricultural services
(7), forestry (8), fishing (9), postal service (43), miscellaneous
services not elsewhere classified (89), and nonclassified establishments
(99). Data from the three government sectors--federal, state, and
local--are taken from the monthly payroll survey. In earlier years
(pre-1988), there are eight fewer industry groupings. We have computed
versions of the Lilien measure using the set of industries tracked by
GP. Qualitatively, the results look very similar to those in figure 3.
Moreover, computing the GP measure using data at the one-digit level of
aggregation yields results similar to those GP obtain with two-digit
disaggregation. Thus, the level of disaggregation is not the primary
difference between GP's results and the dispersion-based measures
of sectoral reallocation that we have previously discussed.
(17) GP's measure is actually based on a recession period that
starts one month after the business cycle peak and an 11-month
post-recession period that begins the month after the business cycle
trough. Thus, period r does not include the first month of the recession
and period e does not include the first month of the expansion.
(18) Employment is measured at the peak.
(19) Some reports on their work incorrectly describe their measure
of the fraction of industries in the structural category as consisting
entirely of industries that are shrinking in both periods. In fact, on
average from 1970 to 2003, roughly half of the employment in this
category is accounted for by industries in which employment growth is
above average in both periods; and growth that is positive, but below
average, is treated the same as outright employment declines.
(20) The numbers in table 2 reflect corrections made after the
publication of their article. The largest difference between the
corrected numbers and the numbers actually published in their paper is
for the 1990-91 recession. As published, the figure for the first
jobless recovery was 57 percent, closer to those of early recessions
than the recession of 2001. In the corrected data, it is much closer to
the latter. The 2001 figure published in GP is 79 percent, a bit higher
than the corrected figure of 70 percent reported in table 2.
(21) It is not immediately obvious how best to compute a
"standard error" for the GP statistic. We have done some
simulations in which we generate random data similar to that underlying
the GP statistic under the assumption that employment growth in the two
periods is jointly normally distributed with variances and covariances
that match the actual data. We find that the standard deviation of the
randomly generated GP statistics is between 8.1 percentage points and
9.4 percentage points, depending on the period. Assuming the figures for
the different periods are independent, the t-statistic for a comparison
of one of the early recessions to one of the late recessions is
typically about 2.5. This seems to accord reasonably well with the
highly informal discussion of this paragraph.
(22) As noted in footnote 17, GP's statistic is computed for
periods that leave out the first month of the recession and recovery.
(23) The two-thirds figure arises because industry A grows slightly
less than average during the recession and recovery (quadrant 4) and
industry C grows slightly faster than average during both periods
(quadrant 1), but industry B grows at the average rate in both periods.
Since they all have equal employment shares, the GP statistic is equal
to two-thirds.
(24) The biggest difference is for the 1980-82 combined recession,
which is the one whose length differs the most from 12 months.
(25) Recall that [DELTA]ln([]) = [] - [g..sub.t].
(26) In fact, the NBER notes that in defining an expansion or
recession it focuses on aggregate economic activity, which is captured
well by real GDP. However, definitions that emphasize the fraction of
productive resources that are being used are also valid. Such
definitions would place more weight on employment numbers and the
unemployment rate and give a different view of the current state of the
(27) The term "comovement" as used here is taken to mean
that two or more variables move together but not necessarily in the same
(28) Rissman (1997) provides details.
(29) Identifying restrictions are needed to obtain estimates. The
results presented here set the variance of the business cycle shock to
unity, thereby setting the scale of the measure of the cycle. To set the
timing of the cycle and its sign, the cycle is assumed to enter the
durable manufacturing equation only contemporaneously. All other
industries have current and two lags of the cycle in their
specification. We drop services to avoid the constraint that employment
shares sum to one. (This is analogous to the dummy variable problem.) We
also drop mining because it is quite small in terms of total share but,
due to strike activity, highly volatile. To check whether results are
dependent upon the use of durable manufacturing to determine the timing
of the cycle, we carried out the same analysis using retail trade
instead of durable manufacturing to identify the cycle. Results were
similar. Therefore, only results that employ durable manufacturing
parameter restrictions in the identification scheme are reported in the
(30) Although we omitted services from the original estimation
procedure, we generated an estimate for services from a linear
regression of the same form as for the other industries.
(31) Generally, [[sigma].sup.+.sub.t] > [[sigma].sup.*.sub.t],
although it is possible that the opposite occurs if, for example,
expanding industries have large negative shocks and declining industries
have large positive ones.
(32) The smoothed value [[sigma].sup.*.sub.t] (S) is given by
[[sigma].sup.*.sub.t] = 0.4 * [[sigma].sup.*.sub.t] + 0.3 *
[[sigma].sup.*.sub.t-1] + 0.2 * [[sigma].sup.*.sub.t-2] + 0.1 *
(33) The contraction and expansion quarters are 25 percent and 53
percent lower in the two most recent recessions. When we take into
account the lagging nature of this measure, particularly in the earlier
years, by assigning the first year of expansions as contracting periods,
the difference between pre- and post-1985 is roughly 40 in both
expansion and contraction periods.
(34) See, for example, McConnell and Perez-Quiros (2000) and Stock
and Watson (2003).
(35) The Aaronson, Rissman, and Sullivan (2004) article, also in
this issue, briefly reviews some alternative theories of the jobless
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Daniel Aaronson is a senior economist and economic advisor, Ellen
R. Rissman is an economist, and Daniel G. Sullivan is a vice president
and senior economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. The authors
would like to thank Bill Lincoln for research assistance and Bhashkar
Mazumder and Craig Furfine for their helpful comments and suggestions.